Indian Institute of Technology Bombay: Rules and Regulations Booklet For Two Year M.Sc. Programmes - 2018
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay: Rules and Regulations Booklet For Two Year M.Sc. Programmes - 2018
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay: Rules and Regulations Booklet For Two Year M.Sc. Programmes - 2018
Sr. No. Particulars Page No
1.1 Organizational Structure for Academic 4
1.2 Academic Calendar 5
2.1 Curriculum 5
2.2 Course Credit System/Structure 5
2.2.1 Seminars 5
7.1 Helping weaker students 15
7.2 Faculty Advisor 16
8 Glossary 16
The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) is one of the Indian Institutes of Technology
in the country, set up with the objective of making available facilities for higher education,
research and training in various fields of Science and Technology. The Institute is now
recognized as a leader in science and engineering education not only in India, but world-wide.
It has established a firm foundation for education and research with a high-quality faculty
base and having a vision to be the fountain head of new ideas and innovations in technology
and science. The mission is to create an ambiance for annually admitted candidates.
This booklet gives comprehensive information on the existing Rules and Regulations.
The two-year M.Sc. programme consists of courses in basic sciences. The programme broadly
consists of core and elective courses spread over four semesters with a research project component
in some of the streams. In general, the first two-three semesters deal with both fundamental and
applied aspects of the respective subject where-as the third-fourth semester gives more emphasis on
elective courses giving advanced knowledge of the subject and thus preparing students for a career in
research and/or industry. M.Sc. students get an opportunity to work independently on a project,
wherein they investigate natural and abstract problems and produce mathematical, computational
and/or experimental results. At various stages of the programme, students are initiated into research
methodologies, library reference work, use of scientific equipment / instruments, learning of modern
computational techniques, writing of technical and scientific reports and effective communication.
Apart from the minimum credit requirements for the award of the degree, opportunities exist for
supplementing the learning experience by crediting/auditing additional courses.
Syllabus of various programmes are given in the courses of study Bulletin (CSB) available on the
Institute website :
The academic programmes of the Institute are governed by rules and regulations approved by the
Senate from time to time. The senate is a statutory and supreme body that governs all the academic
matters of the Institute, and the rulings of Senate Chairman (the Director) are final in this regard. A
definite time schedule is set by the senate for various academic activities, through an academic
calendar issued in the beginning of each academic year.
The senate continuously assesses the academic programmes and makes appropriate revisions /
modifications / improvements as and when required through the Post-Graduate Programmes
Committee (PGPC) for postgraduate programmes. The Dean of Academic Programmes (Dean, AP) is
the convener of this committee. Similarly, performance of each student is monitored by the Senate
through Post-Graduate Performance Evaluation Committee (PGAPEC).
On joining the Institute, a student or a group of students is/are assigned a Faculty Advisor from his/her
Department. Students are expected to consult the Faculty Advisor on any matter relating to their
academic performance and the courses they may take in various semesters / summer terms.
1.2 Academic Calendar
The academic activities of the Institute are regulated by academic calendar approved by the senate,
and released at the beginning of each academic year. It is mandatory for students to strictly adhere to
the academic calendar for completion of academic activities. Academic calendar can be seen at the
Academic Office homepage on Institute website ( ).
2.1 Curriculum
Every department has a prescribed course structure. It prescribes all the courses / labs / other
requirements for the degree and sets out the nominal sequence semester-wise. It also gives the
syllabus and a list of text / reference books for each course. Courses of 4XX or higher level in M.Sc.
curriculum will be treated as PG level courses.
2.2.1. Seminars
Some departments may prescribe Seminar as a requirement. The Seminar is a course wherein under
the guidance of a faculty member a student is expected to do an in-depth study in a specialized area
by doing survey of published technical literature, understanding different aspects of the problem and
arriving at a status report. While doing a seminar, the student is expected to critically analyze works of
various authors/researchers, learn the investigation methodologies; study concepts, techniques and
the results presented in these papers, and present a seminar report. It is mandatory to give a seminar
presentation before a panel constituted for the purpose. Seminars typically carry 3 credits.
a) Along with the credit courses, a student is normally allowed to take a maximum of Two Audit
courses per semester, with the consent of the Project Guide/Faculty Advisor, as appropriate.
b) Any student who concurrently registers for any postgraduate degree at another organization shall
be automatically de-registered at the Institute.
