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How to draw faces step by step for beginners

New Yorker cartoonist Jason Adam Katzenstein already taught you how to do “gesture drawing,” one of the most basic artistic techniques. In the new video above, he focuses on faces, showing how the principle of “draw what you see” helps you capture someone’s identifying features.My biggest
takeaway here was how hard it is to draw what you actually see, and not start drawing what you imagine or assume. I drew Jason facing forward, when I was actually seeing him from an angle. That made it harder to accurately portray his face. In contrast, see how Jason foreshortened my eyes and
gracefully captured the patchiness of my beard.I also learned that if you ink too many of your pencil lines, you end up drawing a yeti. Sorry Jason! But to draw good, you have to draw bad first—and the goal seems so rewarding, for you and for others. When you can accurately draw someone’s face, they
feel special because they feel seen—and you learn how to really see them.Next, watch Jason explain how he draws cartoons. (Image credit: Neil Edwards) If you want to know how to draw a face and head perfectly, this guide is for you. Whether you've got a multitude of faces to draw or just one in
particular, when it comes to drawing heads nothing is set in stone. All characters have widely different features. But having a basic understanding of drawing and a grounding in head anatomy means you'll be able to have confidence when experimenting – and these skills are sure to improve your
drawings.On this page, you'll learn how to draw a face – beginning with initial drawings and using references containing lots of different faces to draw, plus our specific techniques. When you've mastered that, you can flip to page two to learn how to further your skills. We will impart tips on how to draw a
face with personality, including showing different expressions. For more drawing lessons, see our roundup of excellent how to draw tutorials. Or if you're looking for a classic tool to hone your line work, check out our list of the best lightboxes. But for now, grab a sketchbook or your Cintiq and let's get
cracking with this tutorial from Neil Edwards. Click on the icon at the top-right of the image to enlarge it.01. Start with two circlesTwo circles form the basis of the head The first stage in learning how to draw a face is drawing two overlapping circles. Where they intersect is the eye level. From there, put a
centre line down the two circles. This gives the basis of the human head. Use the guidelines to position the features Draw two lines slightly in from either side of your circles. These will indicate where the forehead and cheekbones sit. From the centre intersection, place a triangle for the nose and mark out
where you want the mouth to go. Then add two triangles for the eyes – these will also help you locate the eyebrows and eye sockets.03. Explore different proportionsDifferent sized circles will create different effects You can experiment with different sized circles to give different head dimensions, perfect
for any ideas you have of different faces to draw. The more squashed the circles, the wider and heavy the face, while the more elongated the circles, the longer the head shape.04. Line up the featuresImagine the features are wrapped around a cylinder Always remember that the eyes, nose and mouth
are on the same plane on the face, otherwise things start to go a bit lopsided and weird! Imagine the facial features are wrapped around a cylinder, so they have a natural curve. Position the top of the eyebrow and bottom of the nose so that they’re lined up with the height of the ear. This helps the face
look more natural; giving it a flow, and stopping it from feeling flat.05. Start with the eyesA light source helps eyes look more alive Your character’s eyes are crucial to conveying the right emotion – a key part of conquering how to draw a face. Try to keep them focused and tell a story with them. Give the
top eye a thicker line to indicate a shadow from the eyelid, and add a light source to give them life. Longer and thicker eyelashes create a more feminine look.06. Add in the noseThe tip of the nose is roughly diamond shaped Noses can be pretty difficult to get right. I initially create a triangle with a
diamond shape for the tip of the nose. From there I draw nostrils, remembering to add line weight and shadow to the bottom of the nose. I keep the details light, adding only what’s needed.07. Try different lip shapesLook at your own mouth to explore different lip shapes I keep a little sketchbook to practise
different lip shapes. Study films and TV programmes to see how actors exaggerate their mouths. Experiment and explore different mouth shapes. Try to convey ‘oh’, ‘ah’ and ‘esss’: this will help when you want figures to look like they’re having a conversation.Male faces tend to be more angular –
although this isn't a hard and fast rule The male face is a harder, angular shape. The female face is softer and rounder in general. For women, try to depict fuller lips, larger eyes and rounder cheeks. These are not hard and fast rules, though – just a guide.09. Finish with some hairRemember, the hair is
bigger than the scalp Of course, learning how to draw a face and head also means learning to draw hair. When drawing a character’s hair, I first create the basic hair shape, noting that the hair is bigger than the scalp. I then add direction to the hair, remembering to draw strokes from the crown of the
head. To give hair a more natural appearance, I introduce a sense of weight to the bottom of the shape. Trying drawing the hair shape with a thicker outline and thinner internal lines. This gives it direction.Next page: more advanced techniques for drawing a face Figure drawing is a fundamental skill for
artists, but one of the hardest to truly master. In this article, I explain my personal process and offer some advice to help you improve your figure drawings.On this page we'll walk through how to draw a female figure. Jump to page 2 for a step by step guide to drawing male figures, or page 3 for a closer
