Full Body Aesthetics Vol2

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The author discusses making modifications to their training program by changing exercises, adding variations and different set/rep schemes to keep the workouts fresh and interesting while still following progressive overload principles. They also discuss building their body back after surgery and gaining popularity for their new style of training.

The author believes that taking out the 'stale vibe' of traditional progressive overload and full body training by hiding progressive overload in new exercise combinations each day and taking a non-traditional approach makes for the most fun and diverse full body program. They argue this new style is more effective than traditional methods.

The author changed the stimuli of movements in their program by varying exercises, adding bands, bodyweight variations, and different set/rep schemes. As a result, they regained their pre-surgery physique and many people began following their new style of training which became very popular on their app and in their gym.

Starting t o sound p r e t t y g o o d n o w right?!

A f t e r my first 2 weeks of starting this new regimen, | was really sore, second
guessing if this was a good idea, and slightly bored with the structure (as |

t h o u g h t | would be).

Then | realized what | needed t o do. Like all of my programs, | needed t o put
my own signature flair on it. | needed to pull out all of the proven principles
that make the program work and add in some new modern ideas and freshen
up t h e vibe.

|decided t o change the stimuli of t h e movements in some aspect as much as

| could. Whether it was changing t h e movement completely t o a new move-

ment or adding in bands, bodyweight variations, or sets and rep schemes t h a t

weren't done in the prior days or weeks. Progressive overload is alive and well
in the program still, but it?s hidden in the many combinations that we perform
each day. Taking out the stale vibe of traditional progressive overload and tra-
ditional full body training.

In my opinion, this is the most fun and diverse full body regimen on the planet.
L i t e r a l l y just after 4 months of this new training style, | had built my body back
t o what looked like pre-surgery and everyone | knew was asking what | have

been doing lately for my training.

Itold them, just like HIIB, that | had created a new style of training that was
going t o take t h e world by storm.

As | write to you now, it has been 1 full year since | started writing these pro-
grams and | now have thousands of people on t h e CHALK Performance Train-
ing app completing these routines daily. My Gym in Orange County, CA is full
of members doing these routines in open gym (open gym use to be dead). And
well, for me, it's given me something t o get excited about in the gym again. Af-
ter 15+ years of training hard, we all need t o switch things up t o light that fire
inside us and keep motivation high. It's even more fun if you're t h e guy paving
the path for others (which am so thankful t o be).

| am really excited f o r all you t o dive in!

DAY G6 ? FuLLBopy

H i g h I n t e n s i t y Full B o d y D a y !

* 100 Barbell Hip Thrusts
e 100 DB Incline Bench Press

2 Rounds:
* 25 C h i n - U p s ( u n d e r h a n d g r i p )
e 25 B a r b e l l B e n t O v e r R o w s
(regular grip)

* 100 DB Lateral Raises

* 100 W e i g h t e d E l e v a t e d Dips

¢ 100 B a n d e d E x t e r n a l Curl
Give y o u r s e l f 10min. t o finish each 100
* We did a lot of pulling already on back, r e p station. If y o u d o n ' t finish in t h a t
so | purposely wanted this t o beal i t t l e t i m e , it?s all g o o d , b u t y o u n e e d t o m o v e
more mellow on your biceps. The angle
on. W h e n e v e r y o u d o finish, rest 2-3min.
is awesome t h o u g h and w e never do it.
and m o v e o n t o t h e n e x t station. If y o u
pick t h e r i g h t w e i g h t s or a m o u n t o f
Calves: resistance, t h i s s h o u l d t a k e
* 100 Barbell Standing Calf Raises a n y w h e r e f r o m 50-70min.
(weight recommendation would be
As far as weight suggestions go, |
your bodyweight or slightly less like
would pick something that you can do
.75 x your bodyweight)
consistent sets of 6-10 reps at a time
with a short break (Should be around
60-70% of your 1 rep max). You main
goal is t o try and pick the perfect
weight that is challenging, but also gets
you to finish right in that 7-10min.
window (with a hard effort).
D A Y 24 ? ? F u i t Bopy
3 Sets o f H e e l E l e v a t e d DB G o b l e t
Squats with a 30X0 Tempo. Rest 90sec.
B e t w e e n Sets.
( S h o o t f o r 1 5 + reps)
* In this v i d e o | am u s i n g 100/b DB a n d
getting 20+ reps

Chest/Back Superset:
¢ 12-15 Banded Flat DB Bench Press.

I m m e d i a t e l y into;
e 1min. o f M a x C h i n - U p s (underhand
Rest 90sec. Repeat For 4 Total Sets

¢ 12-15 Barbell Upright Rows.
Rest 90sec. Repeat For 4 Total Sets.

Bicep/Tricep Superset:
¢ I m i n . o f B a n d e d Tricep ?Push?

Immediately into;
¢ imin. of Barbell Bicep Curls
Rest 90sec. Repeat For 4 Total Sets
* a d d some w e i g h t and t r y t o make these a
little heavier t o d a y
* It?s fine if y o u have to rest a few seconds
here and there.

e 1min. of Single Leg Deficit Calf
Raises (right leg)
I m m e d i a t e l y into;
e 1min. o f Single Leg D e f i c i t Calf
Raises (left leg)
Rest 1min. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.

D A Y 27 - FvuLLBopy

* 50 Front Squats
e 5 0 Back S q u a t s ( 1 0 - 2 0 % h e a v i e r )
* M a k e sure t h e w e i g h t is h e a v y t o s t a r t a n d
t h a t it t a k e s a b o u t 4-5min. t o finish each 5 0
reps. M o s t p e o p l e are significantly s t r o n g e r
w i t h back squats. That?s w h y | a d d e d a w e i g h t
increase t h e r e .

* 100 Incline Barbell Bench Press

* 100 Strict Pull-Ups (regular grip)

* 100 Standing Lateral DB Raises

* 100 Feet Elevated Weighted Dips

* 100 Reverse G r i p Barbell Curls (for
w e i g h t on this one, just t h e b a r should
be g o o d )

5 Rounds:
Imin. O f Max Weighted Barbell Calf
Raises (Use something you can get
about 10-15 reps at a time)
I m m e d i a t e l y into;
* I m i n . O f W e i g h t e d Plank (Use w h a t e v e r
y o u used on d a y 15 on this cycle)
N o Rest B e t w e e n Rounds

* S a m e rules as t h e p r e v i o u s H i g h I n t e n s i t y

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