Blue Steps - Guide To Personal Branding For Executives
Blue Steps - Guide To Personal Branding For Executives
Blue Steps - Guide To Personal Branding For Executives
Personal Branding
for Executives
Everything you need to know to
identify your values,
articulate your mission,
AND optimize your career documents
to become a thought leader and
win the best opportunities.
By BlueSteps
Back in the late nineties, there was a mass realization among business leaders that everything
around us was branded, from the clothes we wore and the pens we used, to the coffee we drank
and the technology we adopted. By attaching ourselves to those brands, we were also saying
something about us as individuals and as business leaders.
The savviest leaders quickly understood that they had their own marketable brands, distinct from
those of the companies they worked for. Their personal brand was mobile and it could be carried
from the office to out on the town, and from one organization to another. Business leaders began
to nurture their brands, shape them and attract brand followers. They sought out brand coaches
to help strengthen them and they won new opportunities because of their clearly recognizable
and increasingly desirable personal brands.
Fast forward 20 years and we find ourselves in a new era of global business. Our society has
transitioned from analogue to digital and the accelerated growth of technology has created a
business climate of lightning-fast speed and constant change. There is a premium on top talent
and fierce competition for executive-level jobs worldwide. Practically everyone has their own
digital presence and today’s business leaders must differentiate themselves from the competition
to be successful. To do that, it’s critical they understand their personal brand and how its narrative
thread is carried out through all that they do.
We have developed this Global Guide to Personal Branding for Executives to help today’s
executive-level professionals craft a strong personal brand for the first time or to reshape their
executive identity. This guide is intended to help you understand what personal branding means
today, why it’s important, what it includes and does not include, and how to convey an effective
personal brand to clearly communicate your value and win new opportunities.
Kathy Simmons
Executive Director
BlueSteps Executive Career Services
Forbes Coaches Council
what is personal
Your brand is what people he good news is you already have a personal brand. In fact,
say about you when you’re you are a brand. You may or may not be aware of your brand
not in the room. identity, and if not, that’s okay. That’s why we are here—to help
you uncover your authentic personal brand and to fully leverage it
JEFF BEZOS for maximum opportunity.
Founder But before we dive in to the specifics of you and your brand,
of Amazon what do we mean by personal brand? What is it?
A personal brand is everything that you bring to the table. It
includes your skills and your values, as well as how you add value in any
situation. Think of a business contact you know. What first comes to
mind when you hear their name? Now think about you. What comes
to the minds of others when your name pops up in conversation?
Marketers McNally and Speak define the personal brand in
this way: “Your brand is a perception or emotion, maintained by
somebody other than you, that describes the total experience of
having a relationship with you.”
Ironically, your personal brand is ultimately not about you – it’s
the perception others have of you based on the value you deliver
to them.
rafting your personal brand can be a daunting process at first. It calls for us to
exercise ONE look inward to ask ourselves who we are and the leader we aspire to be—two
Discover what’s big questions for anyone to answer. To help you get started, we have developed
important to you as the following exercise. Consider each question and just start writing without
an Executive Leader. editing yourself. Just keep writing until you feel you have genuinely answered the
Once you have answered each question, be sure to save your responses. They
will be useful to revisit later as we move along in helping you define and articulate
your brand. n
4. What kind of
What past problems do
experiences you solve?
have you had 11.
that have How
8. recognizable
helped shape Who are your
1. who you are are you?
role models?
What do you today?
want to be 12.
known for? 9. Who should
5. How have you know about
What makes
2. demonstrated you?
you different?
What are you impact?
known for? 6. 13.
