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Cam-Set ® & Stacey ™

Line Blind Valves

w w w. s c h u f . c o m · w w w. s c h u f . d e

Fetterolf Corporation, Inc. SchuF Valve Technology GmbH SchuF Chemieventile Vertriebs GmbH
phone: +1 610 584 -1500 phone: +353 (0)21 4837000 phone: +49 (0 )6198 571100
fax: +1 610 584 -5904 fax: +353 (0)21 4837030 fax: +49 (0 )6198 571200
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
SchuF (USA) Inc.
phone: +1 843 881 3345
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Yo u r L o c a l A g e n t :


Fetterolf SchuF do Brazil Ltda SchuF Speciality Valves India Pvt. Ltd.
phone: +55 19 3936 9090 phone: +91 421 2264600
fax: +55 19 3935 3215 fax: +91 421 2362018
[email protected] [email protected]
Safety First The Modern Alternative – The Cam-Set ®

Plant and personnel safety is a central theme Traditional Approach Modern line blind systems such as the SchuF Cam-Set ® – Key Features
for socially responsible and safety conscious Traditional line blinding methods such as Fetterolf Cam-Set ® change the installation of
companies. Following a series of fatal accidents the blind into a one man operation taking only ■ Absolute positive shut-off
inserting metal plates with a gasket between
across the globe, regulation now mandates flanges assure safety, but are time consuming minutes to complete. Downstream safety is ■ Fast change
certain minimum technical precautions in many to open or close. Larger size blinds require assured. In all sizes, the Cam-Set ® makes line ■ One man operation
industries. As a result the ability to isolate lines numerous people or expensive equipment such blinding convenient, fast and safe.
and ensure absolute downstream flow shut-off ■ No flange or line spreading
as cranes to change.
is essential. ■ No special equipment required

Time Consuming Convenient, Fast, Safe ■ Conforms / exceeds

ASME B16.5 and API 590
In the past, changing line blinds was considered
an onerous, time consuming and often danger- ■ Unique safety features
ous task. Cam Sets are designed around an internal cam
The diagram below illustrates the time and system such that the body flanges do not have
manpower required to change a small size to be spread and the adjacent piping does not
traditional line blind. Rotating the blind requires have to move when the Cam-Set ® spectacle
three men – two man to loosen the bolts and plate is changed. This simple feature has enor-
spread the line and the third to raise and rotate mous benefits, as piping movement can cause
the heavy spectacle plate. It could take up to many problems – misalignment of the piping,
4 hours to rotate one blind – particulary when piping support damage, and physical injury to
nuts and bolts are rusted. the men trying to move heavy piping.
For larger size blinds above 12 inches the
changing process can take between 4 and Fast and Cost Effective
12 hours by a team of up to 6 men. As such,
The Cam-Set ® is not only convenient but fast
traditional line blinding techniques represent a
too. No bolts have to be loosened or removed –
significant manpower, cost and safety factor.
Valve Limitation often a difficult job if the bolts are rusted.
Many different types of valves are used to The Cam-Set ® in comparison can be changed in
isolate pipelines. However, valves can and do less than a minute
leak. Downstream valve leakage can occur Solid plate between SchuF Cam-Set®
for small sizes and Cam-Set® DN 150 (6”), ASME 150 #
flanges 1/ 2 ” to 12” line blind 1/ 2 ” to 12”
without the knowledge of plant personnel as up to 3 minutes for
there is often no visual indication of failure. This larger sizes. Materially Safe
scenario can at best lead to product waste or The Cam-Set ® incorporates many material and
SchuF Fetterolf line
contamination; at worst to the escape of toxic construction safety features. They are built to
blind valves lead to
substances or a potentially explosive fire hazard. meet or exceed ASME B16.5 standards. The thick-
significant cost and
time savings. ness of the Cam-Set ® spectacle plate is equal to
Line Blind Process or greater than that required


In comparison to by API 590 (ASME B16.48).
Line blinding is a process which ensures the traditional smaller
total isolation or “blinding” of the downstream The tensile bolting area of the
size line blinds to
flow within a pipeline. It is a common procedure Cam-Set ® is also equal to or
say twelve inches,
in industries that store, forward or process greater than the tensile bolting
the Cam-Set ® can
hazardous chemical or petrochemical substances 1 to 4 hours by 3 men 30-60 seconds area used in the flanges.
Tools and spare parts by 1 man save between one
or where the media may become unstable or and four hours per All of the body bolts are tack
potentially dangerous during part of a process. man per job. welded so that they cannot
Line blinds often complement conventional be inadvertently removed or
For larger sized blinds the time saving can be loosened.
valves used for isolation, in that they guarantee
anything from 4 to 12 hours per man per job.
absolute and positive shut off to the downstream. The SchuF Fetterolf Cam-Set ®
Additionally, they provide a clear visual indication In addition to the time savings there are no is easy to operate and safe –
of their actual open or closed status. additional crane rental or usage fees required. by design.

