Is303 PDF
Is303 PDF
Is303 PDF
@ BXS 1990
This Indian Standard ( Third Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 21 Decem-
ber 1989, after the draft finalized by the Wood Products Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Indian Standard Specification for commercial ( common ) and moisture proof plywood ( tentative )
( IS 303 : 195 I ) published in 1951. This was subsequently revised in 1960 and 1975. This is the third
revision of the standard and in this revision, care has bee&%&p to utilize the depleting wood resource
In the second revision of the standard, namely, IS 303 : 1975 provided for four grades of plywood
based on the type of adhesive used and ten types of plywood depending upon the visual features of
face and back thus making a total of as many as 40 classes of plywood.
In this revision, BWR and CWR grades are deleted and the WWR is replaced by moisture resistant
or MR grade with temperature of water under normal atmospheric pressure in which test piece shall be
immersed brought down to 60 f 2°C from 70 f 2°C. This revision deletes face ‘A’ and ‘D’ quality-of
plywood, and retains face ‘B’ and ‘C’ now renamed as ‘A’ and ‘B’ thereby permitting in all 3 types
of plywood based on appearance.
In the formulation of this standard, due weightage has been given to international coordination among
standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to practices in the
field in this country.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressingthe result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified in this
Is 303 : 1989
Indian Standard
( Third Revision)
1 SCOPE requirements given in Table 1. However, the
maximum number of categories of defects per-
1.1 This standard covers the requirements of mitted on any one surface of the panel shall be
different grades and types of plywood used for restricted in accordance with the requirements
general purposes. laid down in Table 2.
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are
necessary adjuncts to this standard. 6.1 Timber
IS 303 : I989
8.2 Thickness 11.1 Six test pieces, cut from each of the boards
selected under 10.1 shall be subjected to the tests
Unless otherwise specified, thickness of plywood specified in 11.2 and 11.3.
boards shall be as specified in Table 3. The
thickness shall be measured up to one place of 11.2 Glue Adhesion
Glue adhesion shall be deemed satisfactory if the
8.3 Tolerances plywood complies with the requirements speciEed
in 11.2.1, 11.2.2 and 11.23.
The following tolerances on the nominal sizes of
Enished boards shall be permissible:
11.2.1 Glue Shear Strength in Dry State
Dimension Tolerance The plywood when tested in accordance with
a) Length : +6mm IS 1734 ( Part 4 ) : 1983 shall have an average
-0mm and a minimum individual shear strength not
less than the values specified in Table 4 against
b) Width : f3mm each grade.
- Omm
c) Thickness I I .2.2 Mycotogicat Test
1) less than 6mm : f 10% The plywood when tested in accordance with
2) 6 mm and above : Xt5% IS 1734 ( Part 7 ) : 1983 shall have an average
and a minimum individual shear strength, not
d) Squareness : @2%
less than the values shown in Table 4 against
e) Edge straightness : 0’2% each grade.
11.2.3 Water Resistance Test found not to be fully complying with the require-
ments of 11.2 and 11.3, a further similar set of
The plywood when tested in accordance with samples shall be taken at random from the same
IS 1734 ( Part 6 ) : 1983 shall have an average batch and subjected to the tests. If any of the
and a minimum individual shear strength, not samples in the second set is also found not to
less than the values shown in Table 4 against comply fully with the requirements of test, all the ’
each grade. boards in the batch represented by the samples
shall be rejected.
11.3 Moisture Content
The plywood when tested in accordance with
11.6 Other Tests
IS 1734 ( Part 1 ) : 1983 shall have a moisture For testing any other mechanical property of
content not less than 5 percent and not more than general purpose plywood, subject to agreement
15 percent. between the purchaser and the supplier, reference
shall be made to the provisions of IS 1734 ( Parts 1
11.4 For the purpose of tests specified in 11.2
to 20 ) : 1983.
and 11.3, the mean of all the observations and the
minimum individual value of the observations 12 MARKING
shall be reported in the form given in Annex D.
12.2 Each plywood board shaJ1 be legibly and
Table 4 Average and Minimum Individual indelibly marked or stamped with the following:
Shear Strength for Plywood
a) Indication of the source of manufacture,
(C&uses 11.2.1, 11.2.2 and 11.2.3)
b) Year of manufact ure,
Grade Shear (N)
r?:. I Y c) Batch No., and
State Mycolo. Water d) The grade and type as follows:
gical Resistance
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Minimum Average 1350 1 000 I ooo
12.2 All markings shall be done on the face of
individual 1100 800 800 the board near one corner.
ii) MR
Minimum Average 1 000 800 800 13 DELIVERY
individual 800 650 650
13.1 Unless otherwise specified, the plywood
11.5 Retest boards shall be delivered in a clean condition and
shall be suitably packed according to normal
If the samples selected as specified in 10.1 are trade.
