Isa 95.00.02-2010

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The document discusses standards for enterprise to control system integration and object model attributes.

The document scopes integration between enterprise systems and manufacturing control systems using common information models.

The document covers common object models, operations management information, and logical information flows between systems.


ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Enterprise-Control System Integration

− Part 2: Object Model Attributes
Approved 13 May 2010
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Enterprise-Control System Integration − Part 2: Object Model Attributes

ISBN: 978-1-936007-48-6

Copyright © 2010 by the International Society of Automation (ISA). All rights reserved. Not for
resale. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the Publisher.

67 Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
-3- ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 11
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 13
2 Normative references ................................................................................................... 13
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations............................................................................. 14
3.1 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................... 14
3.2 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... 15
4 Production operations models and generic operations models ....................................... 15
4.1 Information models .............................................................................................. 15
4.2 General modeling information .............................................................................. 17
4.3 Extensibility of attributes through properties......................................................... 17
4.4 Object model structure ........................................................................................ 18
4.5 Explanation of tables ........................................................................................... 18
4.6 Relationship of models ........................................................................................ 21
4.7 Hierarchy scope .................................................................................................. 22
4.8 Value types ......................................................................................................... 23
5 Common object models ................................................................................................ 27
5.1 Personnel information ......................................................................................... 27
5.2 Role based equipment information ....................................................................... 33
5.3 Physical asset information ................................................................................... 40
5.4 Material information............................................................................................. 46
5.5 Process segment information............................................................................... 58
6 Operations management information ............................................................................ 69
6.1 Operations definition information ......................................................................... 69
6.2 Operations schedule information.......................................................................... 84
6.3 Operations performance information .................................................................. 100
6.4 Operations capability information ....................................................................... 116
6.5 Process segment capability information ............................................................. 128
7 Object model inter-relationships ................................................................................. 130
8 List of objects............................................................................................................. 134
9 Compliance ................................................................................................................ 138
Annex A (Normative) Production specific information......................................................... 139
Annex B (Informative) Use and examples .......................................................................... 147
Annex C (Informative) Example data sets.......................................................................... 157
Annex D (Informative) Questions and answers about object use ........................................ 165
Annex E (Informative) Logical information flows ................................................................ 181
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 184
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Table 1 — UML notation used............................................................................................. 18
Table 2 — Example table.................................................................................................... 19
Table 3 — Attributes of hierarchy scope .............................................................................. 23
Table 4 — Attributes of personnel class .............................................................................. 28
Table 5 — Attributes of personnel class property................................................................. 29
Table 6 — Attributes of person ........................................................................................... 30
Table 7 — Attributes of person property .............................................................................. 31
Table 8 — Attributes of qualification test specification ......................................................... 32
Table 9 — Attributes of qualification test result.................................................................... 33
Table 10 — Attributes of equipment class ........................................................................... 35
Table 11 — Attributes of equipment class property .............................................................. 35
Table 12 — Attributes of equipment .................................................................................... 36
Table 13 — Attributes of equipment property....................................................................... 37
Table 14 — Attributes of equipment capability test specification .......................................... 38
Table 15 — Attributes of equipment capability test result ..................................................... 39
Table 16 — Attributes of physical asset .............................................................................. 42
Table 17 — Attributes of physical asset property ................................................................. 43
Table 18 — Attributes of physical asset class...................................................................... 43
Table 19 — Attributes of physical asset class property ........................................................ 44
Table 20 — Attributes of physical asset capability test specification..................................... 45
Table 21 — Attributes of physical asset capability test result ............................................... 45
Table 22 — Attributes of equipment asset mapping ............................................................. 46
Table 23 — Attributes of material class ............................................................................... 48
Table 24 — Attributes of material class property ................................................................. 49
Table 25 — Attributes of material definition ......................................................................... 50
Table 26 — Attributes of material definition property ........................................................... 51
Table 27 — Attributes of material lot ................................................................................... 52
Table 28 — Attributes of material lot property...................................................................... 54
Table 29 — Attributes of material sublot.............................................................................. 55
Table 30 — Attributes of material test specification ............................................................. 56
Table 31 — Attributes of material test result ........................................................................ 57
Table 32 — Attributes of process segment .......................................................................... 60
Table 33 — Attributes of personnel segment specification ................................................... 61
Table 34 — Attributes of personnel segment specification property...................................... 62
Table 35 — Attributes of equipment segment specification .................................................. 62
Table 36 — Attributes of equipment segment specification property..................................... 63
Table 37 — Attributes of material segment specification ...................................................... 64
Table 38 — Attributes of material segment specification property ........................................ 65
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Table 39 — Attributes of physical asset segment specification............................................. 66

Table 40 — Attributes of physical asset segment specification property ............................... 67
Table 41 — Attributes of process segment parameter.......................................................... 67
Table 42 — Attributes of process segment dependency ....................................................... 68
Table 43 — Attributes of operations definition ..................................................................... 71
Table 44 — Attributes of operations material bill ................................................................. 72
Table 45 — Attributes of operations material bill item .......................................................... 73
Table 46 — Attributes of operations segment ...................................................................... 74
Table 47 — Attributes of parameter specification................................................................. 75
Table 48 — Attributes of personnel specification ................................................................. 76
Table 49 — Attributes of personnel specification property.................................................... 77
Table 50 — Attributes of equipment specification ................................................................ 78
Table 51 — Attributes of equipment specification property................................................... 79
Table 52 — Attributes of physical asset specification .......................................................... 80
Table 53 — Attributes of physical asset specification property ............................................. 81
Table 54 — Attributes of material specification .................................................................... 82
Table 55 — Attributes of material specification property ...................................................... 83
Table 56 — Attributes of operations segment dependency................................................... 84
Table 57 — Attributes of operations schedule ..................................................................... 86
Table 58 — Attributes of operations request........................................................................ 88
Table 59 — Attributes of segment requirement .................................................................... 90
Table 60 — Attributes of segment parameter....................................................................... 91
Table 61 — Attributes of personnel requirement .................................................................. 92
Table 62 — Attributes of personnel requirement property .................................................... 93
Table 63 — Attributes of equipment requirement ................................................................. 94
Table 64 — Attributes of equipment requirement property ................................................... 95
Table 65 — Attributes of physical asset requirement ........................................................... 96
Table 66 — Attributes of physical asset requirement property .............................................. 97
Table 67 — Attributes of material requirement..................................................................... 98
Table 68 — Attributes of material requirement property ..................................................... 100
Table 69 — Attributes of operations performance .............................................................. 102
Table 70 — Attributes of operations response ................................................................... 104
Table 71 — Attributes of segment response ...................................................................... 106
Table 72 — Attributes of segment data ............................................................................. 107
Table 73 — Attributes of personnel actual ......................................................................... 108
Table 74 — Attributes of personnel actual property ........................................................... 109
Table 75 — Attributes of equipment actual ........................................................................ 110
Table 76 — Attributes of equipment actual property .......................................................... 111
Table 77 — Attributes of physical asset actual .................................................................. 112
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Table 78 — Attributes of physical asset actual property ..................................................... 113

Table 79 — Attributes of material actual............................................................................ 114
Table 80 — Attributes of material actual property .............................................................. 116
Table 81 — Attributes of operations capability................................................................... 118
Table 82 — Attributes of personnel capability.................................................................... 120
Table 83 — Attributes of personnel capability property ...................................................... 121
Table 84 — Attributes of equipment capability ................................................................... 122
Table 85 — Attributes of equipment capability property ..................................................... 123
Table 86 — Attributes of physical asset capability ............................................................. 124
Table 87 — Attributes of physical asset capability property................................................ 125
Table 88 — Attributes of material capability ...................................................................... 126
Table 89 — Attributes of material capability property ......................................................... 128
Table 90 — Attributes of process segment capability ......................................................... 130
Table 91 — Model cross-reference ................................................................................... 133
Table 92 — Common resource objects .............................................................................. 135
Table B-1 — Attributes of person ...................................................................................... 148
Table B-2 — Database structure for person....................................................................... 151
Table B-3 — Database structure for person property ......................................................... 152
Table B-4 — Database for person with data ...................................................................... 152
Table B-5 — Database for person property with data......................................................... 152
Table D-1 — Definition of segment types .......................................................................... 167

Figure 1 – Production operations management information models ...................................... 16
Figure 2 – Operations information models for operations management ................................ 17
Figure 3 — Detailed resource relationship in models ........................................................... 21
Figure 4 — Hierarchy scope model ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 5 — Personnel model............................................................................................... 27
Figure 6 — Role based equipment model ............................................................................ 34
Figure 7 — Physical asset model ........................................................................................ 41
Figure 8 — Physical asset and equipment relationship ........................................................ 41
Figure 9 — Material model.................................................................................................. 47
Figure 10 — Example of a material with an assembly .......................................................... 58
Figure 11 — Process segment model .................................................................................. 59
Figure 12 – Segment dependency examples ....................................................................... 69
Figure 13 — Operations definition model............................................................................. 70
Figure 14 — Operations schedule model ............................................................................. 85
Figure 15 — Operations performance model ..................................................................... 101
Figure 16 — Operations capability Model .......................................................................... 117
Figure 17 — Process segment capability object model ...................................................... 129
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Figure 18 — Object model inter-relationships .................................................................... 132

Figure 19 — Product definition model ............................................................................... 139
Figure 20 — Production schedule model ........................................................................... 142
Figure 21 — Production performance model...................................................................... 144
Figure 22 — Production capability model .......................................................................... 146
Figure B-1 — Personnel model ......................................................................................... 148
Figure B-2 — Instances of a person class ......................................................................... 149
Figure B-3 — UML model for class and class properties .................................................... 149
Figure B-4 — Class property............................................................................................. 150
Figure B-5 — Instances of a person properties.................................................................. 150
Figure B-6 — Instances of person and person properties................................................... 150
Figure B-7— XML schema for a person object................................................................... 153
Figure B-8 — XML schema for person properties .............................................................. 154
Figure B-9 — Example of person and person property ....................................................... 154
Figure B-10 — Example of person class information.......................................................... 154
Figure B-11 — Adaptor to map different property IDs and values ....................................... 155
Figure D-1 — Class and property IDs used to identify elements ......................................... 168
Figure D-2 — A property defining overlapping subsets of the capability ............................. 170
Figure D-3 — Routing for a product .................................................................................. 171
Figure D-4 — Routing with co-products and material dependencies ................................... 171
Figure D-5 — Product and process capability relationships................................................ 172
Figure D-6 — Time-based dependencies........................................................................... 174
Figure E-1 — Enterprise to manufacturing system logical information flows ....................... 182
Figure E-2 — Logical information flows among multiple systems........................................ 183
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Part 2: Objects model attributes

This standard is Part 2 of a multi-part set of standards that defines the interfaces between
enterprise activities and control activities. It follows ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod),
Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 1: Models and Terminology.

The scope of this Part 2 standard is limited to defining the details of the interface content
between manufacturing control functions and other enterprise functions. The scope of this Part 2
standard is limited to the definition of object models and attributes for the information defined in
Part 1. The goal is to reduce the effort, cost, and errors associated with implementing these

The standard may be used to reduce the effort associated with implementing new product
offerings. The goal is to have enterprise systems and control systems that interoperate and
easily integrate.

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. Therefore,
the first three clauses present the scope of the standard, normative references, and definitions,
in that order.

Clause 4 is informative. It describes the general information about the object models and
examples defined in later clauses.

Clause 5 is normative. It defines the object models and attributes of common information defined
in Part 1.

Clause 6 is normative. It defines the object models and attributes of operations management
information defined in Part 1.

Clause 7 is informative. It defines the inter-relationships between the object models.

Clause 8 is informative. It lists the objects defined in the standard as an aid to documenting
conformance and compliance.

Clause 9 is normative. It defines completeness, conformance and compliance criteria associated

with the objects and attributes.

Annex A is normative. It defines the object models and attributes of production specific
information defined in Part 1.

Annex B is informative. It provides examples to illustrate how the models and attributes may be

Annex C is informative. It illustrates some example data sets.

Annex D is informative. It contains questions and answers on the use and reason for elements in
the standard.

Annex E is informative. It discusses how the standard relates to logical information flows.
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This Part 2 standard further defines formal object models for exchange information described in
ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod), Enterprise- Control System Integration - Part 1:
Models and Terminology (hereafter referred to as Part 1) using UML object models, tables of
attributes, and examples. The models and terminology defined in this part:

a) emphasize good integration practices of control systems with enterprise systems during the
entire life cycle of the systems;

b) can be used to improve existing integration capability of manufacturing control systems with
enterprise systems; and

c) can be applied regardless of the degree of automation.

Specifically, this part provide a standard terminology and a consistent set of concepts and
models for integrating control systems with enterprise systems that will improve communications
between all parties involved. Benefits produced will

a) reduce the user’s time to reach full production levels for new products;

b) enable vendors to supply appropriate tools for implementing integration of control systems to
enterprise systems;

c) enable users to better identify their needs;

d) reduce the cost of automating manufacturing processes;

e) optimize supply chains; and

f) reduce life-cycle engineering efforts.

This standard may be used to reduce the effort associated with implementing new product
offerings. The goal is to have enterprise systems and control systems that interoperate and
easily integrate.

It is not the intent of the standards to

a) suggest that there is only one way of implementing integration of control systems to
enterprise systems;

b) force users to abandon their current way of handling integration; or

c) restrict development in the area of integration of control systems to enterprise systems.

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Part 2: Object model attributes

1 Scope

This part of ISA95, in conjunction with ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod), Enterprise-
Control System Integration – Part 1: Models and Terminology, specifies generic interface content
between manufacturing control functions and other enterprise functions. The interface
considered is between Level 3 manufacturing systems and Level 4 business systems in the
hierarchical model defined in Part 1. The goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated
with implementing the interface.

Since this standard covers many domains, and there are many different standards in those
domains, the semantics of this standard are described at a level intended to enable the other
standards to be mapped to these semantics. To this end this standard defines a set of elements
contained in the generic interface, together with a mechanism for extending those elements for

The scope of Part 2 is limited to the definition of object models and attributes of the exchanged
information defined in Part 1.

This Part 2 standard does not define attributes to represent the object relationships.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod), Enterprise-Control System Integration – Part 1:

Models and Terminology

ISA-88.00.01-1995, Batch Control – Part 1: Models and Terminology

IEC 62264-1, Enterprise-Control System Integration – Part 1: Models and terminology

IEC 61512-1, Batch control – Part 1: Models and terminology

ISO 19439, Enterprise integration - Framework for enterprise modeling

ISO 19440, Enterprise integration - Constructs for enterprise modeling

ISO 15704, Industrial automation systems--Requirements for enterprise-reference architectures

and methodologies

ISO/IEC 19501, Information technology—Open Distributed Processing - Unified Modeling

Language (UML) Version 1.4.2

ISO 10303-1, Industrial automation systems and integration – Product data representation and
exchange – Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 14 -

ISO 14977, Information Technology – Syntactic metalanguage – Extended BNF

ISO 15000-5, Core Components Technical Specification

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this part the definitions given in Part 1 and the following apply.

equipment class
a grouping of role based equipment with similar characteristics

representation of a solicited or unsolicited fact indicating a state change in the enterprise

the scope of exchanged information as identified by an element of the equipment hierarchy

EXAMPLE There may be an agreement to only supply an “Area” name for exchanged information, because the site
and enterprise are implicitly defined through the messaging system

material class
a grouping of materials with similar characteristics

material lot
uniquely identifiable amount of a material

NOTE It describes the actual or planned total quantity or amount of material available, its current state, and its
specific property values.

material definition
definition of the properties for a substance

NOTE This includes material that may be identified as raw, intermediate, final material, or consumable

material sublot
uniquely identifiable subset of a material lot

NOTE This may be a single item.

personnel class
a grouping of persons with similar characteristics
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the desired output or by-product of the processes of an enterprise

NOTE 1: A product may be an intermediate product or end product from a business perspective

NOTE 2: Also defined in ISO 10303 Part 1 as: a substance produced by a natural or artificial process

implementation specific characteristic of an entity

3.2 Abbreviations

For purposes of this standard the following abbreviations apply.

MOM Manufacturing Operations Management

UML Unified Modeling Language

4 Production operations models and generic operations models

4.1 Information models

Common objects used in information exchange that relate to personnel, equipment, physical
assets, and material are defined in Clause 5.

The information described in Part 1 for production operations management are represented in
the Production Schedule Model, the Production Performance Model, Product Definition Model,
and the Production Capability models, as shown in Figure 1. These objects are defined in
Annex A.
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Represented in the Production Schedule model Represented in the Production Performance model

Production Maintenance Quality Test Inventory Production Maintenance Quality Test Inventory
schedule request request request performance response response response

Manufacturing operations management

Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

operations operations operations operations
management management management management

Product Maintenance Quality Test Inventory Production Maintenance Quality Test Inventory
definition definition definition definition capability capability capability capability

Represented in the Production Definition model Represented in the Production Capability model

Figure 1 – Production operations management information models

A generic operations management information model is used to represent the information from
other operations management areas which may be exchanged when more than production
information is required. This is illustrated in Figure 2. These objects are defined in Clause 6.
- 17 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Represented in the Operations Schedule model Represented in the Operations Performance model

Production Maintenance Quality Test Inventory Production Maintenance Quality Test Inventory
schedule request request request performance response response response

Manufacturing operations management

Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

operations operations operations operations
management management management management

Product Maintenance Quality Test Inventory Production Maintenance Quality Test Inventory
definition definition definition definition capability capability capability capability

Represented in the Operations Definition model Represented in the Operations Capability model

Figure 2 – Operations information models for operations management

4.2 General modeling information

This clause describes the object models and attributes for information exchanged in enterprise-
control system integration. The attributes are part of the definition of terms.

In this standard, the word “Class” used as part of an object definition name is to be considered
as a category, not as a “Class” in the UML Class sense.

EXAMPLE “Personnel Class” is to be considered a “Personnel Category”, in the sense of distinguishing between
the kinds of personnel in the real world.

A minimum set of industry-independent information has been defined as attributes. However,

values for all attributes may not be required depending on the actual usage of the models. If
additional information, including industry- and application-specific information, is needed, it shall
be represented as property objects. This mechanism is the extension capability referenced in
the Scope section of this Part. This solution increases the usability through the use of standard
attributes, and allows flexibility and extensibility through the use of properties. This was included
to make the standard as widely applicable as practical.

4.3 Extensibility of attributes through properties

For particular applications the objects defined in the object models will need to be extended
through the addition of attributes to object class definitions. Accordingly this Standard provides
for attributes that are application or industry specific, to be modeled in terms of properties and
represented in property classes in the model. For example, the personnel class property would
be used to define application or industry specific attributes for personnel classes, and person
property would be used to contain instance values for the properties.
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4.4 Object model structure

The object models are depicted using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notational
methodology, as defined in ISO/IEC 19501.

Table 1 defines the UML notations used in the object diagrams.

Table 1 — UML notation used

Symbol Definition

Defines a package, a collection of object models, state models,

use cases, and other UML models. Packages are general-purpose
grouping mechanisms used to organize semantically related model
PACKAGE elements. In this document a package is used to specify an
external model, such as a production rule model, or a reference to
another part of the model.
Represents a UML class of objects, each with the same types of
attributes. Each object is uniquely identifiable or enumerable. No
Class operations or methods are listed for the classes.

An association between elements of a class and elements of

another or the same class. Each association is identified. May
have the expected number or range of members of the subclass,
Role 1..1 when ‘n’ indicates an indeterminate number. For example, 0..n
Association Name
Role means that zero or more members of the subclass may exist.

Generalization (arrow points to the super class) shows that an

element of the class is a specialized type of the super class.
Is A Type Of

Dependence is a weak association that shows that a modeling

depends on element depends on another modeling element. The item at the
tail depends on the item at the head of the relationship.
Aggregation (made up of) shows that an element of the class is
Is an aggregation of
made up of elements of other classes.

Composite shows a strong form of aggregation, which requires

that a part instance be included in at most one composite at a time
Is a composite of
and that the composite object has sole responsibility for
disposition of its parts.

4.5 Explanation of tables

4.5.1 Tables of attributes

This subclause gives the meaning of the attribute tables. This includes a listing of the object
identification, data types, and presentation of the examples in the tables.

All attributes in the tables shall be considered optional, except where specified as required in the
attribute description.
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4.5.2 Object identification

Many objects in the information model require unique identifications (IDs). These IDs shall be
unique within the scope of the exchanged information. This may require translations:

- From the internal ID of the source system to the interface content ID

- From the interface content ID to the internal ID of the target system

EXAMPLE A unit may be identified as “X6777” in the interface content, as resource “R100011” in the business
system, and as “East Side Reactor” in the control system.

A unique identification set shall be agreed to in order to exchange information.

The object IDs are used only to identify objects within related exchanged information sets. The
object ID attributes are not global object IDs or database index attributes.

Generally, objects that are elements of aggregations, and are not referenced elsewhere in the
model, do not require unique IDs.

4.5.3 Data types

The attributes presented are abstract representations, without any specific data type specified.
A specific implementation will show how the information is represented.

EXAMPLE 1 An attribute may be represented as a string in one implementation and as a numeric value in another

EXAMPLE 2 A date/time value may be represented in ISO standard format in one implementation and in Julian
calendar format in another. Attributes for date or time may contain values for a date, a date and time or
a time value, the standard does not enforce the value semantics. Each implementation must negotiate
the value semantics.

EXAMPLE 3 An object or attribute relationship may be represented by key fields in data base tables, or by
parent/child elements in an XML by nested hierarchy.

4.5.4 Presentation of examples

Examples are included with each attribute given. Examples are presented for each of the main
operations categories defined in Part 3 of this standard. See Table Table 2 below for how the
example rows and columns are used.

Table 2 — Example table

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Name of first Description of first attribute Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

attribute Example Example Example Example
Name of Description of second attribute Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
second Example Example Example Example
Name of Description of third attribute Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
third Example Example Example Example

When an example value is a set of values, or a member of a set of values, the set of values is
given within a set of braces, {}.
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The examples are purely fictional. They are provided to further describe attributes in the model.
No attempt was made to make the examples complete or representative of any manufacturing

NOTE 1 — Within a table the columns for Production, Maintenance, Quality and Inventory may or may not be examples
where the four operations management categories are coordinated or they may be separate examples. For example
when one system is coordinating multiple operations management categories the IDs used in each column may be the
same. When different systems coordinate multiple operations management categories the IDs may be different.
Example attributes are meant to be illustrative, and do not imply requirements.

NOTE 2 — Time and date attributes may illustrate a general or specific time horizon. For example a yearly or
quarterly plan may use general dates with no specific time, while a detailed schedule may include a specific time
stamp down to the minute.

NOTE 3 — Data resolution for the examples will be fit for purpose, which means that each implementation will
negotiate the appropriate resolution required for each attribute.

NOTE 4 — When (not applicable) is used as an example this is only illustrative that there is not a value for this
attribute in this example. It does not imply there can never be a value. This is also true when all four columns contain
(not applicable).

4.5.5 References to resources

The models used to document a reference to a resource, in another package, using the class or
instance, with additional optional specification using properties, are not fully illustrated in the
object model figures. This relationship is not conformant to the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) modeling methodology, but was used to keep the diagrams simpler. Figure 3 below
illustrates how it is currently presented, on the left side, and how it could be more accurately
modeled in UML on the right side. UML was used in this standard as a visualization method and
not meant to describe implementations. The simplified relationship diagram method is used for
the following objects and their relationship to another package:
Personnel Capability Equipment Capability
Material Capability Personnel Segment Capability
Equipment Segment Capability Material Segment Capability
Physical Asset Capability Physical Asset Segment Capability
Personnel Segment Specification Equipment Segment Specification
Material Segment Specification Physical Asset Segment Specification
Personnel Specification Equipment Specification
Material Specification Physical Asset Specification
Personnel Requirement Equipment Requirement
Material Requirement Physical Asset Requirement
Personnel Actual Equipment Actual
Material Actual Physical Asset Actual
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to element in
to element in
Resource Resource
Capability Note: The
Capability correspondence
relationship is
0..n 0..n defined through one
and only one of four

to element in
to element in
0..n relationships A, A and
Resource B, C, or C and D.
Capability A C

0..n Corresponds 0..1 B D 0..n

to element in
Resource 0..n 0..1 Resource
1..1 Category Definition Defined Definition
0..n 0..n
Resource 1..1 1..1
Simplified Relationship Category Resource
Maps to Property
Model Property

Detailed Relationship

Figure 3 — Detailed resource relationship in models

The correspondence relationship is determined through one and only one of four possible
relationships: to the resource category definition; to the resource category definition and
resource category property; to the resource definition; or to the resource definition and resource

In the model above the term resource category indicates: personnel class, equipment class,
physical asset class, material class, and material definitions. The term resource indicates:
person, equipment, physical asset, material lot, and material sublot. The term resource
capability indicates the use in the capability model, the process segment capability model, the
process segment model, the product definition model, the production schedule model, and the
production performance model.

4.5.6 Object relationships

This part does not define attributes to represent the object relationships.

NOTE Different implementations of the object models will have different methods for representing the object
relationships. While the relationships may be represented as additional attributes on one
implementation, such as a database, they could be represented as containment in another
implementation, such as an XML document.

4.6 Relationship of models

The common information object models in Clause 5 describe the different types of resources and
their uses in describing a (business) Process segment. These object models are also used to
describe the other (manufacturing) operations management information object models in Clauses
6, 7 and 8.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 22 -

The operations management information object models described in Clause 6 shall be used for
any manufacturing operations category, such as, Production, Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
and Inventory Handling, as defined in Part 3. Although the generic object model can also be
used to describe operations management information models for user-defined operations
categories, conformance can be evaluated only if user-specific conformance testing scenarios
are available.

Also additional explanations to assist in applying these object definitions to describe the
interoperability among the following operations management categories are provided in Annex E:

- Production Operations;
- Maintenance Operations;
- Quality Operations;
- Inventory (Handling) Operations;`
- Mixed Operations;
- User-defined Operations.

The Production Information Models described in Annex A reproduce the models in earlier
versions of this standard in order to ensure the conformance of existing implementations of the

- An Operations Definition for Production Operations is the equivalent of a Product Definition

- An Operations Schedule for Production Operations is the equivalent of a Production
- An Operations Performance for Production Operations is the equivalent of a Production
- An Operations Capability for Production Operations is the equivalent of a Production

However, for future implementations, it is recommended to use the Operation models in

Clause 6.

4.7 Hierarchy scope

Hierarchy scope is an attribute used in many other objects. The hierarchy scope attribute
identifies where the exchanged information fits within the role based equipment hierarchy. It
defines the scope of the exchanged information, such as a site or area for which the information
is relevant. The hierarchy scope identifies the associated instance in the role based equipment

NOTE The hierarchy scope attribute is optional and may not be needed if the context of the exchanged
information can be determined based on the exchange mechanism used.

EXAMPLE 1 A hierarchy scope may identify a SITE, such as WEST-END. A Production Performance may have a
Hierarchy Scope attribute that identifies the WEST-END site.

EXAMPLE 2 A hierarchy scope may identify an AREA within a SITE, such as WEST-END/HOLDING-AREA. A
Production Capability may have a Hierarchy Scope attribute that identifies the area.

EXAMPLE 3 A hierarchy scope may identify a WORK CENTER within an AREA or SITE, such as WEST-

EXAMPLE 4 A hierarchy scope may identify a WORK CENTER without an AREA or SITE identification because these
are already known due to the exchange mechanism, such as CHIPPING-BIN #1.

EXAMPLE 5 A hierarchy scope may identify a complete hierarchy of ENTERPRISE, SITE, AREA, WORK CENTER.
- 23 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

The hierarchy scope attribute may be modeled using the model illustrated in Figure 4 with
attributes for the Hierarchy Scope object defined in Table 3. Each Hierarchy Scope object
defines one element in the equipment hierarchy,



May contain a

Figure 4 — Hierarchy scope model

Table 3 — Attributes of hierarchy scope

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Equipment A unique identification of an WorkCenter23 West End Ajax North Size

ID equipment element
Equipment Identification of the equipment Work Center Site Enterprise Area
Element level if the equipment element

4.8 Value types

4.8.1 Value use

Value attributes are used in properties, parameters, and data to exchange actual values.

Value attributes are also used to exchange the allowed or expected values in properties and
parameters for Material Definitions, Material Classes, Equipment Classes, Personnel Classes,
Physical Asset Classes, Process Segments, Operations Definitions, and Product Definitions.
Value types thus represent actual single values, actual arrays of values, and ranges of possible
values, either as numerical or textual ranges or as sets of values.

4.8.2 Value syntax

The format for values in value attributes is not defined in this part and will be defined by
implementations of the standard.