3.2.3 Registration for the first semester
A student is required to register for all the courses listed in the curriculum during the registration
process for the first semester.
1. In all cases of health problems, medical certificate issued by IIT Bombay Hospital is essential. If the
medical certificate is issued by other hospitals/private practitioners, the certificates should be duly
authenticated by the CMO, IIT Bombay Hospital.
2. In all other cases, requests for dropping the semester should be accompanied by supporting
documents as required.
3. A student is not permitted to drop a semester after any of the following; (i) award of DX grade (ii) the
end of classes for the semester, (iii) semester-end examination and (iv) award of grades.
4. If a student drops the semester after the commencement of the semester, the fees paid will not be
refunded and/or adjusted in the subsequent semester. Prescribed continuation fee is required to be
paid for semester drop.
5. A continuous break from studies exceeding one year is not permitted.
4.2 Re-examination
A student will be permitted to take re-examination for FF grades in a given semester provided the
number of FR grades not exceed TWO. The re- examination is assigned weightage and is
conducted as per a declared schedule after the semester-end examination.
The grade awarded is ‘AU’ which does not carry any grade points and therefore does not figure in
SPI/CPI calculations. The course will not carry any credits. The course successfully completed in Audit
mode will be reflected in the Transcript as Audit Course.
4.5 Summer Course(s)
An academic entity may offer a summer course to enable the students to clear their backlog courses
and/or regular credit courses, subject to strict adherence to the following guidelines.
i. The course instructor(s) should be willing to offer the course. The course is offered on approval of
the DPGC and the Dean of Academic Programs.
ii. The course is offered with adequate rigor and in the same manner as a regular semester course is
iii. The duration of the course is eight weeks. The registration, examination and assessment and
grading etc. are done in the same way as is done for regular semester courses. The total number of
contact hours for the courses remains the same as that during the regular semesters, and therefore,
the courses run at accelerated pace - for example 6 hours of instructions per week is expected for a 3-
0-0 course. The Academic Calendar in this matter is strictly followed.
iv. 80 % attendance is compulsory, without which the instructor will assign a DX grade.
v. Minimum 5 students should register for a particular summer course to be offered.
vi. A student is permitted to register up to 18 credits during any one summer term.
vii. Courses offered in a summer term will be treated as equivalent to a regular semester courses for
all accounting purposes.
viii. Students with DX grade in core course are not allowed to register for Summer course.
Semester-wise assessment of performance of every registered student is done through various modes
of examinations. These include quizzes, class tests, home assignments, group assignments, viva-
voce, Mid-Semester Examination and Semester-End Examination. The Instructor will announce the
modes of evaluation and distribution of weightage for each of the assessments at the
beginning of the course. Various modes of assessment for theory and laboratory courses along with
the recommended relative weightage of various components are given in this section. Drastic
departure from the recommended modes of assessments and weightage requires prior approval of
the Dean of Academic Programs.
5.1 Attendance
Attendance in the class is compulsory and is monitored. The Institute expects 100% attendance.
However, due to ill health or other emergencies, absence up to 20% may be considered on case-to-
case basis on production of documentary proof. The attendance requirement is applicable to summer
courses also.
2. The semester – end examination is held as per the Academic Calendar with relative weightage of
40 to 50 per cent. It is normally of 3 hours duration and covers the full syllabus of the course. The
semester-end examination is mandatory. The instructor awards an “II” grade for those students
for not appearing for the Semester-end examination, if they have sufficient attendance and satisfactory
in-semester performance. Such students are eligible for a Semester-end re-examination only on
medical grounds or other valid reasons (Sec. 5.8), AND on production of medical certificate issued /
authenticated by CMO, IIT Bombay Hospital, or other supporting documents, as the case requires.