2 3
Safety First The Modern Alternative – The Cam-Set ®

Plant and personnel safety is a central theme Traditional Approach Modern line blind systems such as the SchuF Cam-Set ® – Key Features
for socially responsible and safety conscious Traditional line blinding methods such as Fetterolf Cam-Set ® change the installation of
companies. Following a series of fatal accidents the blind into a one man operation taking only ■ Absolute positive shut-off
inserting metal plates with a gasket between
across the globe, regulation now mandates flanges assure safety, but are time consuming minutes to complete. Downstream safety is ■ Fast change
certain minimum technical precautions in many to open or close. Larger size blinds require assured. In all sizes, the Cam-Set ® makes line ■ One man operation
industries. As a result the ability to isolate lines numerous people or expensive equipment such blinding convenient, fast and safe.
and ensure absolute downstream flow shut-off ■ No flange or line spreading
as cranes to change.
is essential. ■ No special equipment required

Time Consuming Convenient, Fast, Safe ■ Conforms / exceeds

ASME B16.5 and API 590
In the past, changing line blinds was considered
an onerous, time consuming and often danger- ■ Unique safety features
ous task. Cam Sets are designed around an internal cam
The diagram below illustrates the time and system such that the body flanges do not have
manpower required to change a small size to be spread and the adjacent piping does not
traditional line blind. Rotating the blind requires have to move when the Cam-Set ® spectacle
three men – two man to loosen the bolts and plate is changed. This simple feature has enor-
spread the line and the third to raise and rotate mous benefits, as piping movement can cause
the heavy spectacle plate. It could take up to many problems – misalignment of the piping,
4 hours to rotate one blind – particulary when piping support damage, and physical injury to
nuts and bolts are rusted. the men trying to move heavy piping.
For larger size blinds above 12 inches the
changing process can take between 4 and Fast and Cost Effective
12 hours by a team of up to 6 men. As such,
The Cam-Set ® is not only convenient but fast
traditional line blinding techniques represent a
too. No bolts have to be loosened or removed –
significant manpower, cost and safety factor.
Valve Limitation often a difficult job if the bolts are rusted.
Many different types of valves are used to The Cam-Set ® in comparison can be changed in
isolate pipelines. However, valves can and do less than a minute
leak. Downstream valve leakage can occur Solid plate between SchuF Cam-Set®
for small sizes and Cam-Set® DN 150 (6”), ASME 150 #
flanges 1/ 2 ” to 12” line blind 1/ 2 ” to 12”
without the knowledge of plant personnel as up to 3 minutes for
there is often no visual indication of failure. This larger sizes. Materially Safe
scenario can at best lead to product waste or The Cam-Set ® incorporates many material and
SchuF Fetterolf line
contamination; at worst to the escape of toxic construction safety features. They are built to
blind valves lead to
substances or a potentially explosive fire hazard. meet or exceed ASME B16.5 standards. The thick-
significant cost and
time savings. ness of the Cam-Set ® spectacle plate is equal to
Line Blind Process or greater than that required


In comparison to by API 590 (ASME B16.48).
Line blinding is a process which ensures the traditional smaller
total isolation or “blinding” of the downstream The tensile bolting area of the
size line blinds to
flow within a pipeline. It is a common procedure Cam-Set ® is also equal to or
say twelve inches,
in industries that store, forward or process greater than the tensile bolting
the Cam-Set ® can
hazardous chemical or petrochemical substances 1 to 4 hours by 3 men 30-60 seconds area used in the flanges.
Tools and spare parts by 1 man save between one
or where the media may become unstable or and four hours per All of the body bolts are tack
potentially dangerous during part of a process. man per job. welded so that they cannot
Line blinds often complement conventional be inadvertently removed or
For larger sized blinds the time saving can be loosened.
valves used for isolation, in that they guarantee
anything from 4 to 12 hours per man per job.
absolute and positive shut off to the downstream. The SchuF Fetterolf Cam-Set ®
Additionally, they provide a clear visual indication In addition to the time savings there are no is easy to operate and safe –
of their actual open or closed status. additional crane rental or usage fees required. by design.

2 3
Operation Cam-Set ® Options

How the Cam-Set ® works The Cam-Set ® comes with many options
Line blinding using the Cam-Set ® can
to match almost every requirement or operating
The internal cam system is actuated via a single be achieved by one man on one side of
environment. This includes a wide variety of
screw (or hand wheel) which is perpendicular to the pipeline, without the necessity of
seals and seal materials.
the axis of the pipe. When the screw is rotated multiple spreader bolts or a crane.
a movable inclined plane slides against a fixed All seals in a Cam-Set ® line blind may be
inclined plane, moving the seal carrier away replaced without removing the line blind from
from the spectacle plate, thus freeing it to be the piping system.
moved to a new position. The sealing rings themselves are protected
within the body of the blind, but can also be
placed in the spectacle plate should regular
inspection be required.
1) In this picture, the orange coloured Cam
mechanism is closed. The solid part of the
spectacle plate is above the pipe, visually
indicating that the pipeline is open and that Line blind open

full flow through the line is available.

