Senthilnathan 2019
Senthilnathan 2019
Senthilnathan 2019
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Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 12(4): April 2019
drug delivery is the much favored route of drug 1. Nanospheres, which are polymeric matrix systems
administration[7] due to expediency, better patient which consist of the drug that is dispersed physically
fulfillment and cost-effectiveness. This system has been and uniformly. The polymeric nano sized spherical
also used to increase bioavailability of drugs having poor matrix system provides effective control of the
bioavailability. However, due to the small size, extensive loaded drugs.
research was carried out on administration of these 2. Nanocapsules[8] are those systems containing
systems by various parenteral routes like intravenous, vesicle’s in which the preparation is restrained to a
intra muscular and subcutaneous routes. The drugs cavity enclosed by a polymer membrane. In
loaded in nano drug delivery system were also reported nanocapsules, the polymeric membrane encapsulates
to exhibit improved shelf life and stability. the core material, usually a drug.
MERITS OF NANO DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS: Gymnemic acid was cut off from the leaves of
1. They can be enabled with site specific delivery of Gymnema sylvestre (Asclepiadaceae). They are
drugs. sweetness inhibitors. Once the leaves were eaten, sugar
2. Site specific delivery of drugs facilitates enhanced solutions sugar taste similar to water.
therapeutic response and reduction in adverse effects.
3. Drug degradation by enzymatic action can be Chemically, they are triterpenoid glycosides. The
prevented. fundamental configuration is the aglycone
4. Active and passive targeting of drug can be achieved gymnemagenin (C30H50O6). This is decked through a
by manipulating the particle size and surface sugar for example glucuronic acid and by means of
characteristics. assorted ester groups. These variations give rise to the
5. Suitable for incorporation of wide range of different gymnemic acids. More than 20 homologs of
therapeutic agents ranging from inorganic, organic, gymnemic acid are known.
synthetic, semi-synthetic compounds, lipids and
proteins. Gymnemic acid it have the uppermost anti-sweet
6. They can be utilized for administration by oral, nasal, property. It suppresses the sweetness of mainly of the
parenteral and ocular routes. sweeteners as well as strong synthetic sweeteners like
7. Controlled release of drug can be achieved aspartame and natural sweeteners such as thaumatin, a
8. Surface modification using ligands can be made to sweet protein. The anti-sweet activity is reversible, but
improve the specificity of drug targeting. sugarinessrevival on the tongue can acquire more than
DEMERITS: 10 minutes.
1. Aggregation of particles due to their small size and
huge surface area, however, this problem can be The mechanism of the drug is during stimulus in insulin
overcome by adjustment of surface charge (zeta secretion beginning pancreas. It also exerts a parallel
potential) of the nanoparticles by addition of suitable effect by delay the glucose assimilation in the blood.
surface active agents.
2. Difficult to handle in liquid forms (nanosuspensions). Chitosan polymer is used here, which exhibit
Freeze drying (lyophyllisation) had facilitated the Biocompatible, biodegradable, non-toxic, anti-microbial
maintenance of nanoparticles in dry form with and soluble in wide range of solvents.
enhanced stability.
3. Due to their ultra-small size they have limited drug MATERIALS AND METHODS:
loading capacity. Gymnemic acid, chitosan, poloxamer, ethanol,
4. These are susceptible to bursting and leakage of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, orthro phosphoric
drugs. acid.
5. Scaling up problems due to the equipment’s used in
the preparation and need for maintenance of uniform METHODS:
ultrafine size. 1. Preformulation studies:
Calibration graph for Gymnemic acid:
Preparation of calibration curve in pH 1.2, pH 7.4
Nano drug delivery systems are classified based on the
and pH 6.8 buffers:
morphological characters, structure, composition as well
Weigh 100mgs of Gymnemic acid and dissolve it in a
as the arrangement of drug and polymer in the
small volume of buffer solutions in 3 100ml volumetric
flask and the volume is made up to 100ml with 1.2 pH
1. Polymeric Nanoparticles: buffer solution in volumetric flask numbered 1, in
The polymeric nanoparticles can be further classified 2ndvolumetric flask 7.4 pH buffer solution was used and
into two types: in the third one 6.8 pH buffer was used to make up the
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 12(4): April 2019
volume. A categorization of standard containing the Particle size and Surface charge:
concentration ranges from 10 to 50 µg/ml of Gymnemic Using Malvern-Zeta size the zeta- potential is calculated
acid were prepared for 1.2 pH buffer, 7.4 pH buffer and the significance in surface charge of adhesion and
solution and 6.8 pH buffer solution individually, interaction of particle with cells is noted. The prepared
absorbance were calculated at 290nm and calibration nanoparticles[16,17] was evaluate for their particle size and
graph was plotted by means of concentration against surface charge by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS)
absorbance. by means of zeta sizer and diluted to 1:1000 with the
aqueous phase of the formulation to obtain a suitable
2. Drug-excipient compatibility study by DSC: kilo counts per second (kcps) and then it is analyzed at
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC): 25°C with an angle of detection of 90° six replicates was
Samples of individual components in addition to each in use for the measurement.
