Critique Paper

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Granted Autonomous Status
CHED CEB Res. 076-2009


Advanced Educational Theories & Pedagogy

Critique Paper
Teaching and Learning with Technology: Effectiveness of ICT Integration in
Schools & ICT in Education:
A Critical Literature Review and Its Implications

Theodoro A. Yason
MAED student -major in CED
[email protected]

Under the Tutelage of:

Dr. Vivian M. Lindog-Dedace

Graduate School Professor

July 20, 2021

We are living in a digital era where technology is constantly evolving and transforming. Change is

inevitable and has become the norm. Technology is ubiquitous and we are connected to the internet more

than ever. All these transformations didn’t happen in a blink of an eye, they are made up of long research,

ideas, and innovation. We are in the era where every bit of data and information are profoundly valuable.

However, we are also in the midst of information overload, chaos, fake news where filtering and sorting

out information is crucial and challenging.

I would like to cite some observations using the readings under these modules as basis, In the global

industrial arena, the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution or popularly known as Industry 4.0 in

Europe was lauded as the next big step to achieve highly efficient production or business operation. But

what makes this new industrial revolution different from the previous three industrial revolutions is the use

of digital technology. Information, that is, digital information has become a major resource and the goal is

to achieve a cyber-based production technology. Industry 4.0 strives to achieve an Internet of Things (IoT),

digitalization, and smart manufacturing – which all point toward the use of digital information in both

production and communication. In Europe, countries whose industries have adapted to the Industry 4.0

trends reported increased productivity, improved communication and overall cost-savings. The media plays

an important role in disseminating information on the benefits of digitalization, while the governments

ensure that information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure are put in place. Crucial to this is

the launch of 5G services in majority of the EU countries.

The digital world is fascinating yet overwhelming. I guess there’s always a downside to everything.

All these technologies are supposed to make our lives easier, entertaining, and to keep us occupied rather

than productive. It is created to make us connected but we are becoming distant instead. How can we use

our knowledge to utilize these technologies and information without sabotaging our limited earthly time?

Kung may kilay is life sa karamihan ay internet is lifer! “Mawala na ang lahat wag lang ang

cellphone at internet” this is what I hear and observe with our youth today and they don’t even think of the

negative impact that it may give to them. I’m always thankful for the inventions of the internet and social

media because communication wise it benefited me as educator.

Having such tool is a good one especially with students like me who wants to continue my study

and education becomes accessible to all. Many think that ICT in education especially distant learning is an

against the norms of classroom teaching but for me it becomes an opportunity to continue my studies.

Through distant learning opportunities opened up for me because I was able to take up Professional

Teaching Certificate and do my Licensure examination for teachers and pass the board. There are endless

opportunities being a distant learner where you can finish your undergraduate study or you can have your

post graduate studies in the tip of your fingers, however there are also its downside because it is not the

traditional classroom learning you will have to heavily rely on yourself and at times you feel isolated

because of having to think of how you will do your assignments and projects at times you feel frustrated

due to the lack of communication but all in all with my experiences as teacher at the same time student for

my post graduate studies, I’ve learned to cope up with many things when it comes to it.

Education is one of the most important thing a person should have or acquire in his/her life because

education is the key to the world. It may sound cliché but it is the truth, I’m not excluding those people who

were not able to go to school but became successful in their own way but I have seen the difference of what

education can do to a person’s life. I’m an advocate of home learning where kids are home schooled because

of different things going on around us especially with how our learning environment in our country. I have

seen the positive side of ICT (Information Communication Technology) in learning and the use of modern

technology to support the learning of students and it creates a positive impression on me. Although I

considered myself not in home schooled back then during elementary days I would have opted to do so if

ever I can do it physically. It can also be implemented in our education system because of the fact that

distant learning is a lot cheaper when it comes to school expenses as what I have seen and stories from

teachers that at times those students who are in the far flung barangays are unable to go to school due to the

lack of funds for everyday expenses and I think using the technology as a means of communication and

tools for learning it can alleviate the dire situations of those students or learners who want to go to school

but they can’t afford it because even if we have already implemented ALS in our education system the

school is still located in the capital or cities. The power of teaching and learning with technology in school

gives you convenience, flexibility and you don’t have to travel just to attend school, and we know that

going to school is costly because of the amount of money that you must have for everyday expenses but
with distant learning you don’t he to worry about that because you can learn anywhere and anytime and

you can set your own pace in learning and we know that it is better to some students remember that learners

can learn in different way and this can be one of the tools that can be used to extend their learning process.

