Crop Science Progress and Prospects

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Crop science: Progress and prospects

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3 authors, including:

J. Nösberger Paul C Struik

ETH Zurich Wageningen University & Research


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Crop Science: Progress and Prospects
Crop Science: Progress and

Edited by

J. Nösberger
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

H.H. Geiger
University of Hohenheim, Germany


P.C. Struik
Wageningen University, The Netherlands

CABI Publishing
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library, London, UK.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Crop science: progress and prospects / edited by J. Nösberger, H.H. Geiger and P.C.
p. cm.
Papers presented at the Third International Crop Science Congress in
Hamburg, Germany.
Includes bibligraphical references (p. ).
ISBN 0-85199-530-6 (hard cover: alk. paper)
1. Crop science–Congresses. I. Nösberger, J. (Josef) II. Geiger, H.H. (Hartwig
H.) III.
Struik, P.C. (Paul Christiaan), 1954– IV. International Crop Science Congress
(3rd: 2000: Hamburg, Germany)

SB16.A27 2001
631– –dc21 2001025486

ISBN 0 85199 530 6

Typeset by Wyvern 21 Ltd, Bristol, UK.

Printed and bound in the UK by Cromwell Press, Trowbridge.

Contributors ix

Preface xiii

Foreword xv

Congress Sponsors xvii

Part 1: Facing the Growing Needs of Mankind

1 Food Security? We Are Losing Ground Fast! 1

F.W.T. Penning de Vries

2 The Future of World, National and Household Food Security 15

F. Heidhues

3 Crop Science Research to Assure Food Security 33

K.G. Cassman

4 Modifying the Composition of Plant Foods for Better Human 53

R.F. Hurrell

5 Facing the Growing Needs of Mankind – Grasslands and 65

R.J. Wilkins

vi Contents

Part 2: Stress in Crops and Cropping Systems

6 Abiotic Stresses, Plant Reaction and New Approaches Towards 81

Understanding Stress Tolerance
H.J. Bohnert and R.A. Bressan

7 Plant Stress Factors: Their Impact on Productivity of Cropping 101

U.R. Sangakkara

8 Optimizing Water Use 119

N.C. Turner

9 Abiotic Stresses and Staple Crops 137

G.O. Edmeades, M. Cooper, R. Lafitte, C. Zinselmeier, J.-M. Ribaut,
J.E. Habben, C. Löffler and M. Bänziger

10 Biotic Stresses in Crops 155

R. Nelson

11 Management of Complex Interactions for Growth Resources and 175

of Biotic Stresses in Agroforestry
C.K. Ong and M.R. Rao

Part 3: Diversity in Agroecosystems

12 Optimizing Crop Diversification 191

D.J. Connor

13 Biodiversity of Agroecosystems: Past, Present and Uncertain 213

P.J. Edwards and A. Hilbeck

14 Conservation and Utilization of Biodiversity in the Andean Eco- 231

W.W. Collins

15 The Role of Landscape Heterogeneity in the Sustainability of 243

Cropping Systems
J. Baudry and F. Papy

Part 4: Designing Crops and Cropping Systems for the Future

16 Cropping Systems for the Future 261

J. Boiffin, E. Malezieux and D. Picard
Contents vii

17 Will Yield Barriers Limit Future Rice Production? 281

J.E. Sheehy

18 New Crops for the 21st Century 307

J. Janick

19 Plant Biotechnology: Methods, Goals and Achievements 329

U. Sonnewald and K. Herbers

20 Transgenic Plants for Sustainable Crop Production 351

B. Keller and E. Hütter Carabias

Part 5: Position Papers

21 Crop Science: Scientific and Ethical Challenges to Meet Human 369

L.O. Fresco

22 Declaration of Hamburg 381

J.H.J. Spiertz

Index 385

M. Bänziger, Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo

(CIMMYT), PO Box MP163, Harare, Zimbabwe
J. Baudry, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, SAD-Armorique,
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc. F-35042 Rennes Cédex, France
H.J. Bohnert, Department of Plant Biology and of Crop Sciences, 1201 West
Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
J. Boiffin, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), 147 rue
de l’Université, F-75338 Paris Cédex 07, France
R.A. Bressan, Department of Horticulture, Purdue University, Horticulture
Building, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1165, USA
K.G. Cassman, Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska, PO Box
830915, Lincoln, NE 68583-0915, USA
W.W. Collins, International Potato Center, PO Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru
D.J. Connor, Department of Crop Production, The University of Melbourne,
Victoria 3010, Australia
M. Cooper, School of Land and Food Sciences, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia
G.O. Edmeades, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc., 7250 NW 62nd Avenue, John-
ston, IA 50131, USA
P.J. Edwards, Geobotanical Institute, ETH Zürich, Zürichbergstrasse 38,
CH-8044 Zürich, Switzerland
L.O. Fresco, Agriculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 01100 Rome, Italy
H.H. Geiger, Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung, Saatgutforschung und Popu-
lationsgenetik, Universität Hohenheim, D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany
J.E. Habben, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc., 7250 NW 62nd Avenue, Johnston,
IA 50131, USA

