Authors' Response: Excess All-Cause Mortality During Second Wave of COVID-19 - The Polish Perspective
Authors' Response: Excess All-Cause Mortality During Second Wave of COVID-19 - The Polish Perspective
Authors' Response: Excess All-Cause Mortality During Second Wave of COVID-19 - The Polish Perspective
Article submitted on 17 Feb 2021 / accepted on 18 Feb 2021 / published on 18 Feb 2021
To the editor: We sincerely welcome and appreciate risk assessments and other updates and guidance to
the comments and contributions from Grabowski et countries during the pandemic [4,5]. Both organisa-
al. concerning our recent report on the excess morality tions also actively encourage and support countries
burden in Europe during the ongoing second wave of in implementing the EuroMOMO weekly mortality
the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic [1]. Their monitoring system as part of their national pandemic
sharing of excess mortality data and perspectives from preparedness.
Poland and other European countries that are not yet
part of the European monitoring of excess mortality for The EuroMOMO network currently includes 27 partici-
public health action (EuroMOMO) network (www.euro- pating countries or subnational areas, covering a popu- certainly adds important information and lation of around 300 million people in Europe. So far,
some critical dimensions in revealing the full impact of three additional countries have joined the network dur-
the COVID-19 pandemic as it has evolved since early ing the pandemic and other countries have expressed
2020. The all-cause mortality figures from Poland their interest, because of the urgent need for timely
show how the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a difficult monitoring of COVID-19-related mortality. Certainly, we
situation in the country, leaving no question about the warmly welcome new countries in the network. From
dramatic excess death toll and how it has burdened the our hub in Copenhagen we have regularly conducted
health system and people [2]. workshops for new member countries and offered
technical support to set up the system at operational
These additional data allow us to better comprehend level in these countries. The weekly application of the
the full scale of the COVID-19-related mortality across EuroMOMO algorithm immediately provides national
Europe, and also emphasise the significant combined authorities with a simple and easy-to-use system for
direct and indirect burden posed by the pandemic. national purposes, while at the same time contributing
Furthermore, those indirect effects of the pandemic essential information to understand the mortality from
highlight the important added value of monitoring all- COVID-19 and other infectious disease threats, includ-
cause mortality, in addition to COVID-19-specific mor- ing seasonal influenza, at the wider European level.
tality. A considerable number of people infected with Countries interested to join EuroMOMO are most wel-
severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) come to make contact and we look forward to working
will not be tested and may thus result in COVID-19- with them.
related deaths not being detected and reported; how-
ever, the additional burden on constrained national
health services adds to the mortality figures. The Conflict of interest
all-cause mortality data can help us estimate, in real None declared.
time, the full impact of infectious disease threats,
informing here and now any necessary national public
health action as well as informing the general public Authors’ contributions
[3]. Indeed, the mortality reports from EuroMOMO have All authors drafted, revised and approved the response let-
been read widely, telling where and whom the pan- ter, on behalf of the authors of the original article (https://
demic has affected as it has evolved, week by week. In
addition, EuroMOMO’s weekly outputs have been used
by international health agencies such as the European
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and
the World Health Organization (WHO) for their rapid 1
1. Nørgaard SK, Vestergaard LS, Nielsen J, Richter L, Schmid D,
Bustos N, et al. Real-time monitoring shows substantial excess
all-cause mortality during second wave of COVID-19 in Europe,
October to December 2020. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(2). https:// PMID:
2. Grabowski J, Witkowska N, Bidzan L. Letter to the editor:
Excess all-cause mortality during second wave of COVID-19
– the Polish perspective. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(7).2100117.
3. Vestergaard LS, Mølbak K. Timely monitoring of total
mortality associated with COVID-19: informing public
health and the public. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(34). https:// PMID:
4. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Rapid risk assessment: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic: increased transmission in the EU/EEA and the UK –
eighth update. Stockholm: ECDC; 8 Apr 2020. Available from:
5. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/
Europe). COVID-19 weekly surveillance report. Data for the
week of 1 - 7 Jan 2021 (Epi week 5). Copenhagen: WHO/
Europe. [Accessed: 15 Feb 2021]. Available from: https://