Causes of Decline of Abbasid Caliphateali Reza
Causes of Decline of Abbasid Caliphateali Reza
Causes of Decline of Abbasid Caliphateali Reza
Written By-
Ali Reza Sk
To Honarable Teacher-
The Abbasid Caliphate is one of the most powerful caliphates of the
world, which the world has never seen. In this caliphate, the
development and empowerment especially the education of every
sector, be it technology, chemistry, biology, astronomy, medical
science, or Islamic studies. The educational status was at its heights
ebb. The educations we are studying today are most of them are the
result of the research and fruit of the Abbasid era, which we know as
the golden age of Islam.
However this magnificent era declined due to some unchecked factors
and the most important of these are mentioned below. The Abbasid
Caliphate can be divided into four major parts based on its different
System Of Governance
The Islamic guideline was to choose another caliph with interview with people
groups or some specific gathering of caliphate, and this the way how Hazrat
Abu Bakr had been chosen. Be that as it may, after the caliphate of Rashidun
when the Umaayad Caliphate was in power the principal caliph Amir
Muwawiya started the innate framework as he coercively delegated his
unacceptable child Yazid to be the following caliph. From that time the Islamic
caliphate was moved to an inherited framework not with discussion and
individuals' determination.
Contrasts And Hatred With Shiah
It were Shiah who assisted Abbasids with building up their realm planning with
them, and lastly, they together brought the end of the Umaayad Caliphate. So,
following not many years the contention between these two gatherings began.
Since, the Shias were so idealistic or cheerful that they will likewise be the
Caliph, and they have the ideal for it that they are Alawids most closely to
Hazrat Ali. Yet, on the opposite side, the Abbasids who were Hashimids
professed to be in power perpetually, on the grounds that they are most closer to
Prophet Muhammad. Yet, when the Alawites saw that the caliphate has gotten
inherited, they lost their expectation, and afterward they started to demolish the
Abbasid Caliphate through their connivances and rebellions against
the caliphate. As they helped Hulagu khan during his progression of Baghdad.
This way the Sunni-Shia struggle has begun.
Another example is about what they used to spend for their newly
married spouses. Caliph Harun Rashid spent in his marriage and
presented to his wife Zubaida crowns, fragrances, earrings, necklaces,
and various jewelers and dress, golds and silvers which never
presented a caliph to his wife in history. And all these expenses were
from Baithul Maal public property except which Rashid spent from
his own pocket 50 lakh million dirhams. Same this, Ma’mun also
spent 40 lakh million dirhams in his marriage ceremony.
The most prominent woman who had great access and role in the
caliphate was Khaizuran- wife of Mahdi that the commanders and
chief ministers were waiting at her doors for their needs. But, when
her son Hadi became the Caliph, and when he wanted her to stay
away from the political and official matters, and wanted to keep her
away from her post that she gained from her husband- she tried to kill
her own son.
And Qabiha wanted her son Mu’tazz to be the Caliph instead of his
brother Muntasir and proposed and this caused the murder of her
husband after he rejected her proposal. These house factors also led to
the decline of the caliphate from within.
The Phenomenon Of Tyranny And Injustice
When the caliphate was moved to a hereditary system rather than the
Islamic way which Allah has clearly said in the Quran of the
consultation, the caliphs began to think that they are the king of these
lands and they forgot that the Almighty Allah has bestowed them this
honor and made them guardian and viceroys in his lands, in order to
take care of his creatures, but they neglected this and forgot the rule.
But, in the time of Rashidun, the system was not like this. As we can
see in the sermon of Hazrat Abu Bakr- the first Caliph after Prophet
Muhammad had said, If you see me on the right path and right deeds follow
me, and if you see in any activities out of the Shariah out of the Islamic rules
then you people should show me the right path. That was the time when the
administration system was according to the divine law and the people
can live freely where there was democratic rule. But after the Abbasid
came the Islamic caliphate was converted to fully monarchy system.
The caliphs will do what they want as their wishes. If they assume a
thing as right even if it is wrong or out of the Islamic law, the people
should believe in this and believe upon what their caliphs believe,
otherwise they will be dead or jailed. If they want to know a
judgment, the verdict should be in their favor, even the decree is
against the Shariah. Then, if the overall outcome or the verdict
became against the caliph or he didn't satisfy with the decision the
judge will be sent to death. He will be tortured in many ways and will
be given the chance to repel the verdict and make it in the favor of the
caliph's satisfaction and according to his wish. And this way the court
system was also corrupted which was the holy place and the only
place of hope of the victims and oppressed peoples to get justice.
For instance, like caliph Ma’mun when he asked jurisprudents to
believe that the Quran is Makhluq means it has been created. Then
who didnt believed in this they were been ordered to cut their parts of
body or to be tortured. And many of them were sent to jailed, also,
many of them died in the jail like Abu Mushir Al-gasani.
Similarly, the calph Mu’tasim was busy in the same issue to make the
people to believe that the is Makhluq and in this case he tortured the
Imam Ahmad bin hanbal- who is one of the Imam of four schools of
jurisprudece, and ordered to beat him with whip. However he didnt
believe, but persisted on his Iman.
After Mu’tasim his son was so cruel on the jurisprudents and harsh to
them, that he killed the great scolar Ahmad bin Nasr AL-khuzayi’. He
also ordered to send Imam Buwaiti and Ibn Hammad to jail, and this
way theses two great scholars had died in the jail.
their kingdom. And it should be known that the area of the Abbasid Caliphate
was so spreaded, that they weren't able for direct conversations, meetings, and
consultation with the provincial rulers- which was a key reason behind the
weakening of the caliphate and emergence of independent states within the
caliphates region. From these independent rulers were like-
1) Safari Rule in the northern part of Iran which was founded by Yaqub bin
2) Alawiyya Rule in Tabaristan founded by Hasan bin Zaid Alawiyyi.
3) Akhshadiya Rule of Turkish Peoples.
4) Samaniya Rule of Iranians.
3) Tuluniya Rules in Egypt.
The Abbasid Caliphate had begun to fragment both internally and externally.
Due to their disbalance and unfair governance, the foreign power dared to attack
them and seeing the golden chance, and the right time to attack, they took the
benefit of the chance. And it was easy, because of the disunity in the palace and
the conspiracies against the supreme power. So the Abbasid Caliphate began to
suffer attacks from outside from 1100. and four of them were successfully able
to assault the caliphate and get over them. These were Mamluks in Egypt and
establishing a large empire in Northern Africa. The other was Seljuk Turks
rising from Central Asia which conquered some of the Middle East and
Baghdad. And lastly, the Mongols came and broke the last pillar of the Abbasid
Caliphate taking over Baghdad by killing the last caliph Musta’sim. So the
effect of these foreign invaders was, the invaders brought a new turn to the
Abbasid Caliphate, not Abbasid Caliphate but the Islāmic empire which
transferred the power o of administration to the Non-Arabs Turks and Non-
The caliphs remained mere caliphs with a title, not with power. They will have
ceremonial power but all supreme power and effective power in the hand of the
foreign leader. The caliphs have become puppet caliphs. So, because of these
non-Arab administrations, they will bring many religious changes which will
hamper Islam’s progression, and make golden chances for more attacks from
Non-Muslim foreigners like the Crusaders.
The Mongols are not famous for their great conquers, but for the destruction and
bloodshed in history. They demolished what was remained of the Abbasid
empire in 1258 and took over Baghdad. After conquering Baghdad, they
continued to step ahead to conquer the west. And finally, they were defeated by
the Mamluks in Egypt making the history that the Mamluks are the first to defeat
them in an unexpected way.