The Little Prince: Lesson

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Year B
The Little Prince
3rd Quarter
Lesson 1 COMMUNITY We help each other.

2 Kings 11; Prophets and Kings, pp. 215, 216.

Memory Verse
“Love each other like brothers and sisters” (Romans 12:10, ICB).

The children will:
Know that they can help protect others.
Feel sympathy for those who are threatened.
Respond by standing up for those who are treated unfairly.

The Message

I n God’s family, we love and protect each other.

Getting Ready to Teach

The Bible Lesson at a Glance Young Joash is a good king who leads his
Wicked Queen Athaliah wants to kill people back to worship the true God.
Baby Joash and all the other princes so
they can never become king. But his aunt This is a lesson about community.
Jehosheba (wife of priest Jehoiada) takes Christian families protect and sup-
him away and hides him in the temple port their communities. That protection
for six years. When he is 7 years old, his may not take the drastic form it did
uncle Jehoiada, the priest, crowns him for Joash, but Christians protect others
king in place of Queen Athaliah. Soldiers because Christ and His angels protect
protect Joash and lead Athaliah away. them.


Program Outline

Welcome ongoing Greet students at door; hear none


1 Readiness up to 10 A. Dress Up box, clothes

Activities  B. Mystery Boxes small boxes, pictures or figures of
people, picture of a church

* Prayer and up to 10 See page 13.

Praise* *Prayer and Praise may be
used at any time during the program.
2 Bible Lesson up to 20 Experiencing the Story none

Bible Study Bible

Memory Verse Bible

3 Applying up to 15 Protecting Others none

the Lesson

4 Sharing up to 15 Paper People Chain Paper People Chain pattern (see

the Lesson p. 140), paper, scissors, crayons

Teacher Enrichment their own and also to aid others; but you
“Those who took part in acclaiming should help those who stand most in
Joash king, had solemnly covenanted ‘that need of help” (Testimonies for the Church,
they should be the Lord’s people.’ And vol. 2, p. 75).
now that the evil influence of the daughter How do you protect and love the
of Jezebel had been removed from the children in your church? Do you feel as if
kingdom of Judah, and the priests of Baal they are part of your family?
had been slain and their temple destroyed,
‘all the people of the land rejoiced: and Room Decorations
the city was quiet.’ 2 Chronicles 23:16, Set up part of the room to look like
21” (Prophets and Kings, p. 216). a palace/temple. This set will be used all
“The prominent position which you month. Have pillars (perhaps made of
as a family occupy in the church makes rolled corrugated cardboard), cushions
it highly necessary for you to be bur- or pillows on the floor, and a large chair
den bearers. Not that you are to take (for a throne) with a purple or red cloth
burdens for those who are able to bear draped over it.


Teaching the Lesson

Welcome children at the door. Ask how their week has been—what
they are pleased/troubled about. Encourage them to share any expe-
riences from last week’s lesson study. Have them begin the readiness
activity of your choice.

1 Readiness Activities
Select the activity most appropriate for your situation.

A. Dress Up
In a box, place clothes that represent people in the
You Need: church: mothers, fathers, boys, girls, pastors, choir members,
teachers, deacons, etc. Say: Let’s dress up and pretend
q box
we are people in the church.
q clothes

Allow response time as you ask: How do these people help us in
church? (Teachers help us learn about the Bible, pastors tell us about God, choir
members praise God by singing, deacons help by collecting the offering and by
caring for the church, etc.) What’s your favorite part of being a family?
Do family members protect each other? How do people in your family
help protect each other? (by watching out for each other, standing up for
each other, etc.) It feels good to be part of a family, because family
members love and protect one another. People in the church, in God’s
family, care for and protect one another. The Bible story today is
about a family that protected a baby. Today’s message is:

In God’s family, we love and protect each other.

Say that with me.

B. Mystery Boxes
In advance, put pictures or figures of different people (toy
You Need: people), such as men, women, boys, girls, etc., in small boxes,
one to each box. Hide them around the room and ask the
q small boxes
children to find a box. Say: We are going to open these
q pictures or
boxes one at a time. You can shake the box, listen,
figures of
and guess what’s inside. Children each take a box and
shake it. Allow time for guessing. Say: (Name of child),
q picture of a
would you open your box and show us what is inside?
Child opens box and tells what’s inside. Say: Oh, your figure
is a (boy). Now, (name of another child), you may open your box.
Continue in this manner until all the boxes are opened.


