Electrical Equipment Maintenance
Electrical Equipment Maintenance
Electrical Equipment Maintenance
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ASK-EHS Engineering & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
NAME: L.B. Sinha
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Sr. No. Description
1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………................ 7.
2 PURPOSE………………………………………………………............................................ 7.
3 SCOPE………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7.
4 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………. 8.
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Progressive employers, as part of the duty of care, due diligence, common law and legislation,
provide and maintain safe system of work. Part of this requires the development and
implementation of safe work procedures, as a measure of administrative risk control under the
overall scheme of managing HSE risks.
Here is provided a specific “Safe Operating Procedure and Guidelines for Electrical Equipment
Maintenance” for Bunduq Oil and Gas Extraction Offshore Installation, Abu-Dhabi, in a
technology- rich and best- in- class manner. Electricity poses potential danger to human lives and
limbs with an effect of shock, paralysis and severe burns. Electrical equipment, charged with
electrical energy in course of electricity generation, transmission and utilization, need very careful
and safe handling to save against above mentioned adverse effects, but, even during maintenance
of electrical equipment due care, procedure and optimum precautions are required to be observed
for satisfactory and safe conclusion of the maintenance process. Each electrical equipment,
machines and gadgets, intended to perform certain specific functions and services, needs careful
study of its functioning, the place of work, environment of working and any specific duty assigned to
it, before any worthwhile scheme of maintenance can be planned, prepared, undertaken and
concluded. The present SOP provides enough guidelines from various angles of hazards arising,
their likely consequences, proven means of minimizing the resultant risks and show the way to
conclude the hazardous maintenance of electrical equipment.
Machine and equipment need timely care, upkeep and correct way of operation, storage,
maintenance, repair and renovation to render optimum services for its full length of designed life.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide the guidelines for the inspection process, shutdown of
the unit adopting Permit to Work Procedure, proper maintenance/ repair of the Electrical Equipment
and its re-assembly/ trial run and final handing out for regular operation; giving due weightage to
designer’s/ manufacturer’s recommendations.
This vast gamut of electrical sourcing and application utilizes variety of electrical gadgets,
equipment, machines of rotating and stationary types, measurement and control devices and
instruments and variety of protective means and devices. All of them in various shapes, sizes,
configurations and setup, in course of working, undergo deterioration, wear and tear, loss of
capacity, finally leading to breakdown. The wise course of action calls for timely intervention of
maintenance management to ward off the stoppage of electrical works by means of well planned
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preventive maintenance, timely inspection and condition based maintenance (CBM), running
overhauls and capital repairs.
At generation point Æ
Generators/ prime mover/ auxiliaries
Auxiliary system
Power cables or overhead lines or busducts
At substation point Æ
Power cables or overhead lines or bus duct
Control room/ communication/ SCADA systems
Auxiliary systems
At utilization point Æ
Outdoor or indoor substation with
Utilization equipment, Motors
Power cables or overhead lines or busducts
Control room
Auxiliary system
The manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines will provide the best, most efficient and safest
course to SOP.
UAE laws and ministerial orders with relevant national and international standards and code of
practice, including that of International Labour Organisation, demand from industrial establishments
to ensure safety, health and welfare of the workmen at workplaces.
United Arab Emirates Federal Law No.: 8 of 1980 requires employers to provide adequate
preventive equipment to protect workers against the dangers of employment accidents and
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occupational diseases that may occur during the work, and also against fire and other hazards that
may result from the use of machines or other equipment (Article – 91).
Permit to Work System: The system that allows central control and ongoing monitoring of higher
risk activities on a site and in particular to ensure that activities are
authorized, carried out by qualified personnel using appropriate safety
precautions and that activities with potentially hazardous interactions do
not take place at the same time .
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Operator Individual, who has been trained, assessed and authorized under
BUNDUQ guidelines as competent person to maintain electrical
The following is a broad set of responsibilities for the key positions for Electrical Equipment
Maintenance Safe Operating Procedure. It is recommended that they shall be used as the basis for
the development of local rules that more specifically define the key interfaces and responsibilities in
conjunction to other Approved HSE procedures of BUNDUQ Oil Company. These guidelines shall
not be considered as standalone and shall require to be in line with other relevant and existing
procedure like Permit to Work, Job Safety Analysis etc and all the Environment Health Safety
Procedures of BUNDUQ Oil Company.
Only project approved competent personals shall be assigned to oversee the selection, use,
alteration, maintenance and inspection. Only specifically assigned, trained and experienced
personnel shall be allowed to be involved in the Inspection process of any Electrical Equipment.
It shall be insured that competent personnel have complete knowledge about the type of electrical
equipment being used and about their proper care and maintenance.
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The FS shall:
Ensure the implementation and adherence to this Procedure and report violations and/or non-
compliance issues to management for immediate disciplinary action;
Coordinate training for personnel required to work and/or supervise the work of Maintenance
of Electrical Equipment.
Maintain a high standard of quality and content for all SOP System documentation.
Ensure that a system is in place to deliver supplies of the necessary documentation to users.
Control revisions to the SOP System, consulting with user Departments about any changes
that will be made.
Stores Attendant shall be responsible for the procurement and issuance of all the materials
required in the work area.
Stores Attendant shall maintain a current inventory of all the designated materials.
Store Attendant ensures that all the materials in the store are inspected by competent persons
as per the inspection procedure of the company.
Store Attendant shall maintain the maximum and minimum levels of materials as decided in
the stores procedure.
Shall ensure initial and refresher training of the workforce to be engaged in the maintenance
of electrical equipment.
Ensure that the industrial equipment and tools used by operator are in safe working condition.
Monitor work procedures to ensure workforce are performing their duties in a safe manner.
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Shall enforce the use of proper PPEs while employees undertake maintenance of electrical
Supervisors will communicate to managers about hand and portable power tools needed for
successful maintenance of electrical equipment. All the required tools of right quality should
be available for use before the actual maintenance work is undertaken.
Be attentive and focused while his equipment / machines are under maintenance.
Inspect the work station or job site for potential hazards and ensure that all equipment,
machines and tools are in a safe condition before they are offered for maintenance.
Any specific problems encountered by the operator during operation are to be communicated
to the maintenance crew and rectified.
