MCQ Bank: Mcqs by Topic
MCQ Bank: Mcqs by Topic
MCQ Bank: Mcqs by Topic
MCQs by topic
NOV 2007
MAY 2008
2. In paediatric tracheostomy
a. Easily performed
b. Done under LA
c. Window Is created in trachea
d. Is commonly done in ELTB
e. Is preferred than intubation
3. In paediatric larynx
a. The superior boarder at C1
b. The infantile larynx is 1/3 of adult larynx
c. In adolescence subglottic is narrowest
d. The subglottic diameter in infantile is 4 mm
e. 1mm narrowing in lumen cause 75% of obstruction
NOV 2008
c. Children with cystic fibrosis disease has immotile cilia
d. Chest X-ray is useful in diagnosis of Kartagener syndrome
e. Sweat test is useful in children presenting with nasal polyps
8. Paediatric tracheostomy
a. Is frequently required for acute laryngotracheobronchitis
b. Is preferable to intubation in an emergency
c. Is complicated by psychological dependence
d. Involves cutting a slit in 1st and 3rd tracheal rings
e. Is easier performed in children because of their shorter neck
2. Syndromic SNHL
a. ( ) Cogan’s syndrome
b. ( ) Down’s syndrome
c. ( ) Potter’s syndrome
d. ( ) Marfan’s syndrome
3. Laryngotracheosophageal cleft
a. ( ) Present with husky cry
b. ( ) The phase of interruption of tracheoesophageal septum
determines the length of the cleft
c. ( ) It occurs in Pallister Hall syndrome
d. ( ) Type 1 involves cricoid
e. ( ) Type 1 repair is best approached through a lateral
pharyngotomy approach
1. Macroglossia causes
a. ( ) Beck width Wiedemann syndrome
b. ( ) Pierre robin
c. ( ) Amyloidosis
d. ( ) Neurofibroma
e. ( ) Apert
f. ( ) Treacher Collin syndrome
2. Cystic hygroma
a. ( ) Is a type of venous malformation
b. ( ) Picibanil Is a good sclerosant
c. ( ) Will spontaneously regress at 7-8 yo
5. Sarcoma
a. ( ) Commonest soft tissue malignancy in children
b. ( ) Less than 10yo is uncommon
c. ( ) Head and neck sarcoma in adults are the best treated with
May 2014
a. ( ) Is caused by immature development of laryngeal cartilage
b. ( ) Is caused by incoordination of laryngeal-pharyngeal
c. ( ) There Is no need examine tracheobronchial area if the child
is planned for op
2. Stridor
a. ( ) Subglottic hemangioma present at birth
b. ( ) Subglottic stenosis is usually treated endoscopically before
external surgery
c. ( ) Anterior cricoid split is indication in congenital case
d. ( ) Bilateral vocal cord palsy present with high pitched cry
e. ( ) Tracheostomy should be done in unilateral vocal cord palsy
3. Kimura disease
a. ( ) Is also termed as a eosinophilic angiolymphoid lesion
b. ( ) Has malignant potential
c. ( ) Has subcutaneous tissue involvement
d. ( ) Clinically mimic lymphoma
e. ( ) Has positive Ig G
5. Foreign body
a. ( ) Can be excluded if x-ray showed negative findings
b. ( ) Non- organic can stay asymptomatic in lower airway for
long duration
c. ( ) Associated with bronchiectasis lung
d. ( ) Related to emphysematous lung finding
May 2015
1. Regarding tympanometry, 2years old boy with history of grommets
inserted bilaterally, presented with right central perforation with
recurrent of left glue ear
a. ( ) Left tymp type C
b. ( ) Right tympanoplasty is required in future
c. ( ) Type B on right with normal volume
d. ( ) Bilateral hearing aids are beneficial
e. ( ) OAE show bilateral positive response
2. Tracheomalacia
a. ( ) Diffuse more common than localized
b. ( ) Decreased AP diameter
c. ( ) Caused by compression of innominate artery
d. ( ) Caused expiratory stridor
e. ( ) Can resolved spontaneously
3. Treacher-collins
a. ( ) Autosomal dominant
b. ( ) Micrognathia
c. ( ) Canal atresia
d. ( ) Choanal atresia
4. Choanal atresia
a. ( ) Bony 90%, membranous 10%
b. ( ) Bony of posterior wall of maxilla
c. ( ) Occurs in Treacher -Collin syndrome
d. ( ) Nasal secretion is a symptom
e. ( ) Low APGAR score
6. Risk of ASOM
a. ( ) High social status
b. ( ) Bottle feeding
c. ( ) Attendance to daycare facilities
d. ( ) Premature
e. ( ) Aborigin indigenous
Nov 2015
1. Subglottic hemangioma
a. ( ) Propranolol is a treatment
b. ( ) Steroid is a treatment
c. ( ) Born with stridor
d. ( ) Associated with subcutaneous hemangioma
2. Axial CT scan of choanal atresia
a. ( ) Airway of less than 3mm at pterygoid plate
b. ( ) Thick vomer
c. ( ) Inward bowing of maxillary spine
d. ( ) Narrow pyriform aperture
e. ( ) Medial bowing posterior maxillary sinus
3. Cystic hygroma
a. ( ) Ill defined CT
b. ( ) Cholesterol crystal
c. ( ) Neuro element detected
d. ( ) Line by endothelial cell
5. Stridor in children
a. ( ) Glottis web present weak cry
b. ( ) Supraglottic cyst is differential diagnosis
8. Cochlear implant
a. ( ) As early as possible in prelingual
b. ( ) Hearing aid is pre-requirement
c. ( ) Require mapping pre- op
MAY 2016
2. OAE in right ear with moderate CHL and left normal ear
a. ( ) Left pass
b. ( ) Right pass
c. ( ) Both pass
d. ( ) Left refer
e. ( ) Right refer
4. Tracheoesophageal fistula
a. ( ) It is associated with CHARGE syndrome
b. ( ) Bronchoscopy is mandatory
c. ( ) CXR showed air bubble in distal to fistula
d. ( ) The commonest is the H type
e. ( ) Excessive drooling is a presentation
4. Tracheomalacia
a. ( ) 50% associated with bronchomalacia
b. ( ) 50% a/w LPR
c. ( ) Present with wheezing
d. ( ) Artopexy is treatment of choice
e. ( ) Secondary tracheomalacia caused by prolonged
5. Laryngeal web
a. ( ) A/w DiGeorge syndrome
b. ( ) Causes SGS
c. ( ) A/w Cardiac anomalies
d. ( ) CHAOS syndrome worst prognosis
e. ( ) Cohen type 2 a/w 30% glottic stenosis
1. The indication for ventilation tube in children with middle ear effusion
a. ( ) acute otitis media with facial nerve palsy
b. ( ) cleft lip
c. ( ) documented hearing difficulties
d. ( ) recurrent acute otitis media
e. ( ) unilateral effusion for more than three months
2. In branchial cyst,
a. ( ) malignant transformation is common.
b. ( ) metastatic lymphadenopathy is one of the differential
c. ( ) most branchial cysts are associated with internal openings.
d. ( ) presence of cholesterol crystals on cytology is a feature
e. ( ) the peak of onset is during childhood.
3. In laryngomalacia,
a. ( ) endoscopic assessment is necessary in all cases.
b. ( ) neck X-ray is required in its diagnosis.
c. ( ) Pectus excavatum resolves completely after
d. ( ) stridor occurs immediately after birth.
e. ( ) the stridor improves with chin lift.
6. Hemangioma in infancy
a. ( ) commonly presents at birth.
b. ( ) is associated with PHACE syndrome.
c. ( ) is confirmed by detection of glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1).
d. ( ) is non involute.
e. ( ) predominantly occurs in females.
