Real-Time Teleophthalmology Versus Face-To-Face Consultation: A Systematic Review
Real-Time Teleophthalmology Versus Face-To-Face Consultation: A Systematic Review
Real-Time Teleophthalmology Versus Face-To-Face Consultation: A Systematic Review
RESEARCH/Original Article
Introduction: Advances in imaging capabilities and the evolution of real-time teleophthalmology have the potential to provide
increased coverage to areas with limited ophthalmology services. However, there is limited research assessing the diagnostic
accuracy of face-to-face teleophthalmology consultation. This systematic review aims to determine if real-time teleophthalmol-
ogy provides comparable accuracy to face-to-face consultation for the diagnosis of common eye health conditions.
Methods: A search of PubMed, Embase, Medline and Cochrane databases and manual citation review was conducted on 6
February and 7 April 2016. Included studies involved real-time telemedicine in the field of ophthalmology or optometry, and
assessed diagnostic accuracy against gold-standard face-to-face consultation. The revised quality assessment of diagnostic
accuracy studies (QUADAS-2) tool assessed risk of bias.
Results: Twelve studies were included, with participants ranging from four to 89 years old. A broad number of conditions were
assessed and include corneal and retinal pathologies, strabismus, oculoplastics and post-operative review. Quality assessment
identified a high or unclear risk of bias in patient selection (75%) due to an undisclosed recruitment processes. The index test
showed high risk of bias in the included studies, due to the varied interpretation and conduct of real-time teleophthalmology
methods. Reference standard risk was overall low (75%), as was the risk due to flow and timing (75%).
Conclusion: In terms of diagnostic accuracy, real-time teleophthalmology was considered superior to face-to-face consultation
in one study and comparable in six studies. Store-and-forward image transmission coupled with real-time videoconferencing is a
suitable alternative to overcome poor internet transmission speeds.
Remote consultation, teleconsulting, telemedicine, teleophthalmology
successfully applied to diabetic retinopathy, its utility Studies were excluded if the telemedicine technology
is largely restricted in a screening capacity. In con- employed store-and-forward methods only and/or if
trast, real-time teleophthalmology is focused on the animal subjects were used. Reasonable attempts were car-
diagnosis, management and therapeutic relationship ried out to source abstracts and full texts missing from the
between an ophthalmologist and a patient, and is less initial search citations. These attempts included requests
well studied. through library sources, contact with editorial staff of rele-
The aim of this systematic review is to determine vant journals and in one case direct contact with the
whether real-time teleophthalmology provides compar- author. However, inability to source the full text resulted
able accuracy to face-to-face consultation for the diagno- in exclusion of the study.
sis and recommended treatment of common eye health
conditions. Studies involving synchronous teleconsulta-
tion are logistically difficult to design in a real-world set-
Study selection
ting, and thus we endeavour to assess the quality of Two reviewers (IT and LD) independently examined titles
research in this field to answer our review question. and abstracts from the database search. Studies were
selected for inclusion based on the eligibility criteria.
Abstracts with ambiguity in either the method of tele-
Methods ophthalmology utilised or comparison to face-to-face con-
sultation were included for further full text review.
Search strategy
Reviewers compared a selection of full texts for review
We searched the electronic databases of PubMed, Embase and conflicts around inclusion were resolved by consensus
(OVID interface), Cochrane and Medline (OVID inter- discussion. An independent full text review with applica-
face) for studies that compared real-time teleophthalmol- tion of the eligibility criteria was carried out by the third
ogy with face-to-face consultation. We did this by reviewer (SB). The final studies for inclusion were com-
constructing our search strategy (Table 1) based on med- pared and conflicts were again resolved by consensus
ical subject headings and text terms. The search was con- discussion.
ducted on 6 February 2016 and repeated on 7 April 2016.
One reviewer scanned references of eligible studies to iden-
tify further relevant texts not retrieved by database search.
Data collection and quality assessment
The search strategy was not restricted by time or Full texts were reviewed and data extracted onto a form to
language. highlight characteristics of each study. Extraction was per-
Literature search results were then uploaded into formed by one reviewer and verified by a second reviewer.