The following syntax, defined in an EBNF notation from ISO 14977, may be used to represent
single element values, range specifications, arrays of values, and a set of allowed values as
delimited text strings.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 24 -

<value> ::= <simpleValue>

| <arrayValue>
| <rangeValue>
| <seriesValue>

<arrayValue> ::= “[“ <arrayElement> *( “,” <arrayElement> ) “]”

<rangeValue> ::= “{“ <rangeElement> *( “,” <rangeElement> “}”

<seriesValue> ::= “<” <simpleValue> *( “,” <simpleValue> ) “>”

<arrayElement> ::= <simpleValue> | <arrayValue>

<rangeElement> ::= <simpleValue> “..” <simpleValue>

<simpleValue> ::= string

4.8.3 Simple value types

Simple value types may be derived from core component types that are compatible with the ISO-
15000-5 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS). The CCTS types are a common set
of types that define specific terms with semantic meaning (e.g. the meaning of a quantity,
currency, amount, and identifier).

Commonly used CCTS types for exchange are:

AmountType Used to define a number of monetary units specified in a

currency where the unit of currency is explicit or implied.

BinaryObjectType Used to define a data types representing graphics, pictures,

sound, video, or other forms of data that can be represented
as a finite length sequence of binary octets.

CodeType Used to define a character string that is used to represent a

entry from a fixed set of enumerations.

DateTimeType Used to define a particular point in time together with the

relevant supplementary information to identify the timezone
information. This is a specific instance on time using the ISO
8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and
abbreviated versions.

IdentifierType Used to define a character string to identify and distinguish

uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme
from all other objects in the same scheme.

IndicatorType Used to define a list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values

that express the only possible states of a Property. For
example “True” or “False”.

MeasureType Used to define a numeric value determined by measuring an

object along with the specified unit of measure.
- 25 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

NumericType Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by

calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a
unit of quantity or unit of measure.

QuantityType Used to define a counted number of non-monetary units,

possibly including fractions.

TextType Used to define a character string (i.e. a finite set of

characters) generally in the form of words of a language.

4.8.4 Unit of measure

This standard defines attributes for value, quantity, and other units of measure. The unit of
measure was explicitly specified to ensure that it was not missed in information exchanges.
Implementations of this standard may represent the unit of measure in the manner appropriate
for the implementation.

4.8.5 Array value types

Arrays of values may be represented following the syntax defined in the EBNF above.

EXAMPLE 1: A set of values for a single dimension array with 6 values would be represented as:
[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6]

EXAMPLE 2: A set of values for a two dimension array of size 2x3 would be represented as:

[ [ 1 , 2] , [ 3 , 4 ] , [ 5 , 6 ] ]

4.8.6 Range value types

Range specifications may be represented following the syntax defined in the EBNF above.

EXAMPLE 1: A simple range of values may be represented as:

{ 0 .. 100 }

EXAMPLE 2: A non-continuous range of values may be represented as:

{ a .. z , A .. Z }

{ 0 .. 100 , 200 .. 300 , 500 , 600 .. 650 }

4.8.7 Series value types

A specification defined as a set of allowed values may be represented following the syntax
defined in the EBNF above.

EXAMPLE 1: A series of values that define colors may be represented as:

< Red , Green , Yellow , Blue>

EXAMPLE 2: A series of values that define equipment hierarchy levels may be represented as:

<Enterprise , Site , Area , WorkCenter , WorkUnit>

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 26 -

4.8.8 Structured value types

Structured data elements may be represented in this standard’s property model by representing
the atomic elements of the structure in a flattened name space, or by using nested properties to
represent the data structure.

NOTE 1: The decision to use a flattened name space, nested properties, or a combination is determined by the
specific implementation.

A structure may be modeled by flattening the name space and having a single property for each
structure element.

NOTE 2: This standard specifies how to exchange information without regard to the specific exchange element’s
mapping. With structured elements there is no guarantee that the communicating entities would have
the same structure for the data. Therefore flattening the structure to its individual elements provides a
transportable format for structured data.

EXAMPLE 1: A structured element of data would be mapped to a flat name space as follows:

Structure Definition Flattened Property Name

Struct ABC {
Integer DEF ; ABC.DEF
Array [3] of Integer JKI ABC.JKI

A structured data element may be represented by creating a property with no data value or unit
of measure and with nested child properties and an identification of the element.

EXAMPLE 2: A structured data element may be mapped as follows:

C# Structure Definition Equivalent Property

struct Simple { Property [ID=”Simple”]
public int Position; Property [ID=”Simple”] \ Property [ID=”Position”]
public bool Exists; Property [ID=”Simple”] \ Property [ID=”Exists”]
public double LastValue; Property [ID=”Simple”] \ Property [ID=”LastValue”]

A grouping or collection of related properties may be represented by creating a property with

nested child properties.

EXAMPLE 3: A collection of related nominal properties may be mapped as follows:

Collection of Properties Property Structure
Property [ID=”Nominal”]
NominalRate Property [ID=”Nominal”] \ Property [ID=”NominalRate”]
ExpectedRate Property [ID=”Nominal”] \ Property [ID=”ExpectedRate”]
LabelCode Property [ID=”Nominal”] \ Property [ID=”LabelCode”]

Nested property objects are only shown in the Personnel, Equipment, Physical Asset, and
Material models. All property objects are also nested, as defined in the appropriate section in
the text, but are not shown in the model figures in order to reduce the complexity of the figures.
- 27 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

5 Common object models

5.1 Personnel information

5.1.1 Personnel model

The personnel model shown in Figure 5 contains the information about specific personnel,
classes of personnel, and qualifications of personnel.

Personnel 0..n 0..n

Class < Defined by
0..n 0..n
Has Is tested Is tested Has
properties by a > by a > values for >
of >
0..n 0..n

< Records the Qualification
0..n 0..n
execution of Test
Defines a Result
Is tested procedure for
0..n by a > obtaining a > 0..n

0..n 0..n
Personnel Person
Class Property < Maps to Property

0..n 0..n
< may contain nested < may contain nested

Figure 5 — Personnel model

5.1.2 Personnel class

A personnel class is a representation of a grouping of persons with similar characteristics for a

definite purpose such as manufacturing operations definition, scheduling, capability and
performance. Any person may be a member of zero or more personnel classes. Table 4 lists the
attributes of personnel class. A personnel class may be tested by the execution of a qualification
test specification.

NOTE Examples of personnel classes are cook machine mechanics, slicing machine operators, cat-cracker
operator, and zipper line inspectors.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 28 -

Table 4 — Attributes of personnel class

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Widget Maintenance Senior Lab Warehouse

specific personnel class. Assembly Technician Grade Assistant Manager
Operator 1
These are not necessarily job
titles, but identify classes that are
referenced in other parts of the
Description Additional information and General Highest grade for Highest level Person
description about the personnel information maintenance of lab responsible
class. about widget technician assistants for the
assembly warehouse

EXAMPLE A personnel class may be associated to a qualification test specification without reference to a property,
such as a qualification test specification for a fork truck operator, in which the test determined if the
person is a member of the class of fork truck operators.

5.1.3 Personnel class property

Properties of a personnel class shall be shown as personnel class properties. Each personnel
class shall have zero or more recognized properties. Table 5 lists the attributes of personnel
class property.

NOTE Examples of personnel class properties for the personnel class operators are class 1 certified, class 2
certified, night shift, and exposure hours.

Production requests may specify required personnel class property requirements for a product

A personnel class property may be tested by the execution of a qualification test specification.

Personnel class properties may contain nested personnel class properties.

- 29 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 5 — Attributes of personnel class property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific Class 1 Electrician LGC Model Lift Truck

property, unique under the scope Certified Skills Class 1003 Driver
of the parent personnel class Certified
object. Operator
For example, the property “Has
Class 1 Safety Training” (with
values of Yes or No) may be
defined under several different
Personnel Class definitions, such
as Fork Lift Operator and Pipe
Fitter classes, but has a different
meaning for each class.
Description Additional information and Indicates the Level of Skill Indicates if Indicates if
description about the personnel certification Attained qualified to allowed to
class property. level of the run drive lift
operator. equipment trucks
Value The value, set of values, or range <True, False> <Master, <True, <True,
of the property. Journeyman, False> False>
This presents a range of possible
numeric values, a list of possible
values, or it may be empty if any
value is valid.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Boolean String Boolean Boolean
Measure associated property values, if

5.1.4 Person

A person is a representation of a specifically identified individual. A person may be a member

of zero or more personnel classes. Table 6 lists the attributes of person. A person may be tested
by the execution of a qualification test specification.

Person shall include a unique identification of the individual.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 30 -

Table 6 — Attributes of person

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Employee 23 22828 999-123- 007

specific person, within the scope 4567
of the information exchanged
(production capability, production
schedule, production
performance, …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
person needs to be identified,
such as the production capability
for this person, or a production
response identifying the person.
Description Additional information about the Person Maintenance Lab Tech Driver
resource. Information Tech
Name The name of the individual. Jane Jim John James
This is meant as an additional
identification of the resource, but
only as information and not as a
unique value.

5.1.5 Person property

Properties of a person shall be listed as person properties. Each person shall have zero or more
person properties. These specify the current property values of the person for the associated
personnel class property. Table 7 lists the attributes of person property.

NOTE For example, a person property may be night shift and its value would be available, and a person
property may be exposure hours available and its value would be 4.

Person properties may include the current availability of a person and other current information,
such as location and assigned activity, and the unit of measure of the current information.

A person property may be tested by the execution of a qualification test specification with test
results exchanged in a qualification test result.

Person properties may contain nested person properties.

- 31 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 7 — Attributes of person property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific Exposure Union ID LGC Model Lift Truck

property. Hours 1003 Driver
Available Certified
Description Additional information about the Indicates Union ID Indicates if Indicates if
person property. number of number qualified to allowed to
exposure hours run drive lift
available this equipment trucks
Value The value, set of values, or range 4 CA55363 True False
of the property.
The value(s) is assumed to be
within the range or set of defined
values for the related personnel
class property.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Hours String Boolean Boolean
Measure associated property value, if

5.1.6 Qualification test specification

A representation of a qualification test shall be presented as a qualification test specification. A

qualification test specification may be associated with a personnel class, a personnel class
property, a person, or person property. This is typically used where a qualification test or
properly demonstrated competency is required to ensure that a person has the correct training
and/or experience for specific operations. A qualification test specification may test for one or
more properties. Table 8 lists the attributes of qualification test specification.

A qualification test specification shall include

a) an identification of the test;
b) a version of the test;
c) a description of the test.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 32 -

Table 8 — Attributes of qualification test specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a test for Class 1 Widget Union LGC Model Fork Truck
certifying one or more values for Assembly Renewal 1003 Driving
one or more person properties. Certification Test Certificatio Test
Test n Test
For example, this may be the
name of a document that
describes or defines the
qualification test.
Description Additional information and Identifies the Renewal for Identifies Identifies
description about the qualification test for Class 1 union test for test for
test specification. Widget membership correct driving
assembly operation fork truck
certification – of LGC
returns a True Model
or False value 1003
for the Class 1
Version An identification of the version of V23 01 A 23C
the qualification test

5.1.7 Qualification test result

The results from a qualification test for a specific person shall be given as a qualification test
result. Table 9 lists the attributes of qualification test result.

A qualification test result shall include

a) the date of the test;
b) the result of the test (for example, passed or failed);
c) the expiration date of the qualification.
- 33 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 9 — Attributes of qualification test result

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique instance identification T5568700827 UR20070809 LGC553 77276

that records the results from the
execution of a test identified in a
qualification test specification for
a specific person. (For example,
this may just be a number
assigned by the testing
Description Additional information and Results from Renewal Particle Fork lift
description about the qualification Joe’s widget Analyzer driver
test results. assembly SOP Test safety
qualification SOP test
test for
October 1999.
Date The date and time of the 1999-10-25 2007-08-09 2006-10- 2002-01-
qualification test. 13:30 31 08:40 30
Result The result of the qualification Pass Pass Fail Fail
test. For example: Pass, Fail
Result Unit The unit of measure of the <Pass, Fail> <Pass, Fail> <Pass, <Pass,
of Measure associated test result, if Fail> Fail>
Expiration The date of the expiration of the 2000-10-25 2008-08-09 2008-10- (not
qualification. 13:30 31 applicable)

5.2 Role based equipment information

5.2.1 Role based equipment model

The role based equipment model shown in Figure 6 contains the information about specific
equipment, the classes of equipment, and equipment capability tests.

The formal UML role based equipment model object is used to define the role based equipment
hierarchy information that is defined in Part 1 of this standard. The model contains the
information that may be used to construct the hierarchical models used in manufacturing
scenarios. For purposes of corresponding to the Part 1 models, the defined equipment levels,
specified in the Equipment Level attributes, for role based equipment are: Enterprise, Site, Area,
Work Center, Work Unit, Process Cell, Unit, Production Line, Production Unit, Work Cell, Storage
Zone, and Storage Unit.

NOTE 1 The types of work centers may be extended when required for application specific role based equipment
hierarchies where the defined types do not apply. When a new type is added it shall maintain the same
relationship within the hierarchy as the defined work center types (within an area and contains work

EXAMPLE 1 Laboratory may be an extended equipment level that defines a Work Center that includes all equipment
in a test lab.

EXAMPLE 2 A Maintenance Storage Center may be an extended equipment level that defines a Work Center that
includes all equipment used by maintenance activities.

EXAMPLE 3 A Mobile Equipment Center may be a work center that includes all mobile equipment which may be used
at different work centers or areas at different points in time.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 34 -

< May be made up of


Equipment 0..n
Class 0..n < Defined by
0..n 0..n
Has Has
properties Is tested Is tested values for >
of > by an > by an >
0..n 0..n

Capability Test
0..n 0..n < Records the Equipment
Defines a execution of Capability Test
Is tested procedure for Result
by an > obtaining an >
0..n 0..n
0..n 0..n
Equipment Equipment
Class Property Maps to Property

0..n 0..n
< may contain nested < may contain nested

Figure 6 — Role based equipment model

5.2.2 Equipment class

An equipment class is a representation of a grouping of equipment with similar characteristics for

a definite purpose such as manufacturing operations definition, scheduling, capability and
performance. Any piece of equipment may be a member of zero or more equipment classes.
Table 10 lists the attributes of equipment class. An equipment class may be tested by the
execution of an equipment capability test specification.

NOTE Examples of equipment classes are reactor unit, bottling line, and horizontal drill press.
- 35 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 10 — Attributes of equipment class

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a WJ6672892 Welder 5662AT DR-FLT

specific equipment class, within
the scope of the information
exchanged (production capability,
production schedule, production
performance, …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
equipment class needs to be
identified, such as the production
capability for this equipment
class, or a production response
identifying the equipment class
Description Additional information about the Jigs used to Welder to be Auto Deep
equipment class. assemble signed out Titration Reach
widgets. Tester Fork Truck
Equipment An identification of the level in Production Work Center Site Area
Level the role based equipment Line

5.2.3 Equipment class property

Properties of an equipment class shall be listed as equipment class properties. Each may have
zero or more recognized properties. Table 11 lists the attributes of equipment class property. An
equipment class property may be tested by the execution of an equipment capability test

Equipment class properties may contain nested equipment class properties.

NOTE Examples of equipment class properties for the equipment class reactor unit may be lining material,
BTU extraction rate, and volume.

Table 11 — Attributes of equipment class property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific Template Size Capacity Resolution Max

property. Weight

Description Additional information about the Range of Capacity of Minimum Maximum

equipment class property. template sizes the welder peak carrying
for widget resolution weight for
machines. the truck
Value The value, set of values, or range {10,20,30,40, {10..400} {1 ..10} {2000 ..
of the property. 100,200,300} 36000}
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the cm Amperes ppm Kg
Measure associated property value, if
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 36 -

5.2.4 Equipment

A representation of the elements of the equipment hierarchy model shown in Part 1 shall be
known as equipment. Equipment may be a listing of sites, areas, production units, production
lines, work cells, process cells, units, storage zones or storage units. Table 12 lists the attributes
of equipment. Equipment may be tested by the execution of an equipment capability test

Equipment may be made up of other equipment, as presented in the equipment hierarchy model.

EXAMPLE 1 A production line may be made up of work cells.

EXAMPLE 2 A reactor may be made up of sensors, valves, an agitator, and level switches.

Table 12 — Attributes of equipment

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Jig 347 Wldr445 SN3883AT VIN28203

specific piece of equipment,
within the scope of the
information exchanged
(manufacturing operations
definition, scheduling, capability
and performance)
The equipment ID shall be used
in other parts of the model when
the equipment needs to be
identified, such as the production
capability for a piece of
equipment, or a production
response identifying the
equipment used.
Description Additional information about the This is the east Welder for Floor 2 lab Shipping
equipment. side, north north building auto dock lift
building, titrator truck
widget jig.
Equipment An identification of the level in Production Work Center Site Area
Level the role based equipment Line

5.2.5 Equipment property

Properties of equipment shall be listed as equipment properties. An equipment shall have zero or
more equipment properties. These specify the current property values of the equipment for the
associated equipment class property. Equipment properties may include a unit of measure. Table
13 lists the attributes of equipment property. An equipment property may be tested by the
execution of an equipment capability test specification with results exchanged in an equipment
capability test result.

Equipment properties may contain nested equipment properties.

NOTE: An equipment property may exist without an associated equipment class property, however all parties in
an exchange must have a common understanding of the equipment property.

EXAMPLE 1 An equipment class property may be volume with a value of {10000 – 50000} with a unit of measure of
liters, an equipment property may be volume with a value of 30.000 and a unit of measure of liters.
- 37 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

EXAMPLE 2 Examples of equipment properties are

− other current information, such as when calibration is needed;

− maintenance status;

− the current state of the equipment;

− performance values.

Table 13 — Attributes of equipment property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific Run Rate Capacity Resolution Max

property. Weight

Description Additional information about the Widget making Capacity of Minimum Maximum
equipment property. average run the welder peak carrying
rate resolution weight for
the truck
Value The value, set of values, or range 59 {10-200} 0.05 1
of the property.
The value(s) is assumed to be
within the range or set of defined
values for the related equipment
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Widgets/Hour Amperes % Tons
Measure associated property value, if

5.2.6 Equipment capability test specification

A representation of a capability test shall be presented as an equipment capability test

specification. An equipment capability test specification may be associated with an equipment
class, equipment class property, equipment or equipment property. This is typically used where a
test is required to ensure that the equipment has the necessary capability and capacity. An
equipment capability test specification may test for one or more equipment properties. Table 14
lists the attributes of equipment capability test specification.

An equipment capability test specification shall include

a) an identification of the test;
b) a version of the test;
c) a description of the test.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 38 -

Table 14 — Attributes of equipment capability test specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a test for WAJTT-101 Wldr_check ATT- FLT_Safety

certifying one or more values for Calibrate
one or more equipment
For example, this may be the
name of a document that
describes or defines the
capability test.
Description Additional information about the Widget Welder Auto Lift truck
equipment capability test assembly jig Safety Check Titration safety truck
specification. throughput test tester
– returns the Calibration
run rate for a
Version An identification of the version of 1.0 2.3 1.1 1.1
the capability test specification.

5.2.7 Equipment capability test result

The results from an equipment capability test for a specific piece of equipment shall be shown as
an equipment capability test result. Table 15 lists the attributes of equipment capability test

An equipment capability test result shall include

a) the date of the test;
b) the result of the test (passed-failed or quantitative result);
c) the expiration date of the test.
- 39 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 15 — Attributes of equipment capability test result

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique instance identification FQ101/01-10- WC888 AT98765 FS7602

that records the results from the 2000
execution of a test identified in a
capability test specification for a
specific piece of equipment. (For
example, this may just be a
number assigned by the testing
Description Additional information about the Results from Results from Results Results
equipment capability test result. run rate test for safety check from from
JIG 237 for calibrate safety
October 1999. check
Date The date and time of the 1999-10-25 1999-10-25 1999-10- 1999-10-
capability test. 13:30 13:30 25 13:30 25 13:30
Result The result of the capability test. 48 Fail Pass Pass
Result Unit The unit of measure of the Widgets/Hour <Pass, Fail> <Pass, <Pass,
of Measure associated test result, if Fail> Fail>
Expiration The date of the expiration of the 2000-10-25 2000-10-25 2000-10- 2000-10-
capability. 13:30 13:30 25 13:30 25 13:30

5.2.8 Containers

A container for material shall be represented as role based equipment, physical asset, or both of
type storage zone or storage unit.

EXAMPLE 1 In a refinery; bulk storage tanks would be represented as Storage Units and as containers for specific

EXAMPLE 2 In an automotive plant; assembly parts bins would be represented as Storage Units and as containers
for an assembly of parts.

EXAMPLE 3 In a pharmaceutical plant; portable tote bins or pallets that hold tablets would be represented as
Storage Units for a specific material lot or sublot.

EXAMPLE 4 Properties of containers would be represented as Equipment Class, Equipment, Physical Asset Class, or
Physical Asset properties, such as: Readiness, Transportability, Disposable, and Cleanness.

The association of material lots and sublots to containers is modeled as properties of the
material lot or sublot.

The association of containers to material lots and sublots is modeled as properties of the

5.2.9 Tools

A tool shall be represented as role based equipment, physical asset, or both.

EXAMPLE 1 In a pharmaceutical plant; a tablet die used to compress and shape tablets would be represented as a
Work Unit. The tablet die work unit may have properties that identified the expected use time and the
actual use time.

EXAMPLE 2 In plastics parts manufacturing; an extruder die would be represented as a Work Unit. The extruder
machine could be represented as a Work Cell.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 40 -

EXAMPLE 3 In semiconductor manufacturing; a multi-platen multi-wafer CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) tool
would be represented as a Work Cell.

EXAMPLE 4 A micrometer used for measuring sheet metal thickness in a general purpose machine shop may be
recorded as equipment but not tracked as a physical asset.

5.2.10 Software

Software shall be represented as role based equipment, physical asset, or both.

NOTE Level 3 applications may have responsibility for keeping the actual software up to date. In the context of
this standard, information about the software may need to be specified, required, reported or
synchronized with Level 4 systems.

EXAMPLE 1 When a patch is applied to software the change may need to be known by Level 3 systems to allow
additional testing and Level 4 systems to update security settings.

EXAMPLE 2 When a physical asset is decommissioned and it contains licensed software, then a Level 4 system may
need the information to order software uninstalls, to order asset memory clearing or to know to cancel
the maintenance license fee.

5.3 Physical asset information

5.3.1 Physical asset model

The physical asset model contains information about the physical piece of equipment, usually
managed as a physical asset within the enterprise often utilizing a specific serial number. An
object in the equipment model defines a role for the equipment, and object in the asset model
defines the physical ID and properties of a piece of equipment.

EXAMPLE Equipment IDs can be represented as TAGs, which define a role such as TC184 for a temperature
controller, while the temperature controller is an asset and has a serial number

The physical asset can be replaced (e.g. because it is broken) and in that case the TAG will not change,
but a new physical asset with a unique serial number will take the place of the old physical asset.
Therefore two separate ID’s are needed, one for the role (equipment ID) and one for the physical asset
(physical asset ID).

While assets have Level 4 significance, usually because they have an economic value, this part
of the standard focuses on the Level 3 significance of the asset. The asset model defines a
physical asset as a representation of a physical piece of equipment.

Definitions for hierarchy levels in the physical asset hierarchy are not defined in this Part,
however the role-based equipment hierarchy names should be used if they are equivalent.

A representation of physical asset equipment is illustrated in Figure 7.

- 41 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

> May be made up of

> is an instance of
Physical 1..1 Physical
Asset 0..n Asset Class
0..n 0..n
Has Is tested Is tested Has
values for > by an > by an > properties
0..n 0..n of >

Physical Asset
Capability Test
< records the
Physical Asset
testing of 0..n 0..n
Capability Test
Result Defines a
procedure for Is tested
0..n obtaining an < by an < 0..n

Physical 0..n Maps to 0..n Physical

Asset Asset Class
Property Property

0..n 0..n
< may contain nested < may contain nested

Figure 7 — Physical asset model

The relationship between the physical asset information and the equipment information is shown
in Figure 8. There is a temporal relationship between the role of the equipment and the physical
asset. The physical asset performing the role may change over time and the equipment asset
mapping maintains the association.

< May be made up of > May be made up of

0..n 0..n
> Implemented by > is an instance of
Equipment 0..n 0..1 Physical 1..1 Physical
Class 0..n < Defined by 0..1 < records use Asset 0..n Asset Class
and removal of
Has asset to
properties implement Has
of > equipment properties
of >
Asset Mapping

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Physical Maps to Physical

Equipment Equipment Asset Class
Class Property Maps to Property Property

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

< may contain nested < may contain nested < may contain nested < may contain nested

Figure 8 — Physical asset and equipment relationship

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 42 -

NOTE This model shown in Figure 8 is consistent with the MIMOSA data models, but with various name
differences due to their development history.

1. A MIMOSA Asset element maps to a Physical Asset object.

2. A MIMOSA Asset Utilization History element maps to an Equipment Asset Mapping object.

3. A MIMOSA Segment element maps to an Equipment object.

4. A MIMOSA Model element maps to a Physical Asset Class object.

5. A MIMOSA Agent element would map to an attribute or property, where needed.

5.3.2 Physical asset

A physical asset represents a physical piece of equipment. Table 16 lists the attributes of a
physical asset. A physical asset may be tested by the execution of a physical asset capability
test specification.

Physical assets may be made up of other physical assets. For example, a packaging line may be
made up of conveyor sections, motors, and sensors.

Table 16 — Attributes of physical asset

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID Defines a unique identification of SN5246$9 SN68928#1 SN5247$3 VIN

a physical asset. 55262528
Description Contains additional information 2 HP Pump High Auto Fork Truck
and descriptions of the physical Performance titration
asset. Welder tester
Physical Actual physical location of the Area 54, Unit Storage Bay Floor 2 Docking
Location physical asset 3A 9982 Lab Bay 3
Fixed Asset Contains a unique identification 2000291 2000292 2000293 2000294
ID for financial tracking as required
by laws or regulations
Vendor ID Contains a vendor’s serial AT55628 667y62 W78GJ77 H2228

NOTE 1 Implementations should consider the following rules concerning the use of IDs:

1. The Physical Asset ID should be an enterprise wide identification.

2. If an information exchange is required to handle assets across enterprises, then the ID should be a
GUID (Globally Unique ID).

3. Common local practices may require other identifications of physical assets and require additional
correlated identifications represented as properties.

NOTE 2 Materials used in maintenance operations may be represented in either the physical asset equipment
model, in the material model, or in both. When represented in both models the IDs used to identify the
material in both models (Material Lot and Physical Asset ID) should be the same.

5.3.3 Physical asset property

Properties of physical assets shall be listed as physical asset properties. A physical asset shall
have zero or more physical asset properties. These specify the current property values of the
physical asset for the associated physical asset class property. Physical asset properties may
- 43 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

include a unit of measure. Table 17 lists the attributes of a physical asset property. A physical
asset property may be tested by the execution of a physical asset capability test specification
with results exchanged using a physical asset capability test result.

Physical asset properties may contain nested physical asset properties.

Table 17 — Attributes of physical asset property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific Date of Assembly Tracked Tracked

property. Manufacture Drawing Physical Physical
Asset Asset

Description Additional information about the Name plate Vendor Indicates Indicates
asset property. date of assembly that the the state
production drawing ID physical of the
asset must physical
be signed asset
out and
Value The value, set of values, or range 2008 10 ACC08- <Tracked, <Assigned
of the property. 55642 Not , Issued,
Tracked,> Available>
The value(s) is assumed to be
within the range or set of defined
values for the related asset
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Date String Boolean Boolean
Measure associated property value, if

5.3.4 Physical asset class

A representation of a grouping of physical assets with similar characteristics for purposes of

repair and replacement shall be used as a physical asset class. Any physical asset shall be a
member of one physical asset class. Table 18 lists the attributes of a physical asset class. A
physical asset class may be tested by the execution of a physical asset capability test

Table 18 — Attributes of physical asset class

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Manufacturer An identification of the Smith Pumps. Jones Franz Chrysler

manufacturer. Welders Testers Fleet Car
ID The manufacture’s identification 2HPWP HPWLDR ATT 99 Series K
of the specific physical asset 103
For example: the model number
Description Additional information about the Intrinsically (not (not (not
physical asset class. Safe applicable) applicable) applicable)
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 44 -

5.3.5 Physical asset class property

Properties of a physical asset class shall be listed as physical asset class properties. Each may
have zero or more recognized properties. Table 19 lists the attributes of a physical asset class
property. A physical asset class property may be tested by the execution of a physical asset
capability test specification.

Physical asset class properties may contain nested physical asset class properties.