The application must be submitted to the Academic Office before the last date for registration for such
re-examination announced in the Academic Calendar. (See also Sec. 5.7(V).
Student is required to submit a project report and defend it in front of a panel of examiners. The dates
for submission of reports, the dates for presentations, and details of mode of assessment are decided
by the individual departments. Submission of the MSP report cannot be postponed beyond the date
specified in the calendar. If the project cannot be completed due to ill health or other bonafide reasons,
the course can be dropped in consultation with the Faculty Advisor, the project coordinator and the
guide on or before the last date for dropping of courses. A re-registration for the same is required in
the following semester in which it should be completed.
When a student is unable to submit the report for assessment by the prescribed date due to valid
reasons, it is necessary to make a specific request to the PGAPEC for extension, through the
project guide and DPGC, stating (i) the reasons for delay, (ii) the expected date of submission
(iii) pay the institute fee for the next semester and (iv) formally register for that semester if not
done so in the normal course.
When the student neither drops the project in time nor submits the project report for assessment by
the due date nor request an extension from the PGAPEC, the ‘II’ grade is awarded at the time of
finalization of grades for all the other students. Further, if such late reports are not submitted within a
reasonable period of time (by the end of the Summer Semester), the ‘II’ grade is automatically
converted to ‘FR’. Students who obtain FR in the final (second stage) assessment is required to re-
register for the second stage in the subsequent semester.
5.7 Grading
i. The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay follows the grading system. Based on the combined
performance in all assessments, the student is awarded a letter grade in every course taken as per
the curriculum. These letter grades not only indicate a qualitative assessment of the student’s
performance but also carry a quantitative (numeric) equivalent called the Grade Point. The letter
grades and their equivalent grade point are given below:
CC 6
CD 5
DD 4
FF 0 (Fail- Re-examination)
FR 0 (Fail- Repeat the course)
DX 0 (Attendance below 80%-
Repeat the course)
PP Pass
NP Not Pass
AU Audit
II Incomplete
DR Dropped
W Withdrawn
i. A student passes the course if he/she gets any grade in the range of AP to DD (AU in the case
of an audit course), but fails if he/she gets the grade FF, FR or DX. II and DR are placeholders.
II is awarded temporarily on medical grounds and gets converted to an appropriate grade after
the Semester end re-examination. On the other hand, DR indicates that the course has been
dropped and it has to be cleared in subsequent semesters.
ii. The grade AP indicates exceptional performance and is awarded only in the Course/(s) in
which the number of registered students is more than 50. It should not exceed 2 % of the total
strength of the particular theory or lab course. The grade AP is not awarded for projects /
iii. FF grade will be awarded in case/(s) where the students’ performance in the examinations is
not satisfactory (falls below the DD grade). Student is eligible for re-examination, which is
conducted as per the Academic Calendar. A student taking the re-examination after FF grade
may get (1) DD grade if she/he passes the re-examination or (2) FR grade if she/he fails in the
re-examination or fails to appear for re-examination.
iv. FR grade will be awarded in case/(s) where, in the opinion of the instructor (panel of examiners
in the case of projects), the student has inadequate academic exposure to the course / has
very poor performance in the in-semester and/or semester-end examinations.
v. The grade DX in a course is awarded if (i) a student does not maintain the minimum 80%
attendance in the Lecture/Tutorial classes, or (ii) severely incomplete in semester evaluation
record due to non-medical reasons (for example when a student has missed all tests and
midsem), (iii) incomplete assignment submissions etc. The DX grade will be declared one
week before semester-end examination and intimated to the academic office immediately
thereafter. A student with DX grade in a given course is not permitted to take the
semester-end examination. The DX grade is treated as FR for the purpose of CPI
calculation, and requires re-registration for the course.
vi. “II” is awarded in a lecture/laboratory course if a student has satisfactory in-semester
performance and has fulfilled the attendance requirement, but has not appeared for the
semester-end examination due to medical reasons. Such students are eligible for a make up
for the Semester-end examination only on medical grounds / valid reasons AND on production
of medical certificate issued / authenticated by CMO, IIT Bombay Hospital or other supporting
documents as required. The application must be submitted to the Academic Office, for
consideration by PGAPEC, before the last date for registration for such make-up examination
announced in the Academic Calendar. (See Sec.3.5 and 3.6 for full details). For a student
resent in the semester-end re-examination, the instructor will award a regular performance
grade (AP-FR) depending on the overall performance in the course including the re-
examination. If a student fails to appear for the re-examination too, the instructor will award II
grade again. If the absence is due to medical / valid reasons, the student must submit
supporting documents as mentioned above, within seven days of the scheduled date of the re-
examination, to the Academic Office. PGAPEC will examine such cases and convert the II
grade into a dropped course status (DR) in bonafide cases. In all other cases the II grade will
be converted to FR grade. In any case the II grade will not be continued beyond the
commencement of the subsequent semester.
vii. There are, however, a few other academic requirements for the Programmes. The following
two grades viz., PP (Pass) and NP (Not pass), will be awarded for non-credit courses. No
grade points are associated with these grades and performance in these courses is not taken
into account in the calculation of the performance indices (SPI, CPI). However, the award of
the degree is subject to obtaining a PP (Pass) grade in all such courses, as part of course
Viii. AU grades are awarded for those who have audited a course, in accordance with prescribed
3. Logistic problems such as non-availability of resources / lab-facilities / availability of examiner /(s)
for project / seminars etc. Students claiming semester-end re-examination (evaluation in the case of
projects) on the above valid reasons are required to make suitable application to the PGAPEC before
the prescribed last date for registration for such re-examination announced in the Academic Calendar,
through proper channel along with proper medical certificate issued / authenticated by CMO, IIT
Bombay Hospital. In the event of death and / or serious illness / accident of parent or guardian, the
application should be supported by adequate evidence of the same / appropriate documents. Decision
of the Convener, PGAPEC is final in these matters.
5.10 SPI/CPI
C1g1 + C2 g2 + C3 g3 + C4 g4 + C5 g5
SPI = —————————-————-—-———
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5
The SPI is calculated to two decimal places. The SPI for any semester will take into consideration the
FR grades awarded in that semester. For example if a student has failed in course 4, the SPI will then
be computed as:
C1g1 + C2 g2 + C3 g3 + C4*ZERO+C5 g5
SPI = —————-------————-————-———
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5
The courses, which do not form the minimum requirement of the degrees is not considered for
calculation of the SPI. Such additional courses undertaken and the grades earned by the student will
be shown separately.
The CPI will reflect the failed status in case of FR/DX grade(s), till the course(s) is/are cleared.
When the course(s) is/are cleared by obtaining a pass grade on subsequent registration(s) the
CPI will only reflect the new grade and not the fail grades earned earlier.
Example : Up to semester r a student has registered for n courses, among which s/he has a FR grade
in course i. The semester grade report at the end of semester r therefore will contain a CPI calculated
Even if a student has failed in a course more than once, the course will figure only once in the
numerator as well as the denominator. At the end of semester r+1 s/he has registered for four
more courses including the backlog course i and has cleared all the courses including the
backlog course, the CPI at the end of this semester is calculated as
The courses which do not form the minimum requirement of the degrees is not considered for
calculation of the basic CPI. These courses are shown separately, and a separate CPI will be
calculated for these courses. There will also be a combined CPI calculated which considers all
the credits earned by the student.
1. The student will be required to discontinue the programme if at the end of any semester there are
two or more FR grades.
2. At the end of semester, a student must maintain a CPI of 6.0 (computed with FR, if any,
but after re-examination grade if re-examination is permitted). Otherwise , the student will be
required to discontinue the programme.
Academic Probation to the students having lower SPI/CPI than the minimum required for
continuation of their studies .
