Appendix To Chapter 7 Geotechnical Ultimate Strength Design of Foundations and Foundation Load-Deformation Modeling

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Appendix to Chapter 7



PREFACE: This appendix introduces ultimate strength design (USD) procedures for the
geotechnical design of foundations for trial use and evaluation by design professionals prior to
adoption into a subsequent edition of the Provisions. Similarly, the appendix also introduces
criteria for the modeling of load-deformation characteristics of the foundation-soil system
(foundation stiffness) for those analysis procedures in Chapter 5 that permit the use of realistic
assumptions for foundation stiffness rather than the assumption of a fixed base.
Current practice for geotechnical foundation design is based on allowable stresses with allowable
foundation load capacities for dead plus live loads based on limiting long-term static settlements
and providing a large factor of safety. In current practice, allowable soil stresses for dead plus live
loads are typically increased by one-third for load combinations that include wind or seismic
forces. The allowable stresses for dead plus live loads are often far below ultimate soil capacity.
This Provisions appendix and the associated Commentary appendix provide criteria and guidance
for the direct use of ultimate foundation load capacity for load combinations that include seismic
forces. The acceptance criteria covers both the analyses for fixed-base assumptions and analyses
for linear and nonlinear modeling of foundation stiffness for flexible-base assumptions.

Although USD for foundations has not previously been included in design provisions for new
buildings, the same basic principles used in this appendix have been adapted to generate guidelines
for the seismic evaluation and retrofit design of existing buildings (FEMA 273, FEMA 356, and
ATC 40). The criteria and procedures presented herein for the nonlinear modeling of foundation
stiffness, combining a linear or multilinear stiffness and a limiting load capacity based on ultimate
soil strength, are essentially the same as those presented in the FEMA and ATC publications
identified above.
With respect to the adoption of USD procedures for geotechnical foundation design, the primary
issue considered by the Provision Update Committee and the BSSC member organizations has
been the impact of the proposed USD procedures on the size of foundations and consequent effect
on the potential for foundation rocking and building performance. TS3 has conducted a limited
number of design examples, a synopsis of which is presented at the end of the Commentary for the
Appendix to Chapter 7. The example results illustrate the expected effects of the methodology, in
that relative foundation sizes from USD vs ASD are related to the factor of safety on load capacity
under vertical dead plus live loads. When factors of safety are high, smaller foundations result
from USD, but when factors of safety are low, it is possible that foundations may be larger using
USD. Additional examples, including nonlinear dynamic analyses incorporating nonlinear load-
deformation models for foundation soil stiffness and capacity, are warranted to further evaluate
and possibly refine the methodology and criteria. It is hoped that trial usage of the methodologies
presented herein will allow the necessary consensus to be developed to permit later incorporation
into the Provisions. Please direct feed-back on this appendix and its commentary to the BSSC.
A7.1.1 Scope. This appendix includes only those foundation requirements that are specifically related
to seismic resistant construction. It assumes compliance with all other basic requirements which
include, but are not limited to, requirements for the extent of the foundation investigation, fills to be
present or to be placed in the area of the structure, slope stability, subsurface drainage, settlement

