Platelets: o Serotonin, ADP & ATP o Destroyed by RES
Platelets: o Serotonin, ADP & ATP o Destroyed by RES
Platelets: o Serotonin, ADP & ATP o Destroyed by RES
o Destroyed by RES
Lab. Exercises:
Developed by a pluripotent stem cells that has been
Platelet Count
influence by colony stimulating factor produce:
o Hemocytometer
macrophages, T lymphocytes, fibroblasts, stimulated
o Blood smear endothelial cells.
Platelet Function Tests Platelet Structure and Biochemistry
o Bleeding Time Four Functional Platelet Zones
o Capillary Fragility Test 1. Peripheral zone
o Clot Retraction Time - Associated by platelet adhesion and aggregation
Coagulation Studies 2. Sol gel zone
o Clotting Time (Slide and Tube) - Provide cytoskeletal system for platelets and contact
o PT when the platelets are stimulated.
o APTT 3. Organelle zone
2 Phases: - Contain 3 types of granules: lysosomes, alpha, dense
1. Primary Coagulation/ Hemostasis – the platelet are 4. Membrane system
involved in the formation of clotting. - Contains dense tubular system which the enzymatic
2. Secondary Hemostasis/Coagulation- involved are the system for the production of the prostaglandins
coagulation studies particularly the coagulation factors. synthesis is found.
General Consideration Platelet Ultrastructure
Bizzozero (1882)
- Recognized the platelet as a cell structure, different
from the RBC & WBC.
- 1970 the scientist recognized the relationship of this
cell in hemostasis and thrombosis
Thrombocytes/ Platelet
- Small cells, Disk-shaped cells (0.3 to 3.0 μm)
Involved in Hemostasis
Normal Value – 150,000 – 400,000/cumm
Makes 14,000 trips through the blood stream during the
Life span – 7 to 10 days (after 10 days they engulf
macrophages in the spleen)
Platelet Count
o Wright’s stained blood smear Glycocalyx
o Haemocytometer - Outer membrane surface, rich in glycoprotein that
o Electronic cell counter serves as a membrane receptor:
Platelet Development o Gp Ib – receptor for von willebrand factor
Synthesized in the bone marrow (coagulation factor that is release by the endothelial
Stimulated by the hormone TPO (Thrombocytopoietin) cells whenever there is damage to the vessel wall),
Thrombopoietin is generated in the kidneys, partly also ristocetin is also present. For primary hemostasis.
in the spleen and liver. o Gp IIb & Gp IIIa
Parent cells – megakaryocytes ( large cells found in the - Receptors for Von willebrand factor and fibrinogen ,
bone marrow, does not undergo cellular division but and expose by the stimulation of thrombin and
rather they undergo the process endomitosis/ adenosine diphosphate. For primary hemostasis.
endoreduplication) (80 to 150 μm) o Gp Va
Endoreduplication / endomytosis – creates a cell with - Receptor for thrombin, for secondary hemostasis.
multi-lobe nucleus Microtubule and microfilament
Each megakaryocytes produces about 2,000 platelets - Provide an active means of platelet contraction in
80% - circulation order to squeeze out the contents of cytoplasmic
20% - spleen granules within the platelets.
Granules: alpha & dense granules - secreted during - Microtubules- support the normal discoid shape of
platelet release reaction and contain many bio- chemical the platelets
active components:
- Microfilaments/ thrombosthenin – contain an actin the local inflammation and vasodilation which
the is closely related to microtubules. increases the blood.
Symptoms of thrombocytosis:
Primary thrombocytosis: erythromelalgia,
How to diagnose:
Peripheral smear
Bone marrow biopsy
How to treat:
No symptoms no treatment
Secondsry thrombocytosis: aspirin (low dose)
Primary thrombocytosis with symptoms:
o Aspirin
o Hydroxyurea(cytoreducing agent)
o Anegrelide
JAK2 Ruxolitinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor)
Decrease number of platelets
Causes: Pseudothrombocytopenia,
Blood sample is collected either by finger prick or in a
tube with anticoagulant EDTA
Equipments & Reagents:
1. Haemocytometer – improved Neubauer’s counting
2. Compound microscope
3. Cover slips – thicker than those for conventional
microscopy. Distance bet. the bottom of the chamber
and the cover is 0.1mm
4. Pricking apparatus
5. Spirit swab
Platelet Pathophysiology 6. Diluting Fluids
o The platelets are tiny and should be made
visible by staining
o Fluids prevents platelet clumping
7. Diluent
2 Kinds:
1. Fluids that lyse RBCs
- Only platelets are seen
- Ammonium oxalate
2. Isotonic to RBCs
- Formol citrate
- Platelets are counted in bet. RBCs