1. Guide the students about the rules and regulations governing the courses of study for a particular
2. Advise the students for registering courses as per curriculum given or otherwise within the scope of
the rules and regulations set by the Senate from time to time. For this purpose the Faculty Advisor has
to discuss with the student his/her academic performance during the previous semesters and then
decide the number and nature of the courses for which s/he can register during the semester as per
the curriculum.
3. Faculty Advisor has to approve the registration of the students. For this purpose s/he has been
provided an online interface.
4. Advise students to overload/drop one or more courses/activities based on her/his academic
performance as per the prescribed rules.
5. At the end of the first semester/year, the Faculty Advisor may even advise a reduced load
programme for a poorly performing student. This reduced load programme may spread over several
semesters subject to minimum load for the semester and completion of the degree programme with in
the prescribed maximum period. Such reduced load programme is to be prepared by the Faculty
Advisor in consultation with the Student; her/his parent and recommend the same through the DPGC
to the PGAPEC for consideration and approval before the commencement of the semester.
6. Pay special attention to weak students and carefully monitor performance of students
recommended for slow track option.
7. Advise students for Course Adjustment/Dropping of courses during the Semester within the
stipulated time frame given in the Academic calendar.
8. Advise students seeking semester drop either during the ongoing semester or before the
commencement of the semester. Faculty Advisor has to ensure strict compliance of rules and
regulations laid down for this purpose. Recommend the cases to the appropriate authorities for
9. Make revised plan of study for weak/bright students based on their semester-wise performance.
10. Suggest modalities for course/credit requirements for the students recommended for exchange
11. Guidance and liaison with parents of students for their performance.
12. To ensure that students are not permitted to re-register for courses, which they have already
13. Appraise students that any academic activity (course / Lab./ seminar / project / non credit
requirement etc) undergone without proper registration will not be counted towards the requirements
of his/her degree.
14. Strictly warn students that if s/he fails to register during any semester without prior approval,
his/her studentship is liable to be cancelled.
15. Keep the students updated about the Academic Administration of the Institute.
8. Glossary
Senate : The Senate is a statutory and supreme body that governs all academic matters of the
Institute. The ruling of Chairman, Senate is final in regard to all academic matters.
FA : Faculty Advisor
Semester : Two semesters in an academic year, approximately of 16 weeks duration each, the first
semester from the last week of July to last week of November and the second semester from the first
week of January to the last week of April.
Summer Term : Approximately of 8 weeks duration from the first week of May to the first week of July.
Course Credit : Weighted sum of the number of Lecture hours (L), Tutorial hours (T), and Practical
hours (P) associated with the course.
Registration : Semester wise enrolment for courses as per the prescribed curriculum.
Credits Earned : Sum of credits earned by passing a course registered during the semester.
Grade :Qualitative assessment of the student’s performance in a course indicated by the letters, AP,
AA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, DD, II, FF, FR, DX, PP or NP Grade. DX or FR indicates that the student
has to repeat the course. W indicates course withdrawn.
Grade point : Number equivalent of the letter grades given by 10, 9, 8, 7,6, 5, 4, corresponding to AP
and AA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, and DD, respectively. FR, DX carry zero grade points, PP, and NP do
not carry any grade points. II is a placeholder, gets converted to an appropriate grade after semester
end re-examination. DR is just a position holder.
Semester Grade Points : The sum of the products of credits and Grade Points for each course
registered by a student in a semester.
SPI : Semester Performance Index which is obtained by dividing the Semester Grade Points by the
Semester Credits.
Cumulative Credits : Sum of the Semester Credits for all the semesters taken together, wherein the
credits of a course is not counted if an alternative course has been taken in lieu of it.
Cumulative Grade Points : Sum of the Semester Grade Points for all the semesters taken together,
wherein the credits of a course is not counted if an alternative course has been taken in lieu of it.
CPI : Cumulative Performance Index which is obtained by dividing the Cumulative Grade Points by the
Cumulative Credits.
Transcript : Consolidated statement of the Academic Performance of a student for all the semesters