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Yayasan Riyadlotut Thalabah Sedan Madrasah Aliyah Riyadlotut Thalabah Sedan Penilaian Akhir Semester Gasal TAHUN PELAJARAN 2020/2021

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Mata Pelajaran : Toefl Hari, Tanggal : Kamis, 3 Desember 2020 1

Kelas :X Waktu : 60 Menit

Perhatian : a. Berdoalah kepada Allah sebelum memulai mengerjakan paket soal

b. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam LJK Penilaian Akhir Semester Gasal
c. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia

I. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar diantara A, B, C, D dan E dengan pernyataan sebelumnya dari tiap-tiap
nomor berikut dengan memberi bulatan penuh ( ) pada kolom lembar jawab yang tersedia!

1. Ali gets an invitation to a party. There, he met many A. I’m so glad to see you again
people he didn't know before. However, he also didn't B. Long time no see you
want to just be silent. He wanted to greet them all in a C. It’s been too long
friendly manner. The type of greeting Ali should use D. It has been a long time
is .... E. It’s time too long
A. informal greeting D. casual greeting 7. One day, one of the students came late to school. This is
B. formal greeting E. general greeting very common because the student cannot manage his
C. neutral greeting time properly. The good thing is, he always admits his
2. Thanking is very important to say after being given help mistakes and dares to apologize to the teacher who was
by others. An appropriate thank you to say when a teaching at that time. In fact, he often asks for
friend helps us is…. assignments as a sign of his forgiveness for his
A. Thanks D. thanks a lot mistakes. The right apology for this is….
B. thank you E. thank a million A. My teacher, I owe you an apology.
C. thank a lot B. I am sorry, teacher.
3. The correct answer to the question "How have you C. Uh, this is my bad!
been?" is…. D. I am so sorry for my mistake, teacher.
A. I am being great D. I almost fine E. My teacher, I hope your apology.
B. I am fine E. I am doing great 8. If someone really enjoys being able to help others, then
C. I’ve been great(C) when the person being helped says “thank you” he
4. Alam is my younger brother, he is tall and thin. He has answers with….
a long hair. My older sister is Fehma. She is short and A. You’re welcome.
she has black hair and brown eyes. I’m in the middle. I B. Yes, thank you again.
have black hair like my older sister. I love both of them. C. No problem!
The appropriate title for the text above is…. D. The pleasure is mine.
A. My Sister and Brother D. I’m the Middle E. And thank you too.
B. My Family E. My Siblings(e) 9. Pair the form of the statement and its type in the table
C. My Love below!
5. Doni entered the language class today and it is a new No. STATEMENT No. TYPE
class for him. He wanted to tell his friends about his 1. Hello, Good morning! 1. Casual
birthplace and also where he grew up. Because he was 2. How are you doing? 2. Formal
born and grew up in different places. What is the 3. What’s up? 3. Informal
4. What’s going on? 4. General
correct statement for this?
A. I was born at ....
A. (1,2);(2,4);(3,3);(4,1) D. (1,1);(2,2);(3,3);(4,4)
B. my birthplace is in ... and grew up in ....
B. (1,3);(2,2);(3,4);(4,3) E. (1,4);(2,3);(3,2);(4,1)
C. my grew up place is in ....
C. (1,4);(2,1);(3,2);(4,3)
D. I was grew up in ....
10. Hello my friends! On this occasion, I would like to
E. I was born in ... and raised in ...
introduce myself in front of you all. My name is Tria
6. Complete the conversation below!
Nur Hasanah. The people closest to me used to call me
Andrew : Hello, Mr. Black! How’s your health?
by the name Nana. But you can also call me by the
Mr. Black : Hello, Adrew! Very good.
name Tri or Tria. I was born in Sleman,….
Andrew : Oh, Mr. Black,…. because it has been
A. 21 June 2004
almost five years since we have never met
B. 21st June 2004
C. 21-06-2004
Mr. Black : Me too, Adrew. Let's spend our time
D. June 21st, 2004
telling stories about everything that
E. 2004, 21st June
happened during our absence!
11. One day, Ani came to her grandmother's house. And Hena : Oh, Heri….
there was a conversation like the following:  Heri : Alright. Next time you need to be more
Ani : Assalamualaikum, grandmother! careful!
Grandma : Waalaikumussalam, Ani. What is the need Hena : Fine, I'll be even more observant in reading
for your grandparents to come here all the invitations.
way? The right apology for the answer to the conversation
Ani : Look, Grandma, yesterday Ana washed the above is….
veil that she borrowed from you. But after A. I’m so sorry
he dried and he wanted to take it, the veil B. my mistake!
was not there Grandma.  C. my bad!
Grandma : Then, what's the problem, Ani? D. my fool.
Ani : Ana doesn't dare to come directly to E. my forget.
grandmother because she is afraid. 16. Ratih and Ella have been friends for a long time. One
Therefore, Ana came here because … for day, Ella was hit by a motorcycle and fell when she was
Ana's mistake. Are you willing to forgive about to meet Ratih who was waiting for her in front of
Ana? the school gate across the street. Ratih rushed to help
Grandma : Of course Ani. Ella and took her to the School Health Unit so that her
