Vanda Section Dactylolobatae: A Summary, Two New Species, and A Key To Identification

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Vanda section Dactylolobatae: a summary, two new species, and a key to


Article · June 2015


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Lauren Maria Gardiner

University of Cambridge


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HE SPECIES OF VANDA belonging to the sec- ify his sections on a specific species. It may have sub-
tion Dactylolobatae W. Suarez & J. Cootes (Suarez sequently been widely assumed that the type species
& Cootes 2007) have long caused confusion to for section Lamellaria was the species with the similar
both taxonomists and horticulturalists. The section is epithet, Vanda lamellata Lindl., but it appears that it was
geographically widespread, ranging from Kaliman- only in 1994 that Christenson himself “inadvertently”
tan in Borneo, through the Indonesian and Philippine typified Lindley’s section on V. lamellata in his paper
archipelagos, and south to New Guinea. One species, which erected section Hastiferae. Christenson merely
Vanda scandens Holttum is so distinct vegetatively that needed to list the sections, with authors, and state “type
one would be hard put to confuse it with any other = Vanda lamellata” to effectively typify section Lamellaria
species (although it has been!). The remaining six spe- with V. lamellata. Therefore, this section, distinguished
cies, Vanda celebica Rolfe, Vanda frankieana Metusala & from section Dactylolobatae by the species having lips
P. O’Byrne, Vanda gibbsiae Rolfe, Vanda hastifera Rchb. f., with flat midlobes, which are flared at the base and lack
Vanda lindenii Rchb. f., Vanda saxatilis J. J. Sm. and two side lobules, should correctly be named section Lamel-
new species, are so superficially similar that they have laria Lindl. All species in the section have cylindrical
been repeatedly confused. Here we seek to define the columns. Recent molecular studies have confirmed that
differences between these distinct and geographically V. lamellata and V. sanderiana are in this same section La-
isolated species and provide a key to their identifica- mellaria (Gardiner et al. 2013).
tion. The two undescribed species are also described As Christenson used V. roebelingiana to typify his ear-
here. lier concept of section Hastiferae, rather than V. hastifera,
Vandas of the section Dactylolobatae are character- the exclusion of V. roeblingiana from the section renders
ized by a lip that is more or less as thick as it is broad. the epithet Hastiferae unavailable, but allows us to use
In addition, the lip of species from the section has very the available sectional epithet Dactylolobatae W. Suarez
distinctive lobules as appendages to the midlobe; these and J. Cootes (Suarez & Cootes 2007), which is typified
appendages may be either glabrous or hirsute. The col- on the species V. lindenii. Suarez and Cootes placed the
umns of the species are cylindrical without the basal species V. lindenii and V. scandens in their new section
thickening characteristic of species from the section Dactylolobatae, and here we add the remaining species
Deltoglossae, which occupy much of the same geograph- from Christenson’s section Hastiferae that do not fit into
ical range as those from section Dactylolobatae. Because section Lamellaria.
of the cylindrical columns and flared bases of the mid Vanda hastifera was described by Reichenbach filius
lobes of Vanda javierae D. Tiu and Vanda roeblingiana in 1876. Endemic to Borneo, it grows as an epiphyte in
Rolfe, Christenson placed these two species in the same mangrove and lowland forests. Vanda hastifera bears
section as species with midlobe lobules, section Hastif- four to six dark yellow flowers distinctly marked with
erae (Christenson 1994). Higgins and Motes (2012), rec- vivid red spots on a lax inflorescence. Its hirsute lobules
ognizing this mistake, removed these two species and and nearly flat lip with only a moderately upturned
placed them with their newly described Vanda barnesii apex distinguish it from the closely related Bornean
in a separate section, section Roeblingianae Motes & W. species, V. gibbsiae.
E. Higgins. Also from Borneo, V gibbsiae, described by Rolfe in
Unfortunately this name is an illegitimate, superflu- 1914, was reduced by Cribb to a variety of V. hastifera in
ous name owing to the fact that the sectional epithet 1993 (Wood et al. 1993). This species occupies a distinct
Hastiferae is attached to the species Vanda roeblingiana, and different habitat from V. hastifera, the foothills of
which Christenson had used to typify his section Has- Mt. Kinabalu. The vegetative architecture of V. gibbsiae
tiferae. If Christenson had typified section Hastiferae on is also very different from V. hastifera, whose coarse
V. hastifera, then no change in sectional names would thick-set leaves are immediately recognizable in her-
have been necessary for the section with midlobe lob- barium specimens, whereas V. gibbsiae has more elon-
ules, and Motes and Higgins could have erected section gated stems and longer, narrower leaves. Unlike the
Roeblingianae, typified on V. roeblingiana. But because it boldly spotted flowers of V. hastifera, those of V. gibbsiae
contained V. roeblingiana, the new section would have are pale yellow, finely spotted with reddish brown at
to be named Vanda section Hastiferae, even though the the bases of the tepals with the spotting coalescing into
species V. hastifera remains back in section Dactyloloba- solid color at their apices. Further, the apex of midlobe
tae, if it were not for one extra twist. of the lip in V. gibbsiae is prominently upturned. The
In 1853, Lindley erected five sections in the genus broad, trapezoidal side lobes of V. gibbesiae are very dif-
Vanda, one of which was section Lamellaria. As it was ferent from the smaller, pointed side lobes of V. hastifera.
not required at the time, Lindley did not explicitly typ- Finally, the lobules of V. gibbesiae are distinctly glabrous.