Table 19 — Attributes of physical asset class property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific Throughput Weld Rate Test Charge

property. Speed Time

Description Additional information about the Pump Maximum Average Hours to

property. Throughput speed of test rate recharge
welder truck
Value The value, set of values, or range 400 5 1315 5
of the property.
The value(s) is assumed to be
within the range or set of defined
values for the related asset
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the L / Min cm / Second Samples / Hours
Measure associated property value, if Hour

5.3.6 Physical asset capability test specification

A representation of a capability test for a physical asset shall be represented as a physical asset
capability test specification. A physical asset capability test specification may be associated with
a physical asset property. This is typically used where a test is required to ensure that the
physical asset has the rated capability and capacity. A physical asset capability test specification
may test for one or more physical asset properties. Table 20 lists the attributes of a physical
asset capability test specification.

A physical asset capability test specification shall include

a) an identification of the test;
b) a version of the test;
c) a description of the test.
- 45 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 20 — Attributes of physical asset capability test specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific WPTT82 WR9 ATT00029 CTIME 99

physical asset capability test

Description Additional information about the Test of Pump Test of Test of Test of
test specification. Throughput Maximum Average Hours to
speed of test rate recharge
welder truck
Version An identification of the version of 00 1 2 3
the capability test specification.

5.3.7 Physical asset capability test result

The results from a qualification test for a specific physical asset shall be represented as a
physical capability test result. Table 21 lists the attributes of a physical asset capability test

A physical asset capability test result shall include

a) the date of the test;
b) the result of the test (passed-failed or quantitative result);
c) the expiration date of the test.

Table 21 — Attributes of physical asset capability test result

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific CPT-999 MT- 998 HD-878 IN-BX-

physical asset capability test 7778

Description Additional information about the the number of pH meter Hardness Cold box
test result. chrome plated calibration test of unit storage
widgets result test 878 temp.
produced per delta
Date The date and time of the 1999-10-25 1999-10-25 1999-10- 1999-10-
capability test. 13:30 13:30 25 13:30 25 13:30
Result The result of the capability test. 48 7.0001 <Pass, 1.2
Result Unit The unit of measure of the Widgets/Hour pH Boolean C
of Measure associated test result, if
Expiration The date of the expiration of the 2000-10-25 2000-10-25 2000-10- 2000-10-
capability. 13:30 13:30 25 13:30 25 13:30
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 46 -

5.3.8 Equipment asset mapping

The relationship between a physical asset and an equipment shall be represented as an

equipment asset mapping. Table 22 lists the attributes of an equipment asset mapping. The
equipment asset mapping records the time period when one equipment object and one physical
asset object were associated.

Table 22 — Attributes of equipment asset mapping

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific 111 112 113 114

equipment asset mapping.

Description Additional information about the (not applicable) Installed (not (not
mapping element. under work applicable) applicable)
order 48423.
under work
order 93823
Start Time The starting time of the 1997-02-10 1997-02-10 2004-04- 2005-04-
association. 23 30
End Time The ending time of the 2004-12-10 2004-12-10 (not (not
association. applicable) applicable)

5.4 Material information

5.4.1 Material model

The material model shown in Figure 9 defines the actual materials, material definitions, and
information about classes of material definitions. Material information includes the inventory of
raw, finished, intermediate materials, and consumables. The information about planned or actual
material is contained in the material lot and material sublot information. Material classes are
defined to organize materials.

NOTE This corresponds to a resource model for material, as defined in ISO 10303.
- 47 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Is assembled from

Is assembled from Is assembled from Is assembled from

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

0..n Made up of
Material a grouping Material Material
Material Lot
Class 0..n 0..n Definition 1..1 Defined by 0..n Sublot

Has Has Is tested Has
properties properties Is tested values for Has
by a > by a > values for
of Is tested of May be made up
by a > 0..n 0..n of sublots
Material Test
0..n Specification
Is tested Records the
0..n 0..n execution of
by a > Defines a QA Test
Is tested
by a > procedure Result
0..n 0..n 0..n obtaining a 0..n
Material Material 0..n 0..n 0..n
Material Lot
Class Definition
May Maps to Property
Property Property
map to

0..n 0..n 0..n

< may contain nested < may contain nested < may contain nested

Figure 9 — Material model

5.4.2 Material class

A material class is a representation of groupings of material definitions for a definite purpose

such as manufacturing operations definition, scheduling, capability and performance. Table 23
lists the attributes of material class. A material class may be tested by the execution of a
material test specification.

NOTE An example of a material class may be sweetener, with members of fructose, corn syrup, and sugar
cane syrup. Another example of a material class may be water, with members of city water, recycled
water, and spring water.

A material definition shall belong to zero or more material classes.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 48 -

Table 23 — Attributes of material class

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Polymer sheet 200 cP Oil RH5510 20 mil

specific material class, within the stock 1001A Wrap
(SAE 90)
scope of the information
exchanged (production capability,
production schedule, production
performance, …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
material class needs to be
identified, such as the production
capability for this material class,
or a production response
identifying the material class
Description Additional information about the Solid polymer Very High Oxidizing Wrap used
material class. resin Viscosity Agent to wrap
Lubricating pallets
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.

A material class may be defined as containing an assembly of material classes and as part of an
assembly of material classes:

1. A material class may define an assembly of zero or more material classes.

2. A material class may be an assembly element of zero or more material classes.

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material classes.

4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material classes.

5.4.3 Material class property

Properties of a material class shall be presented as material class properties. A material class
shall be further characterized through zero or more material class properties. Table 24 lists the
attributes of material class property. A material class property may be tested by the execution of
a material test specification.
- 49 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Material class properties may contain nested material class properties.

NOTE Examples of material class properties include density, pH factor, and material strength.

The material class properties often list the nominal, or standard, values for the material. A
material property does not have to match a material class property.

Table 24 — Attributes of material class property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a specific Polyethylene Oil Viscosity pH Weight

material class property. sheet thickness
Description Additional information about the Sheet Coefficient of Acidity Weight to
material class property. Thickness viscosity be added
to shipping
Value The value, set of values, or range {5, 10, 25} (not {0..7} (not
of the property. applicable) applicable)
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the mm Pa-s pH g/m
Measure associated property value, if

5.4.4 Material definition

A representation of goods with similar name characteristics for the purpose of manufacturing
operations definition, scheduling, capability and performance shall be shown as a material
definition. Table 25 lists the attributes of material definition. A material definition may be tested
by the execution of a material test specification.

NOTE Examples of these may be city water, hydrochloric acid and grade B aluminum.

Any material lot shall be associated with one material definition.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 50 -

Table 25 — Attributes of material definition

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Sheet stock DO200cpO OA9929 PW882929

specific material definition, within 1443a
the scope of the information
exchanged (production capability,
production schedule, production
performance, …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
material definition needs to be
identified, such as the production
capability for this material
definition, or a production
response identifying the material
definition used.
Description Additional information about the General 200 cP Oil Oxidizing General
material definition. purpose sheet from Dino Oil Agent from purpose
stock RustItAll 20 mil
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.

A material definition may be defined as containing an assembly of material definitions and as

part of an assembly of material definitions:

1. A material definition may define an assembly of zero or more material definitions.

2. A material definition may be an assembly element of zero or more material definitions.

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material


4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material definitions.

5.4.5 Material definition property

Properties of a material definition shall be defined as material definition properties. A material

definition shall be further characterized through zero or more material definition properties.
- 51 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 26 lists the attributes of material definition property. A material definition property may be
tested by the execution of a material test specification.

Material definition properties may contain nested material definition properties.

NOTE Examples of material definition property include density, pH factor, or material strength.

Properties may present the nominal or standard values for the material.

Table 26 — Attributes of material definition property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific 1443a5mm Oil Viscosity pH Weight

material definition property.
Description Additional information about the 5 millimeter Coefficient of Acidity Weight to
material definition property. sheet viscosity be added
to shipping
Value The value, set of values, or range {4.85 .. 5.15} {250 x 10 .. {3.99 .. 20 .. 21
of the property. 255 x 10 } 4.01}
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the mm Pa-s pH g/m
Measure associated property value, if

5.4.6 Material lot

A representation of a uniquely identified specific amount of material, either countable or

weighable shall be named as a material lot. A material lot describes the planned or actual total
quantity or amount of material available, its current state, and its specific property values. Table
27 lists the attributes of material lot. A material lot may be tested by the execution of a material
test specification.

A material lot shall include

a) a unique identification of the lot;
b) the amount of material (count, volume, weight);
c) the unit of measure of the material (for example, parts, liters, kg);
d) a storage location for the material;
e) any status of the lot.

A material lot may be made up of material sublots. Material lots and material sublots may be
used for traceability when they contain unique identifications.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 52 -

Table 27 — Attributes of material lot

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a L66738-99 L8828-81 L53920-02 L8626-33

specific material lot, within the
scope of the information
exchanged (production
capability, production schedule,
production performance, …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
material lot needs to be
identified, such as the
production capability for this
material lot, or a production
response identifying the
material lot used.
Description Additional information about PlastiFab Oil Reagent Wrapping
the material lot. 10/31 material
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type the assembly. The defined
types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of
the assembly are not
necessarily physically
connected or in the same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship the relationships. The defined
types are:
Permanent – An assembly that
is not intended to be split
during the production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch
Note 2 If material lots (or sublots)
are merged or absorbed (e.g.
blended), then this is a new
material lot, as defined in Part 1 of
this standard, not an assembly.

Status Status of the material lot. For In process approved blocked approved
example, released, approved,
blocked, in process, in quality
Storage An identification of the storage Work Center Maintenance Work Bench Warehouse
Location location or a physical location 1 Shed 4S 10, Top 1
of the material lot. Shelf
Quantity The quantity of the material lot. 1200 20 1 41
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the sheets Cans Liter Rolls
of Measure associated quantity, if

NOTE 1 Representation of non-lot controlled items (for example consumable materials or bulk materials), may be
represented in the Material Lot model through the use of a unique IDs for each different Material
Definition. For example this could be the Material Definition ID or a system assigned ID,
- 53 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

NOTE 2 If non-lot controlled items must be maintained in multiple locations then the information may be
represented in the Material Sublot model through the use of unique sublot IDs for each different location
and Material Definition.

A material lot or a material sublot may be defined as containing an assembly of material lots or
material sublots and as part of an assembly of material lots or material sublots:

1. A material lot or a material sublot may define an assembly of zero or more material lots
or a material sublots.
2. A material lot or a material sublot may be an assembly element of zero or more material
lots or a material sublots.

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material lots or


EXAMPLE 1 A transient assembly could be a temporary collection of material maintained as a batch kit on a
pallet, the batch kit is identified with a unique identification and may contain specific
properties, such as a pallet identification, location, and related batch ID.

EXAMPLE 2 A permanent assembly of material may be an automobile. The automobile has a unique vehicle
identification number (VIN) and other properties. The automobile may contain an assembly of
an engine, transmission, chassis, and wheels, each with their own unique identification and

4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material or sublots.

Assemblies of materials do not imply a manufacturing status.

EXAMPLE 3 A finished tractor is a physical assembly of materials.

EXAMPLE 4 An unassembled collection of tractor components that are separately shipped is a logical
assembly of materials.

5.4.7 Material lot property

Each material can have unique values for zero or more material lot properties, such as a specific
pH value for the specific lot of material, or a specific density for the lot of material. A material lot
property may be tested by the execution of a material test specification with results exchanged in
a QA test specification result.

Material lot properties may contain nested material lot properties.

A material lot property is associated with either a material lot or a material sublot. When
associated with a material lot it specifies a property value for all sublots, when associated with a
material sublot it specifies a property value for a single sublot.

Table 28 lists the attributes of material lot property.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 54 -

Table 28 — Attributes of material lot property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the specific Average sheet Oil Viscosity pH Weight

material lot property. thickness

Description Additional information about the Measured Coefficient of Acidity Weight to

material lot property. thickness viscosity be added
to shipping
Value The value, set of values, or range 5.002 250 x 10 4.01 20.3
of the property.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the mm Pa-s pH g/m
Measure associated property value, if

5.4.8 Material sublot

A material lot may be stored in separately identifiable quantities. Each separately identifiable
quantity of the same material lot shall be presented as a material sublot. All material sublots are
part of the same material lot, so they have the material lot’s property values. A material sublot
may be just a single item. Table 29 lists the attributes of material sublot. Material sublots may
have sublot specific properties.

Material sublot properties may contain nested material sublot properties.

EXAMPLE Sublot properties may be RFID tag IDs or other identification properties, such that each sublot of a lot
has a different property value.

Each material sublot shall contain the location of the sublot and the quantity or amount of
material available in the sublot.

Material sublots may contain other sublots.

NOTE For example, a sublot may be a pallet, each box on the pallet may also be a sublot, and each material
blister pack in the box may also be a sublot.

A material sublot shall include

a) a unique identification of the sublot;
b) the storage location of the sublot;
c) the unit of measure of the material (for example, parts, kg, tons);
d) any status of the sublot.
- 55 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 29 — Attributes of material sublot

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a 1999-10-27- L8828-81-S1 L53920- L8626-33-2

specific material sublot, within a67-B6653 02-A554
the scope of the information
exchanged (production
capability, production schedule,
production performance …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
material sublot needs to be
identified, such as the
production capability for this
material sublot, or a production
response identifying the
material sublot used.
Description Additional information about Pallet 2 of 6 Oil Reagent Wrapping
the material sublot. material
Assembly Optional Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of
the assembly are not
necessarily physically
connected or in the same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship the relationships. The defined
types are:
Permanent – An assembly that
is not intended to be split
during the production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch
Note 2 If material lots (or sublots)
are merged or absorbed (e.g.
blended), then this is a new
material lot, as defined in Part 1 of
this standard, not an assembly.

Status Status of the current material Released approved blocked approved

sublot. For example, released,
approved, blocked, in process,
in quality check.
Storage An identification of the storage Stainless Steel Maintenance Work Warehouse
Location location or a physical location Tote #57 Shed 4S, Top Bench 10, 1
of the material sublot. Shelf Top Shelf
Quantity The quantity of the material 40 10 1 41
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the sheets Cans Liter Rolls
of Measure associated quantity, if
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 56 -

5.4.9 Material test specification

A representation of a material test shall be shown as a material test specification. A material test
specification shall be associated with one or more material definition properties. This is typically
used where a test is required to ensure that the material has the required property value. A
material test specification may identify a test for one or more material definition properties. Not
all properties need to have a defined material test specification. Table 30 lists the attributes of
material test specification.

Material test specifications may also be related to a production request. The same material may
have different specifications for different production requests, depending on specific customer

A material test specification shall include

a) an identification of the test;
b) a version of the test;
c) a description of the test.

Table 30 — Attributes of material test specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a test for STMT-101 MI330 QA8899 67

certifying one or more values for
one or more equipment
For example, this may be the
name of a document that
describes or lists the capability
Description Additional information about the Sheet Test of water Check of Check of
Material Test Specification. thickness content in an vendor’s vendor’s
measurement oil COA on COA for
test – returns pH. weight or
the average wrapping
sheet thickness material
based on a
sample plan
and technique
for a specific
Version An identification of the version of 1.0 1.0 2.1 A.1
the Material Test Specification.

5.4.10 Material test result

A representation of the results from the execution of a quality assurance test shall be presented
as a material test result. A material test result records the results from a material test for a
specific material lot or material sublot. The following are some characteristics of material test
results. Table 31 lists the attributes of material test result.
a) They shall be related to a material lot or material sublot.
b) They may be related to a production request.
c) They may be associated with a specific production response.
d) They may be related to a specific process segment.
- 57 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

e) They may include a pass/fail status of the test.

f) They may include quantitative information of the tests.
g) They may include the granting or refusing of an in-process or finished goods waiver request.
h) They may be related to a product characteristic.

Material test results may be associated with a specific production response.

Table 31 — Attributes of material test result

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique instance identification THK101/01-10- MO998 7763 u7373

that records the results from the 2000
execution of a test identified in a
material test specification for a
lot or sublot. (For example, this
may just be a number assigned
by the testing authority.)
Description Additional information about the Results from Test of metal Test of Check of
Material Test Result. thickness test content in oil water pH expiration
for PlastiFab date
lot on 1999-10-
Date The date of the material test. 1999-10-25 2008-01-23 2008-01- 2008-01-
11:30 20 23
Result The value or list of values Pass 20 6.9 Pass
returned from the performance of
the material test. For example:
Pass, Fail, 95, Red, Green.
Result Unit The unit of measure of the <Pass, Fail> ppm pH <Pass,
of Measure associated test result, if Fail>
Expiration The date of the expiration of the 2000-10-25 2008-02-23 (not (not
test results. 13:30 applicable) applicable)

5.4.11 Assemblies

Assemblies are collections or sets of related elements. Assemblies are represented as

relationships between elements and attributes of the elements. Each assembly element has its
own identity and properties, such as a material lot which has its own identity and properties. An
object with an assembly (material lot, material sublot, material class, and material definition) is
contains the list of other elements that make up the assembly.

NOTE 1 Many assembly type industries, such as automobile manufacturing, airplane assembly, and furniture
manufacturing use the concept of assemblies. A produced material, with a unique identification and
properties, is made up of other materials with their own unique identification and properties.

EXAMPLE 1 An “automobile” is a material lot, with specific properties (color, VIN #, make, model, …) while it also
contains other chassis parts (engine, transmission, axles …) that also have their own unique
identification and properties.

EXAMPLE 2 A transaxle in an automobile has its own identification and also is an assembly of subcomponents, as
shown in Figure X, including seals, bearing, axle shaft, etc, as shown in Figure 10. There may be an
assembly which defines a specific model of transmission described in a Material Definition Assembly,
and there may be an assembly that defines a specific transmission described in a Material Assembly.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 58 -

EXAMPLE 3 A “batch kit” is an assembly that contains a collection of different materials that would be used in the
production of a batch, for example a batch kit for a soup may contain the seasonings that are used in
production of a single batch. There may be an assembly which defines the class of materials used in a
batch kit described in a Material Class Assembly, and there may be a batch specific assembly which
defines specific material lots or sublots described in a Material Assembly.

Transaxle Material Definition

has an assembly of illustrated parts

Axle Bearing
Material Definition

Axle Seal
Material Definition

Axle Shaft
Material Definition

Figure 10 — Example of a material with an assembly

5.5 Process segment information

5.5.1 Process segment model

Process segments are the smallest elements of manufacturing activities that are visible to
business processes. The process segment model is a hierarchical model, in which multiple
levels of abstraction of manufacturing processes may be defined because there may be multiple
business processes requiring visibility to manufacturing activities.

NOTE The term business process segment is a synonym for process segment and is used to reflect the
business process aspect of the process segment.

Process segments are also logical grouping of personnel resources, equipment resources, and
material required to perform a manufacturing operations step. A process segment defines the
needed classes of personnel, equipment, and material, and/or it may define specific resources,
such as specific equipment needed. A process segment may define the quantity of the resource

The manufacturing operations step may be a production operations step, inventory operations
step, maintenance operations step, and quality operations step.

Figure 11 is the process segment model.

- 59 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

0..n has an execution dependency on

Process 0..n

0..n Process
is a collection of Segment
May be made up of Dependency

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Process Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment
Parameter Specification Specification Specification Specification 0..n

Has properties Has properties Has properties Has properties Is assembled

of of of of from
May be made up of
0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n
Physical Asset
Personnel Segment Equipment Segment Material Segment
Specification Specification Specification
Property Property Property
0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n
Corresponds Corresponds Corresponds Corresponds
to element in to element in to element in to element in
1..1 1..1 1..1 1..1

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 11 — Process segment model

5.5.2 Process segment attributes

A process segment lists the classes of personnel, equipment, physical assets, and material
needed, and/or it may present specific resources, such as specific equipment needed for the
process segment. A process segment may list the quantity of the resource needed.

A process segment is something that occurs or can occur during manufacturing operations.

Process segment may identify

a) the time duration associated with the resource;

NOTE Five hours or 5 hours/100 kg.

b) constraint rules associated with ordering or sequencing of segments.

A process segment may be made up of other process segments, in a hierarchy of definitions.

Process segments may contain specifications of specific resources required by the Process
segment. Process segments may contain parameters that can be listed in specific operations

Table 32 defines the attributes for process segment objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 60 -

Table 32 — Attributes of process segment

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Widget Frame Replace Pull Transfer

process segment, within the Milling Motor Sample
scope of the information and Run
exchanged (operations capability, Test
operations schedule, operations
performance …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
process segment needs to be
identified, such as the operations
capability for this segment, or an
operations response identifying
the segment.
Description Additional information about the Frame milling Large size Check Move
process segment. operation, motor purity and pallet from
separately replacement concentrat truck to
costed ion conveyor
operation system

Operations Describes the category of the Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

type activity
Required attribute.
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
or Mixed.
“Mixed” shall be used when the
activity contains several
categories of process segments.
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged South Shore South Shore Mixer Receiving
Scope information fits within the role (Site) / Work (SITE) / Sample dock
based equipment hierarchy. Line (Area) Packaging Port (Work (Work
(Area) Unit) Center)
Optionally defines the scope of
the process segment definition,
such as the site or area it is
defined for.
Duration Duration of process segment, if 25 (not 20 5
known. applicable)

Duration Unit The units of measure of the Minutes (not minutes minutes
of Measure duration, if defined. applicable)

5.5.3 Personnel segment specification

Personnel resources that are required for a process segment shall be presented as personnel
segment specifications.

Table 33 defines the attributes for personnel segment specification objects.

- 61 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 33 — Attributes of personnel segment specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Personnel Identifies the associated Milling Machine Type 2 Lab Tech Lift truck
Class personnel class or set of Operator Mechanic A operator
personnel classes specified

Person * Identifies the associated person <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> <n/a>

or set of persons specified
Description Contains additional information Defines the Qualified to Qualified Certified
and descriptions of the personnel time for replace to lift truck
segment specification definition. journeyman motor type operation operator
milling machine NEMA 4. of
operators for reflectome
each widget ter
frame milling
Personnel Defines the expected use of the Allocated Certified Certified Allocated
Use personnel class or person.

Quantity Specifies the personnel resource 1.3 2 .5 5

required for the parent process
segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours / piece Hours / motor Hours / minutes /
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. sample transfer

NOTE * Typically only personnel class is defined.

5.5.4 Personnel segment specification property

Specific properties that are required are specified in personnel segment specification properties.

Personnel segment specification properties may contain nested personnel segment specification

Table 34 defines the attributes for personnel segment specification property objects
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 62 -

Table 34 — Attributes of personnel segment specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples
ID An identification of a property of Height Scuba Color 2 Shift
the associated person property or Trained Vision
personnel class property.
Description Contains additional information Defines the Class 4 work Must Must be
and descriptions of the property. required requires use distinguish able to
minimum of scuba red and operate
height of a underwater green 2 shift
milling machine
Value The value, set of values, or range 150 TRUE TRUE TRUE
of the property.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the cm <True, <True, <True,
Measure associated property value, if False> False> False>
Quantity Specifies the personnel resource 1.3 (not (not (not
required, if applicable. applicable) applicable) applicable)

Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours / piece (not (not (not
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable) applicable) applicable)

5.5.5 Equipment segment specification

Equipment resources that are required for a process segment shall be presented as equipment
segment specifications.

Table 35 defines the attributes for equipment segment specification objects.

Table 35 — Attributes of equipment segment specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Equipment Identifies the associated (not applicable) 10 Ton Crane Reflectom 800 kg
Class equipment class or set of eter Fork Truck
equipment classes of the
Equipment* Identifies the associated Milling Machine (not (not (not
equipment or set of equipment of 001 applicable) applicable) applicable)
the capability.
Description Contains additional information Equipment Crane Measures Able to lift
and descriptions. needed for required to substrate two
widget milling remove thickness standard
process motor of wafer pallets
Equipment Defines the expected use of the Part Milling Remove and Run Test Material
Use equipment class or equipment in Replace Movement
the context of the process Motor
Quantity Specifies the amount of 1.3 1 1 1
resources required, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Machine Hours Day Test Move
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. / piece

NOTE * Typically either equipment class or equipment is defined.

- 63 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

5.5.6 Equipment segment specification property

Specific properties that are required are specified in equipment segment specification properties.

Equipment segment specification properties may contain nested equipment segment

specification properties.

Table 36 defines the attributes for equipment segment specification property objects.

Table 36 — Attributes of equipment segment specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property Milling Direction Mobile Calibrated Power

of the associated equipment
property or equipment class
Description Contains additional information Only vertical Mobile crane Within Type of
and descriptions. milling machines calibrated power
are suitable for date
widget milling.
Value The value, set of values, or Vertical TRUE TRUE Electric
range of the property. For
example: Vertical, Horizontal
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) <True, <True, {Electric,
Measure associated property value, if False> False> Gas, LP}
Quantity Specifies the amount of 1.0 (not (not (not
resources required. applicable) applicable) applicable)

Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Machine Hours / (not (not (not
of Measure associated quantity, if piece applicable) applicable) applicable)

5.5.7 Material segment specification

Material resources that are required for a process segment shall be listed as material segment

Table 37 defines the attributes for material segment specification objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 64 -

Table 37 — Attributes of material segment specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenanc Quality Inventory
Name Examples e Examples Examples Examples

Material Identifies the associated material Polymer sheet Motor Sample Pallet
Class class or set of material classes of stock 1001A Brushes Holder
the capability.*
Material Identifies the associated material Sheet stock #9949 Polyurethane Plastic
Definition definition or set of material 1443a sample holder Pallet
definitions of the capability. *
Description Contains additional information Defines the Brushes Disposable Pallet
and descriptions. polymer required sample holder used for
required for a during motor storage
widget milling maintenance
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.
Material Use Defines the material use. Material Material Material Material
Consumed Consumed Consumed Consumed
For production defined values
are: Consumable, Material
Consumed, and Material
Quantity Specifies the amount of 0.35 6 1 (not
resources required. applicable)

Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Sheets / piece Units Units (not
of Measure associated property value, if applicable)

NOTE * Typically either a material class or material definition is specified.

A material segment specification may be defined as containing an assembly of material segment

specifications and as part of an assembly of material segment specifications:

1. A material segment specification may define an assembly of zero or more material

segment specifications.
2. A material segment specification may be an assembly element of zero or more material
segment specifications.

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material segment

- 65 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material segment


5.5.8 Material segment specification property

Specific properties that are required are specified in material segment specification properties.

Material segment specification properties may contain nested material segment specification

Table 38 defines the attributes for material segment specification property objects.

Table 38 — Attributes of material segment specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of Average 314 Stainless Sterilized RFID

the associated material property Surface Steel
or equipment class property. Roughness
Description Contains additional information Defines the Required Sterilized Pallet
and descriptions. minimum alloy sample contains
polyethylene holder an active
roughness RFID
Value The value, set of values, or range 66.748 TRUE TRUE Active
of the property.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Angstroms <True, <True, <Active,
Measure associated property value, if False> False> Passive,
applicable. None>

Quantity Specifies the amount of 0.10 (not (not (not

resources required, if applicable. applicable) applicable) applicable)

Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Sheets / piece (not (not (not
of Measure associated property value, if applicable) applicable) applicable)

5.5.9 Physical asset segment specification

Physical asset resources that are required for a process segment shall be presented as physical
asset segment specifications.

Table 39 defines the attributes for physical asset segment specification objects.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 66 -

Table 39 — Attributes of physical asset segment specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Physical Identifies the associated physical Acme Super Easy bake Wafers R
Asset Class asset class or set of physical TT10 1969 Us RF 100 2000
asset classes of the capability.
Physical Identifies the associated physical TI-101 OV-1200 RF-140 Tote 12A
Asset asset or set of physical assets of
the capability.
Description Contains additional information Transmitter Oven with Measures Able to
and descriptions. with most minimum substrate store 200
recent 2000 hours thickness vials in 40
calibration date on run clock of wafer x 5 matrix

Physical Defines the expected use of the Temperature of Preventive Thickness Storage
Asset Use physical asset class or physical granulation maintenance measurem
asset in the context of the process ent
process segment.
Quantity Specifies the amount of 1 1 1 1
resources required, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the K hours micron Cubic feet
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable.

5.5.10 Physical asset segment specification property

Specific properties that are required are specified in physical asset segment specification

Physical asset segment specification properties may contain nested physical asset segment
specification properties.

Table 42 defines the attributes for physical asset segment specification property objects.
- 67 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 40 — Attributes of physical asset segment specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of Temperature Run clock Calibrated Tote Type

the associated physical asset calibration date
property or physical asset class
Description Contains additional information Calibration Running time Within Only
and descriptions. date no later hours from calibrated plastic
than 6 months last date totes
from use preventive
Value The value, set of values, or range 1999-12-31 1200 True Plastic
of the property. For example:
Vertical, Horizontal
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Date Hours <True, String
Measure associated property value, if False>
Quantity Specifies the amount of (not applicable) (not (not 3
resources required. applicable) applicable)

Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the (not applicable) (not (not Count
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable) applicable)

5.5.11 Process segment parameter

Specific parameters required for a segment shall be shown as process segment parameters.

