Unit 6 Mineral Resources: Formation of Minerals

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A mineral is defined as being a naturally occurring element or compound that is formed by inorganic
processes and contains a crystalline structure.

Geographers are primarily concerned with minerals in soil because minerals form the basic framework of

Minerals originally form when once-heated Earth material magma (molten rock) cools and forms solid
igneous rock. The Earth's crust formed and continues to form in this manner.

Earth's crust contains a combination of naturally occurring elements, of which following elements are
predominant: silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, Sodium, potassium, and magnesium. As you can imagine,
combinations of these elements along with the other naturally occurring elements that form Earth's crust
produce a wide variety of minerals.

Igneous rocks contain original minerals that form as magma cools but sedimentary rocks are formed by
secondary minerals that grow and join sediment particles together and become cemented. Metamorphic
rocks were once igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks that become chemically altered to form different

Key Points:

Formation of minerals:
• Over 3000 minerals are currently known and about 50 new discovered each year.
• Some minerals are originally formed from hot magma, which contains the minerals. When the
magna cools crystals of minerals appear.
• Most of the minerals are formed underground when heat and pressure transform one form of
rock into another.
• Decomposition of leaves, plants and bones, flesh ultimately transform into minerals but it takes
million of years.

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• Mostly this process of decomposition happens in oceans where thousands of species dies every
Mining processes:
• Mining is a process of digging rocks and minerals from the earth.
• Minerals are found at different depths.
• There are three main methods of mining.

(a) Open cast mining:

• Some minerals like coal and iron often lie near the surface.
• Open cast mining scoops up these minerals from near the surface with the help of giant
excavators and power shovels.
• Which then load the material into Lorries or railway wagons to be carried away

(b) Under ground Mining:

• There are two methods by which minerals are accessed underground.

(i) Adit mining:

• An adit is an opening or passage.

• Adit mining is done in hilly districts where a mineral seam is exposed on a hill side.
• Horizontal tunnels are dug into the side of a valley or hill to reach the mineral deposit.

(ii) Shaft mining:

• Vertical shafts are dug down to the minerals, especially for coal.
• This method is expensive and can be dangerous.

Metallic and Non metallic minerals:

• Metallic and non metallic are one of the mankind’s most highly prized possessions.
• Many of our articles are made from metallic minerals.

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• Few elements such as gold and copper occur in pure form as “metallic minerals”, but most are
found as “ores”.
• Ores are compounds containing a high proportion of the metal.
• These metallic ores are cut or blasted from surrounding rock. The ore is crushed and the worthless
rock removed.
• Mineral resources are non renewable although many can be recycled and used again.

Metallic minerals are: Non Metallic minerals are:

• Iron ore • Coal
• Copper antimony • Sulphur
• Chromites • Rock salt
• Celestite • Gypsum
• Manganese • Soapstone
• Gold • Limestone
• Silver • Marble
• Tin • Clays
• Bauxite


Metallic Minerals:

I. Metallic mineral are those minerals which can Non-Metallic Minerals:

be melted to obtain new products.
I. Non-metallic minerals are those which do not
II. Iron, cooper, bauxite, tin, manganese are some yield new products on melting.
II. Coal, salt, clay, marble are some examples.
III. These are generally associated with igneous
rocks. III. These are generally associated with
sedimentary rocks.
IV. They are usually hard and have shines or
luster of their own. IV. They are not so hard and have no shine or
luster of their own.
V. They are stretchy and flexible.
V. They are not ductile and flexible.
VI. When hit, they do not get broken.
VI. When hit, they may got broken into piece

Description and uses of metallic and non metallic minerals:

(i) Rock salt:

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• Seams of rock salt vary in thickness from between 20 to 100 meters.
• The rocks are whit and pink in color.
• The salt is overlain by gypsum and clay.
• Rock salt is used for cooking and preservation purposes and for the manufacture of soda
ash, caustic soda and other sodas for laundries, textiles and tanning.

(ii) Brine:

• Used in chemical and fertilizer industry.

(iii) Limestone

• Limestone is a major sedimentary deposit and is widespread in Pakistan.

• It is the main raw material for cement.
• It is also used in the manufacture of bleaching powder, glass, soap, paper, paints and lime.
• It is used to treat sugarcane waste to produce alcohol fuel.
• It is painted on barks of trees to counter pests and termite attacks.

