Madai 2020
Madai 2020
Madai 2020
Research Article
Fast Rate Production of Biodiesel from Neem Seed Oil Using a
Catalyst Made from Banana Peel Ash Loaded with Metal Oxide
(Li-CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3)
Ismail J. Madai,1,2,3 Yusufu Abeid Chande Jande ,1,3 and Thomas Kivevele 1,3
Department of Materials and Energy Science and Engineering,
The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 447, Arusha, Tanzania
Department of School Quality Assurance, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Dodoma, Tanzania
Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Futures (WISE-Futures),
The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 9124, Nelson Mandela, Arusha, Tanzania
Copyright © 2020 Ismail J. Madai et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Biodiesel is a possible remedy to the present toxic, finite sources and ever-diminishing crude fuels. Nonedible and locally available
(Azadirachta indica) neem seed oil (NSO) as a second-generation feedstock was transformed into biodiesel using calcined banana
ash (CBA) derived from banana peels blended with lithium calcium oxide iron (III) sulphate Li-CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3 catalyzed
transesterification. Transesterification process was employed to minimize the free fatty acid (FFA) content of NSO to afford 99.8%
yield under the condition of the reaction oil/methanol ratio 8 : 1, followed by addition of 1.7%wt calcined banana peels ash and
1.3%wt Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3 catalysts in 53 min, a notable time. It is important to note that the physicochemical properties of
biodiesel in this study such as initial boiling points, flash point, pour point, cloud point, density, kinematic viscosity, final boiling
points, and cetane index met ASTM D-6751 and EN 14214 standards. Decomposition profile of CBA was displayed by thermal
gravimetric analysis (TGA), whereas in-depth analysis by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray
fluorescence (X-RF), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) revealed that the high efficiency displayed by a catalyst
from banana ash calcined at 650°C was due to the presence of potassium carbonate (K2CO3), a calcium magnesium silicate
(CaMgSiO4), and potassium sodium sulphate (KNaSO4) contents that accounted for the high basicity of up to 11.09. Additionally,
the nitrogen adsorption/desorption studies revealed that CBA interestingly exhibits a high BET surface area of 411.2 m2/g and
promising mesopores (3.014 nm). The catalyst also displayed better recyclability evidenced by the fact that it was able to be reused
after five successive runs with better recyclability of 75%. Based on the aforementioned properties, this work, therefore, opens an
avenue for developing a supreme heterogeneous catalyst from available banana peels ash.
such as density, molecular weight, and viscosity and even of the catalyst as well as catalyst reusability. These make the
draws its volatility close to that of diesel fuel by Coniglio catalyst to be more efficient and stand for an environ-
et al. [5]. mentally compatible catalyst for hastening biodiesel pro-
For instance, oil from rapeseed (Ramos et al. [6]), soya duction as a possible substitute fuel raw material.
beans (Gui et al. [7]), sunflower (Antolın [8]), and palm
(Crabbe et al. [9]) has gained attention. Unfortunately, the
use of edible oils poses a risk in food security and therefore,
2. Materials and Methods
the current research trends are targeting nonedible oils as the 2.1. Materials. The ripe banana peels were sourced from the
second generation of biodiesel feedstock (Barnwal and Tengeru market in Arusha, Tanzania. The reagents used were
Sharma [10]). Various nonedible seeds including neem seed, methanol (CH3OH) 99.8%, ethanol (C2H5OH) absolute,
jatropha, croton, and castor beans have been studied and iron (III) sulphate (Fe2(SO4)3), lithium metal (Li), calcium
show good performance in biodiesel production (Atabani oxide (CaO), phenolphthalein (POP) indicator, hydro-
et al. [11]). Neem seeds are derived from unique neem trees chloric acid (HCl) 37%, and Wijis and iodine solution. All
that have a long lifespan estimated to lie between 150 and chemicals were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich and were used
200 years (Schmutterer [12]). It can bear fruits within 3 to 5 without further modification.
