Impact of Negative Effects of Online Classes On Students Learning Skills During COVID-19 Pandemic

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Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills

During COVID-19 pandemic:


Submitted by:

Hina Hakeem, Ghazala Mengal, Goreey Baloch, Mehwish Aziz, Mehwish Ismail,

Nabila Habib, Anjali Naqpal, Naila Mengal, Tamkeen Sherani, Reema

Students of Education Department

Session 2017-2021

Supervisor Miss Sumaira Nisar

Head of Education Department

SBKWU Sub Campus Nushki

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.

CHAPTER: 1 ................................................................................................................................. 2
INTRODUCTION: ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background of the study: ...................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Objectives: ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Operational definitions: ......................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Research Questions: .............................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER: 2 ................................................................................................................................. 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Online Education and COVID-19 Pandemic: ....................................................................... 5
2.2 Online Education and Academic Performance: .................................................................... 6
2.3 Online Education and Communication: ................................................................................ 6
2.4 Barriers to Online Learner Success: ...................................................................................... 6
2.5 Problems Associated with Online Education: ....................................................................... 7
CHEPTER 3: ................................................................................................................................. 8
RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES: ........................................................................................... 8
3.1 Study Design: ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Name of the place:................................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Duration of Time: .................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Sample Size: .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Sampling Technique:............................................................................................................. 8
CHEPTER 4: ................................................................................................................................. 9
DATA COLLECTION: ................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Data collection procedure: .................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Data analysis procedure: ....................................................................................................... 9
References: ................................................................................................................................... 10

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.



1.1 Background of the study:

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the new coronavirus that emerged in China in December

COVID-19 symptoms include cough, fever or chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,
muscle or body aches, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, headache, new fatigue,
nausea or vomiting and congestion or runny nose. COVID-19 can be severe, and some cases
have caused death.

The first human cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus causing
COVID-19, subsequently named SARS-CoV-2 were first reported by officials in Wuhan City,
China, in December 2019. Retrospective investigations by Chinese authorities have identified
human cases with onset of symptoms in early December 2019. While some of the earliest known
cases had a link to a wholesale food market in Wuhan, some did not.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the government around the world has closed all the educational
institutions to control the spread of disease, which is creating a direct impact on students,
educators and institutions. The sudden shift from the physical classroom to virtual space is
creating a disruption among students.

Wireless communication technologies, an increasing number of online classes have been

conducted in recent years. In online classes environment, students are able to learn indoors and
outdoors with access to online resources at any time. However, whether or not new learning
scenarios that combine both real-world contexts and digital-world resources are beneficial to the
students has been questioned. Moreover, it is also interesting to probe whether the existing online
education strategies are effective when situated in those online classes. In this study, an in-field
activity based learning strategy was conducted to investigate the possible negative effects of
online classes on student learning skills.

Significant reliable evidence from recent international data that report, attempts to gain a better
understanding of how the COVID-19 crisis may affect students’ learning skill. It looks at the

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.

different direct and indirect ways through which the virus, and the measures adopted to contain
it, may impact children’s achievement. ‘Conservative’ and may be, on average, students will
suffer a learning loss. It is also suggested that COVID-19 will not affect students equally, will
influence negatively both cognitive and non-cognitive skills acquisition, and may have important
long-term consequences in addition to the short-term ones.

It is important to determine how online classes affect the students learning skill during COVID.
Due to which we can identify which areas of students are affected by online classes and which
areas of student’s learning need concentration to over-come the crisis.

This study is going to find out the negative affect of online classes on students learning skills that
experienced by students during current COVID 19.

1.2 Objectives:
This study sought to archive the following objectives:

 To highlight the challenges which are faced by the students during online classes.
 To evaluate the engagement of students during online classes.

1.3 Operational definitions:


The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.


Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values,
attitudes, and preferences.

Learning skills:

It is a term that describes the tasks involve in learning, including time management, note taking,
reading efficiently, study skills and writing tests.

