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Scanning probe microscope (SPM) dimensional metrology efforts at the US National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) are reviewed in this paper. The main SPM instruments
for realizing the International System of Units (SI) are the Molecular Measuring Machine, the
calibrated atomic force microscope and the critical dimension atomic force microscope. These
are optimized for long-distance measurements, three-dimensional measurements over
conventional SPM distances and critical dimension or linewidth measurements, respectively.
10 mm distances have been measured with the relative standard uncertainty, uc , of 1.5 × 10−5 ;
step heights at the 100 nm scale have been measured with the relative uc of 2.5 × 10−3 and
sub-micrometer linewidths have been measured with uc = 0.8 nm.
Keywords: SPM, AFM, CD-AFM, traceable dimensional metrology, nanometrology,
linewidth, pitch, step height, uncertainty budget
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
0957-0233/11/024001+11$33.00 1 © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK & the USA
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
Figure 1. Cut-away view drawing of M3 . For scale, the core structure is about 0.35 m in diameter.
atomic structure and validation of the atomic structure as an The metric is the 633 nm wavelength of a He–Ne
intrinsic calibration artifact. The aim was to achieve atomic- laser, traced to an I2 -stabilized He–Ne laser (a recommended
scale resolution and accuracy over technologically relevant radiation for the realization of the meter in the visible). It
areas; specifically to achieve 1 nm or better uncertainty for is applied to measure the stage motions using a Michelson
point-to-point measurements over a 50 mm × 50 mm area, a interferometer of a dual-pass, inside, differential optical path
relative measurement uncertainty of about 1 × 10−8 . configuration with polarization-based routing (figure 2). The
interferometer optics are carried on the same motion stage
2.1. Design as the SPM probe, and the motion of the optics is measured
differentially relative to the opposite inside mirrored surfaces
The design of M3 is in itself an attempt to apply the principles of a metrology reference frame box that contains the sample.
of precision instrument design to a challenging specific test Fringe interpolation is done using the heterodyne method.
case. Fundamental principles of kinematic mounting, motion Only the X and Y axes are measured with interferometers. The
repeatability, structural loop, symmetry, metrology reference vertical Z-axis has an integrated capacitance gage sensor that
frame, the Abbe principle, etc are all explicitly considered in measures the fine motion of the SPM tip holder relative to the
the design. Compromises and trade-offs between the different vertical coarse motion stage. The relative configuration of the
principles are of course necessary since the implementation metrology axis and motion generation systems is illustrated in
demands of the different principles often conflict, not to block diagram form in figure 3.
mention cost constraints that are always an engineering reality. The range and resolution requirements for the motion
The design can be discussed in terms of the probe, metric, generation system are met by carrying fine motion stages
motion system and the metrology reference frame, which on coarse motion stages in all three axes (figure 3). The
includes environmental isolation and control. An overview X and Y stages are not stacked on each other, but move
drawing of the instrument is presented in figure 1. independently on V slideways built into the machine core,
The probe is an SPM. In initial design and implementation, sliding on kinematically located pads. The fine motion
it was furthermore a STM, although an exchangeable AFM stages in all three axes are flexure-guided and piezoceramic-
probe of the tuning-fork sensor design has now been added. driven through cross-axis-motion decoupling links, with an
An STM is in some ways the simplest SPM to implement and is approximately 10 μm range. The Z-axis was a particular
perhaps the most convenient for achieving atomic resolution, challenge due to the required compactness, and required a
but it does have the disadvantage of being limited to electrically motion amplifying flexure in the drive train to achieve the
conductive samples. desired range [12]. The coarse motion stages are driven
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
Figure 2. The X-axis interferometer configuration for M3 . The metrology mirrors are opposite sides of a box that contains the sample. The
interior optical components are a single assembly (shown exploded) that moves with the tip along the Y-axis while the sample moves with
the mirrors in the X-axis. The fine-beam-steering wedges below the half-wave plate are not used.