years and attains maximum productivity after 10 years and
its oil content varies from 30 to 35% and from 35 to 40% for
kernels and seeds, respectively (Kaura et al. [13]). These 2.2. Preparation of CBA. Ripe banana peels were sliced into
properties necessitate thinking of it as a suitable feedstock small pieces to accelerate the drying process. After washing
for biodiesel production. It is given that 7 to 8 kg of neem with distilled water, banana peels were sundried for 7 days
seed produces one litre of oil. It is also worth mentioning in (turned from yellow to black colour; became light in weight,
this work that planting of neem trees will address not only hard, and wrinkled) followed by oven-drying at 100°C for
energy challenges but also environmental challenges (Kumar 6 h. Then, the dried banana peels were ashed in a box muffle
and Navaratnam [14]). furnace in the presence of air and finally milled and sieved to
Various researches including but not limited to banana a fine powder. The resulting fine ash was annealed in varying
peels as biomass precursors for biodiesel production have temperatures at 100°C interval from 550 to 1050°C for 3 h to
been conducted. For instance, Betiku et al. [15] researched remove impurities [16]. Finally, the calcined ripe banana
on Napoleon’s plumule oil using banana (species Musa gros peel ash was ground and kept in a seal for further analysis.
michel) peels CBA calcined at 700°C for 4 hours with
58.812% potassium composition and Fe2(SO4)3 as a catalyst;
the efficiency for biodiesel yield was 98.05% for 69-minute 2.3. Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalyst. Calcined banana
reaction time with 2 wt% catalyst dosage. Similarly, Gohain ash was tested for basicity by dissolving 5 g of CBA/Li-CaO/
et al. [16] used CBA from banana (species Musa paradisi- Fe2(SO4)3 blends in 50 mL of distilled water using pH meter.
acal) plantain peel from West Africa calcined at 700°C for 4 The blended catalyst metal oxide Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3/CBA
hours with 51.02% potassium composition as a catalyst was prepared using 1.3 wt% of lithium calcium oxide (Li-
alongside waste cooking oil and produced 96.3% of biodiesel CaO)/iron (III), sulphate (Fe2(SO4)3), and 1.7 wt% of CB
for 60-minute reaction time with 7.6 wt% catalyst dosage. [1]. Then, 80 mL of methanol was measured using a
The previous application of banana peels as a catalyst for measuring cylinder and poured in a conical flask. The
biodiesel production tends to be a slow, time-consuming, blended catalyst was dissolved in methanol with contin-
large dosage of catalyst usage and large waste disposal. This is uous stirring of 2700 rpm within 5 min. Then, the solution
due to low potassium content as well as low basic strength of the blended catalyst was ready and finally waited for
which resulted from high calcined of CBA at 700°C which is further activity.
close to the melting point (740°C) of potassium oxide
[15, 16]. This calcination may lead to the reaction to take
longer time and hence a large dosage of catalyst usage and 2.4. Characterization of the Heterogeneous Catalyst.