NOV 2019
1. M&G
a. ( ) Incision made at Posterior inferior quadrant
b. ( ) Main aim is to improve hearing
c. ( ) Injury of chorda tympani
d. ( ) Treatment for cholesterol granuloma
e. ( ) Can leave for 1 year
2. Paeds trache
a. ( ) Size 3.5mm in term
b. ( ) Cuff reduces air leak
c. ( ) Pneumothorax is common
d. ( ) Atlantoaxial in downs
e. ( ) Window made in anterior wall
4. Vascular malformation
a. ( ) Presents at birth
b. ( ) AVM treated with propranolol
c. ( ) FNAC is required to diagnose lymphatic malformation
5. Choanal atresia
a. ( ) Vomer thickening
b. ( ) Measurement at pterygoid plates is less than 3mm
c. ( ) Anterior bowing of posterior wall max sinus
d. ( ) Central megaincisor
e. ( ) Pyriform aperture stenosis
2. Paeds OSA
a. Pierre-Robin
b. Related to breathing center pathology?
c. Uncommon snoring
d. AHI 4 is normal
3. Lymphatic malformation
a. Infiltrative in nature
b. CT scan shows hyperdense lesion
c. Sirolimus acts by causing inflammatory process at the redundant spaces of
the malformation
d. Lined by endothelial lined wall with limited stroma
4. Tracheoesophageal fistula
a. Associated with charge
b. Shows bubble on chest radiography
c. Presents with respiratory distress at birth
d. Endoscopic is mandatory for diagnosis
e. Commonest H type
5. Nasal glioma
a. Intracranial connection with subdural csf
b. 60% intranasal
c. Enlarges with crying/straining
d. Ependymal cells seen on histology
e. Arise from lateral wall of nose in intranasal type
6. Paeds tracheostomy
a. Vertical skin incision is made in emergency
b. Hyperextended to expose thoracic trachea?
c. First change of trachy tube by parents
d. Stay suture
NOV 2007
1. Meniere’s disease
a. Associated with constipation
b. Fluctuation hearing loss
c. Mixed hearing loss
d. Potent vestibular sedative is best treatment
e. Endolymphatic surgical operation is treatment of choice
3. Caloric test
a. We need to move the pt head 30 degree to make posterior
semicircular channel at horizontal position
b. Is by run the fluid at 30 degree for 40 s
c. With cold water, nystagmus to ipsilateral side
d. Nystagmus detected after finidhing water injection immediately
4. Chondroma
a. Can lead to deafness
b. Common in children
5. Otitic barotraumas
a. Occurs during airplane descend
b. Occurs when the different in the atmosphere pressure 80-90mm
c. More common when there is nasal block
d. Grommet is needed
MAY 2008
1. PTA graph
a. Cochlear pathology ….
b. Stapedial reflex decay at 1 KHz is at 60 dB
c. Recruitment – lesion of cochlear, poor candidate for hearing aids
d. Auditory neuropathy cannot be detected by OAE
9. Cochlear implant
a. Labyrinthitis ossificans is a relative contraindication
b. Intraoperative neural ?.. is use for mapping
c. Cochleostomy is done in scala vestibule
d. Straight electrode is done in recurrent case
e. Bilateral SNHL
10. Cholesteatoma
a. Primary cholesteatoma occur in middle ear infection
b. Secondary acquired cholesteatoma occur in migration through
perforated TM
c. They should has a matrix squamous epithelium
d. Epidermoid cholesteatoma is a histological variant
e. In congenital cholesteatoma arises from embryonic epidermal
11. Otosclerosis
a. Commonest side posterior part of oval window
b. Commonly involved otic capsule
c. Autosomal recessive
d. Patient unable to hear in noisy environment
e. Blue mantle of mannase seen through naked eye
f. Usually bilateral
12. Temporal bone fracture
a. Longitudinal fracture rarely spare the ossicle
b. Blood is coming out in EAC due to fracture of the roof of
tympanic cavity
c. Facial nerve involvement is common in longitudinal fracture
d. The weakest point is between the squamous-petrous junction
14. FN paralysis
a. In Stapedial arch , the contralateral reflex is affected by central
b. EnocG is used in bilateral Facial nerve paralysis
15. Facial recess
a. The facial recess is lateral to sinus tympani
b. Chorda tympani is in its wall
c. Tympanic sulcus is medially
d. Is approach by posterior tympanotomy
16. Causes of persistent discharge mastoid cavity
a. Adequate meatoplasty
b. Large mastoid bowl
c. Ascending infection from Eustachian tube
d. Cholesteatoma in sinodural angle
e. Granulation tissue in ME
17. Speech audiometry
a. SRT
b. Is a temporal discrimination
c. In children free field test is presented as dB HL
21. ERA
a. ABR
b. CERA , done during sleep
NOV 2008
5. Regarding nystagmus
a. Vertical nystagmus is seen in peripheral lesion
b. Failure of fixation to suppress nystagmus is a sign of central
c. Positive Dix- Hallpike tests showed immediate onset nystagmus
d. The central type disappears on repetition
e. Vetibular nystagmus is exaggerated when the eye looks in the
direction of the slow component
11. The following are the differential diagnosis of a cerebellopontine angle
a. Vestibular schwannoma
b. Meningioma
c. Cholesteatoma
d. Aneurysms
e. Glomus tympanicum
12. The following drugs causes ototoxicity
a. Cisplatin
b. Frusemide
c. Aspirin
d. Ethambutol
e. Rifampicin
13. The following are true of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
a. It is the commonest cause of peripheral vertigo
b. It is predominant due to calcium carbonate deposition on the
cupula of the lateral semi-circular canal
c. A predisposing factor for BPPV is head injury
d. The direction of nystagmus does not change on repeated testing
e. Labyrinthine sedative is the treatment of choice
17. The following theories are correct regarding presbycusis
a. Neural presbycusis refers to degeneration and loss of hair cells
b. Sensory presbycusis refers to degeneration and loss of neural
c. Metabolic presbycusis refers to biochemical abnormalities in the
inner ear
d. Mechanical presbycusis refers to degeneration of inner ear
supportive elements
e. Mixed presbycusis refers to degeneration of the hair cells ad
neural elements
May 2012
9. Nystagmus
a. ( ) Congenital nystagmus is pendular type
b. ( ) Positional nystagmus is rotatory
c. ( ) All peripheral nystagmus is horizontal and biphasic
d. ( ) Fast component is peripheral compensation
e. ( ) Change in direction is typical of peripheral nystagmus
10. Videonystagmography
a. ( ) Supra ocular lesion
b. ( ) Can diagnose cerebellar lesion
c. ( ) For vergence
d. ( ) Can assess supranuclear
e. ( ) Can differentiate compensated and non compensated
12. OME
a. ( ) Treated with topical ear drop
b. ( ) Antihistamine useful in paed
c. ( ) Grommet can minimize recurrence
d. ( ) Adenoidectomy before 2yo help
e. ( ) Pneumococcal vaccine reduce incident
14. Optokinetic
a. ( ) Rapid movement in vertical direction
b. ( ) Never fatigue
c. ( ) Allow someone to see fast moving object
d. ( ) Is specific to detect vestibular disorder
15. NIHL
a. ( ) Threshold for temporary threshold shift is at 100dB
b. ( ) In temporary threshold shift, the stereocilia of OHC is
c. ( ) Affect frequency half an octave higher than the frequency
of the noise
d. ( ) Affect basal turn commonly
e. ( ) 3kHz dip can be seen in PTA
f. ( ) TTS an protect against a sudden noise in 140dB
18. OAEs
a. ( ) Affected by body movement
b. ( ) Detect threshold
c. ( ) Portable OAE is an objective test
d. ( ) DPOAE is frequency specific
e. ( ) Present in sensorineural hearing loss
f. ( ) Useful in identification of deafness
20. Ototoxicity
a. ( ) Aminoglycoside is cochleotoxic
3. In cervico-aural fistula
a. ( ) The upper fistula can open beyond the cartilaginous of EAC
b. ( ) Type 2 opening is below angle of mandible
c. ( ) During surgery , facial nerve is at risk
d. ( ) Comprise of 15% of all branchial anomalies
e. ( ) Type 1 is from mesodermal origin
4. Stapedial reflex
a. ( ) Can differentiate sensory or neural hearing loss
b. ( ) Can be determine auditory neuropathy
c. ( ) Can differentiate cochlear (sensory) vs retrocochlear
(neural) lesion
d. ( ) Can detect brainstem lesion
e. ( ) Its to detect middle ear problem
5. Peripheral nystagmus
a. ( ) Is uniphasic
b. ( ) In lateral SCC BPPV is rotatory nystagmus during Dix –
Hallpike manoeuvre
c. ( ) Worsened by optic fixation
d. ( ) Frenzel glass can eliminate the optic fixation
e. ( ) Associated with nausea, vomiting
f. ( ) Follow alexander law
3. Hearing aids
a. ( ) BAHA for severe bilateral SNHL
b. ( ) BAHA for canal atresia
c. ( ) Mode of compression to improve in digital hearings aids
d. ( ) Ear mould improve hearing in low frequency
4. MOE
a. ( ) Skull base may involve
b. ( ) Caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa
c. ( ) Treated by gentamicin
d. ( ) May present like temporal bone carcinoma
5. Cochlear implant
a. ( ) Can in 2 years old
b. ( ) 2 months can wear hearing aids
c. ( ) 2 years can refer speech therapy
d. ( ) BAHA?