look at gesture drawing.Although having knowledge of the proportions of a human figure is important, bear in mind that these are only a guide. Trying to shoehorn every person you draw into an eight-head-high ideal is a shortcut to uninspiring figure drawing.To achieve style we need to work with gesture,
the spirit of the pose, the fluid nature in line. If we take gesture too far, though, our drawing will look wobbly. To counter that we need to also work with a solid structure, but too much structure can make for a stiff drawing. Therein lies the great balancing act of figure drawing that we will explore here.For a
more basic guide, see how to draw a person. Above you can watch one of my-depth video tutorials where I explore how to get the most from references. For step-by-step written instructions on how to draw a female figure, read the tutorial below.After more drawing tips? Take a look at our guide to how to
draw pretty much anything, or check out our essential advice on foreshortening in art. Alternatively, get yourself kitted out with the best pencils around.With that out of the way, let's get started on how to draw the female figure…Click the icon in the top right of each image to enlarge it.01. Start with simple
shapesFirst establish your basic proportions Start with your attention level set to high. I use a small, two-finger wide piece of charcoal for my initial sketch. Draw the basic proportions, making any adjustments required – especially if you're working from a photo.02. Add more sophisticated linesUse a
gestural grip for this stage Starting your figure drawing with basic shapes makes it easier to draw more sophisticated lines on top. Here, I've drawn the face using small shapes inside a big shape. This is two of my disciplines in action at once: big to small; and simple to sophisticated.Note the gestural grip
in action. Drawing with our gestural hand enables us to use the rhythm of our arm rather than our stiff wrist to make our marks. It gives us the freedom to draw long fluid lines on the paper (for more advice, see this article on how to hold a pencil correctly).03. Exaggerate the curvesYou don't need to copy
exactly what you see I'm constantly analysing the photo reference. On closer inspection, what appears to be a foot is actually the ankle twisting. I decide to draw the classic shape of a foot to make the drawing more clear. I'm improving what I observe in the photo in terms of artistic mark-making. Note
how many times I exaggerate the curves to make the drawing more lively.04. Lay in broad tones in charcoalTime to add some depth At this stage I step back from the art to check the drawing has solid structure. I lay in broad tones with my charcoal. Remember, our goal here is to interpret the reference. If
we gauge success on how close we copy, we'll end up with a stiff drawing that looks like a distorted photo.05. Blend tone into formBlending the drawing means you can adjust anything you want to Up until now I've juggled gesture with structure. It's an okay drawing, but nothing stylish. This is the
journeyman stage, from which we can stamp our own style. Using tissue, I blend tone into form, this also fades the drawing and gives me a second chance to draw better on top.06. Add more tonal gesturesMake some final tweaks to your figure drawing Here I'm making small structural adjustments and
adding more tonal gestures. This second time around goes quickly – just a matter of minutes, which is a small investment for an hour-long drawing. From this point onwards, my quest is to further explore style in the drawing.07. Remember, if it looks wrong, it is wrong!Sometimes parts that are
anatomically accurate will look incorrect I use shadows to push the gesture, but omit the shadow of the xiphoid process (the small bone under the pointed arch of the ribcage). It looks odd here. Even though it's correct, it violates one of my art laws: If it looks wrong, it's wrong, even if it's right!08. Use a
paper stump for adjustmentsPush charcoal around rather than adding more Using a paper stump, I push around the charcoal that's already on the paper rather than lay more charcoal down. This keeps the drawing light and fresh. I'm also mindful to always be drawing even when blending. I use a sheet of
paper to prevent me smudging the drawing.Struggling with to make the medium work for you? Check out our ten expert tips for charcoal drawing.09. Create highlights with an eraserThink of the eraser as another drawing tool I 'draw' highlights with a kneadable eraser. I think of the eraser as a drawing tool
rather than a correction tool. Slowly does it, especially in the early stages. Drawing fast is a false economy – if we rush a drawing then we inevitably spend most of our time fixing mistakes.10. Take a breakTaking a break means you'll spot inaccuracies more easily I take a short coffee break away from the
drawing and come back with a fresh eye. A break helps me see the bugbears more clearly when I return. I see the breasts are too close in shape while the lower rib cage is too smooth. I make minor changes to both bugbears and am ready for the big finish.11. Add in a backgroundA chamois leather is
useful for creating abstract marks I lay down a large swath of charcoal, then smudge it with a chamois leather cloth, playing with textures as I go. I learned of the chamois from Glenn Vilppu a few years back and it's been part of my drawing arsenal ever since. Here I use it for abstract marks to ground the
figure and add style.12. Introduce the elements of fantasyThe figure here is reimagined as a vampire For my image, I imagined a vampire in a bloodlust trance. With large charcoal sticks I draw abstract shapes then pencil in the breast plates and jewellery using hard erasers for highlights.Next page: How
to draw a male figure how to draw faces step by step for beginners pdf. how to draw cartoon faces step by step for beginners. how to draw anime faces for beginners step by step. how to draw anime girl faces step by step for beginners. how to draw faces beginners

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