Endnote X7 (Thomson Reuters, USA), an electronic ref- The information for data extraction included: year of pub-
erence management software. Duplicates were first identi- lication; location; sample size; eyes tested; age of subjects;
fied using this software and reviewers then manually diseases identified; descriptor of index test; descriptor of
searched the existing list to identify further duplications reference standard; examiner qualification; outcomes mea-
with different citations. The latter were compared by sured; statistical outcome (if relevant); overall outcome of
author names, year and journal of publication, methods study indicating a preference to method (real-time versus
and results in the abstract, prior to extraction. face-to-face) and video/image size and transmission
The revised tool for the quality assessment of diagnos-
Eligibility criteria
tic accuracy studies (QUADAS-2) was applied to the
Studies were included applying the following criteria: (a) included studies to assess the risk of bias and applicability
employed an element of real-time telemedicine (video or to our review question.38 The reference standard test in
audio); (b) conducted in an ophthalmology or optometry our review is classified as face-to-face consultation with an
environment and (c) compared the diagnostic accuracy ophthalmologist. Reviewers customised signalling ques-
and efficacy of a real-time teleophthalmology method tions of the QUADAS-2 tool for assessment of risk of
against a face-to-face consultation. bias. Following customisation and trialling of the
QUADAS-2 tool, the two reviewers (IT and LD) inde-
pendently applied the tool to the selected studies. Where
there was discrepancy in the results of the tool between
Table 1. Search strategy.
reviewers, a third independent reviewer (SB) was recruited
Search Syntax as an arbitrator.
1 ((Telemedicine OR Telehealth OR remote consultation
OR tele OR ehealth OR emedicine OR video con- Data synthesis and analysis
ferencing OR teleconsultation) AND (ophthalmology
OR optometry)) OR (teleophthalmology OR The characteristics of the studies and quality analysis are
teleoptometry) presented in tables and text to aid the presentation of the
systematic narrative synthesis. The review retains studies
with any level of bias in analysis, shown in tables recom- evaluated non-selected general ophthalmology presenta-
mended by the QUADAS-2 tool, and discussions of the tions.22,40,45,46 Study characteristics and the description of
principal outcomes of interest occur through text. their real-time method are summarised in Table 2.
Real-time teleophthalmology techniques varied greatly
between the studies. These can be categorised into widely
Results available basic videoconferencing equipment combined
The database search yielded 627 reference results (after with store-and-forward image transmission, intermediate
duplicate extraction) and, of these, 12 studies were telehealth technology utilising a real-time video feed from
included in the final assessment of quality via application examination equipment, and advanced teleophthalmology
of the QUADAS-2 tool. Figure 1 represents the applica- technology. Three studies utilised basic videoconferencing
tion of the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews technology,40,42,45 and intermediate-level technology was
and meta-analysis (PRISMA).39 utilised in eight studies which included live-feed from a
slit-lamp22,44,46–49 or direct ophthalmoscope.43 Two stu-
dies assessed innovative advanced teleophthalmology
Study characteristics of included studies technology. Tanabe et al.50 studied a novel remote oper-
Publication dates spanned from 1997 to 2015. The studies ated slitlamp system and Tan et al.41 utilised an integrated
were conducted in Asia-Pacific (n ¼ 4), North America software package which displayed a shared electronic
(n ¼ 4), the United Kingdom (n ¼ 3) and Europe (n ¼ 1). whiteboard to manipulate images and video between the
Five of the studies40–44 specified ages of participants, ophthalmologist and patient. Methods of image and video
with an inclusive range from four years to 89 years. transmission for the teleophthalmology component were
Ocular conditions evaluated were diverse and covered not explicitly stated in all studies, but those that
corneal and retinal pathologies, strabismus, oculoplastics did showed variation in transmission speed, with
and post-operative review. Four of the included studies 384kbits per second as the most commonly used
Full-text articles
Full-text articles
(n = 73)
assessed for eligibility
(n = 85) • Commentary/ Editorial
• Nil full text (n= 31)
• Nil Real-time element / Store
and forward only (n=12)
• Nil comparison between
methods (n=8)
Studies included in • Nil diagnostic accuracy
outcome (n = 2)
qualitative synthesis
(n = 12)
Sample size
Author eyes) Age range Eye conditions Real-time method Transmission
Bar-Sela and 49 (98) NS Complicated emergency Store-and-forward with Images ¼ 200 kB JPEG
Glovinsky, room presentations real-time audio Video clips ¼ 700 kB/sec
200745 conference MPEG-2
Transmission ¼ ADSL; 0.1
Mbit/sec and 1.5Mbit/
sec respectively
Hagman et al., 22 (NS) 7–82 years General conditions Real-time VC. Images ¼ wavelet com-
200440 Two VC units pression
Video ¼ 25 frames/Sec
Transmission ¼ LAN
Tan et al., 30 (30) 21–75 years Chronic blurred vision Combination store-and- NS
201341 including: forward with real-time
maculopathy; media opacity; VC
optic neuropathy and
Tanabe et al., 29 (NS) NS Cataract surgery Real-time VC with novel Digital video transport
201150 Trabeculectomy remote slitlamp system ¼ non-com-
Vitrectomy pressed 30 frames/sec.
