Submitted to:
Dr. Shruti Bedi Submitted by:
BA.LLB. (III Semester)
Section- B
Roll NO. 71
1. Citizenship by Domicile
2. Citizenship by Migration
3. Citizenship by registration
(i) Citizenship by birth
(ii) Citizenship by Decent
(iii) Citizenship by Registration
(iv) Citizenship by Naturalisation
(v) Citizenship by Incorporation of Territory
Overseas citizenship
(a) Renunciation of Citizenship
(b) Termination of Citizenship
(c) Deprivation of Citizenship
Commonwealth Citizenship
A Company or Corporation, whether a Citizen of India
Part II of the Constitution deals with the law relating to Citizenship of India at
the commencement of the constitution i.e. on 26th January, 1950. The enactm-
ent of these provisions were made by keeping in view the partition of the
country in 1947 and the consequent problems, for example, migration of people.
As regards the Citizenship of India subsequent to the commencement of the
Constitution, the provisions are contained in the Citizenship Act, 1955 enacted
by the Union Parliament under Article 11.
On the partition of the country, some people were living in India, some people
came from Pakistan, and some others were living abroad. The problem relating
to the citizenship of India, is, therefore, tackled by three fold provisions. A
person at the commencement of the Constitution could be a citizen of India, in
the following ways-
1. By domicile
2. By migration
3. By registration
Conditions contained in (a), (b) and (c) are alternative and any of them needs to
be fulfilled by a person having domicile in India.1
1. Dr. Narinder Kumar, Constitutional Law of India, Allahabad Law Agency, 2012
Domicile in India is considered an essential requirement for acquiring the status
of Indian Citizenship. But the term domicile is not defined in the Constitution.
The domicile of a person is in that country in which he either has or id deemed
by law to have his permanent house. There are two main classes of domicile
viz., domicile of origin and domicile of choice. While the former attaches to the
individual by birth, the latter is acquired by residence in territory subject to a
distinctive legal system, with the intention to reside there permanently. The two
elements that are necessary for the existence of domicile are : one, a residence
of a particular kind, and second an intention of a particular kind. Here the
residence need not be continuous but it must be indefinite, not purely fleeing.
The intention must be a permanent intention to reside forever in the country
where the residence has been taken up. Thus, there must be both the factum and
animus to constitute the existence of domicile for neither domicile nor mere
residence is sufficient to make him an Indian citizen.2
In Mohd. Raza v. State of Bombay,3 the appellant came to India in 1938 and
remained there till 1945, when he went on a pilgrimage to Iraq for one year. On
his return to India from the pilgrimage, he registered himself as a foreigner and
took the job of cashier in a hotel in India. Several times his stay in India was
extended. In 1957, his request for extension of his stay was refused.
These facts established that there was a check in his mind, and that he had no
intention to make India as his permanent home. His application for extending
his stay in India made from time to time fortified this conclusion.
2. Dr. J.N. Pandey, The Constitutional Law of India, Central Law Agency,50th Edition,
3. AIR 1966 SC 1436
Citizenship by migration (Article 6)
On the partition of the country, people residing in Pakistan and migrating to the
territory of India, could not be regarded Indian citizens under the provision of
Article 5, special provisions under Articles 6 and 7 had, therefore, been made
for them.
Any of such persons migrating from Pakistan to India could acquire Indian
citizenship, under this provision. Article 6 has classified such persons migrating
from Pakistan to India, into two categories-
(i) Those who came to India before 19th July, 1948, and
(ii) Those who came to India on or after 19th July, 1948
Such a person would be deemed to have migrated from Pakistan to India after
19th July, 1948. Therefore, it required that such a person was to make a
application for his registration as a citizen of India, to an Officer appointed by
the Government of India. He could be so registered only if he had resided in the
territory of India for at least six months immediately preceding the date of
application. On this registration, he would be deemed to be a citizen of India.6
Article 8 deals with the right of citizenship of persons of Indian origin, residing
outside undivided India. It provides that “ any person who or either of his
parents or any of his grandparents was born in the territory of India as defined
in the Government of India Act, 1935, and who was ordinarily resident in any
country outside India as so defined, would be deemed to be a citizen of India, if
he was registered as a citizen of India, by the Diplomatic or Consular
representative of India in the country where, for the time being, he was
5. Id page no. 57
6. Ibid
7. Id page no. 58
What was required under Article 8 was, that, a person of Indian origin residing
abroad, at the commencement of the Constitution, could register himself as a
citizen of India, by making an application to the Diplomatic or Consular
Representative of India in the country where he was for the time being residing.