large waste production. The efficiency of basic contents Micrometrics instruments (ASP2020) were employed for
determines the time for the production of biodiesel. nitrogen sorption studies. Functional groups in the sample
The common species of banana with high availability in such as calcined banana ash were analyzed by using Fourier-
Arusha Tanzania as well as East Africa is Musa acuminata transform infrared (FT-IR) instrument. The model of FT-IR
Colla. These banana species are used as food but their peels used in this study was Alpha Bruker ATR, the wavenumber
are treated as wastes [17, 18]. These peels have high po- ranging from 4000 to 1000 cm−1, and XRF for elemental
tassium contents which can be used as a biocatalyst for analysis composition. Thermogravimetric analysis was used
biofuel production [19]. However, using these peels will to show the decomposition profile of the sample. Approx-
increase banana production as well as solving the energy imately, 0.24 mg of the sample was subjected to a temper-
problem. ature range from 29°C to 800°C in a time interval of 5.38 to
On top of that, this leads to come up with loading metal 78.48 min. TGA gives a clear indication that the calcined
oxide Li-CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3 to CBA biocatalyst which forms a temperature should start at 650°C. Finally, the ground
strong basic catalyst that increases the oxidation by con- catalyst precursor was subjected to heat treatment in a box
verting free fatty acid to methyl esters and the performance furnace for 3 h at 650°C.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3
2.5. Neem Seed Oil Preparation. Neem seeds were purchased were determined by test cabinet instruments, PSL System-
from Bagamoyo, Iringa, and Singida regions in Tanzania. technik/product/pour point tester 45150 and ASTM D2500
Initially, the seeds were washed with distilled water and then cloud point testing. The flashpoint was determined with the
sundried for five days to remove moisture content, whereas aid of Pensky-Martens flash point tester, PMA 5, Anton-
other solid dirty impurities were removed by handpicking instruments as per ASTM D93 standards. The
and winnowing processes [20]. Seeds were soaked in water approximation of various values of acid, iodine, and sa-
for 24 h to remove husks and finally pressed using a hy- ponification was done through the titration method.
draulic pressing machine to obtain the oil.
2.8. Recyclability of the Catalyst. Heterogeneous catalysts
2.6. Biodiesel Production through Transesterification Process. have gained fame as compared to homogeneous catalysts
Transesterification process of NSO to biodiesel (methyl because of their reusability [26]. Therefore, the recyclability
esters) was carried out using 1.7 wt% of CBA loaded with Li- of the catalyst synthesized in this study was determined as
CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3, 100 mL methanol, and 800 mL of NSO. The follows. Methanol was used to wash the catalyst spent in the
blended catalyst (1.7 wt% CBA/Li-CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3) was biodiesel production to remove the contents of glycerol and
mixed with 100 mL of methanol with continuous stirring at oil. Since water is a product of the transesterification process,
2700 rpm for five minutes, which was finally followed by the catalyst was later oven-dried for 2 h at a temperature of
addition into 800 mL of NSO (warmed to 40°C) with con- 110°C. After drying and cooling, the spent catalyst was
tinuous stirring until two immiscible layers of biodiesel (top successfully used to produce biodiesel for the next successive
layer) and glycerol (bottom layer) were formed. This reac- run. Biodiesel yield produced was calculated after every
tion was performed in 2000 mL conical flask and took successful run till the fifth run.
53 min. The conical flask was covered with aluminium foil
and temperature was monitored by a thermometer under a 3. Results and Discussions
constant temperature of 60°C; above this temperature,
methanol will be boiled which will reduce the production of 3.1. Characterization of the Catalyst
biodiesel [21]. The experiment was carried in a water bath
3.1.1. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Figure 1 shows
until two immiscible layers of biodiesel (top layer) and
the TGA graph with plateaus at 650°C, a clear indication that
glycerol (bottom layer) were formed [22]. This trans-
all the impurities have been lost and mostly only the metal
esterification reaction takes place in alcoholic condition
oxides such as CaO, K2CO3 MgO, and Na2O remained
(methanol) as the media for the reaction to take place in
which increase the performance of the catalyst [27]. Above
presence of catalyst which speeds up the reaction but re-
740°C, most of the metal oxides like potassium were
mains unchanged at the end of the reaction [23]. Both
decomposed which decrease the basicity and, thus, decrease
separating funnel and filtration methods were employed to
catalyst performance [28].
isolate the catalyst from the reaction mixture and finally, the
filtrate was washed and dried with anhydrous sodium sul-
phate [24]. The process was repeated using the same filtrate 3.1.2. Textural Properties. For structural identification of
catalyst up to the fifth run. The transesterification process CBA loaded with Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3 which was character-
was repeated by varying catalyst dosage from 1 to 1.7 wt% ized, the BET method was used to determine the surface area,
and methanol-to-oil molar ratio varies from 2 : 1 to 16. while Barret-Joyner Halenda (BJH) method was used to
Finally, biodiesel produced was tested using phenolphtha- determine pore sizes and pore volume. CBA Li-CaO/
lein indicator where the colour changes from clear to pink at Fe2(SO4)3 blends possess a BET surface of 411 m2/g, pore
a pH of 8-9 and the universal indicator was also used where diameter of 3.0 nm, and pore volume of 0.628 cm3/g.