drug-excipient be weighed (Mettler Electronic balance)
unswervingly in pierce aluminum crucible pans (5-10 Drug content: [18]
mg) and scanned in the 50-300°C range below static air, Weigh 1gm of gymnemic acid nanoparticles exactly
with heating rate of 10ºC/min, using Shimadzu DSC-60 transfer into a 25ml volumetric standard flask and
equipment. dissolve 5 ml with pH 6.8 phosphate buffer solution
then dilute 1 ml to 25 ml of buffer solution and Then the
METHOD OF PREPARATION [9-14] usual and sample absorbance was measured at 290 nm
Table 1. Formula used for the preparation of Gymnemic acid using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The percentage
nanoparticles of drug content was calculated.
NO TION (mg) (%V/V) (%V/V)
1. GNP-1 100mg 0.5 5
2. GNP -2 100mg 1.0 5
3. GNP -3 100mg 1.5 5
4. GNP -4 100mg 2.0 5
Entrapment efficiency:
5. GNP -5 100mg 2.5 5 The drug infused nanoparticles are centrifuged at 15000
rpm for about 30 mins. 1ml of the separated supernant
METHOD: solution was diluted with water and the absorbance was
Emulsion -droplet coalescence method: noted at 290 nm and calculated for the quantity of
• Dissolve Chitosan particles with 1% acetic acid and gymnemic acid entrapped was calculated by subtracting
100mg of Gymnemic acid in phosphate buffered the sum of untapped[19,20] from the total gymnemic acid
saline. This solution is added to 10ml of liquid used for the preparation.
paraffin contain 5% v/v tween 20. The mixture was
The entrapment efficiency was calculated based on the
homogenized 3 minutes to form water in oil (w/o)
formula given below
• The resultant Gymnemic acid nanoparticles[9] were
centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 60 mts and washed with
ethanol and water, consecutively to eliminate residual
liquid paraffin and surfactant. In vitro release:
• afterward on they were dried in air for 3 hour Using Franz diffusion cell the invitro study was
followed by hot air oven at 50° for 4 hour and store performed for about 24 hrs using a dialysis membrane.
in a desiccator The equipped gymnemic acid nanoparticles[21,22] are kept
• Some batches namely (GNP1, GNP2, GNP3, GNP4, inside the membrane and it is immersed in phosphate
and GNP5) be prepared by varying the drug and buffer with pH of 6.8 and the sample was withdrawn at
polymeric ratio and the result of polymer programmed time interval and the quantity of gymnemic
concentration on the encapsulation effectiveness and acid released was determined by measured using UV-
the drug loading capacity was studied. Visible spectrophotometer at 290 nm absorbance. Based
on the absorbance results a cumulative % of drug release
CHARACTERIZATION STUDIES: was calculated and the results were discussed.