( Clause 2.1 )
IS 303 : 1989
( Clause 6.1 )
NOTE - Species of timber to be treated (see 71.J ) are indicated by dagger (t).
SI Trade Name Botanical Name Abbrevia- Sl Trade Name Botanical Name Abbrevia-
No. tion No. tion
1. Aini Artocarpus hirsutus AIN 33. Indian Oak Quercus IOA
semecarptfI0 Ba
2. tAlder Ainus nitida ALD
34. Indian Oak Quercus dilatata IOA
3. TAlder Abtus spp. ALD
35. Indian Oak Quercus serrata IOA
4. Amari Amoora spp. AMA
36. Jaman Syzygium spp. JAM
5. tAmra Spondias spp. AMR
37. iJhingan Lannea JHI
6. Arjun Terminalia a@na ARJ coromandelica
7. tBahera Terminalia bellerica BAH ( Syn: Lannea
8. tBanati Lophopetalum grandis )
wightianum BAN 38. Jutili Altingia excelsa JUT
9. fBirch Benda, spp. BIR 39. tKadam Anthocephalus KAD
10. Bonsum Phoebe spp. BON catibmba
11. tCarallia Carallia brachiata CAR 40. fKanju Holopteka KAN
( Syn. Carallia integrifolia
integerrima ) 41. tKarani Cullenia KAR
12. Champ Michelia spp. CHM rosayroana
( Syn. cullenia
13. Chaplash Artocarpus Chaplasha CHP excelsa )
14. whatian Alstonia scholaris CHT 42. Kathal Artocarpus KAT
15. Chikrassy Chukrasia tabularis CHI heterophyllus
16. tchilauni Schima wallichii CHL 43. Kindal Terminatia KIN
17. Cinnamon Cinnamomum CIN panicubta
cecicodaphne 44. Kokko Albizia lebbeck KOK
18. tDebdaru Polyalthia spp. DEB 45. tLampati Duabanga LAP
19. tDhup Canarium spp. DHU grandtyora
Salmalia insignis 46. Laurel Terminatia tomentosa LAU
20. tDidu DID
21. tDillenia Dillenia spp. 47. t Litsa Liteasa pot’yantha LIT
22. Ebony Diospyros spp. EBO 48. tMachilus Machilus SQp. MAC
23. Elm Ulmus wallichiana ELM 49. Mahogany Swietenia spp. MAG
24. Gamari Gmelina arborea GAM 50. tMaina Teterameles MA1
25. tGaruga Garuga pinnata GAU
51. Makai Shot ea assamica MAK
26. tGoku1 Ailanthus grandis GOK
52. tMango Mangifea indica MAN
27. Gurjan Dipterocarpus spp. GUR
53. Maple Acer spp. MAP
28. fGute1 Trewia nudipora GUT
54. Menudito Enterolobium spp. MEN
29. Haldu Adina cordtfolia HAL ( Exotic ) (ENT)
30. Hathipaila Pterospermum HAT 55. Mullilam Fagara budnmga MUI
acerifo Bum ( Syn. Zanthoxyhon
31. tHollock Terminalia HOL rhetsa )
myriocarpa 56. tMundani Acrocarpus MUN
32. Hollong Dipterocarpus HON fraxinifolius
macrocarpus 57. tNarike1 Pterygota alata NAR
Is 303 : 1989
SI Trade Name Botanical Name Abbrevia- St Trade Name Botanical Name Abbrevia-
No. tion No. tion
58. Neem Azadirachta indica NEE 72. Rosewood Dalbergia latifoiia ROS
59. Nodunari Mansonia spp. NED 73. tSalai Boswellia serrata SAA
60. Pali Paiaquium PAL 74. Satinwood ChIoroxylon SAT
elhpticum swierenia
61. Persian Melia azadarach PLI 75. Seleng Sapium baccacum SEL
LiIach 76. tSemu1 Salmolia malabrica SEM
62. TPiney Kingiodendron PIN 77. $SiIver Oak Grevillea robusta SOA
( Syn. Hardwickia 78. Sissoo Dalbergia sissoo SIS,
pinnata ) 79. Teak Tectona grandis TEA
63. Pitraj Aphanamixis PIT 80. Toon Cedrela spp. TOO,
polystachya 81. tUda1 Rrmiana uillosa UDA
64. Poon Colopyllum spp. PO0 ( Syn. Slerculia
65. Poplar Populus ciliata POP villosa )
66. Poplar Populus deltoides POP 82. Uriam Bischofa javanica URI
67. tPula Kydia calycina PUL 83. tvellapine Vateria lndica VEL.