Operation crew has to be satisfied after the maintenance work has been completed that the
equipment are in a revamped condition and fit for taking over for subsequent operation.
Attend job-specific safety training to become knowledgeable about the hazards associated
with equipment and tools used to perform work.
Use the specified PPE required for the hazards for the task and/or work area.
Maintain the engineering controls (guards, shut-off switches, anchoring devices, etc.).
Operators are prohibited from removing or disabling any of these safety devices without first
getting permission from their supervisor.
Not Operate powered industrial equipment or powered hand tools unless trained, qualified,
and authorized.
Only use powered equipment / machines / tools for the intended purpose in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions.
Equipment Inspector should be qualified by training and experience to pass judgment on the
condition of equipment for use.
Shall be responsible to offer for maintenance the equipment classified Unsafe or UNFIT for
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Shall be responsible that all the equipment is repaired as per manufacturer’s guidelines.
Correct methodology for any set of machinery entails full grasp of the machines, care of the
machinery and there by improving the durability and reliability of its operation and service.
A machine or an industrial installation is a mother unit producing beneficial and golden goods and
services of common use, public consumption, civil utilities, industrial services; like the proverbial
hen laying regularly golden eggs which constantly demands tender care and nursing, without
resorting to greedy and unwise over exploitation on its being.
Maintainability is provided when designing machines. It requires the use of standardized units and
parts, the selection of parts having the same wear rate in each unit, and the ability of an easy and
rapid replacement of units.
System of scheduled preventive maintenance and repairs is to be adopted, mainly on the basis of
the designer’s and manufacturer’s recommendations. Equipment is to be maintained regularly to
prevent breakdown stops or losses in the rated productivity.
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Improving the durability and reliability of a machine—During running, the contacting and rubbing
surfaces of the machine wear gradually up to the time when the operation of the mating parts is
impaired, which is indicated by intensified noise and heating, uneven run, vibration and other
malfunctions. The parts subject to cyclic loads and fluctuating temperatures become cracked,
deformed and weak i.e. they wear down. The wear of parts is neither uniform, nor simultaneous.
Each machine has rapidly and slowly wearing parts. The rapidly wearing components determine the
machine operation time, i.e. the time between successive routine repairs.
The property of machines and their parts to retain their fitness for work and the related quality
output is called dependability. The main indices of the quality of machines are—preservation ability,
dependability, durability, maintainability and reliability which are to be ensured by the manufacturer
and supplier. It is, therefore, recommended that purchases should be made from reputed and
quality manufacturers who care for their products and through their products and services, they
care for their customers.
Minimum requirements:
Engineering Controls.
Duration of work
Number of personnel.
Sketch including general work location, adjacent areas and engineering provisions to facilitate
undertaking maintenance of Electrical Equipment.
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place during equipment operation as a result of friction, mechanical loads, chemical and
thermal phenomena.
Mechanical loads cause alterations of the pre-set clearances and fits at the contact areas
between rubbing part surfaces, or diminution of the strength of the material of parts due to
fatigue phenomena.
Chemical, electrochemical and biochemical process affect the material and lubricant of
parts, causing various kinds of corrosion that impairs the quality of the working surfaces,
reduces the strength of the material of parts and deteriorates the useful properties of
Thermal processes and, especially, alterations of heating and cooling facilitate the
development of internal breaking stress in the material of parts and cause the so-called
thermal wear accompanied by heat checking, formation of surfaces scale, and warpage
(distortion of the original shape), as well as by a change in the structure, physical and
mechanical properties of the material of the parts.
Normal wear of parts is a slow process. It is the inevitable result of the equipment
operation. The breakdown wear is a rapid and sometimes sudden destruction of parts due
to defects in the machine design and in the material of parts, poor machining, treatment
and assembly of parts, and wrong operating conditions(poor lubrication of equipment, high
overloads), etc.
Physical wear is an extremely worn-out state when a regular major repair is urgent and
further operation of the un-repaired equipment leads to a drop in productivity, loss in the
quality of products, unsafe working conditions or any other subversive consequences.
The material that well resists wear is called wear-proof or wear-resistant. Classification of
materials in accordance with their wear resistance is at present carried out on the basis of
practical data and laboratory research findings, which the designers and manufacturers
must care to incorporate.
(i) Wear of surfaces due to friction and corrosion—attrition, scoring, tearing off, crushing,
(ii) Wear of surfaces under cyclic loads and heating—cracking, chipping, spelling,
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(iii) Internal physical and structural destruction of material under cyclic loads, especially in
a high-temperature medium- cracks, fractures, creep, relaxation.
(i) designing the friction assemblies by taking into account the specific loads, fits and
prevailing type of wear;
(ii) selecting the correct materials for the rubbing surfaces;
(iii) treating the friction surfaces to obtain a high hardness and a fine surface finish;
(iv) obtaining a good wear-in of the friction surfaces;
(v) employing the correct lubricants;
(vi) Operating and maintaining the equipment properly.
The time required for wearing-in may be reduced by improving the mechanism accuracy
and fitting of parts, as well as by running in the equipment before putting it into operation.
The friction surfaces in heavily loaded mechanisms must be tougher than those of the
mechanisms operating under light conditions.
The wear of the rubbing surfaces can be reduced through a proper choice of lubricant and
by its rational feed to the friction-couple assembly. The systems of lubrication by oil
circulation significantly reduce the wear of parts and lower the temperature of friction
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The results of the checks are recorded in an installation log book to indicate all noticed
faults and malfunctions.
Studying the machine design and performance contributes to finding out its weak links and
working out measures that will improve the wear resistance of certain parts and provide for
a uniform slow wear of all identical parts. Apart from increasing its service life, the studying
of the machine may lead to the improvement of the machine design and raising its
A regular daily inspection of machines during shift turn-over provides the necessary data
for their repairs and facilitates the work of a repair team while inspecting equipment and
compiling lists of faulty parts.
Machines are inspected by attendant fitters and mechanics, lubricators, operators and
other personnel.
During inspections carried out in the course of a shift turn-over the following items shall be
(a) First of all, the parts, units and mechanisms in which malfunctions and faults were
detected during the previous shift;
(b) Reliability of the fastenings of the units and parts whose loosening may cause a
breakdown or shut-down;
(c) Operation of starting, breaking and interlocking devices and limit switches;
(d) Degree of heating of friction assemblies, operation of lubricating devices and the
presence of lubricants in them, running condition of all important gear trains and speed
reducers, as well as vibrations and joggles in the drive components;
(e) Conditions of guards;
(f) Cleanliness of equipment and work place tidiness, availability of tools, fixtures and
spare parts.