98 Orchid Digest, Apr., May, June 2015

©Martin Motes
©Greg Allikas

Vanda celebica Vanda furva

These abundant differences, morphological and ecolog-

ical, lead us to conclude that V. gibbsiae is a distinct spe-
cies rather than a variety of V. hastifera.
Like the previous two species, Vanda scandens, de-
scribed by Holttum in 1950, is also endemic to the is-
land of Borneo. The specific epithet refers to the climb-
ing habit of the plant. Vanda scandens has the longest
internodes of any species in the genus and is easily
recognized by this character alone, and although one
might mistake it for a species of Arachnis or tall growing
©Martin Motes

Trichoglottis, no other Vanda species approaches its tall,

rangy habit. Its mustard-yellow flowers spotted with
brown are carried close to the stem on exceptionally
short inflorescences, a characteristic unique within the
genus. Despite these unique features, the yellow flow- Vanda furva
ers marked with brown have led V. scandens to be con-
fused in the horticultural literature with a Philippine
species from the island of Mindanao, discussed later in
this paper and described as a new species, V. mindan-
The final species from Borneo is the recently de-
scribed Vanda frankieana Metusala & P. O’Byrne (Me-
tusala & O’Byrne 2012). The yellow flowers, spotted
with red, resemble superficially V. hastifera, however V.
frankieana is readily distinguished from V. hastifera by its
lip with a flat, triangular midlobe and glabrous lobules,
and tepals with very clearly defined, sparse but large
red spots.
©Martin Motes