x Contributors

F. Heidhues, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und

Subtropen, Universität Hohenheim, D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany
K. Herbers, SunGene GmbH & CoKGaA, Corrensstrasse 3, D-06466 Gat-
ersleben, Germany
A. Hilbeck, Geobotanical Institute, ETH Zürich, Zürichbergstrasse 38, CH-
8044 Zürich, Switzerland
R.F. Hurrell, Laboratory for Human Nutrition, Institute of Food Science,
ETH Zürich, PO Box 474, CH-8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland
E. Hütter Carabias, Institut für Pflanzenbiologie, Universität Zürich, Zolli-
kerstrasse 107, CH-8008 Zürich, Switzerland
J. Janick, Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Horticulture and Land-
scape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 478907-
1165, USA
B. Keller, Institut für Pflanzenbiologie, Universität Zürich, Zollikerstrasse
107, CH-8008 Zürich, Switzerland
R. Lafitte, IRRI, PO Box 3127 MCPO, 1271 Makati City, Philippines
C. Löffler, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc., 7250 NW 62nd Avenue, Johnston, IA
50131, USA
E. Malezieux, Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agrono-
mique pour le Développement (CIRAD), BP 5035, 34032 Montpellier
Cédex, France
R.J. Nelson, International Potato Center, PO Box 1558, Lima 12, Peru
J. Nösberger, Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zürich, CH-8092 Zürich,
C.K. Ong, International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), United
Nations Avenue, Gigiri PO Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya
F. Papy, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, SAD APT, BP 01,
F- 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France
F.W.T. Penning de Vries, International Board for Soil Research and Man-
agement (IBSRAM), PO Box 9-109, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
D. Picard, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Centre
de Recherche de Versailles, Route de Saint Cyr, 78026 Versailles Cédex,
M. R. Rao, 11, ICRISAT Colony-I, Akbar Road, Cantonment, Secunderabad-
500 009, AP, India
J.-M. Ribaut, CIMMYT, Apdo Postal 6-641, Mexico 06600, Mexico
U.R. Sangakkara, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Perad-
eniya 20400, Sri Lanka
J.E. Sheehy, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), MCPO Box 3127,
Makati City 1271, Philippines
U. Sonnewald, Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung,
Leibnitz-Institut, Corrensstrasse 3, D-06466 Gatersleben, Germany
J.H.J. Spiertz, Crop Ecology, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen
University, PO Box 430, 6700 AK Wageningen, The Netherlands
P.C. Struik, Crop and Weed Ecology Group, Department of Plant Sciences,
Contributors xi

Wageningen University and Research Centre, Haarweg 333, 6709 RZ

Wageningen, The Netherlands
H. Stützel, Institut für Gemüse- und Obstbau, Universität Hannover, Her-
renhäuserstrasse 2, D-30419 Hannover, Germany
N.C. Turner, CSIRO Plant Industry, Centre for Mediterranian Agricultural
Research, Private Bag No. 5, Wembley (Perth), WA 6913, Australia
R.J. Wilkins, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North
Wyke, Okehampton, Devon EX20 2SB, UK, and University of Plymouth,
Seale-Hayne Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Land Use, Newton Abbot
TQ12 6NQ, UK
C. Zinselmeier, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc., 7250 NW 62nd Avenue, John-
ston, IA 50131, USA