7.3. Maintenance
Maintenance recommendations are based on industry standards and experience in the facilities.
However, equipment and situations vary greatly, and sound engineering and management
judgment must be exercised when applying these recommendations. Other sources of information
must be consulted (e.g., manufacturer’s recommendations, unusual operating conditions,
personal experience with the equipment, etc.) in conjunction with these maintenance
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Routine Maintenance – Activities that are conducted while equipment and systems are in
service. These activities are predictable and can be scheduled, staffed, and budgeted. Generally,
these are the activities scheduled on a time-based, run-time-meter-based, or a number of
operations schedule.
Some examples are visual inspections, infrared scans, cleaning, functional tests, measurement of
operating quantities, lubrication, oil tests, governor, and excitation system alignments.
Maintenance Testing – Activities that involve the use of test equipment to assess condition in an
off-line state. These activities are predictable and can be scheduled, staffed, and budgeted. They
may be scheduled on a time, meter, or number of operations basis but may be planned to
coincide with scheduled equipment outages. Since these activities are predictable, some offices
consider them “routine maintenance” or “preventive maintenance.”
Some examples are Doble Testing, Meggering, Relay Testing, Circuit Breaker Trip Testing,
Alternating Current (AC) High-Potential (Hipot) tests, High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) ramp
tests, battery load tests.
Diagnostic Testing – Activities that involve use of test equipment to assess condition of
equipment after unusual events such as faults, fires, or equipment failure/repair/replacement or
when equipment deterioration is suspected. These activities are not predictable and cannot be
scheduled because they are required after a forced outage. Each department must budget
contingency funds for these events.
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Some examples are Doble testing, AC Hipot tests, HVDC ramp tests, partial discharge
measurement, wedge tightness, core magnetization tests, pole drop tests, turns ratio, and core
ground tests.
Infrared Scanning – Annual infrared scans of electrical equipment are required by NFPA 70B.
Throughout the documentation, infrared (IR) scanning is recommended as a regular maintenance
procedure. Infrared scanning and analysis have become an essential diagnostic tool throughout
all industries and have been used to detect many serious conditions requiring immediate
corrective action. Several forced outages already have been avoided. Infrared scanning is non-
intrusive and is accomplished while equipment is in service. It can be used not only for electrical
equipment but also to detect mechanical and structural problems.
The scanning equipment (IR camera and accessories) must be of high quality and correctly
maintained and calibrated.
The IR camera operator must be trained to use the equipment and deal with complicating
issues such as differing emissivities of surfaces and reflectivity.
The IR system operator must be able to analyze results using state-of-the-art software, critical
to successful interpretation of problems.
Experiences in the field have shown that technical knowledge of the equipment being scanned
is highly desirable.
The maintenance recordkeeping system must be kept current so that a complete maintenance
history of each piece of equipment is available at all times. This is important for planning and
conducting an ongoing maintenance program and provides documentation needed for the Power
O&M Reviews.
Regular maintenance and emergency maintenance must be well documented as should special
work done during overhauls and replacement. The availability of up-to-date drawings to
management and maintenance staff is extremely important. Accurate drawings are very important
to ongoing maintenance, testing, and new construction; but they are essential during emergencies
for troubleshooting. In addition, accurate drawings are important to the continued safety of the
staff working on the equipment.
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repair schedule, depending on the operating conditions of plant. The results of inspections
are recorded in production installation service logs.
Light overhauls include determining the degree of wear and flaw detection of critical parts,
finding out the methods of repair and eliminating minor defects.
(c) Running repairs:
Running, or small repairs, are done at the place of plant installation. They include a
partial disassembly of mechanisms, coding, cleaning and overhauling of parts,
determining the degree of their wear, replacement of parts subject to a rapid wear
(called the wearing parts), which have a service life equal at least to one interrepair
period, trueing-up of certain units, renewal of oil in housing and centralized lubrication
system tanks, replacement of seals and gaskets, checking and replacement of
fasteners, checking of clearances, dressing of working surfaces, as well as all of the
operations and jobs to be done during inspections of machines.
Running repairs are performed on the days of plant planned stoppages as per
schedule or during idle shifts, by the shop repair teams under the direction of
production in-charge, to liquidate and take care of discrepancies recorded during
inspections and light overhauls.
On completion of the running repairs, the equipment is tried-out and verified for
satisfactory operation and then it is handled over for operation.
(d) Major repair:
Major repairs include the following operations and jobs:
(i) a complete disassembly of a machine and marking its parts;
(ii) cleaning and washing of all parts and classify them into suitable, repairable and
reject groups;
(iii) replacement or reconditioning of main (base) parts and units (housings and beds,
bed-plates, frames, bodies, cases, etc.);
(iv) a complete replacement or restoration of worn parts;
(v) repair of foundation and replacement of fasteners;
(vi) assembly of machines and truing them up by their axes and centre lines and with
reference to other machinery pieces;
(vii) reconstruction of some units or modernization of a whole machine to alter its
main technological or mechanical characteristics, if necessary;
(viii) adjustment and testing of a machine;
(ix) painting of a machine and restoration of its other protective coatings.
Major repairs are carried out as per schedule, on the basis of the information collected
during inspections, overhauls and running repairs of the plant.
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The following section provides a brief over view of BUNDUQ permit to work system and explains
how Electrical Equipment Maintenance is tied within the permit to work system but yet is not a
standalone system. The authorized PTW procedure is to be fully completed before the work is
started. The section is largely referenced from BUNDUQ Guidelines and Procedure for Permit to
Work. Please refer to the procedure for more details.
The purpose of the Permit to Work System is to achieve a safe working environment for both
Bunduq and Contractors personnel. This purpose will be achieved by providing management
control over the various activities that have inherent hazards or present associated risks (e.g.
work in adjacent areas) in course of actual working.
1. It controls the actions of the personnel doing the work by specifying safety precautions and
requirements as well as setting limits to the duration and extent/scope of the work.