Information and communication technology

ICT has a significant impact to businesses and greatly improved our ways of living. This is widely

evident during this time of pandemic where a lot of businesses be it SMB and enterprise companies are

going digital in promoting their services. E- Commerce is booming and more and more data application are

created to keep up in this changing times. Companies are opting into the work from home set up allowing

more flexibility to the workers while keeping them safe. A lot of job opportunities for digital creators,

virtual assistants, digital marketers are ramping up. People now a days are beginning to spend more on

online shopping and even food delivery through grab.

Knowledge Economy

Knowledge economy is an area in the economy which highly relies on intellectual assets.

Knowledge and information are the two main driving force of productivity and innovation. Monetary capital

can be depleted but knowledge can be shared and not limited. Knowledge economy is important for

businesses to thrive therefore create more job opportunities. It will also enable productivity, innovation,

enhance collaboration. Though there are a lot of possibilities and potential gain through knowledge

economy, this could also pose a great threat to physical laborers and low skilled individuals. This is because

in the knowledge economy, most job opportunities will fall under ICT sector, education, and high-tech


The Pros & Cons.

The Disparity Between Information-Rich and Information-Poor Societies.

Information age brought tremendous change to countries around the world. The readings under these

modules brought into perspective how the possession of information has created disparity between

information-rich and information-poor societies under the Information Age. The disparity between the

developed societies and underdeveloped societies becomes more prominent when we talk about information

as a commodity or resource. The power has shifted to those who possess information and are able to use it

to their best advantage as reflected in socio-economic development of the information-rich societies.

Insufficient infrastructure and facility of ICT particularly the tools and equipment in far flung areas

I would definitely agree of what Ghavifekr & Rosdy (2015) pointed out in their study about the

effectiveness and role of ICT integration in school, having sufficient computer labs and equipment can

unleash the gap or barrier of effective teaching and learning process.

Technical support

Trainings, seminar or professional skills development regarding computer literacy is necessary especially

this time, this is proven of what I also experienced before. For instance, in our institution not all teachers

are technologically savvy particularly the seasoned one but what I like the most was they are willing to

adapt and enhance their knowledge about the integration of ICT in education despite of this current

pandemic. I considered myself as a neophyte one in teaching field even me, I experienced to be frustrated

in using ICT tools because I fear to some technical issues especially during class observation so a technical

assistance and support from the ICT expert, supervisor and heads may a great help for teacher’s

effectiveness in instruction.

In conclusion

With the popularity of digital technology in the field of education, cross-border communication

and the transfer of information has become faster and more widespread. The new media can benefit ASEAN

members in its objective to hasten its integration and work toward strengthening the ASEAN identity. While

the challenges of a digital divide exist due mainly to the inability of other ASEAN member countries to

adapt to the digital transformation because of their poor infrastructure, there are other member countries

that are now advancing toward this end with their own master plans that will implement projects to improve

their ICT infrastructure. Hopefully, these will bring about improvement in the communication process and

ease the problems in cross-border communication.


Flor, A. (2002, August). Digital Tools and Techniques for Process Documentation: Capturing, Storing,
and Mining Best Practice and Lessons Learned

Knowledge vs Information. (1996, 2002). In KM Forum Discussion Archives -- The Early Days and
B. D. Newman.

Harkness, T. (2017, June). What is Knowledge in the Age of Big Data? | Timandra Harkness |
TEDxSquareMile [Video].

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