Such an application should be made before or after the commencement of the
Constitution, i.e., 26th January, 1950. The application can be made in the form
and manner prescribed by the Government of India.
Article 9 enacts that ‘a person who has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of a
foreign state shall not be deemed to be a citizen of India. This Article deals with
the voluntary acquisition by a citizen of India, of a citizenship of a foreign state
before the commencement of the Constitution. The question whether an Indian
citizen has acquired the citizenship of a foreign country, is one for the
determination by the Central Government and not by the Court. Mere proof of
the fact that a person has obtained a passport from a foreign country, is not
sufficient, to order his deportation from India or prosecute him, unless there has
been a decision of the Central Government in this respect.8
8. Id page no.59
9. Ibid
The Citizenship Act, 1955 provides the following modes of acquiring Indian
Citizenship after the commencement of the Constitution-
Section 3 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 provides that every person born in India
on or after 26th January, 1950, shall be a citizen of India by birth. However, no
such person as above said shall be a citizen of India, if at the time of his birth-
(a) His father(or mother) possesses such immunity from suits and legal
processes as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign sovereign poer and (he
or she, as the case may be) is not an Indian citizen; or
(b) His father (or mother) is an enemy alien and his birth takes place in a
territory then under enemy occupation.
The Citizenship Act, 1955 has been amended by the Citizenship (Amendment)
Act, 1986 with the object of making the acquisition of citizenship of India
somewhat difficult. The object is to prevent persons coming to India from
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other African countries, from becoming citizens of
The Amendment Act, 1986, amends Section 3 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 and
provides that citizenship by birth can be acquired only by such persons whose
either of the parents is a citizen of India at the time of his birth. This
Amendment came into force on 26th November, 1986 and therefore is applicable
to cases occurring after this date. Therefore, a person born within the territory of
India on or after 26th November, 1986 would become a citizen of India only if at
the time of his birth either of his parents is a citizen of India.11
Section 4 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 provides that a person born outside India
on or after 26th January, 1950 shall be a citizen of India by descent, if, at the
time of his birth, his father is a citizen of India.
The birth of such a person can be registered, with the Indian Consulate, within
one year of its occurrence or within one year of the commencement of the
Citizenship Act, 1955, or within such period as extended by the Government of
Thus a person born outside India shall be a citizen of India if at the time of his
birth either of his parents is a citizen of India.13
12. Ibid
Section 5 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for the registration of certain
categories of persons as citizens of India. This Section lays down that the
prescribed authority may, on application made in this behalf, register as citizen
of India, any person, who is not a citizen by virtue of any provision of the
Constitution or by virtue of any other provisions of the Citizenship Act, 1955
and belongs to any of the following categories:
(a) Persons of India origin, who are ordinarily resident in India and have
been so resident for six months (five years)14 immediately before making
an application for registration;
(b) Persons of Indian origin who are ordinarily resident in a country or place
outside undivided India.
(c) Women, who are or have been married to citizens of India. After the
passing of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1986, this provision reads
“persons who are, or have been, married to citizens of India and are
ordinarily resident in India and have been so resident for five years
immediately before making an application for registration”;
(d) Minor children of persons who are citizens of India; and
(e) Persons of full age and capacity who are citizens of a country mentioned
in the First Schedule to the Citizenship Act, 1955.
Section 5 further provides that the central Government may lay down conditions
and restrictions subject to which the above categories of persons may be
registered. The government has framed the following rules for the purpose:
14. The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1986 extended this period of six months to 5 years
w.e.f. 26th November, 1986
(v) A person so registered shall be a citizen of India by registration, as
from the date he is so registered.
Section 6 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for the acquisition of citizenship
of India by naturalisation. It is applicable to person of full age and capacity who
are not citizens of the countries mentioned in the First Schedule to the Act.
The Government of India may, if satisfied that the applicant is qualified for
naturalisation, grant him a certificate of naturalisation. The qualifications for
naturalisation of a person are as follows-
(i) That he must not be a citizen of a country where Indian citizens are
prevented from becoming citizens of that country by naturalisation.
(ii) That he has renounced the citizenship of his own country according to
the law of that country and has notified such renunciation to the
Central Government.
(iii) That he has either resided in India pr has been in service of
Government of India for 12 months immediately preceding the date of
making the application for naturalisation.
(iv) That during 7 years (12 years),15 (14 years)16 immediately preceding
the above period of 12 months, he has either resided in India or has
15. The words 7 years replaced by words 12 years. This change was incorporated
by the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1986
16. Subs. By the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003
been in the service of Government of India or partly the one or partly
the other, for period amounting in aggregate to not less than 4 years (9
years),17 (11 years),18
(v) That he is of good character
(vi) That he has adequate knowledge of at least one language recognised
by the Constitution of India
(vii) That in the event of a certificate of naturalisation being granted to him,
he intends to reside in India or to serve under the Government of India
or under an International Organisation or under a society, company or
body of persons established in India.
