Critical Book Review: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

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ABDURRAHMAN (7213220016)


All praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of Allah SWT for his grace I can complete this
Critical Book Review. This Critical Book Review is to fulfill my college assignment with the
"Business English" course.
With full awareness, I know that in fact this is still far from perfection. In the process of
making this Critical Book Review, I encountered obstacles, but thanks to material support
from various parties, I finally able to complete this Critical Book Review quite well, therefore
through this opportunity I would like to express my gratitude.
I apologize if there are still errors in this Business English Critical Book Review. Finally, I
say thank you, hopefully it can be useful and can increase knowledge for readers.

Medan, September 2021



TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY............................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM...............................................................................1
1.2 WRITING PURPOSE........................................................................................................1
1.3 BENEFITS OF WRITING................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER II ABOUT BOOK................................................................................................3
2.1 BOOK IDENTITY............................................................................................................ 3
2.1.a BOOK 1…………………………………………………......................................................3

2.1.b BOOK 2……………………………………………………………..................................3

CHAPTER III BOOK CONTENT ANALYSIS......................................................................4

3.1 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF A BOOK................................................. 4

3.2 CHAPTER SUMMARY ON BOOK CONTENT.................................................................. 5

CHAPTER IV CLOSING....................................................................................................... 6
4.1 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................6


1.1 Background of the problem

A critical book is the result of a critique or comparison of a material topic that is

generally taught in different books. The writing of this critical book is done to compare two
books with the subject title English for Business. Each book made by a particular author must
have its own advantages and disadvantages. We can know the feasibility of a book if we do a
book review. A book with advantages that are more dominant than its disadvantages means
that this book is worthy to be used and used as a reference source for the general public.

Sometimes when we read a book we always feel satisfied when reading it and giving an
assessment. However, we always think of comparing and wanting to find a better one with
the topic of the book we read. Therefore, I made this Critical Book Review to compare the
two books and analyze these two books to determine the quality of the book.

For this reason, it is necessary to develop and assess in textbooks in order to find out the
limits of the material contained in the textbook.

1.2 Writing purpose

The objectives of writing this Critical Book Review are:

1. Make a brief analysis on the same topic chapter

2. Search and find out the information in the book

3. compare two books on the topic of English for business

4. Finding the advantages and disadvantages of books

1.3 Benefits of writing

The benefits of making this Critical Book Review are:

1. To fulfill the assignment for Business English course.

2. Increase knowledge of business English

3. Practice skills in choosing the right and good books


2.1.a BOOK 1

Book Title: English for Business Communication

Author : Marble Chan

Publisher : Routledge

Publication Year : 2020

ISBN : 9781138481688

Number of Pages: 247


Book title : English for

Everyone Course Book
Level 1 Business English

Author : DK

Publisher : DK

Publication Year : 2017

ISBN : 9780241253724

Number of Pages : 185



- The material provided has been
- provide appropriate questions
- provides a word index for easy
word search
- The material provided is - Display less attractive so bored to read it
complete covering all the - There is no answer key for each question
procedures for communicating in - Incomplete features to give more impression to
BOOK 1 business English the book.

- there is no index to find the desired word

BOOK 2 - the material is not newer than BOOK 1
- Display a good book so
comfortable to read.
- Good and easy to understand
text delivery
- Provide questions to evaluate
business English skills and are
equipped with answer keys so that
we know the results we get.
- The material provided is
complete according to the title of
the book
- Equipped with online audio
features for free
In Chapter 1 Written and oral communication in the workplace, you will be given
what you will look for on topics that are familiar in your workplace
BOOK communication, as well as communicating difficulties or challenges in
communicating or speaking in business English according to your profession.

In Chapter 2 Features of business communication , readers are introduced to the features

of workplace English, the development and importance of plain English worldwide, and
other features such as use of active voice, avoiding nominalisation, conciseness and
simplicity that are significant for effective communication. The concept of
communicative competence introduced by Hymes (1966) covering different components
making communication effective is also introduced and explained. This includes
grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence and
strategic competence.

In Chapter 3 Email and emerging social media for different communicative purposes,
research findings are needed when introducing email communication in terms of its
structural features (e.g. whether there are openings, subject lines, closing), language
features and formality. Embedded email messages evolved to meet the new demands of
international communication but ignored in existing business English textbooks are also
covered. Emerging social media used for different communicative purposes are also
introduced in Chapter 3.