This book contains 20 invited chapters written by renowned scientists from

throughout the world, that resulted from the Third International Crop
Science Congress held in Hamburg, 17–22 August 2000. After the Congress,
the papers were adapted to meet the requirements for a stimulating textbook
for advanced students or young professionals. The topics around the theme
of the Congress, ‘Meeting Future Human Needs’, are crucial to crop scientists
worldwide. The challenges raised in each chapter clearly show the tasks
ahead for crop scientists interested in meeting the demands for food of a
growing population in a sustainable way.
The subject matter presented in this book is organized into five general
parts that correspond to the four programme themes of the Congress. The
first provides an overview of the growing needs of humankind and stresses
the constraints imposed by scarce natural resources and the actual genetic
potential of crop plants. Part 2 focuses on biotic and abiotic stress in crops
and cropping systems. The analysis of the stress situation from the molecular
to the system level offers new insights that are a prerequisite for innovative
approaches in agronomy and plant breeding. However, agricultural land use
is not only the core activity for the production of food, but also a driving
force for the diversity and stability of agro-ecosystems. Part 3 explains why
regional differences in gene populations as well as biological diversity in
agricultural ecosystems are crucial traits for sustainable production systems,
while the potential of new technologies is developed in Part 4. Cropping
systems can be designed for specific requirements on a more rational basis
with the use of decision support systems. Biotechnology offers great oppor-
tunities for changing crops for the future. Finally, the book contains the
Declaration of Hamburg, expressing the concern of crop scientists about the
role of science and society in meeting the demands of future human needs,

xiv Preface

while a contribution from FAO analyses world agricultural trends from an

ethical perspective.
J. Nösberger
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland

H.H. Geiger
University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

P.C. Struik
Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Through the achievements made in crop science and production technology

over the last decades, agriculture is now able to feed the majority of the
world’s population better than in the past. However, there is an increasing
concern that the present knowledge, resources and technologies will not be
adequate to meet the demands, once there are 8 billion people on this planet
by about 2020. Challenges are to feed and to fulfil the needs of a growing
population in a sustainable way. This requires a better and more comprehen-
sive insight into ecologically sound crop production processes, especially in
fragile environments and resource-poor countries. Furthermore, there is a
need to integrate the newly acquired knowledge in the field of gene and
information technology in the development of future crops and cropping
Strengthening agricultural research and education at national and inter-
national levels is a prerequisite to fulfilling future human needs. There is a
need for crop scientists worldwide to rethink their responsibility towards the
global needs for food, rural development, and human health and well-being
at the one side and the conservation and efficient use of scarce resources at
the other. Crop science deals with problems that are consumer related, such
as food quality and safety, but at the same time with sustainable use of land,
water and genetic resources. The scope is from the gene to the field and from
the crop to food and health.
It was a great honour to organize the Third International Crop Science
Congress in Europe. The European Society for Agronomy (ESA) in cooper-
ation with the German Societies for Agronomy and for Plant Breeding took
the formal responsibilities. Many individuals contributed to the success of
this Congress with participants from over 100 countries. The core group of
the Programme Committee made an utmost effort to invite outstanding

xvi Foreword

scientists in the various fields to enrich the scientific quality of the pro-
gramme. The proceedings cover the plenary and keynote papers of four
themes: food security and safety, biotic and abiotic stresses, diversity in
agroecosystems and future crops and cropping systems. It is highly appreci-
ated that these papers could be published in a way that the proceedings may
serve as a textbook for advanced students and young professionals in crop
Hartmut Stützel
President ESA 1998–2000

Hubert Spiertz
President ICSC – 2000
Congress Sponsors

The Congress organizers express their sincere thanks to the following com-
panies and institutions who made it possible to organize this important 3rd
International Crop Science Congress in Hamburg, and who have supported
a number of participants from many, mainly poor, countries. Financial
assistance was also provided by the Rockefeller Foundation.

Aventis Crop Science, France and Germany

ASA, Germany
Bayer AG, Germany;
Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le
Développement (CIRAD), France
City of Hamburg, Germany
CMA, Germany
CTA, EU, The Netherlands;
European Commission (EU), Belgium; and
European Society for Agronomy (ESA), France
Eiselen Foundation Ulm, Germany;
index e.html
German Association for the Promotion of Integrated Cropping, (FIP), Ger-
German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, (BELF), Germany
German Ministry of Technical Cooperation (BMZ and DSE), Germany; http://
German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany
World Phosphate Institute (IMPHOS), Morocco
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France

xviii Foreword

International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden;

ISTA Mielke GmbH, Germany
Kali und Salz GmbH, Germany;
KWS Saat AG, Germany;
Leventis Foundation, UK
Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg-Lembke KG (NPZ), Germany
Saaten Union GmbH, Germany
Saka-Ragis Pflanzenzucht GbR, Germany
Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V. (UFOP), Germany
Wageningen University, The Netherlands;
Wintersteiger GmbH, Austria
The World Bank, USA
Zeneca Agro, Germany
Food Security? We Are Losing 1
Ground Fast!
F.W.T. Penning de Vries