the colour changes from green to dark green at pH of 8-9. According to previous studies on BET and BJH method in
However, the percentage of biodiesel yield was calculated by structural identification, CBA possesses a BETsurface of 4 m2/
weighing the mass of biodiesel produced over the mass of oil g, pore diameter of 18 nm, and pore volume of 0.02 cm3/g
used times hundred [25]. This was calculated using (Betiku et al. [15]). According to Gohain et al. [16], CBA
possesses a BET surface of 14 m2/g, pore diameter of 0.6 nm,
weight of biodiesel obtained and pore volume of 0.065 cm3/g. The CBA Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3
percentage biodiesel yield � × 100.
weight of oil used complex shows the large surface area as urged with results
(1) obtained by Zabeti et al. [29]. The CBA/Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3
contributed to an increase in performance and reusability of
the catalyst due to its high basic contents with a pH of 11.1.
This implies that specific surface area, as well as the pore
2.7. Characterization of Biodiesel Properties. Fatty acid
volume, reusability, and high basic strength, may have a
composition analysis for NSO was done using Gas Chro-
significant contribution to the performance of the catalyst.
matography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Anton Paar
Stabinger viscometer SVM 4001, and density meter DMI
5000. Anton instruments were used to determine 3.1.3. FT-IR Spectra Analysis. FT-IR spectra of banana ashes
kinematic viscosity at 40°C and density of biodiesel at 15.5°C loaded with metal oxide Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3 were charac-
per ASTM D7042 standards. Pour point and cloud point terized as illustrated in Figures 2(a)–2(c) and compared to
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Transmittance (%)
Transmittance (%)
0.986 0.975
0.957 3303 0.910 681
1016 2920
0.928 1362 1603
2920 0.845
1027 1351
0.899 0.780
1000 2000 3000 4000 1000 2000 3000 4000
Wavenumber (cm–1) Wavenumber (cm
(a) (b)
Transmittance (%)
0.890 3148
0.712 1376
1000 2000 3000 4000
Wavenumber (cm–1)
Figure 2: FT-IR peaks of banana ashes blends: (a) fresh banana ash blends, (b) burnt banana ash blends, and (c) calcined banana as blends.
each other. The broadband at 3303 cm−1 in Figure 2(a) shows worth mentioning that a well-pronounced peak of K2CO3
the stretching vibration of the O-H group and in located at 1376 cm−1 is of special interest given that K2CO3
Figures 2(b) and 2(c), the O-H group disappeared due to comes with several advantages such as increased catalyst
burning in air and calcination at 650°C. The sharp peak and performance, surface area, and reusability and prevents
small peak observed at 2920 cm−1 in Figure 2(a) and leaching as reported elsewhere [15].
2900–3150 cm−1 in Figures 2(b) and 2(c), respectively, show
the stretching vibration of the C-H. Bands observed at
1350–1380 cm−1 have been associated with stretching vi- 3.1.4. Morphological Analysis. A scanning electron micro-
brations of C-O from carbonate which show similarity with scope displays images at a magnification of 5000× resolution.
wavenumber [30]. The bending vibrations observed at The micrographs are shown in Figures 3(a)–3(c) which
500–1020 cm−1 show some elements of interest since the represent fresh banana ash blends, burnt banana ash blends,
peaks are associated with CaMgSiO4, Li2O, and FeSO4. It is and calcined banana ash blends. The surface of Figure 3(a)
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5
Figure 3: SEM images of (a) fresh banana ash blends, (b) burnt banana ash blends, and (c) calcined banana ash blends.