Scleral buckling 30 Mbit/sec
Retinal detachment
Nitzkin et al., 6 (NS) NS General Combination store-and- NS
199722 forward with real-time
Cheung et al., 85 (NS) 4–66 years Paediatric strabismus Real-time VC Video transmission ¼ 224
200042 kbit/sec.
30 frames/sec
Marcus et al., 37 (73) 25–65 years HIV HIV – retinopathy vs CMV Real-time video of direct Video transmission ¼ 1.5
199843 32–66 years DM DM – CSMO, NPDR, PDR ophthalmoscopy. MBit/sec
Optic nerve changes Monitoring and viewing
Cataracts ophthalmologist in same
room as patient
Peter et al., NS (48) NS Diabetic macula oedema Real-time video slitlamp Video and image
200648 CSMO and VC transmission ¼ ISDN
128 kbit/sec per line. Up
to 348 kbit/sec
Bremner et al., 6 (NS) NS Neuro-ophthalmology clinic Resident and ophthal- Video transmis-
200249 patients mologist real-time video sion ¼ 384kbit/sec
slitlamp and VC
Rayner et al., 17 (NS) NS Adnexal conditions – con- Real-time VC with video Video
2001 47 genital and aponeurotic slitlamp and digital transmission ¼ ISDN
ptosis camera 384kbit/sec.
Lid swellings, basal cell car- 30 frames/sec
cinoma, phthiscal eye
Dawson et al., 30 (NS) 20–89 years Strabismus Real-time VC with video Video transmis-
200244 slitlamp and digital sion ¼ 384kbit/Sec
camera ISDN.
30 frames/sec
Threlkeld et al., 25 (50) NS Ocular adnexa and anterior Real-time video slitlamp Video
199946 segment controlled by non- transmission ¼ 1.544M-
ophthalmologist bit/s
NS: not specified; VC: video conference; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; DM: diabetes mellitus; CSMO: clinically significant macula oedema; NPDR:
nonproliferative diabetic maculopathy; PDR: proliferative diabetic maculopathy; CMV: cytomegalovirus; ADSL: asymmetric digital prescriber line; ISDN:
integrated services digital network; LAN: local area network; kB: kilobyte; kbit: kilobit; Mbit: Megabit.
Bar-Sela and Feasibility Ocular surface Feasibility mean scores (range): Agreement in Comparable
Glovinsky, Anterior chamber 89 (70–100) diagnosis for
200745 Anterior chamber angle 87 (80–90) all cases
Pupils 95 (90–100) seen with
Lens 90 telehealth.
Posterior pole inc. optic 86 (80–95) Nil statis-
nerve head 90 tical analysis.
Macula 85(80–90)
Hagman et al., Feasibility General conditions Clinician preference for real-time NS Comparable
200440 video equipment in percentage Current technology
Sony SLC-VL10 29% seems sufficient for
Tandberg image 9% real-time telehealth
Sony ¼ Tandberg 62%
Tan et al., 201341 Prospective study Chronic blurred vision: Sensitivity 96%; specificity 100% NA Telemedicine
Visually significant media opa- Sensitivity 100%; specificity 100%
city Sensitivity 100%; specificity 92%
Maculopathy Sensitivity 100%; specificity 100%
Optic neuropathy, any type
Tanabe et al., NS Cataract surgery NS NS Conventional slitlamp
201150 Trabeculectomy
Scleral buckling
Retinal detachment
Nitzkin et al., NS General Kappa coefficient NS Reliability of telemedicine
Marcus et al., Prospective com- HIV retinopathy Sensitivity 83.3%; specificity 95.2% 100% of tele- Comparable in HIV
199843 parative case DM – CSMO, NPDR, Sensitivity 29%; specificity 100% health for Not comparable in DM,
series PDR Sensitivity 50%; specificity 100% HIV retin- particularly in those
DM – optic nerve Sensitivity 41%; specificity 100% opathy diag- with media opacity
changes nosis ¼ face-
DM – cataracts to-face diag-
nosis with-
out cataract
Peter et al., Prospective pilot Diabetic macula oedema þ Sensitivity 38%; specificity 95% NA Face-to-face
200648 study CSMO (Note: store-and-forward
photographs sensitivity
75%; specificity 95%)
Bremner et al., NS Neuro-ophthalmology clinic NS NS Face-to-face
200249 patients
Rayner et al., NS Adnexal conditions – con- 18% of cases had errors in diagnosis and management Comparable for specific
200147 genital and aponeurotic 58% of cases had full agreement adnexal conditions –
ptosis 24% similar diagnosis with different treatment plan untreated congenital
Lid swellings, basal cell car- and aponeurotic ptosis
cinoma, phthiscal eye
Dawson et al., NS Strabismus 80% full agreement in Comparable for manifest
200244 diagnosis and management strabismus
3.3% partial agreement Telehealth inferior for
16.6% nil agreement latent strabismus and
micro-movements or
non-compliant patients
Threlkeld et al., NS Eyelid mass Sensitivity 100%; specificity 64% NA Face-to-face
199946 Conjunctival pigment Sensitivity 100%; specificity 85%
Posterior synechiae Sensitivity 100%; specificity100%
NA: not applicable; NS: not specified; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; DM: diabetes mellitus; CSMO: clinically significant macula oedema; NPDR: nonproliferative diabetic maculopathy; PDR: proliferative diabetic
maculopathy; IOL: intraocular lens
8 Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 0(0)
of these references having been published in magazines confidence.54,55,61 Despite the lack of research specifically in
rather than journals. It is expected that the inclusion of real-time ophthalmology consultations, the experiences in
these references would not have influenced our findings as other disciplines have the potential to be applied to real-
they would be excluded on the absence of face-to-face time teleophthalmology and may provide valuable lessons
reference consultation. Overall, the conclusions of this to improve the real-world application.