6. Acoustic reflex
a. ( ) Reflex is absent in middle ear pathology
b. ( ) Reflex threshold is 55dB above normal threshold
c. ( ) Normal contralateral reflex threshold implies intact
superior olivary complex
d. ( ) Provides parameters for monitoring of facial nerve function
e. ( ) Loud sound directed into either ear will cause bilateral
8. Acoustic neuroma
a. ( ) Brainstem implant is indicated after bilateral acoustic
9. Hearing
a. ( ) 60dB is normal hearing in conversation
b. ( ) Using gun, hearing loss in both ear will be affected similarly
10. Fully developed structure at birth
a. ( ) Malleus
b. ( ) Inner ear
c. ( ) Mastoid
d. ( ) TMJ
e. ( ) Shenoid sinus
14. Exostosis
a. ( ) Bilateral
b. ( ) Cancellous bone
c. ( ) Floor only
d. ( ) No treatment if asymptomatic
15. Regarding ear pinna
a. ( ) Pain in allergic dermatitis
b. ( ) Peu de orange in lymphoedema
c. ( ) Chondritis cause by trauma
d. ( ) Erysipelas can cause systemic sepsis
e. ( ) Cellulitis cause by gram negative
3. Perichondritis
a. ( ) Commonly present peau de orange
b. ( ) Erysipelas due to skin abrasion
c. ( ) Sebarrhoic dermatitis due to strep group A
d. ( ) Allergy to drug at dependent area
e. ( ) Cellulitis can present as systemic toxicity
4. Canal cholesteatoma
a. ( ) Old age
b. ( ) Abnormal epithelial migration
c. ( ) Treatment is surgery
d. ( ) Ballooning canal
7. Clinical masking
a. ( ) AC same ear more than 20 dB
b. ( ) AB gap more than 20 dB should be done
c. ( ) Written in dB SPL
d. ( ) Using white noise
8. Universal hearing screening
a. ( ) Done in all baby
b. ( ) OAE is frequency specific
c. ( ) ABR min 20 dB HL
d. ( ) Mild hearing loss usually missed
e. ( ) Repeat after 3 months if fail
9. Acoustic reflex
a. ( ) First detected is the threshold
b. ( ) Can present in contralateral ear
c. ( ) Minimal threshold is 60 dB
d. ( ) Highest frequency is 2kHz
e. ( ) The afferent nerve that involve in non-acoustic reflex
pathway is trigeminal nerve
11. Electroneurography
a. ( ) Measure function of neuron
b. ( ) No benefit in bilateral facial nerve palsy
c. ( ) Need supramaximal stimulation
d. ( ) Day 1 effective
12. Exostosis
a. ( ) Deep part of canal
b. ( ) Bilateral
c. ( ) Can cause cholesteatoma
d. ( ) Cause by swimming in cold water
e. ( ) Cortical mastoid is treatment
14. Cholesteatoma
a. ( ) Has cholesterol in feature
b. ( ) The capsule is lined with stratified squamous epithelium
c. ( ) Head of malleus is usually eroded
d. ( ) Automastoidectomy will be symptom free
e. ( ) MRI hyperattenuation in T1 & enhanced with gadolinium
a. ( ) Due to ototoxicity
b. ( ) Gentamicin is treatment
c. ( ) More in elderly
d. ( ) Common after viral fever
5. Tulio phenomenon
a. ( ) Meniere’s disease
b. ( ) Otosclerosis
c. ( ) BPPV
d. ( ) Labyrinthitis
e. ( ) Congenital syphilis
7. Regarding Otosclerosis
a. ( ) Is a disease limited to otic capsule
b. ( ) Surgery is contraindicated for the only hearing ear
c. ( ) Is an autosomal recessive condition
d. ( ) Commonly at the posterior part of oval window
e. ( ) It is equally common in male and female
8. PTA
a. ( ) Start at 500hz
b. ( ) Above 7 yo
c. ( ) Inter octave testing is 20dB
d. ( ) NIHL dip at 3kHz
NOV 2016
4. Otosclerosis
a. ( ) Characterised by Otodystrophy of the otic capsule
b. ( ) Equally common in male and female
c. ( ) It is common in children
d. ( ) Hearing aid is treatment option
e. ( ) It is categorised into fenestral and retrofenestral
6. Regarding cholesteatoma
a. ( ) Has matrix lined by stratified squamous epithelium
b. ( ) Contain cholesterol
c. ( ) Demonstrate intense enhancement on MRI with gadolinium
d. ( ) It is symptom free in automastoidectomy
e. ( ) The head of malleus is the most susceptible ossicles to
7. Findings in Meniere’s disease
a. ( ) Endolymphatic hydrops is visualized on MRI with
b. ( ) Frequency o attacks are more often in early phase of
c. ( ) The presence of tone decay
d. ( ) The presence of over recruitment
e. ( ) The rate of bilateral disease at initial stage is 50%
8. Vestibular neuritis
a. ( ) Is a reactivation of latent infection of Herpes Simplex type I
b. ( ) Presents with rotatory vertigo
c. ( ) Shows and impaired vestibular ocular reflex to the normal
d. ( ) Is treated with methylprednisolone
e. ( ) Has a low recurrence rate
17. Exostosis
a. ( ) Bilateral ear is common
b. ( ) Multiple swelling in ear canal
c. ( ) No need excision if asymptomatic
NOV 2017
1. NOE
a. ( ) Granulation tissue at junction of cartilage and bone
b. ( ) Clindamycin is drug of choice
c. ( ) Isotope scan is better than CT scan to identify infective
2. CPA mass
a. ( ) Vestibular schwannoma
b. ( ) Meningioma
c. ( ) Aneurysm
d. ( ) Glomus tympanicum
e. ( ) Cholesteatoma
d. ( ) Plug ET
e. ( ) Directly access sinus tympani
4. Vestibular neuronitis
a. ( ) Presented with hearing loss
b. ( ) Vertigo lasted more than 24 hours
c. ( ) Caloric test shows canal paresis
d. ( ) Nystagmus to affected side
7. Structures adjacent to FN in ME
a. ( ) Round window
b. ( ) Stapes footplate
c. ( ) Processus cochlearformis
d. ( ) ET
e. ( ) Lateral SCC
8. Canal cholesteatoma
a. ( ) Due to abnormal epithelial migration
b. ( ) Cause ballooning of canal
c. ( ) Best treated with surgery
d. ( ) usually bilateral
9. Peripheral nystagmus
a. ( ) Name after the fast phase
b. ( ) Towards lesion in acute labyrinthitis
c. ( ) Spontaneous nystagmus reduced if remove optic
d. ( ) Dix hallpike elicit horizontal nystagmus in post BPPV
11. OAE
a. ( ) Normal OAE indicate functioning organ of Corti
b. ( ) DPOAE
c. ( ) To detect retrocochlear lesion
d. ( ) Test hair cell function
e. ( ) Detect threshold
14. PTA
a. ( ) Masking perform when there is 40dB difference AC
b. ( ) BC testing range 500-8kHz
c. ( ) AC testing always done with insert earphone
d. ( ) Objective method testing
e. ( ) All BC hearing threshold should mask
NOV 2018
1. Regarding facial nerve palsy
a. ( ) Bell palsy is the commonest cause.
b. ( ) Complete recovery is likely achieved in neuronotmesis.
c. ( ) Electroneuronography is tested within three days of
d. ( ) Melkersson – Rosenthal syndrome is characterized by
recurrent facial nerve palsy.
e. ( ) Topognostic test is used to determine the site of facial
nerve palsy.
16. Hyperacusis
a. ( ) is a collapsed tolerance to usual environmental sound.
b. ( ) is due to paralysis of tensor tympani muscle.
c. ( ) is managed with conventional hearing aids.
d. ( ) is similar to recruitment.
e. ( ) the Loudness Discomfort Level (LDL) is below 85dB.