International Board for Soil Research and Management

(IBSRAM), PO Box 9-109, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand


‘Food security’ is a complex concept. It implies ‘physical and economic access

to balanced diets and safe drinking water to all people at all times’
(Swaminathan, 1986). This means that ample food is grown, processed and
transported, and that everyone has either money to buy food or grow it.
This chapter cannot but deal with the ‘land’ subset of food security issues,
and with how ‘land’ relates to food production and to income generation.
In particular, this chapter discusses the impacts of land degradation on
national food self-sufficiency and household food security. It will first discuss
the trends in total cultivated land area and in the quality of the cultivated
land, and then translate them as consequences for food production and
income generation.
About 60% of the world’s land surface is suitable for grazing, half of
which can also be used for arable cropping in a sustainable manner
(3.4 × 109 ha). Nations are endowed with good land to very different
degrees. The area of land suitable for cropping but still unused is still very
significant in southern Africa and the Americas, but suitable unused land is
already scarce in Asia and East Africa. Yet, the growing population, particu-
larly in Asia, and the changing diets will lead to a much higher food demand
in 2020. Moreover, most population growth will be in urban areas (FAO,
2000). This means that: (i) food production globally should double in the
next 20 years; (ii) trade and reduction of urban poverty should make food
accessible to the entire urban population; and (iii) farmers on degraded land
should acquire new means of generating income and hence achieving food
In earlier analyses based on data from the 1960s, some scientists under-
lined that the global carrying capacity was very large and could meet any
 2001 CAB International. Crop Science
(eds J. Nösberger, H.H. Geiger and P.C. Struik) 1
2 F.W.T. Penning de Vries

demand for food (Penning de Vries and Rabbinge, 1997), while others
stressed that many poor countries continue to have insufficient income to
generate that demand (IFPRI, 1994), or are more conservative about pos-
sibilities (Alexandratos, 1995). But new information shows that widespread
land degradation seriously threatens global food security, even if money is
available, as it lowers the food production and carrying capacity, and more-
over reduces the capacity of resource-poor farmers to generate income.
Implications for crop science are discussed.

Trends in the Area of Land Cultivated

Irreversible degradation
To produce the food an average human being consumes, 0.05–0.5 ha of
land is required. But agricultural land can become degraded completely and
irreversibly by various processes, including soil erosion, nutrient mining,
salinization and pollution. Among the immediate causes are agricultural
practices, such as cultivation without manure or fertilizer, overgrazing and
deforestation, and often abetted by an unfavourable climate. Unfavourable
socio-economic conditions determine that farmers often cannot avoid such
practices. On the basis of a review of more than 80 case studies with data
from the 1980s, Scherr (1999) estimated that 16% of all agricultural land
in developing countries (total 0.85 × 109 ha) is seriously degraded, meaning
that crops can no longer be grown profitably and that restoration is econ-
omically impossible. She derived the global average annual loss for the past
five decades to be 0.3–1.0% (5–8 × 106 ha) of arable land, and calculated
the global loss of agricultural productivity due to the cumulated degradation
as high as 5–9%. The rate of loss of productive land is increasing (ADB,
1997). Scherr expects that degradation will force an additional 0.15–
0.36 × 109 ha out of production by 2020. This is as much as 10–20% of all
land currently cultivated. For an estimate of the future impact of degra-
dation, the conservative and global average of 0.5% loss of agricultural land
per year is applied.

Building of roads and infrastructure often occurs at the expense of cultivated
land. A significant portion of land suitable for agriculture is already covered
by roads, houses, industries, golf courses and other recreational facilities. In
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries,
the fraction is 10% or more, and in developing countries generally 5% or
less, but it generally covers the very best soils (Young, 1998). City encroach-
ment on agricultural land increases the pressure on the remaining land.
Food Security 3

Housing, roads and other infrastructures require in the order of 0.025 ha

per capita (Young, 1998). This fraction is also rising: the annual loss of
agricultural land in China is estimated at 0.5% (Xu, 1994). Also, in OECD
countries suburbanization continues, and Evans (2000) cites the same rela-
tive rate (equal to 8 × 106 ha year−1) for a global average, and stresses its
importance. Compensation by urban agriculture is modest. For extrapolation
into the future, the value of 0.1% annual loss is used, similar to the 40-year

Acquiring new land

Approximately 1.5 × 109 ha of land is currently cultivated, and another
1.7 × 109 ha is used for grazing and forestry (FAO, 2000). Even though we
are losing land area in some regions, more is brought under cultivation
elsewhere, and the total area of cultivated land continues to increase in
Africa, but is almost stable in Asia (Fig. 1.1). Scherr (1999) and Young
(1998) estimated that only an equivalent of 10–30% of currently cropped
land is actually still available. Since land resources and populations are very
unevenly spread, this implies that resource-poor farmers in some countries
are already cultivating marginal lands, the exploitation of which cannot be
sustainable: they can extract a living from the soil, but degrade it completely
within 5–20 years in many cases. The overall ‘degrade and pollute now,
pay later’ attitude towards environmental problems should therefore change
quickly (ADB, 1997). Young (1998) calculated that some countries, includ-
ing Bangladesh and Pakistan, with 50% or more of the poor population

