The Art of Company Financial Modelling
The Art of Company Financial Modelling
The Art of Company Financial Modelling
Zoran Lukić1,†
Investment Banking, Zagrebačka banka, Savska 60, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: 〈[email protected] 〉
Abstract. In corporate finance, the term financial modelling denotes a widely used techni-
que of comprehensive customised quantification of a company’s entire operations. Even
though not mathematically strict, such models exhibit descriptive, explanatory and
predictive qualities. The paper elaborates on the main steps and principles for building
financial models of companies. It also identifies required assumptions and certain statistical
properties of well-constructed models. Furthermore, it describes the use of such models for
decision support purposes, supplemented by an illustrative example. Finally, it discusses
general characteristics and concerns associated with appropriate model construction and
Received: September 30, 2016; accepted: July 18, 2017; available online: November 30,
DOI: 10.17535/crorr.2017.0026
1. Introduction
Corresponding author
its applications are also presented using the example of a company modelled for
valuation purposes. Finally, a discussion on characteristics supports the adequacy
of such models for the purposes presented in this paper, subject to the reasonable
and responsible approach of both authors and users of the models.
Source of skills #
At the current or previous employer (colleagues or internal training) 5
External training, course or professional specialisation (e.g. CFA) 3
Education at domestic universities 2
Education at foreign universities 1
Table 1: Sources of skills required for financial modelling (multiple answers possible); a
survey among 5 large Croatian companies, September 2016
The survey results are consistent with the observed and previous findings [37]
regarding the general acceptance of CFMs among corporations. The sources are
consistent with the noticed practical, rather academic inclination.
412 Zoran Lukić
As a final remark, the author of this paper has had the privilege during his advi-
sory career to build a number of CFMs for international institutional clients, and
use them for various analytical and decision supporting purposes.
3. Construction of a model
depend on the specific sector, market and individual company, making them
difficult to determine or possibly generalise. To establish reasonable functional
relations, modellers use market studies, statistical analyses, approximations and
heuristics, or rely on sector expertise and knowledge of inherent business logic.
Construction of a CFM begins with input of historical financials, and ends with
projections of future financial statements, as stated in [3]: “a fully integrated
model derives and projects the three main financial statements of a business”. In
the historical part, financial inputs are combined with various observable operati-
onal indicators to extract and define a limited set of main model drivers. An ideal
CFM has only two kinds of drivers: (i) macroeconomic and market indicators
(exogenous); and (ii) operational variables subject to a sole strategic (business,
managerial) choice of the company (endogenous) [53]. The number of main drivers
is significantly reduced by establishing the above-mentioned third type of links.
In the future part of a CFM, construction continues in the opposite direction:
only inputted forecasts are the main drivers. Projections of all other operational
variables, quantities and prices depend on the driver forecasts, while the projected
financial statements are the consequence of the former. A typical CFM
construction plan is summarised in the following table:
The plan starts with preparatory step 1, and ends with controlling step 9. As
described earlier, steps related to the past (2, 3, 4) extract information for the
historical part, while steps related to the future (6, 7, 8) construct projections for
the future part of a CPM. In between these steps, the aim of step 5 is to build
various computational financial routines (e.g. interest income and expense, debt
414 Zoran Lukić
repayment, dividend policy, depreciation and amortisation, tax levy and loss carry
forward, potential revolving debt drawdown, etc.) which are pre-defined contrac-
tually, by legal and regulatory framework, or accounting rules.
To accomplish each step, the table indicates the most common information source.
Regarding the financial level (steps 2, 8), in principle it is sufficient to analyse the
standard financial audit report with its accompanying notes. Assessment of the
operational level (steps 3, 7) requires having access to confidential business
information. This information is collected and verified through commercial,
technical and legal due diligence of the company (some portion of operational
information may be available in periodic management reports). Additionally, the
information for step 5 is obtained through financial and tax due diligence.
Finally, the assumptions level (steps 4, 6) requires sector and market expertise.
This means a deep knowledge and understanding of technological processes and
the business model used by the company for transforming available resources and
market circumstances into cash flows. As mentioned earlier, the tasks imple-
mented at this level (identification of drivers, forecasts of drivers and establish-
ment of type 3 links) are controversial and subject to a critique due to the lack
of sufficient scientific grounds. For this reason, a competent sector and market
expert is crucial for the implementation, not for acting as an undisputable
authority, but to make reasonable assumptions where scientific evidence is not
CFM assumptions consist of two subgroups: forecasts of the driving variables; and
the relationships (“type 3 links”) among them. Both are non-exact, hence
controversial elements. The output of sell-side equity analysts’ models is being
continuously researched as to the accuracy of earnings forecasts, including tests
whether the forecasts support rational expectations, adaptive expectations or
implicit expectations hypothesis (e.g. [40], [1]). Many of them have detected
systematic forecasting errors, thus rejecting the rationality hypothesis (e.g. [41],
[8]). Several different ways of forecasting are listed in [16]: informal, expert
judgement, extrapolation, leading indicators, surveys, time series and econometric
systems of equations. In practice, the prevailing forecasting method is best
described as an extended expert judgment; an opportune use of all, depending on
the circumstances. For example, if an expert judges that a strong historical trend
of a certain driving variable has a prevailing impact on the future, then the ex
post tests would most likely indicate supporting evidence for the adaptive expecta-
tions hypothesis. It is not that the modeller has ex ante selected extrapolation as
the forecasting method. Restricting the universe of available options prior to
examination of each concrete modelling case is disadvantageous. Similar to
The art of company financial modelling 415
Let the corresponding standard deviations depend only on the length of the
support intervals, in the following form:
X f ( c ) , c b a ; X f (ci ) , ci bi ai , i 1,..., n .