Process segment parameters may contain nested process segment parameters.

Table 41 defines the attributes for process segment parameter objects.

Table 41 — Attributes of process segment parameter

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID Identification of the process Milling Time Crane Lead Sample Number of

segment parameter. Time Size Pallets

Description Contains additional information. Range of Known lead Size of Number of

acceptable time to get sample to pallets
milling times. crane be pulled needed for
available move
Value The value, set of values, or range {5..10} {1..20} {5-20} (not
of acceptable values applicable)

Unit of Unit of measure of the values, if Minutes Days mg (not

Measure applicable. applicable)

5.5.12 Process segment dependency

Table 42 defines the attributes for process segment dependency objects. The process segment
dependencies can be used to describe process dependencies that are independent of any
particular product or operations task.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 68 -

NOTE 1 For example, a process segment dependency may define that an testing segment must follow an
assembly segment.

Table 42 — Attributes of process segment dependency

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID The identification of the PSD001 34 A35 PSA-I-5563

unique instance of the
process segment
Description Contains additional Defines the Don’t start May pull Don’t move
information and ordering of until samples to storage
descriptions of the assembly production is anytime until
process segment processes the complete during released by
dependency definition. Widget Assembly production quality
process segment
Dependency Defines the execution Start Cleanout no Start Motor Pull Sample Move
Type dependency constraints earlier than T Replacement may run in Inventory
of one segment by (Timing Factor) after Cleanout parallel with after Quality
another segment after Work end end MIX Release
Dependency Factor used by 25 (not (not (not
Factor dependency applicable) applicable) applicable)
Unit of The units of measure of Minutes (not (not (not
Measure the dependency factor, if applicable) applicable) applicable)

EXAMPLE Using ‘A’ and ‘B’ to identify the process segments, or specific resources within the segments, and T to
identify the timing factor, as shown in Figure 12, the dependencies include:

⎯ B can not follow A

⎯ B may run in parallel to A

⎯ B may not run in parallel to A

⎯ Start B at A start
⎯ Start B after A start

⎯ Start B after A end

⎯ Start B no later than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A start

⎯ Start B no earlier than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A start

⎯ Start B no later than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A end

⎯ Start B no earlier than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A end

- 69 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Time Time


B may run in parallel to A B may not run in parallel to A

Start B at A start Start B at A end
Start B after A start Start B after A end
Start B no later than T time after A start Start B no later then T time after A end
Start B no earlier than T time after A start Start B no earlier than T time after A end

Figure 12 – Segment dependency examples

NOTE 2 The associations to the A and B segments are not represented as attributes, as per 4.5.6.

6 Operations management information

6.1 Operations definition information

6.1.1 Operations definition model

Operations definition shall be used to specify the resources required to perform a specified
operation. The operations definition may apply to defining production, maintenance, quality test
and inventory operations. The actual definition of how to perform the operation is not included in
the object model. Figure 13 below is the common operations definition model.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 70 -

Has a reference to <

Has a reference to >

Bill of Bill of
Operations Work Definition
Resources Material
Definition (External)
(External) (External)
Has Has 1..1 may have a reference to >
associated > associated Has associated >

May be 0..n Operations

May have a reference to >
made 0..n 1..n Material Bill
up of Corresponds
0..n Operations to Process
has an execution dependency on 0..n Segment Segment 0..n
0..n 1..n
0..n Operations
Material Bill
Operations Is a collection of Item
1..1 0..n
Segment Is assembled
Dependency from

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 1..n

Parameter Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Specification Specification Specification Specification Specification 0..n
Is assembled
0..n from
May be made up of
0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n
Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Specification Specification Specification Specification
Property Property Property Property
0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds
to element in to element in to element in to element in

1..1 1..1 1..1 1..1

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 13 — Operations definition model

Operations instructions are defined as the information used to instruct a manufacturing operation
how to perform the operation. Production operations specific operations instructions may be
called a general, site or master recipe (IEC 61512-1 and ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995 definition),
standard operating procedure (SOP), standard operating conditions (SOC), master or product
routing, or assembly steps based on the production strategy used.

6.1.2 Operations definition

Table 43 defines the attributes for operations definition objects.

- 71 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 43 — Attributes of operations definition

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID Uniquely identifies the operations Export Quality Medium Size Potency Tank
definition. Widget AC Motor Test Transfer
Overhaul Procedure Procedure
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
Operations definition needs to be
Version An identification of the version of 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.1
the Operations definition.
In cases where there are multiple
versions of an Operations
definition, then the version
attribute shall contain the
additional identification
information to differentiate each
Description Contains additional information Information For Test for Movement
and descriptions of the defining overhauls of potency of of material
Operations definition resources motors less product from one
required for than 200 HP. tank to
production of a another
single ‘Export
Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
type operation
Required attribute
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
or Mixed.
“Mixed” shall be used when the
operations definition contains
several types of operations
requests and/or segment
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Wing(AREA)/ Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy. Manufacturing
Asset ID
Line #2(WORK
Bill of Identification of the external Bill BOM9929 BOM9928 BOM9927 BOM9926
Material ID Of Material associated with this
Operation Definition
Work Identification of the external Work WD009 V0.23 WD008 V03 WD007 WD006
Definition ID Definition associated with this V1.3
Operations Definition
Bill of Identification of the external Bill BOR77782 V01 BOR77783 BOR77784 BOR77785
Resource ID Of Resource associated with this V11 V3.45
Operation Definition

NOTE 1 In the case of production, an Operations Definition ID may be the same ID as a Material Definition.

NOTE 2 A product definition, as defined in Part 1, is the equivalent of an Operations Definition for production.

NOTE 3 A MIMOSA Solution Package is the equivalent of an Operations Definition for maintenance.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 72 -

6.1.3 Operations material bill

Table 45 defines the attributes for operations material bill objects. Operations material bill
objects define the collection of all material used in the operation independent of the segment the
material is used in.

There may be multiple operations material bills, with different uses.

Example: There may be one operations material bill for consumed materials and a second operations material bill
for produced materials.

Table 44 — Attributes of operations material bill

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a 10000 552619 Q123AC3 755433

manufacturing bill.
Description Contains additional information of All materials Silicon Base Chart Pallet
the manufacturing bill. required in the Bearing Paper
manufacturing Grease
process for a
single widget.

6.1.4 Operations material bill item

Table 45 defines the attributes for operations material bill item objects. Operations material bill
item objects identify the items that make up the complete operations material bill.
- 73 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 45 — Attributes of operations material bill item

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a bill 10000827 552619 Q123AC3 755433

Description Contains additional information of All materials Silicon Base Chart Pallet
the bill item. required in the Bearing Paper
manufacturing Grease
process for a
single widget.
Material Identifies the associated material {Polymer sheet Fred’s Circular 4x4 pallet
Class class or set of material classes stock 1001A, Bearing, Chart
required. Rivets} Grease Paper

Material Identifies the associated material {Sheet stock {20 mm 10” 1000 lb
Definition definition or set of material 1443a , Rivet- Bearing, diameter Weight
definitions required. 10002} NLGI Grade circular load 4x4
2 Grease} chart pallet
Use type Defines the use of the material. Consumed Consumed Consumed Consumed

Example 1: Consumed –
indicates that bill items are all
consumed material.
Example 2: Produced – indicates
that bill items are all produced
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.
Quantity Specifies the amount of {1.0, 26} {2, 30} 5 100
resources required.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the {Sheets / piece , {piece, ml} Each Each
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. Number /

An operations material bill item may be defined as containing an assembly of operations material
bill items and as part of an assembly of operations material bill items:

1. An operations material bill may define an assembly of zero or more operations material
2. An operations material bill may be an assembly element of zero or more operations
material bills.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 74 -

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of operations material


4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of operations material


6.1.5 Operations segment

The information needed to quantify a segment for a specific operation shall be an operations
segment. An operations segment identifies, references, or corresponds to a process segment.

Table 46 defines the attributes for operations segment objects.

Table 46 — Attributes of operations segment

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Final Polished 200 HP AC 120VAC Line 1 Raw

specific segment within the scope Widget Motor Meter Test Material
of the information exchanged. Disassemble 001 Stage

The ID shall be used in other

parts of the model when the
segment needs to be identified.
Description Contains additional information of A brightly Disassembly Test range Material
the segment polished of motor prior of volt staging for
widget. to rebuild meter shift

Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East Asset ID Test Cell 4 Warehouse
Scope information fits within the role Wing(AREA) 13465 B
based equipment hierarchy.
Duration Duration of segment, if known. 25 Minutes 4 15 30

Duration Unit The units of measure of the Minutes Hours Seconds Minutes
of Measure duration, if defined.
Process Identifies the associated Process Widget AC Motor Volt Meter Raw
segment segments. There may be multiple Polishing Disassemble Test Material
alternate process segments that Stage
could be used for the operations
Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
type operation.
Required attribute.
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
or Mixed.
“Mixed” shall be used when the
operations segment contains
several types of operations
requests and/or segment
Work Identification of the external Work WD009 V0.23 WD008 V03 WD007 WD006
Definition ID Definition associated with this V1.3
Operations Segment

NOTE 1 A MIMOSA ordered list is the equivalent of an operations segment for maintenance operations.

NOTE 2 A MIMOSA ordered list resource item is the equivalent of a single item personnel specification,
equipment specification, physical asset specification or material specification for a maintenance
operations segment.
- 75 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

NOTE 3 A product segment is the equivalent of an operations segment for production operations. See Annex A.

6.1.6 Parameter specification

An operations segment may have an associated set of zero or more parameter specifications.
The parameter specification contains the names and types of the values that may be sent to the
Level 3 systems to parameterize the operation.

Parameter specifications may contain nested parameter specifications.

NOTE Examples of parameter specifications are pH of 3,5, pressure limit of 35 psi, and flange color = orange.

Parameter specifications shall include

a) an identification of the parameter;
b) the units of measure of the parameter value.

Parameter specifications should include

1) a default value for the parameter or;
2) possible ranges of the parameter value

EXAMPLE Ranges may be alarm or quality ranges; tolerances for acceptable parameter values.

Table 47 defines the attributes for parameter specification objects.

Table 47 — Attributes of parameter specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID Identification of the parameter for Widget Torque Value Viscomete Cases per
a specific segment. roughness r spindle pallet
Description Contains additional information of Range of Maximum Spindle Number of
the parameter. acceptable torque value size for cases per
surface for fly wheel correct pallet
roughness to assembly viscosity
be range
Value The value, set of values, or range {80..2500} 35 2 124
of acceptable values
Value Unit of Unit of measure of the values, if Angstroms Nm cP Each
Measure applicable.

6.1.7 Personnel specification

An identification, reference, or correspondence to a personnel capability shall be presented as a

personnel specification. A personnel specification usually specifies personnel class but may
specify a person. This identifies the specific personnel capability that is associated with the
identified operations segment or product segment.

A personnel specification shall include

a) an identification of the personnel capability needed;
b) the quantity of the personnel capability needed;
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 76 -

c) the unit of measure of the quantity.

Specific elements associated with a personnel specification may be included in one or more
personnel specification properties.

NOTE Examples of personnel specification properties are training level required, specific skill required, and
exposure availability.

Table 48 defines the attributes for personnel specification objects.

Table 48 — Attributes of personnel specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Personnel Identifies the associated Widget Diesel Lab Tech warehouse

Class personnel class or set of Polisher mechanic II manager
personnel classes of the grade 2
specification for a specific
Person Identifies the associated person 999-12-3456 DMG2 422 LT-101 999-99-
or set of persons of the 9999
specification for a specific
Description Contains additional information of Polisher skill Certified Level 2 Schedules
the personnel specification. required for Diesel certified line side
export quality mechanic for quality inventory
polished widget heavy technician deliveries
equipment in terms of
Personnel Defines the expected use of the Allocated Allocated Allocated Allocated
Use personnel class or person.
Quantity Specifies the amount of 0.25 2 1 0.0001
personnel resources required for
the parent segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the person hours People Tech Man years
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable.

6.1.8 Personnel specification property

Table 49 defines the attributes for personnel specification property objects.

Personnel specification properties may contain nested personnel specification properties.

- 77 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 49 — Attributes of personnel specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of Polishing Grade 2 Lab Tech warehouse

the associated person property or Certification Diesel II manager
personnel class property for a Level mechanic
specific segment.
Description Contains additional information Level of Level of skill Level of Level of
and descriptions of the personnel polishing skill required to skill skill
specification property definition. certification work on required to required to
required for the diesel engine operate manage
widget polisher lab warehouse
instrument scheduling
Value The value, set of values, or range Master Level 2 Level 2 MBA
of the property. For example: certified
Apprentice, Journeyman, Master quality
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the {Apprentice, Skill Level Skill Level Degree
Measure associated property value, if Journeyman,
applicable. Master}
Quantity Specifies the amount of 0.10 2 1 1
personnel resources required for
the parent segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours / piece People Tech Manager
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable.

6.1.9 Equipment specification

An identification, reference, or correspondence to an equipment capability shall be used as an

equipment specification. An equipment specification may specify either an equipment class or a
piece of equipment. This identifies the specific equipment capability that is associated with the

An equipment specification shall include

a) an identification of the equipment capability needed either as the equipment class needed or
specific equipment;
b) the quantity of the equipment capability needed;
c) the unit of measure of the quantity.

Specific elements associated with an equipment specification may be included in one or more
equipment specification properties.

NOTE Examples of equipment specification properties are material of construction, maximum material
capacity, and minimum heat extraction amount.

Table 50 defines equipment specification object.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 78 -

Table 50 — Attributes of equipment specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Equipment Identifies the associated Widget Drill GCMS 5000 LB

Class equipment class or set of Polishing CAP SS
equipment classes of the Machine containme
specification for a specific nt vessel
Equipment Identifies the associated WPM-10 18 VDC Hand GCMS- VC#5
equipment or set of equipment of Drill #5 #1001
the specification for a specific
Description Contains additional information Equipment Battery Gas Intermedia
and descriptions of the required to operated drill chromatog te bulk
equipment specification polish Export required for raph for container
Quality remote, analyzing
Widgets. manual task volatiles

Equipment Defines the expected use of the Part finishing Assembly %VOC Raw
Use equipment class or equipment. setup Test result material
Quantity Specifies the amount of 0.5 {shared 1 1 1
equipment resources required for between two
the parent segment, if applicable. segments}
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Each Each Each Each
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable.

6.1.10 Equipment specification property

Table 51 defines the attributes for equipment specification property object.

Equipment specification properties may contain nested equipment specification properties.

- 79 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 51 — Attributes of equipment specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Voltage Rating Chuck Size Carrier Stainless

equipment property or equipment Gas Steel Type
class property for a specific
Description Contains additional information The voltage The range of The carrier The type
and descriptions of the rating required the chuck gas used of SS
equipment specification property for operation to carry
definition. the sample

Value The value, set of values, or range 190 ~ 240 20 to 40 He 316

of the property. For example:
Wet, Dry
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Volts mm <n/a> Compositi
Measure associated property value, if on
Quantity Specifies the amount of n/a 2 0.5 n/a
equipment resources required for
the parent segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the n/a Each L n/a
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable.

6.1.11 Physical asset specification

An identification, reference, or correspondence to a physical asset capability shall be used as a

physical asset specification. A physical asset specification may specify either a physical asset or
a physical asset class. This identifies the specific physical asset capability that is associated with
the segment.

An physical asset specification shall include

a) an identification of the physical asset capability needed either as the physical asset class
needed or physical asset;
b) the quantity of the physical asset capability needed;
c) the unit of measure of the quantity.

Specific elements associated with an physical asset specification may be included in one or
more physical asset specification properties.

Table 52 defines physical asset specification object.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 80 -

Table 52 — Attributes of physical asset specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Physical Identifies the associated Physical Polishing Torque GCMS IBC

asset class Asset Class or set of Physical Machine Wrench
Asset Classes of the specification
for a specific segment.
Physical Identifies the associated physical 20090121 100 N-m Model Model
Asset asset or set of physical assets of Torque GCMS100 IBC-SS-5K
the specification for a specific Wrench
Description Contains additional information Polisher Wrench used Used to Stainless
and descriptions of the physical for specific measure Steel 5000
asset specification torque rating VOC conc. lb capacity

Physical Defines the expected use of the Polish Wrench Gas Raw
Asset Use physical asset class or physical required for Chromatog material
asset. proper raphy test staging
tightening of
motor head
Quantity Specifies the amount of physical 1.25 2 1 5000
asset resources required for the
parent segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Minutes / piece Each Each Each
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable.

6.1.12 Physical asset specification property

Table 53 defines the attributes for physical asset specification property object.

Physical asset specification properties may contain nested physical asset specification
- 81 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 53 — Attributes of physical asset specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Polisher Type Torque range Min. Opening

physical asset property or detectable type
physical asset class property for concentrati
a specific segment.
Description Contains additional information Wet polisher Min-Max Sensitivity top bung
and descriptions of the physical required for torque of the opening
asset specification property fine polishing. ratings detector
Value The value, set of values, or range Wet 10-80 <1 Top bung
of the property. For example:
Wet, Dry
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) ft. lbs. ppm (not
Measure associated property value, if applicable)
Quantity Specifies the amount of physical 0.10 1 1 (not
asset resources required for the applicable)
parent segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Minutes / piece each (not (not
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable) applicable)

6.1.13 Material specification

An identification or correspondence to a material capability shall be presented as a material

specification. A material specification specifies a material or a material class. This identifies the
specific material specification that is associated with the identified product segment.

A material specification shall include

a) an identification of the material needed;
b) the quantity of the material needed;
c) the unit of measure of the quantity.

Specific elements associated with a material specification may be included in one or more
material specification properties.

NOTE Examples of material specification properties are colour range, density tolerance, and maximum scrap

Table 54 defines material specification objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 82 -

Table 54 — Attributes of material specification

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Material Identifies the associated material Abrasives Impeller Reference Bung

Class class or set of material classes of gas
the specification for a specific
Material Identifies the associated material Rouge Motor- Nitrous 2” bung
Definition definition or set of material Impeller Oxide 10
definition of the specification for Subassembly ppm
a specific segment.*
Description Contains additional information Polishing Replacement Calibration 4x2 304
and descriptions of the material material for impeller gas Stainless
specification. Export Quality Steel bung
Material Use Defines the material use: Material Consumable Consumable Consumab
Consumed, Material Produced, or Consumab le
Consumable le

Quantity Specifies the amount of material 10 1 1.5 1

resources required for the parent
segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the gm / piece each Liter Each
of Measure associated property value, if
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.

NOTE * Typically either a material class or material definition is specified.

A material specification may be defined as containing an assembly of material specifications and

as part of an assembly of material specifications:

1. A material specification may define an assembly of zero or more material specifications.

2. A material specification may be an assembly element of zero or more material

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material

- 83 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material specifications.

6.1.14 Material specification property

Table 55 defines the attributes for material specification property object.

Material specification properties may contain nested material specification properties.

Table 55 — Attributes of material specification property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Grit Size Pitch Purity Material of

material property for a specific Constructi
segment. on

Description Contains additional information Measure of Percentage Reference MOC

and descriptions of the material required grit of blade gas
specification property. size for Export length per concentrat
Quality Widget angle of ion
polishing. progression

Value The value, set of values, or range {1300..1500} 16-21 +/_ 500 304
for the associated property. Stainless
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Grit Number Pitch ppb Grade
Measure associated property value, if
Quantity Specifies the amount of material 5 (not (not (not
resources required for the parent applicable) applicable) applicable)
segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the gm / piece (not (not (not
of Measure associated property value, if applicable) applicable) applicable)

6.1.15 Operations segment dependency

Table 56 defines the attributes for operations segment dependency objects. The operations
segment dependencies can be used to describe dependencies that are operation or product

EXAMPLE 1 A wheel assembly and a frame assembly can run in parallel.

Table 56 lists the attributes of an operations segment dependency.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 84 -

Table 56 — Attributes of operations segment dependency

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID The identification of the unique PSD001 34 A35 PSA-I-

instance of the operations 5563
segment dependency.
Description Contains additional information Defines the Defines the Defines Defines
and descriptions of the sequencing of sequence for sampling IBC
operations segment dependency widget washing replacing an sequence sealing
definition for a specific segment. during the impeller
Dependency Defines the execution Start Acid Start Start Insert and
Type dependency constraints of one Addition no disassembly calibration secure
segment by another segment. later than T after lock-out gas X bung after
(Timing Factor) and tag-out minutes IBC filling
after Reaction segments are after purge complete
Complete end complete gas ends

Dependency Factor used by dependency 25 <True, 50 <True,

Factor False> False>

Unit of The units of measure of the Minutes Boolean Minutes Boolean

Measure dependency factor, if defined.

EXAMPLE 2 Dependency type using A and B to identify the segments, or specific resources within the segments, and
T to identify the timing factor, as shown in Figure 12, include the following:

⎯ B can not follow A

⎯ B may run in parallel to A

⎯ B may not run in parallel to A

⎯ Start B at A start

⎯ Start B after A start

⎯ Start B after A end

⎯ Start B no later than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A start

⎯ Start B no earlier than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A start

⎯ Start B no later than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A end

⎯ Start B no earlier than T (Dependency Factor with time T) after A end

NOTE The associations to the A and B segments are not represented as attributes, as per clause 4.5.6.

6.2 Operations schedule information

6.2.1 Operations schedule model

A request for operations to be performed shall be listed as an operations schedule. An

operations schedule shall be made up of one or more operations requests.

The operations schedule may apply to scheduling of Production, Maintenance, Quality Test and

Figure 14 is the operations schedule model.

- 85 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)


Is made up of
May correspond
Operations to an < Operations
Definition Request

Is made up of

May correspond 1..n 0..n

to an <
Segment Segment
Process Segment
Corresponds Requirement Response
to an <
May contain
May contain

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Segment Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Parameter Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement 0..n
Is assem bled
May be made up of
Corresponds 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n
to a
Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement
Property Property Property Property

Corresponds to Corresponds to Corresponds to Corresponds to

element in the element in the element in the element in the

Specification or Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Process Segment Model Model Model Model

Figure 14 — Operations schedule model

6.2.2 Operations schedule

A request for operations to be performed shall be listed as an operations schedule. An

operations schedule shall be made up of one or more operations requests.

An operations schedule may be defined for any specific category of operations; production,
maintenance, quality, or inventory, or it may be defined for a combination of categories. When a
combination is selected, then the operations requests or segment requirement specifies the
category of the operation.

Table 57 defines the attributes for operations schedule object.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 86 -

Table 57 — Attributes of operations schedule

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of the PMMFUF MWOIDND QNFKVUV IECBDU

operations schedule and could
include version and revision
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
operations schedule needs to be
Description Contains additional information Widget Daily Widget Widget
and descriptions of the manufacturing Planned raw raw
operations schedule. schedule Maintenance material material
testing staging
schedule schedule
Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
type operation.
Required attribute
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
and Mixed.
“Mixed” shall be used when the
operations schedule contains
several types of operations
requests and/or segment
Start Time The starting time for the 10-28-2006 10-27-2006 10-28- 10-28-
associated operations schedule, 2006 2006
if applicable.
End Time The ending time for the 10-30-2006 10-31-2006 10-30- 10-30-
associated operations schedule, 2006 2006
if applicable.
Published The date and time on which the 10-17-2006 10-17-2006 17 Oct 10-17-
Date operations schedule was 18:30 UTC 2006 2006
published or generated. 18:30 UTC
18:30 UTC 18:30 UTC
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Wing(AREA)/ Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy. Manufacturing Receiving
Line #2(WORK Asset ID
CENTER) 13465
- 87 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Scheduled Indicates the state of the Released Forecast Released Released

State operations schedule.
Defined values are: Forecast and
Forecast - The requirements
have not been released for use.
Example: This may be a
schedule which is an
estimate of a future
schedule to allow long-
term planning by the
receiver, with a later
“Released” schedule
when the schedule has
been approved and
released to production.)
Released - The requirements
have been released for use.

NOTE A MIMOSA Segment Request for Work and an Asset Request for Work are the equivalent of an
operations request for either equipment or for a physical asset. The table of Request for Work is the
equivalent of the Operations schedule.

6.2.3 Operations request

A request for an element of an operation schedule shall be shown as an operations request. An

operations request contains the information required by manufacturing to fulfill the scheduled
operation. This may be a subset of the business information, or it may contain additional
information not normally used by the business system.

An operations request may identify or reference the associated operations instructions. An

operations request shall contain at least one segment requirement, even if it spans all of the

An operations request may include

a) when to start the operation, typically used if a scheduling system controls the schedule;
b) when the operation is to be finished, typically used if the manufacturing operations system
controls its internal schedule to meet deadlines;
c) the priority of the request, typically used if exact ordering of production is not externally

An operations request may be reported on by one or more operations responses. Additional

information may be described in the production parameters, personnel requirements, equipment
requirements, and material requirements.

Table 58 defines the attributes for operations request objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 88 -

Table 58 — Attributes of operations request

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of the 1001091 59328AC8 E938723 KIT493

operations request.
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
operations request needs to be
Description Contains additional information Operations Daily Test Prepare kit
and descriptions of the request for maintenance incoming for
operations request. export quality request materials production
widgets for run
October 29,
Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
type operations.
Required attribute
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
and Mixed.
“Mixed” shall be used when the
operations request contains
several types of operations
Start Time When operation is to be started, 1999-10-27 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
if applicable. 8:00 UTC 2:00 UTC 2006 4:00 2006 2:00
End Time When operation is to be 1999-10-27 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
completed, if applicable. 17:00 UTC 2:30 UTC 2006 4:30 2006 4:00
Priority The priority of the request, if Highest 1 B High
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East Wing CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Manufacturing Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy. Line #2 Receiving
Asset ID
Operations Identifies the associated Export Quality CNC Daily T48323 BOM for
Definition ID Operations definition to be used, Widget Maintenance Export
if applicable. Procedure Quality
Request Indicates the state of the Released Forecast Released Released
State operations request.
Defined values are: Forecast and
Forecast - The requirements
have not been released for use.
Released - The requirements
have been released for use.
- 89 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

6.2.4 Segment requirement

A process segment and a production request shall be made up of one or more segment
requirements. Each segment requirement shall correspond to, or reference, an identified
operations segment or process segment. The segment requirement identifies or references the
segment capability to which the associated personnel, equipment, materials, and segment
parameters correspond.

The personnel requirement property, equipment requirement property and product parameter
shall align with the personnel property, equipment property, and product parameters sent as part
of a production request. If the scheduling function sends information that is not understood by
the receiving control function, then that information cannot be used within the control function.
Likewise the scheduling function has to be able to determine what information can be accepted
by the control function.

Table 59 defines the attributes for segment requirement object.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 90 -

Table 59 — Attributes of segment requirement

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of the A6646 KU492 48283 4883DV

segment requirement within the
scope of an operations request.
Description Contains additional information Polishing Test program Verify Pull part
and descriptions of the segment segment, to verify X-Y stock from
requirement. containing coordinates dimension warehouse
specifications within s , tag, and
for personnel, calibration forward
materials and stage
Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
type operation.
Required attribute.
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
and Mixed.
Segment An identification of the segment Polishing Run X-Y test RMT38283 Kiting
associated with the segment Segment segment
requirement, if applicable.
Earliest Start The expected earliest start time 10-28-2006 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
Time of this segment requirement, if 4:00 UTC 2:00 UTC 2006 4:00 2006 4:00
applicable. UTC UTC

Latest End The expected latest ending time 10-28-2006 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
Time of this segment requirement, if 10:00 UTC 2:15 UTC 2006 4:30 2006 6:30
applicable. UTC UTC

Duration The expected duration of this 15 4 .5 2.5

segment requirement, if
applicable. Note, this should
match the associated segment
Duration Unit The unit of measure of the Minutes Minutes Hours Hours
of Measure duration, if applicable.
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East Wing CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Manufacturing Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy. Line #2
Asset ID
Operations Identifies the associated Export Quality CNC Daily T48323 BOM for
Definition ID Operations definition to be used, Widget Maintenance Export
if applicable. Procedure Quality

EXAMPLE There may are multiple segments defined. There is one master segment that applies to the entire
operations request. The master segment is made up of multiple nested segments for individually
specified and reported segments.

NOTE Information that applies across all segments of the operations request, such as a customer name, may
be represented as a segment parameter in the master segment. Information that applies to specific
segments may be specified as part of the segment.
- 91 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

6.2.5 Segment parameter

Information contained in the enterprise system that is required by the operation system for
correct manufacturing shall be known as segment parameters.

A segment parameter shall include

a) an identification of the parameter that matches parameter specification of the operations
definition, such as target acidity;
b) a value for the parameter, such as 3,4;
c) the unit of measure of the parameter, such as pH.

A segment parameter should include a set of limits that apply to any change to the value, such
as quality limits and safety limits.