2003 Provisions, Appendix to Chapter 7

control, and soil bearing and lateral soil pressure recommendations for loads acting without seismic
A7.1.2 Definitions
Allowable foundation load capacity: See Sec. A 7.2.2.
Ultimate foundation load capacity: See Sec. A 7.2.2.
A7.1.3 Notation
Qas Allowable foundation load capacity.
Qus Ultimate foundation load capacity.
φ The strength reduction, capacity reduction, or resistance factor.
The resisting capacities of the foundations, subjected to the load combinations prescribed elsewhere
in these Provisions, shall meet the requirements of this appendix.
A7.2.1 Foundation components. The strength and detailing of foundation components under seismic
loading conditions, including foundation elements and attachments of the foundation elements to the
superstructure, shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12, unless otherwise
specified in this chapter. The strength of foundation components shall not be less than that required
for load combinations that do not include seismic load effects.
A7.2.2. Foundation load capacities. The vertical capacity of foundations (footings, piles, piers,
mats or caissons) as limited by the soil shall be sufficient to support the structure for all prescribed
load combinations without seismic forces, taking into account the settlement that the structure can
withstand while providing an adequate factor of safety against failure. Such capacities are defined as
allowable foundation load capacities, Qas. For load combinations including seismic load effects as
specified in Sec. 4.2.2, vertical, lateral, and rocking load capacities of foundations as limited by the
soil shall be sufficient to resist loads with acceptable deformations, considering the short duration of
loading, the dynamic properties of the soil, and the ultimate load capacities, Qus, of the foundations
under vertical, lateral, and rocking loading.
A7.2.2.1 Determination of ultimate foundation load capacities. Ultimate foundation load
capacities shall be determined by a qualified geotechnical engineer based on geotechnical site
investigations that include field and laboratory testing to determine soil classification and soil strength
parameters, and/or capacities based on insitu testing of prototype foundations. For competent soils
that do not undergo strength degradation under seismic loading, strength parameters for static loading
conditions shall be used to compute ultimate load capacities for seismic design. For sensitive
cohesive soils or saturated cohesionless soils, the potential for earthquake induced strength
degradation shall be considered.
Ultimate foundation load capacities, Qus, under vertical, lateral, and rocking loading shall be
determined using accepted foundation design procedures and principles of plastic analysis.
Calculated ultimate load capacities, Qus, shall be best-estimated values using soil properties that are
representative average values for individual foundations. Best-estimated values of Qus shall be
reduced by resistance factors (φ) to reflect uncertainties in site conditions and in the reliability of
analysis methods. The factored foundation load capacity, φQus, shall then be used to check
acceptance criteria, and as the foundation capacity in foundation nonlinear load-deformation models.
If ultimate foundation load capacities are determined based on geotechnical site investigations
including laboratory or in-situ tests, φ -factors equal to 0.8 for cohesive soils and 0.7 for cohesionless
soils shall be used for vertical, lateral, and rocking resistance for all foundation types. If ultimate

Geotechnical Ultimate Strength design of Foundations and Foundation Load-deformation Modeling

foundation load capacities are determined based on full-scale field-testing of prototype foundations,
φ-factors equal to 1.0 for cohesive soils and 0.9 for cohesionless soils are permitted.
A7.2.2.2 Acceptance criteria. For linear analysis procedures (Sec. 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4), factored
foundation load capacities, φQus, shall not be exceeded for load combinations that include seismic
load effects.
For the nonlinear response history procedure (Sec. 5.5) and the nonlinear static procedure (Appendix
to Chapter 5), if the factored foundation load capacity, φQus, is reached during seismic loading, the
potential significance of associated transient and permanent foundation displacements shall be
evaluated. Foundation displacements are acceptable if they do not impair the continuing function of
Seismic Use Group III structures or the life safety of any structure.
For nonlinear analysis procedures, an additional evaluation of structural behavior shall be performed
to check potential changes in structural ductility demands due to higher than anticipated foundation
capacity. For this additional evaluation, values of Qus shall be increased by the factor 1/φ.
A7.2.3 Foundation load-deformation modeling. Where permitted for the analysis procedures in
Chapter 5 and the Appendix to Chapter 5, the load-deformation characteristics of the foundation-soil
system (foundation stiffness), if included in the analysis, shall be modeled in accordance with the
requirements of this section. For linear analysis methods, the linear load-deformation behavior of
foundations shall be represented by an equivalent linear stiffness using soil properties that are
compatible with the soil strain levels associated with the design earthquake motion. The strain-
compatible shear modulus, G, and the associated strain-compatible shear wave velocity, vS, needed
for the evaluation of equivalent linear stiffness shall be determined using the criteria in Sec.
or based on a site-specific study. Parametric variations of not less than 50 percent increase and
decrease in stiffness shall be incorporated in dynamic analyses unless smaller variations can be
justified based on field measurements of dynamic soil properties or direct measurements of dynamic
foundation stiffness.
For nonlinear analysis methods, the nonlinear load-deformation behavior of the foundation-soil
system may be represented by a bilinear or multilinear curve having an initial equivalent linear
stiffness and a limiting foundation capacity. The initial equivalent linear stiffness shall be determined
as described above for linear analysis methods. The limiting foundation capacity shall be taken as the
factored foundation load capacity, φQus. Parametric variations in analyses shall include: (1) a
reduction in stiffness of 50 percent combined with a limiting foundation capacity, φQus, and (2) an
increase in stiffness of 50 percent combined with a limiting foundation capacity equal to Qus
increased by a factor 1/φ.

2003 Provisions, Appendix to Chapter 7

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