shows a smooth and flat nature of fresh banana ash blends, was reasonably high, suggesting that there was a high level of
while Figure 3(b) has a mixture of small flake-like aggregates, free fatty acid contents that probably would result in soap
and lastly Figure 3(c) displays interestingly sponge-like formation [11]. For oils with FFA contents higher than 1.1%,
microstructure, a clear indicator of increased surface area it is desirable to apply a biomass catalyst to maximize the
which is proportional to the activity of the catalyst. This is in yield of biodiesel production as this may prevent the reaction
line with the argument of Sharma and his group who ob- that results in soap formation [33]. The physicochemical
served that heat treatment hinders leaching of K and, identification of NSO like acid value and saponification
therefore, increases the life of the catalyst [31]. value as well as iodine value was done through titration
process in line with the agreements of American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) in the year 1983 and rec-
3.1.5. XRD Analysis. For crystallographic identification,
ommended the practice of official methods of American Oil
XRD analysis was carried out on calcined banana ash (CBA)
Chemists Society (AOCS) [34].
blends, burnt banana ash (BBA) blends, and fresh banana
The weight of oil extracted from a given mass in grams of
ash (FBA) blends as shown in Figures 4(a)–4(c). There was a
seed pressed was measured to determine the lipid contents.
significant increase in potassium compounds with an in-
The results were expressed as the percentage of oil in the dry
crease in calcination temperature up to 650°C as shown in
matter [35]:
Figure 3(a). Sharp pronounced peaks at 2θ : 29 degrees
correspond to K2CO3, whereas peaks at 2θ : 33 and 43 de- percentage of oil in sample
grees correspond to CaMgSiO4 and KNaSO4, respectively.
Remarkable crystallinity of the materials can be observed weight of dry seed − weight of residue (2)
from the fact that the peaks are narrow with high intensity. � .
weight of seed after dry
Additionally, weak unmarked peaks in Figures 3(a)–3(c)
may be attributed to trace elements like Fe2(SO4)3 and Li2O The acid value (AV) of neem oil was determined by
which have been reported to have a significant contribution titration method, diethyl ether, ethanol (95%), and phe-
to basicity and consequently optimize the catalyst perfor- nolphthalein indicator, and a given mass oil sample in the
mance (Betiku et al. [32]). mixture was titrated with 0.1 M NaOH in triplicate of ex-
periments. The AV was calculated using the following
equation [36]:
3.1.6. Elemental Composition of CBA. Table 1 shows that the
results of the XRF analysis carried on banana ashes calcined acid value
at different temperatures ranged from 550 to 1050°C and
finally loaded with Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3. These results show the titre volume × grams of NaOH in 0.1 M of NaOH solution
� .
elemental composition present in banana ash. Main ele- sample weight in grams
ments present in banana ash complex after sample analysis (3)
were K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Si, S, Li, and Cl. Potassium is the
element of interest which has shown highest percentage Iodine value (IV) is the measure of the degree of
(74.4%) composition after calcination at 650°C; the ash unsaturation of an oil or fat. Determination of IV in neem
produced at 650°C was used as a catalyst for rapid pro- seed oil was carried out using laboratory titration method
duction of biodiesel. where a given mass of dry soil sample was mixed with a given
2.2. Physicochemical Properties of NSO volume of carbon tetrachloride, Wijis reagent 10%, potas-
The physicochemical results were shown in Table 2. The sium iodide solution, and distilled water to make a solution
amount of oil in one kilogram of neem seeds was 37.28% and titrate with 0.1 N of (Na2S2O3) sodium thiosulphate
which was enough for the high production of biodiesel. solution. The iodine value for the oil in the solution is
From the following results, the concentration of acid value calculated using the following equation [21]:
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Δ ∆
Intensity counts
Intensity counts
□ Ο Ο
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2-theta (deg) 2-theta (deg)
□ CaMgSiO4 □ CaMgSiO4
(a) (b)
Intensity counts
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2-theta (deg)
Figure 4: XRD pattern of (a) calcined banana ash blends, (b) burnt banana ash blends, and (c) fresh banana ash blends.
