ENGLISH I 1st Rating
ENGLISH I 1st Rating
ENGLISH I 1st Rating
Date: ____________
Identify loud and soft sounds produced by animals/ objects/ transportation.
References: PELC1.1 p. 7; TM, Communicating is Fun I, pages 7-8 TX, Communicating is Fun I,
pages 4-5 English I, p. 18
Materials: real objects, toys, poster/ chart, pictures, boxes
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation drill
Naming objects through pictures
2. Unlocking of difficulties
Loud and soft sounds- through playing loud and soft music
Ask: What kind of sound do you hear?
3. Motivation
Teacher asks the pupils the sounds that they heard when they were on their way to
B. Presentation:
Teacher p'-s songs/rhymes/riddles with action.
1. Kitty, Kitty meow
Kitty, Kitty meow
Kitty, Kitty meow-meow-meow (substitute Kitty-meow with: doggie-aw, Ducky-quack,
Piggy- oink, etc.)
C. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What are the animals in the song?
b. What does Kitty say? Doggie? Ducky? etc.
c. What can animals produce?
d. Which animals can produce loud sound? soft sound?
D. Generalization:
What can animals/ objects/ transportation produce?
What kind of soft sounds do animals/ objects/ transportation produce.
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Prepare 2 boxes labeled as:
Loud Sound Soft Sound
Divide the class into 3 groups. Show pictures of animals/ objects/ transportation at a time.
Group I — will identify the pictures
Group II- will produce the sound
Group III-will group the pictures as to loud or soft
2. Independent Exercises:
(Teacher produces each sound)
Draw a long line if it is a loud sound; short line if it is a soft sound.
a. Wee-wee-wee
b. Tick-tock tick- tock
c. Tweet-tweet-tweet
Write L if the picture produces a loud sound S if it produces a soft sound.
Draw or cut out pictures for each of the following:
Loud Sound Soft Sound
a. Animal a. Animal
b. Object b. Object
c. Transportation c. Transportation
Date: ____________
Identify high and low sounds produced by animals/ objects/ transportation.
References: PELC 1,2 p.7; TX, Communicating is Fun I, p. 9-10; TM, Communicating is Fun I,
p. 5-6; Fun in English I, p. 26-27
Materials: flashcards, pictures
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review
Produce the sound made by the following:
clock pig
jeep ambulance
dog drum
2. Unlocking of difficulties
High and low sounds- by demonstrating high and low sounds.
Ask: What kind of sound do you hear?
3. Motivation
Show miniatures/ toys- (animals and transportation) and real objects producing high and
low sounds.
B. Presentation:
1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
Give a chart/poster to each group.
Group I — animals
Group II — objects
Group HI- transportation
Let each member of the groups name a picture on the chart/ poster then imitate the sound
it produces. The activity will be done one at a time by each group.
C. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What do you call the first chart of pictures? The second? The third?
2. What can they produce?
D. Generalization:
What kind of sounds do animals/objects/ transportation produces?
Some animals/ objects/ transportation produce high sound.
Some animals/ objects/ transportation produces low sound.
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Raise your right hand for high sound and left for low sound.
a. Moo! Moo! c. Eng! Eng! Eng!
b. Toot! Toot! d. Ting! Ting e. Prrt! Prrt!
2. Independent Exercises:
Bring objects, miniature transportation/animals that produce high and low sound.
Date: ____________
Produce vowel sounds listened to. Copy vowels letters
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading the letters of the alphabet through flashcards.
2. Motivation
Tell the pupils that they are going to study about the vowel sounds in our English Alphabet.
B. Presentation:
1. Present pictures of objects / things.
2. Say the names of the picture as 1'ou put each picture in the pocket char.
3. Let pupils listen carefully as you name the objects:
apple orange
atis okra
ax oven
4. Let the pupils name the picture!:, then, ask them to give the beginning letter of each word.
Tell the pupils that each word begins with a vowel.
5. Let pupils write the beginning letter on their table by using their fingers, as they do this,
introduce the sound of the vowel.
C. Generalization:
What is the sound of /a/? /e/? /i/? /o/? /u/?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Copy the vowel letter then produce the sound:
_____ 1. owl
_____ 2. avocado
_____ 3. eggplant
2. Independent Exercises:
Game: Pick a fruit from a tree. Name the picture at the back of the fruit then produce the
sound of the vowel.
Magic Flower: Open one petal of the flower, name the picture shown then produce the sound
of the vowel.
Distribute one picture card to each pupil, let them name the picture and produce the sound of the
vowel. Then copy the vowel inside the box.
Cut-out picture from magazines, that begins with a vowel. Bring it to school, name the picture
and produce the vowel sound.
Date: ____________
Produce consonant sounds listened to.
Copy consonant letters
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill: Naming pictures with vowel sound.
2. Review:
What is the beginning letter of the names of each picture?
3. Motivation
Its fun to study letter sounds, isn't it? Would you like to learn more about the letter
sounds? Okay, this time we are going to study consonant sounds.
B. Presentation:
1. Present pictures of objects/ things. Pronounce clearly the name of each picture flashed. Let
pupils listen attentively as you name the objects. Put each pictures on the pocket chart:
ball flower
bag fish
box five
2. Pupils name the picture then tell the beginning letter of each word. (pictures with /b/ sound
only) tell the pupils that each word begins with a consonant.
3. Pupils copy the beginning letter on their mini board.
4. Teacher produces the sound of the letter.
5. Pupils repeat the sound correctly after the teacher; by the whole class, by groups then by
individual pupils.