How have 10. What is your
3. you been What are greatest
What do you Successful in your areas of professional
stand for? the past? expertise? achievement?
ou probably know your company’s core values well. Maybe you can even
Remember, if you try to market to recite them. But what about your own values? You probably know them
everyone, you are marketing to inherently, but have you ever truly articulated them?
no one. It’s also worth bearing in Identifying your values is foundational to exuding your brand. It is the core of
mind that everything is database who you are and what emanates outward to others. Companies that stick to their
driven (ATS/LinkedIn/Facebook/ core values are more recognizable and more successful in the marketplace. The
BlueSteps etc.). Any branding is same holds true to individuals. And not only are they more recognizable, they are
about speaking to your ideal / also more fulfilled. When work and life are aligned with your values, this is when
target customer(s) and how you you are at your best. You are positioned to succeed.
can help and bring value. When work and life are misaligned with your values, you experience unhappiness,
unrest, fatigue; you start to pick up bad habits and develop practices or behaviors
CATRIONA MCDERMOTT that do not align with your personal brand and principles. This is clearly not where
Advisor, BlueSteps you want to be. Sometimes, we end up here because our values have changed over
Executive time. This is normal. When you are starting in your career, for example, you may
Career Services more highly value money, success and doing whatever it takes to propel yourself
forward. As you age, you may more highly prioritize balancing work with time for
friends and family. The point is, your values evolve over time and what you value in
work and how you need to be positioned for success change over time, too.
Most of us have vague notions of what we value, but if prompted, we may
not be able to articulate what is truly important to us. Sure, we know the things
that societally we know we should—and likely do—value. Things like family and
friendship and a peaceful world. But what matters to us as individuals that makes
us our unique selves?
Think back to a time in your life when you felt good about who you were and
exercise TWO what you were doing. Consider both work and personal life.
Find what you truly • What did you value then?
value in your career.
• What gave you purpose?
• What else made you feel fulfilled?
• What made you proud?
• What made others proud of you?
Now that you have reflected on what you valued in the past and
what you value in the present, as well as what has changed and
what has remained, think about words that describe those core
values. To help you get started, here is a list of common values
below, but certainly feel free to create your own not on the list.
You should aim to start a list of about 10 values and then work to
narrow that list to 3-5 values that are core to who you are at this
point in your life. As you continue, you may find that some values
are similar and you can combine them.
Your values statements should be short, single phrases. The values statements will be
used to write your personal mission.
INSIDER TIP Now it’s time to write your mission. Your mission statement should be succinct and
For some, once you’ve articulate your purpose. A good mission statement will guide you throughout your
completed these steps, career, help you pivot direction when you’re at a crossroads, and will serve as the
your mission statement elevator pitch-size statement for your personal brand.
may come relatively easily. For others, Your mission statement should reflect not only your values (what you stand for), but it
this is an area where a career coach should also include your past contributions (what you’re known for) and your goals (what
can bring tremendous value by helping you still want to achieve). Consider these three elements as you write your statement.
you uncover what it is you truly value Start by referring to your values statements. Now think about your contributions and
and hope to accomplish throughout what you are known for. List those. Lastly, what do you still want to achieve? List your
the rest of your career. To better desired achievements. Now that you have identified each component, you can begin to
understand how coaching can help, craft your mission statement. Don’t try to include everything. Include what you consider
see page 10. to be most core to who you are and what you want to accomplish in life.
Once crafted, your personal mission statement will act as the building block for your
brand. It should set the tone for how you engage with the world and shape your voice. n
Like with financial planning and fitness training, you don’t have
to go it alone. An expert career coach can help you uncover your
values, articulate your mission, and find your voice.
In your opening paragraph, you need to outline your current roles
and responsibilities in a way that will capture the
attention and interest of your audience. Start with a
clear branding statement which encapsulates what
makes you unique. Be sure to highlight your value
proposition, key accomplishments and expertise
throughout this section.