Table 2: Physicochemical properties of NSO. indicator was added to the sample and then titrated with 0.5
Property Unit NSO MHCl. The saponification value was calculated using the
following equation [37]:
Oil content % 37.28
Acid value mgKOH/g 0.46 (b − a) × grams of KOH in 0.5 M KOH solution
Iodine value gI2/100 g 81.06 S.V � ,
sample weight in grams
Saponification value mgKOH/g 134.8
Free fatty acid (FFA) mgKOH/g 0.23 (5)
where a indicates volume of oil solution and b indicates
volume of titre of the blank solution [38]. One has
(b − a) × mass of iodine in 0.1 N of sodium thiosulphate
I.V � , acid value
sample weight in grams free fat acid � . (6)
(4) 2
3.2. Characterization of Biodiesel. The properties of biodiesel of oil at an interval of 0.1 wt% from 1 to 2 wt%. The effect of
produced from blends of CBA/Li-CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3 are catalyst loaded on the rate of production of biodiesel yield
summarized in Table 4. Interestingly, these properties show was increased from 1.1 to 1.7 wt%, respectively, whereby the
similarities with the standards specified in EN 14214 and percentage of conversion of biodiesel was increased. The
ASTM D 6751. For instance, the close similarity in cloud highest production yields 98.8% of biodiesel were attained at
pour points, viscosity, initial boiling points, final boiling catalyst to oil weight of 1.7 wt% as shown in Figure 5. Several
points, and acid value was observed. With an exception of factors might have contributed to the high production yield
density which was slightly higher than the recommended of biodiesel, for example, the high surface area of the catalyst
range, all other properties were per the ASTM D6751 and presence of basic metal oxides such as K, Na, Ca, and
standards. However, this biodiesel produced displayed re- Mg, which contributed to high basic strength 11.1 of the
markable cold flow properties like cloud point, pour point, catalyst. Also, the availability of higher oxygen compounds
and kinematic viscosity and may be used in cold areas. Also, in Li-CaO/Fe2(SO4)3 increases the rate of conversion methyl
the calorific value was high. It has been reported in the ester to biodiesel [42, 43].
literature that both the molecular mass of methyl ester and
its saturation level determine the density of biofuel; in
short, the unsaturation level is directly proportional to the 3.3.2. Effect of Reaction Time. Production of biodiesel in-
specific gravity [40]. The high density of biodiesel from creases with the increase of time of the reaction [44]. The
neem oil may be due to the high unsaturation level. It is conversion rate of biodiesel depends on the time response
important to note that partial combustion has been re- for the required chemical reaction to take place [45]. The
ported because of the poor atomization process from the production biodiesel using NSO with 1.7 wt% catalyst
fact that denser fuels are less compressible [11]. Flashpoint loading and 8 : 1 excess methanol was done by changing the
as one of the most important parameters in the diesel time of the reaction after every 10 min from 10 to 70 min
engine can be defined as a minimum temperature at which while stirring at 2700 rpm and maintaining the temperature
fuel ignites [20]. In this study, it was about 150 °C. This at 60°C. Figure 6 shows the effects of time on biodiesel yield.
temperature not only meets the required ASTM D6751 It is observed that the rate of production of biodiesel yield
standards, which recommends a minimum of 130 °C, but increases with time from 10 min to around 50 min. Above
also guarantees safety especially during storage and 50 min, biodiesel yield remained constant. This is due to a
transportation [41]. The produced biodiesel and catalyst reversible reaction caused by the reduced and disappearance
from this study show high yield compared to other studies of esters resulting in soap formation associated with the fatty
as reported in Table 4. acid composition [46]. It observed that the proper time for
Table 5 shows several precursors including but not the production of the highest yield of biodiesel is 53 min.