C. Generalization:
What is the sound of /b? /p/? /f/? /v/?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Pupils say correctly the name of each cutout picture. Produce the sound then write the
consonant letter inside the cut-out.
2. Independent Exercises:
Picking Flowers in a Garden:
Pick a flower. At the back of each flower is a picture. Name the picture and produce the
consonant sound.
Pick a picture inside a paper bag. Name the picture, produce the consonant sound then copy the
beginning consonant letter of the word.
Draw four objects, each beginning with b, p, f, v.
Date: ____________
Produce consonant sounds listened to m, n, r, l.
Copy / trace consonant letters.
References: PELC 1, P.7; References: Fun in English I pp. 60-63 Science and Health I pp. 46- 47
Materials: flash cards, pocket chart, pictures
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Teacher present flashcards of the alphabet. Have pupils read.
2. Review
Show pictures with beginning sounds of /b/ p/ /f/ /v/
Let the pupils say the name of the pictures and the correct sounds.
3. Motivation
Teacher asks what pets they have at home.
B. Presentation:
1. Present some pictures. Teacher says the word for each picture like.
C. Generalization:
What is the sound of /m? /n/? /r/? /1/?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Trace the letter of the beginning sound of the picture and produce the sounds.
2. Independent Exercises:
Call on pupils whose names begin with letter m, n, r, 1. Let the pupils produce the sound
of the beginning letters. Ask them to repeat the sounds.
Box the beginning consonant letter sounds of m, n, r, l. in each picture.
Draw pictures that begin with m, n, r, l and write the beginning letter.
Date: ____________
Produce consonant sounds listened to s, h, c, k, and q.
Copy consonant letters
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading letters of the alphabet
2. Review
Present pictures with consonant letters m, n, r, I. Pupils name the pictures and produce
the beginning consonant sounds.
3. Motivation
What things can you see in our surrounding? Would you like to talk about them? I have
here pictures of some of them.
B. Presentation:
1. Present pictures to the class. Then say the name of the pictures clearly. Let the pupils listen
attentively as you name the things. Put each picture on the pocket chart.
star house cake kangaroo
snail hat can kangkong
sun hammer car queen
2. Pupils name the pictures then tell the beginning letter of each word. (pictures with /s/ only.)
Tell the pupils that each word begins with a consonant.
3. Pupils copy the beginning consonant letter on the cardboard.
4. Teacher produces the sound of the letter.
5. Pupils repeat the sound correctly after the teacher, by the whole class, by groups then by
individual pupils.
C. Generalization:
What is the sound of /s/? /h/? /c/? /k/? /q/?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Let the pupils get one picture from the chart and identify the consonant sounds.
Call other pupils to copy the beginning consonant letter inside the box.
2. Independent Exercises:
Fishing game:
Catch fish in the box using the fishing rod. Each fish has a corresponding picture, name
the picture and produce the beginning consonant sounds.
Copy the beginning consonant letter then produce the sound. Write it on the blank.
_______ 1. knee
_______ 2. quack
_______ 3. carabao
Cut-out pictures that begin with consonant letters s, h, c, k, q.
Date: ____________
Produce consonant sounds listened to /d/, /t/, /g/, /j/
Copy consonant letters Dd, Tt, Gg, Jj
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill
Reading the letter Dd, Tt, Gg, Jj
2. Review
Present pictures with beginning sounds of /s/, /h/, /c/, /k/ Examples:
3. Motivation
Let's play "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Present the pictures of dog, table, grapes and jar.
B. Presentation:
1. Present the following pictures that begins with Dd, Tt, Gg, Jj
Examples: door, desk, deer, dice table, top, tent, turtle girl, goat, guitar, garland jam, jeep,
jaw, jet
2. Let the pupils name the pictures.
3. Let them produce the sounds of /d/, /t/, /g/, /j/, through pictures.
4. Let us write on the air the letter Dd, Tt, Gg, Jj.
5. Present the flashcards of the letters. Let the pupils copy them on their paper.
C. Generalization:
What is the sound of Dd? Tt? Gg? Jj?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Group the pictures according to their beginning sound.
Write the beginning sounds of each pictures
Draw or cut pictures that begin with Dd, Tt, Gg, Jj.
Date: ____________
Produce consonant sounds listened to /w/, /x/, /y/, /z/
Copy consonant letters (Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz)
Value: Neatness
References: PELC II. P.7 ; PELC I. p.7; Fun in English 1 p. 51; English pp. 30-31
Materials: real objects/pictures that begins with Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz
Flashcards of letter Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz
Story: The Witch
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Witch yoyo walked
pot very zebra
caught put xylophone
2. Review
Give the beginning following pictures.
B. Presentation:
1. Present the story to the class. Tell the pupils to listen carefully as the teacher reads the story.
“The Witch” p.9
2. Read the story again, then let the pupils read each sentence after the teacher.
C. Comprehension Check-up:
1. Who walked one day?
2. What did the witch see?
3. What did the boy play?
4. What sound did the witch hear?
5. How did she feel?
D. Generalization:
What is the sound of Ww? Xx? Yy? Zz?
E. Independent Practice:
Draw one object each beginning with Ww, Xx, Yy, and Zz. Write the beginning letter under
each picture.
Color the pictures that begins with Ww, Xx, Yy, and Zz. Write the beginning letter under each
Collect pictures that begin with Ww, Xx, Yy, and Zz.