Fig. 1.1. Developments in land use globally, in sub-Saharan Africa (AFR), Middle
East and North Africa (MENA), South Asia (SA), South-East and East Asia and the
Pacific (EAP), and South plus Central America (LAC), in 106 ha (FAO, 2000).
4 F.W.T. Penning de Vries

involved in agriculture, have a negative land balance already. It is therefore

expected that the cultivated area in Asia will start to contract.

Non-food crops
Some arable land is used for non-food crops. FAO data show that this frac-
tion amounts to approximately 30% (sum of total arable area minus all food
crops), and includes tree plantations for timber and paper (10%, Evans,
2000), crops for fibre, flowers and pharmaceuticals. The coarse data show
that this percentage became smaller in past decades at the global level (FAO,
2000), and nearly halved in Asia and also, surprisingly, in Africa. While
this trend may reverse in the future, expansion of non-food crops does not
appear to threaten food production capacity. On the contrary, it provides
more income to strengthen food security.

Energy crops
Crops used for energy generation but without any contribution to food pro-
duction deserve separate attention. The global need for energy is huge, and
since oil reserves are dwindling and the Kyoto protocol urges countries to
reduce their net output of the greenhouse gas CO2, energy plantations could
theoretically provide a solution. Consumption of non-metabolic energy
varies from 20 × 109 J per capita year−1 (traditional living in Africa) to
225 × 109 and more (OECD countries). Rapid growth in energy consumption
is expected in many developing countries. Energy crops (such as willow
coppice) in sustainable plantation systems in Europe yield 5–15 × 103 kg
ha−1 year−1 of combustible dry matter, or 70–210 × 109 J ha−1 year−1. In the
humid tropics with fertilizer the figure may be double, but poor soils in a
sub-humid climate yield less. These data imply that if all energy for human
use (heating, transport, cooking, etc.) were generated by energy crops, every
individual would need 0.2–2.0 ha of plantation. Minimum land area for
green energy is clearly an order of magnitude larger than minimum area for
food and infrastructure. This could make energy crops clear competitors with
food crops for land area. Fortunately, energy crops are not attractive finan-
cially: cost per unit of electricity generated from biomass in Europe would
be three times as much as electricity from coal (but nearly the same when
externalities and an existing subsidy are included; Meuleman and Turken-
burg, 1997). Moreover, economy of scale requires this technology to be
applied at a large scale (>1 × 105 ha), bringing the option to grow energy
crops beyond the choice of individual farmers. Rising energy prices could
invite large-scale energy crops in areas with a large demand for electricity,
insufficient hydropower, and a low capacity to generate income through
other crops. Such a development would resemble the use of crops to substi-
Food Security 5

tute oil through sugar and alcohol. Although technically this worked well
in Brazil and elsewhere, the process has a high minimum throughput and
brings a low return to investment. It is therefore expected that energy crops
will not provide significant competition to food crops in the next 20–40

The balance: a flight forward

Approximately 1.5 × 109 ha of land is cropped, mainly with food crops (FAO,
2000). Even though we are losing land in parts of many countries, more is
brought under cultivation, and the total area of cultivated land is increasing
slowly. However, more productive land may have been irreversibly lost in
the past 104 years than is currently being cropped (Rozanov and colleagues,
cited in Scherr, 1999). Ponting (1991) points at the decline of major civiliza-
tions, e.g. the Sumerians in southern Mesopotamia, among others, due to
unsustainable land and water management. Humanity appears to be slowly
consuming the natural resource of ‘land’. Even though this process has been
ongoing for millennia, it cannot continue much longer since most land and
water reserves are nearly fully engaged.

The next 20 years

Extrapolation of the data by Scherr (1999, Table 5), where the category
‘severe degradation’ corresponds with loss of productive capacity and about
two-thirds of all degraded land is ‘severely degraded’, we find that in Africa
28–35% of the land that was suitable for agriculture in the 1960s will be
out of production by 2020 and in Asia 19–26% – the same as the average
for the entire world. Judicious practices, including better crops and proper
use of fertilizers and water, could stop degradation, and reverse it. Unfortu-
nately, the socio-economic environment in many developing countries
(unfavourable prices, markets, land tenure) often still provides insufficient
inducement for adoption of these practices (Craswell, 2000). When these
conditions do not improve, land degradation will remove 10–20% of land
currently cultivated out of production by 2020. Building and infrastructures
will remove another 5%. Provided that the area with non-food crops
(including energy) does not expand, then 15–25% of the agricultural land
will go out of food production between 1990 and 2020. In practice, severely
degraded land can no longer be replaced fully by ‘new’ land on which agric-
ulture could be sustainable. The unequal distribution of good soils and
opportunities for non-farm income will force some countries to reach the
limit soon, or they have reached it already and use unsuitable land (Young,
1998). Signs that this is happening include land use conflicts around conser-
vation areas, low farm income on the recently acquired lands, rising national
6 F.W.T. Penning de Vries

imports and accelerated degradation. Particularly when legislation around

natural resources remains underdeveloped and land tenure is not arranged,
much suffering by resource-poor land users is to be expected.
Figure 1.2 summarizes the developments in land area in five key regions
of the world: sub-Saharan Africa (AFR), Latin and Central America (LAC),
Middle East and North Africa (MENA), South Asia (SA), and South-East and
East Asia (EAP). The figure shows land degraded, land in use and suitable
land, all relative to the total area ‘suitable for agriculture’ before human
impact started. We see that in all regions, land for agriculture is progress-
ively consumed, and that the reserves of suitable land are getting smaller.
In MENA and SA, land is already being used on which agriculture is unlikely
to develop in a sustainable manner, and this fraction is growing. The data
for these figures are calculated with the overall averages of rates of change
mentioned before, while for the year 2020, a scenario of continued degra-
dation was chosen. The implications for global carrying capacity are not
easy to compute, as it relates also to climate and availability of irrigation
water. However, very roughly, a loss in land area is proportional to the loss
in potential food production.
Large countries can enhance production on their best lands and main-
tain self-sufficiency. Many (57) developing countries, however, are small and
half of them already experience high (0.16–0.30 ha per capita) or very high
land pressure (<0.15), so that conserving farmland quality must be a stra-
tegic food security concern (Scherr, 1999).

Trends in the Quality of Cultivated Land

Land loses value for agricultural production if it is not adequately managed.

Degradation refers to removal of nutrients (soil mining) or soil and nutrients
(erosion), salinization and compaction. Nutrient depletion occurs when crops
are harvested and nutrients are not returned to the field, or replaced by
manure or fertilizers. This can lead to acidification and is common on poor
soils in areas with marginal agriculture. The most destructive process, ero-
sion, occurs on sloping land when rain hits soil when it is vulnerable after
tillage (Turkelboom, 1999), or from building infrastructures (Enters, 2000).
It removes soil with nutrients from slopes and deposits it in valleys, where
the sediments may enhance agriculture or silt up waterways and reservoirs.
Salinization occurs when salt, brought by water to the surface, is not flushed
down or out regularly. Land in several large irrigation schemes suffers seri-
ously from salinization.
Light and moderate soil degradation affects agriculture in three ways
(Fig. 1.3): (i) it reduces maximum crop yield (by affecting the water holding
capacity of the soils for rainfed cultivation); (ii) it lowers actual yields if little
fertilizer is used (weaker input use efficiency, less profit, increasing weeds);
and (iii) it increases the risk of crop failure. These factors make production
Food Security 7

Fig. 1.2. The fraction of land suitable for sustainable agriculture that is still
available (right), the land currently in use for arable and permanent crops (centre),
and the area degraded to an extent that is not cultivable and recovery is
uneconomical (left) is shown for all regions. The lower set of bars indicates the
situation in 1960, the middle set the current situation (2000), and the upper set
the situation for 2020 for a medium scenario of development described in the
text. The bar is split when more land is ‘used’ than is ‘available’ for sustainable
agriculture. See p. 6 for abbreviations.
8 F.W.T. Penning de Vries

Fig. 1.3. Two hypothetical sets of curves of crop yield in rainfed conditions as a
function of the level of inputs (labour, water, fertilizer, crop protection). The set
on degraded land shows lower maximum yields, reduced input efficiency and
higher risk.

costs higher (Scherr, 2001), generation of income more difficult, and invest-
ment in agriculture less attractive. Indirectly, land degradation tends to
decrease rural household food security.
While it is impossible to be precise about the extent and rate of loss of
soil quality due to the multitude of processes and causes, the shortage of
specific data, and the sometimes localized appearance of the problems, a brief
overview will show that the global community is suffering large physical
and economic losses.