Allow response time as you ask: One person in a church would be
lonely, don’t you think? Let’s put all our people together in front
of the picture of a church. It takes many people of all ages to make
a church. The church is people, not just a building. People in the
church, in God’s family, love and protect each other. The Bible story
today is about a family protecting a baby. Today’s message is:

In God’s family, we love and protect each other.

Say that with me.


Report the students’ joys and sorrows (pleased and troubled) as reported
to you at the door (as appropriate). Allow time for sharing experiences from
last week’s lesson study and review the memory verse. Acknowledge any
birthdays, special events, or achievements. Give a special warm greeting to
all visitors.
Suggested Songs
“The Helping Song” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 297)
“Love One Another” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 264)
“Care for One Another” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 262)
“Be Kind to One Another” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 260)
“Plenty of Room in the Family” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 248)
Say: In God’s family, people help protect one another in all the
different countries of the world. Use a story from Children’s Mission.
Say: In God’s family, people help protect one another. We also
serve God when we give Him our offerings. Today our offering is
for ____________ mission.
Say: Let’s pray together. Children, please repeat after me. Thank
You, Jesus, that people in God’s family protect each other. Amen.

*Prayer and Praise may be used at any time during the program.


2 Bible Lesson

Experiencing the Story nurse took care of Joash [clap hands].

Say: We’re going to hear a story Aunt Jehosheba and Uncle Jehoiada kept
about how God kept a little boy him hidden from bad Queen Athaliah
named Joash safe from a bad woman. [thumbs down]. They secretly taught him
Her name was Queen Athaliah. that someday he would be king. Though
When I say “Athaliah,” I want you he was just a boy, Joash [clap hands]
to point your thumbs down. When I knew that one day he would rule over
say “Joash,” I want you to clap your Israel.
hands. Practice these before starting the And finally that day came. Joash
story. [clap hands] was 7 years old when Uncle
Jehoiada decided it was time to crown
Read or tell the story. him king. Uncle Jehoiada called soldiers
Prince Joash [clap hands] lived in the to the temple and told them that Prince
royal palace in Israel. But even though Joash [clap hands] was alive. He told
Joash [clap hands] was a prince he them he and Aunt Jehosheba had been
still needed someone to protect him. protecting Prince Joash [clap hands]
He needed protection from Athaliah from bad Queen Athaliah [thumbs
[thumbs down], the bad queen. down] for six years. He asked the soldiers
Queen Athaliah [thumbs down] was to gather around the prince to protect
very angry. She was so angry that she him from Athaliah [thumbs down] as
wanted to hurt all the princes in Israel Joash [clap hands] was crowned king.
who could someday become king. There The soldiers agreed, because they knew
was no way Joash [clap hands] could Queen Athaliah [thumbs down] would
protect himself from Queen Athaliah hurt Joash [clap hands] if she could.
[thumbs down], because he was just a They would stay close to Joash [clap
baby. hands] and protect him wherever he
Joash [clap hands] had an aunt went.
named Jehosheba, who lived in the Soon after that, Uncle Jehoiada led
temple with her husband, Jehoiada, the Prince Joash [clap hands] out of the
priest. Because she believed in God, temple. A crowd of people had gathered
she chose to protect Joash [clap hands] to see what was happening. Just as they
from Queen Athaliah [thumbs down]. had promised, the soldiers gathered
So Jehosheba secretly took the baby boy around the boy who would become their
and his nurse to the temple. Jehosheba king.
and her husband decided to hide them Uncle Jehoiada poured sweet-smell-
in a room there. ing oil on Joash’s [clap hands] head.
For six years Joash [clap hands] and He gave Joash [clap hands] a copy of
his nurse lived in the temple with Aunt the law and proclaimed him king. The
Jehosheba and Uncle Jehoiada. The crowd watched quietly as Jehoiada


put the crown on Joash’s [clap hands] Debriefing

head. Then all the people cheered and Allow response time as you ask:
shouted, “Long live the king!” The Why do you think Jehosheba and
trumpeters blew their trumpets, and the Jehoiada secretly hid Joash for so
singers led songs of praise. Everyone was many years? Is it easy or hard to
happy that Joash [clap hands] had be- keep a baby quiet? What do you
come their king. think Joash thought about being
Queen Athaliah [thumbs down] crowned a king when he was only
heard all the noise and came running to 7 years old? How do you think he
the temple. There she saw a boy who felt when Queen Athaliah saw him?
had just been crowned king! She was How could you protect someone
surprised. And she was very angry! She who needed help? God gives us our
ordered the soldiers to take Joash [clap church family so we can care for
hands] away. But the soldiers took her and help protect each other. We
away instead. She could no longer be protect and care for others because
queen. God wants us to help those who
Joash [clap hands] was the new king! are in need. Do you remember our
He would be safe now. He sat on the message? Let’s say it together:
royal throne and ruled over Israel. He
knew that God had led Aunt Jehosheba In God’s family, we love
and Uncle Jehoiada to protect him all and protect each
those years. And he was a good king other.
who led his people to know God again.

