Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya (An Autonomous Institute Under Govt. of NCT of Delhi) Geeta Colony: Delhi - 110031

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(An Autonomous Institute under Govt. of NCT of Delhi)

Geeta Colony : Delhi - 110031

No. F.14(632)/Misc/Admn/CNBC/2020/ Dated


A Walk-in- Interview for appointment to the following post will be held as per details given below, in the
Conference Hall, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya , Geeta Colony, Delhi- 110031.

S.No Name of Post No. of Date & Time of Regular/Adhoc

Posts interview
1 Junior Resident 08 02.09.2021 at 10.00 AM Adhoc

The details of eligibility conditions are given below:-


Qualification: M.B.B.S from recognized university. The candidates must have completed internship.

Emoluments Level 10, Cell 1 (Basic 56,100/-) and usual allowances as admissible under the rules.

1. All the posts are provisional and subject to change according to vacancies without any notice.
2. The candidate having registration with the respective State Council can appear for interview but in case of
selection they have to submit the DMC registration within one month of joining.
3. Upper age limit for Junior Resident for eligibility will be 40 years in accordance of circular No.
F.No.121/26/2010/H&FW 1996 -2045 dated 10- 06-2011 issued by H &FW department GNCTD may be
considered. Relaxation in Upper Age limit to SC/ST, OBC and Physically Handicapped candidate will be as
per rules.
(i) Junior Residents who have completed one year of junior residency may be allowed to again appear
in interview for selection and will be offered residency only if no, fresh Junior Residents are available.
There would be no extension for any Junior Resident beyond one year of appointment under relaxed
(ii) Post Graduate doctors who are interested to serve as Junior Residents will be allow to join as Junior
Residents, if fresh, graduate are not available.
4. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
5. The selected candidates will have to follow hospital vide policies.
6. The candidates while appearing for interview will produce all relevant original documents including Aadhar
Card along with one number of self-attested photocopies of all Degree/ Diploma/ Certificates alongwith
Marksheet and one passport size photograph.
7. The candidates should report at 9:00 AM & not later than 10.00 AM.
8. Junior Residents will initially be appointed on adhoc basis for a period of 44 days.

Copies for display at the notice board of :-

1.L.N.Hospital, Delhi
2.G.B.Pant, Hospital, Delhi
3. Notice Board of CNBC, Geeta colony, Delhi-31
4. Website of CNBC, Geeta Colony, Delhi

(Dr. Mamta Jajoo)
Head of Office
(An Autonomous Institute under Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
Geeta Colony : Delhi - 110031


1. Name (in Block Letter) : ______________________________ Affixed PHOTO

2. Father's / Husband's Name : ___________________________

3. D.O.B. : _____________ Age _____ Years ______ Months ______ Days ____ (as on the date of

4. Gender : ___________

5. Nationality : __________________

6. Aadhar No.: ______________________________________________________________

7. Passport/Voter ID No.: ________________________________________________________

8. Whether SC/ST/OBC/DIVYANG : _______________________________________________

9. Address (Permanent) : _______________________________________________________


__________________________________________(With PIN CODE)

10. Address for Correspondence : __________________________________________________


____________________________________________ (With PIN CODE)

11. Mobile No. : ________________________________________________________________

12. Email address : _____________________________________________________________

13. Current Medical Registration No. with State Medical Council/MCI/DCI:__________________

14. Educational Qualification :

Name of Examination % & Division Board/ University Month & No. of

of Marks Year of Attempts

15. Details of Experience (if any)
Residency Name & Address of the Period of Residency
Institute/ Hospital

Adhoc Basis
From/ To

Junior Resident

16. Any other information you wish to submit :_____________________________________


1. I hereby solemnly declare and affirm that statements made in this application are true, complete and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information/ facts
being found untrue/ false/ incorrect my candidature is liable to be cancelled/ terminated besides taking
any other action deemed fit in this regard. I shall have no claim for absorption after termination/
completion of contract period of tenure. I shall abide by the terms and conditions as prescribed.

2. For Govt. Employees : I have also informed my Head of Office/ Department in writing that I am
applying for this post and shall produce “No Objection‟ Certificate at the time of the Interview.




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