Negative effect:

A fact, situation or experience that is negative, unpleasant, depressing or harmful.

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.


A person who is formally engaged in learning, especially enrolled in a school or college.


COVID-19 is the disease caused by the new coronavirus that emerged in China in December

COVID-19 symptoms include cough, fever or chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,
muscle or body aches, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, headache, new fatigue,
nausea or vomiting and congestion or runny nose. COVID-19 can be severe, and some cases
have caused death.

Online education:

Online education is a form of education which is delivered and administered using the
internet. Online programs offer technology-based instructional environments that expand
learning opportunities.

1.4 Research Questions:

The research sought to achieve the following questions:

 What are the challenges which are faced by the students during online classes?
 Does the students were engaged in the online classes?

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.


This chapter present a review of works related to order to ensure effective review of the
literature, the chapter therefore, was organizing under the following;

1. Online Education and COVID-19 Pandemic

2. Online Education And Academic Performance
3. Online Education and Communication
4. Barriers to Online Learner Success
5. Problems Associated with Online Education

2.1 Online Education and COVID-19 Pandemic:

Study shows the need for readiness of academic institutes of almost all countries to transform on-
class courses and classes into online during the pandemic period (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020)
which helps to reduce the source of spread of COVID-19 as well as maintain social distance.
Also, education industries are adopting the technologies available such as digital Video
conferencing platforms like Zoom, Microsoft platform, and Webex Blackboard and Google
Classroom (Larry 2020).
Therefore, this will be enhancing E-learning globally (Chen 2010; Yengin et al. 2011; Larry
2020). Online education makes social distancing and it is already established norms that social
distancing slows down virus transmission during an influenza pandemic (Uscher-Pines et al.,
2018). Therefore, online education is being popular during the pandemic period. However, social
distancing brings fear of uncertainty, physical discomfort, loneliness, anxiety, and stress (Xiang
et al., 2020) that negatively affect the teaching-learning process at university. The prolonged
social distancing creates loneliness, anxiety, depression, and even mental disorder (Leite et al.,
2020; Karen & Cathy, 2020). The major problems emerged unexpectedly such as violence, racial
and ethnical prejudice, environmental and technological disaster have important psychological
aspects to the students (Lerner et al., 2020) and the lifestyle of students have been affected
because of fear due to COVID-19 pandemic and Pakistani students are no exception.

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.

2.2 Online Education and Academic Performance:

Xu and Jaggars (2013 and 2014) found that students enrolling in online courses were less likely
to complete those courses and that they earned grade point averages (GPAs) in those courses that
were about one-third of a point lower than did students in traditional face-to-face sections of the
same courses. They further found that academic performance in online courses was worse for
younger students, males, Blacks, and those with lower overall GPAs.
Figlio, Rush and Yin (2010), found that course performance was higher for students in the
traditional lectures, with larger positive results for Hispanic students, males, and lower-achieving
students. University researchers have warned that students face a decline in their learning and
classroom performance because of the switch to online learning because of the COVID-19
The researchers say the decline will inevitably affect the students’ performance at university.
Disadvantaged students face the greatest impact, the study found.

2.3 Online Education and Communication:

Communication is vital in traditional face-to-face as online education contact is either minimal
or absent. Learner-to-learner interactions, however, are quite different in online environments as
compared to traditional classroom settings. Whiteneck (2004) stresses the importance of respect
towards one another in online communications.

2.4 Barriers to Online Learner Success:

A study conducted in Rochester, New York, assessed perceived barriers in the online
environment; surveys distributed asked participants to share reasons they did not experience
success in the online course. The most frequent reason for students’ failure of online coursework
according to participant responses was because students fell behind in their assignments and felt
they could not catch up (Fetzner, 2013). Students involved in this study provided
recommendations to upcoming online learners. This advice included: (a) stay current with the
course activities; (b) use good time management skills; (c) utilize good organizational skills; (d)
set time aside regularly for online coursework; (e) be knowledgeable about getting technical help
when needed; (f) maintain regular online communications as needed and ask for help when
necessary; (g) prepare for online writing and reading assignments; (h) carefully read the course
syllabus; (i) understand the requirements and content of online course discussions; (j) recognize

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.

how much each online activity impacts your grade; (k) participate in the student orientation
provided online (Fetzner, 2013). It is painfully apparent why the recommendations in this study
would aid in the success of future online learners.

2.5 Problems Associated with Online Education:

According to Sabir, Ahmad, Ashraf and Ahmad, (2013) higher Education Commission (HEC) in
Pakistan 70% of the students are registered privately or by distance education programs offered
by different universities (Division, n.d.). Those students who joined distance education are also
facing problems in attending tutorials and workshops as they live far away from study or
examination centers. Due to these reasons students are now focusing on online and e-learning
programs, as they can easily asses their lessons and assignments easily even than their
examinations too. (PDF) Online and Remote Learning in Higher Education Institutes: A
Necessity in light of COVID-19 Pandemic. Difficulties and problems associated with modern
technology range from downloading errors, issues with installation, login problems, problems
with audio and video, and so on. Sometimes student finds online teaching to be boring and un-
engaging. Online learning has so much of time and flexibility that students never find time to do
it. Personal attention is also a huge issue facing online learning. Students want two-way
interaction which sometimes gets difficult to implement. The learning process cannot reach its
full potential until students practice what they learn. Sometimes, online content is all theoretical
and does not let students practice and learn effectively. Mediocre course content is also a major
issue. Students feel that lack of community, technical problems, and difficulties in understanding
instructional goals are the major barriers for online learning (Song et al., 2004). In a study,
students were found to be not sufficiently prepared for balancing their work, family, and social
lives with their study lives in an online learning environment. Students were also found to be
poorly prepared for several e-learning competencies and academic-type competencies. Also,
there is a low-level preparedness among the students concerning the usage of Learning
Management Systems (Parkes et al., 2014).

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.



3.1 Study Design:

The current study will be based on qualitative design because the research topic is subjective in
nature and has been coved by covering all aspects of negative effects of online classes on
students learning.

3.2Name of the place:

Researcher will conduct research questionnaire in Sardar Bahadur khan women's university sub
campus Nushki.

3.3 Duration of Time:

Researcher will complete research project during in one month.

3.4 Sample Size:

The all students of Sardar Bahadur khan women university sub campus Nushki will participate in
research questionnaire.

3.5 Sampling Technique:

Researcher will use random sampling for research because different students face different
problems during online classes.

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.


4.1 Data collection procedure:

The research will be planned to use primary data include the observation and opinions of student
because the research topic is based on thematic analysis.

4.2 Data analysis procedure:

In the study data analysis involved qualitative method. Qualitative data will be drawn from
interview. For qualitative approach thematic analysis will be used to find important themes from

Impact of negative effects of online classes on students learning skills during COVID-19 pandemic.

 Basilaia, Kvavadze, (2020). Transition to Online Education in Schools during a SARS-
CoV-2 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia. Pedagogical Research 5(4):1-9

 Xiang et al., (2020). Effect of Covid-19 pandemic on mental health among Albanian
people residing in the country and abroad – Implications for mental care. New England
Journal of medicine.

 Song et al., (2004). Improving Online Learning: Student Perceptions of Useful and
Challenging Characteristics. The Internet and Higher Education 7(1):59-70

 Fetzner. (2013). What Do Unsuccessful Online Students Want Us to Know? Journal of

Asynchronous Learning Networks, v17 n1 p13-27

 Figlio, Rush and Yin, (2010). is it Live or is it Internet? Experimental Estimates of the
Effects of Online Instruction on Student Learning. Journal of Labor
Economics 31(16089)


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