MAY 2019
1. Caloric test:
a. ( ) Irrigate ear at 30degrees for 40 sec T
b. ( ) Timed from onset of nystagmus F (from start of irrigation to
the end point of nystagmus is charted on calorigram)
c. ( ) Unilateral canal paresis means ipsilateral vestibular lesion T
(Less or no response of one canal indicates depressed function
of ipsilateral labyrinth, vestibular nerve, or vestibular cochlea)
NOV 2019
1. Carotid body tumour
a. ( ) Causes hypoglossal nerve palsy
b. ( ) Also known as chromaffin paraganglioma
2. Vagal paraganglioma
a. ( ) Neuroectodermal origin
b. ( ) Vagal causes horner’s syndrome
c. ( ) Involved nodus ganglion
3. Glomus tympanicum
a. ( ) Middle ear tumour can do LTBR
4. Tuning fork
a. ( ) Negative Rinnes need ABG of at least 20dB
b. ( ) Weber lateralise to better cochlea
c. ( ) Lower frequency tuning fork has shorter decay time
d. ( ) Stenger test
e. ( ) Rinnes negative in severe hearing loss
6. Tinnitus
a. ( ) Measured by pitch matching
b. ( ) Tinnitus handicap index
c. ( ) Sound is masked with narrow band noise
d. ( ) Active distraction
7. Stapedial reflex
a. ( ) Hearing level 90dB can do
b. ( ) Tenses tensor tympani
c. ( ) Injury distal to stapedius will have absent reflex
d. ( ) Tympanometry A associated with absent reflex
11. Nystagmus
a. ( ) Gaze evoked is peripheral
b. ( ) Spontaneous is abnormal
c. ( ) Congenital nystagmus is peripheral
d. ( ) Sedative will enhance Alexander’s law
14. Cholesteatoma
a. ( ) Canal cholesteatoma causes localised erosion
b. ( ) Kerastosis obturans is bilateral
c. ( ) Oral cavity Ca
d. ( ) HPV renders better survival
15. Masking
a. ( ) Bone conduction done using narrow band stimuli
b. ( ) Masking dilemma in bilateral symmetrical hearing loss
16. PTA
a. ( ) ABG less than 15dB normal
b. ( ) Air conduction tested up to 8kHx
c. ( ) Masking is done when air conduction between 2 ears is
40dB and above
d. ( ) SRT predicts PTA
22. Otosclerosis
a. ( ) Otic capsule
b. ( ) Autosomal recessive
c. ( ) Surgery is not justifiable in only hearing ear
d. ( ) Difficult to hear in loud noise
e. ( ) Commonly in posterior footplate
3. Masking
a. Warble sound is used
b. Narrow band white noise used in air masking
c. Masking threshold is achieved when plateau is reached
d. Central masking is when the masked bone threshold shifts not more than
20dB threshold
e. Masking dilemma happens when sound to non test ear cross over to test ear
4. Meniere disease
a. Glycerol dehydration test improves hearing threshold
b. Intratympanic gentamicin a treatment
c. Vestibular neurectomy is destructive to hearing
d. Bilateral end stage disease is treated with cochlear implant
e. Turmarkin drop crisis is pathognomonic of Meniere's disease
5. Presbycusis
a. Metabolic is due to atrophy of stria vascularis
b. Cochlear type down slopping high frequency hearing loss
c. Cochlear have good speech descrimination score
d. Neural (cnt remember)
e. Treat with cochler implant
6. Vestibular schwanomma
a. Verocay body in Antoni A
b. Present with progressive unilateral hearing loss
c. Cochlear nerve invasion happens early
d. Treatment is by enucleation
e. Reticular type more difficult to treat
7. Cholesterol granuloma
a. Endothelial-lined cyst
b. Requires complete excision
c. Most common petrous apex lesion?
d. Able to differentiate with cholesteatoma with ct scan
8. Noise induced hearing loss
a. 80% of working adult exposed to NIHL
b. Characteristically has 4kHz notch in audiogram
c. Earmuff is adequate protection
d. Any exposure above 80dBHA requires ear protection
e. Noise at moderate frequency will cause reduction in blood flow
11. Otosclerosis
a. Notch at 4khz
b. Is treated with bone conduction hearing aid
c. Schwartze sign due to hyperaemia of tympanic membrane
17. Cholesteatoma
a. Automastoidectomy results in stable epithelial lining
b. Preserve hearing with bridging of ossicular erosion
c. Bone erosion with osteoclastic enzyme
d. Matrix consist of keratinized squamous epithelium
3. Cholesterol granuloma
a. Can be sequalae of temporal bone fracture
b. Presents with hyperintense signals in both T1 and T2 weighted
images on MRI
c. Commonly causes osteitis and resorption of bone
d. Results in cholesteatoma formation in chronic cases
e. Requires complete exenteration of mastoid cells during
mastoidectomy to prevent recurrence
7. The following are true of the management of traumatic facial nerve palsy
a. Lesion of the facial nerve proximal of the geniculate ganglion
causes ipsilateral loss of stapedial reflex
b. Topodiagnostic test give a precise indication of a site when the
lesion is partial
c. Electroneurography demonstrating greater than 90% neural
degeneration within the first 6 days of temporal bone fracture
suggests the need for surgical exploration
d. When the hearing is normal, the appropriate approach for
decompression at the labyrinthine segment is via a transmastoid
e. The middle cranial fossa approach is indicated when there is
absent of lacrimation with complete sensorineural hearing loss
15. The following are true of lower motor neuron facial nerve injury
a. Decompression is indicated when there is more than 90%
degeneration on electroneuronography
b. Injury at the labyrinthine segment will have normal gusto
manometry results
c. Polyphasic potentials in electromyography indicates
d. Loud tone stimulation in the contralateral ear does not produce
a change in impedance if the injury is proximal to the nerve to
the stapedius
e. If associated with profound to severe hearing loss , the best
approach to the labyrinthine segment is via the middle cranial
fossa approach
16. The following criteria suggest vestibular neuronitis
a. Sudden onset of vertigo
b. Mild to moderate hearing loss
c. Vertigo lasting 4-5 days
d. Occurs predominantly in the elderly
e. Decreased ENG caloric response in one ear
17. Grommets
a. Are inserted mainly to drain fluid from the middle ear
b. Allow middle ear to be ventilated normally
c. Are very useful in Meniere’s disease
d. With recurrent infections can cause changes in the tympanic
e. Must be removed surgically after 6b months
1 F F T F T
3 T T T F F
4 T T F T T
4. Acoustic neuroma
a. Is a benign tumour involving cells of the myelin sheath of he
vestibulocochlear nerve
b. Unilateral acoustic neuroma is associated with
Neurofibromatosis Type 1
c. Bilateral acoustic neuroma is associated with Neurofibromatosis
Type 2
d. Can occur anywhere along the vestibular nerve pathway
e. Facial pain in acoustic neuroma indicates compression of the
facial nerve
7. In impedance audiometry
a. The dynamic changes measure the stapedius muscle contraction
b. Tympanometry measures the compliance of the tympanic
c. In acoustic reflex measurements the minimum sound intensity
required to produce response is 60dB above the normal
d. The afferent limb of the reflex arc consists of the CN VII,
stapedius muscle and tendons and stapes
e. A normal contralateral stapedius reflex implies an intact afferent
limb of the reflex arc on the side of acoustic stimulus
16. The following are topodiagnostic test of facial nerve injury secondary to
temporal bone fracture
a. Pure tone audiometry
b. Stapedial reflex
c. Salivary flow test
d. Schimmer’s test
e. Electroneuronography
4. Medullary ca
a. We excised the parathyroid gland together with it
b. Hypercalcaemia is a feature
c. Common in female
5. Salivary gland
a. Minor gland more prone for malignancy
b. Rhabdomyosarcoma is aggressive tumour in this area
c. Get innervations from otic ganglion
6. At the mandible
a. Ameloblastoma is a fast-growing tumour
b. Pre-canine is the commonest type of odontogenic cyst
c. At the mandible odontogenic cyst are radiolucent
d. Recurrences are high with the odontogenic cyst
e. In the odontogenic cyst marsupialization is one of the
MAY 2008
1. Post op mx of H&N surgery
a. Oral feeding is started in 7-10 days in laryngectomy patient
b. Drain should be removed 3 rdday op
c. Serum calcium is done next day
d. Se thyroid is done the next day
e. In gastric pull up patient calcium supplement is needed
3. Branchial cyst
a. Is same as branchial sinus
b. Is found in parotid
c. Inclusion theory explained the internal opening
d. The swelling is intermittent
e. It present since birth
4. Parotid tumour
a. Pleomorphic adenoma is multicentric
b. Whartins is bilateral
c. Open biopsy is absolute contraindication
d. In retrograde to search facial nerve use cervical branch
5. In neck dissection
a. In supraomohyoid level I & II are removed
b. Lateral neck dissection level I is not removed
c. SCM is preserved in modified type III
6. Contraindication of RND
a. Supraclavicular LN is contraindication
b. Untreatable primary disease
c. Liver metastasis
d. Carotid sheath involvement
e. Recent MI
8. Corners of consternation
a. Upper end of IJV
b. Submandibular triangle
c. Lower end of omohyoid
d. Lower end IJV
e. Supraclavicular triangle
9. Fracture of mandible
a. The weakest is the subcondylar region
b. Direction of the fracture is determine by musculature
c. If there is bone loss, we use open pin method
d. Commonest side of mandibular fracture is condylar
e. Teeth at the line of fracture must be removed
NOV 2008
6. The following statement regarding obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
are true?