Aside from what you do in your current role, it is important that
your audience doesn’t lose sight of what you have
accomplished in your previous roles, too. Use this
section to explain your past achievements, both inside
and outside of the prior organization. Remember, you
can also use hyperlinks and supporting data to provide
the audience with more information on these. You should integrate
statistics and measurable successes throughout.
anding the perfect-fit C-suite position is hardly as formulaic as “John has proven himself to be a highly flexible leader, delivering
polishing up your resume and shooting it out in response to tangibles that have far exceeded the expectations of his employers
job ads. The reality is that the vast majority of executive-level by adapting quickly to ever-shifting corporate priorities.”
jobs never make their way into an advertisement—meaning that “Mary cares deeply for her team members and is committed to
your chance to be privy to such opportunities requires you to rely both business and individual successes. Her ability to lift leaders
heavily on your network of contacts for introductions and hints up to optimal performance is evidenced by the fact that over 25 of
regarding such undisclosed opportunities. her direct reports have advanced to senior leadership positions.”
With this in mind, your resume must be updated and primed
for the more advanced stages of conversations with key decision 3. DESCRIBE YOUR CAREER PATH IN A STORYTELLING
makers (which may happen sooner than you expect), but it may FORMAT.
not be the most-fitting tool for getting a foot in the door with key Starting either with your current role, or with your early-
organizational insiders. In fact, if you are meeting with someone career foundation, take the reader through a light, readable—but
who is not directly looking to hire you, but has agreed to have a substantive—account of your career, highlighting the overall impact
networking meeting or informational interview with you, sending you had on the organizations you worked for. Don’t get hung up on
a resume may look, well, a bit presumptuous—and your contact details such as dates, reporting structure, or any of the other
may even feel put on the spot. factual minutiae that, while important on a resume,
Enter the Executive Bio as the networking tool par will bore a reader hungry for a quick, compelling
excellence: A more prudent approach to initiating narrative. Make the content digestible, avoiding
exploratory conversations with targeted contacts. dense paragraphs or lengthy sentences.
So, what exactly is an Executive Bio? An
executive bio is a one-page document describing 4. INCLUDE SIGNIFICANT QUALIFICATIONS.
your core value, brand attributes, and career Add a paragraph that describes university
history and accomplishments—as related to your degrees, if relevant, language skills or any other
current goals—written in standard paragraph major qualifications, such as board leadership
format in the third-person narrative. experience or professional memberships. Only
Here are five tips for crafting your high-impact bio: include what is most relevant—with your target
audience in mind. Remember, your details, in the form of
1. STAY CONSISTENTLY ON BRAND. a well-crafted resume, will be read later by the appropriate hiring
It is critical that your bio maintain a consistent message that audience. The bio is not the place to list every training program
is backed up across your entire executive portfolio—resume or you’ve ever participated in.
CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. That is, your unique value
proposition must be highlighted and must “hook” your reader 5. INCLUDE A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPH AT THE TOP
early on. This may be your ability to lead successful turnarounds, AND YOUR CONTACT DETAILS AT THE BOTTOM.
drive cultural change within your organization, break into new Again, consistency is key. Use the same clear, professional
markets, or create organizational infrastructure. headshot used on your LinkedIn profile and ensure that your
It is also important to stay on brand visually. Use the same contact details match those on your resume and cover letter.
polished look and feel as your expertly crafted resume and cover Include your Twitter handle, LinkedIn URL, or any other relevant
letter––matching the attractive and industry-appropriate font web content, such as an online portfolio or blog.
and design elements to instill harmony across your entire career Once your on-brand executive bio is ready and is fully aligned
portfolio. with the rest of your polished career documents, you are ready
to jump-start your search by truly leveraging your network. You
2. LET YOUR PASSION, PHILOSOPHY, AND STYLE SHINE may now initiate dialogue with the right people, knowing that you
THROUGH. have the appropriate tool for doing so. With a thoughtfully written
Be creative when writing your bio, and be sure to weave your and visually attractive Executive Bio added to your complete job
leadership approach into your story, which will help readers search toolbox, you are now prepared for the various stages of
understand the values and attitudes that have led to your major conversation—from informal discussions with insiders and well-
successes. Here are a couple of examples of how to inject passion positioned individuals, to advanced discussions with selection
and style into the bio: committees and hiring agents. n
When creating a new LinkedIn Profile, the default
URL created usually consists of the LinkedIn web
address followed by your name and a jumbled
series of letters and numbers. To demonstrate that
you’re current and also have a clean URL you can use on other
career documents, you can clear this up in one easy step by creating
a custom URL (also known as a vanity URL). To create your custom
LinkedIn URL, follow LinkedIn’s own instructions to set this up from
your profile. Ideally, your custom URL is the LinkedIn URL followed
by just your name, first name, followed by last name with no
dashes. If your name is already taken, try adding your middle initial.