limited to banana peels that have been investigated as
biomass precursors for biodiesel production. For instance, 3.3.3. The Effect of Methanol-to-Oil Ratio. Key factors for
Betiku et al. [15] researched on banana peel using Napo- converting long fatty acid esters to methyl esters (biodiesel)
leon’s plumule oil and produced biodiesel 98.5% for 69- are the ratio of methanol to oil. The relation between
minute reaction time. In a similar study conducted by quantities of substance and the number of moles that can
Gohain et al. [16], banana peel as a catalyst was used take part in a chemical reaction is needed in the process [33].
alongside waste cooking oil and it produces a biodiesel This can result in the split of the mixture of reaction on the
96.3% for 60-minute reaction time. This study now reveals solubility of glycerol to the methyl ester layer. Figure 7 shows
that CBA/Li-CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3 blended catalyst is anticipated that the best ratio that can be seen as methanol-to-oil ratio of
to reduce the reaction time in the production of biodiesel 8 : 1 highest yield of biodiesel was attained. This intensifies
98.8% for 53-minute reaction time. Therefore, the blended the equilibrium reaction which may affect the production
catalyst is economical for the production of biodiesel from biodiesel yield [46].
NSO as a possible alternative fuel feedstock in biodiesel
3.4. Catalyst Recyclability. Bio-based catalyst precursor
prepared was reused up to the fifth run in the trans-
3.3. Performance of Catalyst for Biodiesel Production esterification process, under the optimum condition, 1.7 wt
% catalyst feed, methanol-to-oil molar ratio 8 : 1, 53 min time
3.3.1. The Effect of Catalyst Loading. The production of of the reaction, 60°C temperatures of the reaction, and
biodiesel yield was done by evaluating the percentage per- stirring rate of 2700 rpm. From Figure 8, one can see that
formance of the CBA blended catalyst using (1), by changing catalyst performance in biodiesel yield decreased in every
the conditions of the parameters of the reaction like per- successive route. The yield was as follows: 98.8, 96.7, 85.7,
centage by weight of the catalyst added, the reaction time- 82.8, and 75.6% in the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth
temperature set, and the ratio of methanol and neem oil run, respectively. This may be due to the loss of functional
used. The amount of produced biodiesel was affected by the groups of the catalyst. The loss of the catalyst active site may
amount of the catalyst. The excess ratio of 16 : 1 of methanol be due to H2O and CO2 from the environments. Recycla-
to oil was used during testing the performance of the cat- bility of the catalyst numerously shows the great significance
alyst. The amount of catalyst added varied with the amount of the bio-based catalyst in minimizing waste disposal and
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Biodiesel yield (%)
4. Conclusion
Biodiesel yield (%)
Data Availability
The data used to support the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest in
86 this work.
2: 1 4 :1 6 :1 8 :1 10:1 12: 1 14:1 16 :1
Methanol : oil Authors’ Contributions
Figure 7: Effect of the ratio of methanol and oil on a yield of All the authors have approved the manuscript.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from Water
Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Futures (WISE-Fu-
tures) and other supports from the Nelson Mandela African
Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) and The
80 World Academy of Science (TWAS).
Biodiesel yield (%)
60 Supplementary Materials
40 Figure S1 shows procedures for preparation of calcined
banana ash (CBA) catalyst. This was done by slicing the
banana peel followed by sun drying then oven drying and
finally calcination at 650°C to obtain the required catalyst.
Figure S2 shows procedures for extraction of oil from neem
seed. Neem seed oil was extracted using a hydraulic pressing
machine. Neem seeds were fed to the machine and then
0 5 10 pressed to produce oil. Figure S3 shows biodiesel production
Number of runs steps through transesterification process using CBA loaded
Figure 8: The recyclability catalyst versus % of biodiesel with metal oxide (Li-CaO/Fe2 (SO4)3 as a catalyst. (Sup-
production. plementary Materials)
10 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering