Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Waste Management. Quality Assurance and Quality circles– Statistical Quality Control –
Control Charts for Variables- Control charts for Attributes. Acceptance Sampling Plans
Automation (Meaning): It is the use of computers and other automated machinery for
the execution of business related tasks. It includes right from simple sensing devices to robots
and other sophisticated equipment. It helps in reducing the production time, increase
manufacturing, flexibility, reduce costs, eliminate human error and labour shortage problems.
Definition: According to M.H.Arousan,” Automation is a substitution of mechanical,
hydraulic, electrical and electronic devices for human organs of decisions and efforts”.
According to Ruddlerl Read, “Automation is nothing more than the extension of principles of
mechanisation to the integration of machines one with another in such a manner as to have the
group operate as an individual processing and controlling units.”
Need and importance of Automation: The following are the reasons for need and
importance of automation:
Types of Automation: Automated production systems can be classified into three basic
1. Fixed Automation: It is a system in which the sequence of processing (or assembly)
operations is fixed by the equipment configuration. The operations in the sequence are
usually simple. It is the integration and coordination of many such operations into one piece
of equipment that makes the system complex. The typical features of fixed automation are:
a. High initial investment for custom–Engineered equipment;
b. High production rates; and
c. Relatively inflexible in accommodating product changes.
The economic justification for fixed automation is found in products with very high demand
rates and volumes. The high initial cost of the equipment can be spread over a very large
number of units, thus making the unit cost attractive compared to alternative methods of
production. Examples of fixed automation include mechanized assembly and machining
transfer lines.
2. Programmable Automation: In this the production equipment is designed with the
capability to change the sequence of operations to accommodate different product
configurations. The operation sequence is controlled by a program, which is a set of
instructions coded so that the system can read and interpret them. New programs can be
prepared and entered into the equipment to produce new products. Some of the features that
characterize programmable automation are:
a. High investment in general-purpose equipment;
b. Low production rates relative to fixed automation;
c. Flexibility to deal with changes in product configuration; and
d. Most suitable for batch production.
Automated production systems that are programmable are used in low and medium volume
production. The parts or products are typically made in batches. To produce each new batch
of a different product, the system must be reprogrammed with the set of machine instructions
that correspond to the new product. The physical setup of the machine must also be changed
over: Tools must be loaded, fixtures must be attached to the machine table also be changed
machine settings must be entered. This changeover procedure takes time. Consequently, the
typical cycle for given product includes a period during which the setup and reprogramming
takes place, followed by a period in which the batch is produced. Examples of programmed
automation include numerically controlled machine tools and industrial robots.
3. Flexible Automation: It is an extension of programmable automation. A flexible
automated system is one that is capable of producing a variety of products (or parts) with
virtually no time lost for changeovers from one product to the next. There is no production
time lost while reprogramming the system and altering the physical setup (tooling, fixtures,
and machine setting). Consequently, the system can produce various combinations and
schedules of products instead of requiring that they be made in separate batches. The features
of flexible automation can be summarized as follows:
1. High investment for a custom-engineered system.
2. Continuous production of variable mixtures of products.
3. Medium production rates.
4. Flexibility to deal with product design variations
Types of Automation: The following are the types of automation:
1. Numerically Controlled (NC) Machines: It uses computers to store,
calculate and execute operations that are performed by hands. Eg: computerized
numerical controlled mills.
2. Industrial Robots: It also helps in higher quality parts, reduced cycle times and
increases savings. They can work 24/7 to keep up the industrial demands. They can be
suitable to work in an environment which may be dangerous to humans. They perform
tasks like welding, material handling, assembling etc.,
3. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS): It is a combination of NCM, IR and
other types of automation into one automation system. It produces similar products
and parts but maintains flexibility to change parts or processes.
4. Computer aided manufacturing (CAM): It uses computers in different
functions of production planning and control. It also includes computer aided process
planning (CAPP), group technology (GT), and production scheduling, manufacturing
flow analysis.
5. Support automation: It refers to the software packages which focuses on the
routine work of help desk personnel. It includes CAM, knowledge base applications
for self service etc.,
6. Run book automation: They define a set of items along with work flows through
GUI. It offers connectors and interfaces to existing items suitable for the user.
7. Policy based automation: This type of automation works on the basis of term
policy for the rules management. They provide a rich set of features for designing and
managing policies.
8. IT-Workload automation: They allow the processing of job scheduling for
improvement and automate recurring tasks. They offer multi-platform compatibility,
policy based execution etc.,
9. Data center automation: This is the fastest growing area in the recent world. It
helps in bringing the high demand for automated tools to provision, change and
manage vast number of components.
