Fo1 Applicant Requirement Checklistttt

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Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Surname First Name Middle Name
Civil Status: ________________ Number of times applied in BFP? __________
School: _____________________________________________________
2nd Level Eligibility: put check in the approriate space
( ) CS Professional ( ) CS FOE ( ) PD 907
( ) PRC ( ) MARINA
Profession as indicated in PRC ID: ______________________________________________
Expiration date of current PRC ID: _____________________________________________
LTO Driver's License Restriction Code (if there's any): _______________________
Holder of TESDA NC II or III in DRIVING? ( )YES ( )NO
Academic Awards/Scholastic Recognition (if any)

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Applicant's Name and Signature Date: ____________________
For BFP Personnel only:
Application Letter _________________________________________
PDS _________________________________________
Work Experience Sheet _________________________________________
Service Record _________________________________________
Last Performance Evaluation _________________________________________
Transcript of Records _________________________________________
College Diploma _________________________________________
CAV _________________________________________
Eligibility (PRC / CSC) _________________________________________
Certificate of Waiver (if applicable) _________________________________________
Certtificate of Live Birth _________________________________________
Marriage Certificate (if applicable) _________________________________________
NBI Clearance _________________________________________
Driver's License (if applicable) _________________________________________
TESDA NC 2 or 3 in Driving (if applicable) _________________________________________

Affidavit of Undertaking _________________________________________

TIN ID _________________________________________
PagIBIG ID _________________________________________
Philhealth ID _________________________________________

Screened by: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Name & Signature

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