Segment parameters may contain nested segment parameters.

Table 60 defines the attributes for segment parameter objects.

Table 60 — Attributes of segment parameter

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID The identification of the segment Widget Test hole Thickness Staging

parameter. roughness location location
Description Contains additional information Range of Range of Thickness Forward
and descriptions of the segment acceptable acceptable of stock staging
parameter surface hole sheets location
roughness to locations for
be production
manufactured. use
Value The value, set of values, or range {80..2500} +/- .01 5 East Wing
of the value to be used for this Manufactu
parameter. ring Line
Value Unit of The engineering units in which Angstroms cm mm {not
Measure the value is defined, if applicable. applicable}

6.2.6 Personnel requirement

The identification of the number, type, duration, and scheduling of specific certifications and job
classifications needed to support the current operations request shall be identified as a
personnel requirement. Properties of the personnel requirement shall be identified as personnel
requirement properties.

NOTE 1 Examples of job classification types include mechanics, operators, health and protection, and

NOTE 2 For example, there may be a requirement for one operator with a specified level of certification available
2 h after production starts. There would be one personnel requirement for the requirement for the
operator and two personnel requirement properties, one for the certification level and one for the time

A personnel requirement shall include

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 92 -

a) the identification of the personnel needed, such as milling machine operator;

b) the quantity of personnel needed.

Specific elements associated with each personnel requirement may be included in one or more
personnel requirement properties.

NOTE Examples of personnel requirement property elements are training and certification, specific skill,
physical location, seniority level, exposure level, training certification, security level, experience level,
physical requirements, and overtime limitations and restrictions.

Table 61 defines the attributes for personnel requirement objects.

Table 61 — Attributes of personnel requirement

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Personnel Identifies the associated Widget CNC Quality Warehous

Class personnel class or set of Polisher operator Assurance e worker
personnel classes of the Tech
requirement for a specific
segment requirement.
Person Identifies the associated person Gidget Charlie (not Joe
or set of persons of the Goode applicable) Wurzelbac
requirement for a specific her
segment requirement.
Typically either personnel class
or person is specified, but not
Description Contains additional information Defines the Trained CNC Quality Person to
and descriptions of the personnel specific operator personnel assemble
requirement. polishing trained in the kit
operator stock
assigned to inspection
this operations s
Personnel Defines the expected use of the Allocated Certified Certified Uncertified
Use personnel class or person.
Quantity Specifies the amount of 1 1 1 1
personnel resources required for
the parent segment, if applicable.
Applies to each member of the
person and personnel class sets.
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. Equivalents Equivalents Equivalent Equivalent
s s

6.2.7 Personnel requirement property

Table 62 defines the attributes for personnel requirement property objects.

Personnel requirement properties may contain nested personnel requirement properties.

- 93 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 62 — Attributes of personnel requirement property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Polishing CNC daily Stock Steel toed

person property or personnel Certification maintenance receiving shoes
class property for a specific Level certification inspection
segment requirement. certificatio
Description Contains additional information Level of Training level Must have PPE
and descriptions of the personnel polishing skill required current required
requirement property definition. certification certificatio
required for the n
widget polisher
Value The value, set of values, or range Journeyman <True, <True, <True,
of the property. For example: False> False> False>
Apprentice, Journeyman, Master
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) Boolean Boolean Boolean
Measure associated property value, if
Quantity Specifies the amount of the (not applicable) (not (not (not
property required for the parent applicable) applicable) applicable)
personnel requirement, if
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of (not applicable) (not (not (not
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable) applicable) applicable)

6.2.8 Equipment requirement

The identification of the number, type, duration, and scheduling of specific equipment and
equipment classifications or equipment constraints needed to support the current operations
request shall be used as an equipment requirement. Properties of the equipment requirement
shall be identified as equipment requirement properties. The operations request may include one
or more equipment requirements. Requirements can be as generic as materials of construction,
or as specific as a particular piece of equipment. Each of these requirements shall be an
instance of the equipment requirement class.

Each equipment requirement identifies a general class of equipment (such as reactor vessels), a
specific class of equipment (such as isothermal reactors), or a specific piece or set of equipment
(such as isothermal reactor #7). The specific requirements on the equipment, or equipment class
are listed as equipment requirement property objects.

An equipment requirement shall include

c) the identification of the equipment needed, such as milling machine;
d) the quantity of equipment needed.

Specific elements associated with each equipment requirement may be included in one or more
equipment requirement properties.

NOTE Examples of equipment requirement properties are material of construction and minimum equipment

Table 63 defines the attributes for equipment requirement objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 94 -

Table 63 — Attributes of equipment requirement

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Equipment Identifies the associated Widget CNC Drill Micromete Bar code
Class equipment class or set of Polishing Press r scanner
equipment classes of the Machine
requirement for a specific
segment requirement.
Equipment Identifies the associated WPM-19 DP-1 (not (not
equipment set of equipment of applicable) applicable)
the requirement for a specific
segment requirement.
Typically either equipment class
or equipment is specified, but not
Description Contains additional information Specifics the Automated Measurem Warehous
and descriptions of the expected drill press ent tool e bar code
equipment requirement machine to be scanner
used for this
Equipment Defines the expected use of the Production Repair Testing Transport
Use equipment class or equipment.

Quantity Specifies the amount of 1 1 1 1

equipment resources required for
the parent segment, if applicable.
Applies to each member of the
equipment and equipment class
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Units Machine Tool Tool
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable.
Equipment A definition of the level of the Production Work Center {not (not
Level associated element of the Line applicable} applicable)
equipment model. For example:
enterprise, site, area, unit,
Equipment module, Control

6.2.9 Equipment requirement property

Table 64 defines the attributes for equipment requirement property objects.

Equipment requirement properties may contain nested equipment requirement properties.

- 95 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 64 — Attributes of equipment requirement property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Polisher Type Spindle run- Scale Portable

equipment property or equipment out definition with LED
class property for a specific
segment requirement.
Description Contains additional information Polisher Max allowed Units of Type
and descriptions of the required for spindle run- measure description
equipment requirement property this operations out
definition. request.
Value The value, set of values, or range Dry less than Metric <True,
of the associated property. For 0.00008 False>
example: Wet, Dry
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) Inches {not Boolean
Measure associated property value, if applicable}
Quantity Specifies the amount of 1 {not 1 1
equipment property required for applicable}
the parent equipment
requirement, if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Units {not Each Each
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable}

6.2.10 Physical asset requirement

The identification of the number, type, duration, and scheduling of specific physical assets and
physical asset class constraints needed to support the current operations request shall be used
as a physical asset requirement.

Properties of the physical asset requirement shall be identified as physical asset requirement
properties. The operations request may include one or more physical asset requirements.
Requirements can be as generic as materials of construction, or as specific as a particular piece
of physical asset. Each of these requirements shall be an instance of the physical asset
requirement class.

A physical asset requirement shall include

a) the identification of the physical asset needed, such as milling machine serial number
b) the quantity of physical asset needed.

Specific elements associated with each physical asset requirement may be included in one or
more physical asset requirement properties.

NOTE Examples of physical asset requirement properties are material of construction and minimum physical
asset capacity.

Table 65 defines the attributes for physical asset requirement objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 96 -

Table 65 — Attributes of physical asset requirement

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Physical Identifies the associated physical {not applicable} Model 105, {not {not
Asset Class asset model or set of physical XYZ Corp, applicable} applicable}
asset models of the requirement CNC Drill
for a specific segment Press
Physical Identifies the associated physical {not applicable} Serial #: {not {not
Asset asset or set of physical assets of 5563442 applicable} applicable}
the requirement for a specific Asset ID:
segment requirement.
Typically either physical asset or
physical asset class is specified,
but not both.
Description Contains additional information {not applicable} Cameroon {not {not
and descriptions of the physical Drill Press applicable} applicable}
asset requirement.
Physical Defines the expected use of the {not applicable} Calibrate {not {not
Asset Use physical asset class or physical applicable} applicable}
Quantity Specifies the amount of {not applicable} 1 {not {not
equipment resources required for applicable} applicable}
the parent segment, if applicable.
Applies to each member of the
physical asset and physical asset
class sets.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the {not applicable} Machine {not {not
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable}
Equipment A level definition for the {not applicable} Work Center {not {not
Level associated element in the applicable} applicable}
hierarchy of the physical asset

EXAMPLE The following are maintenance examples for Physical Asset Use:

Repair Very frequent action. Take action – may or may not need spares/parts – to
return asset to its condition prior to the event that prompted the request. Does
not necessarily return to original design specs, but the condition immediately
prior to which it was withdrawn from service. Generally performed in place.
Action does not alter the value of the asset or its depreciation. Example: Pulley
belt has broken on an induced draft fan, and the belt needs to be replaced.

Remove Infrequent action. Remove of obsolete asset. Does not involve repair, does not
involve replacement. It is removed from active service, and
salvaged/scrapped/removed from an asset accounting perspective. Example: A
truck off-loading transfer pump – required with former trucking contractor – now
no longer needed as trucks are all pump-equipped to do their own transfer.

Replacement Frequent action, where the entire asset is removed and replaced with an equal
or like asset in terms of asset performance. Conditions are brought up to
original performance of the asset. Action does not alter the value of the asset or
its depreciation. Example: Remove and replace a 25 HP centrifugal transfer
- 97 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Calibrate Moderate frequency, but skilled action. The asset is calibrated and often
verified (tested/certified) for accuracy and precision. Often associated with field
instrumentation (sensors and valves). A related action is re-calibration or re-
ranging to a differing process requirement. Action does not alter the value of
the asset or its depreciation. Example: the RTD on tank 225 was re-ranged and
calibrated to 0 – 200 degrees F.

Modify/improve Relatively frequent. Often involving some elements of design, this involves
altering the original asset design to improve its usability and performance in
operations. This alters its design to make it perform better. Because of this, its
asset value has increased by the amount of capital invested to make this
improvement. Example: A rigid shaft coupling on a 50 hp centrifugal pump is
replaced with a flexible coupler to reduce the frequent bearing and/or seal
failures in the original design. A second (simple example) is to replace a failed
20 hp centrifugal pump with a 30 hp centrifugal pump: rather than replace like
for like, it us up-graded to higher horsepower. Again, its asset value has
increased by the amount of additional capital invested to make this improvement
(30 hp vs. 20 hp pump).

6.2.11 Physical asset requirement property

Table 66 defines the attributes for physical asset requirement property objects.

Physical asset requirement properties may contain nested physical asset requirement properties.

Table 66 — Attributes of physical asset requirement property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated {not applicable} Repeatability {not {not

equipment property or equipment applicable} applicable}
class property for a specific
segment requirement.
Description Contains additional information {not applicable} Drilling {not {not
and descriptions of the consistency applicable} applicable}
equipment requirement property
Value The value, set of values, or range {not applicable} 0.0002 {not {not
of the associated property. For applicable} applicable}
example: Wet, Dry
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the {not applicable} Inches {not {not
Measure associated property value, if applicable} applicable}
Quantity Specifies the amount of physical {not applicable} {not {not {not
asset property required for the applicable} applicable} applicable}
parent physical asset, if
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the {not applicable} {not {not {not
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable} applicable}

6.2.12 Material requirement

An identification of a material that is expected to be used in the operations request shall be

presented as a material requirement. Material requirements contain definitions of materials that
may be consumed, produced, replaced, sampled, or otherwise used in manufacturing.

Table 67 defines the attributes for material requirement objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 98 -

Table 67 — Attributes of material requirement

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Material Identifies the associated material Widgets Aluminum Widgets Bolt

Class class or set of material classes of
the requirement for a specific
segment requirement.*
Material Identifies the associated material Export Quality Aluminum Export 10 mm
Definition definition or set of material Widgets sheet Quality bolt
definitions of the requirement for Widgets
a specific segment requirement,*
Material Lot Identifies the associated material BWLOT-2282 DW94 BWLOT- 4823
lot, or set of material lots of the 2282
requirement for a specific
segment requirement.*
Material Identifies the associated material BWLOT-2282- {not {not A
Sublot sublot, or set of material sublots A applicable} applicable}
of the requirement for a specific
segment requirement.*
Description Contains additional information Master Blank sheet Material to Export
and descriptions of the material Segment - to run test on inspect/tes quality bolt
requirement definition. Number of t --
Widgets to selected
produce. randomly
Material Use Identifies the use of the material. Consumed Consumed Inspection Consumab
Storage Identifies the proposed location Finished Rack 11 Finished Warehous
Location of the material, if applicable. Goods Goods e B, Bin
Inventory Inventory 42

Quantity Specifies the amount of material 1500 1 1 4

to be used, if applicable. Applies
to each member of the material
lot, materials definition, or
material class sets.
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Units Sheet Each Each
of Measure the quantity if applicable.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
- 99 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.
Note 2 If material lots (or sublots)
are merged or absorbed (e.g.
blended), then this is a new material
lot, as defined in Part 1 of this
standard, not an assembly.

NOTE * Typically either a material class, material definition, material lot, or material sublot is specified.

Defined values for material use for production operations shall be: consumable, consumed,

Defined values for material use for maintenance operations shall be: consumable, replaced
asset, replacement asset

Defined values for quality operations shall be: consumable, sample, returned sample

Defined values for material use for inventory operations shall be: consumable, carrier, returned

A material requirement may be defined as containing an assembly of material requirements and

as part of an assembly of material requirements:

1. A material requirement may define an assembly of zero or more material requirements.

2. A material requirement may be an assembly element of zero or more material

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material


4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material requirements.

6.2.13 Material requirement property

Properties of the material requirement shall be identified as material requirement properties.

Specific elements associated with each material requirement may be included in one or more
material requirement properties.

Table 68 defines the attributes for material requirement property objects.

Material requirement properties may contain nested material requirement properties.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 100 -

Table 68 — Attributes of material requirement property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of Color Size OD MOC

the associated material property
or material class property for a
specific segment requirement.
Description Contains additional information Specifies the Size required Outside Material of
and descriptions of the material color for this by calibration diameter Constructi
produced requirement property specific test on
definition. operations
request., in the
Value The value, set of values, or range Red 3x5 3.257 304
of the associated property. For Stainless
example Red, Orange, Yellow,
Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) Feet Cm {not
Measure associated property value, if applicable}
Quantity Specifies the amount of material 100 {not {not {not
to be produced, if applicable. applicable} applicable} applicable}

Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Units {not {not {not
of Measure the quantity if applicable. applicable} applicable} applicable}

6.2.14 Requested segment response

The identification of the information sent back as a result of the production request is a
requested segment response. This information is of the same form as a segment response, but
without actual values. (see the Clause 6.3.4)

A requested segment response may include required information, which presents information
reported on from production, such as the actual amount of material consumed.

A requested segment response may include optional information, which presents information that
may be reported on from production, such as operator-entered comments.

6.3 Operations performance information

6.3.1 Operations performance model

Operations performance is a report on requested manufacturing and is a collection of operations

responses. Operations responses are responses from manufacturing that are associated with an
operations request. There may be one or more Operations responses for a single Operations
request if the manufacturing facility needs to split the Operations request into smaller elements.

Figure 15 below is the operations performance model.

- 101 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)


Is made up of
May correspond
May correspond to a >
Operations to an < Operations Operations
Definition Response Request
0..n 0..1
Is made up of
May correspond
to an <
Process Segment
Corresponds Response May contain
to a <
May contain 0..n

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Segment Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Data Actual Actual Actual Actual 0..n
Is assembled
May be made up of
1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Actual Actual Actual Actual
Property Property Property Property

Corresponds to Corresponds to Corresponds to Corresponds to

element in element in element in element in

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 15 — Operations performance model

6.3.2 Operations performance

The performance of the requested manufacturing requests shall be listed as operations

performance. Operations performance shall be a collection of operations responses.

Table 69 defines the attributes for operations performance objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 102 -

Table 69 — Attributes of operations performance

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of the 1999-10-27- 20061027M0 20061027 20061027

operations performance and A15 4 M04 M04
could include version and
revision identification.
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
operations performance needs to
be identified.
Description Contains additional information Operations Maintenance {not {not
and descriptions of the performance performance applicable} applicable}
operations performance. report on Oct message
27, 1999
Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
type operations.
Required attribute
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
or Mixed.
“Mixed” shall be used when
operations performance contains
several categories of operations
responses or segment responses.
Operations An identification of the associated 1999-10-27- MWOIDND QTEST55 MOVE99
schedule operations schedule, if A15
Operations performance may not
relate to an operations schedule,
it may be a report on all
operations for a specific time, or
reported on by plant floor events.
Start Time The starting time of the 10-28-1999 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
associated operations 2:00 UTC 2006 2:00 2006 2:00
performance, if applicable. UTC UTC
End Time The ending time of the 10-30-1999 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
associated operations 2:30 UTC 2006 2:30 2006 2:30
performance, if applicable. UTC UTC
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East Wing CNC {not {not
Scope information fits within the role Manufacturing Machine applicable} applicable}
based equipment hierarchy. Line #2
Asset ID
Performance Indicates the state of the Ready Completed Holding Aborted
State Operations Performance.
Possible values are “Ready”,
“Completed”, “Aborted”, and
Published The date and time on which the 10-27-1999 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
Date operations performance was 13:42 EST 11:00 UTC 2006 2006
published or generated. 11:00 UTC 11:00 UTC
- 103 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

6.3.3 Operations response

The responses from manufacturing that are associated with an operations request shall be used
as operations responses. There may be one or more operations responses for a single
operations request if the manufacturing facility needs to split the operations request into smaller

An operations response may include the status of the request, such as the percentage complete,
a finished status, or an aborted status.

Table 70 defines the attributes for operations response objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 104 -

Table 70 — Attributes of operations response

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification within the 1001091 8490234 E938723 KPP84022

associated operations response.
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
operations response needs to be
Description Contains additional information July Actuals Test program Verify Pull part
and descriptions of the to verify X-Y stock from
operations response. coordinates dimension warehouse
within s , tag, and
calibration forward
Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
type operations.
Required attribute
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
or Mixed.
“Mixed” shall be used when
operations response contains
several categories of segment
Operations An identification of the associated 1001091 59328AC8 E938723 KIT493
request operations request, if applicable.
Operations response may not
relate to an operations request, it
may be a report on all operations
for a specific time, or reported on
by plant floor events.
Start Time The starting time of this 1999-10-27 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
operations response. 8:33 UTC 2:00 UTC 2006 4:00 2006 3:30
End Time The ending time of this 1999-10-27 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
operations response. 16:55 UTC 2:30 UTC 2006 4:45 2006 5:00
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East Wing CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Manufacturing Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy. Line #2 Receiving
Asset ID
Operations Identifies the associated Export Quality CNC Daily T48340 BOM for
Definition ID Operations definition that was Widget V02 Maintenance v1.2 Export
used, if applicable. This may not Procedure Quality
match the request, if alternate Widget
specifications are allowed.
Response Indicates the state of the Ready Completed Holding Aborted
State Operations Response. Possible
values are “Ready”, “Completed”,
“Aborted”, and “Holding”
- 105 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

6.3.4 Segment response

Information on a segment of an operations response shall be used as a segment response. A

segment response shall be made up of zero or more sets of information on segment data,
personnel actual, equipment actual, and material actual.

A segment response shall include

a) an identification of the associated process segment;
b) the actual starting time;
c) the actual stopping time.

NOTE 1 A response actual may contain information that defines if the response was required or optional when
the segment response is used as a requested segment response.

Table 71 defines the attributes for segment response objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 106 -

Table 71 — Attributes of segment response

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID Uniquely identifies an instance of A54-1 KU492-SP 48283-SR 44828377

a process segment executed. 37883829

NOTE 2 The same process

segment may be referenced
multiple times in a segment
Description Contains additional information Master Test program Verify Pull part
and descriptions of the segment segment, to verify X-Y stock from
response. containing coordinates dimension warehouse
material within s , tag, and
produced calibration forward
actuals. stage

Operations Describes the category of Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

type operations.
Required attribute
Defined values are: Production,
Maintenance, Quality, Inventory,
or Mixed.
Process An identification of the process Master Run X-Y test RMT38283 Kiting
Segment segment associated with the Segment segment
segment response.
Actual Start The actual start time of this 1999-10-27 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
Time segment response. 8:33 UTC 2:00 UTC 2006 4:00 2006 4:00
Actual End The actual end time of this 1999-10-27 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
Time segment response. 16:55 UTC 2:30 UTC 2006 4:30 2006 6:30
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged East Wing CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Manufacturing Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy. Line #2 Receiving
Asset ID
Operations Identifies the associated Export Quality CNC Daily T48340 BOM for
Definition ID Operations definition that was Widget V02 Maintenance v1.2 Export
used, if applicable. This may not Procedure Quality
match the request, if alternate Widget
specifications are allowed.

EXAMPLE There may be multiple segments defined. There may be one master segment = that applies to the
entire operations response. The master segment is made up of multiple nested segments for
individually reported segments =.

Information that applies across all segments of the operations response, such as a final material
produced, may be represented as a material produced in the master segment.

Information that applies to specific segments, such as widget polishing equipment actually used may be
reported as part of the polishing segment.

6.3.5 Segment data

Other information related to the actual operations made shall be presented as segment data.

Segment data may contain nested segment data.

- 107 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 72 defines the attributes for segment data objects.

Table 72 — Attributes of segment data

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID The identification of the segment Widget Clock Comment Thickness Location

data. Speed
Description Contains additional information Defines the Comment Actual Actual
and descriptions of the segment average entered by measurem location kit
data. measured maintenance ent was left in
clock speed of
the produced
Value The value or set of values of the 233 Sheet was 6 East Wing
segment data. nicked in first Manufactu
test. Second ring Line
sheet was #2
Value Unit of The engineering units in which MHz {not mm {not
Measure the value is defined, if applicable. applicable} applicable}

6.3.6 Personnel actual

An identification of a personnel capability used during a specified segment shall be used as

personnel actual. Operational functions often require people as a resource to carry out tasks.

Personnel actuals shall include the identification of each resource used, usually identifying a
specific personnel capability or personnel class, such as end-point transmission assembly
operators, or personnel IDs such as Jean Smith or SS# 999-123-4567.

Specific information about personnel actuals shall be listed in personnel actual properties.

NOTE Examples of personnel actual properties are

− the actual duration of use of the personnel during the product segment, such as 2 h; this information is often
needed for actual costing analysis;

− actual monitored exposure times by the personnel during the product segment;

− the location of the personnel after use in the product segment, such as area 51; this information is often used for
short-term scheduling of personnel resources.

Table 73 defines the attributes for personnel actual objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 108 -

Table 73 — Attributes of personnel actual

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Personnel Identifies the associated Widget CNC [not Warehous

Class personnel class or set of Polisher operator applicable e worker
personnel classes actually used
for a specific segment response.
Person Identifies the associated person Gidget (not 261343 Sara Feye
or set of persons actually used applicable)
for a specific segment response.
Typically either personnel class
or person is specified, but not
Description Contains additional information Defines the Trained CNC Quality Person to
and descriptions of the personnel specific operator personnel assemble
actual polishing trained in the kit
operator used stock
in operations inspection
request. s

Personnel Defines the actual use of the Allocated Certified {not {not
Use personnel class or person. applicable} applicable}

Quantity Specifies the amount of 1 1 1 1

personnel resources used in the
parent segment, if applicable.
Applies to each member of the
person and personnel class sets.
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. Equivalents Equivalents Equivalent Equivalent
s s

6.3.7 Personnel actual property

Table 74 defines the attributes for personnel actual property objects.

Personnel actual properties may contain nested personnel actual properties.

- 109 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 74 — Attributes of personnel actual property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Polishing CNC daily Stock (not

person property or personnel Certification maintenance receiving applicable)
class property for a specific Level certification inspection
segment response. certificatio
Description Contains additional information Level of Training level Must have (not
and descriptions of the personnel polishing skill required current applicable)
actual property definition. certification certificatio
actually used n
for the widget
Value The value or set of values for the Master True True (not
associated property. For applicable)
example: Apprentice,
Journeyman, Master
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) Boolean Boolean (not
Measure associated property value, if applicable)
Quantity Specifies the amount of .25 (not (not (not
personnel resources used in the applicable) applicable) applicable)
parent segment, if applicable.
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Hour (not (not (not
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable) applicable) applicable)

6.3.8 Equipment actual

An identification of an equipment capability used during a specified segment shall be identified

as an equipment actual. Operations functions often require equipment as a resource to carry out

Equipment actual shall include the identification of the equipment used, usually identifying a
specific piece of equipment.

Specific information about equipment actuals shall be listed in equipment actual properties.

NOTE Examples of equipment actual properties are

− the actual duration of use of the equipment during the product segment; this information is often needed for actual
costing analysis;

− the equipment condition, after use in the product segment, such as a status of available, out-of-service, or
cleaning; this information is often used for short-term scheduling of equipment resources;

− the equipment set-up procedures used for the product segment; this information is often needed for actual costing
analysis and scheduling feedback;

− other equipment attributes, such as percentage of available capability used.

Table 75 defines the attributes for equipment actual objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 110 -

Table 75 — Attributes of equipment actual

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Equipment Identifies the associated Widget CNC Drill (not (not

Class equipment class or set of Polishing Press applicable) applicable)
equipment classes actually used Machine
for a specific segment response.
Equipment Identifies the associated WPM-20 DP-1 (not (not
equipment or set of equipment applicable) applicable)
actually used for a specific
segment response.
Typically either equipment class
or equipment is specified, but not
Description Contains additional information Specifics the Automated (not (not
and descriptions of the actual machine drill press applicable) applicable)
equipment actual used for this
Equipment Defines the actual use of the {not applicable} {not {not {not
Use equipment class or equipment. applicable} applicable} applicable}

Quantity Specifies the amount of .05 1 {not (not

equipment resources used in applicable} applicable)
parent segment, if applicable.
Applies to each member of the
equipment and equipment class
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Machine Hours Machine {not (not
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable)

6.3.9 Equipment actual property

Table 76 defines the attributes for equipment actual property objects.

Equipment actual properties may contain nested equipment actual properties.

- 111 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 76 — Attributes of equipment actual property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Polisher Type Holes out of {not (not

equipment property or equipment tolerance applicable} applicable)
class property for a specific
segment response.
Description Contains additional information Actual polisher Number of {not (not
and descriptions of the used for this drilled hole applicable} applicable)
equipment actual property process out of x-y
definition. segment. tolerance

Value The value or set of values for the Dry 0 {not (not
associated property. For applicable} applicable)
example: Wet, Dry.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) Number of {not (not
Measure associated property value, if Holes applicable} applicable)
Quantity Specifies the amount of .05 2 {not (not
equipment resources used in applicable} applicable)
parent segment, if applicable
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Machine Hours Tests {not (not
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable)

6.3.10 Physical asset actual

An identification of a physical asset capability used during a specified segment shall be identified
as an physical asset actual. Operations functions often require physical asset as a resource to
carry out tasks.

Physical asset actual shall include the identification of the physical asset used, usually
identifying a specific piece of physical asset.

Specific information about physical asset actuals shall be listed in physical asset actual

Table 77 defines the attributes for physical asset actual objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 112 -

Table 77 — Attributes of physical asset actual

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Physical Identifies the associated physical {not applicable} CNC Drill {not {not
Asset Class asset class or set of physical Press applicable} applicable}
asset classes actually used for a >
specific segment response.
Physical Identifies the associated physical {not applicable} Serial #: {not {not
Asset asset or set of physical assts 5563442 applicable} applicable}
actually used for a specific
Asset ID:
segment response. 44Q56W
Typically either physical asset
class or physical asset is
specified, but not both.
Description Contains additional information {not applicable} Cameroon {not {not
and descriptions of the physical Drill Press applicable} applicable}
asset actual
Physical Defines the actual use of the {not applicable} Calibrated {not {not
Asset Use physical asset class or physical applicable} applicable}
Example for maintenance:
Repaired, Removed,
Replacement, Calibrated,
Quantity Specifies the amount of {not applicable} 1 {not {not
equipment resources used in applicable} applicable}
parent segment, if applicable.
Applies to each member of the
equipment and equipment class
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of {not applicable} Machine {not {not
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable}

6.3.11 Physical asset actual property

Table 78 defines the attributes for physical asset actual property objects.

Physical asset actual properties may contain nested physical asset actual properties.
- 113 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 78 — Attributes of physical asset actual property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Polisher Type Repeatability {not {not

physical asset property or applicable} applicable}
physical asset class property for
a specific segment response.
Description Contains additional information Actual polisher Drilling {not {not
and descriptions of the physical used for this consistency applicable} applicable}
asset actual property definition. process
Value The value or set of values for the Dry .0002 {not {not
associated property. For applicable} applicable}
example: Wet, Dry.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) Inches {not {not
Measure associated property value, if applicable} applicable}
Quantity Specifies the amount of physical .05 2 {not {not
asset resources used in parent applicable} applicable}
segment, if applicable
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Machine Hours Tests {not {not
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable}

6.3.12 Material actual

An identification of a material that was used in the operations request shall be presented as a
material actual. Material actual contain definitions of materials that may have be consumed,
produced, replaced, sampled, or otherwise used in manufacturing.