Debriefing Memory Verse

Allow response time as you ask: How Turn to Romans 12:10 and You Need:
long did Jehosheba and Jehoiada say: This is where we find our
q Bible
hide Joash? Where did they hide memory verse in God’s Word,
him? How old was Joash when he the Bible. Point to the verse and read it
was crowned king? What did the aloud. “Love each other like broth-
people shout when he was crowned? ers and sisters.” Teach the children
Was Queen Athaliah happy or angry the following actions as you teach the
when she saw Joash? Was Joash a memory verse:
good king? How do you know?
Love Cross arms over
Bible Study chest.
Open your Bible to
You Need: 2 Kings 11. Point to the each other Point to others.
verses and say: This is
q Bible
where today’s story like brothers Point to a boy.
is found in the Bible. Read a few
verses aloud, paraphrasing as necessary. and sisters. Point to a girl.

Romans 12:10 Palms together,

then open.


3 Applying the Lesson

Protecting Others tion? Why? How do you know when

Use the following scenarios to help someone needs help and protection?
the children realize that they can have a (when bad things might happen to them)
part in protecting people in the commu- Protecting someone, especially
nity of faith. Be sure to use the debrief- a younger or smaller child, is a
ing activity that follows. very brave thing to do. In your
family, who protects you? Whom
1. You and a friend are playing with a do you protect?
ball in your yard. The ball rolls into How can you protect a younger
the street. Your friend runs after it. child from another child who is
You see a car coming. What can being mean to them? How can you
you do to help protect your friend? help keep them safe from hurting
2. You and your mother are walking themselves when they play with
in the park. Some big boys are things they shouldn’t? Can you
throwing stones high up in the air show them you care by playing
so they fall on the sidewalk near gently with them? Can you help
you. What can you do to help protect them when they are afraid?
protect your mother and yourself Can you protect an older person
from the stones? by not running around them so you
3. On a cold Sabbath morning you won’t bump into them and make
come to Sabbath School. The them fall?
church steps are covered with ice. God wants us to help protect
People are walking toward the and care for other people.
church. What can you do to help How can you protect your
keep them from falling on the icy brother or sister at home? at
steps? church? when you are playing
outdoors? Why should we care for
Debriefing and protect others? Remember
Allow response time as you ask: Who our message:
was in danger and needed protec-
tion in each of these stories? Do In God’s family, we love
you think they knew they were in and protect each
danger? What do you think about other.
helping people who need protec-


4 Sharing the Lesson

Paper People Chain to protect each other like these

Copy the Paper paper people are joined together
You Need: People Chain pattern with their hands. People in our
(see p. 140) for each church, in God’s family, love and
qP  aper People child. Fold the pattern protect each other because they
Chain as indicated and help are just like brothers and sisters.
pattern the children cut it out. We help each other because we
(see p. 140) The children can draw want to be like Jesus, who helps
qp  aper faces on the peo- and protects us.
q s cissors
ple and color them. Take your Paper People Chain
qc  rayons Encourage them to home with you and share it with
make some of them look like people someone this week as you tell
they know or see at church. about Joash’s aunt and uncle pro-
tecting him all those years. Let’s
Debriefing say our message together one
Allow responses as you ask: Did last time:
you make your paper people look
like anyone you know at church? In God’s family, we love
In a church, people join together and protect each

Sing “Good-bye Prayer” (Little Voices Praise Him, no. 44).
Say a short prayer similar to the following: Dear Jesus,
please help us as we love and protect each other. We
love You. Amen.