Date: ____________
Note similarities/ differences as to size and length.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
a. Cross out the picture that is similar to the first picture.
2. Motivation:
Who wants to describe his/her seatmate?
B. Presentation:
1. Call three pupils to come in front. Let the pupils tell something about their classmates.
2. Write down their answer on the board and read it.
3. Have the pupils take notice of the words' size and length. Let them read the words.
4. Let the pupils play "Group Yourselves". Ask them to group there selves according to their
5. Discuss how they are similar or different.
C. Generalization:
How are children similar? Different? How are things similar? Different?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Game: "Bring Me"
Example: Bring me a long rope. Bring me a small ball.
2. Independent Exercises:
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is big?
2. Which is long?
Put a check () to the objects that are similar.
Cross out the objects that is different from the group.
Date: ____________
Identify big and small letters from Aa to Mm.
Value: Neatness
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review
Which is different from the group? Encircle your answer.
B. Presentation:
1. Look at the letters of the alphabet in front. What can you say about each pair? Do they have
the same size? Let them point the big letters then the small letters.
2. Show a basket with flashcards of big a and a small letters. Ask each pupil to get one card. Let
them identify whether it is big letter or small letter.
Example: This is small letter c
This is big letter D
C. Generalization:
1. How will you describe the letters of the alphabet?
2. How did we arrange the letters?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Distribute the cards with small and big letters Aa to Mm. Let them match the big and
small letters.
2. Independent Exercises:
Write the missing letters of the alphabet from Aa to Mm according to their correct
Match the big letters with the small letters.
1. C d
2. D m
3. J c
4. M a
5. A j
Write the small letter that comes after the big letter.
1. B _________
2. E _________
3. H _________
4. G _________
5. F _________
Date: ____________
Identify the big and small letters from Nn to Zz.
Value: Neatness
References: PELC 1 p. 7 Reading; PELC 2.3 p. 7 Writing Communicating is Fun TX pp. 19-21
Communicating is Fun TM pp. 23 –24; Skills Dev't Book in English pp. 66-67
Materials: Cut-out of the letters Nn to Zz, flashcards
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill : Read the following letters
a b c d e f g h i j k I m
2. Review: Write the missing letters.
a. A ____ C
b. E ____ ____ H
c. ____ J ____ ____ M
3. Motivation:
How many hands do you have? What kind of letters can your hands write?
B. Presentation:
1. Parade of letters
Distribute the flashcards of letters from Nn to Zz to the pupils. After that, the children
will stand in front and show the cards to their classmates then they will identify the letters by
saying "This is big letter N and small letter n,.... etc"
2. Show a magic mango tree with many fruits. Then read the said letters.
3. Let the pupils write the big and small letters Nn to Zz on the board according to the correct
sequence or order.
C. Generalization:
1. How are the pairs of letters written?
2. How did we arrange the letters of the alphabet?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Each pupil will catch a fish using an improvised fishing rod from the improvised
aquarium. Then let them see what letter is written on the fish.
After fishing, have the pupils match the big and small letters written on the fish.
2. Independent Exercises:
Write the missing letters of the alphabet to complete the pattern.
a. N ____ P ____
b. ____ ST ____
c. ____ W ____Y
Connect the big and small letters
1. Q w
2. W n
3. R z
4. Z q
5. N r
Cut out from magazines or newspaper the letters on a bond paper according to heir correct
Date: ____________
Identify the initial and final /p/ and /b/ sounds
References: PELC 2.1 p.7 Listening; PELC 2 p. 7 Reading; English 1 pp. 23 and 26
Fun in English p. 32; The New Science and Health pp. 81-82
Materials: real objects, pictures of words with initial and final /p/ and /b/ sounds
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Produce the different letter sounds learned.
2. Review: Match the big letters with the small ones.
B y
D p
Z d
P b
Y z
3. Motivation:
What are the words that have initial /b/ and final /p/ sound?
B. Presentation:
1. The teacher will present a story about plants through the use of pictures.
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Who has a garden?
b. What plants are in his garden?
c. What does he do to his plants everyday?
3. Values: Infusion
Ask the pupils if they also have plants at home. Let the pupils take turn in asking their
classmates about their plants at home.
4. Skills Development
- Have the pupils name the plants that have initial and final /b/ and /p/
C. Generalization:
1. What are the initial sounds of pan, peanut, box, basket and bird?
2. What are the final sounds of map, cap and crib?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
"Spin a Wheel"
If the points to 1, give words with initial p, if 2 give words with initial b, if 3, words with final p
and if 4, words with final b. (The pupil who gave more correct words will be the winner.)
2. Independent Exercises:
Encircle the correct initial sound of the picture.
Write the letters that stands for the beginning of final sound.
Cut 5 pictures with initial /p/ and /b/ sounds. Then paste them on your notebook.
Date: ____________
Identify the initial and final /f/ and /v/ sounds.
Associate names of objects / pictures with their printed symbols / words.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading of words with initial and final "e/p/ and /b/ sounds .
pan box
pen_ bell
cup crab
2. Review:
Clap your hands once if the picture has initial /p/ sound and. twice if it has final /p/
sound. Stomp your feet once if the picture has initial /b/ sound and twice if it has final /b/
3. Unlocking of difficulties
vendor fruits
vegetable give
vitamins life
4. Motivation:
Let's play "Bring me" Ask pupils to bring objects that have initial and final /f/ and /v/ sounds?