a. The lowest oxygen saturation is an indication of its severity
b. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is commonly complicated by
changes in voice
c. An apnoea-hypopnoea index of 20 indicates severe sleep
d. Retrognathia is a predisposing cause
e. Hypertension is a known association
3. Chemotherapy
a. ( ) Carboplastin more nephrotoxicity than cisplastin
b. ( ) Cisplastin is associated with ototoxicity
c. ( ) Combination chemotherapy gives good result in recurrent
malignant tumours of H&N
d. ( ) Gene therapy uses viral vector
e. ( ) Can be used in treatment of metastatic lymphoepithelioma
4. Pyriform sinus ca
a. ( ) Spread to larynx via paraglottic space
b. ( ) Continuous with neck secondaries
c. ( ) Ear pain is early sign
d. ( ) Primary tumour can present in the neck through the
thyrohyoid membrane
2. Thyroidectomy
a. ( ) Parathyroid gland can be preserved in MNG
b. ( ) Joll’s triangle is associated with RLN
c. ( ) Inferior thyroid artery cross anterior to internal laryngeal
d. ( ) Superior thyroid artery is ligated near to the superior pole
of the gland
4. Suppurative parotitis
a. ( ) Commonest pathogen is staph aureus
b. ( ) More common in children between 6-10 years old
c. ( ) If recurrence, need superficial parotidectomy
d. ( ) Associated with xerostomia
e. ( ) Can be complicated with Vincent angina
2. Thyroglossal cyst
a. ( ) Most common at level of thyroid
b. ( ) Risk of carcinoma is common
c. ( ) Removal include removal of hyoid bone
d. ( ) Differential is dermoid cyst
3. OSA
a. ( ) Cicatricial scarring is a complication of UPPP
b. ( ) Bana ? surgery is option for severe OSA
c. ( ) Mueller manoeuvre to grade severity of OSA
d. ( ) Base of tongue reduction of retropalatal collapse
e. ( ) Hyoid suspension for retrolingual collapse
4. Follicular thyroid ca
a. ( ) Form the majority of thyroid malignancies
b. ( ) Present as single solitary nodule
c. ( ) Metastasize to lung more likely compare to lymph node
d. ( ) Cannot be differentiated from adenine in FNAC
e. ( ) Is a malignant transformation from thyroglossal cyst
5. Lip carcinoma
a. ( ) Most common occur in the upper lip
b. ( ) Is staged according to oral cavity ca
c. ( ) Show basal cell carcinoma as commonest pathology
d. ( ) Show Clinical behaviour of skin carcinoma
e. ( ) Is directly related to amount of Sun exposure
6. Branchial cyst
a. ( ) Most a/w internal opening
b. ( ) Malignant transformation is common
c. ( ) Contain cholesteral in the cystic fluid
d. ( ) Peak incidence during childhood
e. ( ) Cystic degeneration of lymph nodes
2. OSA
a. ( ) High occurrence in stage 1 sleep
b. ( ) Outcome surgery depend on obesity (BMI)
c. ( ) Frequently in REM sleep
3. Pleomorphic adenoma
a. ( ) Most common in parotid
b. ( ) Treat with resection include normal tissue
c. ( ) Presence of true capsule
d. ( ) Risk of malignancy
e. ( ) If recurrence of surgery
4. Parotid ca
a. ( ) Adenoid cystic ca is one third of all major salivary gland
b. ( ) Perineural invasion
c. ( ) Lung metastases
d. ( ) Immunotherapy is not effective
2. Regarding ameloblastoma
a. ( ) Associated with unerupted third molars
b. ( ) 80% occurs in maxilla
c. ( ) Radiographically is a multicystic lesion with tooth
d. ( ) Multicystic type require hemimandibulectomy and
e. ( ) Commonly metastasize to lung
3. Buccal ca
a. ( ) F>M , 2: 1
b. ( ) Orogenital contact is a risk
c. ( ) Secondary healing for T1 lesion
d. ( ) Photodynamic therapy for superficial lesion
e. ( ) HPV is associated with SCC
4. Complication of parotidectomy
a. ( ) Gustatory flushing
b. ( ) Negative starch iodine test
c. ( ) Numbness at inferior ½ of pinna
5. OSA
a. ( ) PSG somnoplasty done 3/12 after op
b. ( ) Radiofrequency tongue base volume reduction (RFTVR) ??
c. ( ) 50% recurrence of UPPP
d. ( ) Fujita type II indicate retrolingual collapse
e. ( ) Morbid obesity best treated with bariatric surgery
7. Fibrous dysplasia
a. ( ) ALP increase in polyostotic
b. ( ) More in maxilla
c. ( ) More involve adult
d. ( ) Fibroosseous tissue fill up cortex
e. ( ) Extracranial present more with pain
8. Hypopharyngeal carcinoma
a. ( ) T3 is hemilarynx fixation
b. ( ) Pyriform sinus present earlier than post cricoid carcinoma
c. ( ) Postcricoid ca female > male
d. ( ) Pyriform fossa ca in Plummer -Vinson syndrome
e. ( ) Laser can be used for early lesion
NOV 2016
1. Radio iodine therapy in differentiated thyroid carcinoma
a. ( ) Induced secondary malignancy in minority of patients
b. ( ) Increase risk of miscarriage
c. ( ) Not useful in medullary thyroid ca
d. ( ) Uses iodine-131
e. ( ) Commonly causes pulmonary fibrosis
4. Hypopharyngeal ca
a. ( ) T2 best treated with radiotherapy
b. ( ) Pharyngolaryngectomy is performed in Post cricoid tumour
c. ( ) Jejunal flap can be used for reconstruction
d. ( ) Supraomohyoid neck dissection is performed in N0 neck
e. ( ) Loss of laryngeal crepitus indicates extension of tumour to
prevertebral muscles
6. Regarding radiotherapy
a. ( ) Cause single strand DNA break
b. ( ) Effect is maximum at mitotic phase
c. ( ) Causes minimal complication in rapidly dividing cells
d. ( ) Action is optimized in well oxygenated cell/ tissue
e. ( ) Fractionation causes less side effects
10. Submandibulectomy
a. ( ) Dissection is Subcapsular
b. ( ) The marginal mandibular nerve encountered superficial to
c. ( ) Hypoglossal nerve is at risk
d. ( ) Facial artery is an important landmark
e. ( ) The duct ligated distally
8) Surgery in OSA
a. ( ) 1 stline treatment in OSA
b. ( ) Mullers is a good investigation to determine the degree
of pharyngeal collapse
c. ( ) Surgery is adjunctive to CPAP
d. ( ) Friedmann classification is a useful predictor outcome
e. ( ) Lingual tongue retractor surgery, the base of tongue is
suspended to symphysis menti
9) Oral surgery + supraomohyoid neck dissection (indication)
a. ( ) Carcinoma in situ
b. ( ) Leukoplakia at buccal
c. ( ) Tongue SCC
d. ( ) Actinic keratosis
e. ( ) Spindle cell tumour of FOM
4. Oral cancer,
a. ( ) HPV-related SCC exhibit poor differentiation.
b. ( ) neck dissection is indicated in T 2 N 0 tumour.
c. ( ) tumor thickness has a significant correlation with occult
nodal disease.
d. ( ) ulcerative carry poorer prognosis.
e. ( ) verrucous carcinoma has the same prognosis with SCC.
6. Regarding osteoradionecrosis
a. ( ) Antibiotic is indicated.
b. ( ) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment option.
c. ( ) It presents with non-healing ulcer with denuded bone.
d. ( ) Radiation arteritis is a feature.
e. ( ) Radio iodine ablation is a risk factor.
1. AJCC:
a. ( ) Depth of invasion in oral CA added T
b. ( ) P16 pos poorer prognosis F
c. ( ) Parotid node 6cm = N3a
d. ( ) Vascular invasion determines prognosis
2. Flaps:
a. ( ) Blood supply to ALT- Descending branch of lateral femoral
circumflex artery T
NOV 2019
1. Carotid body tumour
a. ( ) Causes hypoglossal nerve palsy
b. ( ) Also known as chromaffin paraganglioma
2. Vagal paraganglioma
a. ( ) Neuroectodermal origin
b. ( ) Vagal causes horner’s syndrome
c. ( ) Involved nodus ganglion
3. Parotid SCC
a. ( ) Aggressive
b. ( ) Unencapsulated
c. ( ) Total parotidectomy
d. ( ) Facial nerve uncommonly affected
e. ( ) Commonly present with neck nodes
7. PSG
a. ( ) Home test is level 2
b. ( ) Level 3 can diagnose mild OSA
c. ( ) Split night is adequate to diagnose
d. ( ) First night reduces accuracy
8. OSA
a. ( ) Retropalatal collapse treated with pillar implants
9. Facial pain
a. ( ) Myofacial pain in post menopausal women
b. ( ) TMJ pain present at temporoparietal headache
c. ( ) Supraorbital artery compresses supratrochlear nerve,
Trigeminal neuralgia
3. Neck abscess
a. Parapharyngeal space until C6
b. Retropharyngeal abscess treat with antibiotic
c. Salmonella sp common in diabetic
d. Same pathology in adult and children
5. Neck dissection
a. Spinal accessory nerve is part of consternation?
