Sybase Basic Commands
Sybase Basic Commands
Sybase Basic Commands
Commands Description
select @@bootcount number of times server restarted since installation.
select @@boottime date and time when server was last booted.
select @@dbts timestamp of current database.
select @@error most recently generated error number by system.
select @@errorlog path of ase dataserver error log.
select @@heapmemsize size of heap memory pool in bytes.
select @@identity most recently generated identity column values.
select @@isolation session specific isolation level.
select @@kernelmode kernel mode.
select @@lastlogindate last login date and time of user.
select @@maxpagesize server’s logical page size.
select @@nestlevel current nesting level
select @@optgoal current optimization goal setting.
select @@pagesize server’s virtual page size.
select @@parallel_degree current max parallel degree setting.
select @@rowcount number of rows affected by last query.
select @@scan_parallel_degree number of parallel degree for nonclustred index scan.
select @@servername server name.
select @@setrowcount current session set rowcount setting
select @@spid spid of current session.
select @@sqlstatus status of fetch command.
select @@tempdbid temporary database id of the session.
select @@thresh_hysteresis decrease in free space to activate threshold.
select @@timeticks number of microseconds per tick.
select @@total_read total disk read
select @@total_write total disk write.
select @@tranchained current session transaction mode (0- unchained 1- chained )
select @@trancount transaction nesting level of current session.
select @@transtate current state of transaction.
select @@version version of ase server.
select @@version_as_integer base version as number
select @@version_number version as a number.
View the server options sp_configure
Update server options sp_configure 'option_name', new_value
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