2) Once the pipeline has been

Cam-Set ® DN 500 (20”), ASME 150 # with spectacle plate support
depressurised and drained, the Cam-Set ®
can be operated. In this picture the Cam
Coupled Piping
mechanism is retracted. The hand wheel
has been rotated counter clock-wise to The Cam-Set ® can be used on close coupled
achieve this. The spectacle plate is piping such as tank farms, off shore platforms
between the open and closed position. or ships and barges.
Cam-Set ® DN 100 (4”), ASME 300 #

High Temperature
Corrosive Environment
A special high temperature line blind for
Line blind valve The Maritime industry is a good example of line application environments up to 538 ° C / 1000 ° F
in change position blind usage in a corrosive environment. When is also available.
used aboard a ship or tanker, a Sermetel coating
is frequently used to protect any carbon steel
parts from corrosion due to the salt air atmos- Other options include:
phere. Likewise the stem is in a high alloy corro- ■ Locking devices
sive resistant material, the hand wheel is bronze ■ Spectacle plate covers
and all bolting or wetted parts are in stainless
■ Special coatings
3) In this picture the solid part of the ■ Drain, purge and sampling valve
spectacle plate has been inserted into the combinations
pipeline and flow to downstream is blocked
Larger Sizes
As the size of the line blind increases above 12 ■ Roller support for spectacle plates
by the line blind valve. Note that the cam mechanism Line blind closed

is extended, thus locking the spectacle plate in place. inches and up to 48 inches or greater, the job of ■ Sealing ring in spectacle plate
The open part of the spectacle plate is now visible swinging the spectacle plate can be cumbersome ■ Dual and triple sealing rings
indicating that the line is blocked. due to the offset weight. In these instances a
■ Pneumatic or hydraulic actuation
special counterweight can be added to the
blind which maintains the easy and safe ■ Counterweights
“One Man Operation” benefits of the Cam-Set ®
Note: the above drawings are presented in a cut away format in order to illustrate the internal functioning of the line blind. for larger sizes.

4 5
Operation Cam-Set ® Options

How the Cam-Set ® works The Cam-Set ® comes with many options
Line blinding using the Cam-Set ® can
to match almost every requirement or operating
The internal cam system is actuated via a single be achieved by one man on one side of
environment. This includes a wide variety of
screw (or hand wheel) which is perpendicular to the pipeline, without the necessity of
seals and seal materials.
the axis of the pipe. When the screw is rotated multiple spreader bolts or a crane.
a movable inclined plane slides against a fixed All seals in a Cam-Set ® line blind may be
inclined plane, moving the seal carrier away replaced without removing the line blind from
from the spectacle plate, thus freeing it to be the piping system.
moved to a new position. The sealing rings themselves are protected
within the body of the blind, but can also be
placed in the spectacle plate should regular
inspection be required.
1) In this picture, the orange coloured Cam
mechanism is closed. The solid part of the
spectacle plate is above the pipe, visually
indicating that the pipeline is open and that Line blind open

full flow through the line is available.

2) Once the pipeline has been

Cam-Set ® DN 500 (20”), ASME 150 # with spectacle plate support
depressurised and drained, the Cam-Set ®
can be operated. In this picture the Cam
Coupled Piping
mechanism is retracted. The hand wheel
has been rotated counter clock-wise to The Cam-Set ® can be used on close coupled
achieve this. The spectacle plate is piping such as tank farms, off shore platforms
between the open and closed position. or ships and barges.
Cam-Set ® DN 100 (4”), ASME 300 #

High Temperature
Corrosive Environment
A special high temperature line blind for
Line blind valve The Maritime industry is a good example of line application environments up to 538 ° C / 1000 ° F
in change position blind usage in a corrosive environment. When is also available.
used aboard a ship or tanker, a Sermetel coating
is frequently used to protect any carbon steel
parts from corrosion due to the salt air atmos- Other options include:
phere. Likewise the stem is in a high alloy corro- ■ Locking devices
sive resistant material, the hand wheel is bronze ■ Spectacle plate covers
and all bolting or wetted parts are in stainless
■ Special coatings
3) In this picture the solid part of the ■ Drain, purge and sampling valve
spectacle plate has been inserted into the combinations
pipeline and flow to downstream is blocked
Larger Sizes
As the size of the line blind increases above 12 ■ Roller support for spectacle plates
by the line blind valve. Note that the cam mechanism Line blind closed

is extended, thus locking the spectacle plate in place. inches and up to 48 inches or greater, the job of ■ Sealing ring in spectacle plate
The open part of the spectacle plate is now visible swinging the spectacle plate can be cumbersome ■ Dual and triple sealing rings
indicating that the line is blocked. due to the offset weight. In these instances a
■ Pneumatic or hydraulic actuation
special counterweight can be added to the
blind which maintains the easy and safe ■ Counterweights
“One Man Operation” benefits of the Cam-Set ®
Note: the above drawings are presented in a cut away format in order to illustrate the internal functioning of the line blind. for larger sizes.