b. Supraomohyoid use modified blair incision
6. Papillary thyroid ca
a. More lymphatic extension compared to haematogenous
b. Ground glass appearance in histo
c. Treated with radiotherapy
d. Microcarcinoman if less than 1.5cm
e. Intratracheal invasion is treated with RAI
7. Parapharyngeal mass
a. Vagal paraganglioma push the carotid artery posterolaterally
b. Parapharyngeal mass can present as parotid lesion
c. Biopsy done after imaging
d. 70 % benign
8. Hypopharyngeal tumour
a. Radiotherapy is indicated for T1 tumour
b. Esophagectomy is indicated for pyriform fossa tumour
9. OSA
a. Radio-frequency of soft palate is indicated for Isolated retropalatal lesion
b. Bariatric surgery is indicated for BMI more than 40
c. Muller's maneuver poor in assessing the severity of obstruction
10. Recurrent salivary gland tumour
a. More in submandibular gland
b. More common in high grade tumour
c. Occurs after removal of parotid tumour
d. FNAC is indicated
e. Higher risk of facial nerve injury
NOV 2007
1. Angiofibroma
a. Bowing posterior wall of maxillary sinus
b. Tend to break the capsule and grow
c. Fibroangioma more aggressive than angiofibroma
d. Can involve the intra-orbital structure by premature pathology
e. Arise from sphenopalatine junction
2. Inverted papilloma
a. Can effect maxillary and ethmoid sinuses
b. Common at the nose floor
c. Total maxillectomy is the treatment of choice
d. It eroded the bone
2. Intrinsic rhinitis
a. The most common symptoms is nasal congestion and anosmia
b. More to occur in children than adult
c. Non eosinophilic – response to intranasal corticosteroid
d. Skin prick test invalid in patient on antihistamine
e. Polyp in non eosinophilic
3. In food allergy
a. Egg yolk is the commonest food allergy
b. Allergic reaction develop within 1 hr of ingestion
c. Intradermal adrenaline in adult is 0.3mg
d. Type IV, most common in nickel and cobalt
4. In AFS
a. RAST is positive
b. Histology showed abundant of Charcot Leyden
c. Allergic mucin shows fungal hyphae
d. In the mucosa there is fungal invasion
5. In skin testing
a. Subcutaneous adrenaline is needed
b. Patient should be explained regarding systemic side effect
c. Beta blocker should be avoid before
d. Should be done in patient in intact immune system
6. In Wegner granulomatosis
a. Septal perforation one of presenting symptom
b. Pathology same as polyartheritis nodosa
c. 95% increase ANCA in acute phase
d. Radiotherapy for recurrent case
e. Cisplatin Is the treatment of choice
7. PNS tumour
a. Neck node is earliest manifestation
b. SCC is commonest
c. Ameloblastoma is benign and fast-growing tumour
d. Adenoid cystic CA common in wood worker in furniture
e. Burkitt’s lymphoma is confined in African children
8. Anatomy of PNS
a. Extensive anterior middle meatal antrostomy will result in
b. The shallow depression anterior to middle turbinate is agger nasi
c. Hiatus semilunaris is below the bulla ethmoidalis
d. Anterior end of hiatus semilunaris is the infundibulum
e. Bulla ethmoidalis is develop from anterior ethmoidal cells
9. Inverted papilloma
a. Bony involvement is due to tumour infiltration
b. Concurrent malignancy is commoner than malignant
c. HPV 16 causes malignant transformation
3. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis
a. Is an opportunities disease
b. Histopathologically is characterised by extensive thrombosis
c. Is recognized in tissue sections by uniform acute angle branches
of the hyphae
d. Shows predominantly polymorphonuclear cells
e. Sphenoid sinus remains disease free until the end
8. Septal hematoma
a. Usually traumatic in origin
b. May be due to blood dyscrasia
c. Unilateral nasal obstruction is the commonest symptom
d. They are like to resolve spontaneously without complication
e. Treatment is conservative
11. With regards to malignant tumours of the nose and paranasal sinuses
a. Adenocarcinoma is the commonest type
b. Lymph node metastases are rare
c. An ameloblastoma is rapidly growing
d. Ringertz tumour is part of them
e. Olfactory neuroblastoma should be ruled out if undifferentiated
cells are seen histologically
2. Acoustic rhinometry
a. ( ) Measures circumferential area using USS waves
b. ( ) Measures via both anterior and pposterior method
3. Fungal sinusitis
a. ( ) 90% is caused by aspergillus fumigates
b. ( ) Fulminant allergic fungal sinusistis occurs in
immunocompetent patients
c. ( ) Aspergilloma : presence of Charcot Layden crystal
4. Nasal polyp
a. ( ) Commonest cause is fungal sinusitis
b. ( ) Is due to poor lymphatic drainage
MAY 2013
1. Inverted papilloma
a. ( ) Treated by complete surgical excision
b. ( ) Less than 1 % malignant change
c. ( ) Also known as transitional cell papilloma
d. ( ) Occurs commonly in septum
2. Samters triad
a. ( ) Irreversible
b. ( ) Affect cyclo-oxygenase pathway
c. ( ) Increased leukotrienes
d. ( ) Aspirin sensitivity is uncommon
e. ( ) Associated with bronchiectasis / nasal polyposis/ aspirin
3. Frontal mucocele
a. ( ) Frontal is the commonest type in PNS
b. ( ) Type 1…..
c. ( ) Type 2 erode orbit
d. ( ) Endoscopic decompression is the treatment of choice
5. Olfactory
a. ( ) Ammonia is used to test for olfaction
b. ( ) Infants can smell ?something about olfaction is not
matured at birth
6. Chordoma
a. ( ) 80% occurs in the region of skull base
b. ( ) It arise from vestigial notochord remnant
c. ( ) Preoperative RT is given to reduce tumour bulk
d. ( ) Deafness is one of the presenting features
e. It causes extensive bone destruction
7. Cystic fibrosis
a. ( ) Autosomal dominant
b. ( ) Male predominant
c. ( ) The incidence of nasal polyp decrease with age
d. ( ) Meconium ileus is a common presenting symptom
e. ( ) The sinuses act as a reservoir for descending infection
8. Wegener granulomatosis
a. ( ) Autosomal recessive
b. ( ) cANCA correlates with disease activity
c. ( ) absence of renal involvement is associated with 5 years
survival rate 100%
d. ( ) affect small vessel
e. ( ) Bactrim can reduce disease relapse
9. Radiotherapy SE in NPC
a. ( ) Dental caries
b. ( ) Hyperpituitarism
c. ( ) Xerostomia
d. ( ) Hypothyroidism
e. ( ) Avascular necrosis
2. Fungal sinusitis
a. ( ) Candida is the commonest pathogen
b. ( ) Acute invasive fungal sinusitis need surgery
c. ( ) During endoscopic surgery will show ‘brown sludge’
d. ( ) Silver stain used for fungal stain
e. ( ) Invasive fungal sinusitis will cause proptosis
3. Inverted papilloma
a. ( ) Is more common in male
b. ( ) Malignant potential in 10%
c. ( ) HPV type 11 is associated with the malignant change
d. ( ) Involvement ethmoid is FISCH type 2
4. Modified Lothrop
a. ( ) Preserve the frontal process of maxilla
b. ( ) Prevent medial collapse of orbit
c. ( ) Is a frontal drill-out procedure
d. ( ) Preserve the superior nasal septum
e. ( ) To increase the frontal sinus drainage
6. Regarding olfaction
a. ( ) Glossopharyngeal nerve has contribution in olfaction
b. ( ) Viral infection can cause permanent loss of olfaction
c. ( ) Ammonia is a reliable test material
d. ( ) Alzheimers causing olfaction problem
2. Allergic rhinitis
a. ( ) Intradermal kin test more sensitive than skin prick test
b. ( ) Serum Ig E higher than normal population
c. ( ) RAST measures allergen specific Ig E
d. ( ) Sodium cromoglycate is prophylactic agent
e. ( ) Long term macrolide has a role
4. NPC
a. ( ) Hematogenous spread more frequent
b. ( ) Age commonly affected 51 to 60
c. ( ) Male to female ratio 4-5:1
d. ( ) Associated with EBV
e. ( ) Type 1 more common
5. Olfactory neuroblastoma
a. ( ) Origin from neural crest
b. ( ) Young age more metastasis
c. ( ) Old age recurrence
d. ( ) Slow growing
e. ( ) Main symptom is epistaxis
6. Angiofibroma
a. ( ) Non aggressive
b. ( ) From posterior nasal space
c. ( ) Common presented with facial swelling
d. ( ) Mainly fibrous element in older patient
e. ( ) Contain androgen receptor
2. Le Fort I fracture
a. ( ) Causes of trismus
b. ( ) Causes of epistaxis
c. ( ) Fracture line crosses the maxillary sinus
d. ( ) Causes telecanthus
e. ( ) Fracture line is near in the infraorbital foramen
3. CSF leak
a. ( ) Intraoperative repair directly
b. ( ) Post op leak managed conservatively
c. ( ) MRI for detection ??
