Data Analysis Method
Data Analysis Method
Data Analysis Method
and Immersion
Quarter 2 Module 1- Lesson 1
Lesson 1- Data Analysis Method
Warming Up
Task 1. The Prior
A. Concept Web of Data and Analysis.
Book Numbers
Data analysis is the practice of systematically applying statistical and/or logical approaches to
explain and demonstrate, condense and recap, and assess data. The precise and appropriate
analysis of study findings is a critical component in ensuring data integrity.
Property Rights
Logical Fallacies
False Analogies
Column A Column B
Intellectually Honest Form of Misleading Form of
Communication Communication
Books Social media
Blog posts
Additional Tasks
Task 1: The Venn
Qualitative Quantitative
Analysis Method Analysis Method
Composed of Number-based
Both can Objective
Subjective display data
graphically Less in-depth but
More in-depth more breadth of
information information
produce data Statistical tests are
No statistical tests
to analyze used for analysis
Table 1 presents the data on which how the 51 selected students of Grade 11 and 12 perceive
the attitude of their teachers. Based on Table 1, on Favorable Attitude category, 32 out of 51
informants perceived that some of their teachers have long patience, 34 out of 51 respond that
their teachers are caring about them, 31 out of 51 informants view their teachers possessing the
kind personality, out of 51 informants 40 of them see their teachers as dedicated to teaching, 24
out of 51 respond that their teachers show enthusiasm, 18 informants respond that some of their
teachers are punctual.
Although, in spite of having a promising character, the informants encountered some
negative traits which is written below the Unfavorable Attitude category. As shown in the table, 3
out of 51 informants observed that some of their teachers lack of confidence in teaching, 29 of
them perceived some teachers as strict, 2 informants noticed that there are teachers who are
being arrogant, 30 out of 51 perceived some of their teachers having standard level, there are 6
students out of 51 view their teachers teaching nonchalantly, and out of 51, 4 students observed
that some of their teachers are always late in class.
The researchers discovered the most visible teachers' positive and negative attitudes,
which are constantly perceived by the students, based on the findings. In terms of positive
attitudes (78% of respondents), dedication to teaching is most notable among teachers who
perceive their teachers to be dedicated to what they do. Second, the students noticed that their
teachers care about them (67% of the informants agreed), regardless of how they show it. Third,
63% of the respondents agreed that some of their teachers have a long-suffering attitude and are
willing to compromise with their students' actions. Then, according to 61% of the students, some of
their teachers have a pleasant personality and are considerate in a variety of ways. Students
perceive their teachers to be enthusiastic (47% in response) in their fields and to take an active
interest in whatever they are doing. Some students believe that some of their teachers are
punctual (35% of which agreed), and that they arrive and complete tasks on time.
The most perceptible unfavorable attitude among teachers is having a set standard level
(59%) for students, regardless of how low or high it is. Next is teacher’s acquiring an attitude of
being strict (57% agreed). Some informants have also noticed that some of their teachers teach
nonchalantly (12%) and that some teachers discuss lessons with apathy. Some students (8% of the
respondents) agreed that some of their teachers arrived late to class. Some students (6%) noticed
that some of their teachers lacked confidence in their ability to teach. In terms of the variable,
informants have their own set of emotions that they experience whenever they encounter the
teachers' attitudes. The majority of respondents (67%) said that seeing and feeling their teachers
have a positive attitude makes them happy.
This result suggests that teachers do have an impact on students' willingness, activeness,
and motivation in various aspects of lifelong learning. According to some sources, the mood of the
teachers has an impact on the entire class. Inside the classroom, teachers' attitudes have an
impact on students' behavior and performance in front of the teachers. Even so, the results show
that teachers have positive attitudes that result in productive students as they collaborate with
one another, as well as negative attitudes that must be minimized in order to produce better
A. Identification
1. Intellectual Honesty 11. Descriptive Statistics
2. Data Analysis 12. Inferential Statistics
3. Axial Coding 13. Mean
4. Descriptive Statistics 14. Median
5. Code 15. Mode
16. Percentage
B. Enumeration
17. Frequency
6. Content Analysis 18. Range
7. Narrative Analysis 19. It ensures support for chosen ideologies does
8. Framework Analysis not interfere with the pursuit of truth.
9. Discourse Analysis 20. It assures that relevant facts and information
10. Grounded Theory are not purposefully omitted even when such
things may contradict one's hypothesis.
C. Essay
1. Why is it important that a
researcher must have in-depth understanding of the different data analysis methods?
- Researchers must learn how to analyze data and become trained in order to demonstrate
a high standard of research practice. In order to gain better data insights, researchers should
have more than a basic understanding of the rationale for choosing one statistical method
over another.
2. Write in your own words one (1) paragraph description of either quantitative or qualitative data
analysis. Include its relevance in your research problem and how it will assist you to qualify
the data gathered.
- Quantitative data is defined as the value of data expressed in counts or numbers, with
each data set having a distinct numerical value. This is where our research problem will
revolve. We will gather sets of data from the tests and experiments we will be conducting, turn
them into words, into numerical values or even graphs that will illustrate our findings. It will
really be of great help to us and the very embodiment of our research.
Task 1: Defining Interpretation of Data
What is interpretation of data referred to in research?
- Data interpretation refers to the implementation of processes through which data is
reviewed for the purpose of arriving at an informed conclusion. The interpretation of data assigns
a meaning to the information analyzed and determines its signification and implications.