Somap: Satellite Operator's Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements
Somap: Satellite Operator's Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements
Somap: Satellite Operator's Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements
Minimum Antenna
Global VSAT Forum Requirements
April 2017
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 2
1) General Introduction
The satellite industry has experienced unprecedented growth over the last decade. With that growth,
the focus on antenna performance and the impact of interference due to closely spaced satellites has
become a higher priority amongst satellite operators. As a result, it has become desirable for these
operators to work with antenna manufacturers to improve the antenna terminal qualification process.
In the year 2013, based on frequent discussion during meetings, members of the “Mutual Recognition
Agreement Group”, or “GVF-MRA group” within the Global VSAT Forum (GVF), originated a
request for satellite operators to evaluate the possibility of defining Minimum Antenna Performance
Requirements for earth stations.
Accordingly, given increasing concerns regarding antenna characteristics in general and more
specifically with the proliferation of Comms-On-The-Move (COTM) products, industry leading
satellite operators (consisting of AsiaSat, Eutelsat, Inmarsat, Intelsat and SES), came together with
the aim of developing an antenna qualification framework that would be adopted by the participating
members. The group, identified as “SOMAP” (Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance
Requirements), endeavours to offer consistency across the industry, for customers and antenna
This framework is primarily intended to address the qualification of new antenna products being
introduced to the market. The framework, developed and endorsed by the SOMAP working group,
consists of the following key elements.
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 3
It has to be emphasized that with the Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements Matrix the
SOMAP group does not intend to introduce another standard, replacing existing standards originating
from ITU, FCC or ETSI for example. Those will remain in place, as well as the antenna performance
requirements which every satellite operator defined for themselves. The intention is to set a minimum
of performance criteria, which have to be fulfilled in situations when an antenna does not meet the
standards currently in place, but in theory could work well in a given environment, as long as
contractual constraints with adjacent satellite operators are met. Regular operation still requires
compliance with existing standards, which future antennas should be designed for.
The Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements Matrix was created on a non-mandatory basis.
Satellite operators, however, will adhere to it to the best of their capabilities, which in certain cases
could mean that either additional test data or additional information from the manufacturer will be
requested, restrictions will be applied and a specific conditions will be imposed during operation.
As stated previously, the participating satellite operators are of the opinion that there is a need for a
consistent set of minimum test data, especially in light of the numerous advanced and highly complex
COTM antenna terminals being introduced to the market.
o To gain confidence that the antennas meet the specified performance through an agreed
minimum testing regimen.
o To have all participating satellite operators seek the same information from vendors.
The Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements will be introduced with a significant time margin
towards implementation. They will only apply to new antenna models which are introduced to the
market after September 1st, 2018
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 4
Mandatory Test Data (Comms-On-The-Move only)
The number of COTM antenna systems to access the collective fleet is expected to increase
significantly, and satellite operators believe that mobile applications will use a substantial part of
space capacity in the future, especially in view of new High Throughput Satellites (HTS).
As per September 1, 2018 the satellite operators participating in the SOMAP will request a mandatory
set of test data for COTM products, as explained in Chapter 2. Further, more attention will be given to
All satellite operators are obliged to design and operate their services in accordance with coordination
agreements that have been contractually established between themselves, besides applicable ITU
recommendations, and rules of administrative bodies in charge in the specific country or region.
When an antenna model meets the Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements (SOMAP), it does
not guarantee that it will be able to support customer’s specific wishes for carrier configuration in a
specific orbital slot. It merely implies that the activation of this particular product is taken into
consideration by the satellite operator in question, which means that the operator will do everything in
his power to adhere to customer’s wishes. However, eventually a customer’s desired service
configuration may have to be modified in order to remain within the coordination agreements. This
can be done by
1) choosing a less restrictive orbital slot if another satellite is available,
2) applying more bandwidth to the service, which is in essence to alter the link configuration, or
3) choosing an antenna model with a larger dish size, for transmission, for reception, or for both.