2. It allows those responsible for overall site safety to be aware of ongoing activities and to take
a systematic overview that identifies conflicting interactions and allows priorities to be set to
overcome conflicting work tasks.
3. It encourages formal and careful attention to safe systems of working. It allocates
responsibilities by requiring the signature of nominated and trained persons. These individuals
must confirm that all hazards have been identified and either eliminated or mitigated by
effective precautions to a reasonable level.
4. It encourages those responsible for overall site safety to plan the performance of all tasks so
that minimal inconvenience, interference and risks are caused to other tasks.
5. The Permit to Work System requires the involvement of competent and responsible persons
as well as the applications of particular safety measures in a controlled sequence.
The Permit to Work System ensures that responsibility and accountability for safe working
practices is passed, in a logical sequence, to those responsible for the work being carried out at
any given time. It also ensures that specified effective safeguards are provided.
The PTW System Corporate Custodian is the Head of HSE. He is responsible for providing
steering /direction to ensure that the PTW System meets the needs of BUNDUQ.
The Operational Custodian and Training Custodian of the PTW System is the Chief Safety
Engineer, who is responsible for:
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The manufacturer’s manuals of the Electrical Equipment to be taken under maintenance explains
safe and accepted ways of installation, startup, operation, inspection, maintenance, removal, and
shutdown which should be strictly followed.
Warnings and Cautions appearing in the Electrical Equipment Manual, if not followed strictly,
could result in damage to, or destruction of equipment and also injury to personnel. Some
common ones are given below:
Do not use gasoline, kerosene, or other low flashpoint solvents at the work place. A serious
explosion may result.
If shafts of the electrical machines are to be rotated, keep hands, feet, loose clothing, and
foreign objects away from inlet and discharge openings, as serious personal injury or damage
to equipment can occur.
Heavy rotating electrical machines, associated pneumatic and hydraulic lines, and electricity
can be dangerous. To prevent injury, before attempting any maintenance be certain the
electrical equipment cannot be energized accidentally. Follow Permit to Work procedure and
apply LOTO for isolation during shutdown.
The place of work must invariably have the following safety provisions and arrangements:
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It is the necessary routine, recurring maintenance work performed to keep the equipment
operating at its designed capacity and efficiency.
(a) Cleanliness:
Dirt is the principal cause of equipment failure and should be removed immediately by the
(b) Lubrication at mating surfaces:
Any two surfaces brought together develop friction. When not properly lubricated, these
surfaces wear down, change clearances, and cause equipment breakdowns.
(c) Temperature Change:
Any unusual temperature change which the operator cannot correct should be reported
immediately to the plant supervisor. When the temperature of a piece of equipment rises
rapidly, immediately shut it down.
(d) Vibration:
Vibration is a major source of equipment failure, Equipment not properly secured will vibrate.
This vibration causes loosening of components and possible misalignment of parts, leading to
more serious problems. The operator, in making rounds, should check the bearings, machine
stands, and motor casing for any unusual sound, vibration, or motion. Take immediate action
to correct any problems.
PM is the responsibility of the operators and specified maintenance crews. The operator is
expected to do as much maintenance as his technical abilities, tools, and time allows. Specifically
assigned maintenance crews work on equipment where the work to be done is beyond the scope
of the operator.
Scheduling PM is the responsibility of the plant supervisor. Maintain a record card for each major
piece of equipment with entries of the PM schedule, inspections, and operation.
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Troubleshooting is a means of locating the source of trouble when problems occur so that repairs
can be made. Equipment manufacturers will normally provide troubleshooting charts for their
equipment. These charts can be very helpful in diagnosing problems. This chart is not meant to
be a complete source of information. It is a composite list developed by the manufacturers based
on their experience and feed back received from the users.
Check foundation for cracks and settling.
A shift of the breaker tanks may break bushings or cause misalignment of contacts or binding
of operating mechanism.
Frame and Tanks
Daily or Weekly – Check for oil leaks and note tank temperature by touch.
Oil Valves and Plugs
Check condition of paint and repaint as necessary.
Inspect oil valves and plugs and stop oil leaks. See that oil drain valves that can be operated
without wrenches are plugged or locked to prevent unauthorized opening.
Tighten bolts.
Clean exterior of tanks. Inspect underside of cover for moisture and rust, and clean and
repaint as necessary. Check tank liners and interphase barriers.
Oil Levels and Gauges
Daily or Weekly – Check oil level in gauges of the tanks and oil-filled bushings.
Replenish oil if below normal.
Clean dirty gauge glasses and connections into tank. Drain out and replace bushing oil if dirty
or discolored.
Breathers and Vents
Daily or Weekly – Check for external obstructions to breakers and vents.
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Check to see that screens and baffles in vents or breathers are not obstructed or broken.
Bushings or Insulators
Quarterly – Check for chipped or broken porcelain, excessive dirt film, oil level and oil or
compound leaks.
Clean porcelain with water, liquid turtle wax, or other suitable cleaner.
Repair chipped spots by painting with lacquer.
Inspect gaskets for leaks.
Tighten bolts.
Check insulation resistance with contacts closed with Doble test set, Megger, or Hipot.
Check oil sample from bottom of bushing for dielectric strength and dissolved gas analysis
(DGA) and presence of water and dirt which may be entering at top. Replace or replenish oil if
Check and clean interior at least once every 5 years.
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Main Contacts
Remove the tanks or drain out oil so that the contacts can be inspected.
Dress contacts, if rough, with a fine file. It is necessary to carefully remove only the projecting
beads. Pits in a flat, smooth surface are not objectionable.
Check contact drop with “ducter” or by direct current millivolt drop with a micro-ohm meter.
Frequency of breaker contact maintenance should be based on number and severity of faults
interrupted rather than a definite time period. Experience will tell how many faults can be
interrupted before contact repairs are necessary.
Data should be kept on each breaker to guide future maintenance.
Inspection schedules might be extended further as oil handling methods, methods for
determining oil condition, and other improvements are made.
The following factors should be established before intervals between inspections can be
(1) All new breakers must have a complete inspection at the end of 1 year.
(2) Only after breakers have field experience should the inspection periods be extended.
(3) Breakers used on special applications, such as capacitor and reactor switching, should be
considered separately.
(4) If recurring troubles are found on a certain type of breaker, the inspection schedules should be
shortened until trouble is eliminated.
(5) Breakers interrupting a large number of faults should be given special attention to determine
whether or not early internal inspection is required.
(6) When oscillographs indicate abnormal breaker operation, an immediate inspection of the
breaker should be made.
Flexible Shunts
Check flexible shunts at contact hinges for overheating and fraying. Tighten connections.
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Check contact crosshead for misalignment, breaks, bends, or looseness on lift rod.
Operating Time
A 2-cycle breaker with dirty or dried out grease in the operating mechanisms, bearings, and
gears will act more like a 6- to 12-cycle breaker the first time it is operated or exercised. After
that, the operating time will be closer to normal until it has again “rested,” at which time, it will
again have unacceptable operating times.
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Observe mechanism during several tripping operations to see that everything is in working
Annually – Check pins, bearings, and latches for wear, binding, and misalignment.
Clean and relubricate. Check latch carefully to see that it is not becoming worn so that it would
unlatch from vibration or stick and fail to trip. Tighten bolts and screws.
Tripping Solenoid
Weekly – Visual inspection to see that solenoid trip device is in operating condition.
Observe operation during electrical tripping. See that full energy, snappy action of plunger is
obtained. Check plunger for sticking in guides.
Annually – Check coil and insulation resistance.
Solenoid Valves
Annually – Check for condition of valve seat and refit as necessary.
See that moving parts are free to operate. Check resistance and insulation resistance of
solenoid coil.
Auxiliary Switches
Annually – Check condition of contacts and refinish with fine file if burned or corroded.
Check contact springs, operating rods, and levers.
Check closing and opening position with respect to main contacts while breaker is being
slowly closed and opened manually.
Certain auxiliary contacts used for special purposes may require close adjustment in this
Operation Counter
Monthly – Observe and record reading of operation counter.
See that the operations counter is properly registering the operations.
Position Indicator
See that position indicator or semaphore is properly indicating the breaker position. Check
operating rods or levers for loose parts.
Dashpots or Snubbers
Check for proper setting and adjust as necessary. Clean out and replenish liquid in liquid
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Mechanism Cabinet
Check condition of metal and hardware. Repaint as necessary. See that door gaskets are tight
and properly exclude dust and dirt.
Filter Oil
The necessity for filtering the insulating oil will depend on the results obtained from the oil
tests and the amount of carbon in the oil.
The oil should be filtered if the dielectric strength is below 25 kilovolts or if there is a
noticeable amount of carbon in suspension or in the bottom of the tanks.
Some breakers, particularly those carrying high values of current, have a tendency to develop
contact heating if left closed for long periods.
Opening and closing breakers several times at intervals, as system operation permits, may
reduce contact resistance and heating by wiping the oxide from the contact surfaces. This
method also demonstrates that the breaker is in operating condition.
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Check for cracks and loose or broken parts.
Clean and repaint as necessary.
Check frame ground connection.
Armature or Rotor
Check squirrel-cage rotor bars or amortisseur windings for loose or broken bars or end
Check field circuit connections and tighten if necessary.
Check voltage drop across each pole by applying alternating current at the collector rings.
This method will show a turn-to-turn short better than using direct current.
Check pole keys for tightness. Rebalance armature or rotor if vibration is objectionable.
Check overall rotor resistance or impedance.
Check air-gap at four quadrature positions and reenter rotor if necessary. On horizontal
machines, the bearings may need replacing if the bottom air-gap is appreciably smaller than
the top.
Air Fans
Check rotor air fans for fatigue cracks. Check and tighten holding bolts and screws.
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Inspect for damaged insulation, dirt, oil, or moisture. Blow out dust with clean, dry air at
pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square inch. Clean exposed parts of windings
thoroughly with a nonflammable solvent using suitable brushes for hard-to-reach places.
The use of carbon tetrachloride is not recommended because of the toxic hazard. Revarnish
windings if insulation is becoming hard, brittle, or dull.
Check for insulation deterioration such as tape separation, cracking, brittleness, or evidence
of corona.
Check insulation with high voltage direct current method.
Slot Wedges
Check slot wedges and replace loose ones.
Tighten coils in slots by rewedging, if necessary.
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Check end play on horizontal machines. Replace or refinish rough bearings. Inspect bearing
oil piping and cooling water piping for leaks.
Check shaft for wobble and alignment.
Check for shaft currents through bearings on larger machines.
Check insulation of insulated bearings.
Check oil film resistance occasionally with machine in operation with ohmmeter of 6 volts or
less on thrust bearings provided with test terminals.
Temperature Indicators and Relays, Water and Oil Flow, and Pressure Gauges and Relays
Check indicators, gauges, and relays for correct operation and sticking, dirty contacts.
Check calibration if in doubt.
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Semi-Annual – Observe components visible through inspection windows: switch contacts,
auxiliary devices, wiring, terminal blocks, fuse clips and fuses, insulators and insulating
materials, space heater operation, cable terminations, adequate grounding, cleanliness,
evidence of water leaks, and overheating of parts. Observe stress cones and leakage sections
for cleanliness and tracking. Record loads if equipped with meters.
Weekly – Note whether multiple-shot reclosing fuse has operated. Replace as needed. Check
fuse latching and tripping mechanism for proper operation.
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Switch operating mechanism and Adjust for adequate contact closure and over travel;
linkage lubricate.
Check and tighten bolts, screws, and locknuts; see that
Operating rods, levers, and cranks rods, levers, and cranks are in serviceable condition and
repair as necessary; lubricate pivot points and bearings.
Check gears and bearings; flush out oil or
grease and relubricate.
Check motor operation and Megger; check adjustment of
Operating motor and mechanism
Check condition of contacts and refinish with fine file if
burned or corroded; check contact springs, operating
Auxiliary and limit switches rods, and levers; check closing and opening positions
with respect to main switch
contacts, travel, or motor mechanism.
Door and other interlocks Functional test for proper sequence.
Switch disconnect studs and finger
Lubricate unless manufacturer’s instruction says not.
clusters (if drawout type)
Clean and inspect for surface tracking; check
Cable terminations and connections
connections for correct tightness.
Meters Check calibration.
Check clips for adequate spring pressure and proper
Fuse clips and fuses
fuse rating.
Check base and operating handle ground connections;
see that ground cable is not broken.
Potential, current, and control
Evaluate and make necessary repairs.
See that switch operating hot sticks are in good
Switch operating hot sticks
condition and are kept in a dry place; inspect hot sticks
for damage and deterioration; discard suspect switch
operating hot sticks; test hot sticks per requirements.
10.4. Transformers
Station and distribution transformers generally operate at relatively low voltages and
power ratings. They provide step-down power to supply plant auxiliary loads—for
example, a 480 - 240/120-Vac transformer that supplies power to auxiliary lighting panels.
Maintenance or Test to be carried-out:
Review equipment ratings
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Instrument transformers convert power system level voltages and current to levels safe to
feed meters and other low voltage and current devices. Voltage or potential transformers
generally have output in the 240/120-Vac range, while current transformers have output in
the 2.5- to 5-ampere range. Voltage transformers may be integral to other equipment or
stand alone. Typically, current transformers are integral to other equipment (circuit
breakers, transformers) but occasionally may be stand alone.
Over the course of time, instrument transformers (particularly current transformers) may
become overburdened with the addition of more devices in the secondary circuit. This may
lead to saturation during a fault which may cause the relay to misoperate. Periodically,
measuring secondary burden and comparing it to the transformer rating will indicate if this
is a problem.
Instrument transformer secondary wiring always should be checked for integrity after any
work that may have disrupted these circuits.
Instrument transformers that are oil-filled will fail catastrophically and cause hazards to
workers if not maintained properly. Any oil leak should trigger immediate Doble testing and
replacement planning.
Maintenance or Test to be carried-out:
Review equipment ratings
Burden measurements
Doble test if oil-filled
Visual inspection
Infrared scan
Dry-type power transformers are air cooled, having no liquid insulation. Typical
applications include station service and excitation system transformers.
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Visual inspection/cleaning
Check fan operation
Clean fans and filters
Turns ratio test
Megger windings or Hipot
Oil-filled transformers generally deliver power to and from the main units of the facility—for
example, generator step-up transformers. These transformers are generally located
outside the building in a transformer bay or in a switchyard. These transformers may be
two-winding or more and include autotransformers.
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Buchholz relay
Inspect foundation, rails, trucks
Engine generators are critical systems at industrial installations and other water based facilities.
They must be maintained and tested regularly to ensure they will perform as expected.
Manufacturer and NFPA standards should be followed.
Engine generators provide essential power to supply critical loads in the event of loss of normal
power source. Critical loads may include fire pumps, important auxiliaries and battery chargers.
Exciters and voltage regulators comprise excitation systems which provide appropriate DC
excitation for the field of generators and synchronous motors. Excitation systems may be rotating
or static.
Some components of excitation systems (e.g., transformers, circuit breakers, protective relays,
annunciators, and buswork) may require maintenance similar to that described in like sections of
this document.
Preventive maintenance
Automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and power system stabilizer (PSS) performance testing
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Infrared scan
Battery systems provide “last resort” power for performing communication, alarm, control, and
protective functions when other sources of power fail. Battery system maintenance should have
highest priority. Computerized, online battery monitoring systems can greatly reduce maintenance
required on battery systems and actually improve battery reliability and increase battery life.
Battery chargers, important to the health and readiness of battery systems, require regular
maintenance as well.
Visual inspection
Battery float voltage
Cell float voltage
Specific gravity
Connection resistance
Capacity testing
Safety equipment inspection
Infrared scan cells and connections
Battery monitoring system
Visual inspection
Battery float voltage
Cell float voltage
Connection resistance
Internal resistance
Capacity testing
Safety equipment inspection
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Visual inspection
Battery float voltage
Intercell connection retorque
Capacity testing
Safety equipment inspection
Infrared scan cells and connections
Battery monitoring system
Battery Chargers
Preventive maintenance
Infrared scan cables and connections if visible
High voltage cable conducts power between the power plant and switchyard. The cable may be
solid dielectric or oil-filled. In the case of critical circuits, periodic maintenance tests are justified
during the life of the cable to determine whether or not there has been significant insulation
deterioration due to operational or environmental conditions.
Direct current Hipot tests effectively reduce inservice failures from faults of the cable or its
accessories. When done properly, maintenance tests can detect problems in cables that are
approaching failure without accelerating the deterioration process.
Except for infrared scanning, de-energize the cable circuit before maintenance.
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Buswork conducts current from one part of the powerplant or switchyard to another. Buswork is
usually constructed of flat or round copper or aluminum busbar and can be either isolated-phase
or nonsegregated. Except for infrared scanning, bus maintenance must be conducted de-
energized. Standoff buswork insulators provide isolation of “live” power circuits from ground and
other circuits. Failure of insulators will cause a power system fault and a forced outage.
Buswork Insulators
10.10. Bushings
Bushings are critical components of medium and high voltage circuit breakers and transformers.
Bushing maintenance is usually conducted at the same time maintenance is performed on the
circuit breaker or transformer, or at least during an outage on that equipment.
Refer to the circuit breaker and transformer maintenance sections of this document for bushing
maintenance requirements.
Lightning or surge arresters provide protection for important equipment from high-energy
surges. These arresters are static devices which require fairly infrequent maintenance. Most
maintenance must take place while the associated circuit is de-energized. However, crucial
visual inspections and infrared scans can take place while energized.
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Control circuits (usually 125 V dc, 250 V dc, or 120 V ac) provide the path for all control
functions for major equipment in the powerplant. Reliability of these circuits is paramount.
Although tested during commissioning, these circuits can become compromised over time
through various means:
Modifications and construction work which unintentionally break circuit integrity or introduce
wiring errors.
Age and deterioration of wiring rendering the system nonfunctional.
Connections that become loose.
Failure of individual control and protection devices due to misuse, old age, or inadvertent
Verifying the integrity of the control devices and interconnecting wiring requires a “functional
test” of these circuits. Functional testing of control circuits may be considered completed in the
course of normal plant operation. However, control circuits that rarely are used should be
functionally tested on a periodic basis.
Preventive maintenance
Functional test
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Equipment grounding is an essential part of protecting staff and equipment from high potential
caused by electrical faults. Equipment grounding conductors are subject to failure due to
corrosion, loose connections, and mechanical damage.
Grounding may also be compromised during equipment addition and removal or other
construction-type activities. Periodically verifying grounding system integrity is an important
maintenance activity.
Protective relays monitor critical electrical and mechanical quantities and initiate emergency
shutdown whenever they detect out-of-limits conditions.
Protective relays must operate correctly when abnormal conditions require and must not
operate at any other time.
Electrical protective relays are calibrated with settings derived from system fault and load
studies. Initial settings are provided when relays are installed or replaced. However, electrical
power systems change as new generation and transmission lines are added or modified. This
may mean that relay settings are no longer appropriate. Outdated relay settings can be
hazardous to personnel, to the integrity of the power-plant and power system, and to the
equipment itself.
Therefore, it is necessary to periodically conduct a fault and load study and review protective
relay settings to ensure safe and reliable operation.
Calibration: This process usually includes removal of the relay from service to a test
environment. Injecting current and/or voltage into the relay and observing the response
according to the manufacturer’s test procedure verifies the recommended settings. Calibration
of electro-mechanical relays is recommended frequently since operating mechanisms can wear
and get out of adjustment.
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Relay Functional Test: This process verifies that the protective outputs of the relay (e.g.,
contact closures) actually operate as intended. This can be accomplished as part of the
calibration procedure in most cases, but relay functional testing should be verified according to
the maintenance schedule.
Protective relays operate into protection circuits to accomplish the desired protective action.
Similar to control circuits, protection circuit integrity may be compromised by construction,
modifications, deterioration, or inadvertent damage. A compromised protection circuit may not
provide the system and plant protection desired. Periodic functional testing is recommended to
ensure the integrity of protection circuits.
Protection Circuit Functional Testing: This process verifies that the entire protective “trip
path” from protective relay through circuit breakers (or other protective equipment) is intact and
functional. This requires actually operating the entire circuit to verify correct operation of all
Where functional testing of ALL protection circuits is unfeasible, testing of the most critical
protection circuits and devices is still recommended.
Reclamation standard design for lockout relay and circuit breaker control circuits includes the
use of the red position/coil status indicator light to monitor the continuity of the circuit through
the trip coil. These lights should be lit when the lockout relay is in the “Reset” position or when
the breaker is closed. If the light is not lit, this may indicate a problem with the coil integrity
which should be addressed immediately.
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Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are computer-based, real-time
control. Since these systems are in operation continuously and are in many ways self-
diagnosing, regular maintenance and testing is not necessary except as recommended by the
manufacturer. However, circuits that are infrequently used may require periodic functional
testing to ensure they will be operational when the need arises.
Periodic audits, Critical Infrastructure Protection Plans (CIPP), and regularly scheduled security
training are important requirements of SCADA security.
Preventive maintenance
Functional test circuits
Failure mode tests
Security – audit
Security - CIPP updated
Security – training
Uninterruptible power supply test
Security system plays an important role for protection plant personnel, the public, and facility
equipment. Most security systems are site specific including many different manufacturers of
cameras, receivers, card key systems, gates, gate controls, and other types of equipment.
Therefore, it is imperative that personnel at each plant understand and follow manufacturers’
instructions for maintenance and testing the particular equipment installed.
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Transducers convert data collected in one format into electrical signals used by meters and
computerized monitoring and control systems. Accuracy of transduced signals is important to
alarm and control functions. Examples of transduced data include:
Fire detection and alarm systems provide indication and warning of fire in the facility. They are
crucial to safety of personnel and the public. Correct operation may also minimize damage to
equipment by an early response. Regular maintenance of systems in unstaffed facilities is
particularly important because O&M staff is not usually present to detect problems.
10.20. Fuses
Fuses provide power and control circuit protection by interrupting current under certain overload
and fault conditions.
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Some fuse failures are self evident. Loss of meter indication or control circuit operation may
indicate a blown (open) fuse. Other fuses that are critical to equipment operation may be
monitored and their opening alarmed. However, some fuse operation cannot be detected
remotely and should be assessed by regular maintenance. It may be as simple as looking for
the “fuse operated” indicator on the fuse, or it may require checking with an ohmmeter.
10.21. Annunciators
Annunciators provide essential plant condition status information to O&M personnel. Two
aspects must be considered:
correct operation of the annunciator itself and
Integrity of the alarm devices and interconnected wiring.
Annunciator operation is easily tested using the “Test” button provided on most annunciators
and is considered an “operations” activity.
Verifying integrity of the alarm devices and interconnecting wiring requires a “functional test” of
these circuits.
Functional testing is accomplished by:
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Effort should be directed towards detecting any changes in condition which may invalidate the
certification of a piece of equipment. As such, most inspections are of a visual nature which can
be carried out with the equipment running.
Inspection, Test and Measurement:
External Inspection:
No visible unauthorized modifications.
Bolts, cable entry devices and blanking elements are of correct type, complete, in good
condition and tight.
No obvious damage to cables.
Sealing of trunking, ducts, pipes and/or conduits is satisfactory.
Earthing and bonding connections are in good condition and tight.
No undue accumulation of dust and dirt.
Enclosure, glasses, sealing gaskets and/or compounds are satisfactory.
Circuit identification present and correct.
Ducts, pipes and enclosures are in good condition.
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One of the major responsibilities of the Line Manager in a work-area is to train and supervise
people in the safe maintenance of electrical equipment ensuring safety and health to the working
people. Formulation of Safe Operating Procedure for different types of equipment are to be followed
by training to the supervisors, and with his association, training to actual workmen who perform the
work in different areas such as Off-shore operation, Drilling Rigs, Construction Zone, Electrical
Areas etc.
BUNDUQ will also develop and provide comprehensive Cold and Hot Works training for Permit
Applicants, Permit Holder, and authorized persons as defined by this procedure. No person shall
perform the functions of Permit Applicants, Permit Holder, and authorized persons, nor will they
supervise the work unless they have been through the BUNDUQ training program and until such
time as they are authorized by BUNDUQ ES&H to perform such tasks.
After the preparation of ground for SOP, such as, training of the controlling supervisor and the
group of workmen of different trades deployed on the maintenance work of Electrical Equipment,
respective SOPs are required to be introduced, people groomed and necessary inputs and back-up
resources provided to them, teething troubles faced and solved patiently and objectively.
