Obe Pharma 1

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Health Sciences Department

Imperial Court Subdivision, Phase II, Legazpi City 4500
Philippines Tel. # (052) 480-6106/(052) 742-0098


BSN II: NCM 106 - NURSING PHARMACOLOGY …….……………………………………………………......................................2

Course code ………………………………………………………............................................................. 2

Course title ………………………………………………………............................................................. 2
Course credit ………………………………………………………............................................................ 2
Course prerequisite ………………………………………………………...................................................2
Hours per week ………………………………………………………......................................................... 2
Course description ………………………………………………………................................................... 2
Course outcomes ………………………………………………………......................................................3
OBE Learning Plan ……………………………………………………….....................................................4
Course requirements ……………………………………………………….................................................9
Grading system ………………………………………………………..........................................................9
Textbook/ references ………………………………………………………............................................... 10


Health Sciences Department
Imperial Court Subdivision, Phase II, Legazpi City 4500
Philippines Tel. # (052) 480-6106/(052) 742-0098


First Semester A/Y 2020-2021




III. COURSE CREDIT : 3- units lecture (54 hours)


V. HOURS PER WEEK : 3 hours/ week (18 weeks)

VI. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and clinical/therapeutic
uses of drugs in health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation of clients
across the lifespan utilizing the nursing process. Emphasis is given on the using responsibilities related to safe drug
administration through medication n monitoring and client education. It also includes complementary and
alternative therapies. The learners are expected to develop beginning skills in the safe administration of medication.



At the end of the course and given simulated/ actual simulation/ conditions, the student should be
able to:

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in nursing
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population group and community
utilizing nursing process as applied to pharmacology
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence – based practice in nursing pharmacology.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles in pharmacology.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking and writing using culturally appropriate language in medication
6. Document Client’s care related to drug therapy.
7. Works effectively in collaboration with inter, intra, and multi -disciplinary and multicultural teams using
the basic knowledge of nursing pharmacology
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in nursing
9. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in
general, and nursing pharmacology and health developments in particular
11. Apply techno – intelligent care systems and processes in safe medication administration
12. Advocate for responsible citizenship and pride as a Filipino nurse.
13. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession as applied in safe medication


Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge

1 Preliminaries The learners are able to:
•Demonstrate I. OVERVIEW • State the course, its • Explain the nature of the course •Video orientation Orientation
understanding of the components, concepts and and the goals to be met after Feedback
institutional and program • Online Class Policies their significance to the each meeting.
intended learning • Grading System curriculum and program. • Appreciate the importance of Student Evaluation
outcomes. • Course Requirement the course to the curriculum and Form
•Demonstrate •Completion program. (ICT: Google Form)
understanding of the Requirement • Apply the implementing rules,
course overview and policies and guidelines of the
requirements. course, program and the school.

2-4 • Integrate Unit 1. Fundamental The learners are able to: • Worksheet
knowledge of concepts of 1. Defining the word • Module-based Google Classroom
physical, social, pharmacology pharmacology. • identify the discussion and lectures
natural and health • Drug definitions and 2. Defining drugs and Fundamental concepts through pre-uploaded • Video
sciences and classifications its classifications of pharmacology; lecture videos presentation to
humanities in nursing • Drug standards and 3. Discussing drug • define pharmacology • Synchronous be uploaded in
pharmacology drug information standards and drug • discuss the steps in discussion for the Google
• Apply appropriate • Pharmacodynamics information. developing and clarifications and classroom or to
nursing concepts - therapeutic 4. Outlining the steps approving new drug questions regarding be recorded
and actions index and drug involved in developing and • differentiate and the topic and passed in
holistically and safety approving a new drug in the explain • Group (of five any manner
comprehensively: - graded dose United States. pharmacodynamics members) video convenient to
• Discuss the response 5. Differentiate and pharmacokinetics presentation that the students. (a
pharmacodynamic relationship between generic and • identify factors explains the rubric will be
s of specific drugs. and brand-name drugs and influencing responses to pharmacodynamics used in the
• Explain the therapeutic over-the-counter and drugs. and assessment of
pharmacokinetics response prescription drugs. • Explain the meaning of pharmacokinetics. To the video
of given drugs. - potency and 6. Explaining the half-life of a drug and be uploaded in the presentation).
• Analyze the factors efficacy benefits and risks associated calculate the half-life of Google classroom or • Answer
affecting responses - cellular with the use of over-the- given drugs. to be recorded and worksheet 1
to drugs. receptors and counter drugs. • List at least six factors passed in any manner
drug action 7. Describing how that can influence the convenient to the
- types of drug body cells respond to the actual effectiveness of students. (a rubric will
receptor presence of drugs that are drugs in the body. be used in the
interactions capable of altering their • Define drug–drug, drug– assessment of the
- Pharmacokinetics function. alternative therapy, video presentation)
(Ladme) 8. Outlining the drug–food, and drug–
Liberation process of dynamic laboratory test
Absorption equilibrium that determines interactions.
Distribution the actual concentration of • Explain factors
Metabolism(biotrans a drug in the body. influencing responses to
formation) drugs.


