Body Kore Stretch Guide
Body Kore Stretch Guide
Body Kore Stretch Guide
Leg Muscles
The leg has many muscles that allow us to walk, Remember to:
jump, run, and move. The main muscle groups are: Warm-up your muscles first
before stretching (i.e. stretch
after walking).
DONT This stretch is not Hamstring Stretch
Slowly bring knee towards
advised because chest. Gently extend leg
1) excessive strain to lower with knee slightly bent and
back, 2) common for hold when in a comfortable
people to bounce, which is stretch. Repeat with both
not advised, 3) no benefit- legs 2-3 times.
contracts hamstring rather
than lengthens it.
Calf Muscles
Hands against the wall. Keep
back leg straight. Push heels
down and slowly lean
forward until stretch is felt in
the back of the calf. Repeat
with both legs 2-3 times.
Same stretch as
gastrocnemius, but
bend knees of both
legs. Repeat with both
legs 2-3 times.
There are 4 groups of muscles around the hips:
Hip and gluteal adductors (on the inside), abductors (on the lateral
hip), flexors (on the anterior side) and extensors (on
muscles the posterior side). These muscles and the gluteal
muscles control the movements of the hips.
Hip Abductors
(Inner Thigh) Hip Abductors
Gently push knees to Cross your right leg over your
floor until stretch is felt. left leg. Look over your right
Keep back straight. shoulder while turning your
Repeat 2-3 times. trunk and pushing back on
knee with left elbow. Repeat
with both sides 2-3 times.
Hip Flexors/
Slowly lean and push hip to floor
until stretch is felt on front of hip.
Repeat with both sides 2-3 times. Place right foot above left knee. Slowly lift
left leg towards chest. Keep arms flat on
floor. Repeat with both legs 2-3 times.
Stretching Exercises
for the Upper Body
m. trapezius
Benefits of stretching
Improves flexibility
Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
Begin by kneeling and extending forward until
Mild Back stretch is felt. Slide hands forward and push
With hands on the
buttocks backward. Repeat twice.
small of the back, Stretch
slightly bend back
until stretch is felt.
Repeat 2-3 times. Upper back
Cross-Chest Stretch
Pull your left arm across
your chest and push on
your elbow close to your
chest with your right hand.
Repeat 2-3 times each side.
Arm muscles
Triceps Stretch
Raise right arm over
your head with elbow
pointing towards
ceiling. Pull down
elbow with opposite
arm and lean arm
towards the opposite
side. Repeat 2-3 times
on each side. Biceps Stretch