The language and method of communication to workmen and their supervising staff have to be
perfectly suitable to their level of understanding, knowledge of language, length of experience,
surrounding of workmen-giving utmost emphasis and importance to the prevailing practical aspects.
Compliance, being a process of human adoption and having a bearing on habits and behavior of
workmen, needs human and psychological approach to be adopted and practiced by the
supervisor, with full backing of the line management.
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After systematically introducing SOP and providing tender nurturing, it is to be kept under constant
watch to check that people are complying with the system truly and in work-culture spirit; and that
SOP is meeting the objective of efficient and quality output, ease to workmen, improved working
environment, and conformance to all regulatory requirements and above all job-satisfaction to
During their regular rounds and sometimes during scheduled inspection, the Manager and
Supervisors should do spot checks of SOPs, interact with the workmen to convince them to adopt
correct and safe way of operation, to take all relevant safety precautions, use right types of PPEs.
To keep the Safe Operating Procedures of Hand and Power Tools on right track, it must be
subjected to regular and timely audits as per the prescribed procedure of the company.
The SOP System Custodian is to arrange for the system to be reviewed on an annual basis. The
objective is to ensure that any changes required to the system, or its operation, are incorporated.
Review Mechanism
The SOP System Custodian should conduct the review in conjunction with appropriate personnel
from the area operating the SOP System and other involved parties such as the Training Custodian.
The review is to deliver recommendations for changes to the system, based on consideration of the
a) Audit Reports
b) Incident Reports
c) Proposals for Change
d) Change to appropriate industry guidance documents
e) Change to Company Organization
Copies of the recommendations from the review should be circulated for agreement prior to being
All resulting changes to the Manual or other documentation are to be done in accordance with
appropriate document control procedures.
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In case, the work–situation has changed new sets of technology and machines have been
introduced, authorities in–charge of Review of the system propose for change in SOP system in
order to effect improvement, updating should be done by the management.
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In addition to fire and electrical shock, other known hazards include arc flash and arc blast, intense
light, and concentrated noise. Damage to body tissue from magnetic fields and plasma is another
possible hazard about which little is known.
Injuries from electrical hazards include electrocution (which always means fatality) from electric shock,
burns, reaction injuries such as falls caused by electrical contact, and injuries from flying parts and
pieces in an electrical explosion. Other injuries from arc flash, such as damage to eyes and ears, have
only recently been recognized.
A body resistance model would indicate approximately 1,000 Ω from hand to hand, or about 1,100 Ω
from hand to foot. It is believed that the greatest number of injurious shocks involve a current pathway
that is either hand to hand or hand to feet.
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Electric shock:
Electric shock is the physical stimulation that occurs when electric current flows through human body.
The symptoms may include a mild tingling sensation, violent muscle contraction, heart arrhythmia, or
tissue damage.
Burns caused by electric current occur from the inside of the body. This means that the growth centers
are destroyed. Electric-current burns can be especially severe when they involve vital internal organs.
Research has shown that cell death can result from the enlargement of cellular pores due to high-
intensity electric fields. The electroporation effect allows ions to flow freely through the cell membranes,
causing cell death.
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Asphyxia occurs when the passage of continuous current through the chest cavity causes the chest
muscles constantly to contract, interfering with breathing.
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Shut off the electrical current if the victim is still in contact with the energized circuit. While you do
this, have someone else call for help.
If you cannot get to the switchgear quickly, pry the victim from the circuit with something that does
not conduct electricity such as dry wood. Do not touch the victim yourself if he or she is still in
contact with an electrical circuit! You do not want to be a victim, too!
Do not leave the victim unless there is absolutely no other option. You should stay with the victim
while Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is contacted. The caller should come back to you
afterwards to verify that the call was made. If the victim is not breathing, does not have a heartbeat,
or is badly injured, quick response by a team of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) or
paramedics gives the best chance for survival.
Once you know that electrical current is no longer flowing through the victim, call out to the victim to
see if he or she is conscious (awake). If the victim is conscious, tell the victim not to move. It is
possible for a shock victim to be seriously injured but not realize it. Quickly examine the victim for
signs of major bleeding. If there is a lot of bleeding, place a cloth (such as a handkerchief or
bandanna) over the wound and apply pressure. If the wound is in an arm or leg and keeps bleeding
a lot, gently elevate the injured area while keeping pressure on the wound. Keep the victim warm
and talk to him or her until help arrives.
If the victim is unconscious, check for signs of breathing. While you do this, move the victim as little
as possible. If the victim is not breathing, someone trained in CPR should begin artificial breathing,
then check to see if the victim has a pulse. Quick action is essential! To be effective, CPR must be
performed within 3 minutes of the shock.
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CPR Technique
What is CPR?
The letters in CPR stand for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, a combination of rescue breathing
(mouth-to-mouth resuscitation) and chest compressions.
CPR is most successful when administered as quickly as possible, but you must first determine if it's
necessary. It should only be performed when a person isn't breathing or circulating blood adequately.
First, determine that it's safe to approach the person in trouble. For instance, if someone was injured in
an accident on a busy highway, you'd have to be extremely careful about ongoing traffic as you try to
help. Or if someone touched an exposed wire and was electrocuted, you'd have to be certain that he or
she is no longer in contact with electricity before offering assistance, to prevent becoming electrocuted
yourself. (For instance, turn off the source of electricity, such as a light switch or a circuit breaker.)
Once you know that you can safely approach someone who needs help, quickly evaluate whether the
person is responsive. Look for things like eye opening, sounds from the mouth, or other signs of life like
movement of the arms and legs.
3 Steps of CPR:
1. Call:
Check the victim for unresponsiveness. If there is no response, Call concerned emergency no. and
return to the victim to attend to resuscitation and pulmonary treatment, either alone or with some
trained body if available.
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2. Blow:
Tilt the head back and listen for breathing. If not breathing normally, pinch nose and cover the
mouth with yours and blow until you see the chest rise. Give 2 breaths. Each breath should take 1
3. Pump:
If the victim is still not breathing normally, coughing or moving, begin chest compressions. Push
down on the chest 1.5 to 2 inches 30 times right between the nipples. Pump at the rate of
100/minute, faster than once per second.
If breathing and heartbeat both are stopped, attend to them one after the other in the following ratio
(a) one blow and five pumps—if two persons attend
(b) Two blows and fifteen pumps—if only one person attends.
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