B. Presentation:
1. The teacher will read a story using some real objects and pictures.
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Who is the vendor?
b. What does she sell?
c. What does she say about fruits and vegetables?
d. What will happen to us if we eat fruits and vegetables everyday?
3. Skill Development
What words are found in the story with initial and final /v/ and /f/ sounds?
C. Generalization:
1. What are the initial sounds of feet, flower, volcano and vine?
2. What are the final sounds of roof, leaf, cave, have, hive and save?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Pupils will get one picture, then will name it. Then give its initial sound or final sound
and paste it to the correct column on the board.
Initial /f/ Final /f/ Initial /f/ Final /f/
sound sound sound sound
2. Independent Exercises:
Encircle the word that has different initial sound.
1. vine, vest, fest
2. fan, four, vat
3. form, violet, food
Write the letter of the initial or final sound of each picture.
Write yes if the word has initial /v/ and /f/ sounds and no if the word has final /v/ and /f/ sounds.
______ 1. father ______ 4. volcano
______ 2. cave ______ 5. scarf
______ 3. fish ______ 6. vinta
Date: ____________
Identify the initial and final /d/ and /dz/ sounds.
Associate names of objects / pictures with their printed symbol / words.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading of words with initial and final /f/ and /v/ sounds.
fan leaf van dove
feet roof vest cave
2. Review:
Let the pupils name the pictures on column A and give their initial sounds. Have them
also name the picture on column B and give their final sounds.
3. Motivation
Teacher teaches the song with the tune of B-I-N-G-O
What is the name of her dog?
In what letters do Julie and Dodie begins?
B. Presentation:
1. The pupils will watch the animals that live in land on the movie roll. After watching, have the
pupils name the animals that live on land.
2. The teacher will also show objects or pictures of words like drum, dress, jar, juice, jam, jeep,
bed, hand, head, cage, cabbage, and garbage, Let the pupils name those with initial /d/ and
/dz/ sounds.
3. Let the pupils read words with initial and final /d/ and /dz/ sounds.
C. Generalization:
What are the initial sounds of drum, dress, door, jacket and jeans?
What are the final sounds of hand, bed, cloud, cage and garbage?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Divide the class into 4 groups. Distribute different pictures and manila paper to each
group. Groups one and two will paste all the pictures with initial and final /d/ sounds while
groups three and four will paste all the pictures with initial and final /dz/ sound. Let each
group present or show their work in front.
2. Independent Exercises:
a. Give the initial sound of each picture.
Write the letter of the missing sound on the blank.
Connect the picture with its name.
1. doll
2. dog
3. ball
4. jar
Date: ____________
Identify the initial and final /c/ and /g/ sounds.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Flashcards reading of words with initial and final /d/ and /dz/ sounds.
door jar
doll juice
drum jet
2. Review: Encircle the initial sound of the picture
1. dress /b/ /d/ /dz/
2. jar /b/ /d/ /dz/
3. Motivation
Play a guessing game. The teacher will describe animals that have initial or final /c/
and /g/ sounds.
It eats grass and leaves.
It says mee-mee- mee,
What is it? ( Goat)
B. Presentation:
1. The teacher will show some pictures of animals. Ask the pupils to get one and name it and
give its initial or final sound.
2. Show also some objects or pictures that have initial and final /c/ and /g/ sounds. Let them
name the objects or pictures then put them in the box to where they belong.
3. Reading of words with initial and final /c/ and /g/ sounds
C. Generalization:
What are the initial sounds of can, cow, goat and garden?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Each pupil will pick one guava fruit from a cut out of a guava tree. Then name the picture
on it and give its initial sound.
2. Independent Exercises:
Write the letter of the initial sound of the following pictures.
Write the letter of the initial or final sound of the following pictures.
Draw 2 pictures each with initial /c/ and g sounds and final /c/ and /g/ sounds.
Date: ____________
Identify the initial and final' /m/ and /n/ Associate names of objects/ pictures with their printed
symbols/ words.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review
Divide the class into two groups. Put pictures with /g/ and /j/ with equal number at
random-- on the blackboard ledge. Have a contest in grouping the pictures. Group 1 will put
all the /g/words on the left side of the pocket chart. Group 2 will select and put all the words
on its right side. The group which finishes first and names all the pictures correctly is the
2. Motivation
I’ll tell you a story. Listen very well so that you can tell which begin / end with the /m/
and /n/ sounds.
B. Presentation:
1. The teacher will read a story using some real object and pictures.
2. Comprehension check-up
a. Where did mother go?
b. What fruits did she buy?
c. What else did she buy?
3. Skills Development
a. What words are found in the story with initial and final /m/ and /n/sound?
b. Show other objects / pictures of words with initial /m/ and /n/ sounds.
c. Let the pupils name the objects or pictures. Ask which picture has initial /m/ and the one
with final sound.
C. Generalization:
What is the initial sound of' Monday? Manuel? nut? Nilo?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Have the pupils open the textbook on p.28. Pick out the pictures that begin and end with
the /m/ sound. Pronounce their names correctly. Do the same with the pictures that begin and
end with /n/.
2. Independent Exercises:
Have the pupils pick out pictures and tell the initial and final sounds.
Write capital M if the word begins I ends with /m/, write capital N if it begins / ends with the /n/
_____ 1. Mother
_____ 2. Nilda
_____ 3. sun
_____ 4. Mama
_____ 5. drum
Collect pictures of objects or animals that have initial and final sound /m/ and /n/ and paste it
in your notebook.