Mike O’Neil
CEO, Integrated Alliances; Forbes Top 50 Social Media Influencer
Sales Navigator Expert, Trainer; Speaker, Author, Futurist, LinkedIn
Industry Leader
Liz Ryan
Founder and CEO, Human Workplace; Author, “Reinvention
Jeff Selingo
New York Times bestselling author, Washington Post columnist,
higher education strategist, LinkedIn Top 10 Influencer
One way in which your LinkedIn profile differs from
your executive resume or CV is that you have the
space to tell your professional story in more detail.
Although you should be mindful to keep this section
concise, your summary is your opportunity to explain your professional
passions, interests, achievements and goals. It is also an excellent
opportunity to incorporate industry related keywords which will help
you appear in more candidate searches.
LinkedIn also gives you the ability to list your
relevant skills and allows your connections to
endorse those skills. With this section, the rule
is definitely quality over quantity. Make sure that
rather than creating an endless list of skills, including skills that
are not entirely relevant to what you do now or where you want
to go, be selective and choose your core skills. This will help
readers immediately identify what you excel at and what your
strong suits are at a glance.
Don’t just automatically
accept invitations, but you
will likely want to accept
most. After all, LinkedIn
is a networking
platform. But look at
someone’s profile first
before you accept their
invitation to connect.
If something suggests
they are a spammer or an
overzealous vendor, you probably
Give the reader some white space
don’t want to accept as they can
so they will likely want to continue
indirectly harm your credibility.
reading on.
Keep it professional and
show expertise or insights
when you can, but don’t
make the goal of LinkedIn
to promote yourself. The
best brand marketing
today is based on insights
and helping someone solve
a challenge. Keep this in
mind for marketing yourself
and building your personal brand.
Your cover letter is your chance to explain why you want to work
at that specific company, rather than at any company. Therefore, it
is important to personalize your cover letter and explicitly mention
the name of the company within the text, followed by a brief
explanation of what interests you about them.
You also need to use the cover letter to pitch to the employer
what you can do for them. This can be done by giving the recruiter
an insight into your background which will encourage them to learn
more by reading your attached resume.
CONCLUSION: Your cover letter should whet the
reader’s appetite and leave them wanting to read
more about you—either through your resume or by arranging an
interview. Make sure you use a positive call to action for the reader
at the end of the cover letter to either ask for an interview or direct
them towards your resume.
EDITING: It is compulsory to have perfect spelling and grammar.
Your cover letter helps recruiters and potential employers evaluate
your core writing skills; and when presented with a large selection
of applicants, the first step for hiring professionals is to cut out
those who have made basic spelling, grammar and typographical
errors. Therefore, it is vital to proofread your cover letter, or ask a
friend to proofread it with you.
SENDING: When sending your cover letter by email, it is
advisable to copy and paste your cover letter into the body of the
email, instead of sending it as an attachment. Sending a cover
letter as an attachment is a common mistake made by executive
applicants, as most hiring professionals are not going to take the
time to open it.
Remember, this is your chance to grab the reader’s attention and
you only have a few seconds in which to do so. The creation of an
impeccable cover letter can be tricky, but it can also be the key to
landing your job. n
early every time I talk with executives about their job search cover letter. They view the letter as an additional supporting
and the career documents they need, the long-standing document to introduce themselves (their ROI qualifications),
question comes up… get a sense of the person behind the “facts” and how they
Do I really need a cover letter and is it really being read? communicate in writing—all of which they say helps them to
Some executives will tell me that they personally don’t read get to know the executive a little better as they initially screen
candidate cover letters (the reasons: they are usually not well documents.
written, sound canned, not tailored, etc.). Others will tell me
that they do read them—some before they read the resume 2. ACCORDING TO SURVEYS CONDUCTED OVER THE
and others after they read the resume, looking for consistency YEARS IN THE CAREER INDUSTRY, TWO-THIRDS OF HIRING
between the two documents and interest in their company and AUTHORITIES WILL READ YOUR COVER LETTER.
the position. Some employers will read your cover letter
They also tell me that a focused and first, some will read it after they read your
well-written cover letter that supports the resume or CV, and some won’t read it at all.
resume or CV will attract their attention over Just like a lot of things, it comes down to a
a candidate whose letter is poorly written or personal preference.
who does not provide one at all. Some job postings or applications mention
So, can a cover letter distinguish you from submitting a cover letter and resume or CV.
other candidates and help you in your search? That’s always clear cut. Other employers
The answer: Yes, with some employers and don’t mention it, but don’t assume that your
some executive recruiters. Like many things letter won’t be read if they don’t ask for it. So,
in job search—there is no absolute—and you unless you are told otherwise, include a cover
will never know which employers or executive letter—especially when it comes to posted
recruiters want to read your letter unless jobs.
they state this information (which they don’t
typically do when you respond to a job post). 3. WRITE TARGETED, COMPELLING
However, when it comes to cover letters, LETTERS THAT DEMONSTRATE HOW YOU
the following points will guide you in what to ARE A MUTUAL GOOD FIT WITH YOUR
Be prepared and include a focused one-page cover letter or
1. IN GENERAL EXECUTIVE RECRUITERS (RETAINED OR eNote (about 150 words or less pasted in the body of your email
CONTINGENCY) AREN’T INTERESTED IN LENGTHY COVER message) that compels your audience to open your resume and
LETTERS, AND SOME WON’T READ A COVER LETTER, want to learn more about you.
PREFERRING TO DELVE INTO THE RESUME. Start with an attention-capturing statement about your
They do advocate a brief introduction inserted in the body of expertise and value proposition. For example:
the email. Your need for a CEO with deep experience in turnaround
In a BlueSteps webinar that featured a panel of three retained leadership that revives financial and operational performance to
executive search consultants (US and international) addressing achieve sustainable, profitable growth is my expertise.
the topic of “Top Strategies for Networking with Executive Search Or…if you have a connection:
Consultants,” the question about cover letters came up. John Marland, Vice President of Sales at Company X, suggested
They advised executives to write a brief introductory email that I reach out you to about your company’s need for a Chief
(resume or CV attached to the email) stating the facts: the Marketing Officer.
executive position you are seeking, your geographic preference, Make sure to provide specific examples of your contributions
the reason you are in the job market, if you are open to relocation, (a few) and strengths in the body of your letter. Match their needs
etc. Keep in mind that if you have a mutual contact that referred with your promise of value and pinpoint the ROI you will deliver.
you, it’s also helpful to include that information in the opening Bottom line: You wouldn’t want to lose out on an opportunity
line and even subject line. because you didn’t include a cover letter for the hiring authority
As an aside, I want to mention that I personally know executive or executive recruiter that considers letters an important part of
recruiters who want to receive a lengthier (one page only though) the job search process. n
BlueSteps Executive
Career Services
To maximize the impact of your application for an executive
State your accomplishments clearly role, it is vital that you review and rework your resume for
re-written as Challenge, Action & each new opportunity. This includes incorporating any relevant
Results bullets, from a 360 degree keywords or industry specific buzzwords into the document
leadership perspective (both hard skills- (without overdoing it).
professional/technical & soft skills- Keywords play a significant role in applicant tracking systems
leadership/team-building, mentoring/ (ATS), and can get your application past the first elimination stage
talent development), quantify these to be viewed by human eyes. But regardless of whether your
skillsets for impact and ensure the best potential employer uses an ATS, keywords can help highlight your
of the accomplishments are reflected on skills and experience.
page one.
