EDU Catálogo-Obras Selecionadas
EDU Catálogo-Obras Selecionadas
EDU Catálogo-Obras Selecionadas
Editorial board
Germana Henriques Pereira (President),
Maria Osmarina do Espírito Santo Oliveira (Executive secretary)
Fernando César Lima Leite, Ana Flávia Magalhães Pinto, César Lignelli, Flávia Millena Biroli Tokarski,
Liliane de Almeida Maia, Maria Lidia Bueno Fernandes, Mônica Celeida Rabelo Nogueira,
Roberto Brandão Cavalcante, Sely Maria de Souza Costa, Wilsa Maria Ramos.
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Sofia Rosa.
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in the Amazon
and widespread activities in the Amazon environment and expressions of social and
region. In dialogue with various trends in intellectual life. The expanded photo book
anthropology and other fields, the ethno- helps to demonstrate that the properties of
O arpão e o anzol: graphic research reveals details of a fishing humans and their life forms are generated
técnica e pessoa na Amazônia village in the estuary of the Amazon River, in the activities in which they engage.
exploring the capture of pirarucu with a
Carlos Sautchuk
ISBN 978-85-230-0902-1
of Editora UnB, which, since the 1980s, has cussions cover issues about development,
brought together researchers from different economy, governance, politics, heritage,
metropolitan Brasília
of professor emeritus of the University of qualities markers throughout the life course
Brasília Aldo Paviani, to debate and pro- of the city’s population groups. The book is
vide complementary perspectives on this organized into four units: 1) metropolitan
Território e Sociedade: unique territory that houses the federal development and integration; 2) metropoli-
As Múltiplas Faces da capital. In order to analyse and reflect on zation and governance; 3) heritage, culture,
Brasília Metropolitana these issues, the texts presented in this work and territory; and 4) the course of life and
range from broader themes to more specific inequalities in the metropolis.
Aldo Paviani (ed.) aspects of the integration/disintegration of
ISBN 978-85-230-0922-9
16/04/2019 09:57:55
In its 59 years of existence, the University Brasilia and is part of the city’s architectonic
Record of the
of Brasilia has given life, through the clipboards repertory, also holding a place in the history of
of several architects, to buildings that materi- Brazilian architecture. The University of Brasilia
alize various styles, world views, experiences celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012. For
of Brasilia
with structural and constructive systems, and this Architectural Record, we have selected
concepts of integration between indoor and 50 buildings that represent the history of the
outdoor spaces. Over a hundred buildings University. By sharing part of the history of our
scattered throughout its four campuses, off- buildings we intend to help expand the com-
Registro Arquitetônico da
site locations and residential blocks comprise munity’s appreciation of the architectural qual-
Universidade de Brasília
the architectural heritage of UnB. Such collec- ity of the spaces it has at its disposal.
Andrey Rosenthal Schlee and tion is closely integrated with the daily life of
others (ed.)
ISBN 978-85-230-1106-2
The House in
scientific initiation research carried out be- has always been respect for the original
tween 2000 and 2001, under the guidance design that characterizes them. Thinking
the Work of
of Professor Sylvia Ficher, entitled Arquitetos about residential architecture in Brazil is
João Filgueiras
de Brasília e suas produções residenciais not an easy task. In a country of continen-
(“Architects from Brasilia and their residen- tal dimensions, marked by sociocultural di-
Lima, Lelé
tial productions”). Having visited a good part versity and distinct historical, political, and
of the houses designed by João Filgueiras economic processes, the construction of a
Lima, Lelé, for over fifteen years, especially panorama of this diversified production is a
those in Brasilia, the author decided that the real challenge. Understanding its origins and
A Casa na obra de João
master’s degree would be timely to continue its development from the second half of the
Filgueiras Lima, LELÉ
that research work. However, it was no longer nineteenth century showed, in this context,
Adalberto Vilela an isolated case, whose main motto was the an identity related more to the plurality of
elaboration of inventory sheets that made up references and solutions adopted than to
a larger research on the city’s architecture the alleged unity brought by a specific lan-
ISBN 978-85-230-1200-7 and urbanism. The big challenge now would guage, in the case of the Modern Movement.
be to treat these residences in an integrated As Roberto Segre stated, “it would be sim-
way, inserting them in a proper context of the plistic to try to define the essential models
Modern Movement of architecture. The need of the Brazilian house”.