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 5
2) Mandatory Test Data (COTM Only)
The satellite operators who are taking part in the SOMAP project will request the data below be
provided by antenna manufacturers as of September 1st, 2018:
Document Description
Datasheet with specified Rx Gain, Tx Gain, and G/T (including relevant
conditions like frequency, elevation angle x, LNA/LNB
temperature in Kelvin) as well as
on-axis cross-pol isolation performance for a specified Tx
and Rx frequency and
a picture of the antenna without radome.
Antenna Radiation Patterns of both transmit and receive frequency band at low,
intermediate and high frequencies,
both polarizations, HLP and VLP or RHCP and LHCP,
whichever is applicable,
both the azimuth and elevation plane.
Radiation Pattern Resolution and Format Wide angle span (±180° or minimum ±100°), for various
elevation angles, azimuth angles, in a grid of 1°,
Narrow angle span (ideally ± 10°, ± 15° as a maximum) in
a grid of 0.1°,
Numerical, preferably in Excel- or text format with
comprehensive description.
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 6
Requirements for Non-Parabolic Comms-On-The-Move antennas
Document Description
Datasheet specified Rx Gain, Tx Gain, and G/T (including relevant
With conditions like frequency, elevation angle x, LNA/LNB
temperature in Kelvin) as well as
on-axis cross-pol isolation performance for a specified Tx
and Rx frequency and
a picture of the antenna without radome.
Antenna Radiation Patterns of both transmit and receive frequency band at low,
intermediate and high frequencies,
both polarizations, HLP and VLP or RHCP and LHCP,
whichever is applicable,
both the azimuth and elevation plane.
Document Description
Additional Antenna Radiation Patterns Radiation patterns should be made available for various
for skew angles skew angles from -90° to 90°, in increments of 10°
(preferably 5°) in the horizontal and vertical plane
Radiation Pattern Resolution and Format Wide angle span (±180° or minimum ±100°), for various
elevation angles, azimuth angles, in a grid of 1°,
narrow angle span (ideally ± 10°, ± 15°as a maximum) in
a grid of 0.1°,
numerical, preferably in Excel- or text format with
comprehensive description.
1. Numerical data are mandatory, however, if plots are provided, they should be labeled clearly
for each axis, and provide an indication of the conditions within which they were taken
(frequency, polarization, plane, etc.).
2. Please provide antenna patterns taken with radome. If not available then it must be indicated
on each plot.
3. The radiation patterns should be provided for antenna gain. For the normalized gain, the
peak antenna gain should be indicated for each plot.
4. If the radiation patterns are based on power spectral density (PSD), then each plot should
indicate peak power (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (E.I.R.P.), in dBW). Please
indicate the relationship of radiated power and associated BUC with post amplifier losses.
5. Please elaborate on the expected performance variation across the anticipated operating
environment (on-aircraft, train, vehicle or maritime).
6. An executive summary shall be provided, summarizing performance, and highlighting any
aspects that require special consideration.
C.) Radome
1. Provide the name of the designer and the name of the manufacturer of the radome.
2. Which information on the radome is visible on the product in the field (logo, serial number,
type/model indication, production date, etc.)?
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 7
3. Indicate the radome type (sandwich, etc.), the number of layers and the number of segments or
4. Provide the radome dimensions (including thickness), and its weight, attach pictures if possible.
5. What is the impact of the radome on the increase in noise temperature [dB] and G/T?
6. What is the expected effect of the radome on antenna beam deflection (for open loop tracking
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 8
3) Matrix Interpretation
The SOMAP Group defined the future requirements in a matrix, listing the relevant parameters
divided into sections for C-Band, Ku-Band and Ka-Band.
The horizontal axis represents the antenna type in terms of size and application. The vertical axis
represents the parameters for which the requirements are specified in the individual cells.