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
for Au nano-particle
200 nm pitch SEM calibration
(Customer B) 2000 nm pitch
0.012 (Customer C)
0.008 Comparison
0.006 Comparison Ongoing
(290 nm and 700nm)
Nano5 70 nm pitch
0.004 (1000 nm and 290 nm) Comparison
Figure 6. History of C-AFM pitch measurement expanded uncertainties, expressed as a fraction of the measured value. Recent performance
has surpassed the level of 1 × 10−3 .
interferometers and (2) modification of output voltage stages refined. It is also important to recognize that measurement
to match the input voltage ranges of the custom scanner. uncertainties are always a function of both the instrument and
There were many advantages to the modular design of the sample being measured. The roughness and uniformity
the C-AFM system and the use of commercially available of the sample features will often limit the achievable
subsystems with minor modifications. However, the rapid measurement uncertainties. In figures 6 and 7, a sampling
evolution of commercial SPM technology since the project of the history of C-AFM pitch and height measurement
inception and the resulting obsolescence of many of our uncertainties is shown. This history includes NIST internal
component systems have presented us with challenges. measurements, measurements for external organizations and
Consequently, one of our goals for the future is to reduce measurements performed as part of several international
reliance on the commercial subsystems by exploiting the comparisons.
programmable capabilities of our X–Y stage more fully. By Since the late 1990s, there has been an international
migrating the lateral scan motion generation from the AFM effort underway to establish the ‘metrological equivalency’
controller to the stage controller, we will be able to replace the of some types of measurements performed by the NMIs
original AFM controller. This would mean using the lateral cap of various nations. On the technical side, a series of
gauges for closed-loop control rather than the interferometers. ‘preliminary key comparisons’, coordinated by the CIPM
But since the interferometers would still be available for real- (Comité International des Poids et Mesures) are being
time monitoring, metrological accuracy would still be assured. conducted among NMIs including NIST. On the legal side,
a mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) has been negotiated
3.2. Measurements and uncertainty between the participating NMIs. NIST has now participated
in three such comparisons involving AFM dimensional
The general approach to uncertainty described in section 2.2 metrology.
for M3 is also used for the C-AFM. In the current generation These comparisons involved measurements of one-
of the C-AFM system, the performance level on the relative dimensional pitch, step height and two-dimensional pitch
standard uncertainty uc of pitch and step height measurements and were referred to as NANO4, NANO2 and NANO5,
are generally on the order of 1.0 × 10−3 for pitches in the respectively. The results of these comparisons have now been
100 nm to 1 μm scale and step heights at the 100 nm scale. published [21–23]. A C-AFM image of one of the NANO5
More specifically, in the case of a 100 nm pitch measurement, specimens—which has a nominal 1 μm pitch—is shown in
we have previously attained a relative standard uncertainty uc figure 8. The measurement uncertainties achieved for these
of 3.0 × 10−4 . Most of our major step height measurements comparisons are included in figures 6 and 7. In the case of the
have had a relative standard uncertainty uc of about 2.0 × 10−3 . two-dimensional pitch measurements for NANO5, the relative
However, we believe that 1.0 × 10−3 is attainable and have expanded uncertainty of the C-AFM results was typically
performed NIST internal step height measurements having a 1.5 × 10−3 but approached 1.0 × 10−3 for one specimen.
relative standard uncertainty uc only slightly above this level. This performance level is of importance in semiconductor
In the future, we expect further improvements in manufacturing metrology and is used in figures 6 and 7 as
performance as the uncertainty budgets are currently being a benchmark for evaluating our performance.
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
0.025 International
0.02 Nano2 Goal for
(21 nm, 67 nm, 290 nm) 2nd round
21 nm and 98 nm
(for Company A) Au NP
1 x 10-3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Measurement
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 7. History of C-AFM step height measurement expanded uncertainties, expressed as a fraction of the measured value.
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
SXM3201 is a first generation CD-AFM. We have experience height measurements. Other measurements performed using
in implementing this type of instrument as a reference a newer generation instrument show that it is possible to
measurement system (RMS) and have had an instrument of achieve step height uncertainties about a factor of 2 lower
this type at NIST since 2003 [30, 31]. [32].