of Refining for
Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobrás) was basically a market. These prices, close to the so-called
Petrobras and
refining company. The period starting in 2018 “perfect market”, could be used as a ceiling
is characterized by the proposal to privatize for sales to national distributors. Price and
for Brazil
refineries in the Northeast and South regions, exchange rate volatility could be mitigated
as well as logistics assets (pipelines and ter- using averages over a given period, to avoid
minals). A private monopoly of privatized sudden price variations in the domestic mar-
subsidiaries, without regulation, could lead ket. In case there is no self-sufficiency in
A Importância do Refino para
to shortages of supply and an increase in the certain fuels, a reduction in taxes could guar-
a Petrobrás e para o Brasil
price of derivatives. The prices charged by antee the competitiveness of the import of
Paulo César Ribeiro Lima Petrobras may be administered by the Federal derivatives necessary for internal supply. In
Government, which controls the company’s this model, Petrobrás could continue as the
voting capital. In order to avoid abuses by the great national refiner, with great benefits for
ISBN 978-85-230-0987-8 controller, this work proposes to regulate the Brazilian consumers and for potential national
prices of derivatives in Brazil, so that they are or international investors.
o dos ricos
trole das instituições são as dimensões
concatenadas neste livro marcante para
& Ousadia
Black People
03/04/2019 08:31:05
This book is a product of a doctoral inequality in Brazil, which has focused on dif-
in the World
research conducted at the University of ferences in the average income or the racial
of the Rich:
Brasilia, supported by Conselho Nacional composition of the poorest sections of the
de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico population. The intention of the analysis is
– CNPq (National Council for Scientific to identify, from a series of statistical exer-
a study on racial and Technological Development), and cises, the role played by processes of racial
ISBN 978-85-230-0992-2
Many Masters:
slavery, focusing on three provinces in the demographic structure of the enslaved pop-
Northeast — Pernambuco, Sergipe and ulation indicates the possibility of positive
Northeastern and
Maranhão — and on Rio Grande do Sul, growth in some areas and periods, including
Gaucho Slavery in
this book, based on an extensive analysis of the sugar region, a novelty in historiography
primary data, sheds light on aspects of the on this topic. It also shows the relevance,
the 19th century slave regime that have not yet been studied in the 19th century, of interprovincial trade,
in Brazil’s 19th century. In contrast to the suggesting that the internal market have
Muitos Escravos, traditional emphasis on large-scale slavery assumed an important role earlier than
Muitos Senhores: — extensive holdings with many slaves — some classical studies on the evolution
Escravidão Nordestina e there is evidence, also in these provinces, of of our economy indicate. The analysis of
Gaúcha no Século XIX the widespread use of slave labor on small prices paid by captives reveals a surprising
holdings, such as on cattle ranches in the parallelism between distant regions, which
Flavio Rabelo Versiani Northeast and South, and in cotton fields, points to the existence of something like a
which confirms recent findings for other “market” nationwide.
ISBN 978-85-230-1184-0
Sabine Gorovitz
teiras nunca impediram a circulação de homens e mulheres
Sabine Gorovitz
linguísticas línguas e bilinguismo” do Programa
de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da
Dioney Moreira Gomes em contextos Tradução (Postrad) desse mesmo
departamento, interessando-se
(Org.) especialmente pelas pesquisas
voltadas para as mobilidades de
populações e os contatos linguísticos
que deles surgem e que remetem
à diversidade das sociedades, das
línguas e dos saberes.
Linguistic Borders
12/02/2019 10:48:39
Borders have never prevented the move- observing linguistic practices and analysing
in Migratory
ment of men and women around the world. dialogues and interactions between speak-
Invaders, settlers, migrants, refugees, dis- ers of different languages. The articulation of
placed people, travelers are constantly the different approaches makes it possible,
crossing these borders in all directions, mix- at least in part, to explain the complexity of
ing languages and customs in contact with the observed phenomena. Like a manifesto
Fronteiras linguísticas em local populations. The authors of this book in favor of recognizing multilingualism, the
contextos migratórios explore, each in their own way, the contexts book pays homage to bilingual practices and
in which relations between languages and creative resources that each speaker imple-
Sabine Gorovitz and
borders were forged at the political and ide- ments, stating where they are, where they are
Dioney Moreira Gomes (ed.) ological levels, with a strong emphasis on speaking from, to create a bond with others.
ISBN 978-85-230-1017-1
the World-System in cause significant changes in the direction based on concepts and categories from the
ISBN 978-85-230-0900-7
policy in Brazil
independence had its roots in structural international relations, the authors recog-
dependence. Over time, the leaders reacted, nize the role played by the external sector
proposing a project for a nation to be built for national formation: the consolidation of
História da política that would only come to be incorporated as the territory, security, global coexistence, the
exterior no Brasil a vector of foreign policy after 1930. In 1989, experiment of ideas and values – but, above
the development cycle ended, due to exter- all, the delay and the directions of Brazilian
Amado Luiz Cervo and nal changes and national options. “Foreign economic development. The book is spe-
Clodoaldo Bueno policy contributed to the loss of power in cially designed for the areas of International
the nineties, but it prepared the phase of Relations, History, Economics and Politics.
maturity for insertion in the 21st century”.
ISBN 978-85-230-1287-8
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