Table 79 defines the attributes for material actual objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 114 -

Table 79 — Attributes of material actual

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Material Identifies the associated material Widgets Aluminum {not Bolt

Class class or set of material classes applicable}
actually made for a specific
segment response.*
Material Identifies the associated material Export Quality Aluminum {not 10 mm
Definition definition or set of material Widgets sheet applicable} bolt
definitions actually made for a
specific segment response.*
Material Lot Identifies the associated material BWLOT-2282 DW94 {not 4857
lot or set of material lots actually applicable}
made for a specific segment
Material Identifies the associated material BWLOT-2282- DW94-3 {not 4857F
Sublot sublot or set of material sublots A applicable}
actually made for a specific
segment response.*
Description Contains additional information Master Blank sheet {not Export
and descriptions of the material Segment - to run test on applicable} quality bolt
produced actual. Number of
Material Use Identifies the use of the material. Produced Consumed {not Consumed
Defined values for production
operations are: Consumable,
Consumed, Produced.
Defined values for maintenance
operations are: Consumable,
Replaced Asset, Replacement
Defined values for quality
operations are: Consumable,
Sample, Returned Sample
Defined values for inventory
operations are: Consumable,
Carrier, Returned Carrier
Storage Identifies the actual location of Finished Rack 11 {not Warehous
Location the produced material, if Goods applicable} e B, Bin
applicable. Inventory 42
Quantity Specifies the amount of material 1498 2 {not 4
produced by the parent segment. applicable}
Applies to each member of the
material lot, materials definition,
or material class sets.
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Units Sheet {not Each
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable}
- 115 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.

NOTE * Typically either a material class, material definition, material lot, or material sublot is specified.

A material actual may be defined as containing an assembly of material actuals and as part of an
assembly of material actuals:

1. A material actual may define an assembly of zero or more material actuals.

2. A material actual may be an assembly element of zero or more material actuals.

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material actuals.

4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material actuals.

6.3.13 Material actual property

Table 80 defines the attributes for material actual property objects.

Material actual properties may contain nested material actual properties.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 116 -

Table 80 — Attributes of material actual property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of the associated Color Size {not MOC

material property or material applicable}
class property for a specific
segment response.
Description Contains additional information Defines the Size required {not Material of
and descriptions of the material color actually by calibration applicable} Constructi
produced actual property produced, in test on
definition. the polishing
Value The value or set of values for the Red 3x5 {not 316
associated property. For applicable} Stainless
example: Red, Orange, Yellow,
Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Color Feet {not {not
Measure associated property value, if applicable} applicable}
Quantity Specifies the amount of material 1002 {not {not {not
produced by the parent segment. applicable} applicable} applicable}
Applies to each member of the
material lot, materials definition,
or material class sets.
Quantity Unit Identifies the unit of measure of Units {not {not {not
of Measure the quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable} applicable}

6.4 Operations capability information

6.4.1 Operations capability model

Operations capability information is the collection of information about all resources for
operations for selected future and past times. This is made up of information about equipment,
material, personnel, and process segments. Operations capability describes the names, terms,
statuses, and quantities of which the manufacturing control system has knowledge.

Operations capability is defined as a collection of personnel capabilities, equipment capabilities,

material capabilities, and process segment capabilities, for a given slice of time (past, current, or
future), and defined as committed, available, and unattainable.

Figure 16 is the operations capability model that applies to production, maintenance, quality test
and inventory.
- 117 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)


Is a
1 collection of

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Segment Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Capability Capability Capability Capability Capability 0..n
Is assembled
Has properties Has properties Has properties Has properties
of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Capability Capability Capability Capability
Property Property Property Property

0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds

to element in to element in to element in to element in

1..1 1..1 1..1 1..1

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 16 — Operations capability Model

6.4.2 Operations capability

Table 81 defines the attributes for operations capability objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 118 -

Table 81 — Attributes of operations capability

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID Defines a unique instance of an 1999/12/30- 84818343DF 4737845 EDIDCUIU

operations capability for a HPC52 E
specified element of the
equipment hierarchy model [Part
1 Clause 5.2] (enterprise, site,
area, work center, or work unit).
Description Contains additional information One day’s Maintenance Test Warehous
and descriptions of the operations capability for incoming e kit prep
operations capability definition. capacity for the one week material
Boston Widget
Capacity The capacity type: Used, Unused, Available Committed Available Unattainab
Type Total, Available, Unattainable, or le
Reason Defines the reason for the Available for Scheduled Available Down for
capability type. Work calibration for inventory
inspection cycle
Example 1: If committed, then s count
committed for production or for
maintenance, or if unavailable,
then the reason for the
Example 2: If unused capacity,
then the reason for the capacity
was unused, such as a specific
equipment failure or
unacceptable product quality
Confidence A measure of the confidence of 90% 100% Medium 2
Factor the capacity value.
Example 3: A percentage value
representing the confidence of
the capacity
Start Time The starting date and time of the 1999-12-29 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
operations capability. 11:59 2:00 UTC 2006 2006
00:00 UTC 00:00 UTC
End Time The ending date and time of the 1999-12-30 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-29-
operations capability. 12:00 2:15 UTC 2006 8:00 2006
UTC 00:00 UTC
Published The date and time on which the 1999-11-03 10-25-2006 10-25- 10-25-
Date operations capability was 13:55 00:00 UTC 2006 2006
published or generated. 00:00 UTC 00:00 UTC

Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged Boston Widget CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Company Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy.
Asset ID
Zero or more as required to 13465
identify the specific scope of the
operations capability definition.

6.4.3 Personnel capability

A representation of the capability of persons or personnel classes that is committed, available, or

unattainable for a defined time shall be known as a personnel capability. Personnel capability
may contain references to either persons or personnel classes.
- 119 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Personnel capability shall identify

a) the availability (available, unattainable, committed, used, unused, total);
b) the time associated with the availability (for example, third shift on a specific date).

Specific personnel capabilities shall be presented in personnel capability properties. The

personnel capability property may include the quantity of the resource referenced.

NOTE For example, 3 horizontal drill press operators available for the third shift on 2000-02-29.

Table 82 defines the attributes for personnel capability objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 120 -

Table 82 — Attributes of personnel capability

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Personnel Identifies the associated Widget CNC Quality (not

Class personnel class of the capability. Assembly operator Assurance applicable)
Machine Tech
Person Identifies the associated person SSN 999-55- Charlie (not (not
of the capability. 1212 Goode applicable) applicable)

Description Contains additional information Widget Trained CNC Quality (not

and descriptions of the personnel machine operator personnel applicable)
capability definition. operator trained in
availability stock
over the 2000 inspection
New Year s
Capability The capability type: Used, Available Committed Available (not
Type Unused, Total, Available, applicable)
Unattainable, or Committed.
Reason Defines the reason for the Available for Scheduled Available (not
capability type. Work calibration for applicable)
Confidence A measure of the confidence of 90% 100% 100% (not
Factor the capacity value. applicable)

Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged South Shore CNC Test Cell 4 (not
Scope information fits within the role Work Plant Machine applicable)
based equipment hierarchy.
Asset ID
If omitted, then the capability is 13465
associated to the parent
operations capability hierarchy
Zero or more as required to
identify the specific scope of the
operations capability definition.
Personnel Defines the expected capability (not applicable) (not (not (not
Use use of the personnel class or applicable) applicable) applicable)

Start Time The starting time associated with 1999-12-30 10-28-2006 10-28- (not
the personnel capability. 11:59 2:00 UTC 2006 applicable)
00:00 UTC
If omitted, then the capability is
associated to the parent
operations capability start time.
End Time The ending time associated with 2000-01-01 10-28-2006 10-28- (not
the personnel capability. 12:00 2:15 UTC 2006 8:00 applicable)
If omitted, then the capability is
associated to the parent
operations capability end time.
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 48 1 1 (not
personnel capability defined, if applicable)
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours Full Time Full Time (not
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. Equivalent Equivalent applicable)
- 121 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Where persons are members of multiple personnel classes then the personnel capability
information defined by personnel class should be used carefully because of possible double
counts, and personnel resources should be managed at the instance level.

6.4.4 Personnel capability property

Table 83 defines the attributes for personnel capability property objects.

Personnel capability properties may contain nested personnel capability properties.

Table 83 — Attributes of personnel capability property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of Packing CNC daily Stock (not

the associated person property or Machine maintenance receiving applicable)
personnel class property. Certified certification inspection
Description Contains additional information Level of Training level Must have (not
and descriptions of the personnel packing required current applicable)
capability property definition. machine certificatio
operator n
Value The value, set of values, or range Journeyman True True (not
of the property. applicable)

Value Unit of The unit of measure of the (not applicable) Boolean Boolean (not
Measure associated property value, if applicable)
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 16 (not (not (not
personnel capability defined, if applicable) applicable) applicable)
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours (not (not (not
of Measure associated quantity. applicable) applicable) applicable)

6.4.5 Equipment capability

A representation of the capability of equipment or equipment classes that is committed,

available, or unattainable for a specific time shall be used as an equipment capability. Equipment
capability may contain references to either equipment or equipment classes.

Equipment capability shall identify

a) the availability (available, unattainable, committed, used, unused, total);
b) the time associated with the availability (for example, third shift on a specific date).

Specific equipment capabilities shall be used in equipment capability properties. The equipment
capability properties may include the quantity of the resource referenced.

NOTE For example, 3 horizontal drill presses currently available.

Table 84 defines the attributes for equipment capability objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 122 -

Table 84 — Attributes of equipment capability

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Equipment Identifies the associated Widget Lathe CNC Drill Micromete (not
Class equipment class of the capability. Press r applicable)

Equipment Identifies the associated Lathe machine DP-1 (not (not

equipment of the capability. 15 applicable) applicable)

Description Contains additional information Widget Lathe Automated Measurem (not

and descriptions of the availability drill press ent tool applicable)
equipment capability definition. over the 2000
New Year
Capability The capability type: Used, Unattainable Committed Available (not
Type Unused, Total, Available, applicable)
Unattainable, or Committed.
Reason Defines the reason for the Due to Y2K Schedule Available (not
capability type. Non calibration for applicable)
compliance measurem
Confidence A measure of the confidence of 90% 100% 100% (not
Factor the capacity value. applicable)

Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged South Shore CNC Test Cell 4 (not
Scope information fits within the role Work Plant Machine applicable)
based equipment hierarchy.
Asset ID
If omitted, then the capability is 13465
associated to the parent
operations capability hierarchy
Zero or more as required to
identify the specific scope of the
operations capability definition.
Equipment Defines the expected capability (not applicable) (not (not (not
Use use of the equipment class or applicable) applicable) applicable)
Start Time The starting time associated with 1999-12-30 10-28-2006 10-28- (not
the equipment capability. 11:59 2:00 UTC 2006 applicable)
00:00 UTC
If omitted, then the capability is
associated to the parent
operations capability start time.
End Time The ending time associated with 2000-01-01 10-28-2006 10-28- (not
the equipment capability. 12:00 2:15 UTC 2006 8:00 applicable)
If omitted, then the capability is
associated to the parent
operations capability end time.
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 48 1 1 (not
equipment capability defined, if applicable)
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours Machine Tool (not
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable)

Where equipment are members of multiple equipment classes then the equipment capability
information defined by equipment class should be used carefully because of possible double
counts, and equipment resources should be managed at the instance level.
- 123 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

6.4.6 Equipment capability property

Table 85 defines the attributes for equipment capability property objects.

Equipment capability properties may contain nested equipment capability properties.

Table 85 — Attributes of equipment capability property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of Volume Spindle run- Scale (not

the associated equipment out definition applicable)
property or equipment class
Description Contains additional information Measure of the Max allowed Units of (not
and descriptions of the equipment spindle run- measure applicable)
equipment capability property volume. out
Value The value, set of values, or range 10000 less than Metric (not
of the property. 0.00008 applicable)

Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Liters Inches {not (not
Measure associated property value, if applicable} applicable)
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 12 {not 1 (not
equipment capability defined, if applicable} applicable)
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours {not Each (not
of Measure associated quantity. applicable} applicable)

6.4.7 Physical asset capability

A representation of the capability of a physical asset of class of physical assets (physical asset
class) that is committed, available, or unattainable for a specific time shall be used as an
physical asset capability. Physical asset capability may contain references to either physical
asset or physical asset class.

Physical asset capability shall identify

c) the availability (available, unattainable, committed, used, unused, total);
d) the time associated with the availability (for example, third shift on a specific date).

Specific physical asset capabilities shall be used in physical asset capability properties. The
physical asset capability properties may include the quantity of the resource referenced.

Table 86 defines the attributes for physical asset capability objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 124 -

Table 86 — Attributes of physical asset capability

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Physical Identifies the associated physical Jones Model Model 105, {not (not
Asset Class asset class of the capability. 23 Lathe XYZ Corp, applicable} applicable)
CNC Drill
Physical Identifies the associated physical Machine Serial #: {not (not
Asset asset of the capability. #99298 5563442 applicable} applicable)
Asset ID:
Description Contains additional information Widget Lathe Cameroon {not (not
and descriptions of the physical availability Drill Press applicable} applicable)
asset capability definition. over the 2000
New Year
Capability The capability type: Used, Unattainable Committed {not (not
Type Unused, Total, Available, applicable} applicable)
Unattainable, or Committed.
Reason Defines the reason for the Due to Y2K Scheduled {not (not
capability type. Non calibration applicable} applicable)
Confidence A measure of the confidence of 90% 100% {not (not
Factor the capacity value. applicable} applicable)

Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged South Shore CNC {not (not
Scope information fits within the role Work Plant Machine applicable} applicable)
based equipment hierarchy.
Asset ID
If omitted, then the capability is 13465
associated to the parent
operations capability hierarchy
Zero or more as required to
identify the specific scope of the
operations capability definition.
Physical Defines the expected capability {not applicable} {not {not (not
Asset Use use of the physical asset class or applicable} applicable} applicable)
physical asset.
Start Time The starting time associated with 1999-12-30 10-28-2006 {not (not
the physical asset capability. 11:59 2:00 UTC applicable} applicable)

If omitted, then the capability is

associated to the parent
operations capability start time.
End Time The ending time associated with 2000-01-01 10-28-2006 {not (not
the physical asset capability. 12:00 2:15 UTC applicable} applicable)

If omitted, then the capability is

associated to the parent
operations capability end time.
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 48 1 {not (not
physical asset capability defined, applicable} applicable)
if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours Machine {not (not
of Measure associated quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable)
- 125 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

6.4.8 Physical asset capability property

Table 85 defines the attributes for physical asset capability property objects.

Physical asset capability properties may contain nested physical asset capability properties.

Table 87 — Attributes of physical asset capability property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of Volume Repeatability {not (not

the associated physical asset applicable} applicable)
property or physical asset class.
Description Contains additional information Measure of the Drilling {not (not
and descriptions of the physical equipment consistency applicable} applicable)
asset capability property volume.
Value The value, set of values, or range 10000 0.0002 {not (not
of the property. applicable} applicable)

Value Unit of The unit of measure of the Liters Inches {not (not
Measure associated property value, if applicable} applicable)
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 12 {not {not (not
physical asset capability defined, applicable} applicable} applicable)
if applicable.
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Hours {not {not (not
of Measure associated quantity. applicable} applicable} applicable)

6.4.9 Material capability

A representation of the capability of material that is committed, available, or unattainable for a

specific time shall be used as a material capability. Material capability is used for material lots or
sublots. This includes information that is associated with the functions of material and energy
control and product inventory control. The currently available and committed material capability
is the inventory. WIP (work in progress) is a material capability currently under the control of

Material capability shall identify

a) the availability (available, unattainable, committed, used, unused, total);
b) the time associated with the availability (for example, third shift on a specific date).

Specific material capabilities shall be listed in material capability properties. The material
capability properties may include the quantity of the material referenced.

NOTE For example, 3 sublots in building 3 of material starch lot #12345 committed to production for 2000-02-29.

Table 88 defines the attributes for material capability objects.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 126 -

Table 88 — Attributes of material capability

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Material Identifies the associated material Lubricant Oil Aluminum {not (not
Class class of the capability.* applicable} applicable)

Material Identifies the associated material Lube Oil 8999 Aluminum {not (not
Definition definition of the capability.* sheet applicable} applicable)

Material Lot Identifies the associated material 8999LU-5G DW94 {not (not
lot of the capability.* applicable} applicable)

Material Identifies the associated material 8999LU-5G- {not {not (not

Sublot sublot of the capability.* SL15 applicable} applicable} applicable)

Description Contains additional information Lubricant oil Blank sheet {not (not
and descriptions of the material commitment to run test on applicable} applicable)
capability definition. over the 2000
New Year
Capability The capability type: Used, Committed Committed {not (not
Type Unused, Total, Available, applicable} applicable)
Unattainable, or Committed.
Reason Defines the reason for the Available for Scheduled {not (not
capability type. Work calibration applicable} applicable)

Confidence A measure of the confidence of 90% 100% {not (not

Factor the capacity value. applicable} applicable)

Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged Work Line 15 CNC {not (not
Scope information fits within the role Machine applicable} applicable)
based equipment hierarchy.
Asset ID
If omitted, then the capability is 13465
associated to the parent
operations capability hierarchy
Zero or more as required to
identify the specific scope of the
operations capability definition.
Material Use Defines the expected capability Consumed Committed {not (not
use of the material. applicable} applicable)

For example, Consumed,

Produced, or Consumable
Start Time The starting time associated with 1999-12-30 10-28-2006 {not (not
the material capability. 11:59 2:00 UTC applicable} applicable)

If omitted, then the capability is

associated to the parent
operations capability start time.
End Time The ending time associated with 2000-01-01 10-28-2006 {not (not
the material capability. 12:00 2:15 UTC applicable} applicable)

If omitted, then the capability is

associated to the parent
operations capability end time.
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 155 1 {not (not
material capability defined, if applicable} applicable)
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the Liters Sheet {not (not
of Measure material quantity, if applicable. applicable} applicable)
- 127 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory

Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Physical Physical Logical Physical
Type assembly. The defined types are:
Physical – The components of
the assembly are physically
connected or in the same area.
Logical – The components of the
assembly are not necessarily
physically connected or in the
same area.
Assembly Optional: Defines the type of the Permanent Transient Permanent Transient
Relationship relationships. The defined types
Permanent – An assembly that is
not intended to be split during the
production process.
Transient – A temporary
assembly using during
production, such as a pallet of
different materials or a batch kit.

NOTE 1 * Typically either a material class, material definition, material lot, or material sublot is specified.

Where materials are members of multiple material classes then the material capability
information defined by material class should be used carefully because of possible double
counts, and material resources should be managed at the instance level.

A material Capability may be defined as containing an assembly of material capabilities and as

part of an assembly of material capabilities:

1. A material capability may define an assembly of zero or more material capabilities.

2. A material capability may be an assembly element of zero or more material capabilities.

3. An assembly may be defined as a permanent or transient assembly of material


4. An assembly may be defined as physical or a logical assembly of material capabilities.

6.4.10 Material capability property

Table 89 defines the attributes for material capability property objects.

Material capability properties may contain nested material capability properties.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 128 -

Table 89 — Attributes of material capability property

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID An identification of a property of pH Size {not (not

the associated material property applicable} applicable)
or equipment class property.
Description Contains additional information pH of active Size required {not (not
and descriptions of the material ingredient by calibration applicable} applicable)
capability property definition. test

Value The value, set of values, or range 6.3 3x5 {not (not
of the property. applicable} applicable)

Value Unit of The unit of measure of the pH Feet {not (not

Measure associated property value, if applicable} applicable)
Quantity Specifies the quantity of the 2567 {not {not (not
material capability defined, if applicable} applicable} applicable)
Quantity Unit The unit of measure of the KiloLiters {not {not (not
of Measure associated quantity. applicable} applicable} applicable)

6.5 Process segment capability information

6.5.1 Process segment capability model

A process segment capability is a representation of a logical grouping of personnel resources,

equipment resources, and material that is committed, available, or unavailable for a defined
process segment for a specific time.

A representation of a logical grouping of personnel resources, equipment resources, and

material that is committed, available, or unavailable for a given process segment for a specific
time shall be used as a process segment capability, as shown in Figure 17.

A process segment capability is related to a process segment that can occur during operations.

Process segment capability shall identify

a) the capability type (available, unattainable, committed, used, unused, total);
b) the time associated with the capability (for example, third shift on a specific date).

Process segment capabilities shall be made up of

c) personnel segment capabilities, which lists specific properties required in personnel segment
capability properties;
d) equipment segment capabilities, which lists specific properties required in equipment
capability properties;
e) material segment capabilities, which lists specific properties required in material segment
capability properties.
- 129 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Process Corresponds to Process

Segment Capability Segment

Is a collection of

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Capability Capability Capability Capability 0..n
Is assembled
Has properties Has properties Has properties Has properties
of of of of

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Capability Property Capability Property Capability Property Capability Property

0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds

to element in to element in to element in to element in

1..1 1..1 1..1 1..1

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 17 — Process segment capability object model

6.5.2 Process segment capability

Table 90 lists the attributes of process segment capability. Process segment capability has an
equivalent structure to the personnel, equipment and material structure of operations capability,
except the process segment capability is defined for a specific process segment.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 130 -

Table 90 — Attributes of process segment capability

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID Defines a unique instance of a 1999/12/30- 84818343DF 4737845 EDIDCUIU

process segment capability for a HPC52 E
specified element of the
equipment hierarchy model [Part
1 Clause 5.2] (enterprise, site,
area, work center, or work unit).
Description Contains additional information Defines the Calibration of Incoming Kiting
and descriptions of the process available CNC Drill aluminum segment
segment capability definition. capability for Press sheet
the Widget thickness
Assembly test
Process Identifies the process segment. Widget Run X-Y test RMT38283 Kiting
Segment Assembly segment
Capacity The capacity type: Available, Available Committed Available Unattainab
Type Unattainable, or Committed. le
Reason Gives the reason for the capacity Available for Scheduled Available Down for
type. Production calibration for inventory
incoming cycle
inspection count
Hierarchy Identifies where the exchanged Production CNC Test Cell 4 Warehous
Scope information fits within the role Line #15 Machine eB
based equipment hierarchy. Receiving
Asset ID
If omitted, then the capability is 13465
associated to the parent process
segment capability hierarchy
Zero or more as required to
identify the specific scope of the
production capability definition.
Start Time The starting time of the time span 1999-12-30 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-28-
defining the capacity type. 11:59 2:00 UTC 2006 2006
00:00 UTC 00:00 UTC
If omitted, then the capability is
associated to the parent process
segment capability start time.
End Time The ending time of the time span 2000-01-01 10-28-2006 10-28- 10-29-
defining the capacity type. 12:00 2:15 UTC 2006 8:00 2006
UTC 00:00 UTC
If omitted, then the capability is
associated to the parent process
segment capability end time.

Process segment capabilities should be used carefully because of possible double counts of

EXAMPLE A resource may be shown as available in multiple process segments, but in actual fact may be available
for use in only a single process segment.

7 Object model inter-relationships

Figure 18 provides an informative illustration of how the object models inter-relate. The
operations information presents what was made and what was used. Its elements correspond to
information in operations scheduling that listed what to make and what to use. The operations
- 131 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

scheduling elements correspond to information in the operations definition. The operations

definition elements correspond to information in the process segment descriptions that present
what can be performed with the resources. The operations capability contains what capacities
exist for specified resources and for specific process segments for specific periods of time.

The slanted rectangles in Figure 18 represent any of the resources (personnel, equipment, or
material) or properties of the resources.
Operations Operations
Capability Information Information
What is available What to make and results

Resource Operations Process Operations Operations Operations

Capability Segment Segments Definition Schedule Performance
What resources Capability What f unctions How to perf orm What is it to be What was
are available What can be done are available an operation made & used made & used
with the resources to perf orm operations
Operations Operations
Schedule Performance

Operations Operations
to a
May correspond

Capability Definition Operations Operations

Request Response
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 132 -


to a
May correspond
to a
Must correspond
to a
Must correspond
to a

Segment Process Operations Segment Segment

Capability Segment Segment Requirement Response
to a
May correspond May correspond

to a
May correspond
to a
May correspond
to a
May correspond

Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource

Figure 18 — Object model inter-relationships

Capability Capability Specification Specification Requirement Actual

Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource

to a
May correspond

to a
May correspond

to a
May correspond
to a
May correspond

Capability Capability Specification Specification Requirement Actual

Property Property Property Property Property Property

Resource Æ Personnel, Equipment, Physical Asset, or Material

- 133 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

NOTE Both resource capability properties and operation segment’s operations specifications/properties map
their properties to the process segment’s resource specification/ properties. They may be subsets of
the process segment’s resource specification /properties where capability properties are used to
evaluate availability and product segment properties may be used to determine requirement specifics for

Table 91 provides a cross-reference between the elements of the information flows in the data
flow model and the corresponding clause describing the object model.

Table 91 — Model cross-reference

Part 1 Data flow model Part 2 - Object model

Part 1 - From function Part 1 - To function
information clause

6.5.2 Schedule Production scheduling Production control (3.0) 6.2 and A.2

6.5.3 Production from Production control (3.0) Production scheduling 6.3 and A.3
plan (2.0)

6.5.4 Production Production control (3.0) Production scheduling 6.4 and A.4
capability (2.0)

6.5.5 Material and energy Material and energy Procurement (5.0) Described in terms of the
order requirements control (4.0) material model, 5.4.

6.5.6 Incoming order Material and energy Procurement (5.0) Described in terms of the
confirmation control (4.0) material model, 5.4.

6.5.7 Long-term material Production scheduling Material and energy Described in terms of the
and energy requirements (2.0) control (4.0) material model, 5.4.

6.5.8 Short-term material Production control (3.0) Material and energy Described in terms of the
and energy requirements control (4.0) material model, 5.4.

6.5.9 Material and energy Material and energy Production control (3.0) Described in terms of the
inventory control (4.0) material model, 5.4.

6.5.10 Production cost Product cost accounting Production control (3.0) 6.2 and A.2
objectives (8.0)

6.5.11 Production Production control (3.0) Product cost accounting 6.3 and A.3
performance and costs (8.0)

6.5.12 Incoming material Material and energy Product cost accounting <Not detailed in object
and energy receipt control (4.0) (8.0) model>

6.5.13 Quality assurance Quality assurance (6.0) Production control (3.0) 5.4 and 6.3

6.5.14 Standards and Marketing and sales Quality assurance (6.0) 6.1 and A.1
customer requirements
Quality assurance (6.0) Production control (3.0)

6.5.15 Product and Research, development, Quality assurance (6.0) 6.1 and A.1
process requirements and engineering

6.5.16 Finished goods Order processing (1.0) Quality assurance (6.0) <Not detailed in object
waiver model>

Typically unstructured
information handled on
an ad hoc basis

6.5.17 In-process waiver Production control (3.0) Quality assurance (6.0) Described in terms of the
request material model, 5.4.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 134 -

Part 1 Data flow model Part 2 - Object model

Part 1 - From function Part 1 - To function
information clause

6.5.18 Finished goods Product inventory control Production scheduling Described in terms of the
inventory (7.0) (2.0) material model, 5.4.