Advisor, When writing your resume, it is wise to provide the reader
BlueSteps Executive with as much useful information as you can. Being the director
Career Services of a large, international organization is very different to being the
director of a small to mid-size company. Therefore, it is helpful to
make it explicitly clear on your resume. Adding this information
to your resume can be as simple as rewriting a line from your
company’s “About Us” section on their webpage. Providing a
company description can also be advantageous as it allows you
to let the recruiter know what industries you have worked in too.
s an executive career consultant of 25 years, I am often different. You want to be conscious of the way things are
asked: “Is this a good resume?” However, it is impossible measured in your respective field and even the type of
to answer this frequently asked question without language that is used to describe those measurements. If you
understanding the individual’s career context. An executive are looking to make a change, a career consultant can be a
resume can be considered “good” for a variety of reasons. great resource because they know how to write for hiring
What really matters is if it is an effective resume, which is managers and search consultants based upon industry and
much harder to achieve. function.
Whenever I do a resume consultation, I always
start by asking, “What is your goal?” The 4. FOCUS ON ACCOMPLISHMENTS, NOT
answer to that question is what guides how RESPONSIBILITIES...AND KNOW THE
the resume is written. Your resume needs to DIFFERENCE.
be aspirational as much as it is historical to My only hard and fast rule when it
achieve its purpose. comes to writing an executive resume
It needs to be thought of as the strategic is to focus on accomplishments and not
document that helps get you where you want responsibilities. Responsibilities describe the
to go. Writing an executive resume with that in job; accomplishments describe you. At a senior
mind is what ultimately separates a good resume level, recruiters and search committees are
from an effective one. As you start updating your focused on the impact each prospective candidate
own, here is my advice on what to keep in mind to write an had in their previous positions, so it is important that comes
effective strategic resume: through clearly on your resume.
1. Pre-Event Preparation.
Before you attend the event, it is wise to set reasonable
expectations and make a plan for with whom you are aiming to
connect. Having a plan with purpose will help you to achieve your
networking target. To prepare in advance, you might choose to
contact the event organizer and request a list of fellow attendees
for a more targeted approach. Searching the event on social media
can be a useful way to see if others have mentioned the event and
are planning on attending too.
Another way to prepare pre-event is by reading up on industry
research and related news articles. This will help you to speak
intelligently about trends and issues that could be of interest to
those with whom you are networking. By having informed yourself
based on your reading, you will be seen as someone who is worth
connecting with.
Make sure you plan an outfit that is appropriate for the event.
It is always better to dress more formally and conservatively, than
uilding and maintaining relationships with executive search events that your target search consultants are attending in your
consultants should be a vital component of your career location, you could join that audience and gain the opportunity to
strategy, regardless of whether you are in an active job search get an in-person introduction.
or just proactively managing your career next steps.
For executives who are new to executive search, it can be MAKE THE RELATIONSHIP MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL
difficult to know where to start, but there are several essential do’s If you are contacted by a search consultant for a specific role,
and don’ts that can help you on your way. but do not feel as though that role is suited to your professional
needs, it can be advantageous to suggest others in your network
for the role. This will further endorse you as a useful and well-
The Do List connected source, which will work in your favor in the future.
Before networking with executive search
consultants you should assess all your career The Don’t List
marketing documents and online presence, DON’T SEND MASS EMAILS
including your resume or CV, LinkedIn profile, Many executives mistakenly think that
executive bio and cover letter. It is important to volume over targeted outreach will work in
make sure that these documents are in order their favor when networking with executive
because, should you be of interest for a search search consultants. It doesn’t. Sending mass
they are actively working on, you will need emails is strongly discouraged and executive
to provide this information immediately. You search consultants will spot a mass email
should also take time to understand exactly immediately, dramatically reducing your
what you are looking for and how to articulate chance of receiving a response. Make sure
these career goals to others. you create a targeted list of consultants to
contact, and then explain why you would be
BE SELECTIVE interested specifically in working with them
When developing your networking strategy, as an individual within your initial email.