The Government of India may waive all or any of the above conditions for
naturalisation, in the case of a person who. In its opinion, has rendered
distinguished service for the cause of science, philosophy, art, literature, world
peace or human progress generally.
Section 7 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 provides that if any territory, not being
part of the territory of India, becomes a part of the territory of India, the
Government of India, may, by order, notified in the Official Gazette, specify the
persons, who are residents of such territory, to be citizens of India from the date
to be specified in the order.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1985 inserted Section 6-A in the Citizenship
Act, 1955, to give effect to the memorandum of settlement relating to the
foreigners’ issue in Assam. This Section provides Citizenship of India for
persons of Indian origin who had come to Assam before 1st January, 1966.
17. This change was incorporated by the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1986
Overseas Citizenship
When the application is made in this behalf, the Central Government may,
subject to conditions and restrictions including the condition of reciprocity as
may be prescribed, register any person as an overseas citizen of India if –
(a) That person is of Indian origin, of full age and capacity who has obtained
the citizenship of a specified country; or
(b) That person is of full age and capacity who has obtained the citizenship
of a specified country on or after the commencement of the Citizenship
(Amendment) Act, 2003 and who was a citizen of India immediately
before such commencement; or
(c) That person is a minor of a person mentioned in clause (a) or clause (b)20
No person, who has been deprived of his Indian citizenship, under the
Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, shall be so registered, except by an order
of the Central Government.22
Article 9 of the Constitution, lays down that a citizen of India whether by virtue
of Article 5 or Article 6 or Article 8, shall cease to be a citizen of India, if he
has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of any foreign State. Under this
provision, a citizen of India, shall cease to be a citizen of India, if he had
voluntarily acquired the citizenship of a foreign state, prior to or at the
commencement of the Constitution.
(a) By renunciation
(b) By termination
(c) By deprivation
Section 8 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 provides that a citizen of India of full age
and capacity, [who is also a citizen or a national of any other country], may
renounce his Indian Citizenship, by making a declaration to the effect, (in the
prescribed form or manner),23 and having it registered with the prescribed
authority. Upon such registration, that person shall cease to be citizen of India.
22. Clause (3) of the Section 7-A of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003
Clause (2) of Section 8 provides that where a male person renounces his
citizenship, every minor child of that person shall also cease to be citizen of
India. However, such a child may resume Indian citizenship by making a
declaration [in the prescribed form and manner]24 to that effect, within one year
of his attainment majority/maturity.
For the purpose of renunciation, any woman, who is or has been married, shall
be deemed to be of full age.
But, it will not apply to a citizen of India who, during any war in which India
may be engaged, voluntarily acquires the citizenship of any other country.
(a) Indian citizen who voluntarily acquires the citizenship of any other State
or country prior to the commencement of the Constitution;
(b) Indian citizen who voluntarily acquires the citizenship of any other State
or country between 26th January, 1950 and December 30, 1955, i.e., the
date of commencement of the Citizenship Act, 1955;
(c) Indian citizen who voluntarily acquires foreign citizenship after the date
of commencement of the Citizenship Act, i.e., December 30, 1955.
As regards the first category, it would be dealt with under Article 9 of the
Constitution. The second and third categories would be covered by the
provisions of Section 9 of the Citizenship Act, 1955.
Section 10 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 provides that a citizen of India, whether
by naturalisation or by registration or by domicile or by residence, may be
deprived of his citizenship of India, by an order of the Central Government, if it
is satisfied-
26. These include the UK, Australia, Canada, Israel, Federation of South Rhodesia and
The Court in the above case observed that the Indian Constitution did not
define the term citizenship. Part II of the Constitution dealt with Citizenship
in certain circumstances only, but the tenor of these provisions was such that
they could not apply to a juristic person like a corporation. The Citizenship
Act, 1955 expressly excluded a company, association, body of individuals,
whether incorporated or not, from the concept of a person under the Act and
so from the concept of Indian Citizenship. Thus, only a natural person could
be a citizen of India under the Constitution as well as under the Citizenship
Act, 1955.
1. Indian Constitutional Law by M.P. Jain, Wadhwa and Co. Nagpur, 2004.
2. Constitution of India by VN Shukla, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow,
3. Constitutional law of India by Narender Kumar, Allahabad Law Agency
4. The Constitution of India by Dr. J.N. Pandey, Central Law Agency, 2013.
1. The Constitution of India, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2014