4 5
Drawing and Dimension Table for Cam-Set ® (ASME 150 #) Cam-Set ® Line Blind Specifications

Nr Description Description Standard Cam-Set ® Optional Cam-Set ®

1 Body Flange
Size DN 10-15 ( 1/2") to DN 1200 ( 48") Larger on request
2 Body Pipe
3 Body Bolts Pressure class ASME 150 #, 300 #, 600 # to ASME 1500 # or higher on request
4 Body Bolt Spacer Body material Carbon steel 316 stainless steel; others on request
Spectacle Plate Stainless steel Duplex, Hastelloy, Alloy 20, Inconel,
6 Sealing Actuator
Nickel, Monel & Titanium
7 Actuator Lever
8 Actuator Screw Assembly Stem Carbon steel Monel
9.1 Seal Ring Bolting Carbon steel 316 stainless steel; others on request
9.2 Seal Ring
Sealing Ring Viton, Buna-N Teflon, Nordel, Chemraz, Kalrez
9.3 Seal Ring
and others depending on application
10 Seal Carrier
11 Spectacle Plate Assembly Temperature 232 ° C / 450 ° F up to 538 ° C / 1000 ° F
12 Grease Fitting Pipe Connection Butt weld end Flanged
13 Flange 150 ASME Standard
Drain/Purge n/a Line drain, purge or sampling valve
14 Hand Wheel
Connection combinations are possible
92 Lock
Coatings Standard paint Epoxy, Polyurethane, Sermetel,
Ceramic and many others
Counterweight n/a Yes; recommended on large sizes
Locking device n/a Yes
Standards / Certification ASME, DIN, CRN, ISO, PED TÜV, NACE, US Navy
Actuation Hex nut Hand wheel, pneumatic, hydraulic

Cam-Set® front view Cam-Set® side view

Size mm: A B C D E F L M N Engineering Standards

DN 25 / 1” 127 13 64 159 127 178 165 80 13 ASME Standard Description
DN 40 / 1 1/2 ” 159 16 76 197 152 190 178 80 13 B 16.5 Pipe flanges and flanged fittings
DN 50 / 2” 178 10 83 229 165 203 190 80 13 B 16.34 Valves - flanged, threaded and welding end
DN 80 / 3” 229 19 102 289 203 222 203 80 13 B 31.1 Power piping
DN 100 / 4” 279 19 127 356 235 248 229 80 13 ASTM F 1020 -86 Line Blind Valves for Marine Applications
DN 125 / 5” 349 25 140 438 298 292 267 80 16 ASME B & PV Code Description (Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code)
DN 150 / 6” 394 25 171 495 337 292 267 80 16 Section 2 Material
DN 200 / 8” 502 41 200 635 400 317 n/a 80 16 Section 8 Rules for construction of pressure vessels
DN 250 / 10” 654 44 229 816 483 356 330 60 16 Section 9 Welding and brazing qualifications
DN 300 / 12” 762 57 279 953 591 381 356 80 S 22 API Standard Description
DN 350 / 14” 800 57 279 1003 625 406 381 xH 22 API 590 (now ASME 16.48) Steel Line Blanks for Refining
DN 400 / 16” 908 89 330 1137 711 432 406 60 22 API 598 Valve inspection and testing
DN 450 / 18” 975 76 368 1232 813 686 660 60 25 API 2217 Guidelines for confined space work in the
Petroleum Industry
DN 500 / 20” 1111 73 413 1403 857 711 686 60 25
DN 600 / 24” 1245 83 470 1581 978 838 813 60 38 Others Description
ISO 9001:2000 Quality management system
All dimensions above are in mm for ASME class 150 # unless otherwise stated. Cam-Set ® DN 150 ( 6”), ASME 150 #, side view
Alternative Cam-Set ® models are available on request. NACE MR 0175 Sulfide stress cracking and stress corrosion

6 7
Drawing and Dimension Table for Cam-Set ® (ASME 150 #) Cam-Set ® Line Blind Specifications

Nr Description Description Standard Cam-Set ® Optional Cam-Set ®

1 Body Flange
Size DN 10-15 ( 1/2") to DN 1200 ( 48") Larger on request
2 Body Pipe
3 Body Bolts Pressure class ASME 150 #, 300 #, 600 # to ASME 1500 # or higher on request
4 Body Bolt Spacer Body material Carbon steel 316 stainless steel; others on request
Spectacle Plate Stainless steel Duplex, Hastelloy, Alloy 20, Inconel,
6 Sealing Actuator
Nickel, Monel & Titanium
7 Actuator Lever
8 Actuator Screw Assembly Stem Carbon steel Monel
9.1 Seal Ring Bolting Carbon steel 316 stainless steel; others on request
9.2 Seal Ring
Sealing Ring Viton, Buna-N Teflon, Nordel, Chemraz, Kalrez
9.3 Seal Ring
and others depending on application
10 Seal Carrier
11 Spectacle Plate Assembly Temperature 232 ° C / 450 ° F up to 538 ° C / 1000 ° F
12 Grease Fitting Pipe Connection Butt weld end Flanged
13 Flange 150 ASME Standard
Drain/Purge n/a Line drain, purge or sampling valve
14 Hand Wheel
Connection combinations are possible
92 Lock
Coatings Standard paint Epoxy, Polyurethane, Sermetel,
Ceramic and many others
Counterweight n/a Yes; recommended on large sizes
Locking device n/a Yes
Standards / Certification ASME, DIN, CRN, ISO, PED TÜV, NACE, US Navy
Actuation Hex nut Hand wheel, pneumatic, hydraulic