6.5.19 Process data Production control (3.0) Quality assurance (6.0) 6.3 and A.3

6.5.20 Pack-out schedule Production scheduling Product inventory control 6.2 and A.2
(2.0) (7.0)

6.5.21 Product and Research, development, Production control (3.0) <Not detailed in object
process know-how and engineering model>

6.5.22 Product and Production control (3.0) Research, development, <Not detailed in object
process information and engineering model>

6.5.23 Maintenance Production control (3.0) Maintenance 6.2

requests management (10.0)

6.5.24 Maintenance Maintenance Production control (3.0) 6.3

responses management (10.0)

6.5.25 Maintenance Production control (3.0) Maintenance <Not detailed in object

standards and methods management (10.0) model>

6.5.26 Maintenance Maintenance Production control (3.0) <Not detailed in object

technical feedback management (10.0) model>

6.5.27 Product and Production control (3.0) Research, development, <Not detailed in object
process technical and engineering model>

6.5.28 Maintenance Maintenance Procurement (5.0) <Not detailed in object

purchase order management (10.0) model>

6.5.29 Production order Order processing (1.0) Production scheduling <Not detailed in object
(2.0) model>

6.5.30 Availability Production scheduling Order processing (1.0) <Not detailed in object
(2.0) model>

6.5.31 Release to ship Product shipping Product inventory control <Not detailed in object
administration (9.0) (7.0) model>

6.5.32 Confirm to ship Product inventory control Product shipping <Not detailed in object
(7.0) administration (9.0) model>

8 List of objects

The following tables present a complete list of the objects discussed in this standard.
- 135 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Table 92 — Common resource objects

Object Model

personnel class Personnel Model

personnel class property Personnel Model

person Personnel Model

person property Personnel Model

qualification test specification Personnel Model

qualification test result Personnel Model

equipment class Equipment Model

equipment class property Equipment Model

equipment Equipment Model

equipment property Equipment Model

equipment capability test specification Equipment Model

equipment capability test result Equipment Model

physical asset Physical Asset Model

physical asset property Physical Asset Model

physical asset class Physical Asset Model

physical asset class property Physical Asset Model

physical asset capability test specification Physical Asset Model

physical asset capability test result Physical Asset Model

equipment asset mapping Physical Asset Model

material class Material Model

material class property Material Model

material definition Material Model

material definition property Material Model

material lot Material Model

material lot property Material Model

material sublot Material Model

material test specification Material Model

material test result Material Model

material assembly Material Model

material definition assembly Material Model

material class assembly Material Model

process segment Process Segment Model

process segment parameter Process Segment Model

personnel segment specification Process Segment Model

personnel segment specification property Process Segment Model

equipment segment specification Process Segment Model

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 136 -

Object Model

equipment segment specification property Process Segment Model

material segment specification Process Segment Model

material segment specification property Process Segment Model

material segment specification assembly Process Segment Model

process segment dependency Process Segment Model

operations definition Operations Definition Model

operations material bill Operations Definition Model

operations segment Operations Definition Model

parameter specification Operations Definition Model

personnel specification Operations Definition Model

personnel specification property Operations Definition Model

equipment specification Operations Definition Model

equipment specification property Operations Definition Model

physical asset specification Operations Definition Model

physical asset specification property Operations Definition Model

material specification Operations Definition Model

material specification property Operations Definition Model

material specification assembly Operations Definition Model

operations segment dependency Operations Definition Model

operations schedule Operations Schedule Model

operations request Operations Schedule Model

requested segment response Operations Schedule Model

segment requirement Operations Schedule Model

segment parameter Operations Schedule Model

personnel requirement Operations Schedule Model

personnel requirement property Operations Schedule Model

equipment requirement Operations Schedule Model

equipment requirement property Operations Schedule Model

physical asset requirement Operations Schedule Model

physical asset requirement property Operations Schedule Model

material requirement Operations Schedule Model

material requirement property Operations Schedule Model

material requirement assembly Operations Schedule Model

operations performance Operations Performance Model

operations response Operations Performance Model

segment response Operations Performance Model

segment data Operations Performance Model

personnel actual Operations Performance Model

- 137 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Object Model

personnel actual property Operations Performance Model

equipment actual Operations Performance Model

equipment actual property Operations Performance Model

physical asset actual Operations Performance Model

physical asset actual property Operations Performance Model

material actual Operations Performance Model

material actual property Operations Performance Model

material actual assembly Operations Performance Model

operations capability Operations Capability Model

personnel capability Operations Capability Model

personnel capability property Operations Capability Model

equipment capability Operations Capability Model

equipment capability property Operations Capability Model

physical asset capability Operations Capability Model

physical asset capability property Operations Capability Model

material capability Operations Capability Model

material capability property Operations Capability Model

material capability assembly Operations Capability Model

process segment capability Process Segment Capability Model

product definition Product Definition Model

product segment Product Definition Model

manufacturing bill Product Definition Model

manufacturing bill assembly Product Definition Model

production schedule Production Schedule Model

production request Production Schedule Model

production parameter Production Schedule Model

production performance Production Performance Model

production response Production Performance Model

production data Production Performance Model

production capability Production Capability Model

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 138 -

9 Compliance

Any assessment of compliance of a specification shall be qualified by the following:

a) The use of the terminology defined in this part

b) The object models supported (Personnel, Material, Equipment, Process Segment, Operations
Capability, Operations Definition, Operations Schedule, Operations Performance, Production
Capability, Process Segment Capability, Product Definition, Production Schedule, and
Production Performance)

c) The use of objects listed in Clause 8 that are supported

d) The use of the attributes for each supported object

e) The relationships between the supported objects

f) A statement of the total compliance concerning definitions, objects, attributes, and

relationships or, in case of partial compliance, a statement identifying explicitly the areas of
- 139 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Annex A
Production specific information

A.1 Product definition information

A.1.1 Product definition model

The production specific model is a specialized subset of the operations model with alternative
object names for purposes of backward compatibility. New implementations should use the
operations models.

The product definition is shown in Figure 19. It defines the shared information between product
production rule, bill of material, and bill of resources. These three external models are
represented by packages in Figure 19; their definitions are outside the scope of this standard.

Has a reference to >

Has a reference to <
Has a reference to >

Bill of Product Bill of

Resources Production Rule Material
(External) (External) (External)
Has Has 1..1
associated > associated Has associated > may have a reference to >

May be 0..n Manufacturing

May have a reference to >
made 0..n 1..n Bill
up of Corresponds
Product to Process
has an execution dependency on 0..n Segment Segment 0..n
0..n 1..n
Bill Item 0..n
Product Is a collection of
1..1 0..n
Segment Is assembled
Dependency from

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 1..n

Parameter Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Specification Specification Specification Specification Specification 0..n
Is assembled
0..n from
May be made up of
0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n
Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Specification Specification Specification Specification
Property Property Property Property
0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds
to element in to element in to element in to element in

1..1 1..1 1..1 1..1

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 19 — Product definition model

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 140 -

Product production rules are defined as the information used to instruct a production operation
how to perform the operation. Product production rules are production specific operations
instructions. These may be called a general, site or master recipe (IEC 61512-1 and ANSI/ISA-
88.01-1995 definition), standard operating procedure (SOP), standard operating conditions
(SOC), routing, or assembly steps based on the production strategy used.

A.1.2 Product definition

A product definition contains a listing of the exchanged information about a product. The
information is used in a set of product segments. A product definition has a reference to a bill of
materials, a product production rule, and a bill of resources.

The attributes of a product definition are the same as an operations definition, as defined in
Clause 6.1, except that Operations type is optional and if defined shall have the value

NOTE A product definition ID may be the same ID as a material definition.

A.1.3 Manufacturing bill

The identification of the material or material classes that are needed for production of the
product shall be known as a manufacturing bill. Manufacturing bill objects contain an
identification of materials that make up the items of a complete manufacturing bill.

The manufacturing bill includes all uses of the material in production of the product, while the
product segment material specification gives just the amount used in a segment of production.

NOTE For example, a manufacturing bill may identify 55 Type C left-threaded screws, where 20 are used in
one product segment, 20 in another product segment, and 15 in a third product segment.

The attributes of manufacturing bill are the same as the attributes for an operations material bill
defined in Table 44.

A.1.4 Manufacturing bill item

Each material in a manufacturing bill is defined in a manufacturing bill item.

The attributes of a manufacturing bill item are the same as the attributes for an operations
material bill item defined in Table 45.

A.1.5 Product segment

The values needed to quantify a segment for a specific product shall be a product segment. A
product segment identifies, references, or corresponds to a process segment. A product segment
is related to a specific product, while a process segment is product independent.

NOTE Examples include the requirement of a specific number of operators with specific qualifications.

The collection of product segments for a product gives the sequence and ordering of segments
required to manufacture a product in sufficient detail for production planning and scheduling. The
corresponding product production rule presents the additional detail required for actual

A product segment shall use zero or more resources, which correspond to an equipment
specification, a personnel specification or a material specification. A product segment may have
parameter values for parameters specified in the corresponding process segment.
- 141 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

A product segment may have a reference to a product production rule that corresponds to the
rules required to implement the specific product segment when more granularity is needed than
one product production rule for the product definition.

EXAMPLE There may be a Master Recipe (IEC 61512) for each product segment.

The attributes of a product segment are the same as an operations segment, as defined in
Clause 6.1, except that operations type is optional and if defined shall have the value

A.1.6 Product parameter

The attributes for a product parameter are the same as the attributes for a parameter, as defined
in Clause 6.1.6

A.1.7 Product segment dependency

The attributes for a product segment dependency are the same as the attributes for a process
segment task dependency, as defined in Clause 6.1.15.

A.2 Production schedule

A.2.1 Production schedule model

A production schedule is a request for production. A production schedule is made up of one or

more production requests. A production request is a request for production for a single product
identified by a product production rule. A production request contains the information required
by manufacturing to fulfill scheduled production. A production request contains at least one
segment requirement, even if it spans all production of the product.

Figure 20 is the production schedule object model.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 142 -


Is made up of
May correspond
to a < Production
Is made up of

May correspond 1..n 0..n

to a <
Product Requested
Segment Segment
Segment or
Corresponds Requirement Response
Process Segment
to a <
May contain
May contain

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Production Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Parameter Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement 0..n
Is assembled
0..n from

May be made up of
Corresponds 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n
to Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement
Property Property Property Property

Corresponds to Corresponds to Corresponds to

element in element in element in

Specification Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Model Model Model Model

Figure 20 — Production schedule model

NOTE The previous version of this standard contained specific objects for each use type of materials. These
objects were removed from this version. The removed objects are: Material Produced Requirement,
Material Consumed Requirement, and Consumable Expected. An attribute of the Material Requirement
Property is to be used to determine the use of the material.

A.2.2 Production schedule

A request for production shall be listed as a production schedule. A production schedule shall be
made up of one or more production requests.

The attributes for production schedule are the same as operations schedule defined in Table 57,
except that the operations type attribute is optional, and if specified shall be “Production”.

A.2.3 Production request

A request for production for a single product identified by a product production rule shall be
shown as a production request. A production request contains the information required by manu-
facturing to fulfill scheduled production. This may be a subset of the business production order
information, or it may contain additional information not normally used by the business system.
- 143 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

A production request may identify or reference the associated product production rule. A
production request shall contain at least one segment requirement, even if it spans all production
of the product. If not uniquely given by the product production rule, then a segment requirement
shall contain at least one material produced requirement with the identification, quantity, and
units of measure of the material to be produced.

A production request may be reported on by one or more production responses. In some

situations, the material identification, product production rule identification, and material quantity
may be all that is needed for manufacturing. Other situations may require additional information.
The additional information may be described in the production parameters, personnel
requirements, equipment requirements, and material requirements.

The attributes of a production request are the same as an operations request and are defined in
Table 58.

A.2.4 Production parameter

Information contained in the enterprise system that is required by the operation system for
correct production shall be known as production parameters.

Production parameters may be either product parameters that show some characteristics of the
product (such as paint color), or process parameters that present some characteristics of the
production process (such as bake time).

NOTE Examples of production parameters are

− quality limits;

− set points;

− targets;

− specific customer requirements (such as purity = 99,95%);

− final disposition of the produced product;

− transportation information;

− other information not directly related to control (such as a customer order number required for labeling or
language for labels).

The attributes for a production parameter are the same as for a segment parameter and are
listed in Table 60.

A.3 Production performance

A.3.1 Production performance model

Production performance is a report on requested manufacturing and is a collection of production

responses. Production responses are responses from manufacturing that are associated with a
production request. There may be one or more production responses for a single production
request if the production facility needs to split the production request into smaller elements of

Figure 21 is the production performance object model.

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 144 -


Is made up of


Is made up of
to a < Segment
Segment or
Response May contain
Process Segment

May contain 0..n

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Production Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Data Actual Actual Actual Actual 0..n
Is assembled
May be made up of
1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Actual Actual Actual Actual
Property Property Property Property

Corresponds to Corresponds to Corresponds to Corresponds to

element in element in element in element in

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 21 — Production performance model

NOTE The previous version of this standard contained specific objects for each use type of materials. These
objects were removed from this version. The removed objects are: Material Produced Actual, Material
Consumed Actual, and Consumable Actual. An attribute of the Material Requirement Property is to be
used to determine the use of the material.

A.3.2 Production performance

The performance of the requested production requests shall be listed as production performance.
Production performance shall be a collection of production responses.

The attributes for production performance shall be the same as the attributes for operations
performance as defined in Table 69, except that the operations type attribute is optional and if
specified shall be “Production”.

A.3.3 Production response

The responses from manufacturing that are associated with a production request shall be used
as production responses. There may be one or more production responses for a single
production request if the production facility needs to split the production request into smaller
elements of reported production.
- 145 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

NOTE For example, a single production request for the production of 200 gears may be reported on by 10
production response objects of 20 gears each because of manufacturing restrictions.

Production responses contain the items reported back to the business system, at the end of
production or during production. The business system may need to know intermediate production
response statuses, rather than waiting for the final production response status, because of cost
accounting of material produced or intermediate materials.

The attributes for production response shall be the same as the attributes for operations
response as defined in Table 70, except that the operations type attribute is optional and if
specified shall be “Production”.

A.3.4 Production data

Other information related to the actual products made shall be presented as production data.

NOTE Examples of production data are

− a customer order number associated with the production request;

− specific commercial notes from operations related to the customer order, such as order complete, order
incomplete, or an anticipated completion date and time;

− quality information;

− certification of analysis;

− procedural deviations, such as an identification of an event used in another system and alarm information;

− process behaviour, such as temperature profiles;

− operator behaviour, such as interventions, actions, and comments.

The attributes for production data shall be the same as the attributes of segment data, as defined
in Table 72.

A.4 Production capability

A.4.1 Production capability model

The production capability model is shown in Figure 22. Production capability information is the
collection of information about all resources for production for selected times. This is made up of
information about equipment, material, personnel, and process segments. Production capability
describes the names, terms, statuses, and quantities of which the manufacturing control system
has knowledge.

Production capability is defined as a collection of personnel capabilities, equipment capabilities,

material capabilities, and process segment capabilities, for a given segment of time (current or
future), and defined as committed, available, and unattainable.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 146 -


Is a
1 collection of

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Segment Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Capability Capability Capability Capability Capability 0..n

Has properties Has properties Has properties Has properties Is assembled

of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 from

0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material
Capability Capability Capability Capability
Property Property Property Property

0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds 0..n Corresponds

to element in to element in to element in to element in

1..1 1..1 1..1 1..1

Personnel Equipment Physical Asset Material

Model Model Model Model

Figure 22 — Production capability model

A.4.2 Production capability

The attributes of production capability are the same as operations capability as defined in
Table 81.
- 147 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Annex B
Use and examples

B.1 Use and examples

This standard is expected to be used in the specification of interfaces (at Level 3 and Level 4)
between new applications, between legacy applications, or between new applications and legacy
applications. That may facilitate the usage of packaged software in a legacy application context,
which may be the most powerful initial use of the standard.

Through the use of this standard the definition of the interface content may be provided faster
and more accurately. In addition the specification of interface content may be easily reused.
This will be facilitated by the correct use of compliance assessments that identify which object
models are supported by the interface content specification.

Part 1 defines the categories of information that should be exchanged between Business
Systems and Manufacturing Operations and Control Systems. Four (4) categories are defined;
• Product Definition
• Production Capability
• Production Schedule
• Production Performance Production Information

Each of these four (4) categories relies on the four (4) resources also defined in Part 1.
• Personnel
• Equipment
• Material
• Process Segment

Part 2 presents the corresponding UML models and attributes for the objects contained in the
UML models. The UML models are software independent descriptions of the data exchange
between Business Systems and the Manufacturing Operations and Control Systems.

UML relies on object-oriented methodology. Very briefly, this means that there are classes,
subclasses and instances (objects). A class can for example be Car, and the instances can be
“Mrs. Mine’s car” or “My car”. A class has attributes, and the instances have values on the
attributes, e.g., the class Car has an attribute “License plate” whereas the Instance “Mrs. Mine’s
car” has the attribute “license plate= ABC 123”.

Example - The following figure shows the UML model for Personnel.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 148 -

Personnel 0..n 0..n

Class < Defined by
0..n 0..n
Has Is tested Is tested Has
properties by a > by a > values for >
of >
0..n 0..n

< Records the Qualification
0..n 0..n
execution of Test
Defines a Result
Is tested procedure for
0..n by a > obtaining a > 0..n

0..n 0..n
Personnel Person
Class Property < Maps to Property

0..n 0..n
< may contain nested < may contain nested

Figure B-1 — Personnel model

The model shown in Figure B-1, a copy of Figure 5, defines six (6) classes; person, personnel
class, Person Property, Personnel class property, Qualification test Specification and
Qualification Test Results.

Table B-1 shows the attributes for Person (a copy of Table 5).

Table B-1 — Attributes of person

Attribute Description Production Maintenance Quality Inventory
Name Examples Examples Examples Examples

ID A unique identification of a Employee 23 22828 999-123- 007

specific person, within the scope 4567
of the information exchanged
(production capability, production
schedule, production
performance, …)
The ID shall be used in other
parts of the model when the
person needs to be identified,
such as the production capability
for this person, or a production
response identifying the person.
Description Additional information about the Person Maintenance Lab Tech Driver
resource. Information Tech
Name The name of the individual. Jane Jim John James
This is meant as an additional
identification of the resource, but
only as information and not as a
unique value.

This means that the class Person should have ID, Description and Name as attributes.

Figure B-2 shows the class Person with the attributes, and two instances e.g. John Smith and
Lou Brown.
- 149 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)


A Person A Person
ID; 101 ID; 102
Description: employment number. Description: employment number.
Name; John Smith Name; Lou Brown

Figure B-2 — Instances of a person class

In the same manner there is a class for “Personnel Class” (Personnel Class should be thought of
as Personnel Group/Category), the instances used depends on the application but could be e.g.,
engineers, night-shift workers, drilling-machine-operators etc.

Of course certain attributes for Classes will depend on the application. To support application
specific attributes the “Property” should be used. The instances of the Properties will define the
attributes for the corresponding Class. The UML model says that there can be none, one or many
properties linked to the corresponding class as shown in Figure B-3.


Has a value for


Class Property

Figure B-3 — UML model for class and class properties

This means that all the instances of “Property” will effectively describe attributes to the class.
Each instance of the class will contain values for the attributes.

EXAMPLE Certain attributes for Person as well as for Personnel Class depend on the application, e.g., it might be
useful to exchange info about a person’s date-of-birth in one application but not in another. To support
application specific attributes the “Person Property” or “Personnel Class Property” should be used. The
instances of the Properties will define the attributes for the Person/Personnel Class. The UML model says
that there can be none, one or many properties linked to Person/Personnel Class.

There is a class called Person Property. Each property is uniquely defined by its ID, Description,
Value and Value Unit of Measure, as shown in Figure B-4.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 150 -

Value Unit Of Measure:

Figure B-4 — Class property

The class can have for instances, two for the date of birth, one for John and one for Lou, and two
for shoe sizes, one for John and one for Lou, as shown in Figure B-5.

Value Unit Of Measure:

A Person Property
A Person Property
ID; shoe size
ID; shoe size

A Person Property A Person Property

ID; date of birth ID; date of birth
Description: when John Smith was born. Description: when Lou Brown was born.
Value; 23 March 1945 Value; 12 June 1955
Value Unit of Measure: -- Value Unit of Measure: --

Figure B-5 — Instances of a person properties

This means that each Person (instance) will have info about its properties, as shown in
Figure B-6.

Person Property
Name: Description:
Description: Value:
Value Unit Of Measure:

A Person Property
ID; shoe size
A Person
ID; 101 A Person Property
Description: employment number. ID; date of birth
Name; John Smith Description: when John Smith was born.
Value; 23 March 1945
Value Unit of Measure: --

A Person Property
ID; shoe size
A Person
ID; 102 A Person Property
Description: employment number. ID; date of birth
Name; Lou Brown Description: when Lou Brown was born.
Value; 12 June 1955
Value Unit of Measure: --

Figure B-6 — Instances of person and person properties

- 151 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

It is important to note that the classes must be defined within a product as well as support within
a product to create and manipulate instances. However, the specific instances created will
depend on the application.

B.2 Application of the standard

When designing or creating a system that implements the standard, one must make sure that the
system supports the Classes needed (e.g. Person, Personnel Class, Person Property, Personnel
Class Property etc). To completely comply with the standard all classes defined in the standard
should be supported in the system.

Before the systems are put in execution mode it has to be decided what properties the classes
should have (i.e., what instances the Property Class should have). Of course, only the properties
that need to be exchanged between the systems have to be decided. The reasons this has to be
decided include:
• Due to the internal structure of databases, some databases cannot be enlarged during
execution mode, and therefore it needs to know in advance what properties should be
• Different systems might have different constraints on the naming of the properties e.g., a
maximum length of property-name, the usage of upper and lower case letters.
• Different systems might be developed in different languages, e.g., in one system all
properties are presented in French, whereas in another one, the properties are presented in

During execution, data regarding the instances can be exchanged. The data exchanged can be
implemented in many different forms. One possibility is through databases, another possibility is
through XML and XML schemas that have been developed in accordance with the models of this

B.3 Database mapping of the models

If a database is used for data exchange, then there are many different ways of structuring the
database. Tables B-2 and B-3 are included as examples of a data base structure that can be
used to contain the data. The attribute “Key” indicates a unique value that may be required for
relational integrity.

Table B-2 — Database structure for person

TABLE: Person

ID Description Name
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 152 -

Table B-3 — Database structure for person property

TABLE: Person Property

ID Description Value Value Unit Of Measure Key

When the system is in execution the database could contain the information shown in Table B-4
and Table B-5.

Table B-4 — Database for person with data

TABLE: Person

ID Description Name

101 The employment number John Smith

102 The employment number Lou Brown

103 The employment number Jane Mine

Table B-5 — Database for person property with data

TABLE: Person Property

ID Description Value Value Unit Of Measure Key

Date of Birth Indicates when a 1945-03-23 YYYY-MM-DD 101

person is born

Shoe size Indicates the shoe 43 101

size of a person

Date of Birth Indicates when a 1955-06-12 YYYY-MM-DD 102

person was born

Shoe size Indicates the shoe 45 102

size of a person

Date of Birth Indicates when a 1969-12-24 YYYY-MM-DD 103

person is born

Shoe size Indicates the shoe 38 103

size of a person
- 153 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

B.4 XML usage

If a XML documents are used for data exchange, then there are many different ways of
structuring the documents. The structure for an XML document is defined in a “schema”. A
schema is the equivalent of a data base table definition.

Figure B-7 illustrates a possible XML schema for “Person”. The schema defines a place for ID,
Description, Name, the person properties, and a place to contain the list of Personnel Classes
the person belongs to. A Person (instance) is defined by its ID, Description, Name,
PersonProperty, and PersonnelClassID. The ID, Description and Name, correspond to the
attributes ID, Description and Name defined in this party.

PersonnelClassID is defined as the ID of a personnel class. PersonnelClassID (there may be

many) contains a link to instances of PersonnelClass.

PersonProperty is defined as a complex type that contains the property ID, description, and

<xsd:complexType name = "PersonType">

<xsd:element name = "ID" type = "xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name = "Description" type = "xsd:string"
minOccurs = "0"
maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name = "Name" type = "xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name = "PersonProperty"
type = "PersonPropertyType"
minOccurs = "0"
maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name = "PersonnelClassID"
type = "PersonnelClassIDType"
minOccurs = "0"
maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>

<xsd:simpleType name="PersonnelClassIDType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">

Figure B-7— XML schema for a person object

PersonProperty contains the instances of PersonProperty (there can be many). A

PersonProperty (instance) is defined by its ID, Description, Value, and Value Unit of Measure.
The ID, Description and Value and Value Unit of Measure, correspond to the attributes ID,
Description and Name defined in this part.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 154 -

A PersonProperty (instance) could be defined in the schema shown in Figure B-8

<xsd:complexType name = "PersonPropertyType">
<xsd:element name = "ID" type = "IDType"/>
<xsd:element name = "Description" type = "DescriptionType"
minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name = "Value" type = "ValueType"
minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name = "ValueUnitOfMeasure" type = "ValueUOMType"
minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name = "QualificationTestSpecificationID"
type = "QualificationTestSpecificationIDType"
minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name = "TestResult" type = "TestResultType"
minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = " unbounded"/>

Figure B-8 — XML schema for person properties

During execution an XML document is created and the values of the attributes are filled in and
exchanged between the systems. Figure B-9 illustrates a sample XML document, matching the
schema above that contains person and person property information.

<ID> 101</ID>
<Description>Employment Number</Description>
<Name>John Smith</Name >
<Description>indicates when a person is born
<Value Unit of Measure> YYYY-MM-DD
</Value Unit of Measure>
<ID>Shoe size</ID>
<Description>indicates the shoe size </Description>
</ PersonProperty >
<PersonnelClassID>{night-shift-operator, engineer}

Figure B-9 — Example of person and person property

The information about an instance (e.g., Product manager or Engineer) of PersonnelClass could
be exchanged in a separate XML schema, as shown in Figure B-10.
<Description> a registered professional engineer</Description>
<ID>Engineer’s License Number</ID>
<Description>”The official engineer’s license number”

Figure B-10 — Example of person class information

- 155 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Since the XML schemas or the objects and their attributes might not be implemented or called
the same thing inside different systems, it might be required to have an “adapter/translator”
inside the systems. This “adapter/translator” translates from the Part 1 terminology to the
terminology used within the different systems. Figure B-11 illustrates an adaptor that maps
property IDs and property types (date formats).

Person Person
ID: 101 ID: 101
Name: John Smith Name: John Smith

XML Data

Ad Person Ad Person
ID: 101
ID: dob
Property ap Name: John Smith ap Property
ID: date-du-naissance
Description: Birthday ter ter Description: Birthday
Value: 23-03-1945 Value: 1945-03-23
Value Unit Of Measure: DD-MM-YYYY Value Unit Of Measure: YYYY-MM-DD

ID: date_of_birth
Description: Birthday
Value: 1945-03-23
Value Unit Of Measure: YYYY-MM-DD

dob = date_of_birth date-du-naissance = date_of_birth

Value = 23 -03 -1945 Value =1945 -02-23

Figure B-11 — Adaptor to map different property IDs and values

This page intentionally left blank.
- 157 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Annex C
Example data sets

C.1 Introduction

The following sections contain example data sets, based on the Part 2 models and attributes.