The matrix includes a list of the following antenna types and parameters:
Antenna Types
Fixed Central Station (aka Teleport Antenna System, Gateway Antenna System)
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
SNG (Satellite News Gathering)
Mobile, non-maritime and Small Diameter, On-The-Move Terminals , Atypical Construction,
Advanced Technology
Diameter equivalent
Antenna sidelobe characteristics (aligned to geostationary arc)
Measured Co-polar pattern - with radome if applicable (low- mid- end high frequency band)
Spurious transmission (Carrier off)
Starts at α
X-pol isolation (cross-pol isolation within 1 dB contour) C-, Ku- and Ka-Band
Measured Cross-polar pattern
Polarization Alignment Accuracy
Azimuth / Elevation fine adjustment mechanics
Transmit E.I.R.P. indicator
Structural stability
Windload / Operational
Minimum / Maximum Temperature
Maximum E.I.R.P. rating
Investigate the possible influence on the antenna pattern introduced by the de-icing system
Installation of an Antenna Control Unit
To issue a look-up table for polarization / skew angle off-set to the antenna operator
E.I.R.P. Adjustment Resolution in the Full Range of HPA power
E.I.R.P. stability
Maximum deviation from direction to satellite
Automatic carrier mute, mandatory if mispointing exceeds…
Time within which the automatic carrier mute will have to take place
Transmission to resume at (or less than) angle
Software may not be modifiable by operator
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 9
Radome in production must be identical to the radome with which the antenna system has
been tested
Transmit earth stations must be equipped with a receive chain which allows pointing
optimization and tracking prior to and during transmission
Antenna Types
Maritime antennas operate as part of a satellite network, supporting On-The-Move services while
transmitting at low data rates. They are usually used on vessels, but occasionally also on platforms
fixed to the sea-bed. Satellite auto-acquiring maritime antennas are equipped with stabilized platforms
to account for the ship's motion. They operate under a radome and their system design is robust, to
support a challenging environment at sea.
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 10
Diameter equivalent
In antenna models of an atypical design, it is often not adequate to refer to a diameter which is based
purely on physical reflector dimensions. When the diameter is based on typical performance
parameters like the antenna gain, it is referred to as the diameter equivalent. This number will then be
used for performance calculations.
The ratio of the antenna diameter over the wavelength. Often applied to determine at which off-axis
angle antenna side-lobe patterns are considered relevant.
Measured co-polar pattern - with radome if applicable (low- mid- end high frequency band)
The precise requirements for these mandatory data are explained in the document “Mandatory Test
Starts at α
The off-axis angle at which the side-lobe characteristics are to start.
X-pol isolation (cross-pol isolation within 1 dB contour) C-, Ku- and Ka-Band
The margin until a signal is visible in transponder capacity in the opposite polarization.
The ability of an antenna with a tracking system to lock to a satellite beacon or a designated signal
and thus remain accurately pointed during transmission.
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 11
Structural stability
The ability of an antenna or antenna system to withstand environmental forces working on the
Windload / Operational
In km/h, the maximum wind-speed that an antenna must be able to support without shifting the
structure (hence resulting into mis-pointing).
Maximum E.I.R.P.
The maximum uplink power the antenna or antenna system is tested and designed for.
Investigate the possible influence on the antenna pattern introduced by the de-icing system and
Installation of an Antenna Control Unit
The maximum E.I.R.P. capability of an earth station is a key parameter indispensable for both
interference investigation and earth station acceptance.
In view of the quality of a satellite link, the value of the EIRP in the direction toward a given satellite
has to be considered. In this context the following contributions must be taken into account:
- The possible influence on the antenna pattern introduced by the de-icing system
- The specific tracking algorithm applied by the Antenna Control Unit.
To issue a look-up table for polarization / skew angle off-set to the antenna operator
Considering that the polarization skew angle may differ depending on the specific satellite, COTM
Terminals must be equipped with look-up tables, providing the adequate polarization skew data to
assure optimized polarization alignment.
E.I.R.P. stability
The ability of an antenna system to maintain a specified uplink power over time.
Time within which the automatic carrier mute will have to take place
This value is specified in the matrix.
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 12
Transmission to resume at (or less than) angle
This value is specified in the matrix.
Time within which the automatic carrier mute will have to take place
This value represents the time in milliseconds within which the carrier will have to be muted.
Radome in production must be identical to the radome with which the antenna system has been
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 13
4) List of Abbreviations
Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group, a GVF-MRA sub-group |2017 14