A10ECMT1020 Ch6 Homework
A10ECMT1020 Ch6 Homework
A10ECMT1020 Ch6 Homework
This is not an online homework. You must attempt this question and show your work (including
computer output from Excel/KaddStat) to your tutor during a workshop on 19 April, 21 April or 22
April. Your tutor will give you 1 mark for completing most questions, ½ mark for partial attempt and 0
mark for little or no attempt of the questions.
Reference: Black p.640 –642. The dataset can be found in a worksheet of the file “Chapter 6.xls”
which can be downloaded from the Blackboard.
Today, mobile phone is a fashion accessory or a “must have” item. Customers are demanding for a
range of attributes such as build-in camera, GPS navigation, compatibility with the 3G network, a
colour display, build-in MP3 player, SMS service, etc. In early 2008, an extensive survey on mobile
phones was conducted by CHOICE magazine. Mobile phones of various makes and models were
given an overall rating score, as well as rating scores for numerous categories. Decision makers and
marketers at mobile-phone manufacturers would like to know what features of a mobile phone are
important to customers. This would be especially important in helping to design effective marketing
and advertising campaigns. The rating scores are
Y = Overall rating score (%)
X1 = Battery rating score (%)
X2 = Music rating score (%)
X3 = SMS rating score (%)
ECMT 1020: Business & Economics Statistics B (Autumn 2010) p.1 Dr Boris Choy
Faculty of Economics and Business
Discipline of Operations Management & Econometrics
Ch.6 Multiple Regression Analysis II
2. Use stepwise regression method to find the best subset of predictor variables.
(i) Display the computer output from Excel/KaddStat.
(ii) Identify the predictor variables that are excluded from the regression model.
(iii) Write down the estimated regression equation of the best model.
(iv) What is the correlation between the observed and predicted y-values?
(v) Perform a formal statistical test to confirm that the full model in (1) can be reduced to
the reduced model in (2). Use 0.05. You must give the observed F-value, the
critical F-value, the decision rule and your conclusion.
3. Use the computer outputs from the full and reduced models to answer the following questions.
(i) Is the reduced model better than the full model according to the R 2 ? If not, why?
(ii) Is the reduced model better than the full model according to the adjusted R 2 ?
(iii) Is the reduced model better than the full model according to the MSE or the estimate of
the error standard deviation?
(iv) How much of the total variation of Y can be explained by the unimportant predictor
variables in 2(ii)? How many percentages is this?
*** After attempting these questions, you should have a very good understanding of the topics ***
ECMT 1020: Business & Economics Statistics B (Autumn 2010) p.2 Dr Boris Choy