• Drug content
• Particle size and zeta potential RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:
Preformulation studies[23]:
• Drug content
Preparation of calibration graph for Gymnemic acid:
• Encapsulation efficiency
Standard calibration data of Gymnemic acid in pH 1.2,
• In vitro drug release [15]
7.4 and 6.8 buffers at 285 nm
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 12(4): April 2019
Table 2. Absorbance of Gymnemic acid in buffer solutions characteristic color change and there is no significant
Absorbance changes in the chemical evaluation this indicates that the
S. No Concentration
pH 1.2 pH 7.4 pH 6.8
1 10 0.025 0.031 0.101
drug and ingredients added are compatible with each
2 20 0.052 0.063 0.204 other.the results are given below in the table 3
3 30 0.076 0.095 0.302
4 40 0.104 0.122 0.406 Table 3 Physical characteristics of Gymnemic acid
5 50 0.124 0.155 0.505 S.No Physical parameter Results
1 Description Dark brown colour powder
2 Melting point 198.80C
3 Loss on drying 0.08%
4 Assay 99.58%
Detector: DSC-60
Sam pl e Wei ght:
0.100[m g]
Cel l : Al um i num
Atm osphere: Ni trogen
Fl ow Rate: 10[m l /m i n]
Annotati on: Drug- Exci pi ents com pati bi l i ty study
Gymnemic acid
Endset 200.51 0
Heat -11.15 x10
-111.50 x10
100.00 200.00
Temp [C]
Fig. 2
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 12(4): April 2019
DSC of Gymnemic loaded acid chitosan nanoparticles
De te cto r: DSC-6 0
Sa m p l e We i g h t:
0 .1 0 0 [m g ] Peak 198.91 x10
Ce l l : Al u m i n u m Gymnemic acid
Atm o sp h e re : Ni tro g e n Onset 192.29 x10
Fig. 3
Fig. 2 and 3 DSC Thermogram of Gymnemic acid and Gymnemic acid nanoparticles
Fig. 4 Particle size of optimized Gymnemic acid loaded Chitosan nanoparticles (GNP3)
Fig. 5 Zeta potential of optimized Gymnemic acid loaded Chitosan nanoparticles (GNP3)
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 12(4): April 2019
• Further increase in the Chitosan concentration Above 1.5% w/v of Chitosan concentration[28], reduction
(GNP4-GNP5), has no more augment in the in drug release was observed as in the case of trial GNP4
entrapment efficiency because the accessibility of the and GNP5. The maximum percentage drug release for
drug to be included is small which is not enough for GNP4 and GNP5 were found to be 78.82± 0.82 and
further encapsulation of drug by Chitosan. 65.73± 0.62 respectively at the end of 24h was obtained.
In- vitro drug release: From the records obtained from in vitro drug release for
Table 8 In vitro release studies of Gymnemic acid nanoparticles GNP1- GNP5, it was concluded that increase in
Chitosan concentration slows down the drug liberate due
(Hrs) to improved particle size and decresed surface area of
GNP1 GNP2 GNP3 GNP4 GNP the prepared nanoparticles.
1. 0.5 35.86± 30.25± 21.74± 12.75± 8.88± From all the above formulations, GNP3[28] was preferred
0.47 0.55 0.33 0.19 0.24
2 1 50.81± 41.37± 36.85± 23.18± 17.63
as best formulation due to its ideal particle size (195
0.22 0.23 0.56 0.27 ± nm), high entrapment efficiency (85.71%) and desirable
0.92 drug release (99.57± 0.31% at the end of 24 h).
3 6 88.72± 72.36± 43.82± 32.15± 25.74
0.19 0.42 0.72 0.56 ±
4 12 99.51± 85.74± 56.89± 43.81± 32.81 The active pharmaceutical ingredient Gymnemic acid
0.34 0.19 0.18 0.15 ± was evaluated for its organoleptic properties and
0.17 solubility. The results obtained were satisfactory.
5 16 99.52± 97.32± 71.73± 57.93± 42.72
0.67 0.74 0.88 0.31 ±
0.35 Gymnemic acid nanoparticles were prepared by
6 20 99.53± 99.49± 84.88± 66.48± 51.95 emulsion -droplet coalescence method[30] and the
0.17 0.11 0.24 0.71 ± polymer concentrations were optimized by various trials
7 24 99.55± 99.51± 99.57± 78.82± 65.73
0.89 0.34 0.31 0.82 ± In the present study Chitosan nanoparticles containing
0.62 Gymnemic acid was prepared. The effect of increase in
mean±S.D, n=3 Chitosan[31] concentration in various parameters like
particle size and invitro release profile were studied.
FIG. 6. Effect of Chitosan concentration on Invitro drug release of The % in vitro study of GNP3 formulation was 99.57±
Gymnemic acid nanoparticles 0.31 and it was found to be suitable formulation to
manage the condition of diabetes mellitus. Hence it can
From the in vitro drug release [26] study results, the
be concluded that the newly formulated controlled
highest drug release (99.57± 0.31) and at the closing
release nanoparticulate drug delivery[35] systems of
stages of 24hwas observed with trial GNP3 which
Gymnemic acid may be ideal and effective in the
contains 1.5% w/v of Chitosan.
treatment of diabetes mellitus by allowing the drug to
Below 1.5% w/v of Chitosan concentration as in the case release continuously for 24 hrs.
of trials GNP1 and GNP 2 the maximum percentage
drug release 99.51± 0.34 and 99.49± 0.11 were obtained 5. CONFLICT OF INTEREST:
at the end of 12 and 20hrs respectively which was not The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 12(4): April 2019
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