d. ( ) B2 transferin can detect
7. JNA
a. ( ) Commonest benign nasopharyngeal tumour
b. ( ) Present in adult male
c. ( ) Radiotherapy indicated for infratemporal fossa extension
d. ( ) spine instrumentation is a cause
a. ( ) RAST positive
b. ( ) Charcot Leyden crystal in allergic mucin
c. ( ) Biopsy shows invasion of sinus mucosa
d. ( ) SPT positive for fungal allergen
9. Orbital complication
a. ( ) Preseptal cellulitis treated by antibiotic
b. ( ) Orbital cellulitis cause proptosis
3. In olfactory neuroblastoma
a. ( ) Arise from stem cell of neural crest
b. ( ) Demonstrates Homer Wright rosette appearance on
c. ( ) Shows more local recurrence in young patients
d. ( ) Presence primarily with parosmia
e. ( ) Stained positive for chromogranin
4. Basal encephalocele
a. ( ) Arises between cribiform plate and superior orbital fissure
b. ( ) Presents with hypertelorism
c. ( ) Presents as mass over the glabellar region
d. ( ) Expands while crying
e. ( ) Is surgically treated after puberty
3) Inverted papilloma
a. ( ) Arise from the floor of nose
b. ( ) Total maxillectomy is the treatment
c. ( ) Erosion of bone is seen
4) JNA
a. ( ) Bowing of posterior wall of maxillary sinus
b. ( ) Direct extension to orbit via preformed pathology
c. ( ) Macroscopically presented as sessile polypoidal mass
d. ( ) Arise from pterygomaxillary fissure
e. ( ) Present with nasal obstruction
8) Olfactory neuroblastoma
a. ( ) MRI better than Ct for extension
b. ( ) Craniofacial resection followed by PORT is treatment
of choice
c. ( ) Mass in superior part of nasal cavity
9) Indication to explore frontal sinus in trauma
a. ( ) Posterior table fracture
b. ( ) Anterior table non displaced fracture
c. ( ) Persistent CSF rhinorrhea
d. ( ) Persistent unilateral opacity
e. ( ) Frontal recess disrupted
NOV 2018
1. Sniffin’ stick test,
a. ( ) comprises two tests.
b. ( ) discriminates odourants in triplets.
c. ( ) is an ampoule-like odour dispensing device.
d. ( ) tests the nasal chemosensory function.
e. ( ) uses N-butanol to test odour threshold.
2. Complications of rhinosinusitis,
a. ( ) CT scan is mandatory in all cases of suspected complication
of rhinosinusitis.
b. ( ) Endoscopic approach is favourable in the drainage of
laterally located orbital subperioesteal abscess.
c. ( ) Intravenous antibiotic is adequate in preseptal cellulitis.
d. ( ) Isolated orbital complication is commonest in children.
e. ( ) Subdural abscess is the commonest intracranial
3. Inverted papilloma,
a. ( ) Convoluted cribriform pattern is seen in Magnetic
Resonance Imaging scan.
b. ( ) Is more common in females.
c. ( ) Medial maxillectomy is the treatment of choice in Krouse
Staging III.
d. ( ) Postulated to have viral aetiology.
e. ( ) Risk of malignant transformation is up to 30%.
5. Regarding rhinitis
a. ( ) Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitor is a cause.
b. ( ) Immunotherapy is recommended for mild intermittent
allergic rhinitis.
c. ( ) Intermittent rhinitis symptoms occur more than 4 days per
d. ( ) Nasal blockage occurs 10 minutes after mast cell
e. ( ) Non-allergic rhinitis is associated with asthma.
2. Septal perforation
a. ( ) Posterior in TB
b. ( ) Wegeners involving whole septum
c. ( ) Rhinosporiodosis
d. ( ) Advancement flap for small perforation
e. ( ) Temporalis fascia to close medium sized perforation
3. Inverted papilloma
a. ( ) Common in females
b. ( ) Cribriform in MRI
c. ( ) Krause 3 medial maxillectomy
d. ( ) HPV 6
e. ( ) Malignancy in 30% in 5 years
6. Treatment of AR/CRS
a. ( ) Amtihistamine causes immediate decongestion
b. ( ) Nasal corticosteroid in pregnancy
c. ( ) Nasal corticosteroid reduce inflammatory cells
d. ( ) Immunotherapy suppresses IgE formation
e. ( ) Leukotriene inhibits 5 lipo oxygenase
7. NAR
a. ( ) NARES has 50% eosinophils for diagnosis
b. ( ) High Cincinnati irritant index indicates mixed rhinitis
c. ( ) Capsaicin first NSAIDs
d. ( ) Pregnancy induced best treated with corticosteroids
8. Complications of FESS
a. ( ) Epiphora
b. ( ) PEA
c. ( ) Lateral rectus palsy
d. ( ) Atrophic rhinitis
e. ( ) Septal perforation
9. Smell
a. ( ) Dysosmia
b. ( ) Parosmia
c. ( ) Hyposmia
d. ( ) Anosmia
e. ( ) Cacosmia
10. Maxillectomy
a. ( ) Osteotomy at frontoethmoidal suture
b. ( ) IMAX bleeding is a sequelae
c. ( ) Pterygoid plate release is done early
d. ( ) Palatal involvement require Lip split
4. Antrochoanal polyp
a. Also known as Killian’s polyp
b. Common in young adult
c. Infection is one of the cause
d. Mucopolysaccharide changes on ground substance is one of pathogenesis
e. Rhinolalia is a presenting symptom
5. Juvenile nasoangiofibroma
a. MRI salt and pepper appearance
b. Homogenous in ct contrast enhanced? --- got ah?
c. Arise from sphenopalatine foramen
d. Erosion of pterygoid body is a feature
e. Endoscopic treatment in Kadish C
6. Mucocele
a. Heterogenous lesion on CT
b. Bone resorbing cytokines at epithelial
c. Opthalmological symptoms more common than neurological
d. Mucopolysaccharide change is one of theory
e. High protein content
7. Inverted papilloma
a. Occur at septum
b. Treatment is complete resection
c. Invagination of keratinizing squamous epithelium into stroma with intact
basement membrane
d. 30 percent risk of malignancy after 15 years
e. Endoscopic medial maxillectomy gold standard for...
8. Sphenopalatine artery ligation
a. Crista ethmoidalis is located anterior to posterior end of middle turbinate
b. Posterior septal branch of sphenopalatine artery run superior to sphenoid
sinus ostium
c. Mma is an approach
9. Adult epistaxis
a. Embolization is successful in 10% of cases
b. Bipp packing causes septal perforation
c. Posterior packing is usually required
3. The following statement are true concerning a 16 years old girl presenting
to your clinic with a history of epistaxis , nasal obstruction and middle ear
a. Allergic polyposis
b. Inverted papilloma
c. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
d. Thornwald’s cyst
e. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
6. The following are true with regards to the arterial branches supplying the
Little’s area:
a. Septal branch of facial artery
b. Anterior ethmoidal artery
c. Greater palatine artery
d. Posterior nasal artery
e. Sphenopalatine artery
7. Paranasal sinus tumours associated with calcification or ossification
a. Fibrous dysplasia
b. Chondrocarcinoma
c. Squamous cell carcinoma
d. Osteoma
e. Osteogenic sarcoma
8. Subdural haematoma, brain tumour and meningitis are likely to have the
following in association except
a. Neck stiffness
b. Papilloedema
c. Fever
d. Visual aura
e. Vomiting
11. Unilateral purulent rhinitis in a 8 year old boy is most likely due to
a. Cystic fibrosis
b. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
c. Foreign body
d. Allergy
e. Unilateral choanal atresia
3. Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
a. Is an autosomal recessive condition
b. Lesions often occurs at birth
c. The defect is in the contractile elements of vessel
d. Bleeding is difficult to control as the muscular coating is lacking
e. The heterozygotes state is lethal at an early age
NOV 2007
1. In total laryngectomy
a. Thyroid excised at the ipsilateral side only
b. Check for thyroid hormone next morning post op
c. Check ca level next morning
d. Associated with thyroid storm
e. With stomach pull up procedure there is hypercalcemia
3. Vocal cord
a. Vocal cord granulomas are common
b. Vocal cord cysts occur mainly at the junction of the anterior 2/3
and posterior 1/3
c. Vocal cord nodule are common at the anterior third
5. Laryngocele
a. Bryce’s sign is one of the features
b. Common in female
c. It is occupational disease
MAY 2008
1. Vocal cord palsy
a. Granuloma occurs in type 1 thyroplasty
b. Arythenoid adduction is to correct posterior commissure gap
c. Gelfoam is use to correct a temporary symptom
3. In ca larynx
a. Glottic is the commonest subgroup
b. In supraglottic malignancy pre epiglottic space is involve
c. If anterior commissure is involve thyroid cartilage is involved
d. In transglottic ca, para glottic space is involve
4. In laryngectomy
a. A pre-epiglottic space is not entered
b. Total thyroidectomy is advocated in laryngectomy
5. RRP
a. Transplacenta transmission can occur
b. If first child borne has RRP, C-section is for the next delivery
c. CMV is a co-factor
d. Cidofovir is given intravenously
6. In laryngeal trauma
a. Fracture of hyoid is not significant clinically
b. Tracheostomy is preferred t intubation
7. In oesophageal speech
a. Taub test is mandatory
b. Cricopharyngeal myotomy is not to be performed
c. Vibration is due to pharyngo- oesophageal segment
d. Have to do TE fistula
e. Need good lung reserve
2. Vocal polyp
a. ( ) >3mm
b. ( ) Response to voice therapy
c. ( ) Bilateral
d. ( ) Male > female
e. ..
