Inspecting Staff Manual - Operations
Inspecting Staff Manual - Operations
Inspecting Staff Manual - Operations
Part C : Route/Role/Area and
Aerodrome/Operating Site Instruction and Information
PA = Prior Approval; A = Applicable, NA = Not Applicable; Reference – OM reference; C = Compliant, NC = Not Compliant
Reference Item PA A/NA Reference Compliance Criteria C/NC Remarks
ORO.MLR.100 The operator shall ensure that all personnel are able to
understand the language in which those parts of the OM
1. which pertain to their duties and responsibilities are
ORO.MLR.100 The content of the OM shall be presented in a form that
2. can be used without difficulty and observes human
factors principles.
AMC1 ORO.MLR.100 For the route and aerodrome part of the OM, material
produced by the operator may be supplemented with or
substituted by applicable route guide material produced
by a specialist company.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 Introduction The content of the OM shall reflect the
requirements set out in Annex III (Part-ORO),
ORO.GEN.110 (a) A statement that the manual complies with all applicable Annex IV (Part-CAT) and Annex V (Part-SPA), as
4. regulations and with the terms and conditions of the
ORO.MLR.100 applicable, and shall not contravene the
applicable Air Operator Certificate. conditions contained in the operations
specifications to the air operator certificate (AOC).
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 A statement that the manual contains operational Every flight shall be conducted in accordance with
5. instructions that are to be complied with by the relevant the provision of the ops manual.
ORO.GEN.110 (b) personnel.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 Explanations and definitions of terms and words needed Definitions to be checked according annex I to
for the use of the manual. regulation 965/2012.
7. AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 System of amendment and revision For amendments required to be notified in
accordance with ORO.GEN.115(b) and
ORO.MLR.100 (a) Details of the person(s) responsible for the issuance ORO.GEN.130(c), the operator shall supply the
and insertion of amendments and revisions. competent authority with intended amendments
in advance of the effective date; and
For amendments to procedures associated with
prior approval items in accordance with
Reference Item PA A/NA Reference Compliance Criteria C/NC Remarks
ORO.GEN.130, approval shall be obtained before
the amendment becomes effective.
When immediate amendments or revisions are
required in the interest of safety, they may be
published and applied immediately, provided that
any approval required has been applied for.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 A record of amendments and revisions with insertion The operator shall incorporate all amendments
8. dates and effective dates. and revisions required by the competent
ORO.MLR.100 authority.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 Annotation of changes (on text pages and, as far as The OM shall be kept up to date. All personnel
12. practicable, on charts and diagrams). shall be made aware of the changes that are
ORO.MLR.100 relevant to their duties.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 Temporary revisions. The operator should describe the conditions for
temporary revisions.
13. ORO.MLR.100
14. AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 A description of the distribution system for the manuals, The operator shall be capable of distributing
amendments and revisions. operational instructions and other information
ORO.AOC.150 without delay.
ORO.MLR.100 All operations personnel shall have easy access to
the portions of the OM that are relevant to their
The OM shall be kept up to date. All personnel
Reference Item PA A/NA Reference Compliance Criteria C/NC Remarks
shall be made aware of the changes that are
relevant to their duties.
Each crew member shall be provided with a
personal copy of the relevant sections of the OM
pertaining to their duties. Each holder of an OM,
or appropriate parts of it, shall be responsible for
keeping their copy up to date with the
amendments or revisions supplied by the
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (a) minimum flight level/altitude; Definition of minimum flight level and minimum
flight altitude as per ICAO annex 2.
16. Usually, it is the highest of MGA, MEA or the
minimum available in the class of airspace in
which the aircraft is operating.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (b) operating minima for departure, destination and Take-off minima and landing minima should be
alternate aerodromes; considered.
17. CAT.OP.MPA.110
AMCs provide details regarding the minima to be
AMCs CAT.OP.MPA.110 fulfilled.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (c) communication facilities and navigation aids; For each route/area flown, a description of the
18. communication facilities and navigation aids
should be done.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (d) runway/final approach and take-off area (FATO) data
and aerodrome/operating site facilities;
20. AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (e) approach, missed approach and departure
procedures including noise abatement procedures;
Reference Item PA A/NA Reference Compliance Criteria C/NC Remarks
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (f) communication-failure procedures; For each route/area flown, a description of the
21. communication failure procedures should be
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (g) search and rescue facilities in the area over which the
22. aircraft is to be flown;
26. AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (k) aerodrome/operating site categorisation for flight The operations manual should describe the
crew competence qualification; method of categorisation of aerodromes and
AMC1 ORO.FC.105(b)(2);(c) provide a list of those aerodrome categorised as B
or C.
All aerodromes to which an operator operates
should be categorised in one of these three
(i) category A - an aerodrome that meets all of the
following requirements:
(A) an approved instrument approach procedure;
(B) at least one runway with no performance
limited procedure for take-off and/or landing;
(C) published circling minima not higher than 1
000 ft above aerodrome level; and
Reference Item PA A/NA Reference Compliance Criteria C/NC Remarks
(D) night operations capability.
(ii) category B - an aerodrome that does not meet
the category A requirements or which requires
extra considerations such as:
(A) non-standard approach aids and/or approach
(B) unusual local weather conditions;
(C) unusual characteristics or performance
limitations; or
(D) any other relevant considerations including
obstructions, physical layout, lighting, etc.
(iii) category C - an aerodrome that requires
additional considerations to a category B
(iv) offshore installations may be categorised as
category B or C aerodromes, taking into account
the limitations determined in accordance with
AMC2 CAT.OP.MPA.105 Use of aerodromes and
operating sites.
AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 (l) special aerodrome/operating site limitations For category B and C aerodromes, a specific
(performance limitations and operating procedures, briefing should be developed addressing:
CAT.OP.MPA.105 etc.).
- Generalities related to the aerodrome
- Special requirements (training…)
- Operational restrictions/limitations
- Operating procedures
Reference Item PA A/NA Reference Compliance Criteria C/NC Remarks
(a) a description of the landing site (position, surface,
slope, elevation, etc.);
(b) the preferred landing direction; and
(c) obstacles in the area.