FOLK Wee Cooper of Fife

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Wee Cooper Of Fife

Ú6 ‹ r r G
: 8† † H H
H H‹ H H H H H

¹ H ( H) H H (H ) H H

There was a wee coo - per wha lived in Fife, ni - cke - ty na - cke - ty,
She would - na bake - nor would she brew, ni - cke - ty na - cke - ty,
She would - na caird - nor would she spin, ni - cke - ty na - cke - ty,

Ú Am7 r r r G
H H H H H‹ H H H H H H
D7 G D7

: H

{ H H H H H H
noo, noo, noo; and he had mar - ried a gen - tle wife, hey, wil - ly, wal - ack - y
noo, noo, noo; for spil - in' o' - her come - ly hue, hey, wil - ly, wal - ack-y

Ú r r G
noo, noo, noo; for sha - min' o' - her gen - tle kin, hey wil - ly, wal - ack - y

H H r r

: H H H H H H H ¹
hey John Dou - gle A lane, quo rush - i - ty roo, roo, roo.
hey John Dou - gle A lane, quo rush - i - ty roo, roo, roo.
hey John Dou - gle A lane, quo rush - i - ty roo, roo, roo.

1. There was a wee cooper wha lived in Fife 5. "I'll no be shamin' your gentle kin
nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo; nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo;
And he had married a gentle wife but I will skelp my ain sheepskin."
hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle
alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo. alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo.

2. She would na bake nor would she brew 6. "O I will bake and I will brew
nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo; nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo;
for spilin' o' her comely hue and think nae mair o' my comely hue."
hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle
alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo. alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo.

3. She would na caird nor would she spin 7. "O I will wash and I will spin
nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo; nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo;
for shamin' o' her gentle kin and think nae mair o' my gentle kin."
hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle
alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo. alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo.

4.The cooper has gone to his woo' pack 8. A' ye what hae gotten a gentle wife
nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo; nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo;
and he's laid a sheep's skin on his wife's back send ye for the wee cooper o' Fife.
hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle hey, willy, wallacky, ho John Dougle
alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo. alane, quo rushity roo, roo, roo.

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