review are restricted by the lack of research in real-time
teleophthalmology and the methodological and quality
variation between projects.
Studies on the accuracy of real-time teleconsultation In terms of the application of this review to clinical prac-
are widespread across medical and surgical disciplines tice, we note that teleophthalmology is successful at
including dermatology,51–53 neurology,54–56 psych- detecting gross changes, while subtle changes are deter-
iatry,57–59 otolaryngology,60 neurosurgery,61 rheumatol- mined by the quality of imaging. The difficulty in deter-
ogy,62 oncology63 and burns.64 Outcomes of these mining the overall diagnostic accuracy of real-time
studies have shown lower accuracy in real-time telehealth teleophthalmology is the range of conditions which we
consultations compared to face-to-face consultations; have included in this review. In order to determine
however, there is future promise with further techno- whether the performance of a test, in this case real-time
logical developments. teleophthalmology, is sufficiently accurate for diagnosis,
Psychiatric assessment using telephone consultation consideration must be given to the implications of a
and videoconferencing has been found to be agreeable false positive or false negative result. If the consequence
to face-to-face consultation, as by nature this assessment of a false negative result is serious, a test should have high
is less reliant on the video transmission quality.58 sensitivity. Similarly, in diseases with low prevalence, a
However, in oncology telehealth, diagnosis of malignant high specificity would be desirable.66 It must be remem-
breast lesions requires physical examination and as such it bered, however, that sensitivity and specificity values over-
was noted that diagnostic accuracy for carcinoma was simplify teleconsultation, which is not a diagnostic test.
lower than benign breast conditions when conducted Consultation is a process of diagnosis and management
through telephone consultation.57 which is influenced by the clinical acumen of the clinician.
Improvements in accuracy and confidence in real-time tel- Studies determined to be higher in quality were performed
econsultation is variable across the disciplines; however, there under study conditions and may not be practical to imple-
are examples of improvement in teledermatology, neurology ment into clinical practice.40,43,48
and neurosurgical teleconsultations. Teledermatology studies In terms of diagnostic accuracy, real-time teleophthal-
suggest a hybrid of live interactive consultations combined mology was considered superior to face-to-face consult-
with store-and-forward imaging as a method of improving ation in one study and comparable in six studies.
accuracy,65 which reflects the findings of our review in oph- Teleconsultation is successful in detecting gross changes;
thalmology. Neurosurgical and neurological teleconsultation however, it is limited by the quality of the live-streaming
has indicated that diagnostic accuracy is highly dependent on video feed. Store-and-forward image transmission coupled
the experience of the referring physician; however, advances in with real-time videoconferencing is a suitable alternative
teleradiology assisted in improving diagnostic to overcome poor internet transmission speeds.
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article. 12. Briggs R, Bailey JE, Eddy C, et al. A methodologic issue for
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diagnostic accuracy and confidence. J Am Optom Assoc
1998; 69: 601–605.
The authors received no financial support for the research, 13. Chiang MF, Keenan JD, Starren J, et al. Accuracy and reli-
authorship, and/or publication of this article. ability of remote retinopathy of prematurity diagnosis. Arch
Ophthalmol 2006; 124: 322–327.
Guarantor and statement of contributorship 14. Chiang MF, Starren J, Du YE, et al. Remote image based
AT is the guarantor. AT, JM, LD and IT contributed to the retinopathy of prematurity diagnosis: A receiver operating
development of selection criteria. LD and IT developed the characteristic analysis of accuracy. Br J Ophthalmol 2006;
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Supplementary materials may be accessed online alongside full Annual Symposium Proceedings 2010; 111–115. Available
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authors. 17. Conlin PR, Asefzadeh B, Pasquale LR, et al. Accuracy of a
technology-assisted eye exam in evaluation of referable dia-
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