C.2 Material model example

This is a simplified example of material information that may be used in the food processing
industry. The example presents shared information about a material class (Pork), a material
definition (Pork 80% Lean), a material lot, and a material sublot. In a full example there may be
multiple material classes and material description information sets that are shared, with lot and
sublot dynamically shared. Indentation of objects is used to illustrate the relationship between
the objects.
Material Class

ID - Pork
Description -

ID - Lethal Heat
Description - Temperature to kill bacteria
Value - 160
Units of Measure - Degrees F

ID - Receiving Temperature Target

Description -
Value - 32
Units of Measure - Degrees F

ID - Receiving Temperature Max

Description -
Value - 36
Units of Measure - Degrees F

ID - Receiving Temperature Min

Description -
Value - 28
Units of Measure - Degrees F

ID - Maximum Allowable Cut Time

Description - Time since cut
Value - 3
Units of Measure - Days

Material Definition

ID - Pork 80
Description - Boneless pork cut up with a target lean percentage of 80
Value -
Unit of Measure -

ID - Percentage Lean
Description -
Value - 80
Units of Measure – Percentage

QA Test Specification
ID - JackSpratTest1
Description - Test to determine percent of fat.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 158 -

Version - 1997-04-02

ID - Percentage Fat
Description -
Value - 20
Units of Measure - Percentage

Material Lot

ID - 20000115091345
Description -
Status approved

ID - Delivery Temperature
Description - Temperature at delivery
Value - 37.5
Units of Measure - Degrees F

QA Test Result

ID - 2000-01-16-4930-TEMP
Description - Internal temperature of pork
Date - 2000-01-16
Result - Failed
Expiration - None

ID - Cut
Description - Cut Date
Value - 2000-01-14
Units of Measure -

ID - Expiration
Description - Expiration Date
Value - 2000-01-17
Units of Measure -

ID - Fat
Description - Actual Percent Fat
Value - 20
Units of Measure – Percent

QA Test Result

ID - 2000-01-16-4930-SPRAT
Description -
Date - 2000-01-16
Result - Pass
Expiration – None

ID - Lean
Description - Actual Percent Lean
Value - 80
Units of Measure – Percent

QA Test Result

ID - 2000-01-16-4930-SPRAT
Description -
Date - 2000-01-16
Result - Pass
Expiration - None

Material SubLot

ID - 20000115091345-1
Description -
Storage Location - Tote 392, Level 3, Rack 49
Value - 200
Unit of Measure - Pounds
- 159 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

ID - 20000115091345-2
Description -
Storage Location - Tote 852, Level 3, Rack 50
Value - 300
Unit of Measure – Pounds

C.3 Equipment Model Examples

Pulp and Paper Example

Enterprise Site Area Work Center Work Unit Equipment Notes

Paper Producer
Deep Woods River Integrated Paper
Site Mill Complex
Rail Yard Storage
Saw Mill Continuous
Slasher Deck
Wood Room
Chip Conveyors
Chip Bins/Silos Storage
Wood Yard Storage
Pile A
Pile B
Pile C
Steam Plant
Boiler Room
Furnace #1
ESP Environmental
Controls -
Boiler #1

Gauges &
Pulp Mill -- Batch (product) /
Chemical pulp Continuous
-- Kraft (machine operation)
Cooking &
Washing --
wood chips
Chip Storage Storage
White Liquor Storage
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 160 -

Blow Tank
Acid Plant Chemical Recovery
Black Liquor Storage
Dissolving Tank
Green Liquor Storage
Lime Mud
White Liquor Storage
Lime Kiln
Steam Plant

Refuse Boilers
ByProducts Storage
Pulp Processing
Washer Vacuum
Pulp Press
Paper Mill Batch (product) /
(machine operation)
Beater Room
Beating Engine
Machine Room
Paper Machine West End
Head Box
Wire Pit

Wet End
Paper machine Dry End
Drying Section
Calendar Stack #1
Calendar Stack #2
Machine Dri ve
Roll Storage Storage
- 161 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Finishing Discrete
Coater # 1
Coater Mix
Supercalendar #
Coater # 2
Supercalendar #
Slitting -- Reels
Slitter # 1
Knife Set
Shipping Warehouse Storage
Lumber Mill Lumber / board

Semiconductor Manufacturing

Site Area Work Center/ Work Unit Equipment Notes

Work Cell
Assumption process starts with SOI
wafers (Silicone on Insulation) that
were purchased
CVD Deposition Tools CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition
Thickness Tool
PVD PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition
Metrology Thickness Tool Thickness Defect
Defect Tool
Polishing CMP CMP Chemical Mechanical Polishing
(Wafer is ready for the next step)
Lithography Tools Electrical Circuit Mask

Etch Tools

Furnace Tools
Repeat the above steps over and
over until the wafer of devices is built
Passivation Preparation for pad bonding
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 162 -

C.4 Personnel model example

This is a simplified example of personnel information that might be used in the petrochemical
processing industry. The example lists shared information about personnel classes and persons,
including qualification test information.
Personnel Class

ID - Operator Level A
Description - Top level operator certification for petrochemical plant

ID - Operator Level B
Description - Basic level operator certification for petrochemical plant

ID - Operator
Description - Operators for petrochemical plant

ID - MTBE Process Certification

Description - Each completed level of certification test
Units of Measure -

Qualification Test Specification

ID - PC-MTBE-992828
Description - Test to determine level of MTBE certification.
Version - 1997-04-02

ID - PO Refining Process Certification

Description - Each completed level of certification test
Units of Measure -

Qualification Test Specification

ID - PC- PO-Refining -992828

Description - Test to determine level of PO Refining certification.
Version - 1997-04-02

ID - Push-Up Certification
Description - Operator is temporarily able to perform the higher up function
Units of Measure -

ID - 999-63-8161
Description -
Name - John Doe

ID - MTBE Process Certification

Description - Each completed level of certification test
Value - TRUE,
Units of Measure -

Qualification Test results

ID - PC-MTBE-992828-2000-10-12
Description - Test to determine level of MTBE certification.
Result - Passed
Expiration - 2000-12-15

ID - PO Refining Process Certification

Description - Each completed level of certification test
Value - FALSE
Units of Measure -

ID - Push-Up Certification
- 163 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Description - Operator is temporarily able to perform the higher up function

Value - FALSE
Units of Measure -
ID - Fire Team Qualified
Description - Operator has been trained to aid in fire-fighting
Value - TRUE
Units of Measure -

Personnel Classes

ID - Operator
ID - Operator Level B
ID - Fire Team Qualified

C.5 Production capability example

This is a simplified example of production capability information for a crude oil pipeline shipment
system. This example illustrates the future committed definition of the capability of a crude oil
pipeline segment, using a specific segment of time.
Production Capability

ID - Caspian Crude Oil Pipeline

Location - Tengiz-Atyrau Pipeline Segment
Element Type - Area
Start Time - August 1, 2001
End Time - August 31, 2001

Material Capability

Description - Segment Throughput

Material Class - Crude Oil - Type A
Capability Type - Committed
Start Time - August 1, 2001 6:00
End Time - August 2, 2001 6:00

Material capability property

ID - Viscosity
Value - 104
Unit of Measure - cp (centipoise)

Material capability property

ID - Entry Temperature
Value - 30
Unit of Measure - Deg C

Material capability property

ID - Ground Temperature
Value - 18
Unit of Measure - Deg C
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 164 -

C.6 Production performance example

This is a simplified example of production performance information for a crude oil pipeline
shipment system. This example illustrates an example of a day of production for crude oil
pipeline segment.
Production Performance

ID - Caspian Crude Oil Pipeline

Start Time - August 1, 2001
End Time - August 2, 2001
Location - Tengiz-Atyrau Pipeline Segment
Type - Area

Production Response

ID - Daily Production
Start Time - August 1,2001 - 6:00
End Time - August 2,2001 - 6:00

Segment Response

ID - Daily Production

Production Data

Name - Total Pipeline Throughput

Value - 126,000
Unit of Measure - Metric Tons / Day

Material Produced Actual

Description- Crude Shipped, Shipper A

Material Lot - SampleNumber 28883992021
Quantity - 63,000
Unit of Measure - Metric Tons / Day

Material produced actual property

ID - Average Viscosity
Value - 103
Unit of Measure - cp (centipoise)

Material produced actual property

ID - Entry Temperature
Value - 32.3
Unit of Measure - Deg C
- 165 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Annex D
Questions and answers about object use

D.1 Introduction

This section contains notes about the expected use of the object models, basically recorded as
notes between committee members.

D.2 Inflow materials


In many continuous production facilities the material inflow into the process is an important
element of shared information. Does the product segment present the material inflow into
production, or can it be presented in the product production rule?


There are no attributes in the product segment - material specification, or the process segment -
material segment specification that detail if the material is produced or consumed.

To be consistent with the rest of the models we should be able to specify the inflow (consumed)
material in either the process segment

EXAMPLE Running a distillation segment consumes a material.

or in the product segment (producing a material also consumes a material). This information is
needed for scheduling, so it should be included in the exchanged information. The information
should probably be recorded as a property of either the product segment - material specification
or of the process segment - material segment specification, depending on the industry needs.

D.3 Multiple products per process segment


In many continuous and batch industries a single process segment may produce multiple
products. What describes the whole picture that multiple product segments are associated with
a certain process segment?

EXAMPLE In a system where materials A, B and C are used to produce products X and Y at a certain equipment in
a single batch, where Y could be a by-product.

• There may be only one process segment.

• There may be two product segments, for X and Y.
• The product production rule describes that X is made from A, B and C, and Y is made from A,
B and C.
• Then, what describes that the X and Y are “brother” products?
• Is it a parent product segment, which contains product segment X and Y?
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 166 -


This part of 62264 does not model the object relationships in IEC 62264-1, so this is a matter of
implementation. The most common approach to this problem seems to be to list a process
segment for the process of consuming (A,B,C) and generating (X,Y).

The process segment - material segment specifications would contain the appropriate ratios
(assuming they are constant), such as [50% A, 30% B, 20% C] to produce [75% X, 25% Y].
There would be product segments for X and Y, but they would not maintain the inflow
(consumed) information in the product segments.

Since the exact relationship between the amounts of material may also be equipment specific,
the most common approach would be to create multiple process segments that show the
consumed and produced materials in the ratios appropriate for each set of unique equipment.

In petrochemical refining and chemical production it is even more complicated, since the ratio of
produced material can vary based on production parameters (such as temperatures of trays in
distillation columns) and on the specific properties of the consumed materials (such as the sulfur
content of the oil). In those cases, if the information needed to be exchanged on a regular basis,
the most common approach would be to extend the process segment - material segment
specifications to include the mathematical relationships, such as an equation, tables, or LP, or a
reference to an LP, equation, or table.

D.4 Process segments vs. product segments


What is the difference between process segments and product segments?


A process segment presents a production activity and what resources are needed to execute the
activity, at the level of detail required for business processes, such as planning or costing.
Business segment is a synonym for process segment.

EXAMPLE Making a bicycle frame requires an assembly jig, a bending machine, and an assembler for 30 minutes.

The same resources may be associated with more than one process segment.

A product segment lists what resources are needed to make a specific product, at the level of
detail required for planning or costing.

EXAMPLE What is needed to make a 27-inch bicycle; 2 27-inch wheels, 1 27-inch frame, 1 seat, 15 screws, 1 hour
of a tall test cyclist, etc.

A product is defined by one or more product segments.

Any specific implementation may require more than one product segment, more than one
process segment, or a combination of both to fully describe a planning or costing view of

The concept of “process segment” is a planning view of production describing the resources
needed for production. In the continuous industries, this usually corresponds to
scheduled/planned operations within production units.
- 167 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

EXAMPLE A process segment in an oil refinery would be the material flowing through a catalytic cracker. The
“segment” of production would be the use of the catalytic cracker. The scheduled element would be
either the flow rate through the cracker, or the total amount of material through the cracker during a
period of time.

In addition, when multiple products are produced from the same process, then process segments
are generally considered a better description of production.

EXAMPLE A distillation process segment (associated with a distillation column) could process many product
segments (one per outflow).

The “product segment” is a planning view of production where the product definition is more
descriptive than the process definition.

EXAMPLE There may be many products made using a “semiconductor chip insertion process”, but the product
definition is the key determination of the product produced, not the process itself.

Process segments are generally considered a sufficient description when the processes are
relatively generic and do not themselves define products. Product segments are important in
flexible-discrete and batch manufacturing, where the ability to include specific characteristics for
each product is possible.

Table D-1 — Definition of segment types

Description Process Segment Product segment

Category of Information Production Information Product Definition/Description
Definition Equipment planning view of production Product planning view of production
Dependence Usually independent of product Usually dependent on product

D.5 Production parameter references


Is a production request - segment request - production parameter a reference to a parameter of

the associated product segment or the process segment?


Either, and this ambiguity was used on purpose, because the specifying committee had
examples for both cases.

EXAMPLE A production parameter may be a paint color to be used, this could be defined as being in either the
product segment (if each product can be painted a different color in the same production step) or in the
process segment (if all products going through the production step must be painted the same color).

D.6 How class name and property IDs are used to identify elements


The object models all follow the same pattern of class name, with an optional property ID. How
is that used to identify elements?
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 168 -


While properties can be used to contain information about resources, they can also be used to
identify subsets of resources.

Resources can sometimes be described using a class name, such as “Operators,” or as class
names plus some differencing property, such as “Operators” with ranking of “Master,” “Standard”
or “Junior.” In the models where a “quantity” is needed, the models all follow the same pattern.
There is always a reference to a class (such as Personnel Capability) that may have an optional

EXAMPLE 1 It may require 10 man-hours of operator time available for a shift. If the element described is a subset of
the class, such as only “Master” operators, then a property object is used to contain the discriminating
information, and the quantity information.

EXAMPLE 2 Personnel Property Capability would define 4 man-hours of “Master” operator time available for a shift.

This model allows significant flexibility by allowing a single class definition (e.g., Operators),
without a quantity listing, and multiple property descriptions (e.g., Master, Standard, and Junior
operators) each with their own property definition. The left part of Figure D-1 illustrates how a
Personnel Capability would describe a capability of 8 operators. The right part illustrates how
the capability of different ranking of operators would be defined. The Personnel Capability
Property, Ranking, is used to differentiate the capability of different types of operators.

Personnel Capability Personnel Capability

- Personnel Class = Operator - Personnel Class = Operator
- Quantity = 8 - Quantity = 8

Personnel Capability Property

Operator - Ranking = Master Operator Property
- Quantity = 3 - Ranking = Master

Personnel Capability Property Operator Property

- Ranking = Standard - Ranking = Standard
- Quantity = 4

Personnel Capability Property

- Ranking = Junior Operator Property
- Quantity = 1 - Ranking = Junior

Figure D-1 — Class and property IDs used to identify elements

This concept applies to the following objects:

⎯ Personnel Capability ⎯ Equipment Capability

⎯ Material Capability ⎯ Personnel Segment Capability

⎯ Equipment Segment Capability ⎯ Material Segment Capability

- 169 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

⎯ Personnel Segment Specification ⎯ Equipment Segment Specification

⎯ Material Segment Specification ⎯ Personnel Specification

⎯ Equipment Specification ⎯ Material Specification

⎯ Personnel Requirement ⎯ Equipment Requirement

⎯ Material Produced Requirement ⎯ Material Consumed Requirement

⎯ Consumable Expected ⎯ Personnel Actual

⎯ Equipment Actual ⎯ Material Produced Actual

⎯ Material Consumed Actual ⎯ Consumable Actual

D.7 Possible capability over-counts


What does the statement about over-counts in capabilities mean?


The statements, such as: Where persons are members of multiple personnel classes, then the
personnel capability information presented by personnel class should be used carefully because
of possible double counts, and personnel resources should be managed at the instance level,
are given because when a property is used to show overlapping subsets of a capability, then the
same capability may be double scheduled unless this situation is recognized. Figure D-2 shows
an example where a property of ReactorType presents how many reactors are available. The
total amount of capability is 5, but the sum of all reactors subsets is 6, because 1 reactor can be
qualified as a heating and a mixing type. In this situation the mixing and heating resources
should be scheduled at the instance level in order not to overuse the available resources.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 170 -

Equipment Capability
- Equipment Class = Reactor
- Quantity = 5

Equipment Capability Property Equipment Capability Property

- ReactorType = Mixing - ReactorType = Heating
- Quantity = 3 - Quantity = 3

Heating Reactor Mixing Reactor

HR101 HR102 HMR101 MR101 MR102

Figure D-2 — A property defining overlapping subsets of the capability

D.8 Routing and process capability


How are routing information and processing capabilities represented in the models?


Routing information can be represented in product segment dependencies, in process segment

dependencies, or in both.

In some industries the routing is product specific, such as the route shown in Figure D-3. The left
side of the figure illustrates the assembly of a specific electronic product, with multiple assembly
operations (at G and H). The routing, for a single product (or class of products), is represented
by the product segment dependencies illustrated in the center of Figure D-3. The capability of
the system, for a specific product, can be represented in a set of product segment dependencies,
as illustrated on the right side of Figure D-3.

In this example there could be multiple product routings given, one for each class of products.
A scheduling system would use the product demand, product routing, and process segment
capabilities to generate production schedules.
- 171 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Product Routing for Product X Product X Segment Process Segment Capabilities

500 boards/hour of Product X on Process Segment A
A B G H B must follow A 450 boards/hour of Product X on Process Segment B
D must follow C 300 front-panels/hour of Product X on Process Segment C
F must follow E 300 front-panels/hour of Product X on Process Segment D
C D G must follow B 500 power-supplies/hour of Product X on Process Segment E
G must follow D 500 power-supplies/hour of Product X on Process Segment F
E F H must follow G 350 boxes/hour of Product X on Process Segment G
H must follow F 450 boxes/hour of Product X on Process Segment H

Figure D-3 — Routing for a product

In some industries, such as continuous production with byproducts, the routing may be
dependent on the processes. In Figure D-4 the routing contains material dependencies
information. The routing information is then used for scheduling. The route in the left side of
Figure D-4 can be represented in a set of process segment definitions (center table in Figure
D-4) and process segment dependency definitions (right table in Figure D-4). The process
segment definitions contain the material production and consumption information. The
consumption and production information within the process segments present additional
constraints and dependencies required for scheduling of material B1, C1, and F1.

Routings and Process Segment Process Segment

Material Dependencies Dependencies
A1 Process Segment A B must follow A
B1 produces material A1
A A2 B produces material A2
C must follow A
C must follow E
produces material A3 D must follow A
A3 produces material A4
A4 C1 D must follow E
C Process Segment B F must follow C
consumes material A1 F must follow D
E1 C2 consumes material A2
E D F produces product B1
E2 D1 F1 Process Segment C
consumes material A3
consumes material E1
produces product C1
produces material C2
Process Segment D
consumes material A4
consumes material E2
produces material D1
Process Segment E
produces material E1
produces material E2
Process Segment F
consumes material C2
consumes material D1
produced product F1

Figure D-4 — Routing with co-products and material dependencies

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 172 -

D.9 Product and process capability dependencies


How is the information represented for complex scheduling problems, such as where there is a
complex relationship between equipment and products? An example of this is a paint plant,
where particular products can only be manufactured on specific equipment and yield varies
based on product and equipment.


There can be a mapping of equipment to process segments. The example shown in Figure D-5
shows sets of equipment A, B, C, and D that correspond to process segments. There might be
multiple elements of equipment (process cells, production lines, production units) associated with
each process segment, or it could correspond to a single piece of equipment.

In this example there can be specific rules for each product, or rules for classes of products.
The product segments for each product would show which process segments are valid. The
capability of each process segment and product combination can be represented in process
segment capability objects. This information can then be used to fill in the information needed
by a scheduling system, such as in a cost/throughput matrix illustrated in the lower right of
Figure D-5. The costing information, and demand information required to determine the optimal
throughput, do not cross the boundary addressed by this standard, but the capacity information

Process Segments Product Segments

A Product Class X can be manufactured by segment A,B,C, or D

Product Class Y can only be manufactured by segment B
Product Class Z can only be manufactured by Segment B or C
B Product Class W can only be manufactured by Segment D

Process Segment Capabilities $XA $XB $XC $XD
X 500 450 325 600
500 Kg of Product Class X on Process Segment A
450 Kg of Product Class X on Process Segment B $YA $YB $YC $YD
325 Kg of Product Class X on Process Segment C
Y 0 467 0 0
600 Kg of Product Class X on Process Segment D $ZA $ZB $ZC $ZD
467 Kg of Product Class Y on Process Segment B Z 0 330 521 0
330 Kg of Product Class Z on Process Segment B
521 Kg of Product Class Z on Process Segment C W
489 Kg of Product Class W on Process Segment D 0 0 0 489

Figure D-5 — Product and process capability relationships

- 173 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

D.10 Representation of dependencies


How are process or product dependencies represented?


The dependency type attribute in the process segment dependency and the product segment
dependency objects may be used to show the dependency. These may be simple dependencies,
such as:
a) One segment follows another segment.
b) One segment cannot follow another segment.
c) Two segments may run in parallel.
d) One segment starts when another segment starts.
e) One segment starts when another segment ends.
f) One segment starts any time after another segment starts.
g) One segment starts any time after another segment ends.

These dependencies may include physical constraints (because of production line layout), or
constraints based on safety (such as prohibiting a “water add” after an “acid fill”), or constraints
based on the chemical or physical processing required to make a product (bicycle wheels must
be assembled before the bicycle final assembly).

More complicated constraints based on timing or other dependencies may also be defined using
the dependency factor attribute.

EXAMPLE 1 The longer a semiconductor wafer is kept unprocessed the more defects are introduced, so there is a
maximum delay allowed between segments of production.

EXAMPLE 2 A material (like cheese or wine) must age between processing segments so there is a minimum time
allowed between segments of production.

Figure D-6 illustrates some of the possible dependencies using timing constraints associated
with product segment dependencies or process segment dependencies. The left side of Figure
D-6 illustrates possible dependencies where overlapped execution of the segment is allowed or
required. The right side of Figure D-6 illustrates dependencies where non-overlapped execution
is allowed or required.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 174 -

Time Time


B may run in parallel to A B may not run in parallel to A

Start B at A start Start B at A end
Start B after A start Start B after A end
Start B no later than T time after A start Start B no later then T time after A end
Start B no earlier than T time after A start Start B no earlier than T time after A end

Figure D-6 — Time-based dependencies

The dependency type may not only be related to time, but also to other unit of measures. For
example, in Discrete Industry it may be common to specify a dependency between two work task
segments that is based on the amount of product produced rather than on the time elapsed. The
idea is to be able to express a dependency like “Start B after A has started and at least 50% of
product quantity has been produced.”

D.11 Representation of material produced and consumed


Why are there two different models for representing the material produced and material
consumed, as attributes in some objects (production capability model and product definition
model), and as separate objects in the production schedule and production performance models?


In the production schedule and production performance model, typical implementations had used
these as separate objects, and this information was of major importance. In the other models the
material information usually refers to material consumed, and only rarely seems to be used to
represent produced material. The attribute model was used in these cases so that the object
models would be less complex.

D.12 Material produced and the capability model


Why is there a material produced type in the capability model?


In some processes, there are materials that are produced as a side effect of production, such as
wastewater, or recycled materials. These materials may be used in other parts of production, and
their availability may have to be considered in schedules.
- 175 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

D.13 How a material transfer is handled


How is a material transfer handled? It is not a request for production, just a request to move
material from one location to another.


A material transfer can be handled using the production schedule and production performance
models. There are multiple methods; one is to have a process segment defined for a
“TRANSFER.” The material to be transferred could be identified in the material consumed
requirement object. The actual amount of material transferred could be identified in a material
produced actual object. In some processes the two amounts may differ due to losses during
transfer. The material locations for the movements could be identified in the material consumed
sublot and material produced sublot information.

If the movement of material is initiated from the manufacturing operations level but must be
known by the logistics level, then a production response could be generated that defined a
“TRANSFER” segment. There is no requirement in this standard that there must be a production
request for a production response, but corresponding business processes must support the
exchange of information.

D.14 How to extend the standard when properties cannot be used

Properties are the standard method for extensions, however, where required information cannot
be added using the property model, additional information, including industry- and application-
specific information, may have to be added as non-standard attributes and objects. However, in
order to achieve integration, these extensions have to be documented and explicitly shared
among interoperating partners. A documentation method should be to define a new industry or
application specific standard, referencing this Part and documenting the extensions.

D.15 Modeling of tools


Are tools modeled as equipment or materials?


Depending on the purpose of the tool, a tool can be modelled as either equipment or as
materials. Tools may be used in different ways, for example tools used in the process of
manufacturing versus tools included in the assembly of the product. Tools that can be consumed
or must be lot traceable would be modelled as material. Other tools could be modelled as
equipment. Some examples:
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 176 -

Equipment Material

Electric drill Bit

Sanding machine Sandpaper

Screw driver Screw

Hammer Nail

D.16 What is equipment and what is a physical asset


Does there need to be a one-to-one relationship between physical asset and equipment?


There are cases of one-to-one relationships, and one-to-many relationships in each direction.
One item that is scheduled as a single piece of equipment may be tracked as multiple physical
assets for maintenance purposes. Likewise a single physical asset may be scheduled as
multiple pieces of equipment. The relationship with these many to many roles is accomplished
using the mapping of the role based equipment hierarchy to the physical asset hierarchy. One
element in the equipment role hierarchy is a collection of assets in the physical asset hierarchy.

Equipment Physical Asset Relationship

TT-101 (temperature sensor) 1212-RTD-R21 (temperature probe) 1 to 1

P-1000 (palletizer) Robot 1 to 4


Bar code verifier / scanner


Servo Motor

CP-1001 (Capper) 453212-121-09FEB2006 (capper 2 to 1

F-1001 (Sanitary Filter)
- 177 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

D.17 How should dependencies in the production/operations schedule and

production/operations response be handled


How should dependencies in the production/operations schedule and production/operations

response be handled?


There are different types of dependencies (resource availability, customer priority, process
dependency, and other)

Real applications need to model different types of dependencies between production/operations


For example, an MRP/ERP at level 4 can generate separate requests for subassemblies or a
single request for the final assembly of a given finished product and for the manufacturing of the
intermediate materials that are the subassemblies to be assembled. Of course, there is a work
process dependency relationship and final assembly may start only after all subassemblies have
been manufactured. This is handled in an implementation where a production or work request
states the start time and/or end time and then the associated segment requests specify the
earliest start time, latest end time and duration for each segment. The algorithm for the actual
dispatching of work can be implemented at level 4 or level 3, but represented in the production
schedule or production/operations schedule request.

D.18 How are “mixed” operations types used


How are “mixed” operations types to be used?


The operation schedule model can handle mixed types of operations. The operation schedule,
operation request and segment requirement can be specialized or mixed:
• A “mixed” operation schedule can hold mixed or specialized operation requests.
• A “mixed” operation request can hold mixed or specialized segment requirements.
• A “mixed” segment requirement can handle multiple resource specifications that would
normally appear in specialized segment.
In the figure, the segment requirement specifies
• the material movements needed to fulfill the corresponding operation (inventory operation
• the resources for the production; the material information should include the dispensed
material and other material those transfer would not need to be specified (liquid substance
available from fixed pipes);
• the quality related resources that are involved during or at the end of the production
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 178 -

Operation Schedule

Operation Request

Segment Requirement

Material Spec Equipment Spec Material Spec Material Spec Material Spec
Material Spec
Being Moved To Contributing Being Consumed Being Produced Being Tested
Being moved from Being moved to Production Consumed Produced Tested material

Raw Material dispensing Machine allocated Material Material Sample and

From Warehouse To production incorporated created QA results
to production area
Inventory Production Quality
Operations Operations Operations

D.19 What is the relationship between this standard and WBF’s B2MML


What is the relationship between this standard and WBF’s B2MML?


B2MML is an implementation of the standard that is based on XML technology and was
developed by and is the property of WBF (ref: B2MML includes a compliance
statement (as defined in Clause 9.)

The B2MML implementation includes additional information (elements) than are defined in this
standard, usually for consistency of type definitions or to make use of the implementation easier
when using standard programming languages.

B2MML is not the only way to implement this standard, but B2MML may be used as a reference
implementation of the standard.

The committee developing the B2MML standard also sends comments on this standard to the
committee developing this standard.

D.20 Unique objects


There appears to be common attributes, structure and usage to the objects

QualificationTestSpecification (Personnel), EquipmentCapabilityTestSpecification (Role based
Equipment), PhysicalAssetCapabilityTestSpecification (Asset), and QAMaterialTestSpecification
(Material). Why have these objects been presented as unique entities rather than utilizing a
common “resource” test specification?
- 179 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)


The standard presents each of these objects with a unique namespace to clarify to the reader of
the standard that these objects represent specific tests and test results, dependent on the
context of usage within each resource model. Representing the models in this way clearly
conveys to the reader the purpose and usage of each of the models within the standard.

Modern data modeling tools can yield multiple levels of optimization; however, these abstracted
data models are not helpful to convey an understanding of how this standard represents
information in this specific problem space. The models have been developed along the lines of
other standards, such as OAGIS and EDI standards, which have proven to be useful standards
for similar reasons.

While the committee members recognize that the models may be represented with a more
optimized view, the purpose of this standard is not to present the most optimized data model. By
further optimizing the data models represented in the standard, the committee feels that the
meaning of these data models and their significance to the standard will be lost leading to
misunderstandings or impractical implementations of the standard. The committee members
also realize that implementations of this standard may employ advanced data modeling
techniques that seek to optimize the representation of certain objects (i.e. using a common
resource model in XML with an element to distinguish its type and maintain its unique
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- 181 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Annex E
Logical information flows

E.1 Summary

The personnel model, equipment model, material model, and process segment model are
collectively referred to as the resource models.

Systems communicating using the product capability, product definition, production schedule,
and production performance models have to agree on the meaning of data values.

EXAMPLE Property IDs.

The objects in the resource models document the agreed upon values.

The assumption is that the resource model information is shared among communicating systems.
The resource model information may be embedded as part of an information flow for other
objects, may be exchanged as separate objects, or may be part of a common or distributed data

The Part 1 object model does not assume a one-to-one relationship between enterprise systems
and manufacturing control systems. These may be one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many

EXAMPLE Examples of the exchanges include contract manufacturing being performed for multiple customers
(many-to-one), and a single company with multiple different manufacturing control systems (one-to-

Figure E-1 illustrates some possible logical information flows between enterprise systems and
manufacturing control systems.
ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 182 -

Company 1
with manufacturing
System 1
System 1
System 2
System 2
System 3
Company 2 Company 3
with no manufacturing contract manufacturer

Figure E-1 — Enterprise to manufacturing system logical information flows

The information in this Part 2 standard is independent of any communication protocol. Part 2
makes no assumptions about the agents that create the information and the agents that use the
information. Different implementations of the information model may describe different
communication protocols and will often require additional attributes and objects.

EXAMPLE An SQL implementation will have to identify primary keys and may identify index attributes.

Additionally, the information model does not assume a one-to-one relationship between external
systems and manufacturing control systems. There may be one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-
to-many relationships.

EXAMPLE Examples of the many-to-many exchanges include multiple maintenance systems or quality systems.

Figure E-2 illustrates examples of manufacturing control system connections.

- 183 - ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod)

Scheduling Maintenance
System System 1
System 1
System 2
System 2
Manufacturing Quality
Control System
System 3

Figure E-2 — Logical information flows among multiple systems

ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) - 184 -



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ISBN: 978-1-936007-48-6

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