68. Pussur Xylocarpus PUS 84. tWalnut Juglans spp. WAL.
molluccensis 85. TWhite Terminalia procera WBO+
69. Pyinma Lugerstroemia PYI Bombwe
hypokuca ( badam )
70. Red Bombwe PIauchoniavalida RBO 86. White Cedar Dysoxybn WCE
( Syn. Planchonia malabricum
andamanku ) 87. tWhite Terminalia bialata WCH
71. tRed Dhup Parish ia insignis RDH Chuglam ( Sapwood )
( Clause 9.2 )
C-l PROCEDURE FOR EDGE STRAIGHT- largest gap between the straightedge and the edge:
NESS shall be measured to the nearest miihmetre and
C-l.1 The st&ightuess of the edges and ends of C-2 PROCEDURE FOR SQUARENESS
plywood shall be verified against a straightedge
not less than the full length of the plywood. If C-2.1 The squareness of plywood shall be checked
the edge on the end of plywood is convex, it shall with a 1200 mm x 1200 mm square, by applying,
be held against the straightedge in such a way as one arm of the square to the plywood. The maxi-
to give approximately qua1 gap at each end. The mum width of the gap shah be recorded.
Is 303 : 1989
( Clause 11.4)
BIS is8 atatlltory ill8titlltioll utile lllldu the Ahweauof Indoll stordrrrdr Acr, 1986 to romotc
harmoniotu development the actmm of standardization,marking and quality certificationoF gooda
and~toconaectalm8ttemiothc country.
BJS ‘hr the copyright.of all ib publicationh No part of these publications &ay be rcprod~ in
m)r I- without the prior pcrmi&m in writingof BIS. This does not preclude the fkcc WC,IQ f9c
QoIlne ofimpl-stingthe rtmdud,of l=-=y dctaiis, wch (u symbols and rizes, type or grade
dkigoations. Enquiria misting to copyrightb addressedto the Diior ( Publication8), BIS.
~Bhavra,9BabdurShahZafarMarg,New Delhi 110002
‘:331 01 31, 331 13 75 Tel-:-
(Commonto allotscer)
ItCgiOdm: Tdcphone
~:MuukBh8valls9Bldladllrsh8hzITvMarg 33101 31
NEWDBLHI lloood 331 13 75
i &stem : l~Asldl18&vII I% v. I. P. Road, ManiLtdr 378662
( Page 2, clause 7.1.1, last sentence ) - Substitute ‘IS 5539 : 1969’ fw ‘IS
5539 : 1966’.
( Page 3, clause 735.1 ) - Insert ‘,’ after the word ‘plywood’ in line 2 and
insert ‘5 ply’ after the words ‘in case of’ in line 3.
( Page 4, Annex A ) - Substitute the following for the existing titles for
‘IS 707 : 1976 ’ and IS 1734 ( Part 1) : 1983’:
Reprography Unit, BE, New Delhi, India
( Seco+ cover page, Foreword ) - Insert the following after fifth para as a
separate para:
‘A scheme of labclling environment friendly products to be known as EC0 Mark
has been introduced at the instance of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MEF), Government of India. Tbe EC0 Mark shall be administered by the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BE) under the BfS Act, 1986 as per the Resolution
No. 71 dated 21 February 1991 and Resolution No. 425 dated 28 October 1992
published in the Gazette of the Government of India. For a product to be eligible
for EC0 Mark, it shall a!so carry the Standard Mark of the BIS besides meeting
additional environment ~friendly requirements. For this purpose, the Standard
Mark of BIS would be a single mark being a combination of the ISI Mark and
the Eco logo. Requirements to be satisfied for a product to qualify for the BIS
Standard Mark for Eco friendliness, will be included in the relevant published
Indian Standards through an amendment. These requirements will be optional;
manufacturirig units will be free to opt for IS1 Mark alone also.
The amendment pertaining to Eco criteria is based on the Gazette Notification
No. 170 dated 18 May 1996 for Wood Substitutes as Environment Friendly
Products ~publisbcd in the Gazette of~tbe Government of India.
(Page 1, clause 6.1 ) - Insert the following at the end of the clause:
‘For EC0 Mark only species of wood from sources other than natural forests
such as wood from rubber, coconut, cashew, industrial and social forestry
plantations etc and shade trees from tea and coffee estates shall be used for the
manufacture of plywood.’
i Pnge 3, clause 10.1)- Substitute ‘IS 7638: 1999’for ‘IS 7638: 1975’.
( Page 4, clause 11.6 ) - Insert the following xew clause after 11.6 and
renumber the subsequent clauses:
Amend No. 2 to IS 303 : 1989
( Page 4, renumbered clause 13.1 ) - Insert the following matter under the
‘e) The criteria for which the plywood has been labelled as EC0 Mark.’
(Page 4, renumbered clause 14.1 ) - Insert the following at the end of the
‘For EC0 Mark the material used for packaging of the plywood shall be
recyclable, reusable or biodegradable.’