4. …………..
a. ( ) Cricoarythenoid dislocation diagnosed intra op
b. ( ) Arythenoid adduction good for large phonatory gap
a. ( ) Used of pulsed mode can minimized risk of fire
b. ( ) Is best use in benign laryngeal lesion
c. ( ) Nd- YAG can be delivered by fibreoptic
d. ( ) Less lateral thermal damage
e. ( ) High oxygen is important in reducing the risk of fire
4. Reinke oedema
a. ( ) 40% are bilateral
b. ( ) The synonym is pseudomyxomatrix laryngitis
c. ( ) Associated with hypothyroidism
d. ( ) Has associated with malignancy transformation
5. Hyperkeratosis of larynx
a. ( ) Is a premalignant state
b. ( ) Limit vocal cord movement
c. ( ) It cause ulceration
d. ( ) It treated with radiotherapy
e. ( ) Presence of lymph node
6. Laryngocele
a. ( ) Is caused by glottic carcinoma
b. ( ) 90% is combined external -internal laryngocele
c. ( ) Can be approach by laryngofissure
d. ( ) Can be demonstrated by asking patient to do Valsalva
during xray
e. ( ) Can be seen in radiography
8. Regarding laryngectomy
a. ( ) Preepiglottic fold entered before tumour resection
b. ( ) Greater horn of hyoid preserve
c. ( ) Paracarotid avoided
9. Treatment of intractable aspiration
a. ( ) Epiglotopexy
b. ( ) Closure of epiglottis
c. ( ) Partial laryngectomy
d. ( ) Type 1 thyroplasty
e. ( ) Cricomyotomy
2. Reflux oesophagitis
a. ( ) MTD in LPR
b. ( ) Ventricle obliteration
c. ( ) 6 weeks on PPI shows improvement
d. ( ) Manometry is superior than 24h double probe
4. Stoma recurrence
a. ( ) Incidence 2-5%
b. ( ) Treatment sisson type III?
c. ( ) Cant be prevented by not doing tracheostomy
d. ( ) Tracheal lymph nodes involvement
e. ( ) Radiotherapy is the cause
5. Laryngotracheal reconstruction
a. ( ) Vocal cord palsy need double stage
b. ( ) Single stage surgery for post glottic stenosis
c. ( ) Grade IV Cotton Myer
d. ( ) Aspiration is relative contra-indication
e. ( ) Treatment consist of ?
7. Videostroboscopy
a. ( ) Mucosal wave
b. ( ) Glottal wave
Nov 2015
1. Video stroboscopy to detect
a. ( ) Mucosal amplitude
b. ( ) Non mobile part of vocal fold
c. ( ) Mucosal wave
d. ( ) Glottal closure
e. ( ) Voice intensity
4. Chronic aspiration
a. ( ) Treat with laryngeal suspension
b. ( ) Tracheostomy
c. ( ) Gastrostomy
d. ( ) Myotomy (upper oesophageal sphincter)
e. ( ) Laryngeal denervation
5. Verrucous larynx
a. ( ) EBV detected in tissue
b. ( ) Radiotherapy is more effective than SCC
c. ( ) Similar with leukoplakia
d. ( ) T3 indicated for total laryngectomy
6. Hyperkeratosis of larynx
a. ( ) Nibble appearance
b. ( ) VC mobility affected
c. ( ) Radiotherapy is treatment
d. ( ) Is premalignant lesion
MAY 2016
1. You are called to attend a patient on home tracheostomy that has come
in acutely breathless. Which of the following are possible causes of the
a. ( ) Mucous pus within the tracheostomy tube
b. ( ) Granulation tissue at the tip of the tube
c. ( ) Tracheomalacia
d. ( ) Subglottic stenosis
e. ( ) Trachea-oesophageal fistula
4. Laryngeal trauma
a. ( ) Schaeffer II require surgery
b. ( ) Best to intubate
c. ( ) CT first line investigation
d. ( ) Hyoid bone has no clinical significant
5. Reinke’s oedema
a. ( ) Chronic renal failure
b. ( ) Tobacco implantation
c. ( ) Hyperthyroidism
d. ( ) Voice strain
e. ( ) Reflux
NOV 2016
4. Tracheomalacia
a. ( ) Generalized form is more common than localized
b. ( ) Collapsed at its anteroposterior diameter
c. ( ) Caused by compression of innominate artery
d. ( ) Presented with expiratory stridor
e. ( ) Complete spontaneous recovery does not occur
2) Laryngocele
a. ( ) Can communicate through CT space
b. ( ) Fluctuating in size
c. ( ) Commonly presents as midline swelling
d. ( ) USG is best form of imaging
e. ( ) Surgical excision complicated with injury to RLN
4) Symptoms of LPR
a. ( ) Productive cough
b. ( ) Hoarseness
c. ( ) Chest pain
d. ( ) Frequent throat clearing
e. ( ) Dyspnoea to pills
5) Findings in TB
a. ( ) Turban epiglottis
b. ( ) VC immobility
c. ( ) VC bowing
d. ( ) Interarytenoid granulation tissue
e. ( ) Cobblestone mucosa
6) PORT in Ca Larynx
a. ( ) Microscopically positive margin
b. ( ) Positive node in 1st echelon nodes
c. ( ) Perineural invasion in post op specimen
d. ( ) T4 tumour
e. ( ) Lymph node size more than 2cm
NOV 2018
1. Conditions causing incomplete glottal closure include
a. ( ) sulcus vergeture
b. ( ) presbyphonia
c. ( ) chronic laryngitis
d. ( ) abductor spasmodic dysphonia
e. ( ) pubophonia
2. Spasmodic dysphonia
a. ( ) Electromyography improves localization of the
thyroarytenoid muscle.
b. ( ) Laser thyro-arytenoid myoneurectomy is a surgical option
in adductor type.
c. ( ) Magnetic Resonance Imaging shows white matter changes
in the thalamus.
d. ( ) The posterior cricoarytenoid muscle is spared.
e. ( ) Unilateral botulinum toxin injection is as efficaceous as
bilateral injections.
5. Laryngeal tuberculosis,
a. ( ) failure to improve following anti-tuberculosis mandates a
b. ( ) laryngocele is a sequealae.
c. ( ) low ESR excludes the diagnosis.
d. ( ) the differential diagnosis is laryngeal carcinoma.
e. ( ) the lesion is commonly at the anterior commissure.
6. Regarding laryngeal carcinoma
a. ( ) Carcinoma in situ is managed with endoscopic excision.
b. ( ) Glottic carcinoma which extends to subglottis is considered
c. ( ) Laryngopharyngeal reflux is a risk factor.
d. ( ) Minor salivary gland carcinoma is the commonest type.
e. ( ) Most common site is supraglottis.
2. LPR
a. ( ) Alginate helps non acidic reflux
b. ( ) PPI is not effective in P450 cytochrome problems
c. ( ) PPI Partially inhibits H2 in parietal cells
d. ( ) Nissen fundoplication in intractable cases
3. Larynx
a. ( ) Intermediate and deep LP makes up vocal ligament
b. ( ) Reinke space is highly vascularised
c. ( ) Arcuate line divides glottic and subglottic
d. ( ) Vibration of VC is vertically from superior to inferior
4. Ca larynx
a. ( ) Minimal involvement of inner cortex is T3
b. ( ) Presence of aspiration is contraindicated for laryngeal
preservation surgery
c. ( ) Sclerosis of arytenoid cartilage is contraindicated for laser
5. Spasmodic dysphonia
a. ( ) Abductor type is more common than adductor type
b. ( ) Speech therapy is a treatment
c. ( ) Associated with vocal tremor
d. ( ) Abductor is also known as plica ventricularis
e. ( ) Commonly in females
5. Total laryngectomy
a. Total thyroidectomy routinely done in all cases
b. Paracarotid tunnel is done after separation of infrahyoid muscle
c. Cricopharyngeal myotomy is done until mucosa
6. Injection laryngoplasty
a. Fat is an option
b. TransThyroid injection no need LA into larynx
c. Injection to reinke space for medialisation
d. Teflon known to cause granuloma
e. Hyaluronic acid for short term
7. Type ii medialisation
a. Preformed silastic used to tense the vocal cord
b. Shortening of anterior commissure is one of the complication
c. Median thyrotomy required
8. Spasmodic dysphonia
a. Injection to thyroarytenoid muscle in adductor
b. Abductor injection to lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
c. Botox A is used
d. Usage of EMG is recommended
9. Cricopharyngeal myotomy
a. Incision up to mucosa
b. Submucosal nerve plexus is denervated
c. Precludes for TEP later
d. Cause dysphagia
e. Improved voice rehabilitation outcome
4. Acute epiglottitis
a. Is characterised by high grade fever
b. Is commoner in children than in adults
c. Is an infection confined to the epiglottis
d. Should be diagnosed by indirect laryngoscopy
e. Is treated primarily with steroid