NEPAL Aviation HR - Policy
NEPAL Aviation HR - Policy
NEPAL Aviation HR - Policy
Human Resource Development Policy, 2070
a) Background
Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has been established in
accordance to Section 3.1 of Nepal Civil Aviation Authority Act-2053 B.S in
order to maintain safe, regular, standard and effective conduct of Flight
Operation, Aeronautical Communication, Air Navigation and Air
Transportation services in Nepal.
For the purpose of making the organizational structure of CAAN, its objectives
together with its regulatory and service provider roles more effective, it is
really challenging, compared to a simple organization, to utilize and manage the
human resource with different educational backgrounds, varying levels of
intelligence, from different geographical regions, and skilled in various
disciplines. Only with the judicious utilization of this kind of Human Resource,
positive impact can be made on development and expansion of aviation sector
and thus the issues of international concerns can be addressed. Therefore, this
policy on HR development 2070 B.S has been formulated with the expectation
of creating positive impact on regulatory and services provider function of
CAAN through effective management of HR available within CAAN adopting
training, which is a component of HR development under HR Management, as a
b) Goal
This policy aims to develop adequately qualified required human resources
through appropriate training for maintaining safe, regular, standard and
effective conduct of aviation secvices such as Flight Operation, Aeronautical
Human Resource Development Policy, 2070
Communication, Air Navigation and Air Transportation taking into account the
regulatory and service provider functions of CAAN.
c) Objectives
a) Nomination of staff for study, training, and seminar shall be done on the basis
of 'Training Nomimation Directives' formulated pursuant to power conferred
by rule 15:11of 'Regulation on Employees Service Facilities and Conditions'
and section 35of CAAN Act-2053B.S
Human Resource Development Policy, 2070
c) CAAN shall comply with the relevant policy level decisions regarding trainings
conducted by International Civil Aviation Organisation and other civil aviation
related organisations. Furthermore, CAAN shall arrange training programmes
that address pertinent issues raised by Interternational Civil Aviation
Organisation audit on aviation safety and aviation security.
h) Arrangement shall be made for transfer of knowledge and skill to the various
services groups as well as production of second and third generation of human
resources, as required, in order to make the functions of the Authority regular
and smooth and its services nationally and internationally valid and effective.
Human Resource Development Policy, 2070
j) Effort shall be made to demand required training courses and enter into
agreement /understanding thereof with national and international training
institutes for the puropse of enhancing efficiency of the employes of CAAN.