The publication of the Global Assessment of Land Degradation (GLASOD)
made it possible to provide an estimate of the extent of human-induced soil
degradation (Oldeman et al., 1991), and it is still the main study that under-
lies many analyses. One of these suggests an aggregate global loss of 11.9–
13.4% in productivity due to human-induced degradation since the mid-
1940s (Crosson, 1995); 22% of the area suitable for agriculture is damaged,
and the average global cumulative loss of potential productivity is 5–9%
(Oldeman, 1994).
Degradation brings huge losses in the production capacity of the land
resource. For example, the total annual cost of erosion from agriculture in
the USA only is about US$44 × 109, about US$250 per hectare of cropland
Food Security 9

and pasture. On a global scale, annual displacement of 75 × 109 t soil causes

a $4 × 1011 reduction in value of the global natural resource (Eswaran et
al., 2001) – even considering important off-site effects. Continued nutrient
depletion undermines the long-term sustainability of vast areas of land.
Gruhn and Goletti (1998) estimated that by 2020, the annual global net
nutrient removal will reach more than 350 × 109 kg. Global inorganic fertil-
izer production in 2001 is only 157 × 109 kg. The projected 2020 supply of
fertilizer falls short of covering the gap, let alone restoring the already low-
ered level of soil nutrients.

Overall yield reduction caused by past soil erosion in Africa is estimated to
be 9%, and if the current rates continue, it will amount to 16.5% by 2020
(Bridges and Oldeman, 2001). This is based, among others, on Lal (1995)
who suggests a yield reduction of 2–5% for each mm of lost soil (apart
from its value as sediment). Agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa
derives its value of 7% directly from nutrient depletion of its soils (Drechsel
and Penning de Vries, 2001). Human-induced desertification is experienced
on 33% of the global land surface and affects more than 109 persons, half
of whom live in Africa (Beinroth et al., 2001). Half of the rainfed lands in
Africa experience at least a 10% loss in productive potential, and irreversible
productivity losses of at least 20% due to erosion occur in large parts of 11
countries (Dregne, 1990). GLASOD estimated cropland productivity loss to
be 25% (Oldeman et al., 1991). The gross discounted future loss from degra-
dation varied from under 1% to 18%, and the gross discounted cumulative
loss (which assumed a continued process of degradation over time) for five
countries ranged from under 1% to 36% to 44% of the annual gross dom-
estic product (AGDP) (Scherr, 2001).

The expert survey, Assessment of Soil Degradation in South and South-East
Asia (ASSOD), found ‘moderate’ (or worse) impacts of soil degradation on
10% of all lands, and that serious fertility decline or salinization affected at
least 15% of arable land (van Lynden and Oldeman, 1997). The annual cost
of soil degradation in South Asia was estimated to be US$9.8–11.0 × 109,
the equivalent of 7% of aggregate AGDP. In South Asia, annual loss in prod-
uctivity is estimated at 36 × 109 kg cereal equivalent valued at US$5400
million by water erosion and US$1800 million due to wind erosion (Beinroth
et al., 2001).
10 F.W.T. Penning de Vries

Uncoupling production and consumption

Degradation is also related to the trend of uncoupling food producers and
consumers. This started long ago and is accelerating because farmers
have become specialists who sell all or most of their produce and buy
other food items. Urban populations grow rapidly: nearly all population
growth of 2 billion persons in the next decades will be in cities, particu-
larly in Asia (FAO, 2000), and (inter)national food trade will continue to
grow. Trade is positive in that it provides consumers with a larger diver-
sity and minimal cost. But trade also gives rise to the ecological problem
of incomplete recycling of crop nutrients (Miwa, 1990). Large quantities
of crop nutrients are mined from rural soils and transported in processed
and unprocessed food items to cities or feedlots. For Bangkok, which
already gives much attention to a clean environment, Faerge et al. (2001)
found that while the annual influx of N in food is 19.4 × 106 kg, and
1.8 × 106 kg of P, only 7% (N) and 10% (P) is recycled to agriculture.
The remainder accumulates in land and water, pollutes canals and rivers
and leads to health problems, or is burned or denitrified. Such a low
degree of recycling is common among large cities. Cities in OECD countries
avoid health problems by waste burning and dumping, but also do not
comply with the ecological requirement of recycling. The magnitude of
the problem in developing countries is not yet evident, but it ought to
be addressed now that we are on the verge of a strong growth in size
and numbers (ADB, 1997). Since nutrients are not returned to the region
of origin, and in many degraded lands not fully replaced by fertilizers (as
their use is not warranted due to low produce price), an imbalance is
created between urban and rural areas, internationally. Due to export,
production capacity declines and the value of the land as a provider of
non-marketable ecosystem services, on gross average double that of mar-
keted services (Constanza et al., 1997), is reduced.