A simplified functional diagram of our CD-AFM is shown Our CD-AFM uncertainty budgets were developed in
in figure 9. Although the sample stage (which is large the manner described for the C-AFM. The current SXM320
enough to accommodate 300 mm wafers) does move for coarse uncertainty budget for pitch and linewidth is shown in
positioning purposes, it is not suitable for imaging due to table 2, and the uncertainty budget for height is shown in
both speed and motion error considerations. The instrument table 3. We have previously described the origin and estimate
employs a scanning head design for AFM imaging. of most of the uncertainty contributions [30, 31], so this
The scanner on the SXM320 is modular and consists of discussion will be limited to the most significant terms. For
three commercially available piezo actuators with integrated pitch measurements, the scale calibration and nonlinearity are
capacitance displacement sensors. The Z-axis assembly currently the most important contributions. The SXM lateral
consists of a coarse approach inchworm, which moves the scale calibration is checked using pitch artifacts on single
piezo stage up and down to engage the surface. This assembly crystal critical dimension reference material (SCCDRM)
sits in the carriage of an X–Y flexure stage which is driven samples [33]. Initially, the traceability for these pitch artifacts
by the X–Y piezo actuators. Newer generations of CD- was derived from earlier comparison measurements with the
AFM instruments use an integrated head assembly instead new NIST photomask standard reference material (SRM)
of a modular scanner, but the basic principles of operation SRM 2059 [34]. Subsequently, we have now measured
remain the same, and our calibration methods are applicable the SCCDRM pitch features using the C-AFM so that the
to instruments of any generation. traceability of the SXM scale calibration is directly anchored
Although our CD-AFM does not have built-in traceability, by the C-AFM. For height measurements, the scale calibration
its displacement sensors can be calibrated using standards is the most important contribution. The SXM vertical scale
measured on other instruments—such as the C-AFM—and calibration is routinely monitored using an SCCDRM. Initially,
full uncertainty budgets for pitch, height and linewidth this height traceability was derived from measurements on a
measurements have been developed. We use this CD- height specimen that was previously calibrated at NIST using
AFM primarily for linewidth measurements of near-vertical stylus profiler measurements. Subsequently, we have now
structures and to provide reference metrology for both internal also measured the height of features on an SCCDRM using
NIST projects and external dissemination. the C-AFM.
For linewidth measurements, the tip-related terms are the
most important sources of uncertainty. These are due to the
4.2. Measurements and uncertainty
uncertainty in the zeroth order tip width correction and to
Uncertainty budgets were developed for pitch, height higher order tip effects. Since we have discussed the nature
and linewidth measurements using this CD-AFM of these contributions in detail elsewhere [35, 37], we only
[30, 31]. Currently, the relative standard uncertainties give an overview here. Although the interaction of an AFM
are approximately 2 × 10−3 for pitch measurements up to tip with the imaged surface is complex, for many purposes a
several micrometers and 4 × 10−3 for sub-micrometer step highly simplified and two-dimensional model is useful. In this
1 Certain commercial equipment, instruments or materials are identified
basic model, the effect of the tip is represented as a simple
in this paper. Such identification does not imply recommendation or
additive offset which must be subtracted from the apparent
endorsement by NIST, nor does it imply that the products identified are width to obtain an accurate measurement. This offset is
necessarily the best available for the purpose. referred to as the zeroth order tip correction. Hence, the
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
Table 2. Uncertainty budget for SXM320 pitch and width measurements (k = 1).
Component Standard uncertainty
zeroth order uncertainty component represents the uncertainty from the SCCDRM project, characterization and correction
in the value of this correction. The finer details of the tip– for these effects is now more important in CD-AFM width
sample interaction, pertaining to things like flare radius, offset measurements.
height, feature sidewall angle, feature corner radius and the An example of a CD-AFM image on a SCCDRM feature
three-dimensional nature of both the tip and sample (i.e. shape is shown in figure 10. The sidewall angle of these structures
in the axis perpendicular to the scan direction) are thought of is very close to 90◦ , as can be seen in the image. This feature
as being higher order tip effects [37]. Because these effects clearly illustrates the fundamental strong point of the CD-
have a strong dependence on the specific geometry of each tip AFM technique—the ability to image near-vertical sidewalls.
and feature, it is difficult to make general statements about A feature of this type is also the best way to monitor the CD-
the resulting uncertainties, and it is necessary to make a AFM tip width. If such a structure can be calibrated—as was
specific assessment for every measurement. Until recently, done in the SCCDRM project—then it becomes possible to
this was of somewhat lesser concern in many measurements traceably calibrate the CD-AFM tip width. As a result of the
because these components were typically smaller than the NIST SCCDRM project, it is possible to calibrate the CD-
uncertainty in the zeroth order correction. However, with AFM tip width with a standard uncertainty slightly better than
reduction in uncertainty of the zeroth order term that resulted 1 nm [33, 35, 36].
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 024001 J A Kramar et al
Figure 10. CD-AFM image of a NIST SCCDRM showing the near-vertical sidewalls of this preferentially etched structure.
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