it’s best to create a targeted list of carefully-
chosen consultants who are specialists in your DON’T ASK SEARCH CONSULTANTS TO
industry, function and region. Once you have FIND YOU A ROLE
identified consultants in these areas - this It’s important to understand and
should total around four to six consultants - acknowledge that executive search
you can then begin your outreach. consultants work for the employer, not the
executive. Their client will always be their primary focus; and
MAKE A STRONG FIRST IMPRESSION while they might keep you in mind should further opportunities
When sending your initial correspondence to your target arise, they will not be able to actively search for roles on your
consultant, make sure you keep your introduction concise and behalf.
straight to the point. You should aim to introduce yourself with a
short paragraph explaining your interest in connecting and then DON’T ASK SEARCH CONSULTANTS FOR GENERAL CAREER
four to five bullet points on what you are looking for, and any ASSISTANCE AND ADVICE
professional achievements that would be of interest to them. As mentioned above, executive search consultants work for
their client, the employer, so it is not part of their role to review
USE YOUR EXISTING NETWORK your resume, give general interview tips (unless they are putting
Like with any form of networking, being introduced by a mutual you forward for a role), or to provide career advice. This should
connection can have its advantages. If you know of someone who all be finalized prior to connecting with the search consultants.
could personally refer you to a search consultant, it might be in Don’t only seek to build relationships when you need them:
your interest to do so. Your existing connection could also provide Creating relationships with search professionals should be done
you with further advice on how to connect with search consultants at the earliest opportunity in your executive career. It’s much
in general. easier to engage with existing connections when you need them,
than to start with a blank page if you have been unexpectedly
NETWORK IN-PERSON laid off or have had to resign.
Many executive search consultants participate in industry events n
and seminars both as speakers and attendees. By researching
thought leader is an individual who is recognized as
authoritative and an influencer. Thought leaders are recognized
by others as such because of the value they bring to a subject
or industry. One cannot just become a thought leader overnight.
You must prove your credibility to others through your knowledge
on a subject because of your specific education, experience, or
background. The best thought leadership is fueled by passion and
most thought leaders are considered experts in their fields.
When preparing yourself to be viewed as a thought leader, focus
on what you are passionate about. Focusing on your passions will
ensure you have enough material to fuel your brand. Thought
leadership includes intentional writing and speaking opportunities
where you can bring experience and credibility to a topic.
Thought leaders are recognized often as those who could,
because of their knowledge, credibility and influence: speak on
panels at conferences and events, serve on advisory boards, land
new leadership positions, or serve on a board of directors. The
best thought leaders embrace humility. They know their area of
expertise backwards and forwards, but also defer to others when
something is not in their wheelhouse. They know what they are
expert at and what they are not.
So, you want to be a thought leader? The first step to becoming
a thought leader is to be great at what you do. But it doesn’t stop
there. Thought leaders are lifelong students, constantly learning,
improving and more importantly, sharing their insights for the
benefit of others.
When first deliberately preparing oneself to become a thought
leader, networking can help you establish connections, that can
lead to relationships, that can lead to opportunities. Networking
also affords others the opportunity to learn about you, what you do,
and your areas of expertise. Networking can help you get in front of
people who should know about you, those who you can offer value.
Participate in industry events with sessions on subjects that you
want to be known for. Identify networking opportunities with your
Awards and nominations can give serious weight to your name
and define you as a more credible thought leader, but it can be
difficult for executives to enter the nomination process passively.
To achieve success in this arena, many executives nominate
themselves, or ask a colleague to do so on their behalf. Stay ahead
by researching key awards in your industry, be mindful of crucial
deadlines and requirements, and don’t be afraid to nominate
Whether online or in-person, public speaking events are a
valuable way to catapult yourself into the realm of thought
leadership. With so many executives shying away from public
speaking due to its daunting nature, agreeing to speak at such
events can make you stand out in your industry, particularly if you
do so repeatedly. When public speaking, remember to take pictures
and recordings of the event to share your success and create new
content for your social media platforms to maximize your efforts. n
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