PeltonTurbine Lab Manual

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Laboratory Manual


Pelton Turbine Test Rig

Operating Instructions for Pelton Turbine Test Rig


Turbine converts fluid energy into rotational mechanical



There are two types of turbines, reaction and the impulse,

the difference being the manner of head conversion. In the
reaction turbine, the fluid fills blade passages and the head
change or pressure drop occurs within the runner. An
impulse turbine first converts the water head through a
nozzle into a high velocity jet, which then strikes the
buckets at one position as they pass by. The runner
passages are not fully filled, and jet flow past the buckets is
essentially at constant pressure. Impulse turbines are
ideally suited for high head and relatively low power. The
Pelton turbine used here is impulse turbine. The test rig
mainly consists of

1. Pelton turbine
2. Flow measuring unit consisting of a Venturimeter and
pressure gauges
3. Piping system
4. A suitable capacity sump tank
5. Suitable capacity Pump


To conduct the performance test on Pelton turbine and to

find out the efficiency of the turbine.


The unit essentially consists of casing with a large circular

transparent window of acrylic kept at the front for the
visual inspection of the impact of the jet on buckets a
bearing pedestals rotor assembly of shaft, runner and
brake drum, all mounted on a suitable sturdy iron base
plate. A rope brake arrangement is provided to load the
turbine. The input to the turbine can be controlled by
adjusting the spear position by means of a hand wheel
fitted with indicator arrangement. The water inlet pressure,
by a pressure gauge and for the measurement of speed,
uses an rpm indicator.


1. CASING: Mild Steel
2. RUNNER: Mild Steel
3. NOZZLE: Mild Steel
4. SPEAR SPINDLE: Stainless Steel
5. BRAKE DRUM: Cast Iron
Consisting of a machined and polished Brake drum,
internal water scoop discharge pipes, Standard spring
balance, rope brake etc. arranged for loading the turbine.


1. Rated Supply Head (H) : 20 meters

2. Discharge : 400 LPM

3. Normal Speed : 900 rpm

4. Power Output : 0.5 to 0.7 kW

5. Jet diameter : 16mm (Maximum)

6. No. of buckets : 16/18 Nos.

7. Brake drum diameter : 200 mm

8. Rope Diameter : 20 mm


1. Rated Head : 20 meters

2. Discharge : 570 LPM

3. Normal Speed : 2880 rpm

4. Power required : 5 HP

5. Size : 65 mm x 50 mm

6. Type : High speed, Centrifugal


The turbine is placed on the sump tank level. The supply

pumps set draws water from the main underground. The

gate valve is provided just above the inlet bend of the

turbine to regulate the discharge and net supply head on

the turbine in relation to the spear settings. A spear and

nozzle arrangement is provided on one side of the runner to

control the load the spear being operates through a hand

wheel with suitable graduated scale.


1. Make sure that the water level in the sump tank is


2. Open the gate valve fully before starting

3. Start the pump & regulate speed to 900 rpm by

operating spear arrangement with the use of load

wheel provided

4. Now load the turbine by adding the weights on the

spring balance.

5. Note down the all corresponding reading of

Venturimeter & total pressure head using respective

pressure gauge

6. Repeat the same procedure for different loads.


Before switching off the supply pump set, first remove all

weight from rope brake. Then switch off the supply

pumpset. Never switch off the supply pumpset when the

turbine is working under load. If the electric lines trips of

when the turbine is working first unload the turbine, close

the entire valve. Start the electric motor again, when the

line gets the power and then operate the turbine by

operating the valve in the order said above.


Water turbines are tested in the hydraulic laboratory to

demonstrate how tests on small water turbine are carried

out, to study their construction, and to given the students

a clear knowledge about the different type of turbines and

their characteristics.

Turbine shall be first tested at constant net supply head (at

the rated value by varying the load, speed and setting.

However, the net supply head on the turbine may be

reduced and the turbine tested in which case the power

developed by the turbine and the best efficiency speed will

also be reduced.

Though the turbine can also be tested at higher net supply

heads, the supply pumpset cannot develop the higher head

at the same time maintaining higher of flow.

The output power from the turbine is calculated from the

readings taken on the brake and the speed of the shaft.