Different types of Automation Tools: The following are the different types of tools:
1. Artificial Neural Network (ANN): It is also called as neural network. It is a
mathematical model or computational model inspired by structure / functional aspects
of biological neural network. It consists of inter connected group of artificial neurons
and information for computation.
1. Evaluate your waste: To be able to handle the waste properly, the company first needs
to determine whether the waste is hazardous or not, and whether handling of that particular
waste is regulated by legislation. For more information, see: Demystification of legal
requirements in ISO 14001. This step is often called classification or categorization of the
2. Store your waste: Depending on the type of waste, there will be different requirements
in terms of storage facilities. Waste can be in solid or liquid form, so it is important to
store it according to its characteristics. Hazardous waste must be stored in a sturdy, leak-
proof container that is kept closed when not adding or removing waste. Different kinds of
waste may require different types of storage containers. The container must be labelled
with the words “Hazardous Waste“, a clear description of the contents, and the date when
the waste is first placed in the container. Containers must be stored on an impermeable
surface with enough aisle space to allow for weekly container inspections. Additional
requirements for outdoor storage include:
Controlling access to the containers
Protecting the containers from the elements
Storing containers of liquid waste on a curbed and impermeable surface to
contain accidental leaks.
3. Label the waste: Non-hazardous waste doesn’t have to be labelled in any special way.
On the other hand, hazardous waste labelling is often prescribed by law and in most
countries, the company must obtain a license for even generating some kinds of hazardous
waste. The label for marking packed hazardous waste usually contains the following
Information about the waste owner who packed the waste: name, address,
telephone, date of packaging, name and surname of the person qualified to be
responsible for that job
2. Product Control.
These techniques are further classified into different categories as shown in figure:
Techniques of SQC
P Chart
X bar Chart
np Chart
R Chart
C Chart
Statistical Process Control (SPC): Statistical process control is a technique used for
understanding and monitoring the process by collecting data on quality characteristics
periodically from the process, analysing them and taking suitable actions whenever there is a
difference between actual quality and the specifications or standard. Its major tools are:
1. Histogram
2. Check sheet
3. Pareto chart
4. Cause and effect diagram
5. Process flow diagram
6. Scatter diagram
7. Control chart
Of these seven tools we shall describe only the technique of “control chart” given by W.A.
Shewhart in 1924 because it is the most preferred technique today. In fact, it is probably an
outstanding technique for controlling and improving quality. We introduce the basics of
control charts.
Control Charts: A control chart is a two-dimensional graphical display of a quality
characteristic that has been measured or computed in terms of mean or other statistic from
samples and plotted against the sample number or time at which the sample is taken from the
The concept of control chart is based on the theory of sampling and probability. In a control
chart, a sample statistic of a quality characteristic such as mean, range, proportion of
defective units, etc. is taken along the Y-axis and the sample number or time is taken along
the X-axis. A control chart consists of three horizontal lines, which are described below:
1. Centre Line (CL): The centre line of a control chart represents the value which can
have three different interpretations depending on the available data. First, it can be the
average value of the quality characteristic or the average of the plotted points. Second, it
can be a standard or reference value, based on representative prior data or an aimed
(targeted) value based on specifications. Third, it can be the population parameter if that
value is known. The centre line is usually represented by a solid line.
2. Upper Control Line: The upper control line represents the upper value of the
variation in the quality characteristic. So, this line is called upper control limit (UCL).
Usually, the UCL is shown by a dotted line.
3. Lower Control Line: The lower control line represents the lower value of the
variation in the quality characteristic. So, this line is called lower control limit (LCL).
Usually, the LCL is shown by a dotted line.
Interpretation of UCL and LCL: The UCL and LCL also have three interpretations
depending on the available data same as the centre line depends on the 3 sigma limits:
1. If all sample points lie on or in between the upper and lower control limits, the control
chart indicates that the process is under statistical control. That is, only chance causes
are present in the process. No assignable cause is present in the process.
2. However, if one or more sample points lie outside the control limits, the control chart
alarms (indicates) that the process is not under statistical control. Some assignable
causes are present in the process.
Types of Control Charts: Control charts can be used to measure any characteristic of a
product, such as the weight of a cereal box, the number of chocolates in a box, or the volume
of bottled water. The different characteristics that can be measured by control charts can be
divided into two groups: variables and attributes.
1. Control chart for variables: It is used to monitor characteristics that can be
measured and have a continuum of values, such as height, weight, or volume. A soft drink
bottling operation is an example of a variable measure, since the amount of liquid in the
bottles is measured and can take on a number of different values. Other examples are the
weight of a bag of sugar, the temperature of a baking oven, or the diameter of plastic tubing.