The correct apology for the points above is…. wound was treated immediately and Ella could rest
A. I’m so sorry immediately. Ella is very grateful to Ratih because
B. I want to apologise Ratih has helped her.
C. I feel sorry The right response that Ratih had to say was….
D. Pardon me A. I know you need me now.
E. I need your apology for B. You know I always did this for you.
12. Rachel doesn't feel like going to school. Not because C. I know you’d do the same for me.
she was lazy, but from the morning after Fajr he felt D. I will wait you here.
unwell. Her head was very dizzy. His nose is always E. Better you take your rest.
runny. His eyes were dark. Even his whole body feels 17. My father and mother are both from Holland.
very heavy for activities. Therefore, he intends to Therefore,… from the Netherlands but now I'm bassed
contact his homeroom teacher to ask for permission to in Bali.
not attend school today. A. I’m originally
The correct theme for the text above is…. B. I’m coming
A. Rachel feel headache C. I come
B. Rachel’s nose is runny D. I based
C. Rachel don’t want going to school E. I live
D. Asking permission 18. One of the jobs I enjoy doing is painting. I used to paint
E. Rachel is sick on canvas. But sometimes, I also paint on the wall and
13. The right expression of thanking to someone we really on plywood. One of the drawing themes I like the most
respect is…. is natural scenery. 
A. Thank you, mom. The right theme for this piece of text is….
B. Thanks a lot, mom. A. My Theme
C. Thanks a million, mom. B. My Hobby
D. Very thanks, mom. C. My Picture
D. My Painting
E. Thank you very much, mom.
E. My Scenery
14. Choose the correct answer to the question “What's 19. One of the obligatory ways of introducing yourself is to
going on?”! mention names. The way to say a good and correct
A. No problem! name when introducing yourself is….
B. Nothing to say. A. my name Rika
C. Nothing special. B. I am Rika
D. Nothing much. C. I Rika
E. No more. D. name is Rika
15. Heri : Hena, why did you come to my show so E. My name is Rika
late? Didn't I send you an invitation? 20. An example of a good apology to say to an older person
Hena : No Heri, I'm not late. The invitation you is….
gave was written at 9:00 a.m. And now it's A. I hope pardon me
only 9:05. Come on, I'm only 5 minutes B. I ask you an apology
late. C. Please, I’m so sorry
Heri : Five minutes how about Hena? You're over D. Give me your apology
an hour late!p E. I say sorry to you
Hena : Really? 
(While checking the invitation again)
21. If someone asks you how are you with the question 26. When you want to explain that in two months, you will
"How's everything coming together?", then the right be sixteen years old, what is the correct statement?
answer to that question is…. A. I will be sixteen.
A. everything is okay B. I’m in sixteen.
B. everything is coming together C. I’m in early sixteen.
C. everything is will be okay D. I’m in mid sixteen.
D. things coming together is nice E. I’m in later sixteen.
E. it will be coming together 27. Complete the conversation below!
22. Choose one of an appropriate for saying thank you to A: Thank you very much, sir. You already want to
the doctor who has been very helpful for us! attend this social event.
A. I can’t thank you enough. B: ….
B. I must say thank you for you. A. Very welcome.
C. I always be grateful. B. It is nice to come.
D. Thank you very much C. The pleasure is mine.
E. I give you big thank you. D. Very well, no problem!
23. I am very sorry sir. Due to my mistake, the organization E. You’re welcome.
meeting had to be postponed.  28. I am Feroza. I am a student. I am from England. I am
The correct apology for the above incident is .... twenty years old. I study English and I live in a
A. My apology, this is my mistake. boarding house. I live in London. I take a taxi to go to
B. I’m sorry for a mistake. campus.
C. Big sorry for this mistake. Please choose the right theme for the text below!
D. Pardon me for my mistake. A. My activity
E. I’m sorry, sir. B. About me
24. The appropriate form of greeting to use at a birthday C. My Life
party is…. D. My Study
A. Informal E. Who am I?
B. Formal 29. Complete the conversation below!
C. General A:….?
D. Casual B: It has been a long time.
E. Neutral A. How long is it?
25. Complete the conversation below!  B. How have you been?
A : …. for helping me. C. Is it been too long?
B : You're welcome. D. How long has it been?
A. Thanks a lot E. What have you been?
B. Thank 30. Tsaniya ... at four in the morning. Then he washed his
C. Thanks face and performed ablution and after that performed
D. Thank you the Fajr prayer.
E. Thanks you A. wake up D. get up
B. waked up E. getting up
C. woke up

II. Jawablah uraian di bawah ini sesuai dengan perintah yang tertera!
1. Make a simple story about your family! (minimum 4 sentences)
2. Make an example of a self-introduction which consists of greeting, mentioning the name, place and date of birth and
place of being raised!
3. Have a simple conversation about two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time!
4. Make a simple story about your school! (minimum 4 sentences)
5. Describe the image below! (minimum 4 sentences)

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