The input power supplied to the turbine is calculated from

the net supply head on the turbine and discharge through

the turbine. Efficiency of the turbine being the ratio

between the output and input can be determined from

these two readings.

The discharge is measured by the 50 mm Venturimeter and

with the pressure gauges. Supply head is measured with

help of the pressure gauge.

It is suggested that the turbine shall be tested at normal

speed, three speeds below normal speed. 3 speeds above

normal speed covering a range of 50% of the normal speed.

The runaway speed (the speed of the turbine at no load and

at rated condition of supply head) and pull out torque (the

maximum torque at stalled speed) may also be observed.

For any particular setting of the spear first run the turbine

at light load and then gradually load it, by adding dead

weights on the hanger. The net supply head on the turbine

shall be maintained constant at the rated value, and this

can be done by adjusting the gate valve fitted just above

the turbine.


As these units are built very sturdily, they do not require

any routine or regular maintenance. However, we

recommend the following to be done about once in a year to

increase the life of the elements.

Lubricate all the working parts where provision for

lubricating is made. Grease cups are provided for

lubrication ball bearings. Remove the grease drain plugs

where fitted, and inject fresh grease through grease cups

until waste grease along with a portion of fresh grease us

ejected out through the grease drain hole. Then run the

machine for a few minutes to eject the excess grease in the

bearing housing. Then fit the grease drain plug. Over

greasing results in excessive heat due to a pumping action

of the bearing, and it is a harmful as under greasing. Clean

the stuffing box, repack and lubricating it. If any packing

ring it’s worn out, replace it with good quality as bets

graphically packing. While repacking the successive ring

joints should be staggered by 90 or 180 degrees. Tighten

the gland nuts evenly and allow the stuffing box to drip

water occasionally to lubricate the packing rings.

Never run the pump without water in it as this would

cause damage to stuffing box, bush bearings etc.


1. Total Head (H) = 20m

2. Water Head Discharge Rate (Q)
(a1 x a2) _____________
Q = cd x --------------------- X  2 x g x (P1-P2) m3/sec
 a12- a22
Inlet diameter of Venturimeter d1 = 0.050 m
Area of Venturimeter a1 = 0.00196 m2
Throat diameter of Venturimeter d2 = 0.025 m
Area of Venturimeter a2 = 0.00049 m2
Cd = 0.98
P1 –P2 = Difference of Pressure across the limbs of Venturimeter

(0.00196 x 0.00049) _____________________

Q = 0.98 ------------------------------ X  2 X 9.81 X (3.5 - 3.0) m3/sec
 0. 00196 2 - 0.00049 2

Q = 0.00842 x  (0.5) m3/sec

= 0.00590 m3/sec

3. INPUT = QH
Where  = Specific weight of water = 9.807 kN/m 3
= 9.807 x 0.00590 x 20
= 1.15 kW
4. OUTPUT = ------------- H.P.

T = (W1 – W2) x D/2 x 9.81

Rope weight = 0.6 Kg
W1 = Spring balance 1 + Rope Brake Weight
W2 = Spring balance 2
D = Brake drum diameter + Rope Diameter
200 mm + 20 mm
= 0.220 meter
N = Number of R.P.M. of brake drum

(W1 – W2) x D/2 x 9.81 x 2  N

OUTPUT = ----------------------------------------- kW

(6.6 – 1.5) x 0.220/2 x 9.81 x 2 x 3.14 x 950

OUTPUT = --------------------------------------------------------
= 0.556 kW.

5. Efficiency of Turbine

= -------------- x 100 %

= ----------- x 100%

= 48.3 %

Sample Calculations
Pressure Spring
Supply RP Outpu Efficienc
Gauge Discharg Inpu Balance
S.N Head M t y
Reading eQ t Reading
o H (N) kW %
kg/cm2 m3/sec kW Kg
P1 P2 W1 W2
1  20  3.5 3.0 0.00590 1.15  6.6 1.5 950 0.556 48.3
2  20  3.7 3.3 0.00532 1.04 7.2 2.1 850 0.489 46.8
3  20 3.7 3.4  0.00461 0.90 7.8 2.3 820  0.505  56.1
4  20  3.6 3.1 0.00580 1.13  5.6 0.8 900 0.518  45.8
5  20  3.5 3.1 0.00532 1.02  5.9 1.2 880 0.463   45.4


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