Vanda celebica is found on the island of Sulawesi, to

the east of Borneo, and was described in 1899 by Rolfe.
Arguably the most attractive species of the section, it
may prove the most useful in hybridizing. The pale
Vanda furva: lip
greenish yellow sepals and petals lightly mottled with
reddish brown provide a lovely contrast to the almost Rumphius in his posthumously published Herbarium
solid blood-red lip. Unfortunately, V. celebica is current- Amboinensis from the southern Moluccas, on the island
ly virtually unknown in cultivation. of Ambon (Rumphius 1741). The name was published
Vanda lindenii was described by Reichenbach filius in by Linneaus as Epidendrum furvum in 1763, and trans-
1886 from specimens collected in New Guinea. The yel- ferred to Vanda by Lindley in 1833. Most observers of
low flowers mottled with red brown have a distinct red Rumphius’s drawing and detailed description of V. fur-
apex to the lip. Like V. celebica, the lip of V. lindenii has va (as “Angraecum octavum sive Furvum”) have agreed
glabrous lobules that readily distinguish it from V. saxa- that it is a species of Vanda belonging to section Dacty-
tilis, with which it has been confused (Motes & Roberts lolobatae (De Wit 1977; Motes & Roberts 2008; Metusala
2008, where V. saxatilis was misidentified as V. furva). & O’Byrne 2012). Unfortunately all of these commenta-
Vanda furva (L.) Lindl. was originally described by
Orchid Digest, Apr., May, June 2015 99
tors were mistaken. In recent field work, Motes has re-
discovered Rumphius’s V. furva on the nearby island of
Seram. Vanda furva is a Deltoglossae section species with
the characteristic thickening of the base of the column
but with an unusual lip that is doubled on itself hori-
zontally to yield the shape which Rumphius described
“like a tooth, pale yellow”(Rumphius 2003). This un-
usual lip shape is deceptively similar to the thick lips of
section Dactylolobotae but lacks the lobules which char-
acterize that section.
Because of the confusion caused by Vanda furva’s

©Martin Motes
unusual lip shape, it was assumed that the other Van-
da species (clearly a section Dactylolobatae plant) from
the South Moluccas, which J. J. Smith had described as
V. saxatilis, was synonymous with V. furva. As a result
Vanda saxatilis of Motes’s explorations in Seram which re-discovered
Rumphius’s V. furva, we know that this is not accurate.
Motes also found complete specimens of V. saxatilis
which match Rumphius’s drawings and J. J. Smith’s
description of the species. The two species are easily
distinguished by their plant architecture alone. Vanda
furva is a larger plant with broad leaves. Vanda saxatilis
is smaller with much more narrow leaves. The flower
illustrated in Renziana (Gardiner & Cribb 2013) and
labeled as V. furva is therefore actually V. saxatilis J. J.
Smith also discovered and illustrated a plant from
Bacan, North Moluccas, and identified it as Vanda has-
tifera. The dissected flower displays the prominently
upturned apex of the lip midlobe that characterizes V.
hastifera but it clearly differs from Reichenbach’s Kali-
mantan species. The long, narrow tubular spur of the
©Martin Motes

Bacan plant is distinct from V. hastifera’s shallow spur.

The Bacan plant has a spur perpendicular to the mid-
lobe, as opposed to that of V. hastifera where the spur
lies on the same plane as the midlobe. The long, thin
Vanda saxatilis: frontal view lobules of the Bacan plant are curved slightly forward
while V. hastifera has short, triangular lobules set per-
pendicular to the midlobe. On a recent trip to the island
of Bacan, the first author of this paper rediscovered the
entity that J. J. Smith considered to be V. hastifera and
it is described here as a distinct new species, V. aliceae.
Mindanao plants of a Vanda species from section
Dactylolobatae have appeared in the horticultural trade
for more than two decades and these were first identi-
fied as V. scandens. A plant identified as such was pre-
sented for American Orchid Society (AOS) judging in
1988, and a specimen sent to the Marie Selby Botani-
cal Garden for verification was identified as V. hastifera.
Subsequent research by Christenson and Motes led
them to believe (erroneously) that these plants were V.
lindenii (Motes 1997), and a plant with this appellation
was awarded by the AOS in 1994. Further research by
©Martin Motes

two of the authors here led us to assume that V. lindenii

and V. saxatilis (then thought to be V. furva Lindl.) were
synonymous (Motes & Roberts, 2008). Further exami-
nation of the material from New Guinea (V. lindenii),
Vanda saxatilis: side view Moluccas (V. saxatilis), and Mindanao (V. mindanaoensis,

100 Orchid Digest, Apr., May, June 2015

described here) leads us to the conclusion that each of
these three taxa is a separate species and all are island
endemics. Vanda mindanaoensis with its lip with long,
recurved, hirsute lobules is easily distinguished from V.
lindenii with glabrous lobules and V. saxatilis with flat,
oblong lobules. The Mindanao species is described here
as V. mindanaoensis.
In summary, the species of section Dactylolobatae are
sufficiently similar to have been easily confused, but
it should now be possible to more accurately identify
those species that have been described to date based on

©Martin Motes
the information and key provided here. All the species
are either island endemics or from closely proximate is-
land groups. Other taxa in this section are very likely to
be encountered in the other islands of the widespread
Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos. Future taxon- Vanda aliceae
omists should be cautious when identifying material of
section Dactylolobatae that come to light from different

Vanda aliceae Motes, L. M. Gardiner & D. L. Roberts sp.

nov. Type: Motes 1, cult., December 2013 (holotype

Diagnosis: Affinity to Vanda saxatilis J. J. Smith and

Vanda lindenii Rchb. f. but distinguished from V. sax-
atilis by its labellum with curved lobules, and from
V. lindenii by its hirsute lobules.

Plant monopodial epiphyte, 30 cm or more tall, 20-25

cm wide, stem 1.5 cm broad, Leaves glabrous, waxy,
sessile, distichous, linear, lingulate, recurved, narrow,
18 x 2.2 cm, shallowly channeled, margins entire, apex
unequally praemorse. Inflorescence a lateral, cylindri-
©Martin Motes

cal, porrect raceme, 6-9 flowers, 10-15 cm. Flower light

cinnamon red-brown with clear yellow, undulate mar-
gins, 5.5 cm vertically, 5.0 cm horizontally. Dorsal sepal
clawed, spathulate, cinnamon red with faint striping,
Vanda aliceae: side view
margins clear yellow, undulate, 2.6-1.1 cm. Lateral se-
pals clawed, spathulate, cinnamon red with faint tessel-
lations, margins pale yellow, undulate, 2.5-1.3 cm. Petals
clawed, spathulate, slightly reflexed, barred light cinna-
mon red with faint spotting near base, margins pale yel-
low, undulate, 2.5-1.1 cm. Labellum white marked with
red purple and pale cinnamon red, 3 lobed, attached to
a short column foot. Midlobe white with four thin red
purple longitudinal stripes, 1.4 cm long, 1.3 cm broad
at lobules, 0.3 cm broad at middle and 0.5 cm broad at
apex, apex thickened with two vertical calli and a pale
cinnamon red dorsal chin, midlobe adorned with two
short, curved, hirsute lobules, 0.3-0.1 cm, mid-section of
midlobe in front of lobules also pubescent at margins.
Side lobes rhomboid, white externally, faintly striped
©Martin Motes

red purple internally. Spur white with distal half pale

cinnamon red, long, narrow, tubular, held at 90° angle
to lip, recurving slightly downward at distal end, two
small white calli at entrance. Column white with cinna-
mon red base, cylindrical, thickened at apex 0.8-0.4 cm. Vanda aliceae: leaf tip

Orchid Digest, Apr., May, June 2015 101

©Alan Hoffman
Vanda mindanaoaensis

stigma 0.3-0.2 cm, anther cap white 0.3-0.2 cm. Pollinia

2, spherical, stiped, 0.2-0.1 cm. Capsule 9 cm in length.

Distribution: Bacan Island, North Moluccas (also re-

ported from Halmahera, Motes personal observa-
©Kurt Jurgen tion 2013)

Conservation status: Data deficient.

Etymology: Named for Alice Motes, the first author’s


Vanda mindanaoensis Motes, L. M. Gardiner & D. L.

Drawing of Vanda mindanaoaensis
Roberts sp. nov. Type: Motes 2, cult., May 2012 (ho-
lotype FTG!)

Diagnosis: Affinity to Vanda lindenii Rchb. f. but differs

in having a labellum with hirsute, curved lobules
and red side lobes.

