The Ultimate Guide To Oxford and Cambridge Admissions
The Ultimate Guide To Oxford and Cambridge Admissions
The Ultimate Guide To Oxford and Cambridge Admissions
University IB Singapore
Russel Group A-Levels
A group of 24 leading research
universities in the UK, established in Oxbridge ≥43 AAAA
1994, comprising the following: (all 3 As at
minimum H2 level)
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
Cardiff University G-5
Durham University ≥40 - ≥42 AAB - AAA
University of Edinburgh (Note: Most G-5
University of Exeter schools also require
University of Glasgow at AAA for popular
courses like
Imperial College London
Engineering, Law,
King's College London Economics)
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
London School of Economics & Political Russel ≥36 AAB - ABB
Science Group
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford
Queen Mary, University of London
Queen's University Belfast
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
University College London
University of Warwick
University of York
Oxford vs
How do you
Oxford and Cambridge are two of the opportunities and degrees! It’s important to
most prestigious and historical do your research before sending in your
universities in England. Not only are they application.
both a few hundred years old, but they
hold some of the highest academic Before starting your application, you must
standards in the world. decide on your course. Some courses are
offered at Oxford, but not Cambridge, and
When applying, remember you can only vise-versa.
choose one. Their teaching methods and
application processes are fairly similar, View chart to understand key differences:
but both universities offer different
University of University of
Cambridge Oxford
Economics Offers an Economics course and Does not offer pure Economics –
a hybrid Land Economy course. students can take hybrid courses
like Economics and
Management, Philosophy,
Politics and Economics (PPE) or
History and Economics.
University of University of
Cambridge Oxford
A university with a city around it A city with a university in it
City City
Cambridge is relatively small and mostly Oxford feels like a big city with the
dominated by students. university sprinkled throughout. It is a lot
more urban.
Time to London
The university is less than an hour to London Time to London
by train so going into the city for the day is London is also only an hour away by train.
an easy possibility.
Weather The weather at Oxford is not as windy or
The city is foggier and windier than foggy, but it is still in the UK, so bring an
Oxford. Bring a windbreaker. umbrella. Or three.
Bottom Line
Both cities are great college towns but the best fit depends on what you are
looking for. If you want to live in a quaint, student-run city, Cambridge is for you. If
you are more interested in living in a big, busy city where your uni doesn’t feel like
the entire city, Oxford is for you.
Supervisions Tutorials
Cambridge’s supervisions are just like Oxford’s If you’ve ever dreamed of being in a class
“tutorials” with only one other student and the professor
once a week, you’re in luck! Tutorials allow you
Courses to discuss your work in a small setting in order
Cambridge, like Oxford, offers a wide variety of to get really personalised critiques and advice.
courses and is especially well known for its natural
sciences courses, offering a flexible natural science Courses
degree so you can combine any biological and Oxford is reputed to be slightly stronger in the
physical science to create your degree. Additionally, humanities and social sciences. However, if
unlike Oxford, you can study education as an you do choose to study science, you have to
undergraduate at Cambridge. pick one subject; there are no flexible science
degrees available. However, you can get a
Assessments joint degree.
Like at Oxford, you will be informally assessed Assessments
weekly during your supervisions. However, you
Throughout your time at Oxford you will be
will also have exams throughout your time at
assessed informally through the work you
Cambridge, not only in your final year.
produce for your tutors. In your final year, you
will take about 30 hours of exams that will
determine your degree classification.
Bottom Line
Academics are the best differentiator between the two universities — not in quality, as
both are world-renowned, but in style and approach. Consider what you want to study
before you decide where to apply. Luckily, both universities offer “Open Days” where you
can visit the departments you are interested in and figure out which ones you like best.
Check out the full course listing for Oxford and Cambridge if you cannot attend an "Open
Day". The subject you wish to study will help you determine which uni to attend.