1. Factors influencing
responses to drugs.
5 • Adheres to ethico – Unit 2. Drug legislation- The learners are able to: Video Lecture:
legal considerations controlled substances, 1. Differentiate • Discuss the difference between Research Paper on • Rubric will be used
when providing safe, generic drugs, orphan between generic generic, brand name drugs and the Philippine in assessing the
quality and drugs and over the and brand-name over the counter drugs and Medicine Policy and research paper.
professional nursing counter drugs drugs and over-the- prescription drugs. legislations and
care: counter and • Explain drug legislation in the submit them online
• Relate the laws, Philippines through any
prescription drugs.
legal, ethical and • Describe what happens to communication tool
2. Understand the drug
moral principles in orphan drugs accessible to the
legislation in the
drug administration learners
to specific cases Philippines
3. Discuss what
happens to orphan
4. Differentiate over
the counter drugs
and prescription


6-7 • Demonstrate Unit 3. Nursing process in At the end of the week, the
understanding on the pharmacology 1. List the students should be able to:
nursing process in • Assessment responsibilities of the • Assess with the client • Module-based • Rubrics on
pharmacology. a. Drug history nurse in drug one’s health discussion and lectures group
- Planning therapy. status/competence in through pre-uploaded presentation
- Intervention 2. Explain what is relation to drug lecture videos • Worksheet 2
b. Drug administration involved in each administration.
c. Medication orders step of the nursing • Formulate with the client
d. Medication safety process as it relates with reference to the • Create a 15-minute
e. Seven rights to drug therapy. prescribed medications group presentation
f. Dosage calculation 3. Describe key points a plan of care to (with 5 members in
- Client that must be address the health each group)
education incorporated into needs/problems based summarizing the lesson
- Evaluation the assessment of a on priorities. on the nursing process
- Recording and patient receiving • Determine the specific in pharmacology and
reporting drug nursing submit them online
4. therapy. considerations/precauti through any
5. Describe the ons in safe drug communication tool
essential elements of administration: accessible to the
a medication order. • Interpret a medication learners
6. Outline the order accurately.
important points that • Relate the rights in drug
must be assessed administration to patient
and considered safety.


before administering • Compute accurately
a drug, the drug dosage for a
7. combining given medication
knowledge about orders.
the drug with • Practice correct
knowledge of the decision making skills in
patient and the safe drug administration
8. Describe the role of
the nurse and the
patient in preventing
medication errors.
9. Describe four
measuring systems
that can be used in
drug therapy.
10. Convert between
different measuring
systems when given
drug orders and
available forms of
11. drugs.
12. Calculate the
correct dose of a
drug when given
examples of drug
orders and available
forms of the
13. drugs ordered.
14. Discuss why children
require different
dosages of drugs
than adults.
15. Explain the
calculations used to
determine a safe
pediatric dose of a
8-12 • Provide Unit 4. Drugs affecting 1. Identify normal microbial The learners are able to: • Module-based • Feedbacking
appropriate the body system flora and pathogenic • Describe the sites of discussion and lectures
health • Reproductive system microorganism known to man actions of the various through pre-uploaded • Rubrics for study
education • Cardiovascular 2. Explain why we include the drugs affecting the lecture videos guide
related to drug • Respiratory study of parasitic worms body systems.
therapy. • Gastro – intestinal within the discipline of • Describe the • Worksheet for
• Evaluate • Endocrine microbiology therapeutic actions, • Quiz via online portal each systems
compliance • Renal system 3. Compare the basic indications, • Create a study guide
and response • Central nervous morphology of the major pharmacokinetics, and compilation of
of client to the system autonomic groups of parasitic helminths contraindications, most drugs in each system
medications and peripheral 4. Describe the common adverse including nursing
prescribed. nervous system characteristics of parasitic effects, and important interventions submit


• Use available nematodes, and give an drug–drug interactions them online through
clinical • Other drugs example of infective eggs associated with each any communication
evidence that • Chemotherapeutic and infective larvae drug in the system. tool accessible to
can ensure agents 5. Describe the • Discuss the use of drugs the learners
safe • Drugs for eye and characteristics of parasitic across the lifespan.
medication ear disorders trematodes and cestodes • Outline the nursing
administration • Drugs acting on the 6. Identify examples of the considerations and
immune system primary causes of infections teaching needs for
• Dietary supplements due to nematodes, patients receiving each
• Alternative and trematodes, and cestodes drug in the systems.
complementary Classify parasitic worms
therapies according to major groups
1. “halamang gamot”
13 • Use appropriate Unit 5. Appropriate 1. Discuss the impact of The learners are able to:
communication/interp communication the media, the • Use appropriate • Module-based
ersonal techniques on the Internet, and direct- communication/interpersonal discussion and lectures
techniques/strategies pharmacodynamics/ph to-consumer techniques/strategies to ensure a through pre-uploaded
to ensure a working armacokinetics of advertising on drug working relationship with the lecture videos • Scoring rubric for
relationship with the specific drugs sales and client and/or support system in collaborative
client and/or support prescribed to clients 2. prescriptions. medication administration • Create a 15-minute presentation
system in medication 3. Explain the growing presentation (with 2
administration use of over-the- members in each
counter drugs and group; 1 as a nurse
the impact it has on and the other as a
safe medical care. patient) showing
4. Discuss the lack of appropriate
controls on herbal or communication
alternative therapies techniques in
and the impact this pharmacodynamic
has on safe drug s/pharmacokinetics
therapy. of a certain drug
5. Define the off -label submit them online
use of a drug. through any
6. Describe measures communication
being taken to tool accessible to
protect the public in the learners
cases of bioterrorism.

