XML Publisher
XML Publisher
XML Publisher
xml publisher is a report generated utility tool. now a days we
are calling it as bi publisher. The main difference between bi and xml publisher is : xml publisher
is integrated with oracle apps.but bi publisher is stand alone edition.
9) go to templates
click on create template.
table properties
to insert new row,place the cursor at the end of the table,press enter
or keep the cursor in to the last column ,press tab
to introduce new column,select the column,right click,split cells
to combine the multiple columns-->select the columns-->right click merge cells
to maintain only borders for table..or for columns we need to change the borders
submit report ,copy the error tag below the xml
page can not be displayed.
go to rdf,object navigator,enter the tag
find-->it will show the column,go to property pallette
-->remove the spaces or fill with underscores in xml
it is error...after submitting the report we can see the below error some where in
the output
Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value. Error processing resource
usually this issue raised because of the space in xml tags, an will happen with
formula columns and place holders columns..some times because of the data also..
if any data consists of junk characters it will give this error...
5) section break/Page Break or each master record needs to start at freshly on starting of the
--------------------------------------------------------------business requirement
some times business wants suppliers needs to start from the starting of the page
to send the hard copies to different suppliers .we can use page break before
ending of the main group.
go to insert->break->page break
or else control +enter
while using the above feature,we need to use the page reset property.
to reset use the section keyword for the main group like below.
6)Number format
to apply the number format.
select the field in the rtf->double click,change type to number from regular text,
select the number format as #,##0.00.provide the default number as 9,990.00.
or else double click on the text field.go to add help text.go to status bar/help
select type your own-->write the following syntax.