Cam-Set® front view Cam-Set® side view

Size mm: A B C D E F L M N Engineering Standards

DN 25 / 1” 127 13 64 159 127 178 165 80 13 ASME Standard Description
DN 40 / 1 1/2 ” 159 16 76 197 152 190 178 80 13 B 16.5 Pipe flanges and flanged fittings
DN 50 / 2” 178 10 83 229 165 203 190 80 13 B 16.34 Valves - flanged, threaded and welding end
DN 80 / 3” 229 19 102 289 203 222 203 80 13 B 31.1 Power piping
DN 100 / 4” 279 19 127 356 235 248 229 80 13 ASTM F 1020 -86 Line Blind Valves for Marine Applications
DN 125 / 5” 349 25 140 438 298 292 267 80 16 ASME B & PV Code Description (Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code)
DN 150 / 6” 394 25 171 495 337 292 267 80 16 Section 2 Material
DN 200 / 8” 502 41 200 635 400 317 n/a 80 16 Section 8 Rules for construction of pressure vessels
DN 250 / 10” 654 44 229 816 483 356 330 60 16 Section 9 Welding and brazing qualifications
DN 300 / 12” 762 57 279 953 591 381 356 80 S 22 API Standard Description
DN 350 / 14” 800 57 279 1003 625 406 381 xH 22 API 590 (now ASME 16.48) Steel Line Blanks for Refining
DN 400 / 16” 908 89 330 1137 711 432 406 60 22 API 598 Valve inspection and testing
DN 450 / 18” 975 76 368 1232 813 686 660 60 25 API 2217 Guidelines for confined space work in the
Petroleum Industry
DN 500 / 20” 1111 73 413 1403 857 711 686 60 25
DN 600 / 24” 1245 83 470 1581 978 838 813 60 38 Others Description
ISO 9001:2000 Quality management system
All dimensions above are in mm for ASME class 150 # unless otherwise stated. Cam-Set ® DN 150 ( 6”), ASME 150 #, side view
Alternative Cam-Set ® models are available on request. NACE MR 0175 Sulfide stress cracking and stress corrosion

6 7
Stacey ™ Line Blind System Dimension Table for Stacey ™

The Stacey is a modern line spreading line blind and a wide range of materials. The multiple mm Class DN 25 / 1” DN 40 / 1 1/2 ” DN 50 / 2” DN 65 / 2 1/2 ” DN 80 / 3” DN 100 / 4” DN 125 / 5” DN 150 / 6”
system. It has a number of advantages over bolts expand the list of possible sealing materi-
150 # 165 178 178 203 203 203 229 229
conventional blind plates such as ease of use, als for service temperatures from cryogenic to A 300 # 165 178 178 222 222 241 279 279
one to two man operation, absolute shut off, elevated. They are a viable alternative to the 600 # 191 210 210 241 241 273 292 292
and is relatively quick to use. In this respect the Cam-Set ® when flexibility and ease of use are
150 # 197 219 219 241 241 305 381 381
Stacey can be changed in five to ten minutes less important. B 300 # 197 219 219 241 241 343 406 406
depending on size and can break any crust 600 # 216 254 254 305 305 406 457 457
build-up in or on the blind. Operation
150 # 76 76 76 102 102 114 152 152
Stacey spectacle blinds are available in all With the Stacey blind 3, 5, 7 or 9 bolts (depend- C 300 # 76 76 76 102 102 130 152 152
ASME pressure ratings, a wide range of sizes ing on size) are loosened in even quarter turns 600 # 89 102 102 121 121 140 165 165
for one to two revolutions, automatically spread- 150 # 67 76 76 92 92 114 149 149
ing the body flanges apart far enough to rotate D 300 # 67 76 76 92 92 121 152 152
the spectacle plate to its desired position – 600 # 73 79 79 102 102 127 171 171
fully open or closed. 150 # 152 197 197 241 241 298 381 381
Retighten the bolts evenly and the change is E 300 # 152 197 197 241 241 298 381 381
complete. Bolt heads are drilled to receive a 600 # 165 191 191 248 248 330 445 445
short piece of steel bar or pipe – no special 150 # 178 241 241 295 295 352 464 464
tools are required. F 300 # 178 241 241 295 295 365 473 473
600 # 203 248 248 318 318 406 546 546
Applications G Drains n/a n/a 13 13 13 13 19 19
The Stacey is ideal for certain types of applica- 150 # 273 302 302 340 340 352 403 403
tions where the line blind must be both large H 300 # 286 311 311 378 378 410 473 473
600 # 311 346 352 403 403 457 514 514
and have a high pressure rating (ASME 900 and
above). Similarly several applications that require
mm Class DN 200 / 8” DN 250 / 10” DN 300 / 12” DN 350 / 14” DN 400 / 16” DN 450 / 18” DN 500 / 20” DN 600 / 24”
the line blind to operate in a severe or powdery
environment, such as in the cement or alumina 150 # 254 254 279 305 381 432 483 610
industry, are better served by the Stacey. A 300 # 368 381 406 419 432 - - -
Stacey DN 850 (34”) with counterweight
600 # 381 406 - - - - - -
150 # 419 508 565 635 711 787 851 1.067
B 300 # 464 559 622 699 787 - - -
600 # 521 610 - - - - - -
150 # 165 203 229 254 324 356 387 479
C 300 # 171 248 305 318 356 - - -
600 # 229 267 - - - - - -
150 # 171 213 244 270 298 330 359 454
D 300 # 178 213 251 273 305 - - -
600 # 191 229 - - - - - -
150 # 451 552 648 737 826 914 1003 1245
E 300 # 476 575 673 737 838 - - -
600 # 508 622 - - - - - -
150 # 578 711 832 927 1067 1168 1270 1581
F 300 # 597 737 851 940 1067 - - -
600 # 635 787 - - - - - -
G Drains 19 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
150 # 451 451 502 552 629 705 762 905
Stacey, side view Three bolt Stacey, front view Five bolt Stacey, front view
H 300 # 587 610 660 699 718 - - -
600 # 641 705 - - - - - -

All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise stated.

