WarCry Demo Rules
WarCry Demo Rules
WarCry Demo Rules
Welcome, noble general! Use these rules to play These work like normal attacks, except:
a quick game of WarCry. Any words in bold are Only units with the ranged attack ability may do a
defined in the glossary or card anatomy sections. ranged attack, and the ranged attack value is used
instead of the units strength.
Setting Up
Reserve line ranged attack units may shoot at enemy
Shuffle cards into two separate decks: the Army deck battle line units.
and the Action deck. Set these decks off to the side. Make a ranged attack. tactic printed on a unit if that unit is not in the combat. Battle line ranged attack units may shoot at any enemy
Now you are ready to play! Move one of your ready reserve line units to your Regardless, you can only play each unit’s ability once unit.
battle line. per combat. No blocking.
Fighting a Battle
Pass. A WarCry is a special kind of tactic that must be the first The units are not moved to the battlefield, so after
Each battle has 2 parts: The Muster Phase and the tactic you play in a combat. Once you have played a the combat the survivors stay in the same line as they
Battle Phase. While not a command, reaction abilities can be
tactic or passed, you cannot play a WarCry. started.
played on either player’s turn. Each reaction tells you
The Muster Phase exactly when you can play it. Committed cards cannot play tactic or reaction abilities If the ranged attack unit wins or ties, it is committed,
printed on them. then the defending unit is committed (instead of
Each player draws 5 cards from their Army deck. At the end of any player’s command, if either player destroyed). If the defending unit was already committed,
Once both players have passed on tactics, both players
Roll to see who plays first. has no units in their battle line, their reserve line make their combat rolls. Both players add the strength of it is destroyed. If the ranged attack unit loses, it is
Take turns mustering units or mustering an becomes their battle line. their unit to their die roll (you can use the strength gauge committed. The defending unit remains ready (or
attachment on a unit you’ve already mustered. Place below to keep track of the difference in units strength). committed if it was committed previously to, or during,
units into one of two lines: the battle line, in front, or
Attacking the ranged attack) .
Ties result in a slaughter—both units are destroyed.
your reserve line, in back. You always muster cards Choose an enemy battle line unit. If your enemy has No rout check.
Otherwise, the unit with the highest total wins. If a
in the ready position. no ready units in his battle line, you may choose any committed unit wins, it sends the losing unit to its
Units and attachments have a gold cost to muster enemy unit. Winning the Field of Battle
battle line, committed. Committed units cannot make
For purposes of this Quick-Start game, you have 25 A ready cavalry unit can block an attacking infantry follow-up attacks. If a ready unit wins, the enemy unit is If both players pass consecutively on playing a
gold to spend. unit. destroyed and the winning player makes a rout check. command, the battle ends. The player with the highest
After you muster a card, draw a card. If a unit blocks, it becomes the defending unit. Both players discard any tactic cards they played total Strength on their remaining units is the winner.
If you have Gurt Bigfist on your side, you subtract 8
If you can’t afford any cards in your hand, discard Move attacking and defending units to the battlefield. If the rout check was successful, the winning unit may
make a follow-up attack. Otherwise, return the winning points from your total (that’s what victory: -8 means)!
your hand and your mustering phase is over. Both players draw 1 card from their Action deck.
unit to its owner’s battle line, committed. In the case of a tie, both players roll. The high-rolling
The Battle Phase Starting with the attacking player, players alternate player chooses any one of their units, and places it in
playing tactics, or passing. Tactic cards from your hand Follow-up attacks work like regular attacks, with a few the battlefield, ready. That unit is now attacking. The
Each player draws 5 cards from their Action deck. have a tactic point cost. When you play a tactic card, exceptions: other player does the same. That unit is now defending.
The player with the most tactic points in their lay it next to your unit and deduct its cost from your The defending player chooses one of his ready units as
Play out a combat between those units. The winner of
reserve line goes first. In a tie, roll . unit’s available tactic points. You cannot play a tactic the target. If the defending player has no ready units
that combat wins the game. That’s it for the quick start
When it is your turn, you get 1 command. The card if you don’t have enough tactic points left. available, the attacking player chooses which enemy
unit he attacks. Rout checks never occur at the end of
rules! For details on how to play a full game, check out:
commands are: Tactics come in two varieties: combat and support.
You can only play combat tactics printed on a unit if a follow-up attack, the victorious unit always returns to war-cry.com
Attack with one of your ready battle line units.
that unit is in the combat. You can only play a support its owner’s battle line, committed.
Attack with one of your ready reserve line cavalry units.
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
player a player b
Strength Gauge
2 4 2 4 4
Card Anatomy
3 3 10
5 5
Unit and Attachment 2 units and attachments; you
Cards: can only have one of any
1. Army Alignment: e unit card attachment card action card type of attachment on a unit.
color of the card face indi- example example example 8. Abilities: Anything spe-
cates what army that card is cial your unit or attachment
aligned with. A blue face in- 6 does.
dicates e Grand Alliance,
1 7 1 7 1 9. Flavor Text: is text
a black face e Hordes of
11 serves no game purpose, but
Darkness, and a green face
gives special insight into the
represents neutral cards that 8 world of WarCry.
can be played by anyone.
Action Cards:
2. Name: e name of the 9 9 9
unit, attachment, or action 12 10. Tactic Point Cost: How
the card represents. many tactic points this ac-
tion costs to play.
3. Gold Cost: e cost to bonus the attachment or action will give, if will give, if any, to its unit’s tactic points.
Muster this unit or put this attachment into any, to its unit’s strength). 11. Abilities: What this action does when
6. Leadership: e number that determines you play it.
5. Tactic Points: is represents how ex- how vulnerable a unit is to routing, also
4. Strength: Strength helps you win com- ible your unit is (allowing you to play tactics used in Leadership Tests. 12. Die: is number is used for rolling in
bats and battles. is is your base (or the in combat), or the bonus the attachment WarCry.
7. Keywords: Keywords help describe your
GLOSSARY Battlefield: The space between Committed: When a unit card is Ready: A card that is in the upright
opposing players used to resolve turned (rotated) sideways from its postiion.
Abilities: Anything in a card’s Ability
combat. ready position.
area, such as a WarCry, Combat Reserve line: Each player’s second
Tactic, or Ranged Attack. Battle Line: Each player’s front rank Destroyed: Destroyed cards are rank of units.
of units. placed in their owner’s discard pile.
Action deck: Contains your tactics Reserve line unit: A unit in any
and reactions, this deck has a silver Battle line unit: A unit in any battle Leadership Test: To make a leadership reserve line.
shield on the back. line. test, roll. If you roll equal to or
less than the unit’s leadership, you Roll: Discarding the top card of your
Army deck: Contains your units and Combat Roll: Each player rolls, adding Action deck and using the die to
attachments, this deck has a gold the strength of their unit (including the determine the result.
shield on the back. bonuses of any tactics they played) to Muster: To put a card into play during
Rout Check: The winner of a battle
their roll. The highest number wins the the muster phase.
Attachments: Item, weapon, and rolls; if the number is equal to or
armor cards that you attach to your greater than the defeated unit’s
unit cards to help them in combat. leadership, the unit routs.
Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, and all imagery are trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. WarCry and the WarCry logo are trademarks of Sabertooth Games Inc.