Date: ____________
Identify the initial /q/ and /r/ sounds.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill - Give the name of the picture
B. Presentation:
1. Reading the rhyme by the teacher.
2. Comprehension check-up
a. What did Queenie say?
b. Who likes to play?
c. Why did Queenie say, "Rain, rain go away'?
3. Skills Development
What words are found in the rhyme with initial /q/ and /r/ sounds?
C. Generalization:
What is the initial sound of the word question? Queen? Rainbow? Rizal?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Pupils will get one picture then name it and give its initial
sound and paste it to the correct column on the board.
Initial /q/ sound Initial /r/ sound
2. Independent Exercises:
Teacher presents pictures beginning with /q/ and /r/ sounds. Let the pupils identify the
pictures. As they name the picture let them get from the basket the picture's name and it place
under the picture.
rat ring
queen quail
Listen to the words I say. If you hear the /r/ sound at the beginning write R. If the word begins
with /q/ sound write Q.
______ 1. rainbow
______ 2. queen
______ 3. read
______ 4. room
______ 5. question
Select and draw pictures you like best on p. 29 and write the beginning sound.
Date: ____________
Identify the initial and final sounds /w/, /x/ and /y/.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill - Reading of words with initial /q/ and /r/ sounds.
quiet rabbit
queen rise
quail Rita
2. Review
Distribute the pictures and the word cards to the class. Tell them to look for the match the
words with the pictures.
3. Motivation
Look at the picture. What are the girls doing?
B. Presentation:
1. The teacher reads a story about the picture. This is Weenie.
2. Comprehension check-up
a. Who are the girls in the picture?
b. What does Weenie have?
c. What does Winda have?
3. Infusion of Value
Do you also keep your toys after using them?
4. Skills Development
What words are found in the story with initial and, final /w/, /x/ and /y/ sounds?
C. Generalization:
What is the initial sound of woman? we? xerox? yesterday?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Let the pupils play a game. "Picking fruits". Divide the class into three groups. Ask group
1 to pick all the W picture words within five counts each. Have group 2 pick all the X picture
words and group 3 for the Y picture words. Let the pupils read the words they picked. The
first one to finish is the winner.
2. Independent Exercises:
Have them open their books on p. 30 and name all the pictures. Let the pupils give
sentences using those pictures.
Write W if the word begins/ ends with ./w!. Write X if it begins/ends with /x/ sound and
write Y if it begins/ends in /y/ sound.
_____ 1. yoyo
_____ 2. watch
_____ 3. Xerox
Draw 3 pictures with initial /w/, /x/ and /y/sound.
Draw 3 pictures with final /w/, /x/ and /y/sound.
Date: ____________
Discriminate the critical consonant sounds /f/ and /p/.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill
Producing the consonant sounds of letter symbols learned.
q s v z r t w
2. Review
Identifying real objects. What is the initial sound of each?
B. Presentation:
1. Present a picture story.
C. Generalization:
What is the sound of F? /p/
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Game: "Let's Go Fishing" (model aquarium, two small basins)
Present a model aquarium with fishes. Inside each fish has a picture with /f/ and /p/
Call some pupils to catch some fish. If it has initial /f/ or /p/ sound, let them put it in each
designated basins.
2. Independent Exercises:
Color the picture red if it begins with /f/. Color the picture yellow if it begins with /p/.
Look at the pictures below. Write the beginning sound /f/ or /p/.
Cut out pictures having initial /f/ and /p/ sounds. Group them according to their initial sounds.
Paste them in your notebook,
Date: ____________
Discriminate consonant sounds /b/ and /v/.
Identify and produce /b/ and /v/ sounds correctly,
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Warm up
Reciting a rhyme or poem
2. Review
Write f or p on the blank
3. Motivation
Have you gone to the garden? What have you seen in the garden?
4. Unlocking of difficulties
garden vine flying around
B. Presentation:
1. Listen to the common initial' sounds that are found in the story."
Story: “In The Garden”… p. 25
2. Comprehension Check up
Who went to the garden?
What did they see?
What were flying around?
3. Skill Development
a. What were the common initial sounds that your heard?
b. Identify words that have /b/ and /v/ sounds in the story.
/b/ /v/
beans vegetables
bananas vine
bees Victor
c. Let the pupils name other things that have initial /b/ and /v/ sounds
C. Generalization:
What initial sounds did you learn?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Teacher will show some real objects J pictures one at a time. Pupils will clap their hands
twice if it begins with /b/ and stamp their feet twice if it begins with /v/.
2. Independent Exercises:
Prepare two pocket charts. Label one chart with B and the other one with letter V.
distribute picture to the pupils. Each pupil will identify the picture and put it in the pocket
chart where it belongs.
E. Writing Activity:
Write capital and small Bb and Vv.
Bb Bb Bb Bb
Vv Vv Vv Vv
Look at the pictures below. Write the letter of the beginning sound of each picture on your paper.
Cut out pictures that have /b/ and /v/ sounds. Paste them on your paper.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sound /s/ and /z/.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Opening Song: Sit Everyone Sit
2. Review: Pronunciation drill B and V
ban van
best vest
bird vine
3. Motivation:
Have you seen a snake? A bee? Who can describe it. What sound does it make? Let them
produce the sound of a snake and a bee?
B. Presentation:
1. Present the story. Tell the pupils to listen as the teacher reads the story. A Buzzing Bee
( written in manila paper)
2. Read again the story and explain it slowly. Let them read the story line by line
3. Comprehension check up
Who is talking to the bee?