Plant monopodial epiphyte, 25-100 cm tall, 25-35 cm

wide. Leaves glabrous, waxy, sessile, distichous, lin-
ear, 12-17 x 2.5-3.0 cm, apex praemorse. Inflorescence
an axillary, cylindrical raceme, loosely 6-10 flowered,
15-18 cm. Flower pale yellow, overlaid with red-brown
tessellation and spots, 5.4-5.6 cm vertically, 5.9-6.2 cm
horizontally. Dorsal sepal hooded, narrowly spathu-
late, yellow, tessellated red brown distally, spotted red
brown basally, margins clear yellow, 2.8 x 1.7 cm. Lat-
eral sepals yellow, heavily overlaid with red brown
tessellations, margins clear yellow, 2.9x 2.0 cm. Petals
clawed, spatulate, obtuse, entire, yellow, tessellated
and spotted with red-brown, margins clear yellow, 2.9
x 1.7 cm. Labellum white marked with red, three lobed.
Midlobe white, striped with red, straight, narrow, thick,
2.0 x 1.1 cm, with two white calli at apex, adorned with
white, forwardly recurved, hirsute lobules. Sidelobes
trapezoid, blunt, white exteriorly, red interiorly, 1.2 x
©Alan Hoffman

1.1 cm. Spur cylindrical, slightly flattened, 0.9 cm long.

Column white, shaded red-brown at base, cylindrical,
beaked. Anther cap white, 1.1 x 0.9 cm. Pollinia two,
spherical stiped.
Vanda mindanaoaensis

102 Orchid Digest, Apr., May, June 2015

Key to Vanda section Dactylolobatae

1a. Flower spike less than 5 cm ........................................................................... V. scandens

1b. Flower spike more than 5 cm
2a. Flowers with petals and sepals marked with clear spots
3a. Lip apex flat ............................................................................................. V. frankieana
3b. Lip apex distinctly raised
4a. Leaves broad, thick, lip with sidelobes pointed, midlobe apex slightly
raised .......................................................................................................... V. hastifera
4b. Leaves narrow, thin, lip with sidelobes elliptical, midlobe apex distinctly
upturned ..................................................................................................... V. gibbsiae
2b. Flowers with petals and sepals mottled or barred
5a. Lip with lobules hirsute/pubescent
6a. Lip with lobules short, straight ................................................................V. saxatilis
6b. Lip with lobules long or curved
7a. Lip with lobules long, recurved .................................................. V. mindanaoensis
7b. Lip with lobules short, curved forward ................................................ V. aliceae
5b. Lip with lobules glabrous
8a. Lip apex with two vertical calli, lip heavily striped or solid red .........V. celebica
8b. Lip apex with low calli, lobules marked with red .................................V. lindenii

Distribution: Reported from southern Mindanao, sea Vanda mindanaoensis Motes, L. M. Gardiner & D. L.
level to 500m (Cootes 2011). Roberts, sp. nov.
Conservation status: Data deficient. Vanda saxatilis J. J. Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg,
Etymology: Named after the island on which it was sér. 3, 8: 66 (1926).
discovered (Mindanao). Vanda scandens Holttum, Sarawak Mus. J. 5: 389
Clarification of sectional names and delimitations:
Nomenclatural note: the sectional epithets Dactylolo- Vanda section Lamellaria Lindl., Fol. Orch. 4: 1 (1853).
batae, Deltoglossae, Hastiferae, and Roeblingianae were Type species: Vanda lamellata Lindl. - typified by Chris-
originally published as Dactylolobata, Deltoglossa, Has- tenson, Proc. 14th World Orchid Conf.: 209 (1994)
tifera, and Roeblingiana by their respective authors but Heterotypic synonyms:
as these epithets are adjectival, the endings should be Vanda section Hastiferae Christenson, Proc. 14th
plural and agree with the generic name Vanda (Art. World Orchid Conf.: 211 (1994), type species:
21.2 and 32.2, McNeill et al. 2012). This is a correctable Vanda roeblingiana Rolfe
error which requires no formal nomenclatural action. Vanda section Roeblingiana Motes & W.E. Higgins,
Lindley treated Lamellaria as a noun, rather than as an Orchid Digest 76(4): 241 (2012), nom. illeg., nom.
adjective, and therefore the original sectional epithet is supfl., type species: Vanda roeblingiana Rolfe
correct. Species in section:
Vanda barnesii W. E. Higgins & Motes, Orchid Digest
Vanda section Dactylolobatae W. Suarez & Cootes, 76: 241 (2012).
Philipp. Orchid Rev. 15(2): 16 (2007). Vanda javierae D. Tiu ex Fessel & Lückel, Orchidee
Type species: Vanda lindenii Rchb. f. (Hamburg) 41: 146 (1990).
Species in section: Vanda lamellata Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.):
Vanda aliciae Motes, L. M. Gardiner & D. L. Roberts, 66 (1838).
sp. nov. Vanda roeblingiana Rolfe, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew
Vanda celebica Rolfe, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1899: 1894: 365 (1894)
131 (1899). Vanda sanderiana (Rchb. f.) Rchb. f. Gard. Chron.
Vanda frankieana Metusala & P. O’Byrne, Malesian (1882) t.588
Orchid J. 9: 24 (2012 publ. 2011).
Vanda gibbsiae Rolfe, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 42: 158 (1914). References
Vanda hastifera Rchb. f., Linnaea 41: 30 (1876). Christenson, E. A. (1994). Taxonomy of the Aeridinae
Vanda lindenii Rchb. f., Gard. Chron., n.s., 26: 70 with an infrageneric classification of Vanda Jones ex
(1886). R.Br. In: A. M. Pridgeon, ed. Proceedings of the 14th

