Cross-Cultural Communications and Public Reaction Paper

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Name: Rocel I.

Navaja MBA 607A- Marketing Management

Reaction Paper for the Topic Cross-Cultural Communications and Public Relations

Reporter: Era A. Seville

The report is all about Cross-Cultural Communications and Public Relations. Public Relations is
impacted by Globalization. It is an agreement and accuracy between organizations and publics. It can
engender loyalty of the publics toward an organization. It is beneficial in a competitive environment. The
role of communication is strategic tool to manage relationships with the public that affects
organizational objectives and awareness of cultural differences.

There are five types of Communication. Verbal Communication where there is a need to ensure
that your speech is precise and to the point and does not leave any scope for any misunderstanding.
Non-Verbal/Interpersonal Communication includes the smile, the body language of reassurance, the
listening ability are all non-verbal type of communications are some of the examples. Written
Communication where the number of ways is ever increasing with the penetration of smartphones and
the internet. One of the most common forms of written communications used now is Email. Formal
communication is considered as documentary evidence and certain formality is associated. Informal
communication is one where there is nothing official about the communication that is happening. It can
be known as Grapevine communication. Visual Communication includes colors, design, animations,
presentations are some of the elements. Example is the use of power point presentation in a topic

Culture consists of everything in our surroundings that is made by people - both tangible and
intangible; and it affects one’s perspective. Tangibles includes artifacts, buildings and structures.
Intangibles includes knowledge, skills, tradition and customs. Five characteristics of culture includes it is
learned, shared, dynamic, systemic and symbolic. Cross-Cultural Communication is sometimes referred
to as “Intercultural Communication”. It deals with the exchange of information between people
belonging to different cultures. Cross- Cultural studies how people from different cultures communicate,
whereas INTERCULTURAL studies the disciplines applied to such communication.

Factors affecting Cross-Cultural Communication are Interpretation of time, Interpretation of

space and Non-Verbal Communication. Sources of Miscommunications are Assumption of similarities,
Language Differences, Nonverbal Misinterpretation, Preconceptions and Stereotypes, Tendency to
evaluate and High anxiety. You can Improve Cross-Cultural Communication through Embrace Agility, Be
Open-Minded, Facilitate Meaningful Conversation and Become Aware. Embrace Agility- “When an
organization becomes too set in its ways, it can halt improvements because they are not open to trying
different ways of doing things.” Be Open-Minded. “People get caught in the trap of thinking that there is
one right way to do things and everything else is wrong.” Facilitate Meaningful Conversation. “One of
the best ways to get started is to connect with someone who might have a different perspective from
your own. Start a conversation with someone in another department and ask questions, and try to gain
a better understanding of their point of view by actively listening.” Become Aware. Make an effort to
acknowledge your own implicit biases and assumptions that affect the way you interact with others.
From the report, I learned that The term ‘cross-cultural communication’ refers to the
communication which takes place between people who are different in any one of the following like
working styles, age the country that they come from, their cultural background , race, gender and their
sexual orientation. Cross-cultural communication can also refer to the attempts which are made in order
to exchange, negotiate as well as mediate cultural differences by using of language, gestures in addition
to body language. It is the manner in which people belonging to different cultures communicate with
each other.

Effective cross-cultural communication is crucial for today’s globalized business community. This
is especially true in the world of Public Relations, where words can make or break the success of a
company’s media outreach efforts. Public Relations is a communication-driven profession that deals
with people living in various countries with diverse cultures. It is important that PR professionals have
the capacity to deal with their foreign counterparts and be able to implement successful PR campaigns
that will appeal to those in their respective countries. The Public Relations industry has the responsibility
of creating as well as maintaining relationships between clients in addition to customers. By using areas
such as brand management, advertising, media relations as well as crisis management, PR practitioners
look to foster interest, trust as well as belief in a product or company. Cross-cultural variances can be
responsible for making or breaking a Public Relations campaign. This means that it is crucial for Public
Relations practitioners, who are dealing with Public Relations campaigns which incorporate a cross-
cultural element, perform a thorough analysis of likely cross-cultural differences.

Culture is a powerful factor that provides a foundation for which our worldviews are shaped.
When people take on the challenge of working across borders, misunderstandings can arise, sometimes
without knowing that culture is a central factor. Although all of these can play a factor in PR interactions,
differences in communication can be particularly problematic as it is far more complicated than a simple
language barrier. This is because the use of phrases, non-verbal communication, norms of assertiveness,
and sense of time also required to be taken into consideration. By analyzing these behaviors we will be
able to expect with reasonable accuracy how people will react to us and how we should approach them.
Public relations is a fine art. It should influence without force and persuade without coercion. Being
clear, precise and respectful should be the number one priority when engaging beyond borders. That’s
when positioning and profiling results in changed perception and effective persuasion.

The reporter has a comprehensive report. She was focused in her topic. I appreciate the effort of
the reporter in researching about her topic. The reporter shows a good understanding of the parts of
the topic based on her power point presentation. The slide used are readable. The reporter did not used
images for emphasis. The slides consist of information that very useful in understanding the topic. The
reporter is completely prepared on the power point presentation. The slides are well arranged and
presentable. The reporter uses a good format of slides in her report. The reporter did not have a voice
clip on her report. There were slides that shows items bulleted that needs to be explained. The reporter
should put the voice clip so it can be explained well and for better understanding of the topic. The slides
are well arranged and presentable. I learned a lot about Cross-Cultural Communications and Public
Relations. The overall report was good. The report shows that the reporter puts time and effort in
making her report. My grade for the reporter is 2.

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