What does the girl tell to the bee? What is the bee doing?
Where may the bee fly?
C. Generalization:
Do S and Z sound the same?
Produce S and Z sound correctly.
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Teacher presents pictures beginning with /s/ and /z/ sound. Let the pupils identify the
pictures. As they name a picture, let them pick in the box the picture name and place below
the picture or vise versa.
2. Independent Exercises:
Draw and color objects with /s/ and /z/ sound. Write S if it has /s/ sound and /z/ if it has
/z/ sound. Write it below the picture.
Teacher says a word. Tell the pupils that if they hear the /s/ sound they will "Hiss" like snake. But
if they hear the /z/ sound, they will "Buzz" like a bee.
Zero six
Zinnia school
Zigzag small
Write the missing letter to complete the name of the picture.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sound /th/ and /dh/
References: PELC 2 Speaking /Reading; Communicating is Fun IX p. 51; Science and Health
Materials: puppet, cut outs, baskets, chart, flashcards.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Group singing “This is the Way"
2. Pronunciation drill in consonant sounds learned p-f / b-v
3. Review:
Divide the class into two groups Have them pick fruits from the tree with pictures that
has /s/ or /z/ sound. Put them in the basket with correct label as s and z.
4. Motivation
What pets do you have at home? What are the things you do to them?
B. Presentation:
1. Present this through a puppet and with pictures. (Illustrated in the chart)
2. Comprehension check-up
Who is telling something about her pets?
How many dogs Ana cats does she have?
3. Teacher pronounces the following words: there these they than the. Do these words have the
same beginning sound? Show to them the correct position of lips, tongue and teeth in
producing the sounds.
4. Give them some words with /th/ and /dh/ drill sounds for more practice.
C. Generalization:
Do /th/ and /dh/ sound the same? Produce /th/ and /dh/ sound correctly.
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Prepare two big houses drawn in one whole sheet of manila paper. Post them separately
on the board. Label the house as /th/ and /dh/. Listen to the teacher, as you hear the word with
/dh/ sound go to the house labeled as dh.
three mother
tooth thin
breathe thick
2. Independent Exercises:
Distribute flashcard with words with /th/ and /dh/ sound. Have them underline the answer
at the back.
Write if the word has /th/ sound and dh if the word has /dh/ sound.
______ 1. brother
______ 2. thousand
______ 3. thorn
Underline the words with /th/ and /dh/ sound
“Be a good boy?, said mother
To my three year old brother
“Do no bother your big sister”
For she is studying tonight this hour”
Date: ____________
Identify speech sound Gg and Jj.
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation drill using the drill chart.
2. Naming pictures.
3. Review
Identify the sound whether it is soft or hard th by using the show cards soft and hard.
thousand bathe
theme their
mother thin
4 Motivation
Have you gone to the farm? What are the things you saw there? What are the things we
can do in the farm?
B. Presentation:
1. Tell the story using pictures
2. Comprehension Check up
Who went to the farm?
Where did they ride?
Where did they enter?
3. Post their answers on the board using flashcards.
on a jeep
a gate near the garden
4. Produce the correct sound of Gg and Jj
C. Generalization:
What are the two sounds of /g/? What is the sound of J?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercise:
Divide the class into two groups. Let each group catch cut out fish with pictures having
/g/ and /j/ sound In the pond thru a fishing rod then put the cut out fish in their nets then
display the cut outs on the board.
2. Independent Exercise:
Match the picture with their printed name on the tree posted on the board
Draw a star if the word has /g/ sound soft / hard) and draw a sun if the word has /j/ sound.
_____1. jump
_____2. garbage
_____3. girl
_____4. jet
Collect pictures of objects with /g/ and /j/ sound.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sound- initial vowel sounds (a)
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Sharing period
a. News for the day
b. Telling One's experience
c. Setting of standard in listening: -listen attentively while others are talking.
2. Review
a. What is the initial sound of these pictures?
3. Drill
Read the words after the teacher
ant apes
apple avenue
4. Unlocking of difficulties
ants ax
advance airplane
5. Motivation
Where do you live?
What will you do when somebody wants to destroy your house?
C. Comprehension Check up
1. What animals in the story advance?
2. Where do they advance?
3. What animal wants to destroy the anthill?
D. Generalization:
Letter Aa has two sounds, short /a/ as in ant and long /a/ as in airplane.
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Form two groups. Give each group a set of pictures of objects beginning with short /a/
sound and long /a/ sound. Tell them to classify the pictures according to the beginning sound
low /a/ and short /a/.
2. Independent Exercises:
Show pictures of objects with initial /a/ sound.
Let the pupils match the pictures with the words in the pocket chart.
Copy the word inside the box below.
1. 3.
2. 4.
Draw pictures with initial /a / sound.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sound – initial vowel sounds (e – I)
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Sharing periods
a. News for the day
b. Group singing
2. Drill/Review
Flashcards reading on words with initial /a/ sound.
ant apple
ambulance ant eater
3. Motivation
Let’s play a “Guessing Game”. I have something inside this box. It is white. It is ova. It
comes from a hen. What is it?
B. Presentation:
1. Show to the class the egg and the insect inside the box.
2. Ask what is the initial letter in the word egg? In the word insect?
3. Teacher produces the sound of /e/ and /i/. Pupils repeat after her.
4. Present the story below to the class.
C. Comprehension Check Up
1. Who went to the zoo?
2. What animals did they see in the zoo?
3. What words in the story has the initial /e/
D. Generalization:
Some words have initial vowel sounds: /e/ long /i/ and short /i/.