14 • Ensure intra – Unit 6. Institutional 1. Discuss the • Collaborate with other • Research Paper on • Rubric will be used
agency, inter – policies and guidelines institutional policies members of the health the different in assessing the
agency, on safe drug on safe drug team institutional policies research paper)
multidisciplinary and administration administration (prescriber/doctor, and guidelines on
sectoral 2. Explain inter – pharmacist, nurse and safe drug
collaboration in Inter-professional professional practice client) in the administration and
medication practice related to related to implementation of safe give your view on
administration. pharmacology pharmacology drug administration. the differences and
• Maintain a 3. Assumes personal • Apply principles of similarities of each
harmonious and responsibility to keep partnership and of the guidelines


collegial relationship Unit 7. Current trends abreast with current collaboration to submit them online
among members of and clinical alerts in trends in nursing improve delivery of through any
the health team for nursing pharmacology pharmacology health services. communication
effective, efficient tool accessible to
and safe client care the learners


15-18 Unit 8. Filipino culture, 1. Discuss the different The learners are able to:
• Exemplify love for values and practices in Filipino cultures, • Understand the different • Module-based
country in the relation to drug values and Filipino cultures, values and discussion and lectures
service of the administration practices in relation practices in relation to drug through pre-uploaded • Scoring rubric for
Filipinos. to drug administration lecture videos the activity
• Customize nursing Unit 9. New administration • Identify various technological
interventions based technologies related to 2. Identify new advances in medication • Interview a family
on Philippine culture drug administration technologies related administration member (head of
and values to drug • Manifest professionalism and the family) on their • Feedbacking
• Discuss the various I. Internet information administration. excellence in medication health practices
technological 1. Government sites 3. Discuss the nursing practice. and beliefs and
advances in Nursing and health care core values as submit them online
ensuring safe sites applied in nursing through any
medication pharmacology. communication
administration. Unit 10. Nursing core tool accessible to
• Manifest values as applied in the learners
professionalism and nursing pharmacology
excellence in • Write an essay on
how you can apply
planning for safe
the nursing core
medication practice values in
submit them online
through any
tool accessible to
the learners




a. Online Worksheets/Quizzes
b. Online Class Activities
c. Examination


➢ Each student is expected to abide by all online class rules and regulations as stated in the orientation video.
➢ Each student should observe the Data Privacy Act.
➢ Each student should show courtesy, respect and consideration to their peers and the professor by refraining from
posting unnecessary comments not related to the course.
➢ Each student is expected to maintain the highest level of integrity and honesty in their work.
➢ Each student can ask for any inquiries and concerns to their professor on the scheduled academic consultation

2. CLASSWORK: Projects, Assignments, and Essay

➢ Since we are utilizing an a/synchronous teaching and learning scheme, all activities can be done at their most
convenient time BUT they have to submit such on or before the scheduled date and time. This is a simple way of
imposing discipline to learners.


➢ At the end of each unit/topic an exam will be given which will test the students’ knowledge of the subject matter
that was covered and have to submit on the scheduled date.
➢ The examination given can be accessed by student through google forms or identified ICT tool used.


a. Class Standing (quizzes, recitation, assignments, chapter/unit test - 50%

• Worksheet/Quiz - 30%
• Class participation - 20%

b. Examination (Preliminary, midterm, semi-final and final) - 50%

Total 100%

9|P age

1. Karch, A. (2017). Focus on Nursing Pharmacology. 7th ed. Philippines: C&E publishing Inc.
2. Vanputte, C., Regan, J. & Russon, A. (2019) Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology. 10th ed. Mc-Graw-Hill Education.
New York.Clark, C. Classroom Skills for Nurse Educators

3. Deglin, J. & Vallerand, A. (2007) Drug Guide for Nurses 11th ed. F.A. Davis Company: Philiadelpia

4. Ulbricht, C. (2010). Natural Standard Herb and Supplement Guide: An Evidence Based Reference. Mary Land
Heights, MS: Elsevier Mosby

5. Morton, I. (1999). Dictionary of Pharmacological Agents: Properties and Synonyms. Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer

6. J. T. DiPiro, T. L. Schwinghammer, B. Wells (2002). Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 5th ed.,

Appleton & Lange, Stamford, CT

7. M. E. Winters (1994). Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 3rd ed., Vancouver, WA: Applied Therapeutics Inc.,

8. Deglin, J. & Vallerand, A. (2007) Drug Guide for Nurses 11th ed. F.A. Davis Company: Philiadelpia

Prepared by:



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