416 Zoran Lukić
Var i 1 X i Var X .
Var i 1 X i i 1 f ( ci ) 2i j Cov X i , X j
n 2 n
i 1 f (ci ) 2 2i j f ( ci ) f (c j )
i 1
f ( ci ) f c
2 n
i 1 i
Var X . Q.E.D.
The historical part of a CFM is used for analysing past business performance, by
controlling departments in advanced corporate organisations as well as external
analysts. The CFM’s quantifying completeness and conjunction of financial and
operational factors provide a powerful managerial analytical base. It helps to
identify and explain various hidden phenomena that influenced past results,
ranging from trivial (e.g. accounting inconsistencies) to strategically important
(e.g. changes in underlying key business drivers). Such analysis is essential in
identifying the starting point and critical areas when designing a company’s
The prerequisite for use of the future part is to input initial forecasted values of
drivers, consisting of an estimated future macro/market scenario and a defined
company strategy in the context of macro/market assumptions. The model then
outputs future operational and financial implications of the chosen strategy. In
subsequent iterations, the macro/market scenario can be altered and the strategy
adjusted accordingly to optimise business performance projections. This optimi-
The art of company financial modelling 417
Although close, the median valuation range based solely on historical financials
does not encompass the transaction value of EUR 900 million:
For the application of forward-looking multiples, the key financials are projected
using the constructed company model. Without insight into operational details,
the model is relatively simplistic. Revenue items are factorised into subscribers
(quantities) and average revenue per access (prices), with subscribers being furt-
her linked to sector and market indicators (market share, service penetration,
population). Expenditure items are modelled by margins only, except for
regulatory costs. The exogenous drivers are benchmarked versus the peer markets,
while the endogenous are forecasted consistently with sector standards and the
company’s strategy, broadly indicated by the management in the annual reports.
As the “forward-looking multiples are more accurate predictors of value than
historical multiples” [31], the median valuation range based on financial projecti-
ons (including the projected net cash at 1Q 2015) expectedly contains the actual
transaction value:
Both median valuation ranges (using actuals and projections) are relatively nar-
row. They do not reflect the uncertainty of assumptions, but only the different
growth/profitability characteristics of target, compared to peers. Had the growth
(profitability) been equal, the valuations would have been constant across the
years (multiples).
The previous forward-looking valuation is based on fixed assumed future values
of model variables (hereafter the “base” case). To assess future uncertainty, the
scenario analysis observes two additional scenarios, the “low” and the “high” case.
For that purpose, a total of 12 model variables are used as input drivers, and
assigned additionally assumed low and high future values respectively.
420 Zoran Lukić
For the simulation analysis, the above mentioned 12 input drivers are modelled
as random variables, each uniformly distributed on the previously defined low-
high respective intervals. The simulation is implemented in Microsoft Excel, using
the built-in pseudorandom number generator, and generated 10,000 times.
In addition to median, the scenario and simulation analysis is performed also for
the weighted average, both taken from 3x3 forward multiples valuation results.
The marginal weights for future years (2015 – 2017) as well as used multiples
(sales, EBITDA and earnings) are selected according to assumed relative
importance: (1/2, 1/3, 1/6) for years, and (1/3, 1/2, 1/6) for multiples,
As expected, the simulated median valuation is less dispersed than the weighted
average. Despite inputs being uniformly distributed over identical ranges as for
scenarios, the simulated Bayesian central 95% credible intervals (as defined in [26]
and [21]) are only ±4.0% and ±7.9% wide. For comparison, the ranges between
the low and high case scenarios (equal to distribution support) are respectively
3.2 and 2.1 times wider.
The output results of the scenario and simulation analysis are summarised below:
Figure 1: Median valuation: simulated output distribution histogram and central 95%
credible interval.
The conclusion of the illustrative example is that, given the model and input
distributions, the Slovak Telekom 49% equity value on 31 March 2015 lies within
EUR 867 – 939 million (median) or EUR 818 – 959 million (weighted average)
with 95% probability.