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Match the picture and the name card. Put them side by side in the pocket chart.
2. Independent Exercises:
Show the correct beginning sound of words. (Using show cards)
1. injection
2. east
3. elementary
Name the pictures. Write the initial vowel sound.
Cut or draw pictures with initial /e/ and /i/ sound.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sounds.
Initial vowel sounds (o-u)
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Sharing Period
a. News for the day
b. Reciting poems and rhymes
2. Review
Name the picture. Encircle the initial sound
3. Motivation
(Sing the song ' It's Raining" to the tune of "Rain, Rain Go Away
a. What is pouring?
b. Who is snoring?
c. Why did the old man get sick?
B. Presentation:
1. Show an umbrella and an orange with their name tag.
2. Teacher produces the /u/ sound for umbrella and /o/ for orange.
3. Pupils produce the /o/ and /u/ sound while writing on air letter o and u.
4. Present this story to the class. (Olive, the Octopus)
C. Comprehension Check up
1. Who is Olive? Ula?
2. Where do Olive and Ula live?
3. What did Olive see one day?
D. Generalization:
Some words have initial vowel sound: /o/, /u/
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Teacher shows and reads the words in flashcards then pupils repeat after her.
orange okra
ocean octopus
2. Independent Exercises:
Pupils will guess the word being described by the teacher. (Use the words in the
1. Opposite of down.
2. It's a big body of water.
3. It has 8 tentacles. It lives in water.
Write letter 0 for the initial sound /o/ and letter U for the initial sound /u/.
______ 1. Ursula
______ 2. Ofelia
______ 3. octopus
______ 4. October
______ 5. ulcer
Cut or draw pictures with initial (o/ and /u/ sound.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sounds- medial vowel sounds(a)
References: Science and Health I, pp. 6869 Fun in English I pp. 116 — 117PELC 2, p. 7
Materials: pictures, chart, pocket chart, flashcards
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Sharing Period
a. News for the day
b. Telling one's experience
2. Pronunciation drill
Read words with initial vowel sounds on flashcards,
3. Review
Show the correct initial sound of the words.
4. Motivation
Do you have a pet at home? What is your pet? How are they useful to you?
B. Presentation:
1. Present the story to the class. Tell the pupils to listen as the teacher reads the story.
2. Let the pupils read the story along with the teacher.
C. Comprehension check up
1. Who has a pet?
2. What is her pet?
3. What does the fat cat catch?
4. Is a cat a useful animal? Why?
D. Generalization:
Some words have medial vowel sound /a/.
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Draw a line to connect the sentence to the correct picture.
2. Independent Exercises:
Distribute the pictures to the pupils. Call a pupil one at a time to match the picture with
the word inside the pocket.
Write the name of each picture.
Draw a picture for the word.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sounds ( medial vowel sound)
References: PELC 2.3; English 1, Language and Reading pp. 88-89; Fun in English 1 p. 115
Reading through Sounds and Letters Part 2 p. 27-37
Materials: flashcards, pictures, chart
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Sharing Period
Leader pupils come in front to lead a short program.
2. Pronunciation drill
hen fed bed
pen next web
3. Review
Put your right thumb up with the medial vowel sound /a/. Put it down if the word is not
medial vowel sound /a/.
4. Vocabulary words
calls gives corn rice
5. Motivation
Do all animals come from egg?
Where do other animals come from?
B. Presentation:
1. Now let's listen to a story about Ben and Brownie. Can you guess who is Brownie?
2. Comprehension check up
Select the correct answer.
1. What is the story about?
a. Brownie's food c. Ben and Brownie
b. Brownie's chicks
2. What does Ben give Brownie?
a. ten eggs c. some rice
b. some corn
C. Generalization:
1. How many letters are there in each word?
2. What kind of letters are the initial and final in each word?
D. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Form two groups composing of three to five pupils. The teacher flashes cards with medial
vowel sound /e/. The first pupil who read/ pronounces the medial vowel sound /e/ correctly
will advance one step forward. The group who has a greater number of pupils with correct
responses is declared winner.
2. Independent Exercises:
Select picture from the basket. Look at the words that match the picture from the other
Words from the basket
ten bell web
leg pen bed
well set
hen net
Select the word of the picture before the number.
Write five medial vowel /e/ words with the picture.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sounds-medial vowel sounds /i/
References: PELC 2-3; English I (Language & Reading) p.9293; Dr. Araceli Villamin et.al
Reading Through Sounds and Letters Part 2, pp. 44-46 by Mrs. Angelita B. Arboleda;
Science for Young Mindsp.36;•. Lozano, Mayan; Fun in English p. 147-150 Justine
Materials: real objects, pictures, flashcards, Charts, wheel
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
big pit dig kid
2. Review
Distribute objects/ pictures to the pupils, then associate with the printed symbol on the chart
3. Vocabulary Words
- big
- pit
- dig
4. Motivation
What is the medial vowel sound of the word fish?
B. Presentation:
1. Present the story, "Big Kid".
2. Teacher relate the story again to emphasize the medial sound /i/
3. Pupils repeat the story line by line after the teacher,
C. Comprehension Check Up
1. Who is Rin tin-tin?
2. Where does he live?
3. Where is the pit?
D. Generalization:
1. How many letters are there in each word?
2. What kind of letters are in the initial and final?
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Each pupils will come in front and spin a wheel. Identify the picture where the arrow
points on the wheel. Call classmates to pick-up the word (flashcards) that names the picture.