The Little Prince

References Have you ever been picked on by someone bigger or older than you? Did you wish
2 Kings 11; you had someone who could help and protect you? Prince Joash’s aunt and uncle did
Prophets and just that.
Kings, pp. 215,
Prince Joash lived in the royal palace for you to protect the prince from the
in Israel. But even though Joash was a queen. It is time for Joash to be crowned
prince, he still needed someone to pro- king.”
Memory Verse
tect him. He needed protection from The soldiers agreed. They knew the
“Love each other
Athaliah, the queen. queen was evil. They promised to stay
like brothers and
Queen Athaliah was cruel and mean. close to Joash wherever he went.
sisters” (Romans
She didn’t want Joash to become king. Soon after that, Uncle Jehoiada led
12:10, ICB).
Joash could not protect himself from Prince Joash out of the temple to a place
Queen Athaliah, because he was just where a crowd had gathered. Just as
The Message
a baby. So God sent someone to take they had promised, the soldiers gathered
In God’s care of him. around Joash.
Joash‘s aunt Jehosheba lived in the Uncle Jehoiada poured sweet-smell-
family, we love temple with her husband, Jehoiada, ing oil on Joash’s head. He gave Joash
and protect the priest. She chose to listen to God a copy of the law and then proclaimed
each other. and protect Joash from the cruel queen. him king. The crowd watched quietly
So Jehosheba secretly took baby Joash as Jehoiada put the crown on Joash’s
and his nurse to the temple. There she head. Then all the people cheered and
and her husband hid them in a bedroom. shouted, “Long live the king! Long live
For six years Aunt Jehosheba and the king!” The trumpeters blew their
Uncle Jehoiada kept him hidden. They trumpets, and the singers led songs of
secretly taught him that someday praise.
he would be king. Queen Athaliah heard all the noise.
Though he was just She rushed to the temple. There she saw
a little boy, Joash a boy who had just been crowned king!
knew that one day She was surprised. And she was very
he would rule over angry! She ordered the soldiers to take
Israel. Joash away. But the soldiers took her
And finally that away instead. She would no longer be
day came. When Joash queen.
was 7 years old, Uncle Joash would be safe now as he ruled
Jehoiada decided it over Israel. He knew that God had led
was time to make him Aunt Jehosheba and Uncle Jehoiada to
king. Uncle Jehoiada help and protect him all those years.
called soldiers to the And he was a good king all the years his
temple. “Prince Joash uncle Jehoiada lived. He led his people
is alive,” he told them. to know God again.
“Aunt Jehosheba and We can help and protect babies
I have been protect- and little children, too. We can make
ing Prince Joash from sure they are safe. We can play gently
Queen Athaliah for six with them. We obey God when we
years. Now it is time protect and care for His children.


Do and Say
Sabbath child while you supervise. Remind your child of ways
Each day this week, read the lesson story together they can help and protect younger children. Show
and review the memory verse by using the following your child a stuffed animal that is often used as a pet.
motions: Have your child act out ways to show love and pro-
Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross arms over chest. tection to this animal and to animals in general. Talk
each other . . . . . . . . Point to others. about how people need to be cared for and protected
like brothers. . . . . . . Point to a boy. even more than we care for our animals.
and sisters.. . . . . . . . Point to a girl.
Romans 12:10. . . . . . Palms together, then open.
Help your child draw a picture of themselves pro-
Sunday tecting someone. Have them draw small happy faces
Encourage your child to share with someone the around the edge of their drawing.
Paper People Chain they made in Sabbath School Tell your child about a time when someone pro-
and tell them about Joash. (Or help them cut out and tected you as a child.
color a simple paper doll
chain of four people.)
Say: In God’s family, in Thursday
our church, we love Talk about what it is like trying to keep a baby
and protect each other. quiet and happy. Use a doll and let your child show
how they would try to keep a baby quiet and safe.
Ask: What do you think Jehosheba and Jehoiada did to
Monday keep Baby Joash quiet and happy? Who helped them
Read 2 Kings 11 together, paraphrasing as neces- keep Joash safe? Who keeps you safe today?
sary. Ask: How many years was Joash hidden at the Help your child make and decorate a crown. Save
temple? Who hid him? What happened when he was the crown for tomorrow.
7 years old?
Have your child hide while you count slowly to
seven. Find them. Ask: How old are you now? How Friday
many more years until you are 7? What do you think Act out the Bible story with
it was like for Joash to be hidden for seven years? Help your family. “Crown” your child
them count to seven. with the crown made yesterday.
Thank God for sending people
to help protect your family.
Tuesday Sing “Plenty of Room in the Family” (Little Voices
If possible, have your child play with a younger Praise Him, no. 248).


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