5. Discussion
Are CFMs correctly called models? According to [19], models are miniature repre-
sentations, imitations, descriptions that assist in visualisation. CFMs certainly are
simplified replications of real businesses. Furthermore, the purpose of conceptual
models is to describe, explain and predict reality [19]. Comprehensive quantifica-
tion of a business obviously is a descriptive rationalisation that decreases the risk
of inconsistency and incompleteness. Explanatory characteristics are achieved by
decomposition of monetary aggregates first into quantities and prices, then into
other underlying variables, with quantitative relationships among them. As
emphasised in [27], “the equations comprising such models form a kind of
knowledge base which can be used to generate explanations”. Finally, CFMs (or,
equivalently, corporate planning models) are by definition predictive models, with
422 Zoran Lukić
the objective to “provide (...) a forecast of what is likely to happen given the
occurrence of certain events over which the managers have little or no control”
[20]. Thus, the term model is justified.
Are CFMs mathematical models? Some authors are explicit that “a financial
(planning) model is a mathematical model describing the interrelationships among
financial variables of the firm” [48]. Moreover, “financial model is a system of
mathematical equations, logic and data that describes the relationships among
financial and operating variables”, that falls “into two types: simulation, better
known as ‘what if’ models, and optimization models” [47]. But, aren’t mathema-
tical models substantially more general and abstract constructs than CFMs? For
example, the mathematical model for coin toss is a binary uniform random
variable, while the mathematical model for vibration of an elastic rod is a partial
differential equation with boundary-initial conditions. Both are appli-cable to any
particular object, anytime. In contrast, each CFM is constructed for a specific
company, for a particular point in time. It does not exist separately from the
concrete object of application, and is not applicable to other objects. Naturally, a
CFM itself is a system of equations, and it uses mathematical models as sub-tools,
such as regression or time series analysis. Yet the primary purpose of CFMs is
numerical representation of a single object, not a functional representation of the
whole class. The reasons above indicate that CFMs do not qualify as mathematical
Attempts to increase generality or applicability of CFM typically result in a
decrease of its explanatory and predictive qualities. It is the prevailing practice,
therefore, to construct customised CFMs that are specific to one company only.
As CFMs are not well defined, but company-specific and subject to judgmental
assumptions, the model structure and ultimately the output is at the discretion
of modellers. But, isn’t that unacceptably subjective and susceptible to manipu-
lation? Research has detected examples of sell-side analyst bias, both behavioural
and attributable to the conflicted interest (e.g. [42], [55] and [33]). However, in
the European Union and other advanced jurisdictions, the release of sell-side
equity research is an intensely regulated investment activity, subject to regulation
by financial services authorities. Moreover, each research report is undersigned by
its author, providing the name and contacts for possible inquiries. In addition to
legal requirements, the industry has developed important self-regulatory mecha-
nisms. One example is the continuous ranking of analysts according to forecasting
accuracy, but more importantly, the professional associations, such as the CFA
Institute, require members to adhere to ethical codes and standards of professional
conduct [13]. The impression of absolute freedom in modelling is illusory, in
The art of company financial modelling 423
6. Conclusion
This paper presents the observed extensive use of CFMs in corporate finance,
equally for corporate business planning and fundamental investment analysis.
Such models are regarded by business professionals as important decision suppor-
ting tools due to exhibited descriptive, explanatory and predictive qualities.
The CFM output projections are to be considered as a possible hypothetical
future, consistent with other model assumptions, and suitable for scenario and
simulation analysis. The assumptions are predominantly based on expert judg-
ment, while the models are customised for a specific company. The observed
practice indicates that automatisation, algorithmisation or generalisation can be
significantly detrimental to CFM’s explanatory and predictive strengths.
Colloquially expressed, a good CFM is tailor-made, hand-made unicum; an
expensive craftwork. Thus, the emphasis is on the responsibility of modeller as
well as the awareness of the recipients, particularly under overconfident market
Recent academic research is mostly restricted to publicly available model outputs
by equity analysts. Even though expectedly weaker than private, due to the lack
of confidential inside information, published equity analysts’ forecasts are
repeatedly confirmed superior relative to predictions by other methods, such as
univariate time series models. This paper argues that the use of CFMs, as
described herein, contributes significantly to this advantage. It has been shown
that, by construction, CFMs possess important forecast error variance reduction
424 Zoran Lukić
The suggestion therefore for future research into equity analysts’ forecasts is to
incorporate analyses of underlying financial models. Increasing the understanding
of relations between the model characteristics and output properties importantly
requires analysing model forecasts in the context of expectations theory, as well
as studying and testing regular model designs for various statistical implications.
A limitation of this paper is identification and discussion of only two significant
CFM features: judgmental assumptions and variance reduction mechanics. The
recommendation is for further research to determine other properties, both
beneficial and non-beneficial for the quality of CFMs. Such research may
eventually lead to codification of modelling elements and procedures, in order to
improve scientific foundations of CFMs.
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