Orchid Digest, Apr., May, June 2015 103

World Orchid Conference. Glasgow: HMSO, 206–216.
Cootes, J. E. (2011). Philippine Native Orchid Species.
Katha Publishing. Quezon City.
De Wit, H. C. D. (1977). Orchids in Rumphius’ Herbari-
um Amboinense. In: J. Arditti (ed.), Orchid Biology: Re-
views and Perspectives, 1: 47 – 94. Cornell University
Press, Ithaca.
Gardiner, L. M. & Cribb, P. (2013) Vanda. Renziana 3: 1
– 94.
Gardiner, L. M., Kocyan, A., Motes, M., Roberts, D. L.
& Emerson, B. C. (2013). Molecular phylogenetics
of Vanda and related genera (Orchidaceae). Botanical
Journal of the Linnean Society 173: 549 – 572.
Higgins, W. E. & Motes, M. R. (2012). A new Vanda (Or-
chidaceae) from the Philippines: Vanda barnesii. Or-
chid Digest 76: 240 – 242.
McNeill, J., Barrie, F.R., Buck, W .R., Demoulin, V.,
Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P. S.,
Knapp, S., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud’Homme van
Reine,W.F., Smith, G. F., Wiersema, J. H. & Turland,
N. J. (2012). International Code of Nomenclature for
algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code). Koeltz
Scientific Books, Königstein.
Metusala, D. & O’Byrne, P. (2012). Vanda frankieana – a
new species from section Hastifera from Indonesia.
Malesian Orchid Journal 9: 23 – 30.
Motes, M. (1997). Vandas: Their Botany, History, and
Culture. Timber Press. Portland, OR.
Motes, M. & Roberts, D. L. (2008). Vanda furva: three
centuries of confusion. Orchid Digest 72: 174 – 178.
Rolfe, R. A. (1894). Vanda roeblingiana. Bulletin of Miscel-
laneous Information, Royal Gardens, Kew 1894: 365.
Rumphius, G. E. (1741). The Remaining Yellow An-
greks. Herbarium Amboinense. pp32-36. Meinardum
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Gardens, Kew.

About the Authors

Martin Motes: Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens,
Coral Gables, Florida, 33156, USA, martinmotes@
Lauren M. Gardiner: Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gar-
dens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, UK
David L. Roberts: Durrell Institute of Conservation
and Ecology, School of Anthropology and Conserva-
tion, Marlowe Building, University of Kent, Canter-
bury, Kent, CT2 7NR, UK and Herbarium, Royal Bo-
tanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, UK

104 Orchid Digest, Apr., May, June 2015

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