Dimensions for other Stacey models are available on request.

8 9
Stacey ™ Line Blind System Dimension Table for Stacey ™

The Stacey is a modern line spreading line blind and a wide range of materials. The multiple mm Class DN 25 / 1” DN 40 / 1 1/2 ” DN 50 / 2” DN 65 / 2 1/2 ” DN 80 / 3” DN 100 / 4” DN 125 / 5” DN 150 / 6”
system. It has a number of advantages over bolts expand the list of possible sealing materi-
150 # 165 178 178 203 203 203 229 229
conventional blind plates such as ease of use, als for service temperatures from cryogenic to A 300 # 165 178 178 222 222 241 279 279
one to two man operation, absolute shut off, elevated. They are a viable alternative to the 600 # 191 210 210 241 241 273 292 292
and is relatively quick to use. In this respect the Cam-Set ® when flexibility and ease of use are
150 # 197 219 219 241 241 305 381 381
Stacey can be changed in five to ten minutes less important. B 300 # 197 219 219 241 241 343 406 406
depending on size and can break any crust 600 # 216 254 254 305 305 406 457 457
build-up in or on the blind. Operation
150 # 76 76 76 102 102 114 152 152
Stacey spectacle blinds are available in all With the Stacey blind 3, 5, 7 or 9 bolts (depend- C 300 # 76 76 76 102 102 130 152 152
ASME pressure ratings, a wide range of sizes ing on size) are loosened in even quarter turns 600 # 89 102 102 121 121 140 165 165
for one to two revolutions, automatically spread- 150 # 67 76 76 92 92 114 149 149
ing the body flanges apart far enough to rotate D 300 # 67 76 76 92 92 121 152 152
the spectacle plate to its desired position – 600 # 73 79 79 102 102 127 171 171
fully open or closed. 150 # 152 197 197 241 241 298 381 381
Retighten the bolts evenly and the change is E 300 # 152 197 197 241 241 298 381 381
complete. Bolt heads are drilled to receive a 600 # 165 191 191 248 248 330 445 445
short piece of steel bar or pipe – no special 150 # 178 241 241 295 295 352 464 464
tools are required. F 300 # 178 241 241 295 295 365 473 473
600 # 203 248 248 318 318 406 546 546
Applications G Drains n/a n/a 13 13 13 13 19 19
The Stacey is ideal for certain types of applica- 150 # 273 302 302 340 340 352 403 403
tions where the line blind must be both large H 300 # 286 311 311 378 378 410 473 473
600 # 311 346 352 403 403 457 514 514
and have a high pressure rating (ASME 900 and
above). Similarly several applications that require
mm Class DN 200 / 8” DN 250 / 10” DN 300 / 12” DN 350 / 14” DN 400 / 16” DN 450 / 18” DN 500 / 20” DN 600 / 24”
the line blind to operate in a severe or powdery
environment, such as in the cement or alumina 150 # 254 254 279 305 381 432 483 610
industry, are better served by the Stacey. A 300 # 368 381 406 419 432 - - -
Stacey DN 850 (34”) with counterweight
600 # 381 406 - - - - - -
150 # 419 508 565 635 711 787 851 1.067
B 300 # 464 559 622 699 787 - - -
600 # 521 610 - - - - - -
150 # 165 203 229 254 324 356 387 479
C 300 # 171 248 305 318 356 - - -
600 # 229 267 - - - - - -
150 # 171 213 244 270 298 330 359 454
D 300 # 178 213 251 273 305 - - -
600 # 191 229 - - - - - -
150 # 451 552 648 737 826 914 1003 1245
E 300 # 476 575 673 737 838 - - -
600 # 508 622 - - - - - -
150 # 578 711 832 927 1067 1168 1270 1581
F 300 # 597 737 851 940 1067 - - -
600 # 635 787 - - - - - -
G Drains 19 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
150 # 451 451 502 552 629 705 762 905
Stacey, side view Three bolt Stacey, front view Five bolt Stacey, front view
H 300 # 587 610 660 699 718 - - -
600 # 641 705 - - - - - -

All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise stated.

Dimensions for other Stacey models are available on request.