The two pupils will read the word.
2. Independent Exercises:
Form a word by changing the first letter of the word. Match the letter you picked-up on
the blank
Tin Sit Big Kid
(w)in (g)in (f)in (p)ig
(g)in (k)id (d)ig (w)ig
Fill up the puzzle
Draw 5 pictures with medial vowel sound /i/. Name the picture
Date: ____________
Identify speech sounds - medial sounds.
References: PELC English 2,3 English Language and Reading p.94-95 Dr. Araceli Villamin et. Fun in
English p. 130-137
Materials: picture, flashcards, chart, magic box
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Sharing Period: What is the date today?
2. Pronounce Drill
got hop hot rod
3. Review
a. Check the word with the vowel sound /i/.
_____ tin
_____ ten
_____ beg.
4. Vocabulary Words
cop pot chop rod
5. Motivation
What sound have we produced?
B. Presentation:
1. Listen to my story "Pop and Top" (English 1 pp. 94-95)
2. Repeat relating, the story. (Emphasize on correct pronouncing of the word with medial
vowel sound /o/.)
C. Comprehensive check-up
1. Who are the characters of the story?
2. What did Top chop?
3. What kind of food does Pop like?
D. Generalization:
How many letters are there in each word?
What is the medial letter?
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Pick a card inside the box. Then, read what word is on the card. Match the word with the
pictures on the chart.
2. Independent Exercises:
I am going to give you pictures, words with medial vowel sound /o/ and manila paper.
Match each picture with the words, then paste on the manila paper.
Underline the correct answer
Write five words with medial vowel sounds /o/. Then draw a picture of each.
Date: ____________
Identify speech sounds.
References: PELC English 2,3 English, Language & Reading p.94-95 Dr. Araceli Villamin et.al.;
Fun in English p.130- 137
Material: flashcards, pictures, real objects
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
mug run sun hug
2. Review
Clap once with the word with medial vowel sound /o/. clap twice if the word is not
medial vowel /o/.
cop pop top log
3. Vocabulary Words
coconut bud mug mud
4. Motivation
What medial letter is mostly used in our rap?
B. Presentation:
1. The story is about "Tug Duck and Buzz Bug"
Who can tell something about the duck?
Where does a duck live? Where does a bug live?
C. Comprehension Check-up
1. Who was Tug?
2. Where did Tug live?
3. What can Buzz do?
D. Generalization:
What is the medial sound produced in each word?
How will you pronounce the medial vowel of the words?
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
“Word Hunting”
Direction: The words with medial vowel sound /u/ be posted at the visible places inside the
classroom so that the pupils can see at once. The pictures be scattered also at the board.
Group the pupils into ten. Each group will select a leader. At the count of three (3) the leader
hunts one word. Then, match and paste it below its picture.
2. Independent Exercises:
Group the pupils into two. Pin the pictures at the back of each child for the first group.
Then pin a word with medial vowel sound /u/ for each child I the second group. At the count
of three (3), find your partner.
Write the name of the picture.
Cross out the correct answer.
Date: ____________
Identify words that rhyme in poems/rhymes listened to.
References: PELC 3 English I p.51 Fun in English p.100 Science and Health I p.47,74.
Materials: pictures
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
The teacher reads the words, the pupils repeat
sun one star are
2. Reciting a Rhyme
Rain, rain go away
3. Unlocking of difficulties: through
opening one by one
green grass growing
4. Motivation
On your way to school, what things do you see?
B. Presentation:
1. Present the poem to the class, "Things I love".
2. Read the poem again, so that the pupils hear the correct intonation
3. Let the pupils recite the poem
C. Comprehension Check-up
1. What does the child see on every tree?
2. What are opening one by one?
3. What are growing?
D. Generalization:
What are rhyming words?
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
1. Twinkle, twinkle little ______
How I wonder what you are.
2. Three, Four
Shut the______ -
2. Independent Exercises:
Find your rhyming partner
Sing the rhyme "Twinkle, twinkle little star". Pick the stars with rhyming words from the basket
and paste it on the picture below.
Draw or cut pictures that rhyme.
Date: ____________
Identify words that rhyme in the poems/jingles.
References: PELC 3 Basics and beyond reading skill book p.26; Science and Health p. 47, 68-69
Materials: pictures, flashcards
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
The teacher reads the words, the pupils repeat.
high fly bark mark
2. Reciting a rhyme with action Twinkle, twinkle little star
3. Unlocking Difficulties through pictures or actions.
on a log can wag mark
4. Motivation
Who among you have pets at home? What are your pets?
What are rhyming words?
B. Presentation:
1. Present the poem to the class, "My Dog '
2. Read the poem again, so that pupils will hear the correct intonation.
3. Let the pupils recite the poem after the teacher.
C. Comprehension Check-up
1. What is on a log?
2. What can it do?
3. What is its mark?
D. Generalization:
What are rhyming words?
E. Application:
1. Guided Exercises:
Pick the pictures that rhyme from each box.
ring - swing
car - jar
cat - rat
2. Independent Exercises:
Post picture on the board. Call individual pupils to choose and get the picture that rhyme
with the picture in the pocket chart.
chair boy door bag egg
Sing “Bea Baa Sheep”. After singing, look at the pair of words on the board. Which pair of words
rhymes? Copy later.
Memorize the poem/rhyme and be able to recite it tomorrow.