The Influence of Social Networks On High School Students
The Influence of Social Networks On High School Students
The Influence of Social Networks On High School Students
Emad Abu-Shanab, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan Heyam Al-Tarawneh, Ministry of
Education, Jumanah High School, Irbid, Jordan
ABSTRACT: Social networks are becoming an integral part of people’s lives. Students are
spending much time on social media and are considered the largest category that uses such
application. This study tries to explore the influence of social media use, and especially
Facebook, on high school students’ performance. The study used the GPA of students in four
courses and their responses regarding the use of social media. Statistical analysis is used to
infer this relationship and its implications. Results indicated a support of this study aim and the
relationship between the different dimensions of Facebook influence on students with respect to
the time spent on the Internet and Facebook specifically. Conclusions and future work are stated
at the end.
Social media (SM) is the fastest growing web application in the 21st century. The diverse
applications of SM like Wikis, video streaming and applications, and social networks make it the
phenomenon of the century. Facebook counted users topped all social media applications with
over 955 million users in 2013, followed by Twitter with 500 million users (www. Such huge user base is comparable to countries, which indicates the
importance of such applications. The age distribution of Facebook users is concentrated on the
younger categories where 300 million users are 18-24 years old, and 120 million users are
between 13-17 years old ( The same source indicated a nearly equal
distribution of users between males and females. The use of information and communication
technology (ICT) is an important factor that opened doors for remote learning and remote access
of educational material. Such phenomenon is called “e-learning”, where ICT is used as a
facilitator of communication, assignment management, and task collaboration. A study in Jordan
concluded that e-learning systems are not fully utilized in Jordan and many applications are not
used by students and instructors (Abu-Shanab, Ababneh & Momani, 2012; Abu-Shanab,
Momani & Ababneh, 2012). Such results indicate that it is important to reach students wherever
they are, and especially on social media applications. This study will explore the influence of
Facebook on students’ performance and how they spend their time. As seen previously, young
Jordanians are the major category that uses social networks, where they spend substantial time
on the net. Such issue is influencing their academic performance. Research connected
school/university performance with Facebook use. This study will try to empirically explore such
relationship regardless of its type of influence, bad or good. The following section will explore
the influence of social networks.
A study by Abu-Shanab and Al-Tarawneh (2013) explored the advantages and disadvantages of
Facebook utilizing university students. A sample of 206 students responded to a survey
containing 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages of Facebook, and yielded interesting results. The
study did not focus on students’ academic performance, but took the issue as a general view of
social media influence. Social networks are becoming major tools for education, and
entertainment. The human nature is keen on interacting with people and finding common areas
and interests. In education, two streams are prevailing: the use of social networks as a tool
supporting activities deemed important for the purpose of educational institutions, instructors,
and students. The second stream is the bad influence social network inflicts on students
behaviors and time management. This study will explore the relationship between performance
and SN use. The following sections will review the literature related to the two streams and the
performance issue related to students.
Abu-Shanab, E., Ababneh, N., & Momani, A. (2012). E-learning Systems’ Acceptance: The Case of
Eduwave in Jordan, The 8th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education,
Bucharest, Romania, April 26-27, 2012, pp. 463-467.
Abu-Shanab, E., & Al-Tarawneh, H. (2013). How Jordanian Youth Perceive Social Networks Influence?
Computer Science and Information Technology, 1(2), 159–164.
Abu-Shanab, E., & Frehat, M. (2015, JanuaryMarch). The Role of Social Networking in the Social
Reform of Young Society. International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 6(1), 62–77. doi:10.4018/
Abu-Shanab, E., Momani, A., & Ababneh, N. (2012). Teachers’ Adoption Of E-learning Systems: The
Case of Eduwave in Jordan, International Arab Conference of e-Technology (IACe-T’2012), Zarqa,
Jordan, in April 25-27, pp. 51-56.
Al-Tarwneh, H. (2014, March). The Influence of Social Networks on Students’ Performance. Journal of
Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 5(3), 200–205