8 9
Industry Case Studies for Cam -Set ® and Stacey ™ SchuF Fetterolf Valve Portfolio

SchuF Fetterolf Cam-Set ® and Stacey line blind The customer has commented: “With the SchuF Fetterolf has delivered over one million valves The SchuF group has sales and agent offices
valves are commonly used in the most critical Cam-Set ®, it is a cinch to quickly change from during its almost 100 year history to a wide variety covering almost every country in the world.
applications: aboard tankers product cross closed to open by turning only one bolt and not of industries in over 50 countries worldwide. We manufacture valve products that control,
contamination or accidental overboard discharge moving any piping!”. Headquartered near Frankfurt in Germany, the isolate, divert, and sample liquids, gases,
assumes the proportions of a disaster; in chemi- The special maritime Cam-Set ® has been company has additional design and manufacturing powders, and slurries. Our product range of
cal and petrochemical plants, refineries and tank installed by many marine and shipping centres in Brazil, India, Ireland and the United States. engineered, customised valves includes:
storage farms; and where vessel entry companies including: Chevron Marine, Texaco
is a problem. Power generating plants install (Oil and Marine), Exxon, Pratt & Whitney,
them upstream of equipment which will require Bottom Diverter &
Emarat, BP and Ocean Ships to name a few. Outlet
Control Coker
In-Line Sampling Other
repairs. Other important users include steel mills, Valves Valves Valves Valves Products
Valves Valves
cement manufacturing plants, and the pulp and Offshore
paper industry. Line Blinds
SchuF Fetterolf has recently been chosen Pistom / Ram Angle Control Coker Multiport Lift Plug Line Sampling
Cam-Set ®
Bottom Outlet Valve IsoPlug Diverter Valve On-Off Isolation Valve
Refinery for several offshore projects. Used around & Stacey
compressors on oil platforms and oil refining
Petrobras, the leading state refinery in Brazil, and processing ships, the Cam-Set ® and Stacey Disc lowering Globe Control Coker Lift Plug Lift Plug Screw-In Spray Rinse
uses the Cam-Set ® and Stacey line blind system are ideal due to their ability to provide higher
Bottom Outlet Valve SwitchPlug Diverter Valve Switching Sampling Valve Valve
extensively. pressure ratings and /or large sizes up to 54”.
They are used in several process areas in the The high quality construction and safety Disc rising Wafer Control Coker Changeover Lift Plug Submersed High Pressure
Bottom Outlet Valve ControlPlug Valve Bypass Sampling Valve Angle Valve
refinery including: standards of the Cam-Set ® and Stacey are
■ Gas flare applications greatly respected in this industry, especially as
they are easy to operate in stormy weather. Backpressure Coker
Y-Globe Wafer Distributor
■ Hydrocracking units Control Valve Quench Valve
Valve Sampling Valve Valve

■ Catalytic cracking unit Steel Industry

■ Delayed coking Recirculation
Sampling Steam Injection
A rugged sturdy design and absolute safe shut Systems Valve
■ Storage tanks off are critical factors for the steel industry.
Over 200 SchuF Fetterolf line blind valves have Line blinds installed in and around coke oven In-lying Disc
been installed. The refinery enjoys a strong gas and blast furnace fuel lines have to be Valve
reputation for good maintenance and safety absolutely secure despite tremendous pressure
procedures. on the blinds.
The SchuF Fetterolf Cam-Set ® is ideal for these
Maritime Sample Cam -Set ® and Stacey ™ Client List:
applications due to its attention to safety
GATX Terminal Corporation is one of the worlds factors. The spectacle plate thickness is


■ Alcoa ■ GATX Terminals ■ Procter & Gamble
leading port, terminal, rail and ship operators. At specified to exceed API standards, there are ■ Alunorte ■ General Electric ■ Pfizer
their Philadelphia and New Jersey sea terminals, two O-rings sealing the plate and the body
■ BASF ■ Henkel Chemicals ■ Rhone Poulenc
they have replaced all traditional blinds with the bolts are tack welded to ensure that they are
■ BP ■ Hyundai Ship ■ Sandoz
Cam-Set ®. They are used on 16” lines to ensure not removed due to operator error. These
■ Celanese Building ■ Shell Oil
total isolation between different tanks in order features have led steel mill customers such as
to prevent product cross contamination. Kobe Steel USA, Corus, AK Steel Corporation, ■ Chevron Marine ■ Keppel Marine ■ Texaco Oil & Marine
Traditional line blinds could not be used as line Arcelor Mittal and others to choose SchuF ■ Degussa ■ Merck & Co. ■ Toyo USA
spreading dented and buckled the tank walls. Fetterolf. ■ Dow Chemical ■ Nestlé ■ US Navy
■ Du Pont ■ Norsk Hydro ■ Venezuela Cement
■ Exxon Oil & Chemical ■ Northrop-Grumman ■ Wallen
■ Fluor Shipyard Ship Management
■ Formosa Petrochemichals ■ Petrobras Brazil ■ Zeneca
Cam-Set ® DN 150 (6”), ASME 150 #

10 11
Industry Case Studies for Cam -Set ® and Stacey ™ SchuF Fetterolf Valve Portfolio