The Personal Statement:
Everything You Need to Know
When applying to UK universities, you will This essay is of pivotal importance when
have to write one personal statement that assessing your candidacy. In some cases, it will
goes to all 5 schools you apply to. You will be be the deciding factor for an interview offer
given a word limit of 47 lines of text, or 4000 when it comes to candidates who have
characters. This equates to roughly 500 words. comparable grades and extracurricular
Your personal statement should
demonstrate the following:
Honesty: UCAS screening algorithms flag For instance, if you are applying for an
personal statements showing signs of Aerospace Engineering course, your Math
plagiarism - so make sure your work is your own Olympiad experience is applicable - but your
and that you haven’t copied sections of text football championships are not!
from other sources.
Clear and understandable language: Be genuine
Subject related focus: The primary objective of and truthful! Do not overuse flowery language -
your personal statement is to demonstrate your it is better to be concise and clear rather than
commitment to and proficiency in your chosen trying to impress with elaborate language,
subject. which in most cases actually makes your key
points harder to understand!
No list: Do not include a list of your
accomplishments; instead highlight those that Deferment: Singaporean students serving
are most applicable to the subject you are National Service should clearly state the reason
applying for. you are deferring your entry.
University of
by Emma T.
I first came across economics in 2015 whilst searching for a topic for a project on sustainability.
While others focused on the environment, I found researching how to maintain sustainable
debt in the third world far more interesting. This made me realise the critical role of economic
policy in global welfare, particularly in supporting the most vulnerable, which is why I wish to
pursue the study of economics.
I further explored my interest in economics during the Future Problem Solving competitions
nationally and then internationally in the US in 2017. Through this, I searched for solutions for
hypothetical future problems, which led me to research Public Choice Theory to try to reconcile
effective economic policy and political motivations, which were often at odds. I found that if we
deem public image as a positive “good” for politicians, market theory can be applied and such
analysis could be used to develop economic policies that are politically viable. I am eager to
learn how other factors besides politics could be accounted for in a similar way, improving the
use of economic tools.
I then became aware of issues related to the current use of GDP as an economic tool after
reading ‘The Value of Everything’ by Mariana Mazzucato. The exclusion of productive unpaid
work by the production boundary made me reflect the likely ramifications in the developing
world as a large proportion of work is unpaid. Therefore, displacement of productive unpaid
workers could be misinterpreted for an expanding labour force. I am excited to learn how
current economic tools such as GDP and concepts for the future such as Green GDP can be
developed in order to tackle the issues society faces.
I realised the importance of cultural systems in regards to income distribution after the
Christchurch terrorist attacks, which happened only a short distance from my home. The
victims were predominantly male and sole providers for their families, which led to immense
financial difficulties. Because of this, I organised a school fundraising event, raising over 6000
NZD for the Muslim community. This experience demonstrated that there are inherent
vulnerabilities in cultural systems to certain unforeseen events and that, ultimately, traditional
economic models ignore cultural norms which may obscure otherwise predictable outcomes.
Economics is evidently at the forefront of guiding international action in order to help those
most affected by global developments. I wish to study how the tools and models found within
economics can be used to achieve this, and hope to apply the knowledge and skills I gain in a
career in organisations such as the World Bank or IMF.
Acing the
It is common for UK universities to invite The important thing to note is that UK
you to an interview as part of the interviews are content-based and designed
application process — and if you are to evaluate your aptitude for the subject, as
applying for a course like medicine, or to well as your attitude towards learning and
Oxford or Cambridge, the interview is a critical inquiry.
compulsory part of the application
process.. The interviewers will not expect applicants
to possess university-level theoretical
So, what should you expect? knowledge of the subjects. Instead, they
will want to test how you can think critically
First — take a deep breath. If you’ve made and apply more basic principles and
it as far as the interview, that means knowledge to theoretical questions and
you’re already well qualified for the course situations. This will test your skills at logical
you’re applying to! reasoning and problem solving, which they
look for in potential admits.
