Noi Oba
Noi Oba
Noi Oba
loving exchanges between devotees. Give references to Çré Upadeçämåta Text 4 and purport in your
“Contributing or distributing the holy name of the Lord is a sublime example of contributing or giving
The challenge of training and education can be overcome by encouraging, equipping and educating
devotees with structured training programs like Bhaktishastri, Bhaktivaibhav etc. along with skill
enhancing courses in Singing, cooking etc. This will help devotees in attracting a diverse population
and bringing them to Krishna Consciousness.
The challenge of place, logistics etc. can be overcome by Brahmacharis and Grihastas coming
together in pairs and taking care of one program. Brahmachari staying in temples, maintaining purity,
good grip on shastra are ideal to give the classes, whereas Grihastas also fixed in sadhana and
practicing devotional principles but living and working with people from all diversities can take up the
facilitation services for the program. Grihastas can gradually take up counselling services for these
Grihastas as they would have developed good relationships with the families. Grihasthas taking up
services in temple management, deity worship etc. will give more time to temple residents to dedicate
time for these preaching programs.
“Unless one is very advanced, he is unable to utilize everyone’s contribution to further the Kṛṣṇa
consciousness movement; therefore on principle one should not accept charity from the Māyāvādīs or
A trusted environment and culture is mandatory to facilitate these loving exchanges. Some of these
exchanges become difficult when the groups are too large or very diverse. Devotees who are via
medium in these aspects have to be well trained and advanced to ensure this is happening in a
seamless manner.
These can be overcome by proper training and education as discussed above, but also including the
courses and discussions covering these aspects. Too large and diverse groups' problems can be
overcome by dividing into smaller groups (counselor groups, Bhakti Vriksha etc.). Smaller groups lead
by well trained leaders should facilitate this loving exchange wonderfully.
Bhunkte, Bhunjayate
Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has also warned, viṣayīra anna khāile duṣṭa haya mana: “By eating food
prepared by worldly people, one’s mind becomes wicked.”
Strict policies in place for congregation devotees to not accept food in their preaching programs, they
can always accept uncut fruits, which can then be offered to the Lord and accepted. Invitations of
Grishsta devotees(initiated) are acceptable, but care should be taken in training that this should be
done unbiased and not for the palate of food.