SchuF Fetterolf Cam-Set ® and Stacey line blind The customer has commented: “With the SchuF Fetterolf has delivered over one million valves The SchuF group has sales and agent offices
valves are commonly used in the most critical Cam-Set ®, it is a cinch to quickly change from during its almost 100 year history to a wide variety covering almost every country in the world.
applications: aboard tankers product cross closed to open by turning only one bolt and not of industries in over 50 countries worldwide. We manufacture valve products that control,
contamination or accidental overboard discharge moving any piping!”. Headquartered near Frankfurt in Germany, the isolate, divert, and sample liquids, gases,
assumes the proportions of a disaster; in chemi- The special maritime Cam-Set ® has been company has additional design and manufacturing powders, and slurries. Our product range of
cal and petrochemical plants, refineries and tank installed by many marine and shipping centres in Brazil, India, Ireland and the United States. engineered, customised valves includes:
storage farms; and where vessel entry companies including: Chevron Marine, Texaco
is a problem. Power generating plants install (Oil and Marine), Exxon, Pratt & Whitney,
them upstream of equipment which will require Bottom Diverter &
Emarat, BP and Ocean Ships to name a few. Outlet
Control Coker
In-Line Sampling Other
repairs. Other important users include steel mills, Valves Valves Valves Valves Products
Valves Valves
cement manufacturing plants, and the pulp and Offshore
paper industry. Line Blinds
SchuF Fetterolf has recently been chosen Pistom / Ram Angle Control Coker Multiport Lift Plug Line Sampling
Cam-Set ®
Bottom Outlet Valve IsoPlug Diverter Valve On-Off Isolation Valve
Refinery for several offshore projects. Used around & Stacey
compressors on oil platforms and oil refining
Petrobras, the leading state refinery in Brazil, and processing ships, the Cam-Set ® and Stacey Disc lowering Globe Control Coker Lift Plug Lift Plug Screw-In Spray Rinse
uses the Cam-Set ® and Stacey line blind system are ideal due to their ability to provide higher
Bottom Outlet Valve SwitchPlug Diverter Valve Switching Sampling Valve Valve
extensively. pressure ratings and /or large sizes up to 54”.
They are used in several process areas in the The high quality construction and safety Disc rising Wafer Control Coker Changeover Lift Plug Submersed High Pressure
Bottom Outlet Valve ControlPlug Valve Bypass Sampling Valve Angle Valve
refinery including: standards of the Cam-Set ® and Stacey are
■ Gas flare applications greatly respected in this industry, especially as
they are easy to operate in stormy weather. Backpressure Coker
Y-Globe Wafer Distributor
■ Hydrocracking units Control Valve Quench Valve
Valve Sampling Valve Valve

■ Catalytic cracking unit Steel Industry

■ Delayed coking Recirculation
Sampling Steam Injection
A rugged sturdy design and absolute safe shut Systems Valve
■ Storage tanks off are critical factors for the steel industry.
Over 200 SchuF Fetterolf line blind valves have Line blinds installed in and around coke oven In-lying Disc
been installed. The refinery enjoys a strong gas and blast furnace fuel lines have to be Valve
reputation for good maintenance and safety absolutely secure despite tremendous pressure
procedures. on the blinds.
The SchuF Fetterolf Cam-Set ® is ideal for these
Maritime Sample Cam -Set ® and Stacey ™ Client List:
applications due to its attention to safety
GATX Terminal Corporation is one of the worlds factors. The spectacle plate thickness is


■ Alcoa ■ GATX Terminals ■ Procter & Gamble
leading port, terminal, rail and ship operators. At specified to exceed API standards, there are ■ Alunorte ■ General Electric ■ Pfizer
their Philadelphia and New Jersey sea terminals, two O-rings sealing the plate and the body
■ BASF ■ Henkel Chemicals ■ Rhone Poulenc
they have replaced all traditional blinds with the bolts are tack welded to ensure that they are
■ BP ■ Hyundai Ship ■ Sandoz
Cam-Set ®. They are used on 16” lines to ensure not removed due to operator error. These
■ Celanese Building ■ Shell Oil
total isolation between different tanks in order features have led steel mill customers such as
to prevent product cross contamination. Kobe Steel USA, Corus, AK Steel Corporation, ■ Chevron Marine ■ Keppel Marine ■ Texaco Oil & Marine
Traditional line blinds could not be used as line Arcelor Mittal and others to choose SchuF ■ Degussa ■ Merck & Co. ■ Toyo USA
spreading dented and buckled the tank walls. Fetterolf. ■ Dow Chemical ■ Nestlé ■ US Navy
■ Du Pont ■ Norsk Hydro ■ Venezuela Cement
■ Exxon Oil & Chemical ■ Northrop-Grumman ■ Wallen
■ Fluor Shipyard Ship Management
■ Formosa Petrochemichals ■ Petrobras Brazil ■ Zeneca
Cam-Set ® DN 150 (6”), ASME 150 #

10 11
Cam-Set ® & Stacey ™
Line Blind Valves

w w w. s c h u f . c o m · w w w. s c h u f . d e

Fetterolf Corporation, Inc. SchuF Valve Technology GmbH SchuF Chemieventile Vertriebs GmbH
phone: +1 610 584 -1500 phone: +353 (0)21 4837000 phone: +49 (0 )6198 571100
fax: +1 610 584 -5904 fax: +353 (0)21 4837030 fax: +49 (0 )6198 571200
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
SchuF (USA) Inc.
phone: +1 843 881 3345
fax: +1 843 881 6121
[email protected]

Yo u r L o c a l A g e n t :


Fetterolf SchuF do Brazil Ltda SchuF Speciality Valves India Pvt. Ltd.
phone: +55 19 3936 9090 phone: +91 421 2264600
fax: +55 19 3935 3215 fax: +91 421 2362018
[email protected] [email protected]

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