Spi Kontrol Volumeeee
Spi Kontrol Volumeeee
Spi Kontrol Volumeeee
Abstract - In this paper is presented an audio mixer done with Digital Potentiometers ordered an ATmega 328 microcontroller. A
function has been implemented whereby all signal sources to be brought to the same level by pressing a button. Also, the level can
be adjusted separately for each channel.
Keywords – Mixer, microcontroller, digital potentiometer, SPI (Serial Interface Peripheral), Auto Level.
interface. The signals output from digital
1. INTRODUCTION potentiometers are placed in a summing circuit. Finally,
Sound mixer is a device that has at least two or the mixed signals are applied to a power amplifier or
more input signals (microphone, CD player, etc) and recorder.
generates an output signal added. The mixer can adjust It will be used for each channel, two buttons
the level of each input and output signal is applied to an comeback, with which it will increase and decrease the
audio power amplifier or a recorder. volume (UP / DOWN). A return button will activate the
The most common uses are in radio television auto level.
studios, recording studios, live music, karaoke, etc. 2.1. Signal summation circuit
An operator must regulate levels of input sources
continuously to keep output levels accordingly. Since the analog input of a microcontroller only
An audio mixer fitted with the auto-level work accept positive voltage (0 ÷ 5V) it is necessary as load
eases operator in case of spontaneous discussion or voltage amplifier output to be half the supply voltage.
conference held during the shows or during television. This was achieved by applying a voltage to the
non-inverting terminal obtained from a resistive divisor
2. GENERAL PRESENTATION consisting of two equal resistors R [1] .
Principle of operation
As the circuit is powered from a single power For the numerical value which is sent digital
supply is necessary to maintain output voltage to ½ of potentiometer, were used two variables of type byte (0
Val = 2,5v.Acesta non-inverting input is accomplished ÷ 255) (VolM and VolB). Pressing these two variables
by connecting a resistive divider consisting of two can be increment or decrement (ValM++,ValM--)
equal resistors (1k) connected to 5V. (Valb++,ValB--).
The signal from the output of the amplifier is It was implemented and a function by pressing a
taken from the 2nd digital potentiometer and applied to button that makes the two sources of signal levels are
analog input A0. equal (Auto Level).
Also the two outputs of digital potentiometers are
placed in an adder, made the second of LM358
operational amplifier available.