In Chapter 4 Conveying negative and goodwill messages, covers goodwill messages

including thank you or appreciation messages; congratulations messages; and
sympathy/condolence messages. They are common workplace texts nowadays but rarely
covered in existing textbooks. Negative messages 4 Written and spoken communication
are as common and were found to be difficult to deal with (e.g. Chan, 2014; Ilgen &
Davis, 2000; Ilgen, Fisher, & Taylor, 1979; Michel, Bowen, & Johnston, 2009; Bennett,
Martin, Bies, & Brockner, 1995; Brockner, 1988; Lind, Greenberg, Scott, & Welchans,
2000). Again, research findings are required to help readers well-informed. For example,
though existing business English textbooks suggest the use of an indirect approach
starting a negative message with a buffer, there are research studies which show that
readers are concerned mainly if there are alternatives given instead if their request cannot
be addressed, and the buffer does not seem to be very effective or important to them.

In Chapter 5 & 6 Persuasive messages , How to write persuasively is an essential skill

professionals need to master in order to communicate effectively in the workplace.
Chapters 5 and 6 cover different persuasive genres: Sales correspondence and job
application messages in Chapter 5; enquiry and invitation messages in Chapter 6. Sales
correspondence and job application messages have many features in common and they
are put together. Unsolicited enquiry messages are also persuasive in nature; they are not
as straightforward and easy as what most business English textbooks depict. Invitation
messages are not limited to invitations to parties or exhibitions, and there are persuasive
ones which should also be covered.
In Chapter 7, Formal business reports and proposals are introduced. Research findings
are incorporated to explain their structural and language features.
In Chapter 8 Making oral presentations, illustrates what makes a winning presentation
through the use of authentic examples and research findings demonstrating how effective
presentation skill is essential to business success. There are also tips and advice for
teaching and learning of ways to be a charismatic speaker.

In Chapter 9 Socialisation, Informal English and English for socialisation are seldom
covered in business communication courses or textbooks. What is particularly important
for second language learners of English for business communication are some practical
and effective ways to conduct small talk in the workplace with colleagues informed by
relevant research findings.

In Chapter 10 Business meetings and negotiations, There has been much research work
conducted on business meetings and negotiations but they are not effectively used to
help inform teaching. With the help of updated research findings, Chapter 10 explains
what is required to be an effective participant and leader/chair. Practical tips are also
offered to help readers negotiate well in different contexts.

In Chapter 11Employment and appraisal interviews, is again a good mix of theory and
practice in discussing how to conduct effective employment and appraisal interviews.
The skill acquired in this chapter can definitely be applied in a variety of contexts where
we need to elicit views and opinions from others as an interviewer. Information is as
useful to one as an interviewee.
BOOK In all chapters it will be explained how to do this:
2 1. Meeting new colleagues
2. Everyday work activities
3. Business around the world
4. Asking question at work
5. Exchaning details
6. Skilss and experience
7. Chosing a job
8. Describing your workplace
9. Pesonal qualities
10. Describing your job
11. Workplace routines
12. Hobbies and habits
13. Past events
14. Dates and times
15. Career history
16. Company history
17. Talking about your plans
18. Giving opinions
19. Agreeing and disagreeing
20. Health and safety
21. Suggestions and advice
22. Giving a presentation
23. Rules and requests
24. Discussing issues\
25. Apologies and explanations
26. Tasks and targets
27. Dealing with complaints
28. Making travel arrangements
29. Asking for directions
30. Describing your stay
31. Conferences and visitors
32. Dining and hospitally
33. Formal phone calls
34. Writing a resume
35. Making plans
36. Emailing a client

In addition, given a lot of vocabulary in complete business English


In this topic, it is said that presentation skills In this version of the book it is said, in
can be categorized into three things. presentations we must describe the
1. Planning presentation by knowing the structure of
2. Organising our presentation when starting so that it is
3. Delivering useful and effective. Also makes good
conversational directions when changing
As for the first, planning is to know our topics during a presentation. At the end of
goals in advance, namely, such as giving the presentation, provide a summary of the
informative and persuasive presentations points and allow the audience to ask
and not being long-winded, namely by questions if they wish.
taking steps
Step 1: Tell the audience what you are
going to say
Step 2: Present the information
Step 3: Repeat what you have just said
Second, in Organizing you have to keep the
audience interested and interested, make
them think and surprise them. Then to the
conclusion stage you have to be good at
getting people to say good at your
presentation and don't just give a summary
of the story points you give or other new
things. In addition, it is also necessary to
provide persuasive sentences.
Third, in Delivering. During the
presentation, we need to focus on the
content and the struc-ture of the
presentation, and consider how the main
message can be delivered clearly to the
audience through our possible use of
humour, visual aids and questions for

The two books are actually equally good at conveying material, the difference only lies in the
features in the book where BOOK 2 is more complete than BOOK 1. So, it can be said that
BOOK 2 is better or better to use, but for BOOK1 also good, more updated, and actually more
complete in terms of business communication.

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