Food security
Loss of soil quality is of particular importance for household food security
in marginal areas, because acquiring a fair income becomes more and
more difficult when degradation progresses. Whenever land is without
clear tenure, people do not invest, even if other conditions are favourable.
This and other issues should be addressed at political levels. But there is
insufficient awareness and urgency because degradation is, by political
standards, a slow process and its effects are postponed because of compen-
sation in various ways (new land, extra fertilizer use, etc.). National food
security is not threatened by degradation of land quality, as food can be
bought from other countries, but food self-sufficiency is vulnerable.
Food Security 11

Counteracting Losses of Natural Resources

Reports and documents about degradation are not clear in their definitions.
This leads to uncertainty and variability. For example, a large multi-
institutional study (WRI, 2000) reports that two-thirds of agricultural land
is degraded; Scherr (1999) mentioned 38%. Yet it is clear that the problem
is urgent, and that many of the actions recommended are beyond soil and
crop science. Scherr (1999) concluded that:
Degradation appears not to threaten aggregate global food supply by 2020,
though world commodity prices and malnutrition may rise. . . . The area of
soil degradation is extensive, and the effects of soil degradation on food
consumption by the rural poor, agricultural markets and, in some cases,
national wealth are significant. ... Active policy intervention will be needed to
avert the consequences of soil degradation and harness land improvements to
broader development efforts.

Pagiola (2001) adds that:

Widespread land degradation not only affects agricultural production and
watershed-scale natural resources, but may also have global environmental
impacts. Terrestrial ecosystems are an important carbon sink, and declining
above- and belowground biomass due to degradation can reduce this sink.
Land degradation may also reduce biodiversity by forcing farmers to clear
additional land or reducing native vegetation in agricultural areas.

In an optimistic view, Greenland et al. (1998) state that with the politi-
cal will, and the necessary commitment to education and research, lowered
food security could be prevented. Our analyses add that loss and degradation
of agricultural land seriously reduce the options of many nations for food
self-sufficiency, and cause many farmers to learn new skills and to try to
earn an off-farm income. Degradation of agricultural lands makes farm prod-
ucts more expensive, or eliminates any profit and forces many farmers to
leave their income-generating farming.

Implications for Crop Science

The challenge is to increase both farm productivity and sustainability. How-
ever, the related requirements are sometimes conflicting at the physiological,
agronomic and economic levels, so that an exclusive focus on one aspect
will not yield the optimum solution.
Land degradation would be less if more biomass were returned to the
land or if more roots were left after the harvest. This would help to maintain,
or even increase, the level of soil organic matter. In addition, this would
increase C-sequestration. Perennial plants are more suitable to build up root
mass than annual crops, and prevent and suppress erosion better. A larger
root biomass may be achieved with new varieties that recycle more nutrients
12 F.W.T. Penning de Vries

from leaves and stems to roots shortly before the harvest (IRRI, 1991). The
requirement for more biomass and nutrients (returned) in root systems is
contrary to the search for the maximum yield.
Land degradation invites crop scientists to address more production pro-
cesses under severe stress conditions, such as drought, nutrient shortage
and salinity. This includes eco-physiological research and identification of
non-food crop species that do better under stress. Grasslands are still less
exploited, and research is welcome on how to use and manage them better
for food production.
National food self-sufficiency would be enhanced if the productivity of
food crops on good land were greater. This warrants research on further
yield increases. But household food security on rural and marginal land
(hundreds of millions of hectares) will be unaffected if poor lands do not
generate more income.
Applying chemical fertilizer to the land can prevent nutrient depletion.
In many countries there is a significant resistance to chemical fertilizer. In
the long run, this is a threat to food security. This may be overcome by
better practices and by example. Introduction of N-fixation for new crops
could be interesting, but it probably still remains in the distant future and
will only be really helpful if poor farmers have economic access and do not
resist genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Lastly, much more attention is required to recycling between production
and consumption sites, even though this will increase cost. One problem is
that low value waste, which is very variable, is often contaminated, and has
to be upgraded and transported over significant distances to poor farmers.
(Peri)-urban farmers might provide an option, but processing closer to the
rural farm could also help.


Suggestions by E. Craswell, R. Leslie, R. Lefroy and anonymous reviewers

are kindly acknowledged.

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Alexandratos, N. (ed.) (1995) World Agriculture: Toward 2010, an FAO Study. John
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14 F.W.T. Penning de Vries

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