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Ecological Pyramids

B.Sc. Part-I, Paper-I, Group-B

Dr. Vandana Kumari, Department of Zoology, R.C.S. College, Manjhaul

 The structure of ecosystems can be visualized with ecological pyramids,

which were first described by the pioneering studies of Charles Elton in the
1920s. Ecological pyramids show the relative amounts of various parameters
(such as number of organisms, energy, and biomass) across trophic levels. It
has numerous names like Eltonian pyramid after Charles Elton, energy
pyramid, trophic pyramid, and food pyramid.
 Ecological Pyramid is a graphical depiction which is meant to illustrate the
relationship between different living organisms at different level in
an ecosystem. In an ecosystem there are three types of ecological pyramid.
 The pyramid consists of a no. of horizontal bars showing specific trophic
levels which are arranged sequentially from primary producer level through
herbivores, carnivores onwards. The length of each bar represent the total
no. of individuals at each trophic level in an ecosystem.
 The number, biomass and energy of organism gradually decreases with each
step from the producer level to consumer level and the diagrammatic
representation takes a pyramid shape.
Types of Ecological pyramid

The ecological pyramids are of three types-

1. Pyramid of numbers
2. Pyramid of Biomass
3. Pyramid of Energy
Pyramid of Numbers

 Pyramid of numbers represent the total numbers of individuals(population)

present in each trophic level. This deals with the relationship between the
numbers of primary producers and consumers of different levels. This pyramid
is quite convenient especially when it comes to counting the number of
organisms. Counting is a simple task and it can be done over the years to
determine the changes in a specific ecosystem. It is a graphic representation
of the total no. of individuals of different species belonging to each trophic
level in an ecosystem.
 Pyramid of number is divided into two different form depending on the
number of organism
❑ Upright Pyramid of number
❑ Inverted Pyramid of number
Upright pyramid of Number

 In the Upright pyramid of

numbers, the numbers of
organisms mostly reduce from
bottom to top. It usually
occurs in pond and grassland
ecosystems where plants
occupy the base of the
pyramid. The next levels of
the pyramid include the
Inverted pyramid of number

 An inverted pyramid is actually the

opposite of the upright pyramid. It
can closely be observed in tree
ecosystem, where trees are the
producers and insects are the
Drawbacks of pyramid of numbers

 Amongst the three ecosystem pyramids. The pyramid of number is the most
incorrect, as it does not take into consideration the exact population. Hence,
it cannot completely elaborate on the trophic structure in a system.
 This pyramid ignores the biomass of species and it doesn’t show the energy
transferred between individual groups.
 Pyramids of numbers are not very functional as they do not give a clear or
true picture of the food chain.
Pyramid of Biomass

 This pyramid indicates the total mass of organisms in a particular trophic level.
A pyramid of numbers shows the relationship between the amount of food
available and how much energy is being passed at each trophic. Biomass
consumed by animals mostly is either converted to living tissue, converted to
energy or remain as undigested products.
 The pyramid is usually larger at the bottom but as it goes up it reduces in size
and becomes smaller. There is always a reduction of biomass with an increase
in trophic level. Approximately 10% to 20% of the biomass is passed from one
trophic level to the other.
 Just like pyramid of number it is also of two type-
 Upright pyramid of biomass
 Inverted pyramid of biomass
Upright pyramid of biomass

An example of an upright
pyramid is the terrestrial
ecosystem. It has a large
base mainly consists of
primary consumers, the
smaller trophic levels are
located at the top.
Inverted pyramid of biomass
Pyramid of energy

 An energy pyramid represents the amount of energy at each trophic level and
loss of energy at each transfer to another trophic level. Pyramid of energy is
an upright pyramid that illustrates the flow of energy from producers to
consumers. Furthermore, it indicates the actual role played by various
organisms in energy transfer. Energy pyramids indicate how much energy is
required in the next trophic level as it flows upwards. Hence the pyramid
is always upright, with a large energy base at the bottom.
 To compare the functional role of the tropic levels in an ecosystem, the
energy pyramid is more suitable.
 It reflects the laws of thermodynamics, with conversion of solar energy to
chemical energy and heat energy at each trophic level and with the loss of
energy being depicted at each transfer to each trophic level.
Pyramid of energy
Significance of ecological pyramid

➢ They show the feeding of different organisms in different ecosystems.

➢ It shows the efficiency of energy transfer.
➢ The condition of the ecosystem can be monitored, and any further damage
can be prevented.
Limitations of ecological pyramid

➢ More than one species may occupy multiple trophic levels as in case of the
food web. Thus, this system does not take into account food webs.
➢ The saprophytes are not considered in any of the pyramids even though they
form an important part of the various ecosystem.
➢ These pyramids are applicable only to simple food chains, which usually do
not occur naturally.
➢ These pyramids do not deliver any concept in relation to variations in season
and climate.
➢ They do not consider the possibility of the existence of the same species at
different levels.

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