University of University of
Cambridge Oxford
Here are some key tips to help you tackle At the end of the day, the best way to ace
challenging interview questions: your interview is to practice, practice and
practice! Make sure you have several mock
These interviews are designed to
interviews to familiarise yourself with the
simulate the experience of being in a
interview situation and the stress. Informal
tutorial at university. That means that it
practice will also help — practice speaking
is okay to not know the answer —
about your subject and your thoughts
interviewers are looking for how well
about what you’ve seen or read in informal
you can deal with uncertainty, and what
settings with teachers, parents or peers.
your thought process looks like in each
Non-Application Years
(Sec 3 / Grade 9 onwards)
Sec 4 / Grade 10 Choose your A-Level and IB subjects wisely — make sure you
have checked entry requirements at the schools you want to
apply to. It’s crucial to think ahead to what you might wish to
study at university, and plan your subject selection around that.
If you get this step wrong, you might find yourself in a position
later on where you want to study a subject at university, but do
not meet the requisite subject requirements for it!
Application Year
JC2/Grade 12
September You will have to submit your UCAS and your Cambridge
Online Preliminary Application (COPA - a Cambridge
specific supplement), typically by 20 September.
Entry examinations for Oxbridge will typically be held
during this time.
Essay Mentoring
Bryan knew that he needed direction with “Beck also helped me a lot with my personal
his application to UK universities. Crimson statement. She was really helpful -- after I
helped him by first focusing on the personal drafted my personal statement, her
statement, followed by the interviews. comments helped me to improve it by quite
Bryan's strategist, Isaac, as well as essay a lot. My tutors were actually constantly
mentor, Beck, worked closely with him to supportive of me.
ensure that his passion for Chemistry really
stood out in the personal statement. ”As a busy NS-man, Bryan appreciated the
effectiveness of remote meetings and virtual
“I think the most daunting thing was the sessions that were held while he was serving
personal statement because I actually had his duties in the military camp.
no idea how to go about writing it. There
were all these ideas in my head but I “The coolest thing about working with
couldn't organize them into a coherent Crimson was the Skype calls that I had. I
format. But with Isaac and Beck’s help, I wasn't expecting tutoring sessions over
think I demonstrated my interest in the Skype to be that useful because we are very
subject.” used to being taught in person; I wasn't sure
being taught over a video call would be just
as effective. It turned out to be very good.”
Personal Statement
Anya had a Crimson essay mentor to help
her with her personal statement -- Bianca,
a Law graduate from Oxford. As a former
law student herself, Bianca was able to help
Anya realize her genuine interest for the
subject; this really allowed Anya to be
sincere and thoughtful when articulating
her intended course of study in her
personal statement.
“Bianca really found a way to make it [the
essay] both personalized but still make it
very polished and sound very professional.
And she really understood what I wanted to
write, instead of telling me what to write.
She allowed me to come up with my ideas,
and then she helped as to how I could use
my ideas in the essay. So overall my essay
was just a lot more polished than it
would've been otherwise.”
Interview and Law Test
Multiple mentors are involved in the “I sort of knew what was going to happen on
Oxford/Cambridge interview preparation the day of the interview. And also there's
process at Crimson. These interview security knowing that you've practiced and
practices, coupled with great tutors who have gotten good feedback. I think that
taught her different answering techniques, definitely made me more confident in the
gave Anya just the confidence she needed to interview.
ace the interview.
”On top of the interviews, the Cambridge
“I think I had six hours of help with the Law assessment is another key component
interview and three mentors altogether. in the Cambridge applications. For the Law
That’s two hours with each mentor, and in admissions test, Ananya had five hours of
that way, I received different perspectives essay help and received constructive
and different opinions on my performance. I feedback from her tutor, Alec.
think each approach had something that
was quite valuable, and that was quite nice.” “Alec was actually really good at analyzing
the essay and giving me feedback. Not only
The preparation for the Cambridge interview was he effective, but he was also able to
itself really pushed Anya to think critically, accommodate me despite being busy. “
and gave her a sense of security when
walking into her actual interview.
Extracurricular Personal
Development Statement
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