(iv) Coal

• Pakistan has low quality coal is mainly used in brick kilns.

• Some is use to make coal.
• A small percentage is used for power generation.
• Thermal power stations are also being run by coal.

(v) Natural gas;

• Gas is being used in Domestic and industrial uses.

(vi) Gypsum:

• Found is grey, white and pink color.

• It is used in the manufacture of paints, fertilizers and pre – fabricated construction boards.
• White gypsum is used for making cement and plaster of Paris.
• Spread on saline soil to help land reclamation for farming.

(vii) Marble:

• Found in bands of white, grey, yellow and brown.

• It is used in buildings and for making chips for flooring and decorative pieces.

(viii) Clays

• China clay is used in the ceramic industry, for a special type of cement and has other industrial
• Fire clays fine clay capable of enduring high temperature to make fire bricks; it is also used to make
pottery and chemicals.

(ix) Magnetite

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• It is used in the manufacture of cement, fertilizer, rayon, paper pulp, chemicals and

(x) Sulphur

• Sulphur is used in chemical industries to manufacture sulpheric acid, paints, explosive materials,
rayon and fertilizers.

(i) Chromite

• Chromite gives hardness and electrical resistance to steel.

• It is used for bridges and railways carriages.
• It is also used in metallurgical furnaces and for making engineering tools and stainless
steel etc.

(ii) Iron ore

• Steel making, construction and the transport industry.

(iii) Copper

• Making electrical wires and other electrical appliances especially switches that carry current.
• It is also used in making alloys, water pipes and tanks.

(iv) Maganese

• Used in making dry batteries and paints.

• It is vital alloy in steel making.

(v) Bauxite
• It is used in utensils, tins, cans etc.

Organizations for mining in Pakistan:

• Geological Survey of Pakistan, started working in 1947.its main function was to investigate the
minerals deposits.
• Pakistan Mineral Corporation started working in 1974.its main function was to explore and market
all the minerals. The Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC) is an autonomous
corporation attached to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, of the Government of
• Resource Development Corporation started working in 1974.it used to investigate and develop
copper mines at Saindak, Balochistan.
• Gemstone Corporation of Pakistan established in 1979.its main aim was to develop gemstone

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(i) How much iron ore was extracted in 2010–11?
(ii) State the difference between the types of information being provided in Fig. 3 compared to that in Fig. 4.

For each of the mines A and B,

(i) Name the type of mine,

(i) Name two minerals shown on Fig. 1 that are used to make cement.
(ii) State two uses of rock salt

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(i) For any two locations, state the name of the mineral extracted and a use for this mineral. Write your answers in the
spaces provided on Fig. 3. [4]
You should choose from the following list: gypsum limestone rocksalt
NW – rocksalt / limestone / gypsum
Central – limestone / gypsum
S – limestone
Rocksalt: cooking / preservation / soda (used in laundries / textiles / tanning) flavouring food
Gypsum: paints / fertilisers / boards / cement / to treat saline soil / plaster of paris
Limestone: for building / cement / bleach / glass / soap / paints / to treat saline soil /
bleaching powder / paper
(ii) Using Fig. 3 and your own knowledge, suggest difficulties there may be in getting minerals to export markets. [3]
Heavy / bulky commodities/Expensive to transport/Roads and railways from mining areas poorly developed / or not
connected/Mostly extracted far inland / away from ports / Karachi / distance from markets / takes a long time /
remoteness/Mountainous / rugged terrain/Theft/Inappropriate / inadequate vehicles to transport minerals

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What was the production of cement in 2009? [1]
28 million tonnes
By how much did production increase from 2000 to 2009? [1]
19 million (tonnes)
Name the two main raw materials used to make cement. [2]
Limestone, Gypsum
Give three reasons for the continuous increase in cement manufacture from 2000 to 2009.
Industrial/economic development/Urbanisation/construction/Better/more housing, roads, offices, factories (max 2)
Higher living standards/Population increase/Raw materials cheap/Raw materials readily/locally available

Name the inputs shown.

(ii) Name the important input X and state a major source of that raw material.

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Describe the distribution of limestone extraction in Pakistan. [3]
NWFP-Punjab border/Potwar Plateau/N(E) Baluchistan/S Sindh/near Karachi/Central sindh

Name the coalfield X and one of the mining centres there.

Name the coalfield Y and one of the mining centres there.

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