Types of Control Charts for Variables: There are two types:
a. Mean (x-Bar) Charts: A mean control chart is often referred to as an x-bar chart. It
is used to monitor changes in the mean of a process. To construct a mean chart we first need
to construct the center line of the chart. To do this we take multiple samples and compute
their means. Usually these samples are small, with about four or five observations. Each
sample has its own mean. The center line of the chart is then computed as the mean of all
sample means, where _ is the number of samples:
1. It shows changes in process average and is affected by changes in process
2. It is a chart for the measure of central tendency.
3. It shows erratic or cyclic shifts in the process.
4. It detects steady progress changes, like tool wear.
5. It is the most commonly used variables chart.
6. When used along with R chart:
a. It tells when to leave the process alone and when to chase and go for
the causes leading to variation;
b. It secures information in establishing or modifying processes,
specifications or inspection procedures;
c. It controls the quality of incoming material.
7. X-Bar and R charts when used together form a powerful instrument for diagnosing
quality problems.
b. Range (R) charts: These are another type of control chart for variables. Whereas x-bar
charts measure shift in the central tendency of the process, range charts monitor the
dispersion or variability of the process. The method for developing and using R-charts are the
same as that for x-bar charts. The center line of the control chart is the average range, and the
upper and lower control limits are computed. The R chart is used to monitor process
variability when sample sizes are small (n<10), or to simplify the calculations made by
process operators. This chart is called the R chart because the statistic being plotted is the
sample range.
1. It controls general variability of the process and is affected by changes in process
2. It is a chart for measure of spread.
3. It is generally used along with X-bar chart.
Plotting of and R charts: A number of samples of component coming out of the
process are taken over a period of time. Each sample must be taken at random and the size of
sample is generally kept as 5 but 10 to15 units can be taken for sensitive control charts. For
each sample, the average value of all the measurements and the range R are calculated.
The grand average (equal to the average value of all the average ) and (is equal to
the average of all the ranges R) are found and from these we can calculate the control
limits for the and R charts. Therefore,
Here the factors , and depend on the number of units per sample. Larger the
number, the close the limits. The value of the factors , and can be obtained from
S.Q.C tables. However, for ready reference these are given below in tabular form:
2.Control Chart for Attributes: Control charts for attributes are used to measure
quality characteristics that are counted rather than measured. Attributes are discrete in
nature and entail simple yes-or-no decisions. For example, this could be the number of
nonfunctioning lightbulbs, the proportion of broken eggs in a carton, the number of rotten
apples, the number of scratches on a tile, or the number of complaints issued. Two of the
most common types of control charts for attributes are p-charts and c-charts.
P-charts are used to measure the proportion of items in a sample that are defective.
Examples are the proportion of broken cookies in a batch and the proportion of cars
produced with a misaligned fender. P-charts are appropriate when both the number of
defectives measured and the size of the total sample can be counted. A proportion can then
be computed and used as the statistic of measurement.
1. It can be a fraction defective chart.
2. Each item is classified as good (non-defective) or bad (defective).
3. This chart is used to control the general quality of the component parts and I
checks if the fluctuations in product quality (level) are due to chance alone.
Plotting of P-charts: By calculating, first, the fraction defective and then the control
limits. The process is said to be in control if fraction defective values fall within the control
limits. In case the process is out of control an investigation to hunt for the cause becomes
Usually, the Z value is equal to 3 (as was used in the X and R charts), since the variations
within three standard deviations are considered as natural variations. However, the choice
of the value of Z depends on the environment in which the chart is being used, and on
managerial judgment.
C-charts count the actual number of defects. For example, we can count the number of
complaints from customers in a month, the number of bacteria on a petri dish, or the
number of barnacles on the bottom of a boat. However, we cannot compute the proportion
of complaints from customers, the proportion of bacteria on a petri dish, or the proportion
of barnacles on the bottom of a boat.
Control charts involving counts can be either for the total number of nonconformities
(defects) for the sample of inspected units, or for the average number of defects per
inspection unit.
Defect vs. Defective
• ‘Defect’ – a single nonconforming quality characteristic.
• ‘Defective’ – items having one or more defects.
C charts can be plotted by using the following formulas:
UCL c 3c
LCL c 3c
Acceptance sampling: It is a statistical measure used in quality control. It allows a
company to determine the quality of a batch of products by selecting a specified number for
testing. The quality of this designated sample will be viewed as the quality level for the entire
group of products.
Types of Acceptance Sampling Plans: There are 4 types:
1. Single Sampling Plan: In single sampling plan, the decision regarding the
acceptance or rejection is made after drawing a sample from a bigger lot. Inspection is done
and if the defectives exceed a certain number the lot is rejected. Otherwise, the lot is
accepted when the number of defectives is less than the acceptance number.